Brownie 2 Manual PDF
Brownie 2 Manual PDF
Brownie 2 Manual PDF
Manu(actu•·e•·• OJ
Brownie Cameras
Brownie Developing Boxes
Kodak Film Tanks
Kodak Dry Mounting Tissue
Velox Paper
Eastman Solio Paper
Eastman Ferro-Prussiate Paper
Eastman Velvet Bromide Paper
Eastman Royal Bromide Paper
Eastman Standard Bromide Paper
Eastman Enameled Bromide Paper
Eastman Matte-Enamel Bromide Paper
Eastman Platino Bromide Paper
Eastman Non-Curling Film
Tested Chemicals
Tripods and Other Spedalties
ldarch, 1913
Brownie Cam era
PART !-Loading
PART 11-Making the Exposures
PART III-Removing the Film
PART IV-Developing
PART V-Printing on Velox Paper
PART VI-Mounting
PART VII-Formulas
Loading the Camera
THE film for the No. 2 Folding Pocket Brow- .
nie Camera, the regular No . 2 Brownie film,
is furnished in light-proof cartridges and the
instrument can, therefore, be loaded in
daylight. The operation should, how-
ever, be performed in a subdued light,
not in the glare of bright sunlight . . It
should also be borne in mind that after
the seal is broken care must be taken to
keep the duplex paper taut on the spool
otherwise it may slip and loosen suffi-
ciently to fog the film. T~~.~k~n
1. To load the camera, take a position at a
table where the daylight is somewhat subdued,
and open back of camera by pressing on con-
cealed springs at rear upper corner of each side
of Kodak as shown in Fig. 1. The back of
camera will loosen and may ·be allowed to drop
down. The camera is now ready for loading.
2. At each end of the camera will be seen a
recess for holding the ·film spools.
As sent out from the factory, there is one empty
spool at the winding end of the camera, and the
fresh cartridge is to be inserted in the opposite end.
To accomplish this,
pull up on axis pins as
shown in Fig. 2.
FIG. 2.
3. Now insert the cartridge as shown in Fig. 3 .
Be sure and get the top of
spool at top of camera (each
FIG. 3.
spool is marked on the end) when inserting,
otherwise your film will come on the wron g side of
duplex paper when reeled off a nd total failure
will result.
4. Now remove the gummed slip that holds
down the end of duplex paper and pass the
dup lex paper across opening in the back of the
camera, and thread into slit in reel, Fig 4. Be
careful in so doing that the paper draws straight
and true, and give the spool two or th,ree turns
(to the left from the key end) . Fig. 5.
If you turn off too much of the duplex paper
before the camera is closed, the film will be un-
covered and ruined.
FrG. 4
5. The camera is now to be closed, reversing
the operation shown in Fig 1, page 5.
Throughout the foregoing operations, from the
time the g ummed slip is cut on the fresh roll of
film until the back of camera is closed, keep the
duplex paper wound tightly on the roll. If it is
allowed to loosen, light will be admitted and the
film fogl('ed.
6. The roll of film in the camera is covered
with duplex paper and this must be reeled off
before a picture can be taken. Turn the key
slowly to the left and watch in the little red
window at the back of the camera. When fifteen
to eighteen turns have been given, a black index
h:md will appear before the little red window,
this hand is a warning that you are approaching
Fig. 1. Then turn the key very slowly until Fig.
1 appears before the redwindow. Fig. 6.
FIG. 6
The fi11n is now in po 8ition fo r taking the fir s t picture.
Making the Exposures
EFORE making an exposure with the No.2
B Folding Pocket Brownie Camera, . either
time or instantaneous, be sure of four things:
Operating the Shutter
Perfect familiarity with the shutter is essential
to successful picture taking with any camer a.
The following directions should, therefore, be
carefully read and the shutter operated sev~ral
times before threading the film up for use.
"Snap Shots"
For all C9rdinary Instantaneous Exposures
FIRST-Set the lever A at the point "I.;' This
adjusts the shutter for instantaneous exposures.
SECOND-Set the lever B at No. 1. Lever B
controls the Iris diaphragm and No. 1 is the
proper opening for ordinary instantaneous ex-
THIRD-Press down the release C. This makes
the exposure.
Time Exposures ·
FIRST-Set the lever A at the point T (time).
'rhis adjusts the shutter for time exposures.
SECOND-Set the lever Bat No. ·2 or 3. See in-
structions for use of stops, page 19.
THIRD-Touch the release C. This opens the
shutter. Time exposure by the watch. Again
press the release. This closes the shutter.
Bulb .Exposure
When it is desirable to make a very short time
exposure this is best accomplished by making a
"bulb exposure."
FIRST-Set the lever A at the point ''B'' ·(bulb).
This adjusts the .shutter for bulb exposures.
SECOND-Set the ie'v er B controlling the stops,
at No. 2 .or 3 as desired.
THIRD-Press lever to open the shutter, and ·.no_- '
lease it to close. the shutter. This makes . the
exposure. The shutter will remain open as long
as the lever is under pressure.
Do not oil any part of the shutter.
In case of accident return shutter to your
dealer or to us for repairs.
