International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
ABSTRACT: Innovation has many definitions. For the purpose of this paper the authors lead with the definition
stating that for something or some process to be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an econom-
ical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate application of information, imagination
and initiative in deriving greater or different values from resources. In this paper we illustrate the innovative
design process applied for the Dubai Creek Tower. Innovation was required due to the immense time pressure
and challenging foundation installation depths foreseen using conventional design and construction techniques.
By using combinations of total engineering geology approach, efficient parameter choice and choice of param-
eter range application, full-scale testing, high-end finite element modelling, modular design and iterative pro-
cess between the architect, the structural and geotechnical designers an efficient foundation system for the
iconic Dubai Creek Tower was developed, by design.
1 INNOVATION BY DESIGN and founding system such as piled raft or piled foun-
dation, to name a few.
Innovation has many definitions. For the purpose of The implementation of conventional design meth-
this paper we lead with the Business Dictionary’s def- odologies often requires the selection of conservative
inition stating that for something or some process to and sometimes empirical ground parameters that may
be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at lead to overly-conservative design, impacting con-
an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. struction time and cost. Conservatism may not be a
They go further to state that innovation involves de- driver for buildings of a more conventional height,
liberate application of information, imagination and however for super-tall buildings generally in excess
initiative in deriving greater or different values from of 300m, construction time, cost and viability of con-
resources. In this paper we illustrate the innovative struction methods are some of the most significant
design process applied for the Dubai Creek Tower. drivers of project viability.
Innovation was required due to the immense time The Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
pressure and challenging foundation installation (CTBUH) has classified buildings from 200 to 300m
depths foreseen using conventional design and con- in height as tall, between 300 and 600m in height as
struction techniques. By using combinations of total super-tall and mega-tall being in excess of 600m. The
engineering geology approach, efficient parameter design of mega-tall buildings requires structural and
choice and choice of parameter range application, geotechnical engineers to challenge traditional meth-
full-scale testing, high-end finite element modelling, ods for applicability and range of application. Tradi-
modular design and iterative process between the ar- tional empirical design approaches cannot necessarily
chitect, the structural and geotechnical designers an be extrapolated with a high level of confidence and
efficient foundation system was developed by design. designers are required to use more advanced methods
of analysis and design (Poulos, 2009).
2 A DIFFERENT APPROACH NEEDED Compared with other buildings, due to the substan-
tial building weight, height and slenderness of mega-
The process of pile foundation design is well-estab- tall buildings, the design considerations are of a new
lished and supported by an extensive range of re- magnitude and complexity. These comprise of large
search over decades. However, the science of pile de- vertical loads, moments and lateral loads (in the order
sign is still inexact and influenced by many factors of MN and GN); more complex load-sharing within
such as geology, loadings, seismicity, installation, the foundation system; soil-structure interaction for
groups of piles, cyclic degradation, rigidity of pile cap all loading scenarios; the dynamic response of the
structure to wind and earthquake loads and the influ- The design is inspired by a lily flower and minaret,
ence of the cyclic nature of these loads on the foun- integrating modern sustainable design with the rich
dation; settlements and creep effects; the structural heritage and culture of the United Arab Emirates. The
capacity of elements and the long-term response and slender structural stem supports an elongated bud at
capacity of the ground. the top of the Tower where the observation decks, el-
In the last 20 years, designers of super-tall build- evated garden, hotel and rotating balconies occur.
ings in the Middle East have embraced the challenges The slender structure is anchored to the ground and
of meeting stringent construction timelines and high stabilised by an array of cable stays suggesting the
loads, without being able to properly draw on more delicate ribbing of lily leaves.
efficiency within the ground. Iconic projects such as According to the CTBUH, a skyscraper is defined
the Emirates Twin Towers (a tall building duo), the as a structure where over 50% of its height is occupi-
Burj Khalifa (developed by Emaar Properties) and the able and it is self-supporting. The Dubai Creek Tower
Nakheel Tall Tower Projects (both mega-tall sky- is thus an observation tower and sets itself apart from
scrapers), started challenging conventional design the other tall buildings in Dubai by its extremely high
and parameter selection using sophisticated labora- slenderness and it being cable-stayed. This creates a
tory and full-scale testing (Poulos and Bunce, 2008; new challenge for the foundation design of this mega-
Poulos, 2009 and Haberfield et al, 2008). tall structure.
