HA and Offline - Test Series - NEET - 2020 For XII - RM
HA and Offline - Test Series - NEET - 2020 For XII - RM
HA and Offline - Test Series - NEET - 2020 For XII - RM
Test Mode of
Date Day Syllabus of the Tests
No. Test
10 22/04/2020 Wed Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
11 24/04/2020 Fri Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
12 27/04/2020 Mon Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
13 29/04/2020 Wed Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
The Mock Test of NEET exactly on the same pattern as that of NEET-2020 will be conducted on 22nd, 24th, 27th &
29th April 2020 to give you the real insight of Exam. You will be given answers of these mock tests and no
discussion class will be held. It is mandatory for all the students to submit/fax the photocopy of their NEET-2020
Admit Card before the Mock Tests to be held on 22/04/2020, failing which they will not be allowed to take the test.
23rd March, 2020
Test Mode of
Date Day Test Syllabus of the Tests
Phy. : Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Dual Nature of
Matter and Radiation, Atoms and Nuclei, Semiconductor Devices
Chem.: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic Compounds
Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday
9 20/04/2020 Mon Offline Life
Bot. : Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental Issues
Zoo. : Strategies for Enhancement of Food Production, Biotechnology:
Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and Its Applications
10 23/04/2020 Thu Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
11 25/04/2020 Sat Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
12 28/04/2020 Tue Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
13 30/04/2020 Thu Offline Mock Test for NEET (Complete Syllabus of class XI & XII)
The Mock Test of NEET exactly on the same pattern as that of NEET-2020 will be conducted on 23rd, 25th, 28th & 30th
April 2020 to give you the real insight of Exam. You will be given answers of these mock tests and no discussion
class will be held. It is mandatory for all the students to submit/fax the photocopy of their NEET-2020 Admit Card
before the Mock Tests to be held on 23/04/2020, failing which they will not be allowed to take the test.