Mcosmos E4180 525 PDF
Mcosmos E4180 525 PDF
Mcosmos E4180 525 PDF
Simple Operation
This program does not need to use specific code numbers since it adheres
to the Windows standards and allows measurement procedure to be
selected from icons or pull-down menus.
System performance from every viewpoint
The control center from which the software package is
initialized, and individual part programs are managed.
(Universal Geometric Measurement Program)
Elements Toolbar
• A group of icons for measurement of point, line, plane, circle, ellipse, cone, sphere, cylinder, curve, curved surface, and gear elements.
Click on the icon of an element to be measured to display a sub-window which allows you to change the number of input points, select
a calculation formula, invoke an element from memory, combine multiple elements, calculate the point(s) of intersection of two elements,
and so on.
● Software program for universal geometric measurement of a workpiece.
● This program allows measurement operation with the same operational
feeling as Windows.
● The program has achieved extraordinary ease of operation by a new
method using toolbar/icon menus and totally without using any code or
code number.
This converter reads an ASCII-format part program created
by an external program such as Pure DMISPAK and
registers it in the parts list.
Part Process Toolbar New Part Registration Window
●Login ������
• An operator logs on to the system by entering their User Name
and password. This makes it possible to set User Rights for each ������������
<Example of Priority>
Class User Rights
Operator A Admin All system operations including the changing and Remote Manager
registration of User Rights
Operator B User All measurement operations including the creation of part Provides a remote start function for GEOPAK.
• When a specified format file is written in the
Operator C User Running part programs
communication folder, the remote manager reads the
file and starts the GEOPAK program according to the file
● Program Start Toolbar contents.
•Starts GEOPAK, part editor, CAT1000PS, etc. • Sharing the communication folder on the network
● Part Process Toolbar allows file writing from other computers and remote
• Provides such functions as new part creation, part name change, instructions for repeat runs of GEOPAK.
copy, deletion, search, registration/output of graphics (.BMP file)
and voice (.WAV file), and head data input. ��������������� ����������
● Parts List
• Displays the list of parts that have been already created. In the column
right to part names, a data type (GEOPAK part program, CAT1000S
CAD data, statistical data, memo data, graphics/voice file, or head data)
included in each part is displayed with a symbol, giving you an at-a-glance ��������������
configuration of data.
Double-click on a data type button, then the program will start if data
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� • Point (point/point with radius compensation/side face/midpoint/
� intersection point)
���������� • Line (line*/bisector line/line of intersection/tangent line)
• Circle (circle*/intersection circle/intersection circle/tangent circle)
1. Defining a datum plane 2. Probing a circular element to • Ellipse (ellipse/tangent ellipse)
set up the origin • Inclined circle
• Plane (plane/bisector plane)
����������� • Cone
• Sphere (sphere/tangent sphere)
• Cylinder
������ • Stepped cylinder
• Contour (option)
3. Probing a circular element for 4. The completed part • Surface (option)
axis alignment coordinate system definition • Gear tooth surface (option)
• Distance (maximum/central/minimum/spatial distance)
• Angle (real surface/spatial/supplementary angle)
* The calculation method can be chosen as the least squares, circumscribed circle, inscribed circle or minimum
zone methods.
● Sub Window (3) Element name
When an element measurement is selected, a sub window will An arbitrary name can be given to an element to be measured.
appear. This window allows setting a calculation method, changing (4) Memory number
the number of input points, and other settings. Specifies the memory location number for an element.
[Sub Window appears after Selection of Circle Icon] (5) Number of input points
The number of measurement input points is specified here. No limit
is placed on the number of points.
(1) (The upper limit is dependent on computer performance.)
(6) Unspecified number of input points
If the number of measurement input points is unknown, this icon is
turned ON. Measurement can be interrupted at any given number of
(2) (10) (11) points during measurement.
(7) Auto-measurement ON/OFF (only for CNC CMM)
(7) (12) Auto-measurement can be performed just by specifying a design
(8) (13) (8) Memory location increment
To automatically increment an element memory number during
(6) (9) (14) looping, this icon is turned ON.
(5) (Usually, if the command is specified in the loop, the icon is
automatically turned ON.)