The design of the Dubai Creek Tower has once
again pushed this envelope of thinking. To ensure that 4 A TOTAL ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL
the design met the challenges of stringent construc- APPROACH AND A “LIVE” MODEL
tion schedules and efficient parameter selection, re-
quired building on the legacies and knowledge of pre- Poulos (2009) gives a detailed summary of Du-
vious mega-tall buildings and applying this in a new bai’s geological and geotechnical conditions, includ-
creative way that ensures ultimate value for the client, ing work by Evans (1978) and Kent (1978) and recent
satisfying the schedule need and economical cost. projects such as Emirate Twin Towers, Burj Khalifa
This is the nature of science and innovation. and Nakheel Tall Tower. The geology of Dubai was
primarily formed by the deposition of marine sedi-
3 THE DUBAI CREEK TOWER ments associated with a number of sea level changes
during the Quaternary and Pleistocene periods. The
The Dubai Creek Tower is a mega-tall building de- ‘young’ sedimentary rocks are classified as sand-
signed by world-renowned architect and engineer stone, calcarenite and calcisiltite being commonly
Santiago Calatrava. An architectural rendering of the found.
Tower structure is illustrated in Figure 1. It will be the Typically, the ground conditions comprise a sub-
focal point of a new development, the Dubai Creek surface profile which is complex and highly variable
Harbour, located at the Creek in Dubai. It is currently in relation to thickness of strata, cementation and oc-
under construction and upon completion will comple- currence of gypsum layers. This is due to the nature
ment Dubai’s Burj Khalifa in reaching new heights. of deposition, seismic activity, river channels and the
hot arid climatic conditions (Russo et al., 2013).
For the Dubai Creek Tower project, like many con-
struction projects, geotechnics and the foundation de-
sign determined the initial critical path. The first pro-
cess of innovation arose around the building of a live
geotechnical model based on the Total Engineering
Geology approach of Fookes et al. (2000). By gather-
ing as much information as possible of sites around
the proposed Dubai Creek Tower site and further
afield, a model was created of possible subsoil condi-
tion. This created a design geotechnical model, giv-
ing a sense of variability of geology and geotechnical
The Total Engineering Geology approach allowed
the model to be updated as new information emerged
from the extensive geotechnical investigation (GI)
that followed, thereby consistently honing the model
and the design. This allowed early sizing and devel-
Figure 1. The Dubai Creek Tower (Image courtesy of Emaar oping of foundation concepts to be formulated and
was essential for the design teams to remain ahead of
construction, whilst delivering a safe and reliable de-
The GI ultimately comprised of 68 No. boreholes pile capacity for barrettes acting in tension throughout
of various depths and a range of in situ and laboratory the lifecycle of the Tower. The CAF is designed to act
tests were specified. These were supplemented by a as a counterweight system where cellular box struc-
range of full scale barrette and pile testing to further tures filled with material act as counterweight boxes
hone hypothesis. The site is predominantly underlain ensuring the barrettes only carry tension loads in ulti-
by silty calcareous sand horizons to depths ranging mate conditions. The counterweight boxes are in turn
from 11 to 14m. Some boreholes had lenses of ex- founded on rectangular shaped barrettes (1.2m by
tremely weak calcarenite underlying the sand hori- 6.2m) specifically designed to carry the high lateral
zons, which was retrieved as a dense cemented sand. loading. To enable identifying the most pertinent de-
The sand horizons and calcarenite lenses are under- sign mechanisms and ranges of parameters to select,
lain by very weak to weak bedrock comprising of understanding of the specific geotechnical design
sandstone with an average thickness of 3m, underlain drivers are required.
