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Engineering Encyclopedia

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Mass and Energy Balances

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional
Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services.
Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi
Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramco’s
employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already
in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or
disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without
the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi

Chapter : Process For additional information on this subject, contact

File Reference: CHE10103 R.A. Al-Husseini on 874-2792
Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances


USING P&IDS AND PFDS ................................................................................... 1

Using Mass and Energy Balances ............................................................... 7
Data Conversion ........................................................................................ 12
Steam Boiler Energy Balances .................................................................. 13
Heat Exchanger Energy Balances.............................................................. 15
Solar Heat Gain ......................................................................................... 17
Heat Loss................................................................................................... 20
Heat Loss of Horizontal Pipe at Night....................................................... 21
P&ID/PFD Information ............................................................................. 22
Cooling Water Utilities.............................................................................. 22
Steam Utilities ........................................................................................... 22
process flow diagram................................................................................. 23
Refrigeration Utilities ................................................................................ 25
Air Fin Utilities.......................................................................................... 27
Pump Utilities............................................................................................ 27
Compressor Utilities .................................................................................. 28
Driver Utilities........................................................................................... 28
Heats of Reaction ...................................................................................... 30
Key Formulas ............................................................................................ 31
WORK AID 1 - THERMODYNAMIC DATA FOR STEAM ............................. 32
WORK AID 2 - ELECTRIC MOTOR EFFICIENCIES ....................................... 34
GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................... 36
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 37

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances


Figure 1 is a Process Flow Diagram (PFD) of a Depropanizer/Debutanizer system at Ras

Tanura. Note the following types of information on this drawing:

• Equipment symbols. • Distillation specs.

• Equipment sizes. • Molecular weight.

• Control scheme. • API gravities.

• Flow rates. • Pressure data.

• Heat duties. • Temperature data.

Another type of drawing frequently encountered by the plant engineer is the Piping and
Instrument Drawing (P&ID). An example of this type of drawing is shown in Figure 2. Note
that the P&ID is more complex than the PFD. These drawings show the actual piping and
instrument details. Line sizes, ratings, and materials are also included. There is less emphasis
placed on process items such as flow rates in these drawings. Note the following types of
information on this drawing:

• Safety valve set pressures. • Line sizes, ratings, materials.

• Car sealed valves (chained). • Line numbers.

• Corrosion probes. • Instrumentation.

• Emergency block valves. • CWMS locations.

• Valve bypasses. • Blind locations.

• Control valve actions. • Sample outlets.

• Instrument numbers. • Equipment numbers.

• Equipment data, internals.

Many variations of PFDs and P&IDs exist. Some of the items on Figure 1 may be
interchanged with items on Figure 2, depending on the owner's requirements.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 1

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances

process flow diagram

depropanizer and debutanizer
ngl fractionating and treating

Use Photostat

figure 1

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 2

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Mass and Energy Balances

process flow diagram

depropanizer and debutanizer
ngl fractionating and treating (Cont'd)

Use Photostat

figure 1 (Cont'd)

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 3

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Mass and Energy Balances

process flow diagram

depropanizer and debutanizer
ngl fractionating and treating (Cont'd)

Use Photostat

figure 1 (Cont'd)

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 4

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Mass and Energy Balances

typical P&ID

figure 2

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Mass and Energy Balances

typical P&ID (Cont'd)

figure 2 (cont'd)

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 6

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances

Using Mass and Energy Balances

Figure 3 shows a simplified process flow diagram for an NGL absorber and fractionator. The
related material balance is shown at the bottom of Figure 3. Note the following information
on the drawing:

• Exchanger heat duties.

• Pump rates.

• Temperatures.

• Instrumentation.

• Stream numbers.

• Stream properties.

Using the information supplied and the methods presented in ChE 101.01 and ChE 101.02,
sufficient data can be developed for process calculations. If more than a few data are required
for calculations, the information supplied can be used as input to "PROCESS" a "PROLL" and
complete stream data generated. Figure 4 shows a typical output of this program.

Other programs that can be used for process simulation are HYSIM and ASPEN.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 7

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Mass and Energy Balances

process flow diagram

absorption and fractionation

Use Photostat

figure 3

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Mass and Energy Balances

process flow diagram

absorption and fractionation (Cont'd)

Use Photostat

figure 3 (cont'd)

