NTC 2008 Ex003
NTC 2008 Ex003
NTC 2008 Ex003
Detailed calculations are shown for demand/capacity checks of the mid-height
section of a column given axial load, biaxial bending moments, and transverse
lateral load.
N = 12,600 kN c = 60 mm
h = 750 mm Y
40 bar
P = 500 kN
b = 650 mm
L = 15200 mm
6 2
Ecm = 41x10 kN/m fck = 70 MPa
6 2 fyk = 500 MPa
My_bottom = -600 kN-m Es = 200x10 kN/m
Mz_bottom = 40 kN-m
𝛾𝑐 = 1.5 𝛼𝑐𝑐 = 0.85
𝛾𝑐𝐸 = 1.2 𝛼𝑒 = 15
𝛾𝑠 = 1.15 𝜑𝑒𝑓 = 1.21
Independent results are hand calculated and compared in the table below. The
results are shown for the major axis of bending (Y-direction of bending) with the
governing permutation.
Important note: for the biaxial bending ratio checks, SAP2000 utilizes the PMM
interaction surface to determine the column demand/capacity ratio (See Section in the Concrete Frame Design Manual – NTC 2008). However, the
independent results employ the simplified criterion provided by Eurocode 2-2004
[Equation 5.39 in Section 5.8.9(4)]. As a result, modest discrepancy is expected
for the biaxial bending ratio between SAP2000 and independent results.
The computed results show an acceptable comparison with the independent results
The hand calculation considers nine (9) permutations in the design check for the section
at mid-height of the column, but only shows the details for three (3) permutations
including one with analysis moments, one with analysis moments plus imperfection
moment applied in the positive major axis of bending, and one with analysis moments,
imperfection moment, and second-order moments. Comparison between results in all
nine (9) permutations is made to determine the governing design.
a. The effective length, 𝑙𝑜 , is computed based on the bracing condition and stiffness of
the structural members connected to the column top and bottom in the model. The
value of 𝑙𝑜 can be overwritten through the effective length factors in the View/Revise
Overwrites form of the program. For this example, the effective length factors in the
major and minor bending directions are assumed to be 0.93 and 0.91, respectively.
b. The radius of gyration of the cross section used in calculation of the slenderness ratio
only includes concrete without contribution of longitudinal reinforcement.
c. The slenderness limit ratio is calculated using first-order moments that include the
imperfection moment applied on each axis of bending one at a time.
Moment diagrams:
1450 kN-m -70 kN-m
-1475 kN-m
-15 kN-m
Construct P-M interaction diagrams for the section in major axis of bending:
Concrete limiting strain:
90 − f ck 1
90 − f ck 1
Balance point:
Neutral axis at balance point:
f yk
f yd s 1.15 = 0.002174
y = = =
Es Es 200 , 000
c _ max d 0.00266 ( 0.75 − 0.06 )
cbal = = = 0.37945 (m)
c _ max + y 0.00266 + 0.002174
Layer 3 (2 bars):
c − 0.6 − 2 0.1575 0.37945 − 0.06 − 2 0.1575
sc3 = bal c _ max = 0.00266 = 0.0000312
