Canon A1 SPT Guide PDF
Canon A1 SPT Guide PDF
Canon A1 SPT Guide PDF
Simller modslg: AE-i, AV-l. AT.1
(mechanicrlly similar)
6BEEi{ tO E*{
Bett€ry: 1 ea. 8V PX28, 5.14, oi 5il7
(negative ground) ,q'
l'J.r ,
FlE. 1-top covcr romoyod
Fig. z-bollom coysr rGmgvgrl @/
Flg. 3-re*ind-Eids t€rt points
Flg. 4-tront view, mirror box
Ya CC€ GOllTaCl
Fig. S-mlrror box. back view
Fig. o-rawind side o, ,nlrror box
Fig. 7-flex conncctorr, tosssembly
Flg. 8-rewlnd glde ol main flax,
A,IT llex removsd
i i..'
the leval (Dl so that the shutter
delivers 1/I25 8l EV 12. The LED
display should always agree with
the auto shuttor spsed {or suto
draphragm oponing). Thale is no
separate adiuslment.
3. Sat the AV moda, len8 Bt th6 auto
setting. check the tight trsns-
mission ar the l/2, f/5-6, sfid l/11
settrngs o, the selector dial. ll the
lens draphragm is overaxposing,
you can adjust the S.AVE value
(segrnented aperturs-valua
elecrrocte, Fig. 6) in 1/8-stop in-
cr€menls, ln the old style, Fig. 10,
scrape away a conductor on the
S AVE board. Opening the con-
nectron at path fll provides t/8
siop less trengmission; also
open,ng peth #2 providei an
adctilioflel 1lB slop lEss
Bxposure. ln lhe newer style, you
can rnalre the adiustment without
removing the mirror box. Wires
connect the s.AvE Psths to the
A/T flex (the wires labeled,
"S.AVE adjust," Fig. 1I). Moving
a wrre to the adiacsnt opsn land
opens the palh connectBd to lhat
wire- Move ths orangB wire to the
ad;acenl land to decreaBe the
exposure by 1/8 stop. Movo both
t*. tne orange wlre and lhe wnlte
wrre io adiacenl lands to
decrease the sxposur8 by f/4
stop There rs no sdiustment lor
tncreasrng the transmissiOn.
lustmenq th8 tool hotrrg tne Sv
brush at the proper positlon.
With th€ tool ln plac€, ins0rt
ohmmetar leade into the lwo
holea in lh6 SV brush to maks
contgct with the SV board. You
should get no rasistsncs with ths
tool in itB cent€r position: you
should gBt inrifiits rosistenca
wilh the tool rotated fully
counlerclockwise or cloclyriso.
Walhout ths tool, you can lem-
PoTarily seat the tilm'speed dial;
set ASA 4N and Elign ths "400"
calibrution wlth the snd ol the
camera body. Now, withoutlurn-
ing lhe SV brush. rsmove the
lilm-speed dlal end check lhe
continulty b8tw€en thB two holas
- you thould read anlinite reBist-
BncB, Botatg lhe SV brush a
rlight distanco counterclock-
wiga until you iust gst continu-
ity End rclrt lhc filmrpacd dlal:
the lirst dot clockwise ol "400"
should now be polntang to lh€
end ol lhe carnera body. The ad-
lustmenl as by lurning eccsntric
A. Flg. r.
6. Switch SW5. Normally not nsc-
a$ary unlagg you have replac6d
related parts. Coclr lhe shutter
8nd adiu8l thB sws eccantric (N
in Fig. 9) so lhat tho brush makGs
contact with ih6 ehgcI paltsrn.
tl/han you relesra ths shutter, al
laasl lour of thB bruih conlacts
should D8 onthaswsrathsnd al
laasl four ol tho conlacts should
bE on the SWs'path. Fig- 9.
7. AV bru8h. Norm8lly not nBcss-
atry unleta you hava replaood
parte. Charg€ thc miror mach-
anism. Than check lh€ continulty ity b6tweon the tcrmlnalr on thc Locsilons ol lell-hand ihreads:
bstwssn the screw on the S.AVE S.AVE flax connGctor. Fig. 7. and scrEws holding pinlone on tops ol
board, Flg, I, and the tect poinl, lhe AVO bruah (on ths back ol wlndlng rollarg
Fig. lO. You should moasuro lha AV unit, Fig. 6). Movo the
inlinite rGtlttsnce, but, ll you AVO brush until the wlpers Precautiono:
flrous the AV brueh slighlly ln conlact tsst points Pl and Pt'on 1, Rcmoye the battery balore un-
sith€r dlr€ction. you should th€ AVO switch pattern, Fig. 10. sold€rlng wires from the flex.
