Canon Canovision 8 Manual English Ma 2439
Canon Canovision 8 Manual English Ma 2439
Canon Canovision 8 Manual English Ma 2439
Plastic Cover
Main Features of Your Canovision Technical Data
Canovision 8 is a TV style 8mm projector for fami - Lens: P·8 11 mm F 2 .5 , 4-component , 4 ·element
ly , small group or individual use . A newly develop - construction .
ed daylight screen is built into the projector so that Mirrors : Two reflector mirrors built in .
clear and distinct pictures can be seen even in Picture Si ze : Re g ular 8mm , 163 x 123mm (6 -3 / 8 "
bright places . Canovision 8 projects three types X 4 -7 / 8 " ).
of film . Super 8 and Sin gle 8 , 2 00 x 150mm (7 -3 /4 "
x 5 -7 / 8 " ).
New Screen for Daylight Projection
Projection Lamp : 8 V, 50 W lamp with a built -in re -
A special screen for daylight use , developed by
flector mirro r. Philips t ype . (Osram is recom -
Canon ' s technical staff , is used. The images are
mended .)
clear and distinct , and colors are faithfully repro-
Motor : Induction mo t or , 5 0 / 6 0 cps , with for ce d
duced . Diffusibility , contrast and non ·glare fea ·
air coolin g fa n.
ture s are all excellent . The proj ec to r assures you
Po we r Suppl y: AC 115 - 2 4 0 V, 50/ 6 0 cp s.
clear im ages even in a bri g ht room .
Acc eptable Vo lt ages: Adj ust able to 1 15 , 12 5 , 160 ,
Three-Way System Mechanism 22 0 , or 2 4 0 V with a b uilt -in con vert er .
Super 8 , Sin gle 8 or re g ular 8mm film can be pro · Power Con sumption : 2 00 W.
jected with just the flick of the switch lever . There - Projection Speed : Appro x. 17 f ps .
fore , Canovi si on 8 can project f ilm shot with any Reel Capacity: Re g ular 8mm and Super 8 , 2 00ft .
kind of 8mm camera . Single 8 , 250 ft.
Highly Usef ul Reel Shaft : Both Super 8 and regul ar 8mm reel s
can be attached without ad apters.
Canovision 8 is being widely used . In the home it
Framing and Focusin g: Adjustable .
is used in the living room and in the study . At school
Power Cord : Approx. l.8m (5 ' 10·7 / 8 " ).
it is used for club activities , in shops for explaining
Size : 298 x 253 x 199mm (ll -3 / 4 " x 10 " x 7 -7 / 8 " ).
products , and in companies for training employees .
Weight: 4 .7 kg (10 .36 lb .).
Canovision 8 is smal l in size and requires no screen .
It is light and handy and can be used anywhere. It
Su b je c t t o a lte ra ti o n s. 3
has a wide range of uses .
Before Using ...
Power Frequency wi ll bl ow out or t he motor wi ll not f u nction if the
Canovision 8 is set to the power frequency (cp s) volt age is not properly set . To change t he vo ltage ,
indicated on the specifications plate . The power remove th e voltage switch cover and turn the
frequency of the projectors is set beforehand at switch with a coin .
the frequency of the locale to where they are to be
Removing th e Lamp Protector
shipped . When us ing the pro jector in a loca le with
Be sure t o remove the protective ma t erial inside
a different frequency , conversion mu st be made .
the lamp compartment before u sin g the projector .
Refer to pages 11 - 13 .
The lamp compartment cover can be removed by
Setting of Voltage liftin g after loosen ing th e lamp compar t ment cover
Before using your projector , be sure t o set th e vol t - sc rew with a coi n .
age swi t ch at t he voltage to be used . The fuse
Replacing the Lamps Attaching the Hood
1 lamp
Replace the projection lamp after r em oving the 1 Stretch the rubber of hood alon g the lower part
compartment cover . of the projector .
Preparations for Projection and Film Loading
1 Set the index mark of the switch at " OFF ". 4 Hold the film to be projected so that the per ·
forations are on top.
2 Connect the cord to the power source . i+ Reel capacity is 200 feet for regular 8mm and
Super 8 , and 250 feet for Single 8.
3 Set the aperture according to the film to be used .
5 Attach the film reel to the supply shaft and the
Set the aperture at " SUPER " in th e case of take -up reel to the take-up shaft . In this case ,
Super 8 and Single 8 and at " REGULAR " in the make sure that the rib on the shaft is accurately
case of regular 8mm . inserted in the reel groove .
1 1
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• 111
Guide the film along according to the diagram
6 shown 8 Insert the tip of the film through the slot of the
on the projector. Pull out 60cm (approx . take -up reel up to the center of the shaft . Wind
2 feet) of film . the film two or three times around the take -up reel ,
r1It "'•l"
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an 11
checked beforehand by turning the rotary switch
1 When the rotary switch is turned towards the
projection side , the cooling fan starts to tune · to the motor position.
tion, then the film starts feeding . When the rotary 2 Move the focusing lever and obtain a distinct
switch reaches the lamp position the picture is image .
projected on the screen. 3 When the picture is cu t off by the frame line ,
• If the film does not advance, even when the make adjustments by turning the framing knob .
rotary switch is set at the film feeding position , Note : Do not put on the plastic cover during
it means that the film is not passing through the projection .
aperture section properly. Open the pressure There are slits on the side of the projector through
plate and correct it. which cooling air passes. Do not put objects be ·
• When the film is passed through the aperture sides these slits during projection .
section , it will be convenient if film advance is
Rewindin g
Film Rewinding
When projection has completed , rewind the film in • Rewindin g time is approximately 70 seconds
the following order : for 200 feet and approximately 25 seconds for
1 Wind the rear end of the film around the take - 50 feet.
up reel according to the rewinding diagram . Note: Do not turn the rotary switch to the
Handling and Cleaning
If the pressure plate should be so dusty that i+ When attachin g the pressure plate , pul l the pres -
1 dust can be seen during pro jection , remove sure plate holder and insert the press ure plate so
the pressure plate and clean it . that its tip is hemmed in between the two pins seen
i+ The pressure plate can be removed in an upward in the inner part .
direction when the pressure p late ho lder is pulled .
Be ca reful not t o be nd the pressure plate.
Frequency Conversion
2 Dust is apt to accumulate in the aperture sec - 1Unfasten two screws with cross -groove (EEJ ) at
tion and may scratch the film . Always keep this the bottom of the projector.
section clean with a blower or a soft brush.
2 Unfasten three screws with cross-groove (EBl. J Remove the upper cover after tak ing out the
the rotary switch screw (8 ) and the lamp com - lamp compartment cover and rotary switch knob .
partment cover screw (8 ) on the top of the pro -
4 Reset the belt and terminals as shown in the il -
lustrations . 5 Replace the upper cover and all screws on the
projector .
Frequency is set at 50 cps when the belt is around
the outer groove of the pulley and the red cord is
on the left .
Frequency is set at 60 cps wh en the belt is around
the inner groove of the pulley and the blue cord is
on the left .