Vidal and de Tavera
Vidal and de Tavera
Vidal and de Tavera
Filipinos wanted to overthrow the Spanish Government to install new kings in the likes of the
three priests Fr. Mariano Gomez, Fr. Jose Burgos, and Fr. Jacinto Zamora (i.e., GOMBURZA)
These priests enticed participants by giving them charismatic assurance that their fight will not
fail because God is with them coupled with promises of rewards such as employment, wealth,
and ranks in the army.
In the evening of January 20, 1872, fireworks were displayed and rockets fired into the air to
celebrate the feast.
The conspirators in Cavite mistook these for the signal to revolt. Hence, at 9:30 pm of that day
200 native soldiers under the leadership of Sergeant La Madrid rose up in arms, assassinated the
commander of the fort and wounded his wife.
Prisoners pointed out these individuals (and several other Filipinos) as instigators:
Execution of GOMBURZA
On February 17, 1872, in an attempt of the Spanish government to instill fear among the
Filipinos so that they may never commit such daring act again, the GOMBURZA were executed.
This event was tragic but served as one of the moving forces that shaped Filipino nationalism.
Polo y Servicio
The incident was merely a mutiny by the Filipino soliders and laborers againtst Gen. Izquiedo's
harsh policy.
The abolition of the privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite arsenal of exemption from
the tribute was the main cause of the insurrection.
The workmen in the arsenal at Cavite and engineer corps' old-time privileges were abolished by
General Izquierdo and caused them dissatisfacation and discontent.
Leads to an uprising among the soldiers in the San Felipe fort, and the commanding officer and
the other Spanish officers in charge were assassinated.
Central Government
The Central Government of Madrid announced its intention to deprive the friars in matters of
civil government and of the direction and management of the university.
The friars feared that their power in the colony would be a thing of the past and took the
advantage that those who favored a continuation of the colonial modus vivendi presents as a
vast conspiracy with the objective of destroying Spanish sovereignty.
Antonio M. Regidor
Joaquin Pardo de Tavara
P. Mendoza
Curate of Santa Cruz, Guevarra and Quiapo
The priests Mariano Sevilla, Feliciano Gomez, Ballesteros, Jose Basa
Lawyers Carillo, Basa, Enriquez, Crisanto Reyes, Maximo Paterno
and many others ...