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Revista Atlas Copco 2019

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Atlas Copco is committed to continuous improvement and finding solutions to enhance customer productivity through innovations to their drilling equipment, tools, and services.

Atlas Copco's focus on customer productivity requires a steadfast commitment to continuous improvement and finding solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity through innovations to their drilling rigs, tools, products, services, and ways of thinking.

Some technological advances mentioned include computerized drilling rigs, high-performance diamond tools, and improved in-the-hole equipment developed for both core and reverse circulation exploration applications.

Exploration Drilling

First edition 2010

There is always a better way

At Atlas Copco, our focus on customer productivity requires a steadfast commitment

to continuous improvement — and finding solutions.

It may be a design innovation to our surface and underground drill rigs, in-hole tools
or diamond products. More efficient distribution may be made possible through new
ways of thinking. Or a customer’s productivity will be enhanced through customized
on-site service and training.

Because we listen, we understand. Because we are more engaged, we will always

find a better way.
    2 Foreword by Daniel Misiano
Marketing Manager Exploration
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration

Talking technically
    3 Trends in exploration
    8 Geology for exploration and mining
  14 Prospecting and exploration for minerals
  20 In search of the right balance
  24 An introduction to Reverse Circulation drilling
  30 Reverse circulation drilling with new hammer concept
  32 Four decades of Diamec core drilling rigs
  36 Selecting the right coring bit
  40 Efficient core recovery
  44 Hydraulic and mechanical surface drill rigs
  48 Keep the rig and business running

Case studies
  50 Confirming the future of Zambian copper
  52 Atlas Copco exploration rigs prove reserves
  54 Excore optimizes performance for Drillcorp
  58 New record depth for CS14 core drilling rig
  62 Grade Control at Kemi Mine
  66 Reverse circulation drilling in Australia
  68 Diamec MCR in Australia
  70 Reverse circulation technology wins in Brazil
  72 Thin wall core barrels improve productivity
  74 Groundbreaking technology in the Valley of Gold
  76 Christensen CS3001 works well in extreme conditions

Product specifications
  78 Diamec core drilling rigs
  83 Christensen core drilling rigs
  88 Explorac reverse circulation rigs
  90 Excore core drilling tools
  92 In-The-Hole tools
  94 Reverce circulation tools

Front cover: Core sampling with Atlas Copco equipment. Northern

For latest updates contact your local Atlas Copco Customer College of Applied Arts and Technology, Kirkland Lake, Ontario
Center or refer to www.atlascopco.com Canada. Photographer: James Hodgins.

exploration drilling 1
Satisfying future production demands
The mineral exploration community has, in recent decades, reduced downtime. Apart from the obvious advantages, such
suffered its fair share of cyclical times. However, the latest cycle products are also a major factor in improved labour retention.
is unprecedented in the large swing from the successive boom
years of 2005-2008 to the sharp decline in late 2008 caused When designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing Atlas
by the global financial crisis. The last three cycles have one Copco equipment, we strive to achieve optimal productivity,
distinct common factor, which is the ongoing increase in demand minimal downtime, best safety, environmental friendliness and
for mineral resources as a result of global population growth high return on investment for the customer. These important
and the emergence of less-developed countries. Even in the objectives are achieved by a collaboration of customer input
current economical turmoil, most will agree that the mid- to long- and Atlas Copco’s ability to bring to market such products and
term outlook favours continued increased demand for mineral services. We must never underestimate the value of our clients’
commodities, and pressure on exploration drilling programmes. input, and its role in creating a lasting and trusting business
relationship. Each of our products needs to reflect the client’s
Technological advances in all aspect of mineral exploration signature, something which Atlas Copco is proud to achieve.
have ensured evolutionary and revolutionary improvements
in drilling techniques, and Atlas Copco has continued to offer The ambition in offering this reference book is to further encou-
innovation and leadership in the supply of mineral exploration rage interaction between all respective parties, technical and
products. Our global presence has facilitated the introduction of commercial, who have a special interest in mineral exploration
new products such as computerized drilling rigs, high perform- applications. The participants include the global exploration
ance diamond tools, and improved in-the-hole equipment, which community of drilling services, governmental agencies, con-
have been developed for both core and reverse circulation explo- sultants, geological associations and companies, educational
ration applications. All of our products embody the safety and institutions and, of course, our own sales, marketing and tech-
environmental features that are an integral part of Atlas Copco’s nical organization.
continued commitment to our clients and the industry.
The cases described in this manual are chosen for the variety of
The search for new mineral resources is in ever more remote geological, geotechnical and environmental conditions experi-
areas of the globe, where infrastructure is often absent and the enced in different parts of the world. We sincerely hope that the
cultural acceptance towards mining may not yet be fully under- articles will lead to continued interaction between the diverse
stood. In these environments, it can be difficult to attract and parties that form our exploration community. It is our objective
recruit skilled labour. It is therefore necessary to provide the to be an integral part of the continued challenge to be more
exploration drilling companies with top quality products that competitive and profitable.
will ensure increased productivity, optimized efficiency, and
Yours sincerely

Daniel Misiano
Marketing Manager Exploration
Atlas Copco Geotechnical Drilling and Exploration


2 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Trends in exploration
Necessity of
mineral exploration
production, survival and expan-
sion. These activities are under-
taken on a more or less continuous
basis by the internal organization
of individual companies, by con-
tractors, or by funding junior com-
panies. Exploration is carried out
close to existing mine sites in or-
der to identify and investigate ex-
tensions, and in new areas to find
and delineate fresh deposits.
Historically, spending on explo-
ration is cyclical, and tends to
follow metal and mineral prices
and the general business trend.

