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fs4 (Episode 1)

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meaning of

My Learning Essentials

The word curriculum may be defined in various ways. The definitions

may be limited or broad in scope.

Limited definitions of the curriculum Broad definitions of the curriculum

 A set of course constituting an area of  Sum total of all the learning
specialization experiences inside and outside the
 Is an identification of proper goals  The set of learnings and experiences
for students/learners planned by the
school to attain the aims of education
 Can be considered as a system of  Is the entire range of expariences,
dealing with people and the process undirected and directed,
concerned with the unfolding the
 Is a means of attaining the aims or abilities of the individual
philosophy of education  In a plan of action or written
document which includes
strategies for achieving desired
 Planned learning experiences goals or ends.
 Serves as the operational medium
through which the school displays
and coordinates the patterns of
transmission, translation, and
transposition of the educative
experiences for which it assumes
My Map

To ensure that I will be able to do this

activity, I must follow the steps in reaching
the CURRICULUM flag.


Write your
reflection on
the first
Evolve your Prepare your
own portfolio.
Visit the
based on
school library
or surf the
Upon internet. Get
approval, go two (2)
to the meanings of
Write a the word
letter of curriculum.
persons to be
request to interviewed.
visit the
Analyse the
results of the
My Learning Activities

Interview people from different schools in various disciplines

and levels. Get their opinions on the meaning of curriculum.

Name (s) Designation Meaning Signature

1. Curriculum is a total learning
Mrs. Melanie N. Vicente Madrigal experiences design to facilitate
Sepato National High School learners learning for establishing
quality relationship between
what is learn and what is
operates outside the school.

2. Curriculum is a tool for

Mrs. Rizzalyn Nipit Vicente Madrigal teaching in the academe. These
National High School are subject matter that has a
specific competent skills and
competences to achieve things in
the teaching and learning
3. Curriculum is a subject that are
Mrs. Maria Perlita L. Vicente Madrigal being taught in the schools, and
Romero National High School which the teachers should be

Conclusions (After analyzing the results of the interview, what can you conclude?

After I was analyzing the results of the interview of the three (3) teachers I can conclude that they
have closely related opinions about what is curriculum and based on their opinions and ideas they says that
curriculum is a thing that being taught in the school and they also believed that curriculum is a total guided
learning experiences design to facilitate learners.
Based on their opinions, me myself as future teacher it is very important to have curriculum in the
learning of everyone because it is the basis where in the teacher will provide the necessary things to be learn
by the learners that can focus in the three (3) domains of the learners and these are cognitive, affective,
psychomotor or the skills. It will provide the learners the specific subjects that they can use in the future.
I realized that every teacher has their own definition or understanding about the curriculum. We can only
understand the real meaning and purpose of curriculum if we are already in the field of teaching. According
to our discussion in Ed 15 (Curriculum Development) it was discussed there that curriculum is changing
so it means that developing curriculum in to a new one is way of making the learners to become more
productive and be responsible in their learning process. As what our professor always says that curriculum
is a heart of learning, without this curriculum, learning would become useless and meaning less for the
learners that is why as future teacher, for now we really need to study and deepen our understanding about
curriculum so that if we are in our filed we will become a good curricularist that must be a knower, writer,
planner, initiator, innovator, implementer and evaluator to our learners.

Visit the school library/surf the internet or consult the dictionary.

Write two (2) meanings of curriculum taken from authoritative

Meaning of Curriculum Reference(s)

1. A set of course constituting an area of Merriam-Webster since1828


2. The term curriculum refers to the http://edglossary.org/curriculum

lessons and academic content taught in a
school or in a specific course or
program. In dictionaries, curriculum is
often defined as the courses offered by a
school, but it is rarely used in such a
general sense in schools.

