Miura Z Boiler1 PDF
Miura Z Boiler1 PDF
Miura Z Boiler1 PDF
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This manual gives you instructions on how to use the Z-Boiler. In using the boiler, make sure you
choose a person in charge of handling the boiler (Engineer) and use the boiler after perusing the
manual and understanding the contents. In addition, we recommend that you always have this
manual at hand when you work.
The main contents of this manual are: Outline of GK series Z-Boiler, main functions, descriptions of
the control system, operating procedure and maintenance. Precautions relating to operating
method and safety indicated in this manual from damages to measures only relate to usage for
specified purposes.
Do not use the boiler by methods that are not mentioned in this manual. Please be aware that we
cannot be held responsible if the boiler is used by methods not mentioned in this manual.
As a result of tireless research for improvement involving the design of the Z-Boiler, there are
details that do not correspond to the product you have purchased. Please note that the contents of
the manual may change without notice.
If you have any inquiries concerning the product you have purchased or about the contents on this
manual, please do not hesitate to contact us.
6. Structure, Part Name, Inspection and Adjustment of each Device ........................ .. .... '''10
6-1 Fuel Oil Piping .............. ....................... ....... .... ........... ........................................ " '10
6-2 Burner Assembly .......... ............................... .......... ........... "' .... ··· .. ·· .. •· .. ··· .. ·· .... ·· .. ···11
6-3 Damper (Fully Open - Fully Close) .... · .... · .. · .... · .. .. .... ·· ...... ·· .................... _.. · .. .. · .... · ........ 12
6-4 Combustion Control Damper ........... ................ .......... ................ ........ ·· .. · .. ·· .. · .. .. ····· .. ·12
6-5 Timing Switch for the Damper (High-Low Type) ·.. · .. ·...... ·· ·· .. · .... · .. ·...... ·.... ·· ............ .... · .. 13
6-6 Blower·· .. ····· .. ·· ····· .... ··· .... ·················· ·.. ··· .. ·· ··· .. ······· .. ·· .. ·· .. ···· .. · .. ·· .. ····· .. ···· .. .. ·.. · .. '13
6-7 Burner Nozzle ...... ... .... .. .................... ...... . ..................................... ... ..... · .... ··.. .. .. .. 14
6-9 Solenoid Valve ........................................... .. ....... ..................................... ... .... ..... ·16
(1) Solenoid Valve for Pilot Burner .......... · .... ·................ · .. ·· .... · .... ·.......... · .. ··· .. .... · .... ·16
(3) Solenoid Valve Unit ... ...... .................................... ................................... ....... ' '' 18
6-11 Flow Control Valve .... .. .... .. · .... .. .... .. ...... ·............ ·.................... ................ ..... .... .... "22
6-15 Fuel Oil Temperature Controller " ....................... ............. ·.. · .... · ............ ·..........; .... · .. 26
6, 18 Feed Water Pump (Miura Water Pump) · ............ · .. · ...... ·.............. ·· .... . .·, .... · ...... · .. · .... · .. 30
6-19 Water level gauge and Water level control cylinder ...... ·...... ·· ...... , .... ·........ · .. , · .. ·, ······ .... 31
6-20 Exhaust gas thermostat .. ·........ · .. · .. · .. ·.. · .. · .. · .. · .. · .. ·.......... ·· .............. · .... ·· .. · .. · .. · ...... ·"33
6-21 Pressure Switch (For Steam and Fuel Oil) ............................................................ · .... ·34
6-22 Pressure Switch Adjustment ................................................................................... ,35
(1) SNS Type ...................................................................................................."35
(2) RT Type .................................................................. ~ ...................... · .. · .. · .... · .... 36
6-23 Safety Valve ........................... .......... ................................................................ ,37
6-24 Fuel Oil Strainer (Fuel System) .. ..... .... ....... .. ........................................................· .. 40
6-25 Y Shaped Strainer ....................... .... ..............................., .................................... ,42
6-26 Feed Water Check Valve .................. .... ................................................................'42
' 13
6-27 Sequencer (Programmable Controller) ... .. ........................... ...... ............................ '''43
(1) Outline of The Sequencer .... ........... .................... .. ....... ......... ........................... '43
' 14
(2) CQM1 H Unit Explanation .. .. ......... ....................... .. .......................................... '43
" 15
(3) Display Function ................. ...... ..................................................................... '47
.. 16
(4) Errors and Their Measures ........ · .. · .... · .. · .......... ·.............. ·............ · .. · .... ·.......... · .. ·48
" 16
6-28 Flame Detector (FS-100) ....................................... .. ............................................. '49
" 17
6-29 Water Level Detector (L'M1-200) .. · .. ·· .......... ·........ · .. · .. · .. ·........ · .. · .. •.. · .... · ...... · .... ·· .. · .. ·50
''' 18
6-30 High Pressure Air Soot Blower .. ·...... · .. ·.............. .. ........ · .... · .... · ...... · .... · .... ·.......... · .... ·51
" 19
6-31 Soot Cleaning in the Exhaust Gas Side while the ship is in Port .......... ~ .........................53
6-32 Washing whi,le in Dock ....................................................................... .. .............. '''54
", 23
6-33 Excess Steam Dump Valve ........ · .. ·.. · ...... ·...... · .. ·· .......... · .. ·· .. · .. ·........ · .. · .. · .... · ...... · .. ·55
" '24
' '' 25
'111 7. Automatic Operation of the Boiler by the Sequencer ............................................. "'56
.... 26
7-2 Basic Time Chart ............................................................................................·.. ·.. ·56
.... 27
7-3 Flowcharts ................................ .......... ................ ...... . ················ .. ············ .. · ...... ·· ..58
.... 29
9-1 Inspection of Every Check Points Before Operation ·· .. ··· ...... · .......... · .. ···· .......... ·........ .. ··62
9-2 Operation (In Case of Automatic Burner Operation) ... ........ ·· .. · ........................ · ...... ...... ·63
10. Regular Maintenance ............................................. ......... .. .... ... ......... .. . ... ......... "'66
10-1 Regular Maintenance ..................... ........... ............. ........................ ...... .. .......... ..... '66
10-2 Inspection and Precautions Before Starting Operation ...... .. ..................................... .. '68
10-3 Inspection and Precautions During Operation · .. .. ·· ~ ...... ··· ...... .. ...... ·.. ·...... •·· .... ·· .. ·····• .. 68
10-4 Inspection After Operation ........ .. ..... ............. ... ............ .. .. ....... .... .... ...... ...... ........ "68
10-6 Long-term Shut-down .... ..... .. ......... .............. ............... ...................... .... ............ .. '68
11. Trouble Shooting .................. ..... . ... ..................... ......... ...... ... ~ ....................... '''69
11-1 Feed Water System ...... .. ................ ~ ..... ...... .. .................. ...... ........... ····· .... · .. ···· .... 69
11-2 Fuel System············· ·· .. ···· .. · .. · .. ·· ····· ··· .. ·· ···· .. .. ······ .. ··· .. ···· .. · .. · .. ··········· .. · .... · .. ·· .. ·· ··70
11-3 Combustion ................... ....... · .... ···· · .. ...... ·· .. · .... ···· .... · .. ·· .. ·.......... · .. ·· .......... · .. ··· .. · .. 71,
11-4 Safety Control and Alarm Circuit .... ..... ................. .. .... .................... · .. · .. · .... ·· ...... .. .. · .. 72
11-5 Exhaust Control and Lines (Main Engine, Burner) ·· .. ·· .. · ...... .. .... ,·, .. ·· ........ •.. · .. .. .... ···· .. 72
12. Remedy against Water Tube trouble ... ......... ...................................................... "'73
12-1 Water Tube Leakage ....... ...... ... ........ ...... .. ........ ...... .......... ..... ··········· .. ···· .. ·········· .. ·73
12-2 Repair for Water Tube Trouble· ·· .. .. ·...... ·...... .. · .. · .. ·· .... .. · .. ·· .. ·...... · .... ·.......... ·· ............ 74
1. Terms
The following terms are used in this manual for your safe and effective operation.
