Kate Kelly - Old World and New - Early Medical Care, 1700-1840 (The History of Medicine) (2009) PDF
Kate Kelly - Old World and New - Early Medical Care, 1700-1840 (The History of Medicine) (2009) PDF
Kate Kelly - Old World and New - Early Medical Care, 1700-1840 (The History of Medicine) (2009) PDF
Old WOrld
and neW
early Medical care,
Old WOrld
and neW
early Medical care,
Kate Kelly
OLD WORLD AND NEW: Early Medical Care, 1700–1840
R148.K45 2010
610—dc22 2009005163
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Preface viii
Acknowledgments xii
Introduction xiii
2 advanCeMents in Midwifery,
anatoMy, and surgery 21
Midwifery Begins to Change 22
The Chamberlen Family Secret 23
William Hunter (1718–1783): Notable Obstetrician 27
John Hunter (1728–1793): British Anatomist
and Surgeon 29
The Early Use of Anesthesia 33
Procuring Bodies for Study 34
The Doctors’ Riot 35
Conclusion 37
Chronology 129
Glossary 132
Further Resources 135
Index 140
Preface ix
for high school students and the general public how and when
various medical discoveries were made and how that information
affected health care of the time period. The set starts with primi-
tive humans and concludes with a final volume that presents read-
ers with the very vital information they will need as they must
answer society’s questions of the future about everything from
understanding one’s personal risk of certain diseases to the ethics
of organ transplants and the increasingly complex questions about
preservation of life.
Each volume is interdisciplinary, blending discussions of the
history, biology, chemistry, medicine and economic issues and pub-
lic policy that are associated with each topic. Early Civilizations,
the first volume, presents new research about very old cultures
because modern technology has yielded new information on the
study of ancient civilizations. The healing practices of primitive
humans and of the ancient civilizations in India and China are
outlined, and this volume describes the many contributions of
the Greeks and Romans, including Hippocrates’ patient-centric
approach to illness and how the Romans improved public health.
The Middle Ages addresses the religious influence on the prac-
tice of medicine and the eventual growth of universities that pro-
vided a medical education. During the Middle Ages, sanitation
became a major issue, and necessity eventually drove improve-
ments to public health. Women also made contributions to the
medical field during this time. The Middle Ages describes the
manner in which medieval society coped with the Black Death
(bubonic plague) and leprosy, as illustrative of the medical think-
ing of this era. The volume concludes with information on the
golden age of Islamic medicine, during which considerable medical
progress was made.
The Scientific Revolution and Medicine describes how disease
flourished because of an increase in population, and the book
describes the numerous discoveries that were an important aspect
of this time. The volume explains the progress made by Andreas
Vesalius (1514–64) who transformed Western concepts of the
structure of the human body; William Harvey (1578–1657), who
Old World and New
studied and wrote about the circulation of the human blood; and
Ambroise Paré (1510–90), who was a leader in surgery. Syphilis
was a major scourge of this time, and the way that society coped
with what seemed to be a new illness is explained. Not all beliefs
of this time were progressive, and the occult sciences of astrology
and alchemy were an important influence in medicine, despite
scientific advances.
Old World and New describes what was happening in the col-
onies as America was being settled and examines the illnesses
that beset them and the way in which they were treated. How-
ever, before leaving the Old World, there are several important
figures who will be introduced: Thomas Sydenham (1624–89)
who was known as the English Hippocrates, Herman Boerhaave
(1668–1738) who revitalized the teaching of clinical medicine, and
Johann Peter Frank (1745–1821) who was an early proponent of
the public health movement.
Medicine Becomes a Science begins during the era in which
scientists discovered that bacteria was the cause of illness. Until
150 years ago, scientists had no idea why people became ill. This
volume describes the evolution of “germ theory” and describes
advances that followed quickly after bacteria was identified,
including vaccinations, antibiotics, and an understanding of the
importance of cleanliness. Evidence-based medicine is introduced
as are medical discoveries from the battlefield.
Medicine Today examines the current state of medicine and
reflects how DNA, genetic testing, nanotechnology, and stem cell
research all hold the promise of enormous developments within
the course of the next few years. It provides a framework for teach-
ers and students to understand better the news stories that are
sure to be written on these various topics: What are stem cells,
and why is investigating them so important to scientists? And
what is nanotechnology? Should genetic testing be permitted?
Each of the issues discussed are placed in context of the ethical
issues surrounding it.
Each volume within the History of Medicine set includes an
index, a chronology of notable events, a glossary of significant
Preface xi
T his book and the others in the series were made possible
because of the guidance, inspiration, and advice offered by
many generous individuals who have helped me better understand
science and medicine and their histories. I would like to express
my heartfelt appreciation to Frank Darmstadt, whose vision and
enthusiastic encouragement, patience, and support helped shape
the series and saw it through to completion. Thank you, too, to the
Facts On File staff members who worked on this set.
The line art and the photographs for the entire set were pro-
vided by two very helpful professionals. The artist Bobbi McCutch-
eon provided all the line art; she frequently reached out to me from
her office in Juneau, Alaska, to offer very welcome advice and
support as we worked through the complexities of the renderings.
A very warm thank you to Elizabeth Oakes for finding a wealth
of wonderful photographs that helped bring the information to
life. Carol Sailors got me off to a great start, and Carole Johnson
kept me sane by providing able help on the back matter of all the
books. Agent Bob Diforio has remained steadfast in his shepherd-
ing of the work.
I also want to acknowledge the wonderful archive collections
that have provided information for the book. Without places such
as the Sophia Smith Collection at the Smith College Library, first-
hand accounts of the Civil War battlefield treatment or reports
such as Lillian Gilbreth’s on helping the disabled after World War
I would be lost to history.
A t the beginning of the 18th century, the world was poised for
great change. Societal shifts—from changes in attitude and
a willingness to question to the very real expansion of geographic
boundaries—were occurring everywhere. The revival of interest
in ancient Greece and Rome that began in the 1500s eventually
broke the dominance that the Catholic religion had exerted in west-
ern Europe during the Middle Ages, and this enabled people to ask
new questions and be open to alternative answers. Explorers were
returning from lands never imagined with reports of peoples and
samples of plants and other products that sparked scientists, phy-
sicians, and merchants to look for new uses for both old and new
substances. Agricultural techniques improved, requiring fewer
people to grow food and freeing more to migrate to cities.