by alternate layers of calcisiltite, conglomerate and
conglomeratic calcisiltite. At approximately 117m 6 GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN DRIVERS
depth below ground level, the rocks become fine
grained, with consecutive layers of siltstone and clay- Poulos (2009) and Wojtowitz & Vorster (2016) pre-
stone. sented a number of factors and geotechnical drivers
The water table is shallow typically near to surface for super-tall buildings in the Middle East. The main
to approximately 3m below ground level. The bottom factors influencing foundation design for super- and
of the pile cap is located at 16m below ground level mega-tall buildings are summarised as:
within the very weak calcareous sandstone layer. Very weak to weak rocks that do not nec-
essarily improve with depth and the ab-
5 EFFICIENT FOUNDATIONS sence of hard rock for founding end-bear-
ing piles.
Piled raft systems have been used in Dubai in the Loose to medium dense calcareous silty
past with projects such as Burj Khalifa, whereby load sand deposits and occurrence of reclaimed
is carried by the piles in skin friction in combination materials that may be susceptible to lique-
with the raft bearing on the ground. A fairly recent faction and potential resultant downdrag
change in risk appetite in Dubai now requires pile forces on pile foundations as well as kine-
foundation systems to be implemented, in which the matic bending at the interface with stiffer
load is carried solely by the piles. The efficiency in strata (Nikolaou et al. 2001).
ground bearing obtained from piled raft foundations Chemically aggressive ground conditions
can no longer be applied and designers thus require due to high salt content of the in situ mate-
more from the ground to avoid very deep and possibly rial and groundwater.
inefficient foundation systems. Such designs require Calcisiltite rock displays a structure con-
better ground investigation data and more efficient sistent with a formation process whereby
design parameters and approaches verified by ad- soil particles are cemented through carbon-
vanced in situ and laboratory testing, as well as full- ation. If subjected to sufficiently high loads
scale testing. To supplement these designs, the depth the bonds could break and the rock changes
of ground investigation, interpretation of available compressibility and shear strength proper-
data and required pile lengths push the boundaries of ties (essentially behaving as a different ma-
ground investigation as well as pile installation and terial). Bond yield strength represents the
testing experience to date. point at which bonds break. To keep the
The foundation system for the Dubai Creek Tower material behaviour within known behav-
comprises of the Tower core foundation, the cable an- iour, a design driver is to ensure induced
chorage foundations (CAF) and the podium founda- stresses within the ground remain below
tions. The Tower is to be founded on a pile group the bond yield strength.
comprised of one hundred and forty-five (145 No.) Potential occurrence of interbedded layers
rectangular shaped reinforced concrete barrettes, 58m with highly variable properties, typically
in length with plan dimensions of 1.5m by 2.8m. The deposits containing gypsum. Haberfield et
CAF system supporting the Tower cables are located al. (2008) report thick gypsum layers up to
on either side of the Tower core foundation, whilst the 3.5m thick. The gypsum layers are stiffer
podium foundation is nestled in between the CAF and than the matrix material or very weak and
Tower foundations. weak mudstone and calcisiltite rocks and
The Tower core foundation mainly carries the could result in significantly different pile
Tower vertical load and moment, whereas the CAF performance characteristics dependent on
are required to balance the vertical and horizontal the material at founding level, while solu-
component of the cable forces. The CAF utilises an tion of the gypsum could be a risk for fu-
innovative design to control the risk of degradation of ture degradation of ground properties
(Poulos and Davids, 2008), where close to Creek Tower Foundation, exploring the importance
water table fluctuations. For the both the of the choice of ground parameters and the definition
Burj Khalifa and Nakheel Tall Tower, gyp- of design bounds considering design life, cyclic deg-
sum levels were considered when defining radation and induced strains for different load cases
pile toe depth (Poulos, 2009; Haberfield et and limit states across the design life of the structure.
