Arbitrage Models of Commodity Prices: Andrea Roncoroni ESSEC Business School, Paris - Singapore
Arbitrage Models of Commodity Prices: Andrea Roncoroni ESSEC Business School, Paris - Singapore
Arbitrage Models of Commodity Prices: Andrea Roncoroni ESSEC Business School, Paris - Singapore
Andrea Roncoroni
ESSEC Business School, Paris - Singapore
Arbitrage models of commodity prices are relative pricing devices. They allow to evaluate
commodity-linked securities in terms of quoted commodity prices or indices. Model selection
mainly depends on the level of development characterizing the market under consideration. For
instance, oil markets are rather mature; they provide traders with a large quantity of reliable
quotes for futures as well as vanilla options; these prices may thus be considered as model
primitives from which prices of more complex positions can be derived. On the contrary, several
electricity markets quote spot prices only, which are to be taken as primitives for valuation
purposes. We consider four major classes of commodity price models.
Long-term investments in natural resources can be interpreted as real (vs. …nancial) options
written on the value of the corresponding commodity price(s). This viewpoint leads to the key
notion of Net Convenience Revenue (NCR) de…ned as the net sum of all bene…ts (e.g., saved
costs of shortage, consumption value) and costs (e.g., storage expenses, replacement costs for
perishable goods) stemming from physically holding a storable asset over a time period (Brennan
For the purpose of pricing forward contracts, which represent the simplest class of commodity
derivatives, NCR must be computed net of the risk-free rate of interest on the currency of
denomination, which in turn represents the purely …nancial cost of funding the operation. This
results into a quantity referred to as the Cost of Carry (CoC). The underlying argument goes
as follows. We consider an evaluation time t for a forward contract delivering a single unit of
a commodity S at a future time T for a price x (t). It is assumed that holding the asset leads
to an overall bene…t B and bears a total cost C, both quantities expressed in units of currency
at time T . A short forward position at time t leads to a time T pay-o¤ equal to S (T ) +x (t).
This cash ‡ow can be hedged by borrowing the present value of delivery price x (t), then buying
the underlying asset, and …nally o¤setting the resulting net bene…t B C using the proceeds
from borrowing funds equal to the present value of that amount. Table 1 illustrates the resulting
replicating strategy , which is commonly referred to as Cash-and-Carry. There, Vf denotes the
forward contract value and r is the continuously compounded short rate of interest, which we
assume to be constant over time. The net cash ‡ow V (T ) of this trading strategy at delivery
is zero. Barring arbitrage opportunities, the time t value V (t) of the resulting position is zero
as well. This fact leads to a formula for commodity forward value Vf :
r(T t)
V (t) = 0 , Vf (t) = S (t) [x (t) + B C] e :
The corresponding time t forward price is de…ned as the unique delivery price negotiated at
time t and making the value of the forward contract equal to zero. Solving equation Vf (t) = 0
in the unknown delivery price x (t) leads to a formula for the arbitrage-free forward price:
If side bene…ts and costs are represented using a continuously compounded rate of appreciation
a and, respectively, depreciation d, then we may write:
for issuing time = s evaluation time t T = delivery time. By setting the expression (3)
where PT (t) stands for the time t zero-coupon bond price expiring at time T . The underlying
convenience revenue appears implicitly via the risk-neutral drift of spot price dynamics, which is
given by the instantaneous CoC r (t) c (t) (Du¢ e (2001)). Here the CY need not be constant.
We refer to this quantity at the Instantaneous Convenience Yield (ICY). A more explicit ex-
pression is derived in Jamshidian (1993) under deterministic covariance between the spot price
and an exponentially integrated convenience yield processes.
Arbitrage pricing theory implies that drift must equal its historical counterpart plus the
spot price volatility times a market price of risk (Björk (2003)). The latter explicitly appears,
for instance, in the risk-neutral dynamics of the convenience yield and can be estimated using
methods proposed by Benth et al.(2008) and Kolos and Ronn (2008), among others. We also
note that formula (4) implies that forward prices are martingales under the forward-neutral
probability, namely the one making gain processes martingales once they are expressed in units
of zero-coupon bonds (Jamshidian (1987), Jarrow (1987), and, for general numéraires, Geman
et al.(1995)). It can also be shown that futures prices are martingales under the risk-neutral
probability which, in the case of deterministic time value of money, matches the forward-neutral
Gibson and Schwartz (1990) propose a model where commodity prices are driven by two
factors: one factor is idiosyncratic to spot price returns; the other a¤ects price evolution through
the ICY process. The resulting P -dynamics read as:
where 1 (resp., 2 ) represents the price return (resp., ICY) volatility, denotes the ICY mean
reversion frequency, = + 2 (resp. ) indicates the risk-neutral (resp. historical) long
term ICY level, and the two P -Brownian motions W1 and W2 are assumed to be correlated
with coe¢ cient .