Science was forever changed by the realization that Aristotle’s
method of deductive reasoning (a process that accepts a hypoth-
esis and then builds the case to support it) was less helpful with
“real life.” Galileo and his contemporaries realized, in nature
and in human health, it was enormously difficult to determine
“simple true statements” about how things worked. With a major
push from Sir Francis Bacon, the scientists of the day adopted
inductive reasoning, which is the deductive method in reverse. In
inductive reasoning, a scientist starts with many observations of
nature and through this fact-gathering process creates observa-
tions that can be tested to prove how nature works. Since 1600, the
inductive method has been incredibly successful in investigating
nature, surely far more successful than its originators could have
xiv Old World and New
Old World and New
■ febrile diseases
■ neuroses, or nervous diseases
■ diseases produced by bad bodily habits
■ local diseases
ance of the four humors, and physicians used leeches for several
thousand years because they believed it could remedy complaints
like headaches and gout. Just as the physician gave careful thought
to the opening of a vein, they also carefully considered how and
where to use leeches. They felt they had some understanding of
how much each leech consumed, so they prescribed both the num-
ber of leeches to be used and where they should be placed. Leeches
drop off when they are full, so this gave surgeons an added feeling
of confidence in using them.
Leeches were used for epilepsy, hemorrhoids, obesity, tuber-
culosis, and headaches. If a person was suffering a particularly
debilitating headache, leeches were applied inside the nostrils.
Edinburgh surgeon John Brown (1810–82) wrote of treating him-
self for a sore throat by having six leeches and a mustard plaster
placed on his neck. Then he had a dozen leeches placed behind
his ears, and he reported removing 16 ounces (0.47 l) of blood by
Leeches were so popular that apothecary shops kept a bowl
filled with live leeches, just as they kept on hand other medici-
nal mixtures. By the early part of the 19th century, the use of
leeches reached a peak. The type of leech that was so popular in
Europe, the Hirudo medicinalis, had been hunted to extinction
so they had to be imported. In North America, a native type of
leech was available, but American diseases were thought to be
particularly virulent, and the European leech was considered to
be more effective so there was also an American market for the
Hirudo medicinalis.
By the 1830s, the practice of bloodletting finally declined some-
what. Physicians were beginning to see that patients who were
bled did not necessarily recover more fully than those who under-
went other treatments.
palm of his own hand, Mesmer gazed into the patient’s eyes
and used his other hand to wave over the patients’ shoulders.
Sometimes he waved a magnetized pole over the patient, but
increasingly he used only the power of his hands to help restore
the movement of the bodily fluid. Sometimes, he also pressed his
fingers into the area below the patient’s diaphragm for as long
as an hour or two. Treatments generally concluded with music,
but it should not be assumed that these sessions ended peace-
fully. Mesmer believed that when ill, a person got worse before
getting better, so a fever might have gone higher or an insane
person might have experienced a fit of madness before showing
signs of improvement.
Mesmer’s first practice was in Vienna, but he soon was forced
to move on. He claimed he had restored the sight to a blind musi-
cian, but when this claim proved false, the community turned
against him. Mesmer moved to Paris in 1778 and established a
practice in a wealthy neighborhood. He hoped for the approval
of a scientific organization to add credibility to his work, but his
requests to the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society
of Medicine were both turned down. However, a well-respected
French physician Charles d’Eslon became his follower, which
added to Mesmer’s credibility.
Mesmer soon had a waiting list of patients so he devised ways to
treat groups of people collectively. One of the methods enabled him
to heal as many as 20 people at a time. For this purpose, Mesmer
created a large barrel-like vessel (Mesmer called it a baquet) that
had iron rods of different heights attached. The baquet was filled
with glass bottles arranged in a radial pattern sitting in water
on a bed of crushed glass, pounded sulfur, and iron filings; each
rod had magnets at its base. The patients were each assigned to
hold onto one of the rods, and the rod was selected for the patient
based on area of illness—those with headaches were given a rod
that could be placed against the head; those with gastric distress
used a rod that could be placed on their midsection, etc. (When
Mesmer updated this invention he added a Leyden jar that served
(continues on page 12)
10 Old World and New
four-year-old girl who, without awareness, implicated her
mother. The little girl then confessed to being a witch herself
so that she would not be separated from her parent.
Recent scholars have offered various theories as to the
girls’ behavior. Many felt it was hysteria, though a few have
looked for illness that might have caused their reactions. One
scientist posited that the girls might have ingested bread that
was made of moldy grain; one particular kind of mold con-
tains a chemical compound that can have a hallucinogenic
effect. Most scientists discount this theory, but one book
offers another idea. A Fever in Salem by Laurie Winn Carlson
suggests that those who acted bewitched may have suffered
from encephalitis lethargica, a disease with somewhat simi-
lar symptoms. Still others have suggested that the girls had
Huntington’s chorea.
The theories will undoubtedly continue to be explored, but
in the meantime there is no diminishment of fascination with
the witches of Salem. The community reactions were not sur-
prising considering the lack of information about diseases,
about healing, or about any kind of mental problems—includ-
ing hysteria—from which the girls may have been suffering.
and given specific places to sit. After everyone was in place, Mes-
mer entered the room wearing a flowing lilac-colored silk robe and
ornate gold slippers. His arrival often sent people into hysterics.
If someone became very upset, Mesmer’s valet had to remove the
person to what was a soundproof, padded room; frequently several
in the group had to be removed.
His business grew to the point that he was seeing 200 people
or more a day, yet the demand still exceeded what he could satisfy.
The press referred to it as “Mesmeromania.” To satisfy patients—
and line his pockets—Mesmer created and sold a baquet for home
use, and he started the Society of Universal Harmony where he
trained others in his method. By 1789 (the beginning of the French
Revolution), the society had graduated 480 people. Mesmer also
magnetized several trees around Paris and announced that they,
too, were healing.
Mesmer appealed to the high society of the day, and the king’s
wife attended sessions. When rumors began that hinted that Mes-
mer was actually conducting sexual orgies, the king was compelled
to investigate. Louis XVI decided that the best person to inves-
tigate was Benjamin Franklin, a well-respected American who
understood science and was currently in Paris as the American
ambassador to France. Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (see chapter
7), Jean-Sylvain Bailly, and Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, who cre-
ated the guillotine (the device that would later bring an end to
both Lavoisier and Bailly), were asked to serve on the panel with
Franklin. Because Mesmer was so popular, the king did not charge
the panel with investigating Mesmer’s practice. They were simply
charged with examining whether a new force in physics had been
discovered, as Mesmer claimed.
Mesmer was alarmed by the investigation and refused to coop-
erate, so the panel worked with his devoted follower Dr. D’Eslon.
The first method the men devised for testing mesmerism was to
experience the process. Franklin had long suffered from gout, so
he attended a session but reported no improvement. Next they
examined the healing process of magnetized trees. One tree in
Franklin’s garden was magnetized, and a young boy, age 12, was
14 Old World and New
asked to identify the one that had the strongest magnetic force. The
boy walked toward a tree, claimed he felt the force, and promptly
fainted. Unfortunately for Mesmer, the boy had gravitated toward
the wrong tree.