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Mass and Energy Balances

"process" output

VERSION 4.01, IBM/XA 77 13 TM



STREAM ID 21 22 23 24
FROM UNIT/TRAY 8/1 1 8/ 9 14/ 1 14/ 9
TO UNIT/TRAY 5/1 0 0/ 0 0/ 0 15/ 0

LB MOLS/DAY 1.078 4.344 65146.223 27672.445

TEMPERATURE, DEG F 148.235 208.975 189.072 313.666
PRESSURE, PSIG 150.000 153.000 450.000 452.000
B, MM BTU /DAY 0.010 0.031 546.182 344.470
M BTU /LB MOLE 9.132 7.149 8.384 12.448
BTU /LB 203.759 104.420 197.025 193.124
MOL FRAC LIQUID 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000
MOL FRAC FREE WATER 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
**** DRY BASIS ****
M LBS/DAY 0.048 0.297 2768.909 1783.672
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 45.096 68.467 42.621 64.457
STD LIQ BBLS/DAY 0.265 1.383 15646.227 8468.637
DEG API 141.514 98.589 148.180 103.495
SP GR 0.5183 0.6150 0.5059 0.6021
LBS/BBL 181.2908 215.1122 176.9698 210.6209
WATSON K 14.465 13.241 14.637 13.351
REDUCED TEMP (TR) 0.919 0.822 1.011 0.976
REDUCED PRES (PR) 0.247 0.330 0.688 0.892
ACENTRIC FACTOR 0.152 0.233 0.143 0.218
** VAPOR **
M LBS/DAY 0.048 0.000 2768.909 0.000
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 45.096 0.000 42.621 0.000
STD LIQ BBLS/DAY 0.265 0.000 15646.227 0.000
STD M FT3/DAY 0.405 0.000 24654.129 0.000
ACTUAL M FT3/DAY 0.036 0.000 656.465 0.000
LBS/M FT3 1323.724 0.000 4217.902 0.000
Z 0.86010 0.00000 0.67450 0.0000
CP, BTU /LB MOL F 2.1173E+01 0.0000E+00 2.6514E+01 0.0000E+00
** LIQUID **
M LBS/DAY 0.000 0.297 0.000 1783.672
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 0.000 68.467 0.000 64.457
STD LIQ BBLS/DAY 0.000 1.383 0.000 8468.637
ACTUAL GPM 0.0000 0.0484 0.0000 373.6821
BBLS/DAY 0.000 1.658 0.000 12811.969
LBS/BBL 0.000 179.410 0.000 139.219
Z 0.00000 0.05008 0.00000 0.14619
CP, BTU /LB MOL F 0.0000E+00 4.6857E+01 0.0000E+00 7.7822E+01

figure 4

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VERSION 4.01, IBM/XA 77 13 TM


STREAM ID 21 22 23 24
**** WET BASIS ****
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 44.817 68.467 42.553 64.457
** VAPOR **
M LBS/DAY 0.048 0.000 2772.145 0.000
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 44.817 0.000 42.553 0.000
STD M FT3/DAY 0.409 0.000 24722.332 0.000
ACTUAL M FT3/DAY 0.037 0.000 659.153 0.000
LBS/M FT3 1313.388 0.000 4205.613 0.000
CP, BTU /LB MOL F 2.1014E+01 0.0000E+00 2.6400E+01 0.0000E+00
** LIQUID **
M LBS/DAY 0.000 0.297 0.000 1783.672
MOLECULAR WEIGHT 0.000 68.467 0.000 64.457
STD LIQ BBLS/DAY 0.000 1.383 0.000 8468.637
ACTUAL GPM 0.0000 0.0484 0.0000 373.6821
BBLS/DAY 0.000 1.658 0.000 12811.969
LBS/BBL 0.000 179.410 0.000 139.219
CP, BTU /LB MOL F 0.0000E+00 4.6857E+01 0.0000E+00 7.7822E+01

-- STD LIQUID CONDITIONS -- - - - - - - - - - - STD VAPOR CONDITIONS - - - - - - - - - -

60.0 F, 14.696 PSIA 60.0 F, 14.696 PSIA, 379.490 FT3/LB MOLE

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 11

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Data Conversion

The data shown in P&IDs/PFDs are not always shown in the form needed to perform
calculations. Liquid rates are frequently given in B/SD (barrels/stream day), or B/CD
(barrels/calendar day), and an applicable API gravity. B/SD are the actual rates the
equipment will see and should be used for design. B/CD are rates used for yearly planning,
not for process calculations. They are always smaller than the corresponding B/SD values.
The relationship between B/SD and B/CD is the plant unit's service factor. This is typically
about 90%, to allow for turnarounds and unscheduled outages. For example, using 90% as a
service factor gives the following conversion between the two rates:

B/SD x 0.9 = B/CD

B/D rates shown on the drawings are at 60°F. Using the API given and the conversion charts
in Maxwell, the lb/hr rate can be calculated.

lb 42 gal D
B/Dx x x = lb/ hr
gal Bbl 24 hr
= 8. 33(Sp. Gr. )
Sp. Gr. =
131.5 + API

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 12

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Mass and Energy Balances


Steam Boiler Energy Balances

Figure 5 is a schematic of a typical steam boiler system. A portion of the circulating water
must be discarded to prevent the buildup of solids in the system. This is called blowdown,
and typically can range from as low as 2% of the boiler feedwater rate to 20% or higher if the
feedwater is of poor quality. The example in Figure 5 has a blowdown of 11.5%.

There is sufficient information in Figure 5 to calculate a heat balance around the system and
determine the fuel required in lb/hr. The method of calculation is shown in Example Problem

Two additional energy users of the boiler system are the circulating pump and the boiler
feedwater pump. These will be discussed later.


Stack @ 650 °F

Boiler Feedwater 190°F

910,000 lb/hr 200 psig
140 psig 434°F
805,000 lb/hr

160 psig

105,000 lb/hr

% Blowdown =
105,000 12,900
= 11.5% 0.876 sp. gr. Fuel Gas
910,000 ²P = 108 psi LHV = 19,400 Btu/lb
20% Excess Air
2 % Furnace Heat Loss


Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 13

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Mass and Energy Balances

Example Problem 1

Steam Boiler Systems:

Calculate the fuel required for the boiler in Figure 5. Enthalpy data from a steam table is
needed for entering and exiting streams.

Enthalpy, Btu/lb
Temp., °F Psia HL HV

370 174.7 343.5 1196.4

434 154.7 -- 1237.6
190 -- 158.0 --

Heat Balance:- water side/Process

In: Fd water = 910,000 lb/hr x 158 = 143.78 MBtu/hr (M = Million)

Out: Steam = 805,000 x 1,237.6 = 996.27

Blow down = 105,000 x 343.5 = 36.07
1,032.34 MBtu/hr

Heat absorbed = 1,032.34 - 143.78= 888.56 MBtu/hr

The furnace efficiency can be calculated from the method in ChE 101.02, Example Problem 4.