'62 ~ Warning
'63 1. Indicates a condition or practice which may cause death
or serious injury to the operator.
Caution I.
2. Indicates a condition or practice which may result in
damage or destruction of property and/or minor personal
'68 injury.
" 69
" 69 Note
" 70
3. Indicates cautions for preventive the failure of the devices,
'71 and points for effective operation.
" 72
" 72
" 73
" 74
2. Warning Label
& Warning
The body of the Z-Boiler GK series and its ancillary equipment have parts with the fo llowing warning
label attached.
3. Basic Precautions
& Warning
When operating the GK series Z-Boiler, please comply strictly with all precautions relating with safety
indicated in this manual. There is a danger of serious physical injury if the precautions are not observed.
device with the wrong system as this could lead to serious accidents.
When handling the device, be sure to choose a person in charge of handling. The person in charge should
not operate or carry out maintenance of the device until they have perused the precautions relating to safety
on the valve or machinery parts. Do not wear oil stained clothes as they could catch fire.
Do not forget to wear a helmet, protection eyewear, safety shoes and gloves when working on the device.
Protection gears must be wom as there is a particular danger of scalding near hot parts. Moreover, protection
eyewear and gloves must be worn as chemicals could splatter on hands and eyes while injecting chemicals.
3-3. Do not Remodel The Device, Use The Genuine Products for The Parts.
Do not remodel the device without our approval. We may not be able to permit such remodeling by regulations.
Moreover, such remodeling could compromise safety. Use the manufacturer's genuine products for parts.
3-4. Use The Designated Fuel
Do not use fuels other than those designated. There would be a danger of the device exploding if other fuels are used.
3-5. Do not Keep Flammable Goods Near The Boiler
Do not keep flammable goods near the boiler. There would be danger of fire.
It is highly dangerous as there would be a danger of fire if flame were brought near the boiler fuel.
Store flammable goods in a safe place away from flames, check where the fire extinguisher is kept, and learn
Dispose of cloths stained with fuel or oil. Such cloths could ignite spontaneously if kept in a wrong way.
Establish the contact numbers in case of fire or accident and how to handle such emergencies.
Do not carry out incorrect installation or incidental work as there is a danger of such work leading to physical injury.
& Warning
Always disconnect all electrical power at the main circuit breaker, close the main and pilot manual shut off
valves before performing adjustments and/or maintenance. Failure to do so could cause electrical shock
explosion, fires and/or burners which will result in serious personal injury and/or death . All adjustments and/or
maintenance must be performed by qualified and experienced personnel only.
L- LJ~'L..'-' I
12) 1)
1 Hand Rail 8 Rolling Stay 1
· 5. Internal Structure
~ Wa rning
Before inspecting the interior of the unit, tum it off, purge with the bottom blow-off valve and ventilator, and cool both
the inside of the drum and the combustion chamber. Then make sure that the pressure inside the drum is 0 MPa.
Also, when conducting the inspection, make sure ventilation is provided by the air duct and/or the ventilator fan.
4 Water Tube 10 Fixed Plate ment). When you check the inside of the fumace, look
for deposits of soot, peeling of refractory, fuel leakage
l5 Refractory 11 Manhole
on the fumace bottom, traces of water leakage, accu
I 6 Funnel (Burner) 12 Handhole
mulations of unburnable materials, and so on.
<How to Operate>
1. All of the solenoid valves (SV-1 to SV-4) should be closed when operation is stopped. The shut-off valve (SV-3)
will open when operation starts and the main fuel pump motor is running. Pressurized fuel will enter the burner
nozzle pipe from the heater, SV-3, flow control valve (FCV) and circulator opening and will be heated to the end
of the pipe, then it will return to the air separator to begin the cycle again.
2. When the main fuel oil is heated and pre-purge is undertaken, the pilot fuel pump and the ignition transformer
will engage, the shut-off valve for the pilot (SV-4) will open and the pilot flame will ignite.
3. When the fl'ame eye sense the pilot flame, the solenoid valve of the main bumer will open and a flame will be
ignited, then the pilot valve will close and the pilot flame will go out to keep combustion by the main burner. (In
three-step control, the valve for HIGH combustion will open and start high combustion .
4. Even during combustion, the pressurized fuel will continue circulation through the flow control valve (FCV) to
maintain steady temperature and pressure of the fuel oil.
~ Warning
Before opening the burner and making the inspection, you must first use the fan to make a purge, and
be sure the furnace chamber is sufficiently cooled and ventilated . Turn off the F.O. pump, F.O. booster
pumps, and close the main F.O. valve and pilot F.O. valve. If fuel oil is leaking from the flexible tube,
burner, or elsewhere, wipe it up immediately and dispose it properly.
5) 2) 1)
/ -r+Y
8) 7) 4) 3)
11 k / I I I 12)
1 Fan 9 Flow Control Valve
Normal air flow adjustment bolt The unit comes equipped with a combustion control
(High combustion) damper to adjust the air volume for proper combustion.
If there is ON-OFF control, there will be a fixed-in-place
outlet side of the FD fan . The position during ignition and low combustion win be the same.
These apertures are set by the ignition/air flow adjustment bolt shown in the photo above. The high combustion
position is set using the normal air flow adjustment bolt in the photo.
Tum the adjustment bolt toward the OPEN arrow to open the damper; tu rn it toward CLOSE to close the
damper. After you have made the adjustments, tighten the lock nut securely so that it will not become loose.
*With ON-OFF control, the damper is set up so that it slides toward the FD fan inlet. Please adjust the air flow
while the main bumer is burning fuel.
*If you cannot change combustion conditions no matter how rnany times you adjust the damper, the problem
probably lies with some other cause and not with the damper.lf this is the case , you will need to check for other
problems, like improper burner adjustment, change in oil pressure, too much soot in the combustion chamber,
and clogging of the FD fan intake.
< Adjustment>
Rotate the damper to mid-degree between low and high
combustion, after its opening range is decided.
o o o
T hen, adjust it by sliding the cam, after loosening the
locking screw for the cam, so that the switch roller is turned
to the cam to switch ON. (the high fire solenoid valve is
open at this point). Make sure it clicks when the roller is on
the cam; sometimes the switch cannot be turned on, due to
1 Timing Switch
the lack of stroke.
2 Cam
If it does not click, loosen the screw on the switch
3 Cam Adjusting Shaft
attachment and re-fix it after moving the whole the
4 Lock Bolt switch unit toward the cam.
6-6 Blower
Check the blower regularly.
The Blower that forced air into the burner ensures velocity, pressure and airflow by rotating the impeller by a
motor. In addition, as the GK series allows for greater flue gas velocity to improve the heat exchange wiht the flue
Attention and care are required to prevent foreign particles clogging the wire mesh of the suction opening.
~ Regular Maintenance
If there is major vibration even after the impeller has been cleaned, you will need to either replace the bearings or
balance the impeller.
• Inspections
Check for vibrations, strange noises, and abnormal bearing temperature during operation. When not in
operation,turn off the power, then move the impeller by hand to check for abnormalities.
• Insulation test
You should conduct an insulation test either once every three months, after the unit is being restarted after a
long period of being idle, or when otherwise necessary. If the value does not exceed 3M Q, you should either
replace the motor, or fix it once the ship has docked in port.