mgaaure nerrly direct conlact. You should then gst dlr€ct eon- 2. Hendl€ the flex circuils carelully
To ehsck wlth lhg mmora Essem- tinuity beiween the AVO brush to prsvsnt damBgo: because of
bled, Gock tha chutter and and Gach tormlrial on thc S.AYE the double-sidod board, lt s
msaiur" lho r€slEtlncg bslween ,lex connector. To adiuEl, ehift dilflcull lo lumpsr Ecross breaks.
tha aty-hlus S.AVE wlrc. Flg- 12. lha posilion ol ths S.AVE board. 3. The coresrs holdlng th€ T/A sE-
lsctor arE lockod in plscs: ust
and ground - You should gsl
dlrsct contact. Then push ln lhe acsiono cn the scr€rYa to goftsfl
slop-down rlide. Thc AV brush DISASSEMBLY SEOUENCE: the locking agenl.
should movs do*n Slightly, Gontrol ssttangs: dhplay swltcn SWg
glvlng e r€sBlanco reBdlng ol lurned on to romove and replace top
1. bollom covar
arqund 40K. Adjutl by repoti- covor (the swilch on tho rowind side
2. lronl cover (4 ecrews)
lioning the AV brush. of ths lop cov6r that turns otftho LED
3. top cov€r:
6. S,AVE bsard. ll you replaco thc
$.AVE board, chcck tho continu-
- lurn ti€ switch so lhst lhe
rvhito dot on tho top coyor ie vlslble)
a. 6 sorBw8
b. AT dial gusrd (the slide at lhs
e/strT .lollPNAl
tha main-switch baard as prBviously
described. Bornovs lhe battery-test
LED from iit hqlder afler unsoldering
ths two leads. Then lift aside ihe
completa support plats lor the A/T
selgctor boerd by tekrng oul two
- ona ager th8 sslector-dial
delent snd one inside the LED holder.
Behavior without batt€ryl shuttar
won'l rsleas€, ao LEDs
Behavior wilhout lens: "M" LED
alwayc on
Typical currenl draw {6V supplied}:
meler SOma {34ma when llash-
shulter open
- 39ma
battery tost
- sgma
Maltunclions resulting from poor the lirst curtsin raleasss. SW4 opens
contact at ,lor connectofs: Praviaw swilch LM (lighl meter) SW,
and allows th6 tlminE Cap8citor Ct to On the front Blafldard. Fig- 7. Closrng
1. Dacodar/drivgr llar conna€tor. slerl chsrglng. As soon as Ct reaches the preview svrllch (whrle wire to
No Eync sagnal, no output bus
lhe lriggar yoltage. thB timing clrcuit ground) turns on lransistor TR {same
signal, no LEDg, shuttor hangs
stErlg counting cloch pulsos to as closing SW1l.
determine lhe shutter speed. of
2. A/T llex conngctor. No T/A sig- Stop-down swrtch. Back ,ront
nal. bulb indication and flaahing SWS. SWS'. end SWS". Shufter- plete, Fig. 6. Closes when you push in
"3f in finder. shuttsr hangr released end motor-drive switch, Fig.
g. With tha Bhutt€r released. SWS
the slop-down slide. provrding direct
open. contact between the red vvirg and the
3. S.AVE ller connector. No AVO connects pin 20 of ths CpU lC to blue wira al the SV boerd. Fig. l2 (the
signal, lsrger aperlura than
maximum apgrturo of lenc will
ground. SWS disconnects pin Z0lrom
ground when you cock the shutter.
leng must lirst be sel lo a manual
ilstop). The f/stop tnformatron tn the
dieplay {will display, lorexample, SW5' and StArS" conlrol the ground display than blanks out, and the
"'1.4" ovsn thouEh I "1.8" lens is Ehutter delivers an automalic shulter
installed), "P" and "oo" will show speed according to the amount of
in display at certein Eattings. SWd.- Memory swiich on lront llght comiftg lhrough the sloppsd-
slanclard, Fig. 7. Closing SWG (bluo clown Epedure.
