Bulletin 04 04, 2020
Bulletin 04 04, 2020
Bulletin 04 04, 2020
D e a r c h u rc h Fa m i l y, i n t h e s e
unprecedented situations surrounding Going a little ahead, he fell on his face, praying,
our world, we continue to worship “My Father, if there is any way, get me out of
together as a church family, undeterred
by any obstacles. This Sabbath we this. But please, not what I want. You, what
continue our new sermon series called do you want?”
"Into the Unknown" exploring the
journey of life with its challenges in times Matthew 26:36, 39
of crisis and uncertainty. Join us in
worship online on Livestream, YouTube
or Facebook.
We mourn with our sister Rodaline
to serve you
Nutt as she grieves the passing of her
d e a r h u s b a n d B r u ce a n d w i t h t h e MARK ETCHELL - Senior Pastor
Weerasinghe family as they give the 509-301-1924 | marketchell@gmail.com
passing of wife, mother and grandmother
Silnet. CRISTIAN IORDAN - Worship & Media
909-255-0544 | campushill@gmail.com
Wednesday Online Prayer - join us
from the safety and comfort of your SHIPHRAH FEPULEA’I - Young Adults & Women
760-224-4404 | pastorshiph@gmail.com
home, via Zoom every Wednesday, at
6:30p. You can join us on your computer GABRIEL KATRIB - VisitaLon
or smartphone at this link https:// 909-478-9707
zoom.us/j/838407396 or by entering the
Meeting ID: 838 407 396. OBED ASIF - Head Elder
951.295-2550 | obed.asif@gmail.com
Loma Linda University Health
i n v i te s y o u to d o n a te b l o o d w i t h JUDI WRIGHT - AdministraLve Assistant
LifeStream Blood Bank, on 4/8 from 909-796-0222 | campushill.office@gmail.com
9am–6pm at LLU School of Nursing. 11057 Hill Dr. Loma Linda, CA 92354
RITA BENDER - Office Assistant
___________________________________ 909-796-0222 | campushill.office@gmail.com
We welcome you to our Online Study Panel INTERCESSORY PRAYER Criss Carlson
Join us every Sabbath at 10a on
Facebook | YouTube | Livestream
www.campushillchurch.net CHILDREN’S STORY The StoryMaker - Short Film
ParLcipate live via Chat or Comments!
OFFERING APPEAL When your dream is not enough - Tad Worku
Cristian Iordan
Theme: How To Interpret Scripture
Host: Pastor CrisLan OFFERTORY Were You There?
Erick Ramirez & Angelica Prodan
Guests: Bashar Fargo, Criss Carlson, Don
Johnson SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 26:36-39
Lesson: The Uniqueness of the Bible Cecilia Saucedo
Memory Text: “Your word is a lamp to my SPECIAL MUSIC Into the Woods My Master Went arr. J. Purifoy
feet and a light to my path”
Erick Ramirez & Angelica Prodan
(Psalm 119:105, NKJV).
Today’s Musicians:
Shiphrah Fepulea’i
Sabbath School Angelica Prodan
11 o’clock Service Angelica Prodan
BENEDICTION Shiphrah Fepulea’i
Erick Ramirez