This model represents the prototype of the Spot-Convenience Yield Model class (SC models).
Jamshidian and Fein (1990) and Bjerksund (1991) show that forward prices in this model are
exponentially a¢ ne functions of the pair (ln S (t) ; c (t)). This feature is shared by most SC
models, a fact leading Bjork and Landen (2001) to pursue a systematic study of a¢ ne models
for commodity prices in the general setting of jump-di¤usions.
SC models have been extensively studied in a number of papers, such as Schwartz (1997),
Deng (1998), Eydeland and Geman (1998), Schwartz (1998), Schwartz and Smith (2000), Sorensen
(2002), Nielsen and Schwartz (2004), Casassus and Collin-Dufresne (2005), and Korn (2005),
among others. Extensions to jump-di¤usions can be found in Hilliard and Reiss (1998), Lien and
Strom (1999), and Crosby (2008), whereas Richter and Sorensen (2002) and Trolle and Schwartz
(2006) examine the e¤ect of introducing a stochastic volatility component.
SC models are intuitive in terms of economic interpretation and deliver analytically tractable
expressions. However, they experience all consequences stemming from limited observation of
their primitives. First, commodity markets do not quote ICY’s. Consequently, …ltering tech-
niques (e.g., Kalman) are required to estimate the corresponding process. However, these proce-
dures may deliver an unstable assessment of model parameters. This fact that can undermines
the signi…cance of hedging prescriptions resulting from a …tted model. Second, …tting quoted
forward curves or term structures of volatility and correlation requires calibration procedures
whose e¤ectiveness and numerical stability must be evaluated case by case. These issues lead
some authors to propose an alternative modelling framework, the so-called Forward Model class
(FD models).
Reisman (1991) and, independently, Jamshidian (1992) directly model futures prices under
the risk-neutral probability as:
dFT (t)
FT (t) = T (t)dW (t) ; (6)
FT (t0 ) = g (T ) ;
from which we deduce that ct (t) = c (t). Although formula (7) de…nes cT (t) is terms of forward
and spot prices, for modelling purposes it is actually used the other way around: processes
S and cT are de…ned as primitives for a set of maturities T , then forward prices are derived
using expression (7). Also, drift restrictions on IFCY dynamics can be derived. One of the few
applications of this setting is the calibration procedure developed in Miltersen (2003).
FCY models su¤er from similar drawbacks as those a¤ecting SC models. Again, spot prices
may be unavailable and FCY is more a mental abstraction than an observable quantity. Also, this
setting may experience the Sydney Opera House e¤ ect described in Rebonato (1996): computing
a quoted FCY by di¤erentiating a term structure of forward prices as …tted to observed quotes
may generate a curve exhibiting pronounced spikes due to the instability of the di¤erential
A …nal modelling framework is perhaps the simplest and widest spread one. The idea is to
focus on the …ne properties of a particular class of commodity spot prices without assuming
any speci…c structure about the underlying convenience yield. This restrictive assumption is
partly o¤set by the ‡exibility introduced upon selecting an appropriate spot price process for
modelling purposes. Spot models for energy price dynamics include Black (1976), Jarrow (1987),
Deng (1999), Barlow (2002), Escribano et al.(2002), Lucia and Schwartz (2002), Roncoroni
(2002), Benth et al. (2003), Huisman and Mahieu (2003), Burger et al.(2004), Cartea and
Figueroa (2005), Ribeiro and Hodges (2005), de Jong (2006), Geman and Roncoroni (2006),
Andersen (2007), and Fusai et al.(2008), among others. Eydeland and Wolyniec (2003), Fusai
and Roncoroni (2008), and Pilipovic (2007) report a large number of references on one-factor
commodity price modelling.
At the time of writing, there seems to be no general consensus on a benchmark setting for
the purpose of pricing commodity-linked derivatives. As a rule, the …nal user should focus on
the following items:
1) Primitives. They should be selected within the set of market quantities for which reliable
data are available.
2) Structural elements. A proper form for price drift, volatility, and jump components, if
any, should be identi…ed using statistical analysis of historical data and then …tted to observed
3) Driving noise terms. Number and nature of underlying noise terms should be assessed
based on historical price analysis (e.g., Principal Components Analysis) and jump …ltering (e.g.,
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