FIG. 2
The catch is set by downward pressure on the
lever and then moving to the right or left. It is
not necessary to estimate the distance with any
more than approximate accuracy; for instance, if
the focus is set at 20 feet (the usual distance for
ordinary street work') the sharpest part of the
picture will be the objects at that distance from
the camera, but everything from 12 to 50 feet
will be in good focus. For general street work
the focus may be kept at 20 feet, but where the
principal object is nearer or farther away, the
focus should be changed accordingly. For dis-
tant views set the focus at 100 feet.
Extending the ·Front
Now extend fr.ont of camera to limit of motion
(Fig. 3). This sets the focus for the distance
you have placed the catch on the scale. A click
will be heard when the front locks.
FrG. 7
Hold it Level
The camera must be held level.
If the operator attempts to photograph a tall
building while standing near it, by pointing the
camera upwar,.d (thinking thereby to center it)
the result will be similar to Fig. 7.
This was pointed too high. This building
should have been taken from the middle story
window of the building opposite.
The operator should hold the camera level,
after withdrawing to a proper distance, as indi-
cated by the image shown in the finder.
If the object be down low, like a small child or
a dog, the camera should be held down level with
the center of .the object.
Turn the winding key slowly to the left, until
FIG. 8
the next number appears before the red window.
Three ov four turns will be sufficient to accom-
plish this. See Fig. 8.
Note-The warning hand appears only before number one.
Repeat the foregoing operations for each picture.
Time Exposures-Interiors
1. Place the camera in p osition on a tripod or
some other firm support. Fig. 9 .
Set camera in such a position that the ·f inder .
will embrace the view desired. The diagram
shows the p ro per position for the camera. It
should not be pointed directly at a window as the
glare of light
will blur the
picture . If all
the windows
cannot be,avoid-
ed, pull down
the shades of
such as come
within the
range of the camer a.
Make the exposure w1th the shutter as described
on page 10.
Time Needed for Interior Exposures
This table is for the largest stop. When the
second stop is used double the time; whe.n the
third stop is used give four tiJ;nes the time of table._.
White walls and more than· orie window:
bright sun outside, 2 seconds; ~rri!!zelrri!!~~zelzel~l2'2~~;::!~f
hazy sun, 5 seconds : ~
cloudy bright, 10 seconds;
cloudy dull, 20 seconds.
Medium colored walls and hangings and more
than one window :
bright sun outside , 4 seconds;
hazy sun , 10 seconds;
cloudy bright, 20 seconds;
cloudy dull, 40 seconds.
Medium colored walls and hangings and only one
bright sun outside , 6 seconds;
hazy sun, 15 seconds;
cloudy b~;ight. 30 seconds;
clciudy dUll, 60 seconds .
Dark colored walls and hangings and more than
one window:
bright sun outside, 10 seconds;
hazy sun. 20 seconds:
cloudy bright, 40 seconds;
cloudy dull, 1 minute and 20 seconds.
Dark colored walls and hangings and only one
bright sun outside, 20 seconds;
hazy sun, 40 seconds;
cloudy bright , 1 minute, 20 seconds;
cloudy dull, 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
The foregoing is calculated for rooms whose
windows get the direct light from the sky and
for hours from three hours after sunrise until
three hours before sunset.
If earlier or later the time required will be
By means of a Kodak Portrait Attachment used
with the No. 2 Folding Pocket Brownie Camera,
head and shoulder pictures of increased size may
be obtained.
With the Kodak Portrait Attachment in position
and the focus set at 8 feet, the subject should be
placed 3 feet from the lens. With the focus set
at 20 feet the subject should be placed 3_% feet
away. With the focus set at 100 feet the subject
will be in focus placed at 4 to 5 feet distance.
The attachment is simply an extra lens slipped
on-over the regular lens and in no way affects
the operation of the camera except to change the
focus. Price, 50 cents. Be sure and specify
what camera the attachment is to be used with
when ordering.
Time Exposures in the Open Air
When stop No. 2 or 3 is before the lens the
light admitted is so much reduced that time ex-
posures out of doors may be made the same as
interiors but the exposure must be much shorter.
WITH SuNSHINE-The shutter can hardly be
opened and closed quickly enough to avoid over
WITH LIGHT CLOUDS-From~ to lsecond will
be sufficient .
WITH REAVY CLOUDS - From 2 tO 5 seconds
will be required.
The above is calculated for hours from three
hours after sunrise until three hours before sun-
set and for objects in the open air. For other
hours, or for objects in the shadow, under
porches or under trees, no accurate directions
can be given; experience only can teach the
proper exposure to give.
Tzme exposures cannot be made while the
camera is held in_the hand. Always place it upon
some firm support such as a chair or a table.
The stops should be used as follows:
No. 1. THE LARGEST-For all ordinary in
stantaneous exposures.
No. 2. For instantaneous exposures when the
sunlight is unusually strong a nd there are no
heavy shadows; such as in views on the sea shore,
in ·e xtremly high, dry climates or on the water or
in tropical or semi-tropical climates; also for in-
terior time exposureS·.
No. 3. For time exposures out doors in cloudy
weather. Not for instantaneous exposures. The
time required for time e:::posures on cloudy days
with smallest stop will range from Yz second to 5
seconds according to the light. The smaller the
stop the sharper the picture.
When setting the stops always see that the one
to be used is brought to the center of the lens
where it catches.
If you use the smallest stop for instantaneous
exposures absolute failure will result.