Posilions and functions o, switchss: wirs to ground) turns on the LED Not6: Selting lhE stopped-down
Nols: The labeling ol ths switches display, The disptay hotds the function releases th€ diaphragm-
according to luncliong corresponds reading as long as SU,E remains control mechsniem. lf you cock the
to thst in olher A-serieg Canons. closed, shutler and set lhe stopped-down
SW1, Motsring switch, under thB A/T SW7. Main swllch, under wind lev€r, tunction, you musl releasa lh6
board, Fig. 9, Pushing the felease Flg. 1. Turning the main-switch levar shuller belora rssetting the lens lo
bulton part way closes Sw1 lo turn on on tha top cover to th€ "A' positlon thB "A" posilion. Otherwise, the
transistor TR. TF supplies the E1 closs! lhs mein switch, Ths main ,ind€r displsy8 afi error signal -
vollage to MGl. MG2, and the lCs. swltch th€n supplles batlery power to
MG3. lhc betlery-tsst LEO, and tran-
- ond lha shutter will not
rcloage, To ccrrsct, sel the multiple-
When SWI closes, the LEO diEpley
turns on and the release cEpecitor sistor TR. TR turns on when SW1 exposure lsver lo lhe multiple-
C47 Charges, clos€3. Th€ main switch also provides axPosur€ position and recock tho
SIIU2. Release swit6h. under SWr. Fig.
the two sell-tiner delayo when shuitsr.
rotated clockwise
9. Puehing lhe releass butlon all the
10 saconds.
- 2 Beconds-snd A-M (Euto-tranual) switch. Back of
way closes SWz. Tha relBasB tront plEt€, Fig. 5. Closes rvhan you
capacilor C47 th€n discharges SW8. Balt€ry-l€st Bwitch, Fig. 3. set a manual l/stop, providing direct
through MG2. Fig. 2. lo relaase ihe Cloring SIYE causes ths INPUT lC lo conti,rully belween the white wire
mirror, send tha battary-test signal lhrough and the grgEn wire at lh€ SV board,
the input bue. The battery-t€st LED Fig. 12. The "M" then displays in ihg
SW3. Display swilch,'Fig. 3. Cloaing then ftickers to show a good battery. tinder.
SW3 turns olr lhe LED tlisplay. SWB also gerves as a cancal swilch.
SW4. Count switch, Fig. 4. SW4 Whan you push down 6nd lhen let up Functions ol lCs and t€st proc€durat:
cloges with the shullsr cocked, SW8, power is ramoued lrom the rest L OPT. MOSFET amplifier lor llli-
providing dir€ct conlact betwcen lhe ol the circuit to cancel a long con photodioda. Sarne as PX-'l in
graen wiye. Frg. 1. and ground. When exposur€. ihe gell-timer dat8y. etc. lhe AE-l, but slaghlly ditlsrmt
specificallons. Chesk bY maa' Nole: Th6 A-t uses dlgital slgnslr to
suring ths output at Pin I with tha control both ths diBphrsgm openlng
ralsesg button PsrtiallY and the !huttar speedr. To chack lhe
depressad; you ehould msasurs $ignals. you n88d an oscilloscope.
around lV with ths top covgr rs- Canon rscommendg a dual-trace "-.11i
moved. Th€ output YoltsgB scope urlth a bus checker to separata
should go mor8 PositlYs sB th€ tne ffiuniPloxsd signals in lhs bus ersl
Iight lev8l incroas€S. Also ch6ck lingi; tho Canon service manual
for thB Vc vollagc at Pln 5. ll You thowc th€ proper slgnsls on a dusl'
get ths Vc vsllEge 8t Pin 5, bul thg trscE ccoPE. However, You can
output 8t pin I is o.8v of balow perform reverel teBt! using a good a uEDlTtlRr
(or doesn't chtngo wilh single-tracc scopa, The lollowing
changing llght levels), raPlace dlagramc thow th6 signalr eltha teat
OPT lC. lf you do not gst the Vc prointc, Flg. 3 and Fig. 9, wlth the
voltaEe at pin 5, ths Probl€m releeea button pertially dePre$sd to
could be the INPUT lC. RePlace cloas SWl. Tha scope i8 set to eulo
the oPT lc lirsl 8nd th8n chsck cweEF. AC.
the pin 5 Yoltegs. lt thD Yoltsge h
stlll lncorraot, raplace tha INPUT 1. SYNC
tG. Scope s6ttlngs - .SVlcm, .1ms;
INPUT. Amplifle8 lhs MOS out impropar trac€ - O/o lC.