• Replacement of bearings
The bearings for the fan motor have shield type bearings. Replace the bearings once every two years.
3 Ignition Rod
4 Nozzle Pipe
I~ /?
High-Low Type 5 Baffle Plate
6 Nozzle Tip (Pilot)
7 Nozzle Tip (Low)
1(' L
8 Nozzle Tip (High)
IH 9 Shroud
P Plio! '
L : Low Fire
- ~ co
High Fire
Circulation In
Circulation Out
ON-OFF Type -Ii 2
Type of Evaporation Measure of Burner Nozzle I Type of Evaporation Measure of Burner Nozzle
Boiler of Burner L F .
Boiler of Burner L F
400kg/h 803 25 GK-20XX 1000kg/h 997 60
500kg/h 823 45 I
600kg/h 819 70 GK-27XX 1200kg/h 997 70 'i
, 500kg/h 831 45
The burner nozzle part is a device that burns fuel while igniting and keeping the flame effectively by
atomizing the supplied fuel, and is an important part that determines the combustion.
The fuel sent in by the fuel pump is sprayed from the nozzle tip via the Fue'l Heater, Solenoid Valve and Burner
Nozzle Pipe, atomizes and expands the contact area with air, ignites and makes flame by the spark from the tip of
the Spark Rod. •
The spark disappears a few seconds after igniti,on and the flame is kept by pulling back the flame in front of
the nozzle tip by the reverse-flow region of air that is produced at the back of the Baffle Plate.
When the butterfly bolts for fixating the burner on the top part of the window box are removed and the plug caps on the
Spark Rod, fuel joint pipes are removed, the burner nozzle part can be pulled out as shown in the diagram above.
The pulled out burner nozzle can be disassembled further into Nozzle Pipe, Nozzle Tip, Spark Rod and Baffle
Plate. The parts should be washed with light oil and cleaned with air for assembly. It is advisable to adjust the
relative distance of the Nozzle Tip, Baffie Plate and Spark Rod based on the value in the paragraph.
The fuel, air and respective conditions may differ depending on the boiler. As such, if the best fired condition
cannot be obtained, make adjustments so that a good fired condition can be obtained by adjusting the
measurement of each part.
Take care as although hexagon head bolts are fixed tightly in assembly, fixing the bolt too tightly on the
Spark Rod coul d split or crack the insulator, causing the ignition to fail.
Do not screw too tightly when assembling the Spark Rod and Lead Rod.
& Warning
The combustion chamber should be cooled off and purged by the blower before remove and inspection the
burner. Wipe away the spilt fuel oil from burner nozzle and flexible tubes immediately and handle it properly.
(for pilot)
(for main)
• There is a cut-oft valve attached to the nozzle tip. When replacing the nozzle tip, please remove the filter
and attach the cut-off valve .
• When removing and fitting the nozzle tip use the special box wrench which is provided as special tool.
& Warning
Improper spray volume, spray angle, and/or spray pattern can lead to poor combustion, which may some
times cause backfiring that can damage the unit. Please use only genuine parts.
& Caution
The cut off valves with the nets cannot be used for C. F. Oil. Replace the valves after checking the nozzle
6-9 Solenoid Valve
The Solenoid Valve opens and closes by the electric activation and no ral t he supply of
fuel oil to the burner nozzle.
Take care in handing the Solenoid Valve as its style and valve opening aCli!J g on the model.
& Warnin g
To prevent the possibility of personal injury or property damage c....e proper operation
before returning to service. Also perform internal seat and extern allea~.acE 0_
Clean and inspect the Solenoid Valve regularly. When replacin g the valVe cne e IIOW direction.
In either of the Solenoid Valves, ignition may fail when there is foreign oa~:ces on the seat as the oil
pressure will not rise due to oil leakage. Moreover, as obstruction may cause all leakage inside the
combustion chamber, which could develop into ignition failure and other prob(ems related to combustion,
please carry out a regular inspection. Take care in disassembling the de .. :ee. as internal parts, valve seat
and springs can easily be lost.
~ \
Direction 01 the I~ 15)
1 Valve Case
2 Spring
3 Valve Fitting
4 Piston Rod
5 Body
6 Case Set Nut
7 Spring
8 Plunger .
:e oil 5) 9 Suction Body
the 1) 10 Coil
L f:jUILI::H
ON-OFF Control
~I lu II u--JO
Pilot F.O. Inlet
Please try not to disassemble major components such as the rotor when making repairs. The manufacturer
will not be liable for problems arising from a disassembled pump.
Three types of the fuel pump are used in models of GK type boiler. The pump is connected to the motor by
coupling and is operated at about 3500 r.p.m to send fuel to the nozzle though the solenoid valve.
) o
The fuel pump is of the trochoid system as shown above and generates high pressure by revolution of
inner and outer rotors . The rotor has the prof.ile shown above and inner and outer rotor~ rotate in light
contact with each other and tooth surface slippage is quite limited . Noises and wear are hardly caused
because no oil containment.
ucllOn port
PT1 4
Use the pressure adjusting screw to adjust pressure. Put 5 mm All wrench in the pressure adjusting screw and turn it to
adjust pressure in the range from 10 to 25 kglcm2. Tum it clockwise to increase pressure and counterclockwise to
decrease pressure. Do not turn it excessively to prevent a trouble. Do not tum it beyond the limit
Check every day to make sure that there are no leaks from the cover, oil seals. and other parts. There is no
strainer inside. In case of breakdown , do not disassemble the unit, but have it repaired when you reach port.
Use the pressure adjustment valve to adjust the pressure. Turning it to the right will increase pressure,
turning it to the left will decrease pressure. Make periodic adjustments of the pressure following the
Check every day to make sure that there are no leaks from the cover, oil seals, and other parts. There is no
strainer inside . In case of breakdown , do not disassemble the unit, but have it repaired when you reach port.
& Warning
Periodically (once a month), set the pressure of the fuel pump. If you don't set this pressure, then you will not be able to
accurately adjust the rate of combustion of the CS burner. Adjustments can be made with heavy oil A, but if you switch over to
heavy oil C, then you will have to redo your adjustments. Set the safety valve pressure of the FO heater to less than 2.3 MPa.
to 3)
Oil Air Separator
1. Operate the fuel oil pump running (manual combustion). Stop the combustion.
2. Close fuel pipe return valve 1). The pressure rises in Pressure gauge 2).
3. Turn the pressure adjust screw of F.O. pump and adjust the pressure in Pressure gauge 2) to 2.1 ~2.2MPa.
(Refer to the boiler instruction manual "Fuel Pump" section in adjusting the pressure of F.O. Pump.) ,
4. Open fuel pipe return valve 1). The pressure falls down in Pressure gauge 2) and this is normal.
5. Check if the fuel oil is circulating. (Close fuel pipe return valve 1) and Open drain valve 2) and check the
fuel oil go out.)
6. Carry out combustion rate adjustment of CS burner following the instruction for CS burner.
& Caution
You should make this adjustment when you replace the oil pump. Make adjustments with the flow control
valve after you have yompleted adjusting the pressure of the fuel pump. Over tirne, the oil pump will
deteriorate and its performance will gradually decline.
The fuel oil is pressurized by the fuel pump and heated by the heater. The flow control valve in the solenoid valve
unit keeps the fuel oil at a constant pressure. Some of the fuel oil is cycled through during combustion. The burner
nozzle and the retum pipe are heated and kept at a constant temperature. The flow control valve is plays an
important role in combustion and maintaining the temperature of the combustion equipment, so it should be
During its test run at the factory, the flow control valve was set at 1.8MPa (specification for heavy oil A is 1.5MPa) .