Though discredited, mesmerism continued to be used in vari-
ous forms and with different practitioners. In 1841, Dr. James
Braid (1795–1860) witnessed mesmerism and developed what is
now known as hypnotism. (The system used by Mesmer did not
involve hypnotism although it is sometimes indicated that it did.)
Gall’s Life
Franz Gall was born in Baden, Germany, and as a second-born
son he traditionally would have joined the priesthood. Gall
decided to study medicine instead, and he began to develop his
theory that each person’s external characteristics were symp-
tomatic of individual talents. He concluded that prominent eyes
indicated a powerful memory, and Gall came to believe that the
brain consisted of 27 different “organs,” each corresponding to a
discrete human faculty. The cranial bone conformed in order to
accommodate the different sizes of these particular areas of the
brain in different individuals, so a person’s capacity for a par-
ticular personality trait could be determined by using a caliper to
measure the part of the skull that covered that part of the brain.
Gall eventually created a mind map with traits and correspond-
ing numbers. As a phrenologist felt the skull, he could refer to
a numbered diagram showing where each functional area was
believed to be located.
Gall’s ideas were condemned by both science and religion. Sci-
ence felt he had no proof; religion felt the theory was contrary to
a belief in God. Because of this disapproval, Gall left his teach-
ing position in Austria in 1805 with colleague Johann Spurzheim
(1776–1832). He scheduled lectures elsewhere in Europe that were
16 Old World and New
The Psycograph
otherwise would have been, and it paved the way for new think-
ing on this topic.
While this era began with many elements that involved cling-
ing to the clinical methods of the past—mysticism and the fear
of witchcraft among them—there were also early signs of sound
20 Old WOrld and neW
22 Old World and New
and they became known for their skills at helping with difficult
births. Peter the elder moved to London in 1596 and became sur-
geon and accoucheur to Queen Anne, wife of James I, and he was
soon joined by his brother. Peter the elder was eventually commit-
ted to prison for prescribing medicines that were contrary to the
rules of the College of Physicians. The Lord Mayor interceded, and
he was released. Then, the College of Physicians tried to have the
younger Chamberlen put in prison to make up for the elder getting
out, but their plan did not come to fruition.
Exactly which family member developed the obstetrical for-
ceps and the year in which it was done are shrouded in mystery
because the family carefully guarded their secret. Biographers
write that the Chamberlens would arrive by carriage at the house
of the expectant woman. They brought with them a wooden box
so big that it had to be carried by two people. The box was adorned
with gilded carvings, and it was rumored to contain a complicated
machine that would help with childbirth. The laboring woman
was blindfolded so that she could not see the secret device, and the
Chamberlens requested that family members step out of the room
before they set up for the birth process; then the door was locked.
The Chamberlens were either showmen or people’s imaginations
ran wild, as those nearby reported that they heard ringing bells
and other sinister sounds as the secret was put to work.
Peter the younger fathered another Peter who went into the
family business and served Queen Henrietta Maria. His reputation
was such that he was asked by the czar of Russia to attend a family
birth; Charles I did not give permission. This Peter Chamberlen
also worked to create a Corporation of London Midwives, but this
move also met with great resistance from the College of Physi-
cians and other midwives who decided they preferred remaining
His son, Hugh, continued the family tradition. It seems that
in 1670 he visited Paris, hoping to sell the family secret to the
French government. François Mauriçeau, a well-respected obste-
trician in France, asked Hugh to oversee the delivery of a baby
of a dwarf with a very deformed pelvis, perhaps as some sort of
test. Hugh was unable to provide effective help. Whether Hugh
26 Old World and New
failed to make the sale to the French because he failed to save the
dwarf or because Mauriçeau had no respect for him is unknown;
some sources report that Mauriçeau accused Chamberlen of being
a swindler and was aghast that the family would keep such an
important invention a secret.
Chamberlen seemed to hold no ill will toward Mauriçeau, and
he brought back a copy of Mauriçeau’s very excellent book on
obstetrics. In 1672, Hugh translated and arranged to publish it,
including the following apology:
that were light and airy, and breast-feeding was encouraged. The
light, airy rooms eventually made way for light, airy, and sanitary
rooms, and the idea of breast-feeding was a return to the past that
benefited both mother and baby.
fer, and it was determined that he was spending too long in the
autopsy rooms, so, in 1760, he pursued an appointment to be a
staff surgeon in the military. England was involved in wars on
several fronts at the time, and first John was sent to Belle Île, a
small island off the coast of France, and later he was transferred
to Portugal, where he helped with the wounded. His war-related
experience was later reflected in his Treatise on the Blood, Inflam-
mation and Gun-Shot Wounds, which was not published until 1794,
the year after his death.
When he returned to London, he continued doing surgery
and dissections, but, during his free time in the military, he had
become fascinated with the animals and natural history of the
areas where he was stationed. This fascination continued, and he
acquired an assortment of animals to study (including leopards,
jackals, goats, and rams), as well as ducks and geese so that he
could gather their eggs to conduct embryological studies. While in
the military, John had undertaken embryological studies of eels,
so he also made arrangements with a fishmonger to bring in eels
every month as he continued to attempt to identify the eels’ ova-
Surgery was still usually taught by one physician giving a lecture while
another person demonstrated what should be done using a cadaver.
Advancements in Midwifery, Anatomy, and Surgery 31
ries. Because he had no more powerful tool than the naked eye
for his dissections, he was never able to achieve this goal. Hunter
helped found the Royal Veterinary College and did notable work
on animals as diverse as whales and opossums.
In the winter of 1773, John became annoyed that others were
teaching his surgical methods, sometimes incorrectly, so he decided
to organize a lecture series to teach his systematic principles of
surgery. Because lecturing made him so uncomfortable, his biog-
rapher, Everard Home, wrote that he had to take 30 drops of lau-
danum (opium) before each lecture.
Bodies were not easy to come by, and even esteemed physi-
cians such as the Hunters had to resort to underhanded means to
obtain bodies. (See “Procuring Bodies for Study” on page 34) In
1783, John Hunter was said to have bribed an undertaker £500
for a particularly noteworthy specimen—the corpse of an Irish
giant who was so oversized that he had been a circus attraction.
The giant had wished to be buried at sea, but Hunter bribed the
right people, was able to conduct some study of the cadaver, and
eventually put the skeleton on display.
By the end of his career, John Hunter had many accomplishments.
He was first to use surgical ligation to correct an aneurysm (1785);
wrote Natural History of the Human Teeth (two volumes, 1771 and
1778), which advanced dentistry; studied and wrote about digestion
delivering a paper, On the Digestion of the Stomach after Death, to the
Royal Society in 1772. He studied comparative anatomy, the lym-
phatic system, and examined inflammation and gunshot wounds.