and convsrtt thB brightnost
value to a diglul rignal- The
digital eignel appsars at thc -
{.t lro rtTllit
lead ol capacitor CAD, Flg. 0'
The INPUT lC rlso euPPlier the
Kvc voltage 8t pin g 8nd lhs vc
I ,|auf,E l0
FACE IC. ScoPa ssningo -
(baitory test, auto. or alectronic l/t.E len! an8talled. wlthouttr
flash) at lha ingut bus (Pin l3). lsn8, You rhould ba ablB to mBkG
TBst by measurlng tho Kvc end thg trBco ahaPo chan$o bY
Vc voltagee and bY ch€cking tho pushing ln tha mallmum-
CAD eignal. Check the llaah aparturc corrGction Pin. No tlace
chengeover by connectlng a 3. INPUT BUS
Poor contact ir the AVO brush
4.7K resieior bolwasn ths CCC Scope settlngs
-.2Vlcm, 20ro.s; -(marror box) or itr thg S'AVE llex
contact and ground. Tha dlgPlaY lmpropBr trffie
- INPUT lC. You
Ehould then rogd: "80 F8.0." lf ths
should also gal the tracs bY
cloring th8 battsry-test swatch.
indication doos nol changs whon
you connoct the tl,7K l€!i!lor,
raplace the INPUT lC.
CPU. Digltal lC thtt lccdr loglc
l-L-J-l r,H^'H
DECODER/DRIVEF (D/D), Da- brush oul ol EdlGtm8nt.
codes tha blnery numbsr from
the oulPut bu8 to dtlva the LED
disptay" Chsck for the synd
eiEnal, the outPut bus aignal (if
lf no elgnal. suspect the CPU lC
rot the DID lcl. and lor
Yoltagss st ths O/D llgr connac-
the -rmffi'?r'"'
tor, Fig.3.
I- CAD Troubleshooting stops lor specllic Yoltsgg mrnu3 dtop across
Scop€ BBttings
- Somy/cnr,2ms. problems: trensistor) wilh thB relsase
Portaon A ot th6 lrace changas 1. Shulter won't r€leaso. no LEDB button parlially depressed at the
accorrtlng to ths light l6vel,
thor€by making portion B longer Battery vollagc to llex TR collector. No voltage
- check
TF end bias resistorc. Fig. 9,
or shorlsr. B gets lgnger as the Cheek lor +6V to lhe red wire al
laght increases (becauae A gets tho back ol tho main-sl#ilch No clock signal IOSC/INTER-
El€ap€rl. Portion C always board, Flg. L No voltage - FACE rC)
remaing th€ samr. No traca bsttory box or wlrlng. 2, Shutler won'l rglease, LEDs o.k.
INPUT lC or capacilor CAD. - Main Bwatch B8ttsry voltage too low
Combination magnat MG? or re-
tE,\ Chect lor 6V to lhe cmitt€r ol TH.
Flg.9. You should gotgVwiththe leass capacitor C47
(. nEPETmOT{8}
t/r000 SEGor{D:
Stgndard tect! lor eloctronlE prob-
I. LU19V Vc at CCC conlaEt no
volt8g8, roplscs INPUT tG
2. 1,0251(Yc Et levsl adiustment
no vollage, rgplace INPUT lC
- 3- MOII OUTrt pln 0 otOPT lC -
bolow 0.8V or no changs wlth
light changas, raplace OPT lC
1. CLOCK algnal at CLOCK t6sr
point no rignal. replacs OSC/
5- SYNC signal at SYNC tsct point
no signal, rgplace O/O lC
8. - CAD rignal Et CAD t6st point -
no signal or no change ln slgnal
with llght changsE, replace
i .,.
rcvlroc J3A ltl?
rcvrNog ccc
ts ff3lA3ud
ns AHof,3Il
xSrJ r/v
x31J rlv
t Strt G, ?I
x31{ t/v
Ars lr-v T
as Hffoo.dols
ffE lI-V 3tlH,li
tS liltltO0'dOl8
o.o8U T HULL I Hos ouT
0.orv 2 r{rll a
Fil, o.585V
E l.2v
cl_oct( ..-tt c xYC
tYI{e--f 5
It t?
- ov DuBtr{o E.|
0.tu tt CllD +
- r.2u
Vc t0 clo-
EI 'l te EI
au 2 tl t.!Y
LE -.Y It EI
alY :r,*-$ou"cn tr cLocx
iil, 7 3V
2V t TY
otc I 0v
2r rY cocxEp.
- {v { ar^s souRcE n re 2V
'o / \ ftrt_, ,,
I - t.zv
8Y tilFUr + Xlc
AtT-IrFUf.-+ 7 '-
convart€r El pin 3 for the CAD ghutler releesed {SWS')
- c|c*,k
5'd 't
signal. hhpropor Bignal INPUT Terminal 3-always ground
check thB YoltBge at pin 3 ol ths ]C or cspacltor GAD.