(9) Repeat measurement
This icon specifies whether or not to repeat the same measurement.
(10) Datum plane
(1) Element measurement method selection This toolbar specifies the datum plane for circle calculation manually
This toolbar allows selection of real input, combination, call from or by auto-selection.
memory/recalculation, creation of theoretical circle by key-in, (11) Datum plane projection ON/OFF
intersection of circle between a plane and a cylinder/cone/sphere or Specifies whether or not to perform projection onto the datum
height up to the specified intersection circle radius, two-axis tangent plane.
circle, etc. A circle is calculated as that projected on the datum plane if this icon
� is turned ON and as that located at the mean height of input points
if it is turned OFF.
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�������� (12) Tolerance zone measurement ON/OFF
Specifies whether or not to perform tolerance zone measurement.
If this icon is turned ON, the Tolerance Zone Measurement Setup
������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� window (see page 11) is automatically opened after the end of
element measurement.
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�������������������������������� (13) Graphics ON/OFF
Specifies whether or not to display an element graphic on the input
(2) Calculation formula selection point number counter.
This toolbar selects a calculation method for circle measurement (14) Voice ON/OFF
from among the least squares, inscribed circle, circumscribed circle or Specifies whether or not to inform you of the count of input points
minimum zone methods. by voice.
[Least square method] [Inscribed circle method] [Circumscribed circle method] [Minimum zone method]
Determines the circle that makes the sum of the Determines the largest diameter circle that inscribes Determines the smallest diameter circle that Determines the circle that is equidistant between two
squares of the deviation between that circle and the the measurement data. circumscribes the measurement data. concentric circles that enclose the measurement data
measurement data a minimum. so as to produce the minimum separation.
(Tolerance Zone Comparison)
Compares element data from measurement or calculation
against the design value for a specified tolerance.
When measurement (input) has been completed, actual ● Element/Form Tolerance Zone Measurement
measurement values are displayed in the Result Display field (window) The measurement result for an element is analyzed by specifying the
and the graphics of measured elements are displayed in the Element element that has been measured or calculated and giving the design
Drawing window. (Auto-magnification and zooming are possible in value and tolerance to be applied.
[Items That Can Be Toleranced for Each Element]
● Distance/Angle Calculation
Performs calculation of a distance or angle by specifying two Elements Items to be specified
elements. Point Coordinate
Line Coordinate, angle, straightness
Plane Coordinate, angle, distance, flatness
Circle Coordinate, radius/diameter, roundness
Ellipse Coordinate, minor axis, major axis, ellipticity
Cone Coordinate, angle, full apex angle/half apex angle, conicity
Sphere Coordinate, radius, diameter, roundness, sphericity
Cylinder Coordinate, radius, diameter, cylindricity
Distance Distance and its individual X, Y, Z component outputs
Angle Spatial angle, XY-, YZ-, and ZX-projected angles
[Circle Element Tolerance Zone Measurement Setup [Straightness Tolerance Zone Measurement Setup Window]
When the design data has been entered, tolerancing results are
displayed. In the Result Display field, tolerance status is displayed
in bar graph form in addition to actual measured values, design
values, tolerance limits, and errors for specified items, giving you
an at-a-glance status of measured data. (A result within tolerance is
displayed green or yellow, and that out of tolerance is displayed red.)
* The window can also draw graphics for flatness and runout.
[Coaxiality Tolerance Zone Measurement Setup Window] ● Runout Tolerance Zone Measurement
• This function performs tolerancing of runout.
(2) (1)
[Runout Tolerance Zone Measurement Window]
● Line Laser Probe Element Extraction (CNC)
This function extracts geometric elements from point group data
CNC Parameter Setting (CNC)
obtained with a line laser probe within the specified range. This function allows setting of traverse speed, approach
distance, positioning accuracy and other factors for a CNC
Elements compatible with extraction type CMM.
• Circle
[CNC Parameter Setting Window]
• Plane
• Sphere
• Cylinder (1)
• Slotted hole (2)
• Rectangular hole (3)
[Circle Element Extraction Example] (5)
(3) (9)
(4) (7) (8) (10)
(12) �������������������������������������������
Repeat Mode
(10) Direct measurement of a tapped hole This mode implements measuring procedures based on
If the position of a tapped hole is measured as if it were a plain hole existing part programs.
then a large measurement error will usually occur. The conventional
way of accurately measuring tapped hole position is to screw a
tooling ball into the hole so that the ball can be probed instead.