Process heat required = 888.56 x 106 Btu/hr

Stack temperature = 650°F
Percent excess air = 20
Furnace heat loss = 2%
Fuel LHV = 19,400 Btu/lb
Heat available at 650°F = 16,450 Btu/lb (Maxwell, Pg. 185)
Net fuel = 888.56 x 10 = 54,016 lb/hr
Gross fuel = 1.02 x 54,016 = 55,096 lb/hr
The 1.02 represents a typical 2% heat loss from the furnace.
Heat fired = 19,400 x 55,096 = 1,068.9 x 106 Btu/hr
LHV efficiency =888.56 x 10 x 100 = 83.1%
1,068.9 x 106

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 14

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Mass and Energy Balances

Heat Exchanger Energy Balances

There are two basic methods of determining energy balances around heat exchangers. The
first method uses enthalpy (H) data to determine either the exchanger duty, or (if this is
already known) one of the stream temperatures. The second method uses heat capacity (CP)
data to accomplish the same purpose.

In all cases, the heat given up by the hot stream must equal the heat absorbed by the cold
stream. Note that if the heat given up equals the heat absorbed, only the heat balance is
satisfied. An existing heat exchanger may not have enough surface to transfer the heat. Also,
it is impossible to heat the "cold" stream outlet to a higher temperature than the hot stream
inlet. This situation arises when a large volume "hot" stream exchanges heat with a small
volume "cold" stream. If the desired temperature drop is too large, the cold stream will
appear to have been heated to a higher temperature than the hot stream inlet. This, of course,
cannot occur. Either the cold stream rate must be increased, or the hot stream temperature
drop reduced.

The use of these methods is illustrated by Example Problem 2.

Example Problem 2

The hot stream is to be cooled to 300°F.
500,000 lb/hr 300°F
500°F H = 258 Btu/lb
What is the cold stream outlet H = 410 Btu/lb
10,000 lb/hr
API = 70°
VABP = 210°F

Hot stream duty = (410 - 258) x 500,000 = 76 x 106 Btu/hr

Cold stream CP data (Maxwell, Pg. 93).

Temperatur CP+B B CP
200°F 0.677 0.08 0.597
300°F 0.736 0.08 0.656
400°F 0.794 0.08 0.714

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 15

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Mass and Energy Balances

Assume for first trial cold stream out is same as inlet °F.
Avg Cp = 0.597
Q = mCPÆT T = (TOUT - 200)
TOUT = + 200
= 76 x 106 + 200 = 12,930°F
10,000 x 0.597

It can be seen that this is an impossible solution. The hot stream cannot be cooled by the
desired amount with the available cold stream. However, this problem illustrates both the
enthalpy and heat capacity methods of heat exchanger heat balance.

To solve this problem in a practical manner, if the two flow rates are fixed, and only one heat
exchanger shell is available, assume that the cold stream outlet equals the hot stream outlet, as
shown below.

Hot TX

TX Cold


1. Assume hot outlet enthalpy proportional to temperature.

H1 – H2 410 – 258 152

= = = 0.76
2. Hot Cp = T1 – T 2 500 – 300 200 .

0.597 + 0.714
= 0.655
3. Assume Cold Cp = 2 .

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 16

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4. Q = (m Cp Æt)Hot = (m Cp Æt)Cold
(500,000)(0.76)(500 – Tx) = (10,000)(0.655)(Tx –

380(500 – Tx) = 6.5(Tx – 200)

190,000 – 380Tx = 6.5Tx – 1300

191,300 = 386.5 Tx

Tx = 494.9

5. Recalculate average Cold Cp.

495° Cp + B = 0.85Cp = 0.77

0.597 + 0.77
= 0.6835
Cp = 2

Resolving 191,367 = 386.8 Tx

Tx = 494.7

This solution will be the best that can be achieved with the given conditions using one heat
exchanger shell, since the FN will be 0.8 (the lowest allowable).

Solar Heat Gain

The solar energy absorbed by a surface can have a significant effect on the temperature of that
surface. When liquid in a piping system is blocked-in, the liquid temperature may rise due to
solar heating. This will result in a pressure rise due to thermal expansion. If the line is not
protected with thermal relief valves, the increase in pressure could cause it to rupture. The
calculation method for temperature and pressure use is covered in Saudi Aramco Design
Practices ADP-L-043. Pressure increases can range from 10 to 100 psi per °F.

The maximum surface temperature of a container that has no flow, due to solar radiation, is
determined by the solar heat gain and the heat loss from radiation and convection. Ten hours
of solar heat radiation on the projected area of an exposed pipe surface at 950 W/m2 (300
Btu/hr sq ft) is a conservative estimate for a full day of sunshine on a bare pipe.

The total heat loss from an exposed pipe surface to the surrounding air equals the convective
heat loss from the entire pipe plus the radiation heat loss from half the pipe surface. When
this heat loss equals the solar heat input, the pipe has reached its maximum temperature.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 17

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Mass and Energy Balances

The convection loss is given by:

= 0.844(Do) (Tp − Ta )
0. 75 1. 25
(Full pipe area)

The radiation loss is given by:

QR  T  4  T  4 
= 0.246 Do  P  −  a  
L  100   100  
(1/2 pipe area)
(includes emissivity = 0.9)

where: Do = pipe outside diameter, ft.

TP = pipe temperature, °R.
Ta = ambient temperature, °R.
Q = Btu/hr
L = Length of horizontal pipe, ft.

