Acronal 5442 - TDS PDF
Acronal 5442 - TDS PDF
Acronal 5442 - TDS PDF
Acronal® 5442
Polymer Dispersions for Construction
Acronal 5442 is an aqueous, self-cross- Acronal 5442 is mainly used to manu- No unpleasant ammonia odor is
linking dispersion of a copolymer of an facture cement-based, flexible water- released when Acronal 5442 is pro-
acrylic ester and styrene. Acronal 5442 proofing membranes being applied cessed in combination with strongly
is a non-APEO, non-formaldehyde, and in- and outdoor beneath tiles with alkaline mineral binders such as
non-ammonia product. excellent crack-bridging properties, cement and lime, etc. In order to
The composition of Acronal 5442 even at low temperatures down to ensure that mineral sealing com-
further conforms to the requirements – 20 °C and very good adhesion in pounds are able to effectively bridge
of BfR recommendation XIV (as at combination with tiles and slabs. cracks, the ratio of polymer to cement
01.03.2011) and complies with the Acronal 5442 based mineral sealing should be at least 0.8 : 1. We recom-
positive list in Appendix A.2 of DVGW- slurries are also recommended for mend adding either Rheovis® HS 1169
Worksheet W 347 on cementitious concrete protection and waterproofing to the liquid component of the mixture
materials in drinking water applica- of building structures (basement or Rheovis® HS 1980 to the solid com-
tions. The raw materials used to protection). The polymer film only ponent as rheology additives in order
manufacture Acronal 5442 are listed crosslinks in the alkaline pH range. to obtain the correct consistency for
in Commission Regulation (EU) processing.
No. 10/2011 of 14 January 2011.
Te c h n i c a l D a t a
The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. They do not
Regional Business Unit constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product and, in view of the many factors that may affect
Dispersions and Resins Europe processing and application of our products, do not relieve processors from carrying out their own
investigations and tests. The agreed contractual quality of the product at the time of transfer of risk is
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
based solely on the data in the specification data sheet. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data,
proportions, weights, etc. given in this publication may change without prior information. It is the responsi-
bility of the recipient of our product to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation
are observed.