He also studied venereal disease. There are conflicting reports on
how his study was conducted. Some say he injected diseased pus
into a nephew and observed the fellow’s reaction over time. Another
report had it that he injected himself with infected pus and then had
to delay his marriage until he had undergone a cure. (There actually
was an unexpectedly long—three years—delay between his engage-
ment and his marriage, but no one knows the reason.)
John was committed to improving medical education and insti-
tuted a medical society, Lyceum Medicum Londinense. In 1783, he
32 Old World and New
purchased a home that was large enough to house his growing col-
lection of specimens and also built rooms for conducting classes.
By 1792, he had turned all lecturing duties over to Sir Everard
Home so that he could perform surgery and write. The part of
the home he dedicated to his collection became a comprehensive
museum of comparative anatomy featuring items from Belle Île
and Portugal as well as local specimens. At the time of his death,
the museum contained some 14,000 preparations, most of which
had been prepared by Hunter himself.
Biographer Everard Home eventually burned many of John
Hunter’s notes. Some biographers feel that his own work was heav-
ily based on Hunter’s work and therefore he could not afford for
people to see Hunter’s original notes.
ing pain to the patient, these early operations with the patient
under ether were frequently performed in front of audiences.
man’s arm or leg tumbled out upon them. The cry of bar-
barity &c was soon spread—the young sons of Galen fled
in every direction—one took refuge up a chimney—the
mob raisd—and the Hospital apartments were ransacked.
The mob reassembled on Monday and more destruction
an alteration in the law since there were not enough bodies. The
final straw came in the late 1820s when two resurrectionists,
Burke and Hare, in Edinburgh decided the way to get truly fresh
corpses, which commanded more money, was by murder. This
and the “London Burkers” that followed (London Burkers were
body snatchers who continued the practice of Burke and Hare and
murdered victims so they would have bodies to sell to anatomists)
stressed the importance of passing the Anatomy Act of 1832,
which allowed that unclaimed bodies and those donated by rela-
tives could be used for the study of anatomy. Anatomy teachers
also needed to be licensed by this rule. All these new laws led to a
decrease in the practice of body-snatching.
“Don’t think, try the experiment,” were favorite words of John
Hunter, and that well explains the spirit of the times when it came
to issues of anatomy, surgery, and childbirth. The physicians were
pushing forward to learn more, and, while not all the things they
learned provided them with helpful answers, the work they did
certainly began to point them in a new and improved direction.
Changes in Battlefield Medicine
Changes in Battlefield Medicine 3
with transport, and camels mostly replaced the other pack animals
as well since they were more useful in the desert.
Larrey had planned the ambulance corps so that they could
follow the most rapid guard within the army. The corps could also
separate into smaller divisions, and since every medical officer
was mounted and commanded a carriage, they were quickly able
to reach the wounded with all the necessary supplies. In 1799,
in Egypt where Larrey’s flying ambulance corps operated, it was
reported that none of the injured were left for more than a quarter
of an hour without being dressed. Larrey’s ambulances were com-
manded with the control and coordination of a seasoned field com-
mander and their speed and flexibility permitted them to travel
where needed.
Larrey was not alone in experimenting with ways to get injured
men off the battlefield. Another French military physician Baron
F. P. Percy also introduced a casualty transport system. Percy’s
method worked from the concept of being a mobile hospital. Medi-
cal professionals were transported to an area near a battle, and
litter bearers went out to pick up the wounded and bring them to
the chosen location. Larrey’s method involved providing initial
treatment before transport, which ultimately was more effective,
Because travel was slow, this type of tented ambulance provided a way
to travel greater distances with a patient.
life and death, and this, to a large degree, was what drove his cre-
ation of the ambulance system. A few years later, he established a
24-hour principle that set the standard that an amputation should
occur within 24 hours of a limb being shattered. Larrey was also
the first surgeon to successfully amputate a leg at the hip, and he
made many contributions in the treatment of leg fractures.
Larrey was a fellow who achieved recognition during his life-
time. Larrey was popular with the men because the very sight of
the flying ambulance corps provided the men with hope—the first
time their personal fears had been addressed. When Napoléon’s
troops were fleeing Russia over the last bridge crossing the Ber-
ezina River in 1812, Baron Larrey was specially lifted overhead
by the crowd of troops so that he could get safely across before the
other men.
At Waterloo, the duke of Wellington noted Larrey and ordered
his soldiers not to fire in his direction to give him time to gather
up the wounded. Napoléon himself was a fan of Larrey and once
commented: “If the army ever erects a monument to express its
gratitude, it should do so in honor of Larrey.”
manipulated by fraud;
other times, pressure
to reduce government
expenses affected the
quantity or quality
of food purchased for
troops in the field.
In addition to pro-
viding the men with
regular meals, the
military began build-
ing barracks that were
designed to house the
troops when they were
at their home base.
(Before this, armies
used to rent out inns or
place troops in homes
of residents.) The first
British barracks were
introduced in Ireland
in 1713 due to a short-
age of barns and inns.
New clothing for
the soldiers was a A leg amputation from Principles and Practice
worthy investment. of Modern Surgery (1860) by Robert Druitt
(American Civil War Surgical Antiques)
Health practitioners
soon learned that those
entering the military needed to be bathed, and, because of lice
infestations, it was a good idea to simply burn the clothing they
were wearing on arrival. New clothing provided something for the
men to wear, and a preplanned color provided easy identification
on the battlefield. Because battles at that time were much more
confrontational, ready identification was considered a plus until
the Americans instituted the ambush style of attack where being
able to lurk in the background was advantageous.
52 Old World and New
Unfortunately for the men, the uniforms were designed for the
benefit of the country paying the bill. The priorities for select-
ing uniforms were affordability and making the men identifiable.
The companies that made the uniforms frequently worked with
cotton. The price for cotton was low, but the cloth provided lit-
tle warmth and no protection against cold or rain. Tight buttons
and belts often restricted breathing. Many units were assigned to
wear tight stockings, which restricted the blood flow and provided
insufficient padding to the bottoms of the soldiers’ feet. The shoes
themselves were not created for miles and miles of walking, and
they provided little protection from frostbite and trench foot. The
headgear selected was sometimes heavy, and none provided protec-
tion from shell fragments and bullets.
Better Health
The custom of putting new soldiers through a physical examina-
tion resulted from the fact that governments began noticing that
those who joined the military tended to be underfed and often
bug-infested. At first, each company commander was ordered to
give a quick examination to each new recruit. In 1726, the French
army began assigning a physician to conduct the examinations,
and, approximately 40 years later (1764), they began assessing the
recruits for physical fitness. The Prussian government instituted
regular physical examinations of all soldiers in 1788, and, in 1790,
the British army finally fell in line with what the other countries
were doing and added mandatory medical examinations for those
entering the British army.
