Bulletin 10 17, 2020
Bulletin 10 17, 2020
Bulletin 10 17, 2020
We welcome you to our Online Study Panel INTERCESSORY PRAYER Jeevaka & Sharmel Weerasinghe
Join us every Sabbath at 10a on
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www.campushillchurch.net CHILDREN’S STORY God’s Story - God Loves Us | CrossroadKidsClub.net
Cristian Iordan
ParLcipate live via Chat or Comments!
OFFERING APPEAL Your Best Stewardship Story | Even in the End
Cristian Iordan
Theme: ChrisIan EducaIon
Host: Pastor CrisLan OFFERTORY The Mind of Christ
CBU Choir & Orchestra
Guests: Pastors Shiphrah Fepulea’i &
Marlene Ferreras SCRIPTURE READING James 2:5-8
Lesson: The Law as Teacher Miguel Alexander
Memory Text:“You shall love the LORD your
God with all your heart, with all your soul, SPECIAL MUSIC We Shall Overcome
and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy Aeolians of Oakwood University
6:5, NKJV).
Today’s Musicians:
Mark Etchell
Angelica Prodan | Mark & Susi Etchell
CBU Choir & Orchestra
Aeolians of Oakwood University
Sunset: 6:13
POSTLUDE Angelica Prodan
Next Week: 6:06