. _.-.-:'
Please make sure that the fuel oil pressure gauge in the fuel pump unit shows a reading of at least 1.8MPa, and that the
fuel pressure gauge next to the flow control valve shows 1.8MPa (1.5MPa is the specification for heavy oil A).
Before starting this procedure, please adjust the pressure, follOwing the instructions in 6-10-Ai4). Please switch over to
Remove the adjustment screw cover and loosen the lock nut. While manually operating the fuel pump, make your
adjustments as you check the fuel pressure gauge on the side of the flow control valve.
~ Warning
Wear safety equipment during operation to avoid durn when fuel oil temperature is high. The defective of
combustion and explosion may occur by malfunction of combustion adjustment. If you decide that combustion
adjustment is necessary, contact maintenance staff of our company first, and follow the directions.
~ Caution
When replacing the flow control valve, adjust the pressure for heavy oil A, then switch over to heavy oil C.
Make sure that oil pressure is steady.
6-12 Ignition Transformer
Primary side
Primary side
& Warning
Beware of electrocution as the Ignition AC200V
Transformer conducts high voltage.
3) ..l1L--J
4) - 5)
1 Flame Eye
2 Fitting Box
3 Fitting Stand
4 Flame Eye Glass
5 Packing
The Flame Eye is a device that gives an indication to the combustion circuit by detecting the flame during
combustion and monitors the flame using its photosensitive characteristic (Normally, when a resistance of
100kQ catches flame , it drops under 5000) of CdS (Cadmium sulfide cell).
The Flame Eye will not be able to catch the brightness of the flame inside the furnace when it is damaged
or the protection glass is blackened with soot. Such soiling could stop the burner as it produces the same
condition to failed ignition or mis-fire. The failure of the Flame Eye may be caused by soiled protection
glass if the flame dies out in about 3-4 seconds after combustion as the burner is ignited by turning the
burner switch to combustion while looking inside the furnace from the sight glass . Do not neglect cleaning
the protection glass at all times.
Clean the protection glass regularly.
f.O. Outlet
Safety Valve
F.O. Inlet -
/!\ Caution
Open the fuel oil heater then inspect and clean once a year.
during The electric heater as shown in the figure is used as standard to heat fuel oil to a proper temperature. The
ce of heater is installed in the outlet side of the oil pump and oil temperature is regulated by the temperature
The element in the heater has a nichrome wire coil in the center of the pipe. The pipe is filled with special
same power which has high conductivity and good high-temperature electric insulation. Both of them are
ection solidified under high pressure.
g the After use for a long period, oil sludge is accumulated in the heater and this may cause lower heating
aning temperature. Therefore, the heater must be overhauled and cleaned during drydocking or as necessary.
The appropriate heating temperature of fuel oil differs by the viscosity of the oil. Determine the temperature
following the Heavy Oil Heating Temperature Chart.
Heavy Oil Heating Temperature Chart
SV. Green
• Set up the data by pressing the key steadily with the fingertip.
• The data is automatically registered 3 seconds after it is set up.
• The indicator automatically reverts to indicate reading in approximately 30 seconds after set up.
• Don't press SEL key for one second or more.
• Don't change the parameter and inside data .
< How to Set Up The Set Value (SV) >
Keep pressing until the changed value reaches 130. SV 'O' 1/13 101
(The value is automatically registered 3 seconds after set up)
1. Dial Type
The Fuel Oil Thermostat switches the electrical switch on and off by sensing the temperature, and uses a
fluid with high expansion co-efficiency in its thermos sensor. When it senses temperature, the expanded
fluid and pressure inflates the diaphragm inside the body, releases the lever to open the electrical contact
As shown in the above diagram, the thermostat is a dial type. After loosening the dial set hardware,
arrange the dial scale to align with the set points so that the designated temperatures will be reached.
G) Low temperature alarm thermostat : Set the temperature to be about 20-30'C lower than the
heating temperature.
CV High temperature alarm thermostat : Set the temperature to be about 30-40'C higher than
the heating temperature.
Once every three months, turn the dials to change the settings and perform a check of the electrical system.
2. RTType
1) Setting Knob
2) Setting scale plate
3) Differential Setting Disk
Rotate the Setting Knob to adjust to the specific figure on the Graduated Dial.
Adjust differential pressures by using the Differential Setting Disk. The specified value should be decided using
the chart. Connect the main preset value (A) with preset differential value (B) by straight ,line, and locate where
it crosses with the differential value (C). This value should be identified as preset value of the disk.
Since the thermostat has been adjusted. Do not try to adjust frequently.
90 150 10
100 A 10 160 A .1.
B 170 16
!O? B 18
~ 15 100
120 2Q
100 <I A. =; Main preset value
130 . 24
20 100
<6 B. =; Preset differential value
210 <S
150 RT107 25
215 RT120 30 C. = Differential value
For optimum combustion conditions, keep the viscosity of the fuel oil in the nozzle section at 12 cSt or less.
For the proper temperature for heating, different viscosities of fuel oil, please refer to the following chart.
-I *-..--++ ~
& Warning
As the water level gauge glass may be damaged due to aged deterioration, replace it on regular basis
(once a year)
I for
The water level gauge is built in with the water level control cylinder as an integral-type as shown below.
6) -5)
/ I "I- 10)
Water level control cylinder is installed in the top and the bottom (on the steam side and water side) of the
steam drum via the valve and combines the water level gauge and water level. control cylinder with the
gauge glass attached on the body.
The water level gauge is an important device for safety to check if the prescribed water level is kept in the
boiler. As the glass of the water level gauge always needs to be kept clean , clean it by blowing the water
level gauge at least once a day.
The water level gauge glass uses the reflective type and the size varies among boiler models.
In addition to the water level gauge to check water level by eyesight, the level control cylinder has four (or
five) water level detecting rods 3) with different lengths inside the cylinder to electrically detect water level
and put out a signal to automatically start/stop the feed pump and stop the burner when the level is low.
The stainless detecting rod is screwed in the electrode holder and further tightened with set screws.
As the water level detecting rod may get dirty with concentrated boiler water and cause malfunction , pull
the water level detecting rods out and clean them at least once a three months .
1) if @ ~ ~
S@ 6:Qe
1) 3) L I
2)~ 1 Wh' WR
@ t
3) II .11
1 Electrode Holder s
2 Water Level Gauge Box
3 Water Level Detecting Rod
4 L-_D~~nValv~Flange _____
LL ----
4) ~I I~I
at 450°C.
If it appears that the thermostat is working but the boiler is stopped when the boiler is supposed to be
running, take a reading of the gas temperature with a thermometer, then decide whether the problem is
due to a defect in the thermostat, or whether the temperature is actually increasing.
If the temperature of the exhaust gas exceeds 450°C, there is a high possibility that there is some sort of
malfunction in the combustion chamber. Open the furnace, and check whether some sort of unburnable
material has fallen Into the furnace, or there is some other sort of cause. If there is a malfunction,
immediately take corrective action.
~ If incomplete combustion continues for a long time, there is a chance that soot has accumulatec! gn the
waterPipes in the furna~e and the temperature of the exhaust gas is higher1fianit should be.
Jre due to Paycon~ant att~~ti~n to the furna"Ceto keep completecom b-ustiGn:" - --- -
< Inspection>
About once every three months, lower the set temperature and make a test run of the equipment.
Z BUlL e
< Inspection>
Make sure that steam is not leaking at the connections or Into
• Once every three months, lower the setting of the pressure SVo'itch 0" ''''e ntgh pressure alarm system a
conduct a test run of the equipment.
• Once every three months, heighten the setting of the pressure switch of the low pressure alarm syst
and conduct a test run of the equipment.
After a test run , reverse the pressure switch setting .