Exploration cycle
Mineral exploration is, by definition,
the process of finding ore to mine. Ore
is commercially viable concentrations of
minerals. Usually undertaken by mining
companies, partnerships or corporations,
mineral exploration is a more intensive,
organized and professional form of
mineral prospecting. Despite frequently
using prospecting services, the process
of mineral exploration is a much more
involved operation.
The exploration cycle includes a num-
ber of steps and activities such as area
selection, target generation, geophysical
methods, remote sensing, geochemical
methods, resource evaluation, reserve
definition and extraction.
Resource evaluation usually involves
core or reverse circulation drilling, by
which time a lot of money has already
been invested into the exploration pro-
ject. These first drill holes are needed
to verify the findings from the initial
investigation, and all obtained cores or
samples are saved as tangible proof of
what has been found.

Exploration spending
Exploration expenditure is mainly driven
by metal prices and, in the long run,
by metals demand. When metals demand
peaks, so does exploration expenditure. Explorac 220RC – reverse circulation rig operating in Australia.

exploration drilling 3
Talking Technically

Studying non-ferrous exploration bud- clearly just how highly cyclical the boom. Also, new deposits are found in
gets over a 20-year period (see fig. 1), exploration drilling business is. more remote and challenging regions
we can see that, after a flat period in the The historical budget figures have located further away from final mar-
beginning of the 1990s, there was an not been adjusted for inflation, which kets, high up in the mountain ranges
increase in spending for six consecutive means that the actual growth is not as of Latin America or out in the Asian
years, reaching a peak in 1997. But in large as indicated. This means that the deserts. In addition, ore grades are con-
2002, after a steady five years, spending actual activity on the ground has not tinuously declining, making discover-
fell back to the 1989 level. increased in direct proportion to the ies more difficult than when ore bodies
Since then, exploration budgets in- expenditure, despite continuously in- outcropped or were at shallow depths.
creased dramatically every year, reach- creasing exploration costs. At the same time, increased demand
ing an all-time high in 2008. made it necessary to increase the rate
Then the world economic downturn Increasing difficulties of discovery of new deposits, otherwise
in late 2008 drastically reduced the le- total ore reserves to relative total metal
vel of activity, and spending in 2009 Some cost increases were due to lack of production would decrease.
dropped off accordingly. This shows staff and equipment during the mining With hindsight, it is apparent that
exploration should have been increased
Figure 1: Estimated total worldwide Figure 3: Worldwide exploration budgets at a higher pace than that achieved. As
exploration budgets (excl. uranium), by compant type, 1999-2008 a result, the current decline, driven by
1989-2008 (US$) (as a percentage of worldwide exploration) falling metal prices, has been more dra-
matic than the trough in 2001/2002. This
brings about the likelihood of another
price peak in a few years time, driven
by a perceived reduction in reserves.

Increase in all regions

During the five years to 2008, explora-
tion increased in all regions, and the
relative geographical distribution re-
mained basically the same, see fig. 2.
Figure 2: Worldwide non-ferrous explora- Figure 4: Worldwide non-ferrous
North America as a region is still
tion budgets by region, 2008 exploration budgets by target, 2008
number one, closely followed by Latin
America, which for a long time has been
a popular exploration region. Canada
keeps its top position as the most popu-
lar country, followed by Australia. Year-
on-year growth in each region varied
considerably. Forinstance, Papua New
Guinea, the Philippines and Indonesia
planned for a 60 % increase in explo-
ration in 2008 compared with 2007.
Also worth noting is the fact that ex-
ploration expenditure in Africa is con-
siderably higher than the region’s share
of mine production, indicating that its
future role in metal and minerals pro-
duction will grow. Democratic Republic
of Congo, Angola, Tanzania, Botswana
and Ghana are countries with high ex-
ploration activities.
Meantime, China and Mongolia are
the most important countries in Asia.

Active players
The global mining industry is made up of
some 6 000 companies. The vast majo-
rity are the 4-5 000 junior exploration

4 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

companies that do not have a mine in

operation, but hope to find new de-
posits to exploit. These companies do
not have any cash flow, but depend on
funding from the stock exchanges or
from private placements for risk capital.
They are small, innovative, and often
with highly trained staff. They have
been willing to take risk and are fast to
make decisions, and dare to go into new
areas and to apply geological models in
new ground. In recent years, the juniors
have accounted for a growing propor-
tion of exploration expenditure, but in
2008 there was a slower growth for the
juniors and an increased spending from
the major companies. Many of the tra-
ditional mining companies have earlier
downscaled their internal exploration
departments and spread their risk by
funding juniors, see fig. 3. In the Nordic
countries, for example, juniors accounted
for some 50% of exploration, and this
figure is similar for companies based in
Canada, Australia and the UK.

Greenfields vs brownfields
During the last five years the share of
the grassroots exploration has decrea-
sed, and Late Stage and Minesite have
taken over that share. The spending in
Late Stage has become larger than in
grassroots exploration. The junior com-
panies have accounted for more than
half of the grassroots exploration, and
major companies for about 80 % of the
minesite exploration during the same
The increase in the brownfields sec-
tor indicates the efforts to both replace
and increase the ore reserves in existing
mining areas.
With less total spending on explora-
tion after the beginning of the financial
crisis in late 2008, it can be expected
that the share of the grassroots explora-
tion will continue to decrease.
On the other hand, there is a demand
for new large mineral deposits, and they
have most probably to be found in new
sites in remote areas. This should result
in increasing greenfield exploration.

