A Kker Mann 2015
A Kker Mann 2015
A Kker Mann 2015
Jan Akkermann, Prof., Dr., Civil Eng., Managing Partner; Alexander Hewener, Civil Eng., Director; Dan Constantinescu,
Prof., Dr., Civil Eng., KREBS+KIEFER Ingenieure, Karlsruhe, Germany. Contact: akkermann.jan@kuk.de
DOI: 10.2749/101686615X14210663188619
Abstract design, an understanding of the archi- start the architectural design provided
tectural idea is essential. The concept a very high spatial transparency to the
In Algiers, the world’s third largest of the mosque complex provides an inner prayer hall to emphasise con-
mosque whose minaret will be the increasing closeness of the buildings templative and transcendental aspects
highest in the world is presently under to figure out the development of the (Fig. 4).
construction. The complex will form a open contact with the surrounding city
new urban focus. Because of the monu- As Algiers is located in a strong-motion
quarter to a contemplative isolation of earthquake area (VIII–IX at the
mental importance of the building, the the holiest place, the prayer hall itself.
durability requirements are extremely Modified Mercalli Scale), the design
Starting at the esplanade with its open, of buildings is, in general, influenced
high. As Algiers is located in a strong- very slender and, therefore, transpar-
motion earthquake area, the structural greatly by seismic effects. Following
ent peristyles, the mosque complex is the design concept of the architecture,
design of the building has followed the freely accessible via a number of stair-
latest construction methods. The prayer the combination of slenderness and
ways. Providing free access to the pub- transparency with the requirements
hall will be totally decoupled from the lic, the minaret is vertically structured
seismic ground by isolators and damp- of sufficient stiffening and robustness
in five levels interrupted by a so-called was the major challenge for the struc-
ers. The minaret will be a high-rise sky foyer, giving the tower a certain
building with a composite structure of tural design. As shown in the following
slenderness and transparency. The section, for each aspect an individual
reinforced concrete (RC) cores and court has a closed and severely sym-
integrated dissipation steel bracings. solution based on recent design tech-
metric layout. Finally, the prayer hall nologies was developed. Because of the
Special push-over analyses were per- with its three set-back levels (Fig. 2)—
formed for its design. The construction high demand for durability and robust-
hall, cube and cupola—symbolises ness over a long period, solutions with
started in 2012 and is scheduled to be outward closeness. In contrast to the
completed in 2016. This paper presents relatively easy maintenance aspects
external appearance, right from the and a high reliability were chosen.
the outstanding project and describes
the main structural design aspects.
Keywords: earthquake design; base
isolation; viscous damping; durability;
mosque; spun concrete; cupola.
With the project Great Mosque of
Algeria, the Algerian State has started
the process of constructing a new
national landmark building in com-
bination with the development of the
urban quarter of Mohamadia at a dis-
tance of approximately 500 m from
the Bay of Algiers. The mosque itself
(Fig. 1) will be the third largest in the
world. The gross floor surface will be
400 000 m², and about 120 000 visitors
are expected daily. The minaret, con-
taining a museum, scientific research
facilities and a visitor’s platform, will
be the largest in the world, and with a
height of 265 m, it will be the highest
building in Africa to date. The complex
(Figs. 2, 3) will also contain a conven-
tion centre, a library and a university.
+ 72.0 m
+ 45.0 m
+ 22.5 m
+ 0.0 m
150 m
600 m
Mediterranean sea
Site Seismicity Because of the importance of the pro- cupola with the roof and the wall dia-
ject, a site-specific seismic risk analy- phragms in case of horizontal forces
As a result of the disastrous 2003 sis was carried out. Supported by a (Fig. 6). The vertical loads result-
Bourmedes earthquake, which left microzonation study based on a spe- ing from the moments in the shear
over 2000 people dead and 200 000 cial ground investigation campaign, walls will be transferred by the inner
homeless, the national Algerian design the PGA and the distinctive values columns.
code Règles Parasismiques Algeriennes for the curved shape of a specific site With a ground surface of 145 m × 145
(RPA) was adapted to the latest, glob- spectrum were defined as the basis for m and a height of 70 m, the prayer hall
ally used design rules. In the RPA, the further calculations. With an increased can accomodate up to 32 000 people.
highest value of the peak ground accel- PGA of 0.65 g, a maximum elastic From the outer cupola with a slightly
eration (PGA) is 0.4 g (including the response of up to 1.9 g was obtained ellipsoidal super-elevation and a span
importance factor). The application of (Fig. 5). of 52 m, an inner cupola will be sus-
the RPA is restricted to “conventional” pended. Thus, the folded shape of the
buildings with a height of up to 200 m. Prayer Hall inner cupola will follow the octagonal
Advanced seismic protection devices capitals of the inner columns (Fig. 4).
such as base isolators or damping Following the architectural design
elements are not used. Therefore, in concept of high transparency, all inner Because of the complex spatial stiffen-
agreement with the national ministries shear walls or bracings had to be ing system, the high slenderness of the
of religious affairs (responsible for the avoided. The total stiffening system inner columns bearing the cupola with
project) and habitation (responsible had to be realised only by the surfaces a free height up to 40 m and the high
for building codes), the application of of the building. This boundary condi- demand for the safety of the people
the Eurocodes, especially EC 8, was tion led to a jointless spatial stiffening and the integrity of the monument in
adopted for the project. system obtained by the interplay of the case of an earthquake, the solution of
+22.5 m
Based on a foundation slab with a sur-
face area of 50 m × 50 m, the tower has
+0.0 m a quadratic section with a side length
of 26.8 m up to the height of 223.8 m.
Fig. 9: Prayer hall under construction Fig. 10: SIP-Isolator under basement
+ 265.0 m
+ 223.8 m
Progressive collapse of bracings
Design of elastic
Design of low
ductile members
+ 0.0 m RC: Steel: Composite Design of high
– 14.5 m cores + bracings = structure
ductile members
Barrettes floors façade
– 57.5 m
Top displacement TD 1.5TD
Fig. 11: Minaret: vertical section and com-
posite structure Fig. 13: Push-over analysis of minaret
SEI Data Block
Besides the enormous dimension of
the project and the demand for dura- Owner:
bility, the major challenge for the Agence Nationale de Réalisation et de Gestion de la Mosquée d‘Algerie
structural design of the Great Mosque Structural design:
of Algeria was the apparent contradic- KREBS+KIEFER Ingenieure GmbH, Germany
tion between the architectural idea General planning:
of transparency and slenderness and KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten/KREBS+KIEFER International
the seismic design in an area of high Contractor:
seismicity. However, following the China State Construction (CSCEC)
design principles for seismic isolation
and capacity design and using both Estimated cost (EUR billions): 1.2
intelligent and robust constructions, Construction Date: 2012–2016
this objective has been achieved.