Fea NNPB White Paper July 2016 PDF
Fea NNPB White Paper July 2016 PDF
Fea NNPB White Paper July 2016 PDF
Figure 1: 3D Solidworks model for four different bottle sizes. The green coloured region represents the Figure 2: Tensile stresses developed during impact.
thickness distribution.
96 GLASS WORLDWIDE > issue sixty six 2016 Subscribe online at www.glassworldwide.co.uk
TECHNOLOGY TOPICS > quality control
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5. W G Slusser and S W Spence, Filling line impact measurement.
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American Glass Research, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA
tel: +1 724 482 2163
email: tbarr@agrintl.com
web: www.americanglassresearch.com
Table 4: Impact load stress indices for 330ml bottle with identical average thickness.
98 GLASS WORLDWIDE > issue sixty six 2016 Subscribe online at www.glassworldwide.co.uk