This method allows calculation of the maximum surface temperature possible. A large line or
tank can contain sufficient heat capacitance in the contents to prevent the temperature from
rising to this maximum value. If calculation of the actual temperature is desired, then the
methods outlined in ADP-L-043 should be followed. Example Problem 3, illustrates the
method of maximum temperature calculation.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 18

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Example Problem 3

Small Unrestrained Pipeline:

Consider a 6 in. nominal size, Schedule 40, Grade B steel pipe filled with oil. The pipeline is
unrestrained and aboveground. The ambient temperature is 100°F. The line is blocked-in at
110°F and 150 psi. What is the maximum temperature the line will reach?

Do = 6.625/12 = 0.552 ft

Assume a maximum temperature of 160°F for the first trial.

TP = 160 + 460 = 620°R

Ta = 100 + 460 = 560°R

= 0.844 (Do )0.75 (Tp - T a)1.25

= 0.844 (0.522)0.75 (620 − 560)1.25 = 90.25Btu / hr / ft.

QR  Tp  4  Ta  4 
 100 −  100 
= 0.2461 Do

 620 4  560 4 
= 0.2461 ((0.552)) − = 63.4Btu / hr / ft
 100 100 

Heat loss = QC + QR = 90.25 + 63.4 = 153.7 Btu / hr / ft

Heat gain = = 300 x

= 300 x 0.552 = 165.6 Btu/hr/ft

Since L = 153.7 Btu/hr/ft, and L = 166 Btu/hr/ft, the assumed maximum temperature
must be increased. Using 164°F, L = 166 BTU/hr/ft which is equal to L .

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 19

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Mass and Energy Balances

Heat Loss

A pipe could experience a net heat loss if the pipe temperature was high enough to cause the
radiant and convective losses to exceed the solar gain.

The previous equations can be used for heat loss at night, when the solar gain is, of course,
zero. The ambient air temperature should be used for the convective heat loss (QC/L) and a
temperature of -50°F for the radiation loss (QR/L) calculation. If the inside film coefficient is
high, relative to the convective/radiation coefficient, (as it almost always is) the heat loss of a
flowing pipeline can be calculated. Knowing the heat loss, and using Q = mCPÆT, the
temperature drop can be calculated. Table 1 presents the result of such a calculation. Here, a
spreadsheet program was written to handle the calculation in 10°F intervals and calculate the
length of line for each temperature drop increment. The CP could change with temperature.
In this case it was reasonably constant for the entire temperature range.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 20

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Mass and Energy Balances

Heat Loss of Horizontal Pipe at Night

(uses ADP-L-043 method with -50°F air temperature for radiation)

Diam. (ft ) Air Temp, Sky Temp, Flow (lb/hr) Air Temp, °R Sky Temp,
°F °F °R
1 50 -50 50,000 510 410
Pipe Qr/L Qc/L Qt/L Length* Length, Pipe
Temp, °F Btu, hr/ft Btu, hr/ft Btu, hr/ft Cp ft ft Temp, °R
1- 200 397.26 443.05 840.32 0.5 309.3 309.3 660
2- 190 369.61 406.45 776.06 0.5 335.6 645.0 650
3- 180 343.21 370.49 713.69 0.5 365.8 1010.7 640
4- 170 318.01 335.21 653.22 0.5 400.7 1411.4 630
5- 160 293.98 300.67 594.65 0.5 441.4 1852.9 620
6- 150 271.09 266.90 537.99 0.5 489.6 2342.5 610
7- 140 249.30 233.96 483.26 0.5 547.2 2889.7 600
8- 130 228.57 201.93 430.51 0.5 617.1 3506.7 590
9- 120 208.87 170.89 379.76 0.5 703.4 4210.1 580
10- 110 190.16 140.94 331.10 0.5 812.0 5022.1 570
11- 100 172.41 112.22 284.63 0.5 952.2 5974.3 560
12- 90 155.59 84.90 240.49 0.5 1137.9 7112.2 550
13- 80 139.66 59.26 198.92 0.5 1392.0 8504.1 540
14- 70 124.59 35.70 160.29 0.5 1750.4 10254.5 530
15- 60 110.35 15.01 125.36 0.5 2249.5 12504.0 520
16- 50 96.91 0.00 96.91 0.5 3009.5 15513.6 510
17- 40 84.24 -15.01 69.23 0.5 500

(Q T / L)1 + (QT / L )2
Q = m cp ∆ t (Q T / L)Ave = for line 1
L (QT / L )Ave = Q
m cp ∆t
(QT / L)Ave

table 1

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 21

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Mass and Energy Balances

P&ID/PFD Information

Figure 6 shows feed and product rates for two different feeds, Arabian Heavy (AH) and
Arabian Light (AL). The information available on this PFD includes flow rates, pump rates,
temperature, equipment sizes, and API gravities.

Cooling Water Utilities

The amount of cooling water (CW) used for a given heat load is set by the difference between
the CW inlet and outlet temperatures. This difference is referred to as CW rise. Saudi
Aramco Design Practice ADP-E-001, Pg. 2, specifies cooling water inlet temperatures to be a
minimum of 48°F in winter and a maximum of 95°F in summer. The outlet temperature is
limited to 120°F, to limit corrosion, to limit fouling, and for environmental reasons. The
summer temperature of 95°F sets the ability of the exchanger to cool, and sets the design
utilities rate. Using the given CW rise and the heat exchanger process heat duty (Q), it is a
simple matter to calculate the cooling water rate using the expression Q = mCPÆT. The CP
can be taken as 1.0, and the ÆT is the CW rise.