Type of metals
2008 was the first year since 1989 when
exploration budgets for base metals such Christensen CS4002 surface core drilling rig operating in Mexico.

exploration drilling 5
Talking Technically

that less capital will be available for

new exploration projects. However,
mineral exploration is an optimistic
business, and new projects will emerge
as the long-term demand for metals
In 2009 we are observing a steep de-
cline in the exploration business in line
with that of the global economy. The
question is how deep will the curve
dip? Will it be down to the 2002 level,
or will it level out before that point?
It is possible that the mining com-
panies have learned from the previous
downturn in 2002, when it took a long
time to restart exploration activities
after deep cuts in spending and resour-
ces. Nowadays, many companies have
integrated exploration into their long-
term business strategy, and carry on
planning their exploration activities over
the business cycle. They may well stick
to their original plans, and pick up the
activity level after the initial cuts.
There is a question mark hanging
Diamec U8 APC core drilling rig in operation. over whether the trends will swing more
with higher peaks and lower bottoms,
as copper, nickel and zinc were higher Looking forward or just swing faster. There are many
than for gold, See fig. 4. Gold has, prior theories about how the global economy
to 2008, always attracted more capital The world economy is a major influ- will develop, and how exploration de-
than other metals, but for five conse- ence on the exploration business, with mand will contribute to its revival.
cutive years the percentage spend for metal prices and availability of mine- The cost of exploration has increa-
gold has declined. However, looking for rals as the main driver. sed, and in order to find future volumes
gold has always been exciting, and will After the chaos in the world econo- and qualities of minerals, exploration
continue to be so. my in late 2008, it was natural that the has to be in remote areas and, in some
Diamonds are the third most impor- level of exploration activity should signi- cases, high-risk areas with higher costs.
tant mineral after gold and copper but, ficantly reduce. Because credit is now Some of these cost increases can be
like gold, declined for five years. less-freely available, it can be expected compensated by use of new methods,
and by investment in new and more
Definitions (courtesy MEG) efficient exploration equipment. For
Junior companies example, core drilling rigs have been
Category mainly includes pure explorers, but also aspiring producers. Principal means of developed to operate in deeper holes,
funding exploration is through equity financing. demanding less personnel and support,
Major companies contributing to higher productivity.
Companies with annual non-ferrous mining-related revenue of more than US$ 500 million, All mining companies have to en-
and the financial strength to develop a major mine. sure proven ore reserves for long-term
Grassroots Exploration growth, for which core in the boxes,
From the earliest stage through to perimeter drilling, prior to quantification of initial re- showing grade and quantity, is essen-
source. Includes reconnaissance and evaluative forays. tial as the proof. That is their future
Minesite capital.
All exploration at or around an existing mine site held by the company, including searching
for satellite orebodies within economic transport distance.
Anders Gustafsson
Late stage
Exploration to further define, quantify, and upgrade a previously identified orebody, Atlas Copco is very grateful to Metal
including feasibility work up to a positive production decision.
Economics Group for the right to pub-
Intermediate lish their graphs and definitions.
In the first hand based on a company's adjusted annual revenue with at least $ 50 million in
annual non-ferrous revenue and less than $ 500 million major-company threshold.

6 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Core drilling operation in Mexico.

exploration drilling 7
Talking Technically

Geology for exploration and mining

of geology
A thorough understanding of
the geology of a mineral deposit
is fundamental to its successful
exploitation. As such, geology
is a vital factor in the process of
selecting methods in exploration
and mining. The theory of plate
tectonics has improved our know-
ledge of ore formation, and also
helps the explorer to select areas
of high mineral potential. Plate
tectonics gives us a better under-
standing of important geological
processes like mountain building,
volcanism and earthquakes, and
how these processes are connec-
ted. The use of geological models
makes exploration and mining
more effective.
   This chapter reviews basic
aspects of geology that may affect
decisions about exploration and
mining. Atlas Copco offers a full
range of drilling products for site
investigation, and for mine deve-
lopment and production. Volcanic rocks sculptured by wind erosion, southern Bolivia.

cosmic material from our solar system. of the crust is well known, and is domi-
The earth The meteorites falling down on earth nated by seven elements: silica, alumi-
are of same origin as our planet so, nium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium
The earth consists of an inner and outer by studying this material, we can get and potassium. The continental crust is
core surrounded by a mantle. At the data about the chemical composition of higher in silica, aluminium and alkali
surface is a thin layer of rocks known the deeper part of the earth. There are due to the high content of granitic
as the crust. This shell-like structure two types of meteorites: stone meteor- rocks. The oceanic crust is lower in
has been confirmed by studying seismic ites dominated by Fe-Mg-silicates, or silica but higher in magnesium and iron
waves originating from earthquakes. chondrites; and iron meteorites mainly due to the dominance of volcanic rocks,
The velocity, or propagation, of these consisting of metallic iron and nickel. mainly basalts.
waves is related to the density of the Seismic and meteorite data indicate
material and its state, be it solid or that the chemical composition of the Minerals
liquid. According to this interpretation, core is similar to iron meteorites and
the inner core is solid and the outer core that of the mantle is similar to stone A mineral is a natural chemical com-
is liquid. The mantle and the thin crust meteorites. The difference in density pound with a defined crystal structure
of the earth are solid. also explains the velocity of the seismic and composition. A rock, on the other
The thickness of the core and mantle waves in core and mantle, and the high hand, is a naturally formed aggregate
together corresponds roughly to half average density of the earth, which is of minerals. There are thousands of
the radius of the earth. We can observe about 5.5 g/cm3. different minerals but only about fifty
only the upper part of the earth’s crust. The thickness of the crust is nor- rock-forming ones, most of which are
The deepest drill hole is 11 km, but we mally between 10 and 35 km. However, silicates, always containing silica and
can get information from the equivalent there is a great difference in thickness oxygen. Feldspars account for almost
of some tens of km by studying eroded between oceanic crust and continental 50% of the earth’s crust and are hence
mountain chains. crust. Under a mountain chain the crust the most common mineral. They can
The earth was formed more than thickness can be up to 70 km. The be grouped in potassium feldspar and
4.6 billion years ago by aggregation of chemical composition of the outer part plagioclase (sodium-calcium-feldspar).