3. Curriculum is such “permanent” subjects

as grammar, reading, logic, rhetoric, http://coefaculty.valdosta.edu/stgrubbs/Defi
mathematics, and the greatest books of nitions%20of%20Curriculum.htm
the Western world that best embody
essential knowledge. Curriculum is those
subjects that are most useful for living in
contemporary society.
My Analysis

Based on the meanings that I get from the two (2) authoritative sources it is very clear
that curriculum often defined as the courses or subjects that offered in schools that are useful for
living in society. This statement is very clear, we cannot deny the fact that school has really design
curriculum that is from or approved by the Department of Education or Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) for the learners. Specific subjects offered that can enhanced the knowledge
and skills of every learner that they can use as they go along the way in their learning process.
It is very clear in our discussion in Curriculum development that curriculum is dynamic
and changing because it always needs revision to improve the educational system for a better
purpose. It should be progressive and done in a systematic way in order to create knowledgeable
and skillful individuals. That’s why curriculum should be planned properly. Curriculum is not only
about the school, the learners and the students but it also important to the society. Whether
curriculum is taken in its narrow view as a listing of subjects to be taught in school or broadly as
all learning experiences that individuals undergo while in school, we cannot deny the fact that
curriculum should be understood by teachers and other stakeholders for curriculum affects all
teachers, students, parents, politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or all
people. That is why Curriculum plays a vital role in the society or country because it will help the
country prosper. I believe that through curriculum we can change our life, economic status and
preserve our national identity since it is the total experiences we have in our school.
Evolve your own definition of curriculum. Consider all the
meanings you have taken from the different sources and from
authoritative sources.

The word “Curriculum” is just not an ordinary word but it has a lot of meanings and
definitions. You cannot understand the word curriculum if u are not undergo studying in its concepts,
the scope and its view. You really need to open your mind, be open to any possibilities and deepen your
understanding about this word so that you can easily understand what is really the point or the concept
of curriculum.

Based on the activities that I had done I discovered that there many point of views from
different authors and sources about the meaning of curriculum and some of this important point of view
or meaning about curriculum are courses, subjects offered to a school that are usually use and useful to
our daily living and to our society and also it is a planned and guided set of learning experiences and
intended learning outcomes, formulated through the systematic reconstruction of knowledge. Some also
says that curriculum is a written document that systematically describes goals, planned, objectives,
content, learning activities, evaluation. Those are the words that are commonly defined by some authors
about curriculum. I learned that curriculum has something to do in our life as a future teacher. It gives
impact to the individuals who want to gain more knowledge and skills. And it will really help them to
become competent in the future.
How did I feel after the activities?

It was really a great experienced for me as a future teacher to do like this activity. I am very
thankful for the opportunity to experience this kind of activity. It was very helpful for me in a way that
by this experienced I got new ideas about what is really curriculum and why this curriculum is very
important in all learners. I believed that through this experienced my understanding about curriculum
become wider and I can use this in my field as future teacher.

My Reflections/Insights

Why is curriculum important?

The word curriculum may be defined in various ways. The

definition may be limited or broad in scope. Curriculum is very important
to all of us because it affects all aspects in our learning. As many authors
said that curriculum is a heart of learning and without this curriculum
learning is meaningless and useless because this curriculum is a guide, basis
of learning of everyone. It is design as a total guided learning experiences to
facilitate learners that can develop their knowledge and skills as individuals.
That is why curriculum should understood by the teachers and other
stakeholders because for curriculum affects all teachers, students, or even
common people.
One thing that I learned about the word curriculum and that is
curriculum is the totality of all the learning experiences of the learner. The
activities done by the students are part of the curriculum. By the use of the
activities it will help the learners to develop their individual differences,
their ability and their skills. It helps develop an individual into what he is
expected to be. It also help individual to become more productivity. That’s
how important curriculum in education, because everything that in the
school or everything that students learned inside the school is the
curriculum itself.
Therefore As a future teacher, it is my responsibility to learn and
understand more about curriculum that I will become the knower of
curriculum that can develop the process of learning in planning, designing,
implementing, and lastly evaluating.
How can one enrich the curriculum in every school?

One can enrich the curriculum in school by knowing the needs of

our current situation in children's education. We can enrich the
curriculum by going beyond the basics. Our current time is different from
the years that passed so we must keep that as a reference in trying to
develop a better and more efficient curriculum for the students. Because a
curriculum that is timely and relevant will make the students more active
in participating and in understanding. The curriculum for every school
must also be competitive so that the students will strive to be the best.
My Learning Portfolio
(Pieces of Evidence, Documents, Records, Picture)

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