This function offers the faster alternative of probing the thread
directly by driving the contact point in a spiral that matches the
diameter and pitch. (Registered patent) (1)
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(2) (3)
(1) Clearance height ON/OFF �����
(2) Travel axis selection
(3) Clearance height Z coordinate �����������������
Graphic Display/Voice Output/
Comment Display
This function allows display of graphics (.bmp/.jpg file)
that have been created beforehand in the following
window. The use of this window (as shown below) will
be an operating procedure guide for beginners who are
unfamiliar with the operating instructions.
This window also allows comment display or voice output
(.WAV file).
Result data is output to a printer or a file.
● Output to Printer ● Output to File
The program provides highly-flexible printouts by specifying data • The information to be displayed in the Result Display field can be
items such as header, footer, comment (text), all data, out-of- stored in a specified file.
tolerance data only, control limit data only, etc. • Data items to be stored can be selected in the same manner as
[Printout Example: Tolerance Zone Measurement]
CAT1000S (Free-form Curved Surface
Evaluation Program)
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The program performs one-point measurement of a
workpiece and tolerancing compared with CAD data.
● Online Measurement (Manual/CNC)
• CAT1000S performs tolerancing of an arbitrary position (one point)
measured with the Surface Measurement button of GEOPAK
with CAD data real-time.
• Surface Search
Select an arbitrary position on
a model and specify one point
to be measured.
• Surface Grid
Select an arbitrary patch and
specify the number of points
arranged vertically/horizontally
and the area usage rate to be
set automatically in a reticular
CAT1000S (Free-form Curved Surface
Evaluation Program)
Graphic Protocol Edition
Measurement results can be output to a text file, DMIS file, and
measurement data file. Allows a graphic of a model to be displayed and printed
with numeric data attached.
[Example of Output to a Text File] The layout can also be stored (learned).
● Offline Measurement
• CAT1000S can perform evaluation (calculation only) of a free-form The Best-Fit function
curved surface using measurement data already stored, ASCII data
from an external system, or coordinates entered from the keyboard. This function automatically positions the workpiece
[Measurement Data] coordinate system so as to minimize differences (errors)
between the measured and design forms. It is effective
PR;1.999403; where a reference coordinate system is not well defined.
MM;SF;0.050000;-0.050000 ����������������
SCANPAK (Contour Measurement Program)
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�������������������������������� Contour Tolerance Zone Measurement
������������������ ����� This function performs tolerancing by comparing measured
values with the corresponding design values.
Automatic scanning
using a scanning (1)
probe can greatly
reduce the measuring
time compared (3)
with touch-trigger (4) (5)
(1) Tolerance limit
Sets the upper and lower limit tolerances of a feature and specifies
Tolerance Zone Measurement with
the width of the magnified error zone. Profile Data Specified as Tolerance Limits
(2) Contour data specification
Specifies design data and measurement data. [Tolerance Zone Measurement with Tolerance Variation]
Design data can be provided with point sequence (X, Y, Z) data on a
contour. ��������� �������� ��������
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Before applying Best-Fit After applying Best-Fit
[Tolerance Zone Measurement Result Display] ����������������������
Optional Program
GEARPAK-Worm is for evaluating tooth-form profile, tooth-alignment profile, etc.,
from the measurement data of a worm gear obtained with a CNC CMM.
● Creates a simplified part program from gear specification GEARPAK-Worm supports various gear standards and can set
data tolerance just by entering the specification data and the kind and
A CNC part program can be created automatically on GEARPAK- level of standard.
Worm just by entering the gear specification data and a measuring GEARPAK-Worm supports DIN 3974-1 and ���������������
��������������� ����������� �����������������������
method. There is no need to teach the system so measurements are AGMA 2111-A98. Moreover, the program �����������
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● Automatic tolerance setting compatible with various an arbitrary tolerance since a tolerance can be keyed in and edited.
standards * In addition to GEARPAK-Worm, Internet Explorer (5.x or later) is required for evaluation.