cbal 0.37945
f sc3 = min ( f yd ,Es sc ) − fcd = min 500
1.15 (, 200000 0.0000312 = 6.24 (MPa) )
(compressive stress in this layer of steel is lower than concrete compressive stress, so
concrete compression subtraction is ignored)
Fsc 3 = f sc As = 6.24 2 = 0.0157 (MN) = 15.7 (kN)
f s 4 = min ( f yd ,Es sc ) = min 500
1.15 )
, 200000 0.001073 = 214.6 (MPa)
0.04 2
Fs 4 = f s As = 214.6 2 = 0.53935 (MN) = 539.35 (kN)
Layer 5 (4 bars):
h − cbal − c 0.75 − 0.37945 − 0.06
s5 = c _ max = 0.00266 = 0.002177
cbal 0.37945
f s 5 = min ( f yd ,Es sc ) = min 500( 1.15 )
, 200000 0.002177 = 434.78 (MPa)
Fs 5 = f s As = 434.78 4 = 2.1855 (MN) = 2185.5 (kN)
Similar calculations of the P-M interaction at the balance point are carried out for
other points to complete the P-M interaction curve of the cross section in the Y and Z
directions. From these two P-M interaction curves, the moment resistance at N =
12,600 kN is obtained for both directions:
M Rd _Y = 2538 ( kN - m )
M Rd _ Z = 2290 ( kN - m )
Imperfection moment
m =1
1 1
m = 0.5 1 + = 0.5 1 + = 1
m 1
2 2
h = = = 0.513 and 2 h 1 h = 2
l 15.2 3 3
0 = 1 200
1 2
i = 0 h m = 1 = 0.00333
200 3
i l0 _Y i kY l 0.00333 0.93 15.2
ei _Y = = = = 0.02354 ( m )
2 2 2
M imp_Y = N ed ei_Y = 12 , 600 0.02354 = 296.6 (kN - m)
e0 _Y = max ( 20mm, 0.05h ) = max ( 20mm, 0.05 750mm ) = 37.5 ( mm )
M min _Y = N ed e0 _Y = 12, 600 0.0375 = 472.5 (kN - m)
Since the imperfection moment is only applied on the positive major axis of bending,
the design moments are:
M Ed_Y = M analysis + M imp_Y M min_Y = 472.5
= − 1475 + 296.6 = −1178.4 (kN-m)
M Ed_Z = M analysis M min_Z = 409.5
= − 15 M min_Z = 409.5 M Ed_Z = −409.5 (kN-m)
Biaxial bending check:
a a
M Ed _ Z M Ed _Y 409.5 1.306 1178.4 1.306
+ = + = 0.403
M Rd _ Z M Rd _Y 2290 2538
( )
M 02 _Y = max M Y _ top , M Y _ bottom = max ( 1450 , −600 ) = 1450 ( kN − m )
M 02 _Y = 1450 ( kN − m )
( )
M 01_Y = min M Y _ top , M Y _ bottom = min ( 1450 , −600 ) = 600 ( kN − m ) M 01 = −600 (kN - m)
M 0 Ed_Y = 0.6M 02 _Y + 0.4M 01_Y 0.4M 02 _Y
= 0.6 1450 + 0.4 ( −600 ) 0.4 1450
= 630 (kN - m)
( ) ( )
M 02 _Z = sign max M Z _ top , M Z _ bottom max M Z _ top , M Z _ bottom − M imp_Z
( ) ( )
M 01_Z = sign min M Z _ top , M Z _ bottom min M Z _ top , M Z _ bottom − M imp_Z
Slenderness check
Radius of gyration:
A = h • b = 0.75 • 0.65 = 0.4875 (m2 )
b • h 3 0.65 • 0.753
IY = = = 0.02285 (m 4 )
12 12
b• h 3
0.75 • 0.653
IZ = = = 0.01716 (m 4 )
12 12
I 0.02285
iY = Y = = 0.2165 (m)
A 0.4875
I 0.01716
iZ = Z = = 0.1876 (m)
A 0.4875
Effective length:
lo_Y = kY l = 0.93 15.2 = 14.136 (m)
As the column is slender, the code allows two (2) different methods to compute
second-order moment including Nominal Curvature and Nominal Stiffness. The
following section 4 utilizes the Nominal Curvature method, and section 5 employs the
Nominal Stiffness method.
