Physics Intro & Kinematics
Physics Intro & Kinematics
Physics Intro & Kinematics
Units SI Prefixes
Units are not the same as quantities!
Quantity . . . Unit (symbol) Little Guys Big Guys
• Displacement & Distance . . . meter (m)
• Time . . . second (s) pico p 10-12 kilo k 103
• Velocity & Speed . . . (m/s) nano n 10-9 mega M 106
• Acceleration . . . (m/s2)
micro µ 10-6 giga G 109
• Mass . . . kilogram (kg)
• Momentum . . . (kg·m/s) milli m 10-3 tera T 1012
• Force . . .Newton (N) centi c 10-2
• Energy . . . Joule (J)
Kinematics definitions Distance vs. Displacement
• You drive the path, and your odometer goes up
by 8 miles (your distance).
• Kinematics – branch of physics; study • Your displacement is the shorter directed
of motion distance from start to stop (green arrow).
• Position (x) – where you are located • What if you drove in a circle?
a = +2 mph / s a = -3 m/s
= -3 m/s 2
Velocity & Acceleration Sign Chart Acceleration due to Gravity
VELOCITY Near the surface of the This acceleration
Earth, all objects
vector is the
A + accelerate at the same
rate (ignoring air
same on the way
C up, at the top,
C resistance). and on the way
E Moving forward; Moving backward; down!
L + a = -g = -9.8 m/s2
E Speeding up Slowing down 9.8 m/s2
I - Moving forward; Moving backward; Interpretation: Velocity decreases by 9.8 m/s each second,
meaning velocity is becoming less positive or more
O Slowing down Speeding up negative. Less positive means slowing down while going
N up. More negative means speeding up while going down.
v = (v0 + vf )/2 will be proven when we do graphing.
av g
• ∆x = v0 t + 2 a t 2½
Multi-step Problems
x Graphing !
B 1 – D Motion
1. How fast should you throw a kumquat A
straight down from 40 m up so that its t
impact speed would be the same as a
mango’s dropped from 60 m?
Answer: 19.8 m/s C
2. A dune buggy accelerates uniformly at A … Starts at home (origin) and goes forward slowly
1.5 m/s2 from rest to 22 m/s. Then the
B … Not moving (position remains constant as time
brakes are applied and it stops 2.5 s
later. Find the total distance traveled.
C … Turns around and goes in the other direction
Answer: 188.83 m quickly, passing up home
Graphing w/ x Tangent
Acceleration Lines
On a position vs. time graph:
A … Start from rest south of home; increase speed gradually SLOPE VELOCITY SLOPE SPEED
B … Pass home; gradually slow to a stop (still moving north) Positive Positive Steep Fast
C … Turn around; gradually speed back up again heading south Negative Negative Gentle Slow
D … Continue heading south; gradually slow to a stop near the
starting point Zero Zero Flat Zero
x Increasing & x
Decreasing Concavity
t t
x Special x Curve
Points B
C Summary
t t
x All 3 Graphs
Graphing Animation Link
Car Animation
t t
Real life Area under a velocity graph
Note how the v graph is pointy and the a graph skips. In real v “forward area”
life, the blue points would be smooth curves and the green
segments would be connected. In our class, however, we’ll
mainly deal with constant acceleration. t
v “backward area”
v (m/s)
v “forward area”
Area 12 Area units
t t (s)
“backward area”
• Imagine approximating the area
The areas above and below are about equal, so even under the curve with very thin
though a significant distance may have been covered, the 12 m/s rectangles.
displacement is about zero, meaning the stopping point was
near the starting point. The position graph shows this too. • Each has area of height × width.
0.5 s
• The height is in m/s; width is in
x seconds.
t • Therefore, area is in meters!
• The rectangles under the time axis have negative
heights, corresponding to negative displacement.
Kinematics Practice Uniform Acceleration
∆x = 1
∆x = 3 ∆x = 5 ∆x = 7
• Make a spreadsheet delta x v0 a b. Would the air time double when dropped from
like this and determine t (s) x (m)
(m) ratio (m/s) (m/s ) a height of 2 h ?
what must be true 0 0 0 17.3 2. A mango is thrown down at a speed v.
about v0 and/or a in 8.66 1
order to get this ratio 1 8.66 a. If thrown down at 2 v from the same height,
25.98 3
of odd numbers. 2 34.64 would the impact speed double?
43.30 5
• Explain your answer 3 77.94 b. Would the air time double in this case?
mathematically. 60.62 7
4 138.56