8 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Other main rock-forming silicates are

pyroxene, amphibole, quartz and mica.
In addition there are at least three other
types of minerals: sulphides, oxides and
To identify a mineral in the field, one EURASIAN
or more of the following physical pro- PLATE
perties of minerals are considered: hard-
ness, density, streak, lustre, cleavage NORTH AMERICAN
and crystalline form. Mineral hard- PLATE
ness is commonly graded according to
Moh’s scale, based on ten minerals of CARIBBEAN
increasing hardness. The hardness scale PLATE ARABIAN
starts with talc as the softest mineral, PLATE INDIAN
and ends with diamond as the hardest PLATE
of all known minerals. The density of
many rock-forming minerals is between
2.6 and 3.2 g/cm 3. Most ore minerals AFRICAN
have a density of 4 or higher. Some ele- PLATE
ments have much higher densities, gold PLATE SOUTH AMERICAN
for example 19.3 g/cm3. PLATE
Other diagnostic features are streak,
cleavage and crystal type. Streak is the AUSTRALIAN
colour of mineral powder produced PLATE
when a mineral is scratched, whereas
cleavage describes the property of a SCOTIA PLATE
crystal to split along certain crystallo-
graphic surfaces. All minerals belong
to one of seven crystal systems. For
example galena (PbS) sometimes forms
small cubes, which is typical for cubic
minerals. Mica has a layered structure, Fig 1: Some of the major plates of the world.
which causes cleavage parallel to these
layers. African plate consisting of the African mid-Atlantic ridge. Similar ridges are
continent and parts of the Atlantic and found in the other oceans. Along these
Plate tectonics Indian Oceans. These plates are shown ridges two oceanic plates are moving
in fig.1. apart, leading to partial melting of the
The modern theory of plate tectonics Plates can interact by moving apart mantle below. This causes repeated
has improved the understanding of (divergence) or towards each other eruptions of basaltic lava, forming a new
basic geological processes like moun- (convergence). Three types of plate ocean floor. The youngest volcanic rocks
tain building, volcanism, earthquakes margins will be discussed briefly. are found close to the ocean ridge, and
and formation of many types of ores. When two continental plates collide, the age of the rocks increases out from
According to this theory, the crust and mountain ranges may be formed. Thus the spreading centre. The mechanism
upper part of the mantle can be divided the collision of the Indo-Australian of seafloor spreading is an important
into 10-12 major plates, which move in and Eurasian plates resulted in the for- part of the plate tectonic theory.
a complex pattern. mation of the Himalayas, the highest Volcanic activity occurs at diverging,
The driving force of this movement mountain chain on earth. When an or spreading, ocean plates and also as
can be attributed to heat generated by oceanic plate moves towards a conti- a result of a collision between ocean
radioactive decay within the mantle nental plate such as South America the plates and continental plates. Volcanism
and core. The heat is transported by oceanic plate will move below the con- is normally accompanied by earth-
slow convection streams, which move tinent, or subduct. When the oceanic quakes, which may be extra strong
the plates. The speed of the motion of plate starts to melt, volcanic activity when two plates are sheared or sliding
plates is just a few centimetres per year. will occur. Therefore, we find a great along each other. The earthquakes in
Three major plates are North American number of volcanoes along the western Los Angeles are of this type.
which includes North America, Mexico part of South America. Subduction also A collision between the Nazca and
and Greenland, South American which leads to the formation of ores. South American plate is shown in the
includes the whole of South America In the middle of the Atlantic there fig. 2 on the following page.At a certain
and a part of the Atlantic, and the is a long chain of volcanoes called the depth the subducted Nazca plate will

exploration drilling 9
Talking Technically

Porphyry copper
Mn nodules with Cu, Ni, Co





200 400

Fig 2: Andean type ocean - continent collision.

start to melt. The magma intrudes into the sulphide solution comes into con- at great depths in the earth, where
overlying rocks and also causes volcanic tact with seawater, the sulphides are pressure and temperature are high. If
activity. Most porphyry copper depo- immediately precipitated. The sulphide the intrusion of magma occurs deep in
sits are formed in this geological en- minerals formed in this way are mainly the crust, cooling and crystallization
vironment. This is the main reason for of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and is a slow process. This will favour a
the frequent deposits of this type along sphalerite. Similar deposits of old age coarse-grained texture, which is typi-
the Andean mountain range. One third have been mined on Cyprus for thou- cal for intruded magmatic rocks. Some
of the world’s copper production comes sands of years. Black smokers can be magma will reach the surface, where
from Chile as a result. called a modern analogue for the fre- it loses most of its gas content turning
Porphyry copper deposits are always quent volcanic massive sulphide (VMS) into lava, which forms volcanic rocks.
associated with quartzdioritic or grano- deposits mined all over the world. The At that stage, the crystallization is much
dioritic intrusive rocks with a porphyry first commercial attempts to exploit faster and results in a fine-grained or
texture. The copper mineralization is black smokers are underway in the deep glassy volcanic rock.
not only found in the intrusive, but also waters north of Papua New Guinea. The shape of volcanoes often reveals
in the surrounding rocks. The main Another interesting type of mine- the chemical composition of the erupted
copper minerals of porphyry copper ralization related to plate tectonics is lava. Basic lava, or basalt, often has a
deposits are chalcopyrite and bornite. the occurrence of manganese nodules low viscosity, forming shield volcanoes
The content of copper in this type of on the ocean floor. These nodules of or more or less horizontal lava fields.
deposit is usually low, about 0.5%, but varying size are formed close to active When the content of silica increases in
porphyry copper often contains some spreading centres, where hot metal-rich the magma, it also gets richer in water.
gold and molybdenum. Due to the large water emerges. The nodules formed are Such a combination leads to more
size of these deposits they are mainly rich in manganese and iron and have explosive eruptions, and the formation
mined in cost effective open pits, and low concentrations of copper and nickel. of strato volcanoes with cone shaped
form the greater part of the world’s The quantity of these nodules is huge profiles.
copper production. but the potential cost of exploitation This type of volcano is composed of
The discovery of black smokers found is, at least for the time being, too high. alternating beds of lava and pyroclastic
at the bottom of the ocean close to a material, and the chemical composi-
spreading centre was a big sensation. Magmatic rocks tion is intermediate or acidic. Table 1
Black and hot at about 350 degrees shows volcanic rocks have a magmatic
C, hydrothermal solutions rich in sul- Magmatic, or igneous, rocks are formed (plutonic) counterpart. The volcanic
phides are injected into the water from by the cooling and crystallization of basalt corresponds to gabbro, andesite
chimney-like structures. When the hot magma. This is normally taking place to diorite, dacite to quartz diorite, and