As previously discussed, few armies organized transport sys-
tems to move the wounded off the field. It often took several days
for the injured to reach the closest hospital (usually a nearby
house or barn commandeered for this purpose), and it was not
unusual for a third of the patients to die in transit from the
front to the rear hospitals. More and more armies were begin-
ning to organize mobile field hospitals that could be located near
the battles, but few had enough staff to adequately address the
injuries that were occurring on the battlefield. Military hospitals
Changes in Battlefield Medicine 53
remained unsanitary,
and disease continued
to be the major threat
to military manpower.
In 1743, after the
Battle of Dettingen,
the last time a British
monarch personally led
his men into battle, an
agreement was made
to declare medical per- Field Hospital after the Battle of June 27—
sonnel noncombatants Savage Station, Virginia, June 30, 1862 (The
and to give wounded Civil War Home Page)
enemy soldiers medi-
cal treatment and return them after they recovered from their
injuries. This created a need for more medical personnel in order
that there would be enough staff to treat soldiers from both sides
of the battlefield.
10-year-old Philadelphia
Medical College, and another
group—fewer than 300—were
mainly graduates of European
medical schools where admis-
sion requirements included a
knowledge of the classics and
enough money to pay for the
degree, which was heavy on
theory and light on any clini-
cal training.
Besides caring for those
wounded in battle, the camp
surgeon was responsible for
caring for the camp’s diseased
soldiers. The camp surgeon
was constantly on the alert for
unsanitary conditions in camp
that might lead to disease.
Common diseases suffered by
Florence Nightingale was a pioneer in soldiers were dysentery, fever,
the field of nursing. Her observations and smallpox, brought about by
of the care of the wounded during the bad sanitation. Hospitals were
Crimean War led her to campaign for
set up temporarily, usually in
better treatment for patients. (Photo
by Perry Pictures, Library of Congress a local home near the camp. If
Prints and Photographs Division) soldiers were sent on to an offi-
cial hospital, they were often
overcrowded, lacking in supplies and cleanliness, which increased
the death rate.
The most common type of surgery was the removal of musket
balls from wounds or the bandaging of stabs from bayonets. In
cases where the bone was damaged so severely that a limb could not
be saved, the surgeon performed an amputation without anesthe-
sia or any type of sterilization. Before an amputation, officers were
generally offered rum or brandy to numb the pain, but enlisted
men did without. Two fellow soldiers or two medical personnel
Changes in Battlefield Medicine 55
would hold the patient on the table, and a tourniquet was placed
four fingers above the line where the limb was to be removed.
Then the surgeon used his amputation knife to cut down to the
bone of the damaged limb. Arteries were moved aside by tacking
them away from the main area with crooked needles. The surgeon
used a bone saw; a small one was used on arms, a bigger one to
remove a leg above the knee. A good surgeon could make the cut in
about 45 seconds. Then arteries were buried in tissue skin flapped
over and sutured. The stump was bandaged with linen, and the
patient, whose temperature generally plummeted and went into
shock, was stabilized when possible. Only 35 percent of the people
who went through this procedure survived.
The Continental Congress created the hospital department for
the army. The original department consisted of administrators
and a corps of physicians for the Continental army. The army
physicians did not wear uniforms until 1816, and they were not
given military rank until 1847. Over time this department began
to establish acceptable treat-
ments of injuries and illnesses
and a formalized list of quali-
fications for physicians.
Dr. Benjamin Church
(1734–78) is a name that
frequently surfaces in writ-
ings about the Revolutionary
War. He was an active mem-
ber of the Sons of Liberty and
counted John Adams, Samuel
Adams, John Hancock, and
Paul Revere among his col-
leagues. He was the first physi-
cian on the scene at the Boston
Massacre of 1770 and tended
to the wounded and dying. He
was a well-respected member Dr. Benjamin Church (National Library
of the Boston Committee of of Medicine)
56 Old World and New
Though earlier devices had been created to reduce the amount of smoke
or noxious air breathed in by soldiers or firefighters, this device was
created in 1854 by Scottish chemist John Stenhouse. It used charcoal to
filter smoke or noxious gases.
Changes in Battlefield Medicine 57
used to treat sewage in some places, so he created a solution
of carbolic acid and began to spray surgical tools, surfaces,
and even surgical incisions with his newly created mixture.
For the next nine months, his patients at the Glasgow Royal
Infirmary remained clear of sepsis.
At first, London and the United States resisted this theory;
though they quibbled less about the theory of germs, they
disagreed with the use of carbolic acid. To overcome this
resistance, Lister arrived to become chair of clinical surgery
at King’s College where he began performing surgery under
antiseptic circumstances, and, without much delay, his meth-
ods were accepted. Within just a few years, other surgeons
began using Lister’s antiseptic methods, and, in 1878, Robert
Koch demonstrated that steam could be used for sterilizing
surgical tools and dressings. (Koch was to go on to make
many other discoveries.)
While the methods of sterilization have changed over the
years, the concept of antiseptic surgery is still vital to suc-
cess in these procedures.
The changes that occurred in medical care on the battlefield were
of vital importance to the soldiers, and the new ideas and inven-
tions that were tested on the battlefield proved helpful in medi-
cal treatment for the general population. From the necessity of
treating the wounded soon after an injury to the process of ster-
ilization, these new methods were to have a lasting impact on the
world of medicine.
Curtailing the spread of disease
Curtailing the Spread of disease 61
Both typhus and typhoid fever were prevalent in the 18th and 19th
centuries. Typhus was transmitted by lice and fleas. Typhoid (as depicted
in the illustration) was transmitted via contaminated food.
What It Is and How It Spreads
Smallpox Today
Though no one yet understood the nature of contagion, scientists
and physicians—and nonprofessionals such as Lady Montagu—
were beginning to make some progress in finding ways to prevent
illness. While variolation and vaccination were high-risk experi-
ments when first begun, they eventually proved effective. Else-
where, simple matters of cleanliness and healthy eating began to
improve the health of the people of the day.
learning from yellow fever
learning from Yellow Fever 73
Epidemics of yellow fever were common in the Americas. This map shows
the cities that were particularly hard hit in North America in the 1790s
and the early 1800s.
vapors” coming from coffee beans that were rotting near the dock:
“Mrs. Bradford had spent an afternoon in a house directly oppo-
site to the wharf and dock on which the putrid coffee had emitted
its noxious effluvia, a few days before her sickness, and had been
much incommoded by it . . .” He then noted that Mrs. Bradford’s
sister had been exposed when she visited the house to see her
sister, and two young boys had spent whole days in a “compting
[counting] house” near where the coffee was exposed, and they
too had become ill.
Other physicians less powerful than Rush offered that the dis-
ease was being brought to Philadelphia by ships from the West
Indies where the disease occurred frequently. Though there was
disagreement on the cause—and generally speaking they felt the
cause was immaterial to the treatment—Rush and others did push
for sanitary reform that could have helped improve the situation,
although nothing was done differently until several years later.