On GK series models, there are two types of pressure switches: one for oil , and one for vapor.
(a) Vapor pressure switch
ON-OFF control: One standard switch
3-level control: Two standard switches
In ON-OFF control, there is one switch that controls the vapor pressure.
In 3-level control , there are two switches: low vapor pressure , and high vapor pressure.
* In some cases, there are more switches, as some are used for alarms.
< Inspections>
• Make sure that fuel oil is not leaking at the connections or into the cover.
• Conduct a test run of the equipment once every 3 months.
• During combustion, make sure that the oil pressure is 1.8 MPa (1 .5 MPa for heavy oil A).
automatic combustion, gradually close the fuel pump outlet valve to decrease the oil pressure, and
sure it can run at 1.4 MPa (1.1 MPa for heavy oil A).
• r
1. SNS Type
Pressure pointer_
Differential pressure pointer --.........
Scale plate -----.In
/ stem a
m syste
1) Control Range
Contact pressure goes up by rotating the spring regulator for pressure counter-clockwise, as it is shown
on the gauge. When contact pressure goes up , disconnection pressure goes up, too . As you see , the
spring regulator for pressure cannot adjust differential pressure of gating.
A). Du
_, and m
2. RT Type
1) Setting knob
2) Setting scale plate
3) Differential setting disk
1) Control Range
Rotate the setting knob to adjust to specific figures on the setting scale plate .
2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
I , r ,
, ,_.1 J I I
1. 2 1. 6 2. 0 2. 4 2. 8 3.2 3. 6 4.0
RT 5 ~ __ I .' ',I, . I, I bar
I' I ' (-( L ~:=J_T 1
, \, I I I , 1 I
O. 3 O. 5 O. 7 O. 9 1. 1 1. 3
RT 116 I II
T -,
'I1- I
, '
, - , - -," -,I
I ! I
L. LJV/L,-n
& Warning
It is not allowed to change the outlet pressure of the safety valve.
The safety valve is a safety device implemented to prevent the boiler steam pressure from rising to the
maximum allowable working pressure and the full-bore safety valve is used for GK type. Normally, the
safety valve won't operate as the steam pressure switch work. In case the pressure switch does not work
for some reason, combustion continues and the steam pressure abnormally or abruptly rises due to rapid
load change, it protects the boiler by blowing steam off and lowering the steam pressure. Two or more
safety valve are installed and an adequate margin of safety is provided to the total relieving capacity with
more than the maximum amount of evaporation of the boiler.
The boiler's safety valve is set at the presence of
(Type 1627)
an sureyor, so as to blow off at the strictly limited
press u.re ; nobody should be allowed to make an
1~:~ ~
attempt of further adjustment on board . However,
only in case of emergency, such as when the
8) safety valve leaks, or some kind of appropriate
countermeasure can be taken on the judgment of
chief engineer discretion. In that case, the
following procedure should be followed to adjust
blowout pressure of the safety valve.
1 Valve Casing
Valve Seat
Valve Body
Adjusting Ring
Valve Body Cylinder
6 Lift Stopper
7 Spring I
Valve Stem
Adjusting Bolt & Nut
10 Cap
11 Lift Valve Lever
< How to Adjust>
1. Unlock the key on the 11) lift valve lever arm then, pull off the shaft and take off the lever.
2. Take off the cap by loosening its setting screw.
3. Activate safety valve, while 9) adjusting nut is loose. (Check blowout pressure when the boiler gets
shifted to manual operation and steam goes up)
4. Rotate the 9) adjusting bolt to the left, if blowout pressure is higher than limited pressure, to the right, if
it is lower, so that it blows off at the limited pressure.
5. After the adjustment, fasten the 9) adjusting nut tightly to fix it securely.
6. Put back the cap, restoring 11) lift valve lever, lock it and fix it.
1 Cap
3 )~
2 Lock Nut
3 Lever
4 Adjusting Needle
5 Lock Bolt
4) 6 Body
7 Pin
11 )
8 Adjusting Screw
12) 9 Spring
13) 10 Spindle
11 Guide
12 Valve Disk i
Valve Seat
-- - -
To increase the opening pressure Turn the adjusting screw clockwise as viewed from top .
To decrease the opening pressure Turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise as viewed from top .
To increase the closing pressure. *Adjusting the needle clockwise with a screwdriver
(1/2 to 114 turns each at a time).
*To increase the closing pressure more, turn the adjusting guide I
(5 teeth each at a time) Clockwise, peeping through the tapped I
To decrease the closing pressure. *Turn the backpressure adjusting needle counterclockwise (loosen)
with a screwdriver (1/2 to 114 turns each at a time).
*To decrease the closing pressure more, turn the adjusting guide
(5 teeth each at a time) counterclockwise, peeping through the
tapped hole.
When the lift is not perfect. *Turn the backpressure 10 to 20 teeth counterclockwise with the
adjusting stick.
* If stabilized operation is still not achived, turn it a further 5 teeth
each at a time, counterclockwise.
t turned.
rom top.
L t1UILt:;H
The oil strainer removes dust and impurities from the fuel entering the bo il er and prevents them from
entering into and damaging the fuel pump, solenoid valve, or burner nozzle.
It is installed on the suction side of the fuel pump . Since it is an oil strainer, its element can be cleaned
during operation . Turn the handle once a day to prevent it from clogging .
Open the plug then drain all water and sludge out once a month.
~:;= II ~ ~~13)
21 )
ill = ~~~
1 Cleaner Cover 9 Air Plug 17 Square Rod
2 Oil Tank 10 Packing 18 Round Rod
3 Handle 11 Upper End 19 Plug
4 Main Shaft 12 Lower End 20 Packing
5 Gland 13 Fixing Plate 21 Washer
6 O-ring 14 Packing 22 Nut
7 Ring 15 Filter Plate 23 Cap Nut
8 -
P~cking --- -
"--- ~- -
Scrape r Plate
from 1) Draining
Close the supply valve of the oil tank, then
eaned loosen the drain release bolt at the bottom of ~ .1Ai Air vent screw
the strainer and flush out any water or
contaminants that have collected on the
- - - Strainer
3) Air release
Open the valve of the oil tank and slightly
tighten the air release screw at the top of the oil Note
burner. Clean the protection glass regularly.
If, after releasing the air, oil starts to come out
from the place where the screw was loosened,
then tighten the screw.
Input unit
Output unit
-- /~
L LJV'L...'-' I
2 ON
(Z) Q
7 ON
Dip switch 8 OFF
CPU unit
Memory cassette
'TJi nal
l~ ....
Ii I
~, ~
Insert a memory cassette along the slot and tuck it in until the connector is engaged.
Turn off the boiler power to replace the memory cassette.
stored data may be lost.
3) Battery
A battery is built in the CPU unit.
4) Input unit
An operation switch, a pressure switch on the detector and the thermostat will be connected to
work as a joint.
5) Output unit
An electromagnetic relay, an electromagnetic valve and indication lights are connected. Relay contact
output is adopted. You can check the operation status of output points with LED on the unit surface.
(The light is on when the output relay is on)
3. Display Function
• Under operation stop and irregular stop
D :Light on
~ :Flashing •
When the auxiliary relay for load rejection is off
Light out
rpOWERJ LED does not Loose connection of the power Terminal block:
light up. terminal block connector Correctly insert the connector. ,
The flame detector is the relay to detect burner flame and take it out as an electric signal and includes
built-in operational amplifier, electrolytic capacitor, transistors, diodes, auxiliary relay and many other
electronic parts.
