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Prodi DIII Keperawatan Sutopo Jurusan Keperawatan
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya,
Corresponding Author : dyahwe@gmail.com
Self care management in patients with chronic renal failure who undergoing
hemodialysis is a positive effort of patients to find and participate in their health services
to optimize health, prevent complications, control symptoms, develop medical resources,
minimize disturbance in diseases that can interfere with life. Family support is very
important in the care of hemodialysis patients. The purpose of this study is to analyze the
relationship of family support with self-care management of hemodialysis patients. The
research method used analytic description with cross sectional approach. The population
involved in this study were patients in the hemodialysis room of RSUD Dr.Soetomo
Surabaya, with a sample size of 52 respondents, using consecutive sampling. Independent
variable in this research is family support and dependent variable is self care
management. Data collection using a family support questionnaire and modified
hemodialysis patient self care measurement scale. Data were analyzed using spearman
rho, with significant level p <0,05. The results showed that family support affects the self-
care management of hemodialysis patients (p = 0.01). Family support affects the self-care
management of hemodialysis patients in the hemodialysis chamber of Dr.Soetomo Hospital
Surabaya. The importance of family support is necessary in treating hemodialysis patients
for self-care management including monitoring of diet, stress management, safe diet,
exercise, good habits, shunt care, diet therapy and observation of care instructions