Flash Light Pictures
By the introduction of Eastman Flash Sheets,
picture taking at night has been wonderfully
simplified. A package of flash sheets, a piece of
cardboard, a pin and a match complete the list of
essential extras, although an Eastman Flash .
Sheet Holder is a great convenience.
With flash sheets, no lamp is necessary; there
Is a minimum of smoke and they are far safer
than any other self-burning flash medium, be•
sides giving a softer light that is less trying to
the eyes.
Many interiors can be taken with the flash
sheets that are impracticable by daylight, either
py reason of a lack of illumination or because
there are windows in a direct line of view which
cannot be darkened sufficiently to prevent the
blurring of the picture.
Evening parties, groups around a dinner or
card table or single portraits may be readily
made by the use of our flash sheets, thus enabling
the amateur to obtain souvenirs of many occa-
sions which, but for the flashlight, would be
quite beyond the range of the art.
should be prepared for time exposures, as directed
on page 17 of this manual (except that the largest
(No. 1) stop must be used), and placed on some
level support where it will take in the view
Pin a flash sheet by one corner to a piece of
card-board which has previously been fixed in a
perpendicular position. If the cardboard is white
it will act as a reflector and increase the strength
of the flash.
The flash sheet should always be placed two
feet behind and two or three feet to one side of
the camera. If placed in front, or on a line with
front of Kodak, the flash would strike the lens
and blur the picture. It should be placed at one
side as well as behind, so as to throw a shadow
and give a little relief in the lighting. The flash
should be at the same height or a little higher
than the camera. The support upon which the
flash is to be made should not project far enough
in front of it to cast a shadow in front of the
Kodak. An extra piece of cardboard a foot
square placed under the flash sheet will prevent
any sparks from the flash doing damage . How-
ever, by using the Eastman Flash Sheet Holder,
all these contingencies are taken care of, and we
strongly advise its use.
The Eastman Flash Sheet
This holder may be safely held
in the hand, always between you
and the flash sheet. Or, it may
be used on any Kodak tripod,
being provided with a socket for
this purpose . The sheet is held
by a spring finger, in such posi-
tion that its lower corner projects part way across
circular opening in the holder, as shown in illus-
Then to set off the flash, merely touch a match
from behind to the corner of the sheet through
this opening.
Taking the Picture
Having the Kodak and the flash sheets both in
position and all. being in readiness, open the
camera shutter, stand at arm's lengtt\ and touch
a match from behind to the lower corner of the
flash sheet.
NOTE- If you are not using the Eastman Flash Sheet
Holder, place the match in a split stick at least two feet long.
There will be a bright flash which will impress
the picture on the sensitive film. Then push the
lever to close the shutter and turn a fresh film
into place with the key, ready for another picture.
The Flash Sheet
The number of sheets required to light a room
varies with the distance of the object farthest
from the camera, and the color of the walls and
When two or more sheets are to be used they
should be pinned to the cardboard, one above
the otl;ler, the corners only very slightly over~
For ten feet distance and light walls and hangings use one
No.1 sheet.
For ten feet distance and dark walls and hangings use one
No.2 sheet.
For fifteen feet distance arid light walls and hangings use
one No. 2 sheet.
For fifteen feet distance and dark walls and hangings use
one No . 3 sheet.
NOTB-Never use inore tha.n one sheet at a time in the Eastman
Flash Sheet Holder.
FIG . 11.
Removing the Film
No dark room is required in changing the
spools in the Brownie Camera.
The operation can be performed in the open
air but to avoid all liability of fogging the edges
of the film it had best be performed in a subdued
FIG. 1
Showing how black paper leaves reel
1. When the last film has been exposed give
the key a dozen extra turns. This covers the film
with duplex paper again.
2. Provide an extra spool of film to fit this
camera and take a position at a table as far as
possible from any window.
3. Open the back as described on page 5.
4. Holding the paper taut so as to wind tightly
turn the key until paper is all on reel. See Fig. l ,
5. Hold ends of duplex paper and sticker
together,. to prev~nt paper from loosening on
reel. If sticker folds under reel when wound pull
it up with the point of a lead pencil.
6. Pull out spool pin and winding key, and
lift out roll of film as shown in Fig. 2.
FIG. 2
FIG. 2.
4. IMPORTANT. Film to be used' in the
Brownie Developing Box must be fastened to the
duplex paper at both ends. All films are fastened
at one end at our factory.
To fasten the other end break gummed sticker
and holding spool with the unprinted side of the
duplex paper up, unroll the duplex paper slowly
until you uncover one inch of the piece of
gummed paper which is fastened to end of film
and is to be used as a means of fastening film to
duplex paper. See Fig. 3.
Moisten the gummed side of the stic.ll:er evenly
for about an inch across the end and stick it
down to duplex paper, rubbing thoroughly to
secure perfect adhesion.
FIG. 3
Wind end of duplex paper on spool again and
hold spool tightly clasped in the hand for a few
moments to insure gummed sticker holding fast.
5. Insert spool of film in !Spoof carrier as shown
in Fig. 4.
FIG. 4
6. Turn spool carrier so the duplex paper will
unroll from the top and draw it along bottom of
box toward Roller A, takingcare to keep it under·
neath the cord which passes over Roller B. See
Fig. 5.