. ~
5·riitin~ Terminal
Terminal block
1. Rated voltage :AC100/110V 50/60Hz Output
...---'T----II ON
2. Permissible ambient temperature :-5°C -+55°C
3. Action
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L _ _L _ _~I OFF
15 10.5
4. Output : 1 a relay contact Flame eye resistance (k 0 )
*Flame eye (Flame detecting sensor) .... ··
5. Basic connection Cadmium sulfide cell (CdS) P621-03 type
Power r=~~IOII Flame detecting circuit
Output ~
Flame eye
L /:jUIL/::;H
1. Outline
1) Summary
LM1.-200 is a water level detector which is an integral type of the conventional level detector consisting
of two switches and sequencer output without changing the sequencer program and major connections.
2) Characteristics
LM1-200 is characterized as fo'ilows.
• 100V/200V voltage available
• No relay is used and open collector is used for output.
• IC (TC4584) for detection can be replaced.
2. Rating
1) Rated Voltage : 1 1> AC1 00V/200V SO/60Hz
Voltage variation : +10%--15%
3) Basic connection
Water level detector LM1-200
Logic circuit - ~
Level detecting c ircuit ~.
I 1 I
fI I
Semiconductor contact
~ AA I
r h
,-.-. ,"""lhp ~ oaa aal au aa. •,
6-30 High Pressure Air Soot Blower
1) Make sure that the pressure in the air tank reaches the preset pressure (2.5MPa).
2) Make sure that all of the soot blower main valve on the boiler side are closed.
3) Open the main valve on the air tank side.
4) Carry out soot blower according to the following procedure.
& Caution
When the pressure in the air tank is sufficient (over about 2.2 MPa), the next operation will be able to be
followed. If the pressure is below about 2.2 MPa, make sure that it will charge up into the preset pressure.
Start the next operation after makin9 sure that the pressure will return to the preset pressure.
& Caution
When the pressure in the air tank decreases (into about 1.8 MPa), stop the operation even in the middle of the
operation and make sure that the pressure in the air tank will charge up into the preset pressure.
Continue the operation after making sure that the pressure in the air tank will return to the preset pressure.
2. In case GK 14XX, 16XX, 18XX operate the soot blower as same way as soot blower (1) (2).
Soot Blower (3) (4) on the Middle
CD Open the rotary soot blower main valve No.(3) on the middle and then carry out soot blow for about
30 seconds. (The valve is open, soot blows and then the valve is close in about 30 seconds.)
(2) Carry out rotary soot blow at No. (4) on the middle same as mentioned CD.
(Operation: about 30 seconds X 2 sets {Rotary soot blower on the middle} = about 60 seconds.)
L f:jUILJ:::H
4. Finish
CD When all of the above mentioned process is completed, the soot blower has been finished.
Adjust the time for operation while referring to the range of the air pressure gauge installed on the
equipment because it is standard time.
If there are no capacity of the air tank to spare, the operation time is possible to be cut down, please
refer to the minimum time required in the attached sheet.
® During voyage , carry out soot blow at least once a day and decide the appropriate number and time
of the operation according to your experience while checking the effect caused by soot remove.
6-31 Soot Cleaning in the Exhaust Gas Side while the ship is in Port
Series GK units come equipped with high pressure air soot blower. Soot that cannot be removed by the
soot blower while the ship is at sea must be periodically removed. At that time, the soot should be removed
with a vacuum cleaner and a compressed air blower.
The following is the procedure for removing the soot from the water pipes on the exhaust gas side:
1) Leaving the manhole on the inlet side of the exhaust open , collect the soot that has built up on the
bottom cover. If you have a vacuum cleaner, suck up all the soot that is within reach of the nozzle.
2) Use a compressed air blower to blow away remaining soot in the same direction as the exhaust gas flow.
3) Open the cleaning opening in the middl'e portion and collect the soot that has accumulated.
4) Use a compressed air blower to blow the soot away from the middle cleaning opening toward the exhaust outlet.
5) Open the manhole on the outlet side of the exhaust and collect the soot that has accumulated. As soon
as possible after cleaning , close the manhole and the cleaning opening and start the boiler.
'~"" '\.
080 0 0
/ 03
b~oV ,~ u 0
I / ; - hL--...l..-----"
o (',--_
2)" 0 ~,o
0 ( 3 ! 0 ,-....(
~ 0 ' ._( ' 0 ( 4 )
o 0 I
',- '
g 1\ g
- - Cleaning opening
1. Using a high pressure cleaning pump, blow the soot away from the exhaust gas inlet and toward the
middle area and the exhaust gas outlet, as described previously in (1).
2. Blow the soot adhering to the water pipes from the top toward the bottom.
3. Remove the soot remaining on the top cover and the cleaning water, then use a fan on the manhole on
the inlet side to dry the water pipes.
4. When the water pipes have dried, sometimes some of the remaining soot will have fallen onto the bottom
cover. In such a case, remover the soot using either compressed air or high pressure cleaning water.
5. Immediately after cleaning with water, dry the water pipes and start the boiler.
~ Warning
II Frequent washing with water can cause sulphur-induced corrosion of the water pipes, drum, and casing.
Therefore, you should use water as little as possibLe.
The pressure of the steam that is generated in this boiler is affected by the loaded condition of the ship. When the
steam pressure is low, the auxiliary boiler can supply additional steam from additional fire (concurrent operation),
but when the steam pressure rises rapidly, it is sometimes impossible to adjust the exhaust gas volume.
Therefore, some of the generated steam is released through the drain cooler to adjust the steam pressure. In
other words, there is an excess steam release valve between the main steam line and the drain cooler; when the
set pressure is exceeded, the excess steam is released through the drain cooler.
From Load
PS Feed Water Pump I Tank
1:~~JI IW"
1) Body There are basically two types of excess steam release
2) Bottom Cover
3) Top Cover
valves: a direct driven type, and a pneumatic type.
4) Spring Chamber The type installed depends on the ship's specifications.
5) Cylinder
6) Piston The release valve ~or the direct-driven type has the
7) Main Valve same structure as the pressure reducing valve.
8) Main Valve Seat
@ (Referring to the figure below.) You can adjust the set
9) Pilot Valve Seat
@ 10) Pilot Valve pressure by removing the cap (11) from the upper part
11) Cap
12) Cap Pilot Valve Screw of the release valve, then loosening the lock nut (17)
13) Washer Of Spring
and adjusting the regulating screw. Please monitor the
®- D~~\(Q---~ 14) Washer Of Spring
@)' 17) Lock Nut The pneumatic release valve monitors senses the
@ 18) Plug actual steam pressure and convents the difference
19) Diaphragm
@ with set pressure o~ the release valve into an air
20) Strainer
21) Main Valve Spring signal that moves the diaphragm adjustment valve
@ 22) Adjusting Screw Spring
® 23) Pilot Valve Spring which in turn regulates the steam pressure.
® / / 24) Strainer Spring
~~ * For more
25) Bolt & Nut
26) Bolt & Nut in~ormation
about the direct-driven and
Q) 27) Bolt & Nut
pneumatic release valves, please consult the
® 28) Valve Guide
1. Normal operation
Combustion SW-----.l.-- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- !
~~ CJ - - - - - - - - - - - -
gnition transformer -------'---'--
5S ~j I.. 12S .1
Pilot solenoid valve 1
~: 1~7S
Combustion solenoid valve _ _ _ _-!-_-.L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'
. operation ;
2. Flame
failure dUring .
Combustion sWitch I ,358 I
Burner motor f :~
3. Ignition failure
Combustion SW ---,---~+l-------------
Fan Motor r== .! I
I.. 358 • I II'" 3.5S
Alarm Bell c-
Turn off the combustion switch once or press the alarm reset button to reset operation when you
experienced the situation stated (2) and (3).
Note .
