Petr On As Twin Tower Poster
Petr On As Twin Tower Poster
Petr On As Twin Tower Poster
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Numan Aloko on 26 July 2018.
that of a "multi-faceted diamond Each pinnacle comprised a mast, Tower 1 and Tower 2 were
sparkling in the sun." a spire ball and a ring ball; all completed on 1 March 1996 .
Designed as a curtain wall were lifted piece by piece in
exterior, the cladding comprised The Skybridge
33,000 panels in all; each panel is
The bridge is 170 m above the ground and 58.4 m long, weighing 750
as high as one floor and spans
tons. A 'two-hinge arch' springing from supports at level 29 and rising
ledge to ledge.
at 63 degrees to support a pair of parallel two-span continuous bridge
Laminated glass was preferred for
girders at Level 41.
its safety, sound insulation,
durability and solar energy
control. It also screens out most
ultra-violet rays, hence protecting
the interior from sun damage. Like
the typical floors, cladding was
constructed using the four-day
cycle system. All panels were
interlocked and placed in a down-
upwards position
References: The two-hinge arch supporting the bridge has rotational pins (spherical
Charles H. Thornton et al, Design of
The World’s Tallest Buildings-Petronas
bearings) at the end of each leg or 'spring point' and at the top or
Twin Towers at Kuala Lumpur ,The 'crown' of the arch (bearings). The main bridge girders have a rotational
Structural Design of Tall Buildings, (centering) pin directly over the arch crown to permit the crown to rise
Vol. 6, 245-262 (1997). and fall as the Towers move closer or further apart.
Bunglale S. Taranath, Structural Anal-
ysis and Design of Tall Buildings, page
Skybridge isometric and leg plan
Prepared by: Mohammad Numan Aloko
Subject Tall Building Engineering
Lecture: Dr.Hazrina Mansoor
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