Theories of Contagion
Once yellow fever occurred in a community, the transmission of
the disease was confusing. While scientists and physicians under-
stood that by observing the nature of the illness and the way that
it spread one could tell them a lot about a disease, yellow fever was
baffling. Physicians in the 18th century defined contagion as some-
thing that someone else had that could be transmitted “within a
distance of 10 paces.” Many people who had no contact with those
who were ill with yellow fever came down with the illness; those
who cared for the sick did not always get it, and the outbreaks
ended with cold weather. Physicians also noted that people who
fled did not carry the disease with them.
Those who believed it was contagious undertook to inoculate
themselves with blood, vomit, or saliva of yellow fever patients.
(They knew that vaccinating against smallpox had been success-
ful; see chapter 4.) Those who believed it was contagious felt the
sick were to be feared, and, as a result, the sick often died of neglect
because no one would go near them to offer help.
80 Old World and New
Rush’s Contributions
to Mental Health
There are those who argue that Rush’s approach to clinical med-
icine was correct—that he observed what was happening and
acted accordingly, and this placed science in the United States
on an improved path. However, all agree that Rush did not do
well at divining how disease should be treated. Bloodletting
was not the correct answer. The clinical contributions of Ben-
jamin Rush will continue to be debated, but there is one area
where Rush had a more positive impact, and that was in the
field of mental health. He is sometimes referred to as the father
of American psychiatry, and his image appears on the Ameri-
can Psychological Association (APA) seal. He published the first
textbook on the subject in the United States, Medical Inquiries
and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind (1812).
Rush was notable for his time in believing that mental ill-
nesses could be cured. Mental patients at that time were often
locked up or beaten, and Rush helped society move away from
this horrific type of treatment as he listened to the patients.
Unfortunately, as with his faith in bloodletting, Rush devel-
oped some questionable practices with these patients as well.
He believed mental illness could be forced out of a person,
and so one of his treatments for psychiatric illness involved
tying a patient to a board and spinning it rapidly so that all the
blood would go to the person’s head. He also devised chairs
that were suspended from the ceiling, and attendants were
assigned to supervise and swing and spin the mentally ill
patient for hours. A tranquilizer chair he created in 1811 locked
a person into a chair in a place where all light could be cut off,
much like the sensory deprivation tanks of today.
On a more positive note, Rush was the first to understand
the nature of addiction and further carried the idea that absti-
nence was the only cure.
82 Old World and New
Heroic Medicine
In treating one of his early cases of “bilious fever,” he was called
to see Polly, wife of Thomas Bradford. Rush switched from mild
Learning from Yellow Fever 83
In this and all other fevers, attended with a hard, full, quick
pulse, bleeding is of the greatest importance. This operation ought
always to be performed as soon as the symptoms of an inflamma-
tory fever appear. The quantity of blood to be taken away, how-
ever, must be in proportion to the strength of the patient and the
violence of the disease. If after the first bleeding the fever should
rise, and the pulse become more frequent and hard, there will
be a necessity for repeating it a second, and perhaps a third, or
even a fourth time, which may be done at the distance of twelve,
eighteen or twenty-four hours from each other, as the symptoms
require. If the pulse continues soft, and the patient is tolerably
easy after the first bleeding, it ought not be repeated.
Yellow fever was a baffling disease, and, since 18th-century physi-
cians had no understanding of how it spread, they were particu-
larly inept at devising treatments. While Benjamin Rush will long
be a name that is associated with important events concerning
American history, he lived at a time when the links between cause
and disease were not well understood. It was not until the turn
of the 20th century that answers were assembled in such a way
that diseases could be better contained. As a result, world travel
gained a shortcut as ships could finally make their way across the
isthmus of Panama.
early american Medical Care
88 Old World and New
These were the tools apothecaries and healers used to crush, grind, and
mix substances into medicinal cures.
Early American Medical Care 89
the word cure was largely curtailed, and this is for all intents and
purposes the end date for patent medicine bottles for human use
that are embossed (or labeled) with cure. However, enforcement
was still not specified, and some use of the term most likely did
occur after 1912–13, although not likely embossed on bottles after
this point. One of the first patent medicines prosecuted in 1913
was William Radam’s Microbe Killer, whose bottles claimed boldly
to “Cure All Diseases.”
A number of patent medicines were still available as late as the
1950s, sold under slightly different names, and today a few of these
medicines have morphed into something that is still on shelves:
Smith Brothers Cough Drops, Geritol, Absorbine, Bromo-Seltzer,
Carter’s Little Pills, Luden’s,
Phillips Milk of Magnesia,
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound, Vicks VapoRub.
Among the products that are
still available in soft drink
form but began life as a pat-
ent medicine are Hires Root
Beer, Coca-Cola (the original
contained cocaine), 7-Up, Dr.
Pepper, and tonic water (which
still contains quinine).
Ironically, Louis Pasteur’s
scientific germ theory of dis-
ease was introduced to Amer-
ica by patent medicine sellers.
One of the main ones was
William Radam, a Prussian
Louis Pasteur made many contri- émigré who lived in Texas.
butions to science and medicine. He was interested in Pasteur’s
One of his early discoveries was a discovery of the microbe, and
process now known as pasteuriza-
Radam developed a medica-
tion. Engraving by Heliogre Dujar-
din (Dibner Library of the History of tion to fight these entities. He
Science and Technology) patented the Microbe Killer in
Early American Medical Care 105
The state of early American medicine was quite poor. Physi-
cians lacked formal education and had little clinical training and
their misunderstandings about the nature of disease led them to
assume that more was better—a treatment that was helpful only
if the patient was lucky. Patent medicines offered an opportunity
to improve the state of medicine, but because the profit motive
quickly outweighed any true interest in healing, the concoctions
were thrown together in such a way that people either invested
in mixtures that were little more than water or they purchased
something that calmed them—and possibly addicted them to the
Patients who were tended to at home by loved ones and encour-
aged to rest and eat well were sometimes fortunate. However, their
fate depended largely on the virulence of whatever it was that had
laid them low. Survival was a matter of good fortune.
early thoughts on digestion
and respiration
early Thoughts on digestion and respiration 107
cider vinegar and honey for soldiers to drink and, while they had
little understanding of why it was healthful, it actually would have
provided both vitamins and energy that would have helped keep
the soldiers going. Food values and how the body processed food
was not well understood.
This chapter outlines what people at this time understood
about nutrition and the digestive and respiratory processes. An
army surgeon and a gunshot victim led the way to better under-
standing of digestion. Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern
chemistry, made important contributions to understanding
The midday meal was generally the biggest meal of the day.