Time charts varies depending on specifications. See the final drawing for details.
L t1UILt::.H
7-3 Flowcharts
NO '
~ Normal Water
Combustion Oil pump, Fan on
Lamp ON
Oil Heater SW
11 A" Position is at. ..
cO "NC"I "C"
Oil Heater operation ~ Normal Temp
(A) (8)
Is there any
other interlock
-0 I
.... C
CO co
CD High steam CD
Pressure SW Stand by
Combuslion Solenoid
Valve OFF
Low Comb Solenoid Valve ON
(3 Position Conlrol)
(C )
-------·..·· ··---.... -----1Three Level Control 1··..___ ....··..___ ..__ ·..·: :..···--··..···.. ·....·..1 ON-OFF control 1··..·.. ·······.....--..
® Ii @
Low steam pressure,,) OPEN
Switch contact is
Lowsteam pressure";,CLOSE
Switch contact is
CLOSE High steam pressure
Switch contact is
I Post purge
35 Sec.
Switch contact is
- - ___ . _ - - - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - _ __ - - - - - - - - _ _ - - __ __ _ _ __ __ .. - - - - _..1 __ ___ _ _ __ ____ _ .. _ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. . . __ _ __ .. __ • _ ........ _ _ ... ..... _ _ __ _ ...... . .-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ....... _ _ ___ .. .. _ .... .... .. ___ _ .. _ .. _ _ •• _ .. __ .. .. __ .. .. ..
3-438 ON
& Caution
If the warning lamp for the burner interlock lights up, the bu rn er will not automatically return to its
previous setting-it will have to be reset.
8. Safety Devices
~ Caution
The main boiler system is always alert for the
The specifications of your warning apparatuses
following malfunctions may vary.
stand-by (pre-purge)
on,Activate alarm bell. Post purge start
Fuel 0il temperature drop Shut off burning appliances , Reset button On
(lower than specified oil temperature F.O temp drop lamp lights on
set by thermostat) Activate alarm bell , Post purge start
F.O pressure drop (lower than specified Shut off burning appliances in 2seconds, Reset button On
pressure set by F.O presswe switch, Indicator light up for lower
during burner ignition.) F.O press drop lamp lights on, Activate
alarm bell, Post purge start
Abnormal rise of exhaust gas temperature Shut off burning appliances , Reset button On
(higher than specified temperature set Exhaust high temp lamp lights on,
5 by exhaust gas thermostat) Activate alarm bell,
Post purge start
Flame detected during post purge Shut off burning appliances, Reset button On
operation Abnormal fire lamp lights on ,
7 Activate alarm bell,
Abnormal rise of fuel oil temperature Shut off fuel heater, Automatic restoration
(h igher than specified temperature set F.O temp high lamp lihjts on F.O temp high lamp
8 by high temperature thermal alarm) Activate alarm bell lights on
F.O high temperature thermostat
Low water level (Alarm level) Low water level lamp lights on Automatic restoration
Activate alarm bell
Abnormal CPU , Other abnormality of Shut off every sequencer output such Power restoration
the seq uencer as the feeding water pump,burning
10 appliances
& Warning
6. Are there any clogging or loosened parts at
The following points should be examined to the connections throughout the fuel piping?
prevent accidents.
7. Are there any air in the fuel line?
8. Isn't the fuel strainer clogged?
1. Around The boiler 9. Is oil properly running from every tank
1. Area around the boiler cleaned thoroughly? through the fuel pump?
2. Any obstacles on the way? 10. Check thoroughly for any leaks from the fuel
3. Any flammable around the boiler? plumbing above the boiler.
4. Is there air inlet, or proper ventilator? 11. Is every needle of the pressure gauge and
5. Is air pressure in engine room appropriate? thermometer o.k.?
If it is negative, make it positive by adding 5. Burner
another ventilator. 1. Is installment of every equipment around the
6. Is fire distinguishing system equipped? b.urner o.k.?
2. The boiler and its Accessories 2. Is the glass or flame eye not contaminated?
1. Is equipment installation such as inspection 3. Is the ignition rod dirty, or is the size of each
holes, covers, valves o.k.? part o.k.?
2. Is valve opening/closing, or switching of 4. Is the lead wire from the ignition transformer
every drain valves all right? through the rod, and each attachment o.k.?
3. Is draining direction out of safety valve o.k.? 5. Is the nozzle tip not clogged?
4. Is glass stained or broken on the water level 6. Is a solenoid valve running properly? Are
gauge? there any oil leaks, or is the installment of the
5. Are needles of each pressure gauge o.k.? exiting open/close type o.k.?
3. Feed water system 7. Are there any deviance in the damper
1. Is the Cascade Tank filled with water? caused by loose screws or levers, etc.?
2. Is it dirty, or is there any oil in it? . 8. Does the damper motor run properly?
3. Is automatic feed water valve (ball tap) 6. Electricity
function normally? 1. Does every motor of the draft fun, the water
4. Is switchi,ng of every valve for feed water line feeding pump, fueling pump, etc. run properly?
o.k.? And/Or, does it turn to the right direction?
5. Does the switch No. on the control panel 2. Is every value for the thermostat (exhaust gas,
match with feed water pump for actual use? fuel heater, etc.) , fuel oil temperature adjuster
6. Is there any clogging , air, leaking , or loose and pressure switch specified correctly?
part in pipes? 3. Is ignition transformer running normally?
7. Isn't strainer for sucking clogged? Does it generate any sparks?
8. Isn't there any leaking from mechanical seal 4. Is the control panel not broken, or is every
of the feed water pump? attachment tool o.k.?
9. Are needles of pressu re gauge and 5. Are there any disconnected lead wires, loose
compound gauge o.k.? screws, broken lumps or switches?
4. Fuel oil system 6. Is voltage 440V (220V) provided for regular
1. Is there oil in the service tank for the boiler operation, and 1OOV for operating the circuits?
(0.0 tank and F.O tank)? 7. Are there not any disconnections throughout
2. Is the F.O tank heated properly? the external wiring of all equipment?
3. Is the F.O purified by the purifier. 8. Is every relay on the control panel running
4. Is the tank drained properly? properly? O r flame detector, every timer
5. Is every valve switching through the fuel running o.k.?
piping from the tank to the boiler o.k.? 9. Is the sequencer running?
~ Warning
and temperature .
Pre-pu rge ... confirm
an rombustion...combustion indicator lump lights on
Alarm bell for low temperature of fuel oil is can
5. Pay attention to the following points during
celed , the moment heater switch shifted into
bustion :
"AlC". Stop the combustion , when inappropriate
Color of flame, expansion, stability
fuel oil temperature causes faulty combustion.
Color of smoke, any gas leak from its path
L f:jUILl=H
& Warning
In the manual combustion, ignition error may cause dangers such as backfire, or over heat; do not use
unless otherwise emergency. In case of using, the following rules should be followed.
1) Tum Cam Switch to off position, to stop automatic a) Return combustion change over switch to (Low
combustion. Comb.) to reverse the above-mentioned operation ,
2) Shift fuel heater switch to A. Confirm that and turn Cam Switch counter-clockwise.
combustion shifting switch is set at (Low Comb). Keep running more than 60 seconds at FAN
3) Turn Cam Switch to (FO.Pump/heater) position . position.
At this point, check that fuel is properly circulating.
(by pressure gauge) In manual operation as well, combustion is restricted
4) Shift fuel heater switch to C, in case of C heavy by interlocking of safety system as follows:
oil, and make sure the temperature goes up to the a) in case of flame-out, or ignition failure
specified level properly. If not, stand·by until it b) when steam pressure rises
reaches the proper level. c) when the water level of the boiler goes down to
(A heavy oil should not require this step) . lower water level
5) Turn Cam Switch to (Fan Running,) position . d) when the temperature of exhaust gas rises
Make sure that draft fun is running properly. e) when the fan motor stops
6) Sufficient pre-purge lamp should be confirmed on.
