OS Concepts Test 7
OS Concepts Test 7
OS Concepts Test 7
2. The first official version of UNIX introduced was in ___.
3. The command ___ is used to find a specified string of characters in a file.
4. ___ is a family of IEEE standars that define a portable operating system inte
5. For multiprogramming systems, most UNIX operating systems use either ___ mana
swapping or demand paging memory
6. UNIX uses a ___ to keep track of which processes are using which program code
, and the....
text table
7. UNIX uses the ___ page replacement algorithm.
least recently used
8. When the UNIX processor Manager is deciding which process from the READY queu
e will be,,,,,
with the longest time spent on the secondary storage
9. in UNIX, a ___ table is allocated to each active process.
10. A ___ may occur if an event happens during the process's transition between
deciding to....
11. The ___ command allows the programmer to synchronize process execution by su
12. There is no return from a successful ___ call.
13. Subroutines that work with the operating system to supervise the transmissio
n of data....
device drivers
14. in UNIX, the file ___ contains the parameters that control resources such as
the number of....
15. When using a terminal, as the user types in each character, it is collected
in the ___
raw input
16. ___ are the device drivers that provide the interface to I/O hardware.
Special files
17. The UNIX file management system organizes the disk into blocks of 512 bytes
each and....
reserved for booting
18. Using ___ in a path name will move you upward in the hierarchy.
19. The maximum number of bytes that can be allocated to a single file in UNIX i
s ___.
20. The ___ command is used to delete a file or directory.
21. The following command ___, will copy the contents of chapt1 and chapt2 into
a file named sectiona.
cat chapt1 chapt2 > sectiona
22. The following command ___ will store the names of all users logged on to the
system in the file called temporary.
who > temporary
23. A ___ is several programs simultaneously processing the same I/O stream.
24. If a program's execution is expected to take a long time, you can start its
execution and then....
25. The command ___ is used to lower the priority of a process.
26. ___ was initially responsible for the popularity of MS-DOS.
27. ___ directories was/were supported by version 1.0 of MS-DOS.
28. Although MS-DOS is no longer widly used, many windows operating systems offe
r a ___.....
DOS emulator
29. The portion of DOS that users interact with is ___.
30. The DOS kernel is read into memory at initialization time from the ___ file
residing in the ....
31. The ___ operating system was developed by IBM and microsoft to replace MS-DO
32. The Memory Manager uses a ___ memory allocation scheme.
33. ___ is usually very small in size and contains a program, a section of BIOS,
with the sole task of starting up the system.
34. The ___ version of MS-DOS began to support dynamic memory allocation.
35. Programs with the ___ extension are given all of the TPA, whether or not the
y need it.
36. When a block is formed its first five bytes contain information about the bl
ock, the ___ is contained in byte zero if it is the last block.
37. If a block contains four paragraphs and is the first of two blocks, then its
code would be ___.
38. A personal computer has ___ interrupts and interrupt handlers.
39. ___ interrupts are generated by certain events occurring during a program's
execution, such as division by zero.
Internal hardware
40. A ___ interrupt handler's function is to terminate a process without releas
ing its memory, thus providing memory-resident programming facilities.
Terminate and Stay Resident
41. BIOS is stored in ___.
42. The name for a device driver that can be incorporated into the operating sys
tem as needed without having to patch or change the existing operating system is
43. In the MS-DOS file management scheme, the symbol ___ follows the drive name.
44. A file's relative name consists of its ___.
primary name and extension
45. There are ___ disk sectors grouped into a cluster.
two to eight
46. Every time the CPU is powered up or is reset, the commands in the ___ file a
re executed automatically by the system.
47. The ___ contains status information about the disk's sectors that are alloca
ted, free, and can't be allocated because of formatting errors.
File Allocation Table
48. ___ is the append symbol.
49. A(n) ___ can cause the standard output from one command to be used as standa
rd input to another command; its symbol is a vertical bar (|).
50. The ___ command allows the user to set up a series of files for printing whi
le freezing up COMMAND.COM to accept other commands.