While the affluent families would eat at home, stews were usu-
ally carried into the fields to feed the slaves and laborers. Supper,
served at the end of the day, generally consisted of leftovers from
dinner. Supper was generally more like a snack than a full meal,
and, if times were difficult, it might have been gruel (a mixture
made from boiling water with oats or cornmeal). Ale, cider, or
some variety of beer were always served.
2.5 feet (0.76 m) from where St. Martin was standing. Beaumont,
the fort doctor, was summoned right away, and he found that St.
Martin had a hole bigger “than the size of the palm of a man’s
hand.” In addition, part of the young man’s lung was damaged
and two ribs were broken. Beaumont did all he could to repair the
wound, but the injury was so great that Beaumont felt St. Martin
would be lucky to live 36 hours.
To everyone’s amazement, St. Martin pulled through. The
nature of the wound meant that he could no longer paddle canoes,
so Beaumont hired him as a handyman to work at the fort. A year
later, St. Martin was doing well, but the wound had still not com-
pletely closed. An opening into the stomach about 2.5 inches (6.35
cm) in circumference remained. Food and drink oozed out unless
the area was bandaged.
Keeping the test tube gastric juices at the same temperature as St.
Martin’s stomach, he introduced the same type of meat into both
“test environments.” He found that meat could be digested in the
stomach in about two hours; the meat in gastric juice in the test
tube took about 10 hours to digest. In September, St. Martin went
back to Canada where he married and began raising what grew to
be a large family.
Beaumont continued his army service, and, after stints in
Green Bay, St. Louis, and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, Beau-
mont was reunited with St. Martin who agreed to return—for a
fee—to continue the experiments. St. Martin and his family joined
Beaumont in 1829, and the experiments continued. During this
visit, Beaumont decided to observe “normal digestion.” St. Martin
would eat and then go back to work, and Beaumont would take
samples from St. Martin’s stomach at various times. This experi-
ment showed Beaumont that milk coagulates before the digestive
process, and vegetables take longer to digest than other foods. He
also noted that if St. Martin was stressed, digestion took longer.
In 1832, Beaumont took a leave from the military and traveled
with St. Martin to Washington. This time, Beaumont used oys-
ters, sausage, mutton, and salted pork to test digestion. In 1833,
Beaumont wrote about what he had learned, publishing Experi-
ments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of
The death of one of his children caused St. Martin to return to
Canada, and, though the two men expected to get together again, St.
Martin started asking for sums that exceeded what Beaumont could
pay, and, as a result, the two men never worked together again.
Beaumont died before St. Martin; St. Martin lived to be 86, 58
years after the gunshot accident. St. Martin maintained a warm
relationship with Beaumont’s family until his own death in 1880.
St. Martin’s family felt St. Martin had suffered enough, and they
did not want him to become a medical curiosity. They let his body
decompose for several days and then buried him in the Catholic
churchyard in a deep, unmarked grave and placed heavy rocks on
top of the coffin to prevent anyone from performing an autopsy.
112 Old World and New
Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier
The Father of Modern Chemistry
This was the device Lavoisier used to disprove the theory that humans
relied on phlogiston in order to live. The process involved heating
mercury for 12 days and releasing it slowly. Once Lavoisier ascertained
the phlogiston did not result from this process (as others said it would),
it cleared the way for him to identify oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Practical Science
At the age of 32, Pasteur became part of a program where science
faculty was expected to help apply their theoretical knowledge
to work to solve the practical scientific problems of business and
Early Thoughts on Digestion and Respiration 115
industry. Pasteur found this very exciting and spent two years
establishing a faculty to work with him in applied science. His
own research had to do with the process of fermentation—the
process which is used to produce alcohol from sugar but which
can also result in milk going sour. Chemists of the time could not
explain why this was a good thing with wine but a bad thing with
Pasteur proved that fermentation took place only when small
living things called microbes were present. Pasteur discovered that
spoilage organisms could be made inactive in wine by applying
heat at temperatures just below its boiling point. The process was
later applied to milk and remains an important part of keeping
milk supplies safe. Pasteur’s findings helped established a new
branch of science—microbiology.
While there were still many unknowns about the respiratory and
digestive processes, the 1700s and early 1800s were a time when
scientists and physicians were beginning to put together some
important pieces. No one could have dreamed of the opportunity
given to Beaumont to learn about the inner workings of human
digestion, and he and St. Martin contributed greatly to progress in
this area. The study of respiration took a new leap forward with
Lavoisier’s work. From here, scientists could begin to study how
oxidation takes place within the body—something they could not
have learned without Lavoisier.
the importance of public health
The Importance of Public Health 117
early awareness
The period from 1750 until the mid–19th century was a time of
unprecedented industrial, social, and political development. As
the Industrial Revolution picked up steam and an ever-increasing
number of people began to settle in the cities, the city governments
were not prepared to handle the influx of so many people. Dis-
eases like consumption, dysentery, smallpox, and typhus spread
quickly through crowded communities. Many of the poor died
from being undernourished, and the severe winters frequently led
to illnesses from which those with little means did not recover.
118 Old World and New
Urban Crowding
Housing for the majority of people who lived in the 19th century
was incredibly bad. Many houses were poorly built, to the point
of being unsafe. The rooms did not have lights or ventilation, and
many had a dank or damp feel. Most people had to live in group
housing, and, if a family did have their own space, they generally
had only one bed that everyone slept in together. (It was called
bundling.) Most houses had a fireplace that was used for cooking
and for heat.
Between the dampness and the close quarters, the living envi-
ronment encouraged the spread of diseases, and paying for medical
care was unthinkable for most. Governments were not prepared to
play a role in overseeing social welfare, so up until the first quar-
ter of the 19th century, most forms of public medical assistance
were provided by charitable organizations, idealistic doctors, and
clergymen who simply volunteered to help out.
A Lack of Sanitation
The streetscape and general town environment were shared by
rich and poor, and sanitation was poor. The exposure to disease-
carrying waste products became larger, as did the problem of
unclean air. Noxious gases from burning coal and other types of
industrial progress often caused a black or gray overlay to the air.
In London, as in most cities in western Europe, very little was
done to address these health concerns other than to force the more
unsanitary industries such as leather tanning, glue-making, and
candle-making out of the city into areas that were slightly less
Eventually, outbreaks of large-scale infectious diseases began
to force change. In the 1830s, typhus and cholera became rampant,
and governments and local councils began to pay attention to the
120 Old World and New
During the 18th and early 19th century, poor children were
sent to work at a very young age. Some ran errands, swept
roads, or sold flowers on the street. Many worked alongside
their parents, sewing clothes or helping to make shoes that
the family would sell. As the Industrial Revolution required
more and more workers, many children began to work in fac-
tories, often running dangerous machinery. Hours were long
and pay was poor.
Most poor children were in terrible health. They were
often malnourished, and rickets (softening of the bones) was
prevalent because of inadequate diets.