7) Turn Cam Switch to (Ignition) position. In manual operation where there is not enough inter
Pilot burner combustion should be confirmed locking system for safety, pay extra attention to the
If there is no combustion, immediately set the a) Take sufficient time for pre-purge before manual
& Warning
COMB. }"
4. Cleaning of the strainer inside fuel oil pump (Pilbt pump) Every 1 month
8. Inspection/adjustment of the fuel oil thermostat and Temperature indicator/adjuster I Every 3 months I,
10. Cleaning of V-type oil strainer for fuel line Every 3 months
3. Maintenance of the burner body (baffle, rectifier grid, etc) Every 1 week
5. Blow of the water level gauge and control cylinder Every 1 year
Electricity 2. Inspection of the ball bearing of the relative motors Every 1 month
3. Check resistance of the water level detector and holder Every 3 months
~~I:; :
Be aware that most of the water tube accidents come from faulty water treatment. Through understanding of
the instruction book it should contribute to good management. The instruction book refers to how to
& Warning
Be aware that non-compliance of the proper procedures may damage the boiler rapidly or cause corrosion.
Details should be consulted with our Marine maintenance service.
it Caution
Details should be consulted with marine maintenance service.
o Feed water tank is installed at a position much lower than feed water pump. (i.e. lack of NPSH)
o Cavitation due to back flow of boiler water or abnormally-high feed water temperature.
o Insufficient capacity due to abnormal wear of impeller or guide plate of feed water pump .
a When priming occurs due to high concentration of boiler water, feed water supply is not enough and
low water level alarm may sound.
2. Excessive rise of feed water pump discharge pressure
o Clogging of discharge side valve system or piping .
o Defective pressure gauge.
o Flooding of boiler due to improper feed water control.
3. Water leakage from feed water pump
o Defective mechanical seal.
o Defective cover O-rings.
a Defective air vent cock or improper htting of pressure gauge piping joint.
4. Feed water pump does not start or stop properly or at the specified water level
o Wrong connection of water level detecting rod with lead wire or disconnection.
a Poor conductivity due to green rust in joint of water level detecting rod and lead wire. (In some cases no
change is seen on the surface and conductivity is normal when measured with a tester because of its small
current used.)
o Loose fitting parts on term inal board.
o Detecting rod is stained or in contact with main body cylinder.
o Water level detecting rod drops from the holder due to vibration.
o Improper water level indication due to stained water level gauge glass.
o When priming or foaming occurs due to high concentration of boiler water, normal feed water control
may not be made.
L. LJ\JIL...L...I I
Regarding trouble shooting of fuel pump and fuel booster pump refer to separated instructions.
11-3 Combustion
2. Ignition failure
1) Fire goes out after burning far 2 or 3 seconds.
o Defective flame eye or stained lens.
o Improper air flow adjustment (Improper damper adjustment).
o Clogging of chimney.
o Defective fuel solenoid valve.
o Improper position between nozzle tip and baffle plate.
2) Fire goes out after burning for about 10 seconds.
o Improper position relative to the nozzle tip, baffle plate, and flame funnel.
o Oil pressure drop in about 10 seconds due to defective solenoid varve, etc.
o Wrong flame detecting position of flame eye.
o Flame blowout due to excessive airflow.
3. Vibration combustion.
o Air is included in fuel.
o Burner ignition position is not proper. (Ignition delay is caused .)
o Oil heating temperature is too high or too low.
o Nozzle tip size does not fi t air flow.
o Oil collects in the combustion chamber and burns.
o Air register is bu rned .
o High combustion solenoid valve leaks during low combustion.
o Low and high combustion pipes leak in the nozzle pipe.
o Oil pressure rises slowly. (ignition delay is caused.)
o Leak from cut-off valve.
o Insufficient air flow.
o When fuel property changes extremely, combustion condition may be affected delicately.
o Funnel is clogged.
# ~
Simple causes of problems are described above During boiler operation, unexpected troubles may occur
including troubles with the sequencer itself which is in charge of control. Therefore, pay special attention to
a meter value, pressure gauge indication , heating and abnormality of components, etc., so that abnormal
symptoms can be discovered in the early stages.
With regard to electric items, check terminal screws for looseness, damage of lead wire, etc. regularly to
prevent any possible troubles .
No leakage from the water tube of the GK type boiler occurs if water quality control is carried out properly.
External water treatment with the water softner and boiler internal water treatment with boiler compound
are absolutely essential. If leakage is found from the boiler water tube due to improper boiler water
treatment, check it as follows:
1) Remove the burner and wind box from the upper section of the boiler. (Open the chimney manhole on
the exhaust gas side.)
2) Enter the boiler combustion chamber and check the water tube wall. (Enter the chimney on the exhaust
gas side.) (It can be checked In this stage, if a leak location is discovered.)
3) Set the feed water pump switch to Manual and perform a hydraulic test. .
4) If water is leaking from the connection of a water tube and tube plate, remove castabe filled around the
connection and check it.
When water is leaking from the back side of the first row of tubes toward the second row of tubes, we
may easily consider that water is leaking from the second row of tubes. Therefore, check it carefully in
full consideration of the above.
5) When the leaking water tube is found, drive a stopper, replace it or so on in accordance with "Damaged
water tUbe".
6) Investigate the cause of water tube leakage and use it as reference for future operation. If the use it as
reference for future operation . If the water treatment is the problem, it may continue to occur until it is
properly looked after.
When water is leaking on the exhaust economizer side, open manhole on the exhaust gas inlet and
outlet and hand hole on middle portion and check it.
The GK type boiler is a verticail natural-circulation boiler. Since, Deposits of impurities in feed water
(calcium, magnesium, and silica) may form on the heating surface which could hinder the heat exchange
process, damage the water tubes , and cause leakage, if boiler water is not controlled as shown in the
attached "Manual for water treatment. To operate this boiler most economically and efficiently, it is essential'
to control boiler water by blowing down boiler water and using proper boiler compounds and a water
softener, etc." This chapter describes ways to fix damaged water tubes and leakage which are caused by
unsatisfactory boiler water control.
& Warning
Before inspecting the interior of the unit, tum it off, purge with the bottom blow-off valve and ventilator, and cool both
the inside of the drum and the combustion chamber. Then make sure that the pressure inside the drum is 0 MPa.
Also, when conducting the inspection, make sure ventilation is provided by the air duct and/or the ventilator fan .
2. Repair by stopper welding from inside the combustion chamber. (Tubes in the first line)
1 Steam Drum
Cut by Gas
2 Water Drum I
3 Water Tube
4 Castable
,I I I. "
This method is exactly like the previous method up to the point where the water pressure test is conducted inside the
combustion chamber to determine which tube(s) is/are leaking. However, the stopper treatment method is completely
different; in this case, the stoppers are welded from inside the combustion chamber, as shown in the diagram.
Therefore, the number one prerequisite for using this method is to have a certified welder on board the ship.
Combustion Combustion
Chamber Chamber
If you undertake the stopper treatment from just the top and bottom without welding the stoppers, keep in mind
that the water tube (which doesn't contain water) will become damaged and water will leak from the exhaust gas
outlet. Therefore, the previous type of work should be done only in case of emergency; it is highly recommended
that the stoppers be welded once the ship reaches port. However, if there is some technical issue, such as with
welders, and application of castable refractories is neglected after the stopper treatment as shown in the figure,
this may other problems to develop. Therefore, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions precisely.