As shown previously, the axial capacity of the section under maximum bending in
major axis is Pbal_Y = 6821.8 kN . Similar calculation is carried out for the section on
minor axis of bending and it is found Pbal_Z = 6619.6 kN
Pbal_Y 6821.8
nbal_Y = = 1000 = 0.353
Ac f cd 0.75 0.65 39.667
Pbal_Z 6619.6
nbal_Z = = 1000 = 0.342
Ac f cd 0.75 0.65 39.667
As f yd 14
= = 4 1.15 = 0.3956
Ac f cd 0.75 0.65 39.6667
nu = 1 + = 1 + 0.3956 = 1.3956
nu − n 1.3956 − 0.652
K r_Y = = = 0.713
nu − nbal_Y 1.3956 − 0.353
nu − n 1.3956 − 0.652
K r_Z = = = 0.706
nu − nbal_Z 1.3956 − 0.342
f 70 65.3
Y = 0.35 + ck − Y = 0.35 + − = 0.2647
200 150 200 150
f 70 73.7
Z = 0.35 + ck − Z = 0.35 + − = 0.2087
200 150 200 150
K _Y = 1 + Y ef = 1 + 0.2647 1.21 = 1.32
K _Z = 1 + Z ef = 1 + 0.2087 1.21 = 1.25
14 0.042 0.75
I s_Y = (Ai • d )= 2 4
− 0.06
i=1 4 2
0.042 0.75
+ 2 2 − 0.06 − 0. 1575 + 2 2 0 = 0.0011222 (m 4 )
4 2 4
14 0.042 0.65
I s_Z = (Ai • d )= 2 5
− 0.06
i=1 4 2
0.042 0.65
+ 2 2 − 0.06 − 0.17667 4
= 0.0009217 (m )
4 2
d2 0.042
As = 14 = 14 = 0.0176 (m 2 )
4 4
I s_Y 0.0011222
is_Y = = = 0.2525 (m)
As 0.0176
I s_Z 0.0009217
is_Z = = = 0.2288 (m)
As 0.0176
h 0.75
dY = + iY = + 0.2525 = 0.6275 (m)
2 2
h 0.65
d Z = + iZ = + 0.2288 = 0.5538 (m)
2 2
Fyd 500 1.15
1 Es 200000 = 0.0077
= = =
Final design moments: (the second-order moment is added in the same direction as
M 0 Ed )
M Ed _Y = M 0 Ed_Y + M 2 _Y M min _Y = 472.5
= 630 + 1848.4 = 2478.4 472.5 M Ed _Y = 2478.4 (kN - m)
M Ed _ Z = M 0 Ed_Z + M 2 _Z M min _Z = 409.5
= −316.2 − 1880 = −2196.2 −2196.2 409.5 M Ed _ Z = −2196.2 (kN - m)
EIY = Kc_Y Ecd I c_Y + K s Es I s_Y = 0.17 34.17 106 0.02285 + 1 200 106 0.001122
= 3.57 105 (kN - m2 )
EI Z = Kc_Z Ecd I c_Z + K s Es I s_Z = 0.17 34.17 106 0.01716 + 1 200 106 0.0009217
= 2.84 105 (kN - m2 )
2 EIY 2 3.57 105
N B_Y = = = 17632.5 (kN)
l02_Y 14.1362
2 EI Z 2 2.84 105
N B_Z = = = 14650 (kN)
l02_Z 13.8322
M Ed _Y = max M 0 Ed_Y MMFY ;M min_Y = max 630 3.5; 472.5 = 2205 (kN - m)
M Ed _ Z = max M 0 Ed_Z MMFZ ;M min_ Z = max −316.2 7.15; 409.5 = −2260.83 (kN - m)
a a
M Ed _ Z M Ed _Y 2260.83 1.306 2205 1.306
+ = + = 1.816
M Rd _ Z M Rd _Y 2290 2538
All four (4) axes of bending that the imperfection moment is applied on are positive
major, negative major, positive minor, and negative minor directions. Similar
calculations are carried out for the other permutations with the imperfection moment
applied in the other axes of bending one at a time. The final governing
demand/capacity ratio (D/C) turns out to be the permutation with the imperfection
moment applied in the negative minor axis of bending including analysis and second-
order moment.
For the Nominal Curvature method: = 1.916
For the Nominal Stiffness method: = 1.816
Y-Axis Z-Axis
First-order moment
M 01 (kN-m) -600 -250.2
M 02 (kN-m) 1450 -360.2
M 0 Ed (kN-m) 630 -316.2
Imperfection moment, M imp (kN-m) 296.6 290.2
Minimum moment, M min (kN-m) 472.5 409.5
Slenderness ratio, 65.3 73.7
Slenderness limit ratio, lim 40.31 19.175
Slenderness condition Slender Slender
Second-order moment, M 2 (kN-m)
1848.4 1880
(Nominal Curvature)
Final design moment, M Ed (kN-m)
2478.4 -2196.2
(Nominal Curvature)
Moment magnification factor, MMF
3.5 7.15
(Nominal Stiffness)
Final design moment, M Ed (kN-m)
2205 -2260.83
(Nominal Stiffness)
Moment resistance, M Rd (at N Ed = 12, 600 kN) 2538 2290
Important note: for the biaxial bending ratio checks, SAP2000 utilizes the PMM
interaction surface to determine the column demand/capacity ratio (See Section in the Concrete Frame Design Manual – NTC 2008). However, the
independent results employ the simplified criterion provided by Eurocode 2-2004
[Equation 5.39 in Section 5.8.9(4)]. As a result, modest discrepancy is expected
for the biaxial bending ratio between SAP2000 and independent results.