7. Unroll duplex paper for about three inches,
and holding film spool tightly to prevent further
unrolling, with duplex paper leading from the
FIG. 5.
top,pass the end of paper under and between
Roller A, and the end of box, as shown in Fig. 6.
FIG. 6.
8. Push rocking base into position, as shown
in Fig. 7.
FrG. 8.
10. Make sure that the cord is drawn taut and
perfectly centered in groove in Roller B, then
holding end of box containing Roller B down
(opposite end from that containing film), pour
in the developer, as shown in Fig. 9.
FIG, 9.
11. Replace cover on box with end containing
cork over Roller A (roller at which handle is
attached) and fasten in place by the metal clasps.
Be sure the cork is in the cover. When the cover
is fastened on the film will be held in place by the
duplex paper projecting from the end of the box.
12. Holding box with the roller B end down ,
unroll the film by turning the crank to the right;
as indicated by arrow stamped on side of box.
When the film is fully unrolled the handle will
refuse to turn. See Fig. 10.
FIG. 10.
13. Rock the box gently on its standard fo'r
six minutes, when development will be complete .
14. Now remove the cork from cover and pour
out developer, fill box with clear water and pour
off, repeating this operation three times to wash
Then remove cover from box, take film spool
out of spool carrier and withdraw the film and
duplex paper, separate film from duplex paper
and place immediately in the Fixing Bath, which
must be in readiness, prepared in accordance
with directions .
The film may be separated from duplex paper
in light of an ordinary room, if the developer is
thoroughly washed out.
The operation o£ separating film and duplex
paper should be done over a bowl, bathtub, or
When the duplex paper does not free itself
readily from back of film, split the paper
where possible; this will remove the hard outer
surface of the paper, the remaining portion wi1!
soon become soaked and can then be removed
easily by rubbing gently, while immersed, with
the ball of the finger. This adhering of the
duplex paper to the film .is almost invariably
caused by the use of a too warm developer.
2. Insert the axles marked C and Din the
cut, in the holes in the front of box. The front
will be towards you when the spool carrier in
end of box is at your right.
3. The axle "C" must be pushed through _the
hollow spindle which will be found loose in the
box. The two lugs on this spindle are to.engage
the hooks at end of apron. The axle "D" must
be pushed through the hollow rod of the Trans-
ferring Reel to hold reel in position as indicated
in the iilustration. The flanges at each end of
the Transferring Reel are marked ''Y'' in the
4. Attacl:)_ one end of the apron to spindle
through which axle " C" passes by means of the
metal hooks which are to be engaged with the
lugs on the spindle (Fig. 2.) The corrugated
Fr.G. 2.
side of the rubber bands is to be beneath the
apron when it is attached. Turn to the left on
axle "C " and wind entire apron c\ n to spindle,
maintaining .a slight tension on apron in so doing
by resting one hand on it.
5. Insert film cartridge in spool carrier and
close up the movable arm tight against end of
spool. Have the duplex paper ("B" in Fig. 1)
lead from the top.
Film to be used in the Kotjak Film Tank must
be fastened to the duplex paper at both ends. All
films arefastened at one end at our factory. For
instructions on how to fasten the other end, see
6. Break t~e sticker that holds down the end
of duplex paper, thread the paper underneath
wire guard on transferring reel through which
axle "D" passes and turn axle slowly to the right
until the word "stop" appears on duplex paper.
7. Now hook ,apron to lugs on axle "D" in
precisely the same manner that you hooked the
opposite end to axle "C" except that axle "D"
turns to the right.
8. Turn handle half a revolution so that apron
becomes firmly attached and put on cover of box.
Turn axle "D'' slowly and steadily until duplex
paper, film and apron. are rolled up together on
transferring reel. As soon as this is completed
the handle will turn very freely.
9. Prepare developing solution in solution cup
as follows: Put three or four ounces of luke-
warm water into solution cup, open one of the
Kodak Tank Developer Powders and dissolve in
it the contents of the large package. Fill the
cup with cold water to the embossed ring-nqt
to the top. Now dissolve the contents of the
small package in this solution and the developer
will be ready. The temperature of the developer
should be between 60 and 65 degrees Fahr.
If some of the contents of the small package
sticks to the paper, dip the paper into the solu-
tion to remove.
The developer must always be mixed 'f resh and
used for only one roll of film.
10. Remove cover from box and draw out
axle "D," holding apron and duplex paper with
other hand to keep end of apron from loosening.
11. Remove entire Transferring Reel (now
containing apron, duplex paper and film) which
is ·f reed by pulling out axle "D," and insert
immediately in the previous prepared developer.
In removing reel do not squeeze the apron but
hold it loosely or slip a rubber band about it to
keep from unrolling.
Time and Temperature for Tank
It sometimes happens that the amateur is not
able to obtain or maintain the standard or nor-
mal temperature of 65 degrees Fahr. when using
the Kodak 'rank and the Kodak Tank Develop-
er Powders. In such cases the following table
will be found of value.
