Fungicide Resistance PDF
Fungicide Resistance PDF
Fungicide Resistance PDF
Presidio Reason
Pesticides registered for downy mildew of onion
•!FRAC Group M1 -- Copper formulations (offer limited control)
Champ Formula 2, CuevaO, Cuprofix Ultra 40D, Kocide 2000, Kop-R-Spray, NuCop 50WPO
•!FRAC Group M3
Dithane DF Rainshield, Dithane F45 Rainshield , ManKocide, Manzate 75 DF
•!FRAC Groups 4
Ridomil Gold Bravo SC, Ridomil Gold Copper, Ridomil Gold MZ
Active on PM not DM
•!FRAC Group 11 -- Strobilurin fungicides
Heritage, Quadris, Quilt Xcel (FRAC 3+11), Reason 500 SC, Tanos (FRAC 11+27)
•!FRAC Group 33 -- Phosphonates (can be very effective)
Agri-Fos, Aliette WDG, Legion 80 WDG, Topaz
•!FRAC Group 40 -- Acrobat 50WP (tank-mix), Forum (tank-mix), Revus
•!FRAC Group 43 -- Presidio (tank-mix)
Onion downy mildew control program
•! rotate/tank-mix labeled fungicides among FRAC groups
•! be aware of premixes that have an ineffective component
•! best to rotate after every single spray
•! scout fields for disease when unusually warm late winters
rather than starting program in Feb.
Onion downy mildew control
Cultural control is still paramount
•! Practice a 3-year or longer crop rotation if possible.
•! Avoid poorly drained soils.
•! To minimize high humidity, plant in the direction of
prevailing winds, avoid using wind breaks, manage plant
density and spacing, and don!t use overhead irrigation.
•! Destroy onion plant refuse and cull piles.
•! Eradicate volunteer or wild Allium spp.
1999 -- Pesticides registered for white mold in snap bean
Benzimidazole (Group 1)
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin)
•! affects wide range of fungi
•! inhibition of fungal tubule function (mitosis structure)
•! low frequencies of resistance in wild population
•! single step to high level resistance
•! resistant mutants as fit as wild strains
Dicarboximide (Group 2)
iprodione (Rovral), vinclozolin (Ronilan)
•! activity on Botrytis, Sclerotinia, and Monilinia
•! inhibit germination of spores and mycelial growth
(exact mode of action unclear)
•! resistant strains have moderate level of resistance
•! cross resistance is a problem esp. with Botrytis
Fungicides (not biologicals) currently registered for white mold in snap bean
•! Botran 75W. Use in the past has shown poor efficacy. FRAC Group 14
•! Endura at 8 to 11 oz/A at the beginning of flowering and again at full bloom. PHI is 7 days.
FRAC Group 7
•! Omega 500F at 0.5 to 0.85 pint/A when 10 to 30% of the plants have at least one open
blossom and again 7 to 10 days later. PHI is 14 days. FRAC Group 29
•! Switch 62.5WG at 11 to 14 oz/A when 10 to 20% of plants have at least one open bloom and
again 7 days later. PHI is 7 days. FRAC Group 12 and 9
Endura Omega
Fungicides registered for Gray Mold in snap bean
•! Botran 75W. Use in the past has shown poor efficacy. FRAC Group 14
•! Endura at 8 to 11 oz/A at the beginning of flowering and again at full bloom. PHI is 7 days.
FRAC Group 7
•! Omega 500F at 0.5 to 0.85 pint/A when 10 to 30% of the plants have at least one open
blossom and again 7 to 10 days later. PHI is 14 days. FRAC Group 29
•! Switch 62.5WG at 11 to 14 oz/A when 10 to 20% of plants have at least one open bloom and
again 7 days later. PHI is 7 days. FRAC Group 12 and 9
same letter are not significantly different at P=0.05 as determined by Fisher!s protected LSD test.
Resistance management strategies
As many strategies as possible should be used
•! avoid repetitive and sole use
•! tank mix or alternate with an appropriate fungicide
•! limit number of treatments
•! apply protective sprays early in the epidemic
•! avoid eradicant use
•! maintain recommended dose rate
•! integrate with non-chemical methods
Crop management practices (cultural control) for
delaying development of fungicide resistance
Reduce humidity and high moisture periods within the plant canopy and field.
a. Provide adequate aeration within, and especially between, rows by
increasing plant and row spacing.
b. Plant cultivars, which are more erect and upright or that do not produce
excessive foliage near the ground level (open-base types).
c. Orient the bean rows in the direction of prevailing winds.
d. Time irrigations to allow drying of plant canopy before night fall.
e. Avoid excessive irrigation after petal fall.
f. Avoid excessive fertilization that can lead to dense, lush plant growth.
Crop management practices (cultural control) for
delaying development of fungicide resistance
•! To reduce pathogen population within a field:
a. Rotate with non-hosts for 8 years.
b. Deep plowing buries sclerotia.
c. Field flooding during warm temperatures destroys sclerotia.
Take home message
* Fungicide resistance is a serious problem for crop production
* Pay attention to FRAC groupings for fungicide programs
* Utilize as many resistance management strategies as possible
•! practice non-chemical control methods (cultural control)
•! tank mix and/or alternate appropriate fungicides
•! limit number and timing of fungicide treatments
•! avoid eradicant use or too-late applications
•! maintain recommended dose rate and ensure even coverage
* Watch for and report any developing resistance problems