Conduct sampling and analysis for Ambient Air & Noise at Kp.
1.1 12 Lot
Kulin 18 & Duri 13.
2.1 Conduct sampling and analysis of Air Ambient & Noise. 2 Sample
2.7 Conduct sampling and analysis of Waste Water - Oily Water. 5 Sample
3.1 Conduct Personal Noise Monitoring (with noise dose graph) 10 Sample
5.3 Perform hazardous waste handling for Used Oil / Lubricant. 12 Drum
5.8 Perform hazardous waste handling for TL Lamp & Fluorescent. 24 Drum
12.2 Conduct Fire Hydrant and Fire Box Tools Inspector Training. 1 Lot
16.11 Conduct Sampling, Analysis and Laboratory Test for Oil. 9 Sample
18.1 Provide Working At Height Rescue Equipment (1 set / spot). 300 Lot
Scope of Work
Contractor shall conduct sampling and laboratory analysis for all required
parameter. This service is including to provide adequate man power, tools,
equipment, materials, mobilization, and accomodation for Contractor's
Contractor shall conduct assessment and evaluation for all social and
economic aspect at Company sorrounding area as per requirement of the
Applicable Law.
Contractor shall conduct sampling and laboratory analysis for all required
parameter. This service is including to provide adequate man power, tools,
equipment, materials, mobilization, and accomodation for Contractor's
Contractor shall conduct sampling, evaluation and analysis for all required
parameter. This service is including to provide adequate man power, tools,
equipment, materials, mobilization, and accomodation for Contractor's
Contractor shall conduct sampling, evaluation and analysis for all required
parameter. This service including adequate man power, tools, equipment,
materials, mobilization, and accomodation for Contractor's personnels.
Contractor shall conduct hazardous waste handling properly as per applicabel
rules and standard. Deliver hazardous waste to approved facility for further
process. Provide container for storing hazardous waste properly.
Contractor shall conduct sampling and laboratory analysis for all required
parameter. This service is including to provide adequate man power, tools,
equipment, materials, mobilization, accomodation for Contractor's personnels,
appropriate report and documents.
Contractor shall provide rescue equipment for Confined Space Entry ("CSE")
on the spot of CSE activity. All rescue equipment shall meet all applicable
standard, certified, appropriate, good condition (no worn, no defect), suitable
for site condition, adequate load capacity, inspected regularly, properly
installed. complete with rescue plan. his rate is for daily rental per set of
1. Provide service of hazardous shipping to approved hazardous waste
facilities as per applicable GOI regulation.
2. Contractor shall provide proper storage and packaging for hazardous
materials by contractor's cost (eg: drums, pallet, container, etc.)
3. Contractor shall provide label, tag, and manifest, and documents as per
Applicable Law.
4. Only approved transporter allowed to shipping hazardous waste /
5. Contractor shall shipping hazardous materials in proper way as per
applicable regulation and standard, safely, and in timely manner.
Shipping any kind of valve and metering equipment to any workshop or other
facilities across Duri area as requested by Company with size of equipment is
1 cubic meter or less. This service is included personnel, packaging materials,
accomodation, shipping documents, PPE, and tools. Contractor shall shipping
the material in proper packaging, proper loading / unloading, safe, fully
protected and in timely manner.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment. Include all required cost (mob-demob,
3. Mobilization for equipment and tools, equipment, etc). This service is
personnels. part of regular RKL / RPL scope. No
4. Accommodation for personnels. minimum service quantity per visit.
5. Required material and consumable
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
standard. All report must be approved by
7. Standard Operating Procedure Company Reps prior printed out.
("SOP"). Submitting report to GOI is belongs to
8. High quality analysis. Company responsibility.
9. High quality work execution in
timely manner.
10. Appropriate report and For duplicating RKL/RPL report.
documents. Minimum 10 copies for each report.
11. Laboratory service. Full color.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for personnels. This rate is including all ascociated
5. Required material and consumable cost. This service is to accommodate
items. additional sampling if necessary.
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable Additional sampling might be
standard. requested at the same time of regular
7. SOP service and might be in separated
8. High quality analysis. schedule. No package system for this
9. High quality work execution in service.
timely manner.
10. Appropriate report and
11. Laboratory Service.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for personnels.
5. Required material and consumable
This service will required to conduct
sampling for all IH parameter and
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
including evaluation and report.
Contractor will taking minumum 9
7. SOP
samples per visit.
8. High quality analysis.
9. High quality work execution in
timely manner.
10. Appropriate report and
11. Laboratory service as necessary.
1. Qualified Personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
personnels. This rate is including all ascociated
4. Accommodation for personnels. cost. This service is to accommodate
5. Required material and consumable additional sampling if necessary.
items. Additional sampling might be
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable requested at the same time of regular
standard. service, or combine several sampling
7. SOP at the same time, and might be in
8. High quality analysis. separated schedule for each sample.
9. High quality work execution in No package system for this service.
timely manner.