T emperature Time-One Powder Time-Two Powders
70 Degrees 15 Minutes 8 Minutes
.. 16
20 .NORMAl 10 " NORMAL
64 2l
63 22
62 23 11
61 24
60 25
59 26 12
58 27
67 28
5'S 29 13
55 30
54 31
53 32 14
52 33
51 84
50 B5 15
49 36
48 37
47 38 16
46 39
45 40 17
Temperature of D eveloper must not exceed 70 degrees
Fahr., as above that point there 'is danger of the film -frill-
ing. 45 degrees Fahr. is the lowest temperature at which
the developing powders can be dissolved and even at this
temperature the powder mnst be finely crushed and added
slowly to the water.
It is best to use the normal temperature (65°) when pos-
sible as the use of a developer that is colder than normal
has a slight tendency to increase the contrast in a nega-
tive while the use of a developer warmer than normal
slightly flattens the resulting negatives.
Developing in the Dark Room
Provide an Eastman A B C Developing-and
Printing Outfit which is suitable for 4 x 5 or any
smaller films.
A B C Developing Outfit
The Outfit Contains:
1 Kodak Candle Lamp ... _.-.. .. ... $ . 25
4 Developing Trays ..... .. ... .. _. . .40
1 4-oz. Graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
1 4x 5 Printing Frame............. ,25
1 4 x 5 Glass for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
1 Stirring Rod .................. -. . . 05
1 Box (5 tubes) Eastman Special
Developing Powders. . . . . . . . . . . . 25
_% Pound Kodak Acid Fixing Powder .15
2 Dozen Sheets 4.x 5 Velox Paper . .50
1 2-oz. Bottle Nepera Toning Solu-
tion.......................... . .10
1 Package Bromide Potassium... . . .05
1 Instruction Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Price, complete, neatly packed, $1.50.
This outfit cannot be shipped by mail.
Also provide a pair o£ shears, a pitcher of cold
water (preferably ite water), a pail for slop~:;, and
a dark room having a shelf or table. ·
By, a dark room is meant o_ne that is wholly
dark-not a ray of light in it. Such a room can
easily be secured at night almost anywhere. The
reason a dark room is require.d is that the film is
extremely sensitive to white
light, either daylight · or .
lamp light, and would be ·
spoiled if exposed to it even
for a fraction of a second.
Having provided such a
room or closet, where, when
the door is closed, no ray
of light can be seen, set up
on the table or shelf the
Kodak Candle Lamp.
The Lamp
The lamp gives a subdued
red light which will not injure the film unless it
is held close to it. · Set the lamp on the table at
least eighteen inches from the operator.
1. Fill one of the trays nearly full of water
(first tray).
2. Open one of the developer powders, then
put the contents (two chemicals) into .graduate
and fill it up to. the four ounce .m ark with cold
water. Stir until dissolved, with the wooden
stirring rod and pour into the second tray.
3. To develop, unroll the film and detach the
entire strip from the duplex paper. .
4. Pass the film through the tray of clean cold
water as shown in the cut, holding one end in
each hand. Pass through _the water several
times, that there may be no bubbles remaining
on the film. When it is thoroughly wet with no
air bubbles, it is ready for develpment.
5. Now pass the film through the developer in
the same manner as described for wetting it and
shown in cut . Keep it constantly in motion, and
in about one minute the high lights will begin to
darken and you will readily be aple ~o ·distinguish
the unexposed sections between the negatives,
and in about two minutes will be able to dis-
tinguish objects in the picture. Complete devel-
opment in the strip, . giving sufficient length of
development to bring out what detail you · can in
the thinnest negatives. There is no harm in hav-
ing your negatives of different
density. This can be set right
in the printing. The differ-
ence in density does not affect
the difference in contrast.
Keep the strip which is being
developed constantly in mo-
tion, allowing the developer to
act 5 to 10 minutes. The pro-
gress of the development may
be watched by holding the
negative up to the lamp from ,...
time to time; ~:;;:=~~
When developing Eastman N.C. Film, use a red lamp
and ttke care not to hold the film close to tlfe .bimp for
any length of time. This film is very rapid and is ortho-
chromatic, therefore liable to fog unless handled very
6. After completing development, transfer to
the third tray and rinse two or three times with
clear cold water.
NoTE.- If preferred, the negatives may be cut apart and
fixed separately.
Provide a box of Kodak Acid Fixing Powder
and prepare a fixing bath as per directions on the__
package. Put this into a tray (fourth tray of an
Eastman developing outfit) or wash bowl. When
the Powder has thoroughly dissolved add to the
solution as much of the Acidifier, which you will
find in a small box inside the large one, as direc-
tions call for. As soon as this has dissolved the
Fixing Bath is ready for use. Any quantity of
the bath may be prepared in the al;>Ove propor-
Pass the film face down (the face is the dull
side) through the fixing solution as shown rn cut
on page 47, holding one end in each hand. Do
this three or four times and then place one end
of the film in the tray still face down and lower
the strip into solution in folds. (If the negatives
have been cut ap~rt immerse t~em singly.)
Gently press the film where the folds occur, not
tightly enough to crack it, down into the-solution
a few times during the course of fixing. This
insures the fixing solution reaching every part of
the film. Allow the film to remain in the .solu-
tion two or three minutes after it has cleared or
the milky appearance has disappeared. Then
remove for washing.
N. C. Film must always be fixed in an acid
bath. There is nothing superior to the Koda k
Acid Fixing Bath, but the formula on page 58
may be used if desired.
