Whole Number Operations
Whole Number Operations
Whole Number Operations
At the end of the lesson, the pupils can:
a) Perform the four fundamental operations on large whole numbers;
b) Identify Properties of addition and multiplication; and
c) Follow the steps in dividing whole numbers.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill ( 5 minutes)
Have a drill on identifying operations suggested by the
word clues.
Ask: What operation is suggested by the following
3. Analysis ( 10 minutes)
Have the pupils share their answers with the class. Check
their answers and provide the correct answers if any. Ask them how
and where they got their answer on each step.
(Ask: How did you solve the problem? Where did you get
your answer? How do you know that you need to multiply and add?)
4. Abstraction (15 minutes)
What are the properties of addition?
Commutative Property of Addition
Identity Property of Addition
Associative Property of Addition
What are the properties of multiplication?
Identity Property of Multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Zero Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Multiplication
Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition
In which place-value columns did you regroup?
Add or subtract by place-value column from right
to left. When adding, regroup when the digits’ sum
is 10 or greater. When subtracting, regroup when
a digit in the minuend is less than a digit in the
subtrahend in the same place.
What are the steps in multiplying whole numbers?
Multiply by ones
Multiply by tens
Add the partial products
What are the steps in dividing whole numbers?
Bring down
Repeat steps 2 to 6 until there is no more digit to
bring down.
5. Application (20 minutes )
Complete each addition sentence and write the property
illustrated. Write it on your 1 whole sheet of paper.
1. 6 + =4+6
2. 8 + =8
3. 5 x 6 = x5
4. 8 x 12 x 0 x 3 =
5. 19 x =19
Add these mentally.
1) 8 2) 9 3) 5 4) 8 5) 3
7 8 7 5 7
+ 2 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 8
Multiply these mentally.
1) 8 x 0 x 9
2) 29 x 1
3) 3 x 5 x 0
4) (5 + 4) x 1
5) 3 x (10 + 2)
Divide. Check by multiplication.
1) 22√ 1386
2) 82√ 11 398
3) 18√ 12 960
4) 60√ 18 540
5) 34√ 6 829