10. Appropriate report and
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
To perform this service,contractor
4. Accommodation for personnels.
shall provide container for hazardous
5. Required material and consumable
waste. Contractor might deliver the
container prior shipping either replace
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
company's container after hazardous
waste shipping carried out. The
7. SOP
container means drums, pallet, jumbo
8. Label
bags, or other required container as
9. Manifest, documentation, and
10. Appropriate container for
hazardous waste (pallet, drum, jumbo
bag, etc.)
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
Contractor shall perform inspection
for all firex units in every single visit.
This rate is including all associated
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
personnels. This rate is including all associated
4. Accommodation for personnels. cost exept shipping cost from NDC to
5. Required material and consumable contractor facility. Contractor shall
items. provide workshop in Duri or
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable Pekanbaru. Contractor will be paid as
standard. per hydrotest work as per applicable
7. SOP standard and procedure regardless of
8. High quality work execution in testing finding. Contractor shall
timely manner. provide hydrotest report as per
9. Appropriate report, documentation applicable regulation. Contractor shall
and legal / official certificate. deliver tested firex to NDC either the
10. Workshop service and repair. firex is passed or failed in hydrotest.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for personnels.
5. Required material and consumable Contractor shall perform inspection
items. for all sprinkle system in every single
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable visit. This rate is including all
standard. associated cost. The frequency of
7. SOP these activity is based on company
8. High quality work execution in request.
timely manner.
9. Appropriate report, documentation
and legal / official certificate as
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
personnels. Contractor shall perform inspection
4. Accommodation for personnels. for all integrated alarm system in
5. Required material and consumable every single visit. This rate is
items. including all associated cost.
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable Contractor shall provide appropriate
standard. report as per applicable procedure.
7. SOP Company will submit the report to
8. High quality work execution in GOI if necessary. The frequency of
timely manner. these activity is based on company
9. Appropriate report, documentation request.
and legal / official certificate as
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
Contractor shall perform inspection
4. Accommodation for personnels.
for all unit in every single visit. This
5. Required material and consumable
rate is including all associated cost.
Contractor shall provide appropriate
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
report as per applicable procedure.
Company will submit the report to
7. SOP
GOI if necessary. The frequency of
8. High quality work execution in
these activity is based on company
timely manner.
9. Appropriate report, documentation
and legal / official certificate as
and legal / official certificate as
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for personnels.
5. Required material and consumable
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
7. SOP
8. High quality work execution in Shipping from NDC to contractor's
timely manner. facility is belongs to Company
9. Appropriate report, documentation responsibility. Contractor shall
and legal / official certificate. provide workshop in Duri or
10. Workshop service and repair. Pekanbaru.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for personnels.
5. Required material and consumable
Shipping from NDC to contractor's
facility is belongs to Company
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
responsibility. Contractor shall
provide workshop in Duri or
7. SOP
8. High quality work execution in
timely manner.
9. Appropriate report, documentation
and legal / official certificate as
10. Workshop service and repair.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate training equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
4. Accommodation for contractor
personnels and authorized assessor.
5. Adequate PPE as per applicable
6. Training materials and procedure.
7. High quality training execution in
timely manner. This rate is for facilitate personnel
8. Appropriate report, documentation training regardless of training location
and legal / official certificate as (in Indonesia) as requested by the
necessary. company. Accomodation and
transportation for the participant is
provided by Company. Contractor is
allowed to include participant to join
with on going training or available
schedule that endorsed by GOI with
Company agreement.
with on going training or available
schedule that endorsed by GOI with
Company agreement.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Appropriate tools and equipment.
3. Mobilization for equipment and
This rate is for conduct sampling by
Contractor's personnel, taking the
4. Accommodation for personnels.
sample to laboratory, conduct
5. Required material and consumable
evaluation / analysis, and provide
report. No package system for this
6. Adequate PPE as per applicable
request. All request is based on
Company needs.If the sample is
7. SOP
taken by Company personnel or
8. High quality analysis.
Contractor only conduct lab analysis,
9. High quality work execution in
this service rate will be subject of
timely manner.
10. Appropriate report and
11. Laboratory service.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Mobilization.
3. Accommodation for personnels.
To enhance coordination process for
4. Adequate PPE as per applicable
performing the services, Contractor
shall provide representative office at
5. High quality work execution in
Duri or Pekanbaru.
timely manner.
6. Appropriate report and documents.
1. Qualified personnels.
2. Mobilization.
3. Accommodation for personnels.
To enhance coordination process for
4. Adequate PPE as per applicable
performing the services, Contractor
shall provide representative office at
5. High quality work execution in
Duri or Pekanbaru.
timely manner.