Note.-If you are using an A B C Developing outfit,
the fixing solution must only be used in tray No. 4, and
the negatives, after fixing, must not be put in either No.
I or No.2 trays. Neither must any of the fixing solution
be allowed to touch the films, through the agency of the
fingers or otherwise; until they are ready to go into the
fixing bath, otherwise they will be spotted or blackened
so as to be useless,
There are several ways of washing film. It
may be placed in tray or wash bowl of cold water
and left to soak for five minutes each in five
changes of cold water, moving about occasion-
ally to insure the water acting evenly upon it, or
it may be given, say two changes as above and
then left for an hot!r in a bowl with a very gentle
stream of water running in and out. When nega-
tives have been separated they should be moved ;
about part ofthe time in order that they was.h
Drying N. C. Film Negatives
When thoroughly washed snap an
Eastman · Film Developing Clip on
each end of the ·strip and hang it up
to dry or pin it up. Be sure, how-
ever, that it swings clear of the wall
so that there will be no possibility of
either side of the film coming in eon-
tact with the latter. In drying, N.
C . Film should be cut up into strips
of not more than six exposures in
But in tray development when the
films have been cut up separately,
Drying with
Clips pin by one corner to the edge of a
shelf or hang the negatives on a stretched string
by means of a bent pin, rpnning the pin through
the corner of the film to the head, then hooking
it over the string.
Velox prints may be successfully made, using
daylight for exposure. Select a north window,
if possible, as the light from this direction will
be more uniform. Owing to its sensitiveness the
paper should be handled in subdued light, other-
wise it will be liable to fog. Proper precautions
should be taken to pull down the window shades
and darken the room sufficiently during manip-
ulation. If the light is too strong for printing it
should be subdued or diffused by the use of
several thicknesses of white tissue paper. Owing
to the varying intensity of daylight uniform re-
sults are not as certain as when using artificial
light. In the following instructions for manip-
ulating Velox, it must be understood that arti-
ficial light, preferably gas with a Welsbach
burner, will be the light used. A kerosene lamp,
fitted with a round burner (known as Rochester
burner), may be used, but owing to the decidedly
yellow light this affords, a considerably longer
exposure will be necessary than when using a
Welsbach light.
The comparative e:x;posures with Velox using
various sources of light is approximately as fol-
Dis- 32 C. P. 16 C. P.
Size of tance Wels- Average
Nega- bach Elec . or Elec . .or Oil
frcm 6ft. gas 4ft. gas
tive Light Burner Lamp
Bu rne·r Burn e r
4 x 5 or 7 in. 10 Sec . . 20 Sec. 30 Sec. 40 Sec.
you on your work table in this order:
1 oz . Nepera Clean Water
Kodak Acid I
Fixing Bath
I2 X as directed
1 Towel on ~Sage
Proper temperature is important and for best
results the developer should be 70 degrees Fahr.
and the fixing bath and wash water 50 degrees
Fahr. If the developer exceeds. 70 degrees the
prints are liable to fog and the emulsion soften.
If too cold, chemical action is retarded, resulting
in fiat, weak prints.
Velox may be safely manipulated ten feet from
the ordinary gas flame.
Having everything in readiness, open the print-
ing frame of the A. B. C. outfit and lay the nega-
tive back down upon the glass-(the back is the
shiny side). Place upon the negative a sheet of.
the Velox paper face down.
The paper curls slightly, the face or s.e nsitive
side being concave; an absolute test is lo bite the
corner of the sheet; the sensitive side will adhere
to the teeth.
'rhe paper not used must be kept covered in
its envelope.
Place the printing frame the correct distance
from the artificial light used, holding the frame
away from the burner a distance equal to the
diagonal of the negative. See exposure table,
page 52.
We suggest before making the first exposure
the cutting of a piece of Velox paper into strips
about an inch wide and placing one of them over
an important part of the negative, make the ex-
posure, using your best judgment as to the dis-
tance from the light and the time of printing.
Develop it, and if not satisfactory try another
strip, varying the time as indicated by the first
result. When the desired effect is secured, you
can make any number of prints from the same
negative, and if the time of exposure, distance
from light as well as the time of developing are
identical, all the prints should be equally good.
By comparing your other negatives with the one
you have tested, you will be able to make a fairly
accurate estimate of exposure required by any
After taking the exposed piece of paper from
the printing frame, in a safe place previously
selected, it is ready for development. The dry
print should be immersed face up in the devel-
oper (Tray No. 1) and quickly and evenly
covered with the solution. Regular Velox should
be developed not to exceed 20 seconds; Special
Velox about twice as long. No exact time can
be given, as the strength of developer used would
make a difference in the time .
As soon as the image has reached tlfe desired
depth remove from the developer to the second
tray and rinse for a moment, turning the print
several times, then place it in the acid' fixing bath
(Tray No. 3,) keeping the print moving for a
few seconds, the same as was done when rinsing,
so as to give even and thorough fixing, prevent-
ing stains and other troubles. Leave the1print in
this solution until thoroughly fixed; this will take
about fifteen minutes . When fixed remove from
the fixing bath and wash thoroughly for about an
hour in running water, then dry. After drying,
prints may be trimmed-and mounted.
Do not use a fixing bath that has been used for
fixing films.