10 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

rhyolite to granite. When a magmatic

rock contains large crystals in fine- Table 1: Main magmatic rocks
grained groundmass it is known as Silica content Plutonic rocks Dykes and silts Volcanic rocks
porphyry. Basic Gabbro Diabase Basalt
When the magma is rich in silica, <52% SiO 2
a light coloured rock is formed. It has Intermediate Diorite Porphyrite Andesite
a high content of silica and feldspar, 52-65% SiO2
and is known as felsic. On the other Syenite Syenite porphyry Trachyte
hand, if the magma is poor in silica
but rich in magnesium and iron mine-
Acidic Quartz diorite Quartz porphyrite Dacite
rals like olivine and different kinds of >65%SiO2
pyroxenes, amphiboles will dominate
Granodiorite Granodiorite porphyry Rhyodacite
causing a dark colour of the rock. This
type of basic rock is called mafic. If the
Granite Quartz porphyry Rhyolite
content of SiO2 is lower than 45% we
get ultramafic rocks like komatiites and
peridotites. This kind of rock is often
associated with nickel mineralization,
see table 1.

Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks are formed by
deposition of eroded fragmented rocks
or precipitation of dissolved material.
Sedimentary rocks are quite common,
covering about 75% of the surface of
the earth. However, the volume of sedi-
mentary rocks is low, indicating limited
thickness of these rocks.
Sedimentary rocks can be divided
into two types, clastic and chemical,
as shown in the table to the right. A typical sandstone.
Clastic sediments consist of fragments
of eroded rocks. Thus, the original rock Table 2: Some sedimentary rocks
will partially determine characteristics
of the sedimentary rock. Large rounded Type of sediment Rock type Composition/Original material
rock fragments in a finer matrix of Clastic sediments Conglomerate Gravel, stones and boulders
fragments are called conglomerate. If Sandstone Grains of quartz and small fragments of rocks
the rock is dominated by grains of sand,
Greywacke Like a sandstone but with higher content of
it is called sandstone. A greywacke is rock fragments and argillaceous material
a kind of sandstone with a matrix of
fragments, sand and clay. Shale Fine-grained argillaceous material
Limestone is the most common of
the carbonate rocks. It is either formed Chemical Limestone Precipitated calcium carbonate
by chemical precipitation of calcite, or sediments
Chert Precipitation of fine-grained quartz
from depositions of skeletons of dead
Gypsum, halite Evaporation of sea water
organisms such as corals and molluscs.
Chert is a chemical sediment consisting
mainly of quartz. Evaporites like gyp- the layers. Sedimentary rocks make up a forming new minerals. A metamorphic
sum and halite are formed in bays and very heterogeneous family with varying rock is formed. The change in mineral
lakes of arid regions. Bedding, or laye- characteristics as shown in table 2. composition means that the new mine-
ring, is a characteristic feature of many rals are stable at the higher temperature
sedimentary rocks. The layering may Metamorphic rocks and pressure. This occurs without mel-
be due to a variation in grain size or ting of the original rocks, and little change
in chemical composition. Initially, the When magmatic or sedimentary rocks in the chemical composition. Metamor-
layers are more or less horizontal, but are subjected to high temperature and phic rocks are also characterized by
later tectonic forces may fold or overturn pressure they will re-crystallize, often new texture and structure.The reason

exploration drilling 11
Talking Technically

make the rock denser and harder and

Table 3: Typical metamorphic rocks more difficult to drill. Foliation is a kind
Rock type Original rock Degree of metamorphism
of layering which is a characteristic
feature of many metamorphic rocks.
Amphibolite Basalt, diabase, gabbro High When rocks re-crystallize under pres-
Mica schist Mudstone, greywacke, etc Medium to high sure from one direction, platy minerals
like mica are orientated in layers per-
Gneiss Various igneous rocks High
pendicular to the source of pressure.
Green-schist Basalt, diabase, gabbro Low This results in banded or foliated rocks.
Quartzite Sandstone Medium to high Another type of metamorphic structure
is lineation, where elongated crystals in
Leptite Dacite Medium
the rock are oriented in the same direc-
Slate Shale Low tion, resulting in a cigar-like structure.
Marble Limestone Medium Very often, the metamorphic rocks
are named after the parent rock. Meta-
morphosed sedimentary rocks are
for a change in temperature and pres- and high. In the first group there are called metasediments and volcanic
sure may be due to heat from intru- only slight changes in mineral compo- rocks metavolcanites.
ding magma, or because the rocks or sition. Typical low-grade minerals are Some examples of metamorphic
sediments have sunk deeper into the chlorite, albite and epidot. At medium rocks are given in table 3.
earth’s crust. Compression and tension and high metamorphism many new mi- Quartzite is a very hard rock formed
in the earth’s crust also play an impor- nerals are formed, for example, silli- by the metamorphism of pure sand-
tant role during the metamorphic stage. manite and garnet. Due to the strong stone. Schist is a common metamorphic
Metamorphic rocks make up a large re-crystallization, all primary textures rock of medium to high grade. This
part of the earth’s crust. They are divi- are destroyed, and in many cases it is rock is often named after the most
ded into three groups, depending on the very difficult to determine the primary common mineral, for example: mica
degree of metamorphism: low, medium rock. Metamorphic processes often schist; and chlorite schist. Marble is a
well-known metamorphic rock formed
from re-crystallized limestone.