Terminal 4-to ground wilh SW2
oSC/INTERFACE rC tho CPU IC cloeed
voltage ehould go low whan SWZ
closss (releace button fully d* Check lha output-bus signal.
pr€s3ad)- ll tho voltEge do68 go 7, Overaxposuro ofl tast shutt€t-
speed aelllngs
1. You can drop out tho focusing
low, aheck tho OSC/INTER- scr€an lrom insida the mlrror
FACE lC, Fig. 13. ll rhs volrago MG3, dirty intsdacg or waak box. Rgmovs ths scrs{Y al tho toP
door not go low. ch€ch lhB GPU armslurs spring tront o, lhe lsns opaning.
lG, Flg. 13,
8. Underexposure on euto dia- 2. A raplecsment A/T tlex comss as
Sltl5, poor contact in releasad phragm end on euto shutier
a comptel€ unil includiflg the
maln{witch boerd and lhe A/T
poslllon or out of adiustment spesds board. You cen replace lhs main
With lh€ lhutler releaaad, SWS MG1, dlrly intcrlaco ,lox ag a comPloto untt oryou can
connact8 pin 20 of the GPU to Both curtaing trevel togBthgr, replaEs lnEllvidual Pans,
ground. To check, 10166!6 ths all modeB
g. The OPT lC ln the A-1 will intor-
shutter manually (pu3h lhe MGa chang€ with PX-1 in tho AE-1'
ermeturs loward ths lront of ths
camera). Short pin 20 ol lhe CPU
MG3, not holding armaturg
Check ths ccntinuity ol MG3
However, Canon has higher
specilicallons lor the oPT lc-
to ground. Than remove lhg betwGen tho blacl wlre end ihe lnslelling a PX-'l in th€ A-l could
lhort 8nd cock th€ shuttor. ll lh8 red wire. Fig.2. Approrlmate coll limit the mst€riflg rang€-
ahutter now r€lgagog, clean SWs reelrtance - 200 ohma. ll you 4. Ths reviaed Shuiter assemblY lor
and check th8 adjuitmsnt. short ths blacl rvlra lo ground the A-series Canons includ€s the
3. Shultar will not relsags, no LED3 and rgleags the shutier, the bsttery box as part of lhB unit, lt
(or no chango in LED display| shutter should stay oPsn lor as is no longar PoEsibls to replsc€
lnput lC long at you rnaintBln tho short. tho bsttery bor wlthoul also
replaclng tha shulter.
Chsch the Vc, Kvc, ond inpul-bus Wlnd overtravel, insufllcient
5. MGI ln tha A-1 has alwaYs had
signale (scc "Functions ol l0c 10. Diaphragm always lully oPan, the pls3tlc cover (a modilicataon
and test procodur€s"). The tngut LEOs read o.k. to lhg AE-l). Con8equently, You
lC may havc baen dameged by MGl. open coil cannol clean MGr lrom the
an off-brand llagh unlt. bottom ol lh6 camsra as in the
Check lhe coll between ths re.l aarllar AE-l'r. Hemovg lhe mirror
snd blact MGt wlrm atthe main box lo claan MGl.
Check tha output-bur cignal and flex, Fig. 12. Approximato coil
the syflc signal. resiltancc - 3iI0 ohms. ll You
€. Releage magnet MG2 meY oc-
caoionally ba bad €ven though it
Shutter won'l r6l6etB, etror Eig- Ehort tha Elack wire to ground, checks ProPsrly with DC tests. 1l
nal only In tind€l et auto. no AVO the dlephragm ehoutd alwaYe ths reaclancE ot ths coil as too
signal- rlop down lu[y. ll noi, MG{ is not hlgh, the lhuttsr may not releaie;
holding lts armElurs. in
S.AVE plate - poor contact or
It. Shuttsr-sPesd readoul and dla-
the ts6t8 de3cribed lho
oul ol adjustm€nl "troubloshooting" section msy
phragm rsadout do not agt8€
Error aignal on eulo end manuel, nol elw8ys lsolats a dslective
with settings, or Ehulter hangs MGe. lf ihe ehutter will fiot
shuttor sorls o.k. open and LED always disPlays
CPU IC "bulb"
- rvorka on atoP-dotYn
- yot ths cam8ra P88ses
ths troubleohooling t€313
No changs ln LEO r€adout or tunction
deacrlb€d - try replsclng MG2.
grPoSurB, thutlor doee raleare A/T bruah, poor contact
OPT IC A/T llex conneclor, poor conlacl