You should be systematic in working, remem- ·
bering that cleanliness is essential in photo.-
graphy. Care inust be taken to prevent the
Hypo fixing bath in any way getting into the
tray containing the developer. Have a dean
towel when beginning the work and wipe your
hands each time after you have handled 'prints in
fixing bath.
trace of Hypo-Sulphite of Soda will spoil the
prints if it gets .into contact with them before
the proper time. Great care should therefore be '
used to have both trays and hands clean.
DEVELOPER once used should not be carried
over and used the next day or subsequently.
Don't use a tray for developing which has pre-
viously been used for hypo solution, pyro devel-
oper or fina1 washing.
Don't use an old fixing solution, it is liable
to cause trouble.
Difficulties : Their Cause and Remedy
VEILED WHITES: Caused by forcing develop-
ment, fogged paper.
REMEDY: Give more time, screen light. Also
caused when image flashes up in developer by
too much exposure, in which case give less time.
MUDDY SHADOWS: . Caused by developer being
used for too many prints. Remedy, use fresh
CONTRASTY PRINTS. Caused by insufficient
time or negative too harsh. Remedy, give more
time; make softer negatives.
FLAT PRINTS: Caused by overtiming or nega-
tives fiat. Remedy, give less time in first
instance, and if trouble . is with negatives, give
negative less time ; develop further .
STAINS. Caused by forcing development, or
chemically dirty dishes or hands, insufficient
fixing, foreign chemicals. Remedy, do not allow
chemicals other than those given in formulas to
come in contact with paper; keep prints in con-
stant motion the entire 15 minutes -they remain
in fixing, and if due to forcing development give
more time in printing.
RouND, WHITE SPOTS: Caused by air bells
which form on face of print when developer is
first flowed on. Remedy, use more developer,
break air bells with finger.
The most satisfactory method for mounting
prints is ey the use of Kodak Dry Mounting
Tissue, as by the use of this tissue the print lies
perfectly flat in absolute contact even on the
thinnest mount and absolutely without curl.
The tissue comes in flat sheets, dry, not sticky,
and easy to handle and being water proof pro-
tects the print from any impurities in the mount
stock. The process of mounting is as follows:
Lay the print on its face and tack to the back
a piece of the tissue of the same size by ap-
plying the point of a hot flatiron to small
spots at opposite ends. Turn the print face up
and trim to size desired, then place in proper
position on mount and cover the print with a
piece of smooth paper and press the whole
surface with a hot flatiron. Press, don't rub.
The iron should be just hot enough to siss when
touched with the wet finger. If the iron is too
hot the tissue will stick to the mount and not to
the print, if too cold the tissue will stick to the
print and not to the mount.
Remedy: Lower or raise the temperature of
the iron and apply again.
When mounting with the ordinary paste, prints
should be mounted wet. After the prints have
been trimmed to correct size, immerse in clean
water for a few moments, then place in a pile
face down on a sheet of clean glass and squeegee
off all surplus moisture, apply the paste with a
bristle -brush, working the paste in thoroughly,
then lift the print by the opposite corners, t]Jrn it
over and place it in proper position on the mount.
Cover with a sheet of clean blotting paper and
press into contact with squeegee or rubber print
_Coloring Velox Paper
The various surfaces of Velox are particularly
well adapted for coloring, and prints may be
made extremely interesting through _the many
beautiful effects obtained by the use of Velox
Transparent Water Color Stamps. No exper-
ience is necessary when using these colors and
any amateur can secure excellent results as full
directions accompany each set of stamps.
Put up in book form, they will be found most
convenient. Each book contains twelve colors,
arranged in perforated leaflets, making twenty-
four stgmps of each color.
The stamps will also be found most desirable
£or -the coloring of Bromide enlargements,
lantern slides, etc., and iri fact for all work
where perfect blending and transparency of
color is required. See Price List.
Rochester, N. Y.
Developer for Brownie Developing Box . Use
the following for six minute development:
Pyro ........................................................... 10 grains
Sulphite of Soda, desiccated .................. .. 20 grains
Carbonate of Soda, desiccated:... ...... ........ 20 grains
Water ................................. .. . .... .. ... ............ 12 ounces
Developer for Brownie Film Tank. Use the
following for twenty minute development:
Pyro .. .... ... ... .. .... ...... .......... .. ............... .. . ...... 10 grains
Sulphite of Soda, de s iccated ..................... 20 grains
Carbonate of Soda, desiccated ................. 20 grains
Dissolve the chemicals in order named in five
or six ounces of luke warm water, then add cold
water to fill tank to embossed ring.
Temperature of Developer 65o Fahr. for either
Box or Tank. This is very important.
Acid Fixing Bath
Eastman N. C. Film must always be fixed in
an Acid Fixing Bath.
There is nothing superior to the Kodak Acid
Fixing Powders, but the following formula may
be used if desired:
Water .............. ................. ... ...... ............... ... 16 ounces
Hypo Sulphite of Soda .......... ....... .......... ... 4 ounces
Sulphite of Soda, desiccated ...... ...... ....... .. ;{ ounce
When fully dissolved add the following ,hard·
en.e r:
Powdered Alum ......... ............... .. ..... ................ Y, oz.
Citric A~id ......... ........................ ....... ..... ........ . Ys oz.
This bath may be made up at any time in ad-
vance and be used so long as .it retains its
,strength, or is not sufficieutly discolored by de-
veloper carried into it ~s to stain negatives.