6. Appropriate report and documents.
Gas Analyzer
Brand / Manufacture : Rosemount Analytical
Model : X-Stream XEXF
No. of Channel : 5 Channel
Measurement Range :
• NOx (as NO2) Range : 0 – 100 mg / Nm3
• SO2 Range : 0 – 10 mg / Nm3
• CO Range : 0 – 50 mg / Nm3
• CO2 Range : 0 – 150,000 mg / Nm3
• O2 Range : 20%
Principle : NDUV for NO2 & SO2; NDIR for CO, CO2 and Paramagnetic for
Repeatability : Less than 0.5% of full scale
Linearity : Less than 1% of full scale
Zero point Drift : Less than 2% of full scale
Span Drift : < = 0.5% per week
Response time : Less than 5 sec
Power : 230 Vac, 50Hz
Output : 5 x (4-20 mA), Isolated
Communication : Serial RS-232 MODBUS
Relay Contact : 4 qty
Protection Class : NEMA 4X / IP66
Display : LCD Digital
Calibration : Auto Calibration
Ambient Temperature : 00C to 500C
Repeatability : Less than 0.5% of full scale
Linearity : Less than 1% of full scale
Zero point Drift : Less than 2% of full scale
Span Drift : < = 0.5% per week
Response time : Less than 5 sec
Power : 230 Vac, 50Hz
Output : 5 x (4-20 mA), Isolated
Communication : Serial RS-232 MODBUS
Relay Contact : 4 qty
Protection Class : NEMA 4X / IP66
Display : LCD Digital
Calibration : Auto Calibration
Ambient Temperature : 00C to 500C
Rental rescue equipment is per Lot means 1 set per spot per day. Lot amount =
set amount X spot amount X days amount.
Minimum requirement for WAH rescue equipment per set: Karmantel rope with
minimum length 50 meters, pulley 2 pcs, carabiner 8 pcs, ascender 2 pcs,
descender 1 pc, back up rope or safety rope minimum 50 meters length (equal
spec with main karmantel rope), anchor strap with 1 meter length 3 pcs.
Minimum requirement for CSE rescue equipment per set: Karmantel rope with
minimum length 50 meters, pulley 2 pcs, carabiner 8 pcs, ascender 2 pcs,
descender 1 pc, anchor strap with 1 meter length 3 pcs, sked stretcher 1 pc,
anchorage or hanger.
Contractor must provide drums and pallet with adequate quantity and
specification prior shipping.
Not Committed, Based on Company requirement and actual cost on the market.
Contractor not allowed to mark up the price. Contractor eligibel for handling fee.
Estimate Personnel
No Description
1 Senior Specialist 1
2 Senior Consultant 1
3 Senior Engineer 1
4 Specialist 1
5 Supervisor 1
6 Asessor 1
7 Consultant / Trainer 1
8 HES Coordinator 1
9 Engineer 1
10 Junior Specialist 1
12 Junior Engineer 1
13 Lead Inspector 1
14 HES Officer 1
15 Equipment Operator 1
16 Inspector 1
17 Lead Technician 1
18 Foreman 1
19 Technician 1
20 Senior Admin Officer 1
21 Junior Technician 1
22 General Labor 1
23 Helper 1
24 Admin Officer 1
ssistance and standard PPE if working days is only 5 days or less. It will be subject of negotiation.
Monthly Rate / Person
Estimate Estimate
Daily Rate Monthly Rate
(12 working hours, night Total Cost
Usage Usage
and day shift, 22 working (IDR)
(not- (not-
days per month, including committed) committed)
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
1 0 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
1 0 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
5 1 0
Scope of Work
Provide expert or specialist for perform special task which required specific conditions such as
advanced execution process, comprehensive study and analysis, extremelly high risk decission
or execution, has significant impact to business continuity.
Provide expert for perform special task which required specific field of expertise and specific
Provide expert in engineering for any scope of engineering (mechanical, electrical, civil,
instrument and control, IT, etc.)
Provide specialist for perform special task which required specific conditions such as advanced
execution process, comprehensive study and analysis, and any task that might impact to
business continuity.
Provide qualified personnel to perform supervison role with high competency in technical, HES,
leadership and administrative.
Provide qualified and authorized personnel to perform assessment, evaluation and examination
roles as per applicable standarad and regulation.
Provide expert for perform special task which required specific field of expertise and specific
Provide qualified and certified personnel to perform HES coordinator role with high competency
in HES, leadership and administrative.
Provide qualified personnel to perform any tasks that related with engineering as per their
Provide specialist for perform special task which required special competency and specific
conditions such as specific execution method or required comprehensive study and analysis.
Provide qualified personnel to operate specific heavy equipment with high capacity as per
applicable standard and regulation.
Provide qualified personnel to perform any tasks that related with engineering as per their
Provide qualified personnel to perform inspection work as per applicable standard and
Provide qualified and certified personnel to perform HES officer role with high competency in
HES, leadership and administrative.
Provide qualified personnel to operate specific heavy equipment as per applicable standard and
Provide qualified personnel to perform inspection work as per applicable standard and
Provide qualified and certified technician to perform any work as per their expertise.
42 Gas calibrator for zero & span N/A 10 Lot - 1
43 Kit for stack flowmeter per Tube N/A 6 Set - 1
44 Filter for sample probe 3um cer 120001 10 EA - 1
45 Sample pump, Sample gas pump PM23240-87 6 EA - 1
46 SHS filter, Disposal filter DIF-BN50 12 EA - 1
47 Gas Calibrator for Multi Gas Detector 6 Tube - 1