al., 2008), although such layers were not
encountered at the Dubai Creek Harbour 8 BUILDING ON PAST EXPERIENCE
8.1 Focus on past iconic projects in Dubai
A high tendency for cyclic degradation of
pile shaft resistance and ground modulus of A significant number of high-rise building projects
the very weak and weak rocks and overly- are located in the Middle East. Second only to China
ing calcareous sandy horizons. which has 64 No. super-tall buildings (46% of the to-
tal number in the world), the United Arab Emirates
7 PHILOSOPHIES OF DESIGN currently has approximately 26 No. super-tall build-
ings (19% of the total number in the world). At a
Because of some of these design drivers, previous height of 828m, the Burj Khalifa has been the
projects such as the Emirates Twin Towers, Burj Kha- World’s tallest building since 2008.
lifa and Nakheel Tall Tower employed piled raft sys- To develop the foundation design philosophy for
tems, which have a high level of redundancy and the Dubai Creek Tower, the team utilised data and ex-
proved to be effective, fairly economical solutions perience from a range of sources around Dubai. This
(Poulos, 2009). This was not possible for the Dubai constituted a further progression of innovation of pro-
Creek Tower and a piled foundation (without end- cess followed. Through the experience with iconic
bearing allowance) needed to be considered. To en- projects that tested the bounds of available knowledge
sure that no further excessive overdesign was in- and design, the team built on this knowledge base and
curred beyond the assumption of the foundation sys- tested the hypothesis of strain-related parameters for
tem and to come up with a solution that could be done design with these concepts explored initially through
by more than one contractor in the Middle East, more these iconic projects. The team focussed on the Emir-
capacity and efficiency from the ground needed to be ates Twin Towers, Burj Khalifa and Nakheel Tall
achieved when compared with past experience for tall Tower (Wojtowitz & Vorster, 2017), providing a
buildings in Dubai. timeline of projects from 1996 to 2009. The relevance
In addition, the need for speed of construction in- of each is discussed in detail in Vorster & Wojtowitz
fluenced the foundation design philosophy. Solutions (2019).
needed to be identified to enable the quickest possible These projects provide good examples of high-end
installation time while achieving safe and efficient geotechnical design and geotechnical investigation
ground capacity, avoiding the installation of over-de- supported by full-scale testing where each builds on
signed foundation elements that take significant time improvement of parameter magnitude selection, al-
to construct. The need for speed also influenced the lowing more efficient foundation designs for super-
construction phasing. The design investigated modu- and mega-tall buildings. The Emirates Twin Towers
larisation and phased foundation installation to allow are 305m and 355m in height (Poulos and Davids,
the Tower stem to start earlier. 2005; Poulos, 2009) with the Nakheel Tall Tower
Tall buildings, due to their status and investment planned to be in excess of 1000m in height, the con-
are designed for significant design life, which chal- struction of which has not been completed to date
lenges the way one considers ground parameters. For (Haberfield et al., 2008).
super- and mega-tall buildings, a significant volume All three Towers are founded on a piled raft foun-
of ground is mobilised, when considering for instance dation system with the Burj Khalifa and Emirates
the Dubai Creek Tower may be founded to depths of Twin Towers (ETT) founded on circular piles and the
75m below ground, mobilising a ground mass poten- Nakheel Tall Tower (NTT) founded on rectangular
tially 2 to 3 times this size and depth. Hence efficien- barrettes. A summary of the foundation characteris-
cies gained in ground bearing capabilities from strain- tics for each is included in Table 1 (from Wojtowitz
related behaviour can be taken very seriously in de- & Vorster, 2017). Note the significant pile lengths
sign philosophy with the aim to ensure realistic de- used for each Tower which range from 40 to 59m.
sign parameter choices for efficiency.
For the Dubai Creek Tower project, the hypothesis 8.2 A focus on ground compressibility and strength
was that on mass, as load is spread and carried across behaviour
a large body of material, the mobilised ground may From an efficiency point of view it became clear that
respond at much higher moduli and therefore achieve a focus on Young’s Modulus and skin friction might
much higher strength than conventionally assumed. yield advancement of efficient foundation design; the
This hypothesis develops into the design philosophy next part of the innovation process achieved.
and approach adopted for the design of the Dubai
Table 1. Summary of foundation details current view and pushed the boundary on the way pa-
Emirates Burj Kha- Nakheel Tall rameters are selected. Haberfield (2013) and Poulos
Twin Towers lifa
and Badeslow (2015) report that, if strain level effects
(Poulos, (Poulos, are accounted for, one can achieve a fairly good fit
2009) 2009) et al., 2008)
between pressuremeter data cross-hole seismics data.