Note that sometimes not all of the available rise can be utilized. A single shell heat exchanger
cannot have an exit process temperature lower than the CW outlet temperature. Also, the CW
exit temperature cannot be higher than the process inlet temperature. In these cases, the CW
rate must be increased to lower the CW rise to an acceptable level.

It is possible for two process services to share the same CW in sequence. This happens when
a service calls for a very narrow CW rise. The CW can then be reused in another service,
subject, of course, to the 120°F maximum outlet temperature limit, before being sent to CW

Steam Utilities

After the exchanger process duty is known, steam rates are calculated using the difference in
enthalpy between the vapor entering and condensate leaving. Steam letdown across an inlet
control valve retains the same enthalpy as it had upstream of the valve (constant enthalpy
flash). For the purposes of utility calculations, there is no change. However, the steam
becomes superheated by the drop in pressure, and it may require more surface in the
exchanger to desuperheat it before condensing begins. The steam rate is calculated:

Steam, lb hr =
(HV - HL )

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 22

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process flow diagram

C.D.U.s No. 1 and 2

atmospheric section

Use Photostat

figure 6

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process flow diagram

C.D.U.s No. 1 and 2

Use Photostat

figure 6 (cont'd)

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Refrigeration Utilities

To calculate refrigeration utilities, obtain a table of thermodynamic properties for the

refrigerant used. Propane will be used in

Example Problem 4.

Find the amount, in lb/hr, of liquid propane required to produce 5 MBtu/hr of refrigeration at
-30°F. The propane is available at 110°F.

Enthalpy of saturated liquid propane at 110°F = 175, Btu/lb = HT (use Maxwell for enthalpy

(Note that some systems use subcooled liquid. Use the appropriate liquid enthalpy.)

Enthalpy of saturated propane at -30°F

20.18 psi

HL = 90 Btu/lb

214.8 psia
Q = 5 MBtu/hr

HV = 270.2 Btu/lb

Pressure = 20.18 psia

The pressure letdown across the control valve is a constant enthalpy flash.

Let: R = lb/hr total propane feed rate

V = cold vapor rate
L = cold liquid rate

Flash equation:

R (HT) = V (HV) + L (HL) and: R = V + L

R (175) = V (270.2) + L (90)

Combining these equations:

(V + L) (175) = 270.2V + 90L

(175 - 90)L = (270.2 - 175)V which is: (HR - HL)L = (HV - HR)V
85L = 95.2V

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The liquid portion of the flash must provide the exchanger heat duty. Each pound of liquid
can remove (HV - HL) Btu/lb, or:

HV = 270.2
HL = 90
180.2 Btu/lb liquid

For an exchanger duty of 5 MBtu/hr, the liquid rate is:

Q 6
= 5 x 10 = 27,747 lb/hr = L
HV - HL 180.2

At L = 27,747, solve for V.

85 x 27,747 = 24,774
V = 85L =
95.2 95.2

V + L = R, which is the total amount of refrigerant required.

V + L = 24,774 + 27,747 = 52,521 lb/hr refrigerant required.

To quickly calculate refrigerant requirements, use the following equations, derived from the
equations above:

Q (H R - HL )L
L= V= R =L +V
H V - HL (H V - H R )

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 26

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances

Air Fin Utilities

The calculation of electrical loads for air fin exchangers is too lengthy to be covered here.
Saudi Aramco Design Practice ADP-E-001, Pg. 105, contains the method for fan horsepower
requirements. ChE 101.10 also discusses air fin calculations.

If the air rate in ACFM and the corresponding pressure drop (ÆP) is available from the
manufacturer, then the horsepower (hp) required can be calculated by:

hp =
6,356 EF ESR

where: EF = fan efficiency (typically = 0.65).

ESR = speed reducer efficiency (typically = 0.92).
ÆP = pressure drop, in. H2O.

This expression could be used to estimate the hp at increased air flow rates, for higher heat
duty operations.

Pump Utilities

Pump hp is calculated by:

gpm(∆P) gpm(∆H )(Sp.Gr.)
hp = =
1,715 Ep 3,960 Ep

where ÆP is the head developed in psi, ÆH is head in ft of fluid, Sp. Gr. is specific gravity at
flowing conditions, and EP is the pump efficiency obtained from the vendor or the
manufacturer's pump curve. Use of these curves usually requires calculation of the
differential head in feet.
144 in2 ft 3
lbs / in 2 x x = ft
ft 2 lbs
 ft 3 1 1 
= =
 lbs ρ ×
62.4 Sp. Gr. 

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 27

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Mass and Energy Balances

Compressor Utilities

Based on the process side requirements, obtain the hp required by the compressor. This
calculation is outside the scope of this module. The driver power requirement is then
calculated by the method described in the following paragraph.
Driver Utilities
After the equipment hp has been determined, a 10% factor is added (1.1 x hp) to set the
minimum driver size. (Note that for variable pitch fan air coolers, use 1.15, and for regular air
coolers, use 1.3 as the factor for minimum driver size.) Using the table in Work Aid 2,
choose the motor size closest (next largest) to the actual motor size desired, and choose the
motor efficiency (EM) at the proper percentage of the full load determined. The power
required is calculated by:
hp x 0.746
Power kW =
This method is illustrated in Example Problem 5.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 28

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Mass and Energy Balances

Example Problem 5

Calculate the power required for the boiler feed pump in the system.