Sometimes children were sought out for jobs because
being small was helpful in doing the work. Chimney sweeps
loved having small children to go up into the chimneys to
clean them. In factories, cotton-spinning machines were
best operated by tiny fingers, and, because children learned
quickly, they were put to work in these jobs. Factory opera-
tors often looked for children between the ages of six and 12
for this type of work.
The first effort to advocate for children came from chari-
table groups who organized missions where they provided
employment—but it was thought, better employment—for
children. While this may have kept the children from nefarious
factory bosses who exploited them, it still prevented them
from attending school or obtaining more helpful training.
Over time, governments began to put laws in place that
were somewhat protective. In England, the Factory Act of
1833 proclaimed that children could not work until the age of
nine and that children between the ages of nine and 13 could
work only 48 hours a week. This was the first of several child
labor laws to be enacted, but misuse of children continued
into the 20th century.
122 Old World and New
on what was learned. The Report of a General Plan for the Promo-
tion of Public and Personal Health (1850) put forward 50 recom-
mendations and a model for state public health laws.
In England and America, these reports began to have definite
impacts on the governments, establishing a framework for an
improvement in the field of public health.
This was the type of map John Snow used to identify the location of
those who died from cholera. Using that information, he was able to trace
cholera back to the pumps that were supplied with water from a company
that took the liquid from a polluted part of the Thames.
the pulse rate drops and lethargy sets in. Near death, the patient
displays the classic cholera look, which features puckered blue lips
in a face that becomes very skeletonlike.
John Snow (1813–58), a British physician, was particularly
puzzled by cholera, but he also was exploring a completely differ-
ent theory about the spread of illness. Snow believed that disease
could be carried by contaminated food or water, and in 1849 he
published a small pamphlet “On the Mode of Communication of
Cholera.” Most professionals still believed that disease was trans-
mitted by contaminated vapors. While a few scientists took note
of Snow’s idea that the Cholera poison was being spread by con-
taminated food or water, he was largely ignored.
Then in 1854, England experienced a terrible outbreak of
cholera, and Snow set about investigating the epidemic and map-
ping out the locations of those who were dying of the illness. At
the time, the London public received water from two water com-
panies. One took water from the Thames, upstream of the city;
the second company also took water from the Thames, but their
source was downstream of the city. The cases of cholera seemed to
be clustered around the pumps and wells that collected their water
from the downstream source. Snow also noted that one particular
water pump seemed to be in the center of an extraordinarily high
outbreak of the disease. According to his map, there were up to
500 deaths from cholera during a 10-day period near a pump at
Cambridge and Broad Streets.
As a first step, Snow suggested that public officials remove the
pump handle from the Broad Street pump, and, to everyone’s great
surprise and relief, the number of cases in the area near the Broad
Street pump began to drop quickly. While later scientists would
verify Snow’s suspicion that the causative factor for the spread of
cholera was an unknown agent in the water, the decrease in cases
after the change of the pump handle likely had to do with the fact
that people did not wash their hands often. The pump handle must
have been highly contaminated.
As Snow pushed for cleaner water, other scientists were work-
ing to explain what Snow suspected. In 1883, the chemist Robert
The Importance of Public Health 127
During the mid-19th century, Europe was experiencing a time of
great unrest. Revolutions in France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and
the Habsburg Austrian Empire created harsh living conditions for
most of the population, which eventually brought greater focus
to the issues involved in public health. The Irish Potato Famine
(1845–51) also contributed to additional awareness of the need
for reform. When Ireland’s crops failed, it caused the deaths of
1 million people, with another 1 million leaving the country in
coffin ships to try and escape the great hunger. While few were
particularly concerned about the poor, leading citizens and gov-
ernments began to realize that something needed to be done to
improve life for everyone. Slowly, new public health laws began
to be put in place.
130 Old World and New
Glossary 133
136 Old World and New
Other Resources
Collins, Gail. America’s Women 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Help-
mates, and Heroines. New York: William Morrow, 2003. Collins’s
book contains some very interesting stories about women and
their roles in health care during the early days of America.
Index 11
Montagu, Mary F
Wortley, and Factory Act (1833) 121
variolation 67, 67–68 famine fever (typhus) 41,
spread of 66 61–63, 63, 64
typhoid fever 62, 63 fermentation 115
typhus (jail fever, hospital A Fever in Salem (Carlson) 12
fever, ship fever, famine Finlay, Carlos Juan 84
fever) 41, 61–63, 63, 64 Food and Drug Administration
yellow fever 72–86 (FDA) 6–7, 103
mosquitoes and 72, foods 107–108
74–75, 84–85 forceps 23–24, 24
Philadelphia epidemic Fowler, Lorenzo Niles, and
73, 74–77 Orson Squire 16
Reed, Walter, and Fracastoro, Girolamo 60
building the Panama Frank, Johann Peter 117, 120,
Canal 84–85, 85 122, 122
symptoms and course Franklin, Benjamin 13–14, xiii
of 72–73
theories on cause of
77–79 G
transmission of 79–80 Gage, Thomas 56
treatment of 80, 82–83, Galileo xiii
86 Gall, Franz Joseph 14, 14–16,
U.S. outbreaks (1793– 18
1855) 78m gas masks 56, 56–59
epidemiology 128 gastric juices 110–111
d’Eslon, Charles 9 Gay-Lussac, Louis 95
ether 33 General Report on the Sanitary
experimental trials 68, 92 Condition of the Labouring
Experiments and Observations Population of Great Britain
on the Gastric Juice and (Chadwick) 123
the Physiology of Digestion germ theory of disease 61, 63,
(Beaumont) 111 104–105
144 Old World and New
temperance movement 102 vaccination 69, 69–71
thermometers 92 Vadakan, Vibul B. 96
Thomson, Samuel 90 variola major 66
Thomsonians 90 variola minor 66
tourniquets 40–41, 41 variolation 67–68
Treatise on the Blood, venesection (bloodletting) 2,
Inflammation and Gun-Shot 4–7, 82–83, 91–92, 93–94,
Wounds (Hunter) 30 96
Treatise on the Theory and veterinary medicine 30–31
Practice of Midwifery
(Smellie) 23
triage 48–49 W
Turlington, Robert 98 Walter Reed Army Medical
typhoid fever 62, 63 Center 84
typhus (jail fever, hospital Washington, George 18, 68,
fever, ship fever, famine 93–94, 96, 106–107
fever) 41, 61–63, 63, 64 water contamination 62,
125m, 126, 127, 128
Webster, Noah 80
U Wesley, John 87–88
uniforms 51–52 White, Frank P. 17
University of Birmingham WHO. See World Health
Medical School 70 Organization (WHO)
University of Glasgow 28 witchcraft 10, 10–12
150 Old World and New