Rock cycle
t ion Sm There is a relationship between mag-
lli MAGMA el
a ti n
matic, sedimentary and metamorphic
ry rocks, which is shown in the fig. 3.

Starting with the magma at the top of

the figure and going down to the left, the
magma will crystallize into a magmatic

rock due to decreasing temperature


and pressure. If crystallization occurs



within the crust, an intrusive rock

results, for example, granite. If the

magma is erupted by volcanic activity,


the result will be rhyolitic lava, or a tuff

Weath trans


of similar composition.
A rock formed at high temperature
erin p.


and pressure is not stable at the surface



of the earth. When magmatic rocks are

exposed to surface conditions, rocks

are eroded and weathered by mecha-


IM EN KS nical and chemical processes.Chemical
TS SE RO weathering will decompose many
minerals, but the remaining part of
more resistant minerals and rock frag-
Cementation ments will be transported by water,
ice or wind until deposition occurs.
After sedimentation, compaction and
Fig 3: Rock cycle. cementation of the mineral grains, a

12 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

sedimentary rock is formed. If the

sedimentary rock is buried deeper and Table 4: Important ore minerals and their composition
deeper under other rocks and sedi- Metal Ore mineral Mineral formula
ments, the increasing pressure and tem-
perature will cause re-crystallization, Cobalt Cobaltite, (Co,Fe)AsS
often combined with the formation of Chromium Chromite, FeCr2O4
new minerals. A metamorphic rock is Copper Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
formed. At great depth in the crust the
Copper Chalcocite Cu2S
metamorphic rock will start to melt
and form a new magma, and the cycle Copper Bornite Cu5FeS4
is completed. Gold Native gold Au
However, there are also some other
Iron Hematite Fe2O3
possibilities. When metamorphic rocks
are exposed at the earth’s surface, wea- Iron Magnetite Fe3O4
thering starts and the cycle is short- Lead Galena PbS
circuited. Erosion and weathering will
Molybdenum Molybdenite MoS2
transform the rock into sediment, which
later can form a sedimentary rock. There Nickel Pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8
is also a possibility that a magmatic Silver Native silver Ag
rock is metamorphosed without for- Tin Cassiterite SnO2
ming a sedimentary rock in between.
In other words recycling of rocks is Titanium Ilmenite FeTiO3
always going on. Tungsten Wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4
Tungsten Scheelite CaWO4
Formation and
Zinc Sphalerite (Zn,Fe)S
classification of ores
Ore is a natural concentration of one or
Table 5: Some major ore types
more heavy metals which can be mined
with profit. Such a concentration in the Processes Type of ore/mineralisation Metals
earth’s crust is very rare. The reason
is that most metals have to be concen- Magmatic
trated many thousands of times to form Sulphide immiscibility Nickel and copper deposit. Ex. Sudbury, Canada Ni, Cu
an ore. A mine also needs a minimum
size, a good location, and a qualified Crystal fractionation Monomineralic chromite layers. Ex. Bushveld Cr
staff. Furthermore, the ore should be Complex, South Africa
possible to mine and concentrate to
become an economical success. Silicate-sulphide Komatiite-hosted Ni-Cu deposits. Ex. Kalgoorlie, Ni,Cu
immiscibility Australia
Ores can be formed by the same
processes as rocks. This means that Magmatic- Copper porphyry deposits, associated with Cu, Au, Mo
magmatic (igneous), sedimentary and hydrothermal granodioritic intrusions. Ex. La Escondida, Chile
metamorphic processes play important Hydrothermal
roles in formation of mineral deposits.
Hydrothermal activity is another im- Fluid mixing Iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, associated with Au, Ag
felsic volcanic rocks. Ex. Olympic Dam, Australia
portant process, often related to mag-
matic activity, in ore formation. Hot Hydrothermal Epithermal quartz-gold veins, Lode deposits in Au, Ag
circulating water leaches metals from solutions tectonically deformed zones.
passing throw rocks, and these metals Exhalative venting Volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS). Ex. Trodoos Cu, Zn
are later precipitated due to cooling, “black smokers” deposits, Cyprus
pressure decrease, or a chemical reac-
tion with another fluid. Some major ore Sedimentary SEDEX deposits in sedimentary rocks. Ex. Red Dog Zn, Pb, Ag
exhalative Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, Alaska
types are summarized in the table 5.
Tom Ekström
Sedimentation of Placer deposits. Gold in conglomerate Au
Contributors; Hans Fernberg heavy minerals
and Magnus Ericsson
Chemical sedimentation Ironstones and banded iron formations (BIF). Fe
Ex. Mount Whaleback, Australia

exploration drilling 13
Talking Technically

Prospecting and exploration

for minerals
In search for
For a geologist in the mining busi-
ness, exploiting an existing ore-
body is the easy part of the job.
The hardest part is to find new
ore deposits and to define their
extent and metal content (grade).
But how do you find these accu-
mulations of metallic minerals in
the earth's crust? The mining com-
pany has to ensure that the de-
posit is economically viable and
needs a guarantee of ore produc-
tion over a sufficiently long period
of time, before the heavy invest-
ments required to set up a mining
operation will be considered. Even
after production starts, it is neces-
sary to locate and delineate any
extensions to the mineralization,
and to look for new prospects that
may replace the reserves being
mined. Investigating extensions,
and searching for new deposits,
are vital activities for the mining

Prospecting involves searching a di- Gold panning in the wind.
strict for mineral deposits with the view
to mine it at a profit. In other words to Table 1: Exploration activity sequence in general
transform the mineral deposit into an
orebody. Exploration, while it sounds Area selection and review of existing data
similar to prospecting, is the term used
for systematic examination of a deposit. Application for permit

After an interesting area is chosen, an Air borne survey

application for exploration permit is
made. Approval by officials is needed Geochemical survey

before exploration activities can com-


Geopysical survey on surface

mence. It is not easy to define the point
where prospecting turns into explo- Trenching