GEARPAK-Bevel/Hypoid is for evaluating tooth-plane profile, pitch error, etc., from the
measurement data of a bevel gear or hypoid gear obtained with a CNC CMM.
● Creates a simplified part program from gear specification measured with GEOPAK and gear cutting specification data (initial
data value) used for a gear-cutting machine.
A CNC part program can be created automatically on GEARPAK- ● Supporting gears manufactured
Bevel/Hypoid just by entering the gear specification data and on a Gleason Corporation's
a measuring method. There is no need to teach the system so gear-cutting machine
measurements are easily performed. GEARPAK-Bevel/Hypoid supports ring
● Determines specification data for corrected gear cutting gears and pinion gears manufactured by
by a unique algorithm the Formate or Helixform methods.
GEARPAK-Bevel/Hypoid determines the * In addition to GEARPAK-Bevel/Hypoid, Internet Explore (r 5.x or
later) is required for evaluation.
specification data (estimated value) that
indicates good tooth contact from gear data [Result Drawing]
GEARPAK-Cylindrical is for evaluating a tooth-form profile, tooth-alignment profile,
etc., from the measurement data of an involute spur gear or helical gear obtained with
● Creates a simplified part program from gear ● Automatic tolerance setting compatible with various
specification data standards
A CNC part program can be created automatically on GEARPAK- GEARPAK-Cylindrical supports various gear standards and can set
Cylindical just by entering the gear specification data and a tolerance just by entering the specification data and the kind and
measuring method. There is no need to teach the system so level of standard. This program supports ISO1328, JIS B 1702*, DIN
measurements are easily performed. 3961 ff, AGMA 2000-A88, and R01-33-001F. Moreover, the program
allows geometrical evaluation of gears with an arbitrary tolerance
since a tolerance can be keyed in and edited.
* The new JIS standard is supported. If evaluation is �����������
performed with the old JIS, specify a tolerance through ���������������
key-in. ����������
* In addition to GEARPAK-Cylindrical, Internet Explore (r 5.x ������
Optional Program
Pure DMISPAK converts a DMIS file created by an external system to an ASCII-format
part program for GEOPAK.
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eM-Probe of Siemens PLM Software Inc. Silma XG of Mitsui Zosen Systems Research Inc.
Optional Program
● MAFIS allows airfoil-type evaluation from the data of a
cross-section contour measured by SCANPAK.
[Airfoil Analysis Window]
[Chord Length (LE – TE)] [Partial Best-fit]
FORMPAK-CMM analyzes 2-dimensional cross-section profiles.
[Printout Examples]
(Inspection Table Generation Program)
MeasureReport generates an inspection table in free format using data measured or
acquired by GEOPAK.
result file
File conversion Generation of inspection table
● An inspection table is generated in combination with
discrete measurement results.
A maximum of 6 files can be combined.
Up to 200 inspection items or up to 10,000 workpieces can be
* In addition to this program, Microsoft-Excel is ● A graphic (part drawing) and text (work instruction) can Inspection
necessary. be added to a table. table samples
A maximum of 10 graphics and texts can be appended.
The program supports BMP-format files.
● MeasureReport allows macro (operation) setting of
inspection table generation.
Preliminary macro settings such as auto-print, auto-termination,
format specification, and calculation specification can greatly reduce
inspection table generating operations.
76.83 0902 (4) C-(WZ)HS. Printed in Japan
Export permission by the Japanese government may be
required for exporting our products according to the Foreign
Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. Please consult our sales
office near you before you export our products or you offer
technical information to a nonresident.
Note: All information regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimensional and performance data contained in this pamphlet, as well as other
technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We therefore reserve the right to make changes to the corresponding designs, dimensions and weights.
The stated standards, similar technical regulations, descriptions and illustrations of the products were valid at the time of printing. Only quotations submitted by ourselves
may be regarded as definitive.
Our products are classed as regulated items under Japanese Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law. Please consult us in advance if you wish to export our products to
any other country. If the purchased product is exported, even though it is not a regulated item (Catch-All controls item), the customer service available for that product
may be affected. If you have any questions, please consult your local Mitutoyo sales office.