Building 305(Hotel)
Estimated This modelling data indicated that a reduction factor
height (m) 355 (Office) >1000 of 0.2 to the small-strain modulus estimated from
Foundation System cross-hole seismic testing fitted the results of full-
Foundation scale pile testing well. Vorster and Wojtowitz (2019)
elements Piled raft Piled raft Piled raft showed this relation to be reasonable through full-
scale barrette testing done for the Dubai Creek Tower.
Raft thickness The NTT project contributed greatly to improve
1.5 3.7 4 to 8
(m) on parameter magnitude selection, allowing more
Rectangular foundation efficiencies. The comparison of design
Pile shape Circular Circular values presented in Figure 2 suggests that an ap-
proach considering design values for the strain levels
Pile diameter
1.2 1.5
1.2x2.8 expected, yields more realistic design values. Selec-
(m) 1.5x2.8 tion of applied design values should be in relation to
92 (Hotel)
No. of Piles
102 (Office)
1196 408 small-strain modulus. The comparison also supports
Pile lengths the notion that foundations for super- and mega-tall
40, 45 50 42,59 buildings operate at smaller strains (when viewed
across the mobilised soil body) and also that the mag-
8.2.1 Young’s Modulus nitude of ground moduli per se could be higher than
For the three considered structures, shear moduli generally assumed for conventional design.
(Young’s moduli inferred) were derived based on
data from various in situ and laboratory tests compris-
ing of pressuremeter testing, resonant column tests,
unconfined compressive strength tests, laboratory
stress path tests, standard penetration tests (SPT) and
P-S suspension testing. The modulus design values
adopted for the foundation design for the ETT, Burj
Khalifa and NTT are summarized in Figure 2.
Poulos and Bunce (2008) and Poulos (2009) re-
ported that the actual measured settlements for the
ETT and Burj Khalifa were significantly lower than
settlements predicted during the design and were
therefore quite conservative. Poulos (2009) reports
that the measured settlements for the ETT were ap-
proximately 25% of the estimated values after ap-
proximately 12 months (at 70% of the final Tower
In addition, failure of the test piles for the ETT and
Burj Khalifa could not be achieved and the designers
chose to limit assumptions within the known limits
from the test pile data, as is usual practice. Thus the Figure 2. Design modulus with depth
parameters adopted are more conservative than those
applied for the NTT as shown in Figure 2, where more 8.2.2 Skin friction
capacity was achieved in the full-scale testing. Poulos The skin friction values applied for the pile founda-
(2009) further suggests reasons for this possible in- tion design for ETT, Burj Khalifa and NTT are sum-
creased prediction of modulus being because the marized in Figure 3 and based on full-scale testing re-
moduli of the ground below founding level may have sults. The skin friction design values for the NTT are
been under-estimated, whilst pile interactions may larger than those applied for the Burj Khalifa and
have been over-estimated within the piled raft. ETT. For both the ETT and Burj Khalifa, ultimate
For NTT, the designers took a different approach skin friction capacity could not be reached as none of
to parameter selection and were able to mobilise more the test piles appeared to have fully mobilised availa-
shaft resistance in the test barrettes thereby influenc- ble geotechnical resistance and failure of the test piles
ing their more favourable design parameter selection. could not be achieved (Poulos 2009).
The approach adopted for the NTT design shifted the
the foundation stiffness influences the way the super-
structure behaves. Misalignment in the sophistication
of the super and substructure models may result in ef-
ficiencies and “true” behaviour to be missed. This
learning was absorbed into the design methodology
of the Dubai Creek Tower design.