If the time of development and temperature of
developer has been correct and the exposure
within the latitude of the film good negatives
must result, but if error has been made in de-
velopment the cause and remedy w!ll be found in
tl:J.e following:
Over development may be caused by a mistake
in leaving films in the developer too long, by
using solution too warm or by those who mix
theJr own developer in getting the developing
agent too strong.
In this case the negative is very strong and in-
tense by transmitted light and requires a very
long time to print. The remedy is to reduce
by use of Eastman Reducer or the following
First soak the negatives 20 minutes in water,
then immerse in:
Water .......................................................... 6,ounces
Hyposulphite of Soda ............................ .. . Yz ounce
Ferri-Cyanide Potassium (saturated solu-
tion) ........... ............................................ 20 Drops
Rock tray gently back and 'forth until tregative
has been reduced to the desired density, then
wash 10 minutes in running water or in four
changes of water.
Negatives may be reduced locally by applying
the above solution to the dense parts with . a
camel's hair brush, rinsing off the reducer with
clear water occasionally to prevent its running
onto the parts of the negative that do not require
.This defect would be caused by a mistake in
removing film from the developer too soon, by
using solution too cold or by an error in com-
pounding chemicals. It is obvious that neither
of these defects will occur in .Tank Development,
if instruCtions are properly followed.
Intensification by Re-Development ·
There are a number of different processes for
intensifying under-developed negatives, the most
common being by means of Bichloride of Mer-
cury, and Sodium Sulphite or Ammonia.
This method, though simple to use, has its
disadvantages, as it builds up the highlights
out of proportion to the weaker portions qf the
negative, and also, unless carefully handled is
apt to produce iridescent stains, or granular
markings that are impossible to remove.
While the method of intensification by re-de-
velopment is only comparatively new, the now
common use of Velox and Royal Re-developer
'for Sepia tones on Velox and Bromide prints
will make this the most effective means of in-
Velox or Royal Re-Developer may be used in
exactly the same manner as for producing Sepia
tones on developing paper.
Negatives intensified by re-development are
built up evenly, without. undue contrast and with-
out the chance of staining.
The advantage of being able to use the chemi-
cals for two different purposes (Sepia f~ni~g
prints or intensifying negatives) is obvious, the
result in either case being all that could be
Be Sure to Use Pure Chemicals
To get the best negatives from your films-to
get the best prints from your · negatives-it is
imperative that the chemicals which you use be
absolutely pure.
For all our .film and papers we furnish powders
and solutions mixed in just the proper proportions
and compounded from the purest chemicals,
rigidly tested in our own laboratories.
But we go even further than .this. For those
who prefer to mix their own'solutions by formula,
we have prepared a line of carefully tested stand-
ard photographic chemicals.
Don't mar good films and
plates and good paper with in-
ferior chemicals.
This seal stands for the high-
est purity: Be sure it is on the
package before purchasing.
Rochester N . Y .
Clean Lenses
Dirty or dusty lenses are frequently the cause
for photographic failures. These pictures illus-
trate this 'point clearly. The sharp, full timed
picture at .top was
·-=-·=.~·;:;;c~-,-,-"·-~·~ taken with the lens
Application for Membership in the Kodak Correspondence College.
Eastman Kodak Co.,
Rochester, N. Y.
K. C. C. Dept.
Gentlemen:-/ am the owner of a (name camera and size) . . ........ ... ... .
Name) ............ .... ...... ............. (Street and No.) ... .......... . , .. •..••.
(City) ........ .. ...... . . . .... . ........... (State) ............... . ..... .......... .
Tear Off Here
No. 2 Folding Pocket Brownie Camera,
capacity 6 exposures, 2}1( x 3}1(, not
loaded . $5 00
Carrying case for same 75
Kodak Portrait Attachment for use with
No. 2 Folding Pocket Brownie Camera 50
Kodak Color Screen, No. 1 50
N.C. Film Cartridge, 6 exposures, 2}4' x 3 J4 20
Box 4 N.C. Film Cartridges, 6 exposures
2!<( X 3J4 80
Brownie Developing Box, No. 2 1 00
Brownie Kodak Film Tank 2 50
Duplicating Outfit for same 1 25
Developer Powders for Brownie Develop-
ing Box or Brownie Tank, per pkg. ~
doz. 15
Kodak Acid Fixing Powder, 1lb. pkg. 25
Do., ~ lb. pkg. 15
Do., J( lb. pkg. . 10
Brownie Velox Paper, per dozen 2,\( x 3,1( 10
Velox Transparent Water Color Stamps 25
Nepera Solution, for developing Velox, 4
ounce bottle 20
Eastman Reducer, pkg., 5 tube.s 25
Velox Re-developer, per 4 oz. pkg . 50
Solio Paper, 2J( x 3 J(, per pkg., 2 dozen 20
Eastman Printing Masks No. 3, for use with
No. 2 F. P. Brownie Negatives, each 06
Combined Toning and Fixing Solution for
So)iq, per 8 ounce bottle 50
Do., 4 ounce bottle . $ 30
Packe d in mailin g c ase, postpaid, 20c, additional
Rochester, N. Y.
From Your Best Brownie Negatives
Enlarging Cameras
PRICE $2.00 I