A geologist prospecting a district is
looking for surface exposure of minerals, Environmental impact study
by observing irregularities in colour,
Application for mining permit
shape or rock composition. His experi-
ence tells him where to look, to have the Feasibility study
greatest chances of success. Sometimes
he will stumble across ancient, shallow

14 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

mine workings, which might have been

what led him to prospect that particular
area in the first place. Gravity methods
such as panning is used for gold pro-
specting in alluvial river beds. In areas
with limited access to water wind pan-
ning can be done towards the wind

Exploration activities
The first step is to conduct a review of
historical and existing data, See table 1,
Especially from closed down mines
and terminated exploration there often
exist core samples and other relevant
information which can be accessed.
This can result in great savings in time
and money required for new activi-
ties. One of the cheapest phases of
property exploration is preparation
of a comprehensive, detailed and accu-
rate geological map which often starts
with basic instruments such as tape and
compass. The accuracy can be enhanced
by using air photos to help locate out-
crops, major fault zones and basic topo-
graphic control. Each step adds some
more costs, but it also improves the ac-
curacy and detail of the resulting map.
Soil-covered ground is inaccessible
to the prospector, whose first check
would be to look for an outcrop of the
mineralization. Where the ground cover
comprises a shallow layer of alluvial
material, trenches can be dug across the
mineralized area to expose the bedrock.
See picture to the right.
A prospector will identify the disco-
very, measure both width and length,
and estimate the mineralized area.
Samples from the trenches are sent to
the laboratory for analysis. Even when
minerals can be found on the surface,
determining any extension in depth is
a matter of qualified guesswork. If the
prospector's findings, and his theorizing
about the probable existence of an ore- Are there minerals in the trench? International Gold Exploration AB, IGE conducts exploration works in
body are solid, the next step would be Burundi.
to explore the surrounding ground.
Exploration is a term embracing geo- production for planning purpose and Geophysical exploration
physics, geochemistry, and finally the access routes, for geological, geophysi-
more costly activities viz drilling into cal, geochemical and structural mapping. After their introduction in the 1950’s
the ground for obtaining samples from Today detailed aerial topographic maps airborne geophysical surveys became
any depth. Table 1 shows the sequence are available in many parts of the world commonly used as a first step in geo-
in time of various exploration methods. giving the explorer basic information physical exploration.
Efficient mineral exploration depends to determine where to find areas with Large areas can be effectively cov-
on increasingly sophisticated map good mineral potential. ered in a short period of time. The most

exploration drilling 15
Talking Technically

Airborne and surface geophysical survey map indicates where drill holes will be located, ref Lappland Goldminers, photo Patrick Trädgårdh.

common aero-geophysical maps are Magnetic surveys measure variations depth of overburden to bedrock, or to
magnetometer maps which record the in the earth's magnetic field caused by locate the groundwater table.
variations in the earth’s magnetic field magnetic properties of subsurface rock IP (Induced polarization) surveys are
with high degree of accuracy. The opti- formations. In prospecting for metallic conducted along grid lines with read-
mal selection of altitude and spacing minerals, these techniques are par- ings taken at receiving electrodes plan-
as well as choice of instrumentation is ticularly useful for locating magnetite, ted in the earth and moved from station
important. pyrrhotite and ilmenite. EM (Electro- to station. The electrodes, connected to
From surface, different geophysical magnetic) surveys are based on varia- a receiver, measure the chargeability
methods are used to explore subsurface tions of electric conductivity in the rock (the capacity for various minerals to
formations, based on the physical pro- mass. A transmitter is used to create a build up a charge of electricity) and
perties of rock and metal bearing mi- primary alternating electromagnetic resistivity effects on current forced into
nerals such as magnetism, gravity, elec- field. Induced currents produce a secon- the ground and bedrock. The minerals
trical conductivity, radioactivity, and dary field in the rock mass. The resul- detected by IP surveys are generally the
sound velocity. Two or more methods tant field can be traced and measured, same as for EM methods.
are often combined in one survey, to thus revealing the conductivity of the Gravimetric surveys measure small
acquire more reliable data. Results from underground masses. Electromagnetic variations in the gravitational field cau-
the surveys are compiled, and matched surveys are mainly used to map geologi- sed by the pull of underlying rock masses.
with geological information from sur- cal structures, and to discover mineral The variation in gravity may be caused
face and chips or core samples from any deposits such as sulphides containing by faults, anticlines, and salt domes that
previous core drilling, to decide if it is copper or lead, magnetite, pyrite, gra- are often associated with oil-bearing
worth proceeding with further explora- phite, and certain manganese minerals. formations. Gravimetric surveys are
tion. If yes, the information form basis Electric surveys measure either the na- also used to detect high-density mine-
for future drilling campaigns. As geo- tural flow of electricity in the ground, or rals, like iron ore, pyrites and lead-zinc
physical survey is commonly conduc- “galvanic” currents led into the ground mineralizations. In regions where rock
ted from the air to begin with, infor- and accurately controlled. Electrical formations contain radioactive mine-
mation from the surface surveys are surveys are used to locate mineral rals, the intensity of radiation will be
compared and added to the airborne deposits at shallow depth and map considerably higher than the normal
mapping. geological structures to determine the background level. Measuring radiation

16 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

levels helps locate deposits containing

uranium, thorium and other minerals
associated with radioactive substances.
Seismic survey is based on variations
of sound velocity experienced in diffe-
rent geological strata. The time is mea-
sured for sound to travel from a source
on surface, through the underlying lay-
ers, and up again to one or more detectors
placed at some distance on surface. The
source of sound might be the blow of a
sledgehammer, a heavy fallen weight,
a mechanical vibrator or an explosive
charge. Seismic surveys determine the
quality of bedrock and can locate the
contact surface of geological layers,
or of a compact mineral deposit in the
ground. Seismic surveys are also used
to locate oil-bearing strata.
All results from the survey are super-
imposed on maps which will show
dozens or often hundreds of anomalous
patterns which are useful when opti-
mum location of drill holes are decided.
See picture to the left