Pump data:

Inlet pressure = 0 psig

Discharge pressure = 200 psig

Temperature = 190°F

Pump efficiency = 78%

sp. gr. 190/60 = 60.34 lb3 = 0.967 (use steam table for data)
62.4 ft

lb x gal
GPM Rate = 910,000hr x hr = 1883 gpm
0.967 (8.33) lb 60 min

ÆP = 200 - 0 = 200 psi

2 3
Head = 200 lb x 144 in x ft = 477.3 ft H2O (lbf ft/lbm)
in2 ft2 60.34 lb

gpm (∆ P) 1,883 (200)

hp = = = 282
1,715 EP 1,715 (0.78)

Motor hp = 1.1 x 282 = 310

Use 350 hp motor (Work Aid 2)

Percent of full load = 282 x 100 = 80


EM, motor efficiency at actual load = 92.6% – 1.5 = 91.1% (TEFC motor)

hp x 0.746
Power required kW = = 282 x 0.746 = 230.9 kW
EM 0.911

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 29

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Mass and Energy Balances

Heats of Reaction

Although it is beyond the scope of this course to discuss how to calculate heats of reaction,
the plant engineer should be aware of their existence. Certain processes give off heat
(exothermic) during a reaction, others absorb heat (endothermic). Some processes contain
both exothermic and endothermic reactions, but are usually either net producers or users of
heat. A typical endothermic reaction is reforming, in which furnaces between reactors supply
the required heat of reaction. A typical exothermic reaction is hydrocracking in which quench
streams must remove the reaction heat between catalyst beds.

As far as energy balances are concerned, the heat of reaction (positive or negative) must be
accounted for in the balance. While there is no mass change across the reactor, there will be a
composition/mole change and this must also be accounted for.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 30

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Mass and Energy Balances

Key Formulas

The following is a brief summary of the more important/useful formulas in this module. Note
that many of these items can be easily programmed for personal computer use.

• Heat fired and LHV furnace efficiency from Example Problem 1 (see sample table, Figure

Solar surface temperature calculation:

• QC = 0.85 (Do)0.75 (TP - Ta)1.25

TP 4 - Ta 4
QR = 0.271 (Do )
100 100

Heat loss of piping at night (Table 1).

Refrigeration utility calculations:

• L =

(H R - HL ) Q
(HV - HR )(H V - H L )

R = L+V

Hp calculations:

• hpAir Fin =
6,356 EF ESR

(gpm) (∆P)
hpPump =
1,715 EP

Driver power calculation:

bhp x 0.746
• Power, kW =

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 31

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Mass and Energy Balances


This work aid is designed to assist the participant in Exercise 6 - Calculating Required Steam and
Cooling Water.

Saturated Steam: Temperature Table

Specific Volume Enthalpy Enthropy

Temp Abs Press Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Tem
Fahr lb/in.2 Liquid Evap Vapor Liquid Evap Vapor Liquid Evap Vapor p
t p Vf Vfg Vg hf hfg hg Sf Sfg Sg Fahr
180.0 7.5110 0.016510 50.21 50.22 148.00 990.2 1138.2 0.2631 1.5480 1.8111 180.0
182.0 7.850 0.016522 48.172 18.189 150.01 989.0 1139.0 0.2662 1.5413 1.8075 182.0
184.0 8.203 0.016534 46.232 46.249 152.01 987.8 1139.8 0.2694 1.5346 1.8040 184.0
186.0 8.568 0.016547 44.383 44.400 154.02 986.5 1140.5 0.2725 1.5279 1.8004 186.0
188.0 8.947 0.016559 42.621 42.638 156.03 985.3 1141.3 0.2756 1.5213 1.7969 188.0
190.0 9.340 0.016572 40.941 40.957 158.04 984.1 1142.1 0.2787 1.5148 1.7934 190.0
192.0 9.747 0.016585 39.337 39.354 160.05 982.8 1142.9 0.2818 1.5082 1.7900 192.0
194.0 10.168 0.016598 37.808 37.824 162.05 981.6 1143.7 0.2848 1.5017 1.7865 194.0
196.0 10.605 0.016611 36.348 36.364 164.06 980.4 1144.4 0.2879 1.4952 1.7831 196.0
198.0 11.058 0.016624 34.954 34.970 166.08 979.1 1145.2 0.2910 1.4888 1.7798 198.0
200.0 11.526 0.016637 33.622 33.639 168.09 977.9 1146.0 0.2940 1.4824 1.7764 200.0
204.0 12.512 0.016664 31.135 31.151 172.11 975.4 1147.5 0.3001 1.4697 1.7698 204.0
208.0 13.568 0.016691 28.862 28.878 176.14 972.8 1149.0 0.3061 1.4571 1.7632 208.0
212.0 14.696 0.016719 26.782 26.799 180.17 970.3 1150.5 0.3121 1.4447 1.7568 212.0
216.0 15.901 0.016747 24.878 24.894 184.20 967.8 1152.0 0.3181 1.4323 1.7505 216.0
220.0 17.186 0.016775 23.131 23.148 188.23 965.2 1153.4 0.3241 1.4201 1.7442 220.0
224.0 18.556 0.016805 21.529 21.545 192.27 962.6 1154.9 0.3300 1.4081 1.7380 224.0
228.0 20.015 0.016834 20.056 20.073 196.31 960.0 1156.3 0.3359 1.3961 1.7320 228.0
232.0 21.567 0.016864 18.701 18.718 200.35 957.4 1157.8 0.3417 1.3842 1.7260 232.0
236.0 23.216 0.016895 17.454 17.471 204.40 954.8 1159.2 0.3476 1.3725 1.7201 236.0
240.0 24.968 0.016926 16.304 16.321 208.45 952.1 1160.6 0.3533 1.3609 1.7142 240.0
244.0 26.826 0.016958 15.243 15.260 212.50 949.5 1162.0 0.3591 1.3494 1.7085 244.0
248.0 28.796 0.016990 14.264 14.281 216.56 946.8 1163.4 0.3649 1.3379 1.7028 248.0
252.0 30.883 0.017022 13.358 13.375 220.62 944.1 1164.7 0.3706 1.3266 1.6972 252.0
256.0 33.091 0.017055 12.520 12.538 224.69 941.4 1166.1 0.3763 1.3154 1.6917 256.0
260.0 35.427 0.017089 11.745 11.762 228.76 938.6 1167.4 0.3819 1.3043 1.6862 260.0
264.0 37.894 0.017123 11.025 11.042 232.83 935.9 1168.7 0.3876 1.2933 1.6808 264.0
268.0 40.500 0.017157 10.358 10.375 236.91 933.1 1170.0 0.3932 1.2823 1.6755 268.0
272.0 43.249 0.017193 9.738 9.755 240.99 930.3 1171.3 0.3987 1.2715 1.6702 272.0
276.0 46.147 0.017228 9.162 9.180 245.08 927.5 1172.5 0.4043 1.2607 1.6650 276.0
280.0 49.200 0.017264 8.627 8.644 249.17 924.6 1173.8 0.4098 1.2501 1.6599 280.0

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 32

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Mass and Energy Balances

284.0 52.414 0.01730 8.1280 8.1453 253.3 921.7 1175.0 0.4154 1.2395 1.6548 284.0
288.0 55.795 0.01734 7.6634 7.6807 257.4 918.8 1176.2 0.4208 1.2290 1.6498 288.0
292.0 59.350 0.01738 7.2301 7.2475 261.5 915.9 1177.4 0.4263 1.2186 1.6449 292.0
296.0 63.084 0.01741 6.8259 6.8433 265.6 913.0 1178.6 0.4317 1.2082 1.6400 296.0
300.0 67.005 0.01745 6.4483 6.4658 269.7 910.0 1179.7 0.4372 1.1979 1.6351 300.0
304.0 71.119 0.01749 6.0955 6.1130 273.8 907.0 1180.9 0.4426 1.1877 1.6303 304.0
308.0 75.433 0.01753 5.7655 5.7830 278.0 904.0 1182.0 0.4479 1.1776 1.6256 308.0
312.0 79.953 0.01757 5.4566 5.4742 282.1 901.0 1183.1 0.4533 1.1676 1.6209 312.0
316.0 84.688 0.01761 5.1673 5.1849 286.3 897.9 1184.1 0.4586 1.1576 1.6162 316.0
320.0 89.643 0.01766 4.8961 4.9138 290.4 894.8 1185.2 0.4640 1.1477 1.6116 320.0
324.0 94.826 0.01770 4.6418 4.6595 294.6 891.6 1186.2 0.4692 1.1378 1.6071 324.0
328.0 100.245 0.01774 4.4030 4.4208 298.7 888.5 1187.2 0.4745 1.1280 1.6025 328.0
332.0 105.907 0.01779 4.1788 4.1966 302.9 885.3 1188.2 0.4798 1.1183 1.5981 332.0
336.0 111.820 0.01783 3.9681 3.9859 307.1 882.1 1189.1 0.4850 1.1086 1.5936 336.0
340.0 117.992 0.01787 3.7699 3.7878 311.3 878.8 1190.1 0.4902 1.0990 1.5892 340.0
344.0 124.430 0.01792 3.5834 3.6013 315.5 875.5 1191.0 0.4954 1.0894 1.5849 344.0
348.0 131.142 0.01797 3.4078 3.4258 319.7 872.2 1191.1 0.5006 1.0799 1.5806 348.0
352.0 138.138 0.01801 3.2423 3.2603 323.9 868.9 1192.7 0.5058 1.0705 1.5763 352.0
356.0 145.424 0.01806 3.0863 3.1044 328.1 865.5 1193.6 0.5110 1.0611 1.5721 356.0
360.0 153.010 0.01811 2.9392 2.9573 332.3 862.1 1194.4 0.5161 1.0517 1.5678 360.0
364.0 160.903 0.01816 2.8002 2.8184 336.5 858.6 1195.2 0.5212 1.0424 1.5637 364.0
368.0 169.113 0.01821 2.6691 2.6873 340.8 855.1 1195.9 0.5263 1.0332 1.5595 368.0
372.0 177.648 0.01826 2.5451 2.5633 345.0 851.6 1196.7 0.5314 1.0240 1.5554 372.0
376.0 186.517 0.01831 2.4279 2.4462 349.3 848.1 1197.4 0.5365 1.0148 1.5513 376.0
380.0 195.729 0.01836 2.3170 2.3353 353.6 844.5 1198.0 0.5416 1.0057 1.5473 380.0
384.0 205.294 0.01842 2.2120 2.2304 357.9 840.8 1198.7 0.5466 0.9966 1.5432 384.0
388.0 215.220 0.01847 2.1126 2.1311 362.2 837.2 1199.3 0.5516 0.9876 1.5392 388.0
392.0 225.516 0.01853 2.0184 2.0369 366.5 833.4 1199.9 0.5567 0.9786 1.5352 392.0
396.0 236.193 0.01858 1.9291 1.9477 370.8 829.7 1200.4 0.5617 0.9696 1.5313 396.0

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 33

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances


This work aid is designed to assist the participant in Exercise 7 - Calculating Power Requirements.

efficiency and power factors of squirrel cage induction motors(1)

Motor Efficiency (%) (3) at Power Factor (%) at
Motor Rating, Motor Connected % of Full Load Capacity % of Full Load Capacity
hp Load,(2) kW 50 75 100 50 75 100
1 0.98 67.0 72.5 74.0 53.5 65.5 75.4
1-1/2 1.42 72.0 76.0 77.0 54.0 73.5 80.5
2 1.86 73.0 78.0 79.5 54.5 68.0 77.0
3 2.76 74.5 79.0 80.5 55.5 68.0 75.5
5 4.39 81.0 83.5 84.0 60.0 71.0 78.0
7-1/2 6.65 78.0 82.0 83.0 58.0 70.0 77.0
10 8.78 83.0 85.0 85.0 65.5 75.5 80.5
15 13.00 85.0 86.0 86.0 76.0 84.0 87.0
20 17.05 86.5 87.5 87.5 79.0 84.5 87.0
25 21.00 87.5 88.5 88.5 79.0 84.5 87.0
30 25.10 88.0 89.0 89.0 80.0 85.0 88.0
40 33.5 88.0 89.0 89.0 81.0 86.0 88.5
50 41.7 88.0 89.5 89.5 82.0 87.0 89.0
60 49.7 89.5 90.0 90.0 82.0 87.0 89.0
75 62.1 89.0 90.0 90.0 82.0 87.0 89.0
100 82.0 84.0 89.0 91.0 85.0 89.0 91.0
125 102.0 85.0 89.5 91.5 85.0 90.0 92.0
150 123.0 86.0 89.0 91.0 85.0 90.0 92.0
200 161.0 88.0 91.0 92.5 87.5 91.0 92.0
250 201.0 90.5 92.5 92.5 84.0 87.7 90.5
300 241.0 90.8 92.5 92.8 84.4 88.2 90.9
350 281.0 90.9 92.6 92.9 84.8 88.5 91.1
400 320 91.1 92.8 93.1 85.0 89.0 91.3
450 360 91.2 93.0 93.2 85.1 89.0 91.6
500 399 91.4 93.1 93.4 85.3 89.2 91.6
600 478 91.6 93.3 93.6 85.5 89.5 91.8
700 557 91.7 93.4 93.7 85.7 89.7 91.9
800 636 91.9 93.6 93.9 85.8 89.8 92.0
900 715 92.0 93.7 94.0 85.9 89.9 92.0
1000 793 92.1 93.8 94.1 85.9 89.9 92.1
1250 988 92.3 94.0 94.3 86.0 90.0 92.2
1500 1185 92.4 94.1 94.4 86.1 90.1 92.3
1750 1380 92.6 94.3 94.6 86.2 90.2 92.4

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 34

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Mass and Energy Balances

2000 1575 92.7 94.4 94.7 86.3 90.4 92.5

2250 1770 92.8 94.5 94.8 86.4 90.5 92.6
2500 1965 92.9 94.6 94.9 86.5 90.6 92.8
3000 2355 93.0 94.7 95.0 86.6 90.7 93.0
3500 2750 93.0 94.7 95.0 86.6 90.7 93.0
4000 3140 93.1 94.8 95.1 86.6 90.7 93.0
4500 3580 93.1 94.8 95.1 86.6 90.7 93.0
5000 3920 93.2 94.9 95.2 86.6 90.7 93.0
5500 4310 93.8 95.0 95.2 86.3 90.7 92.6
6000 4700 93.8 95.0 95.2 86.3 90.7 92.6
7000 5480 94.0 95.2 95.3 84.3 88.7 90.6
8000 6260 93.7 95.1 95.3 84.3 88.7 90.6
9000 7050 93.8 95.2 95.3 84.3 88.7 90.6
10000(4) 7820 93.9 95.3 95.4 84.3 88.7 90.6

Notes: 1. Applies to open and enclosed motors rated at 1,800 rpm, 3-phase, 60 Hz. At 7,000 hp and above,
speed is 1,200 rpm, instead of 1,800.

(hp) (0.746 kW/hp)

2. Connected load =
efficiency at 100% of full load

3. For totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors, efficiency should be reduced 1% at full load, 1-
1/2% at 3/4 load and 2-1/2% at half load.

4. Above 10,000 hp, use the 10,000 hp values until specific vendor estimates are obtained.

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Mass and Energy Balances


B/CD Barrels per calendar day.

B/SD Barrels per stream day.

blowdown Water discarded from a steam system to prevent increase in

dissolved solids.

CW rise The CW temperature rise across a CW exchanger.

endothermic A process that absorbs heat. (-Q)

exothermic A process that gives off heat. (+Q)

H Enthalpy, Btu/lb

PFD Process flow diagram.

P&ID Piping and instrument diagram.

Q Heat duty, Btu/hr.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 36

Engineering Encyclopedia Process
Mass and Energy Balances


1. Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 6th Edition, R. H. Perry and D. Green (Physical

properties, general information, calculation equations).

2. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 64th Edition, Robert C. Weast, Editor (general

3. Data Book on Hydrocarbons, J. B. Maxwell (Hydrocarbon physical properties).

4. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, W. L. Nelson.

5. Manual for Process Engineering Calculations, 2nd Ed., L. Clarke and R. L. Davidson.

6. Engineering Data Book, Gas Processors Suppliers Association, 10th Edition, 1987.

7. PROCESS Computing Manual.

8. ADP-L-043, Thermal Expansion Relief in Piping.

9. ADP-E-001, Pg. 103-110, Air Fin Power Usage.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards 37

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