Geochemical surveying
Geochemical surveying is another explo- Airborne geophysical surveys.
ration technology featuring several spe-
cialities, the main one being to detect bags, dried, screened to collect the finer There are two main methods of explo-
the presence of metals in the topsoil. By material and analyzed for “pathfinder” ratory drilling.
taking a large number of samples over elements. A soil sampling survey might Core drilling, yields a solid cylinder
an extended area and analyzing the con- result in thousands of samples which shaped sample of the ground at an exact
tents of each metal, regions of interest need computer programs for efficient depth. Percussion drilling yields a cru-
are identified. The area is then selected data handling. shed sample, comprising cuttings from
for more detailed studies. Geochemical surveys can also be con- a fairly well-determined depth in the
The geochemist will take stream ducted on rock chips from outcrops or hole. Beyond that, the drillhole itself
samples on a regional basis covering rocky debris. Biochemical surveys might can provide a complementary amount
many square kilometers of the supposed use leaves or bark in forested regions or of information, particularly by logging
favourable terrain. That survey will be plants and sage brush in arid environ- using devices to detect physical anoma-
followed by more detailed sampling of ment. lies, similar to the geophysical surveys
variations in chemical composition of mentioned above.
drainages and by soil sample grids in Exploratory drilling Core drilling is also used to define
anomalous areas. The area chosen might the size and the exact boundaries of
be relatively acidic or the metal ions in The next and most expensive part of mineralization. This is important for
the ground water being neutralized by the exploration sequence is drilling. For determining ore grades being handled,
a bed of limestone. Rapid and accurate a driller, all other exploration methods and vital for calculating the mineral re-
analytical methods such as atomic emis- are like beating about the bush. Drilling serves that will keep the mine running in
sion spectroscopy (ICP) have made it penetrates deep into the ground, and the future. A strategically placed under-
possible to determine many elements, brings up samples of whatever it finds ground core drilling may also intersect
commonly 30, in each sample which on its way. If there is any mineraliza- new ore bodies in the neighbourhood.
generates a vast amount of data. tion at given points far beneath the sur- The core is an intact sample of the
Exploration commonly includes face, drilling can give a straightforward underground geology, which can be
programs of soil sampling. This entails answer, and can quantify its presence at examined thoroughly by the geologist to
digging holes at certain intervals to that particular point. The expenditure determine the exact nature of the rock and
collect soil samples from identified for drilling comprises about half of the any mineralization. Samples of special
horizons. The samples are placed in total exploration costs mentioned above. interest are sent to a laboratory for

exploration drilling 17
Talking Technically

From prospecting to mining

To quantify the mineralization, and to
define the shape, size and metal content
of the deposit, the step by step proce-
dure in exploration activities is required.
At every step of the procedure, the geo-
logists examine the information at hand,
to recommend continuing the explo-
ration efforts. The objective is to be
fairly certain that the deposit is econo-
mically viable by providing a detailed
knowledge of the geology for a clear
financial picture. Ore is an economic
concept, defined as a concentration of
minerals, which can be economically
exploited and turned into a saleable
Before a mineral deposit can be label-
led as an orebody, full knowledge is
required about the mineralization,
proposed mining technology and pro-
cessing methods. The environmental
impacts of mining and mineral pro-
Fig 1. Two computer generated views of Agnico Eagle's Suurikuusiko gold mining project showing both cessing are carefully studied and need
surface and underground mining. approval. In case no serious negative
impacts are found, the owners apply for
analysis to reveal any metal contents. samples the geologist gets access to drill permission to conduct mining opera-
Cores from exploration drilling are sto- cuttings (chips) throughout the hole tions in the area. A prerequisite for this
red in special boxes and kept in archives length which are checked and mapped application is owner's confidence of
for a long period of time. Boxes are mar- for mineral content after laboratory sustained profitability over a long pe-
ked to identify from which hole, and at analyses. riod of time. At this stage a compre-
what depth, the sample was taken. The Reverse circulation drilling as a hensive feasibility study is undertaken
information gathered by core drilling method is rapidly gaining popularity for covering capital requirements, returns
is important, and represents substantial surface drilling applications. Compared on investment, payback period and
capital investment. with core drilling equipment, which are other essentials, in order for the board
To obtain fast geological information readily disassembled, the rigs are truck of directors of the company to make
at less costs, reverse circulation methods mounted and restricted to accessible the final decision on developing the
are commonly used. Instead of core terrain and better road conditions. prospect into a mine. The costs for a
feasibility study is quite substantial
and could reach an amount of approxi-
mately of 5% of the required capital costs
Exploration Results
for the entire mining project. Based on
all geological documentation and the
Mineral Resources Ore Reserves study the owners get a good idea of how
to mine the deposit; whether it will be
surface open pit mining or underground
Increasing level operations with or without backfilling
Indicated Probable
of geological of the excavated stopes. In the majority
knowledge and of cases mining will start with open
confidence Measured Proved pit excavation gradually turning into
underground mining once the waste to
ore ratio becomes too excessive at dee-
Consideration of mining, metallurgical, economic, marketing, per horizons. Fig 1 shows initial mining
legal, environmental, social and governmental factors plans at the Suurikuusikko gold mining
(the ”modifying factors”)
project in northern Finland.

The 2004 Australasian code for reporting exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves. Hans Fernberg

18 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

What´s in the cores?

exploration drilling 19
Talking Technically

In search of the right balance

Explorac 220RC Reverse circulation rig in operation in Australia.

Drilling methods be decided whether to continue with RC

Chips or cores? drilling to extract chips for evaluation,
Core drilling produces cores of sub- or to switch to diamond core drilling to
The question often faced by geo-
logists is deciding which method
surface material and is the most com- extract cores. In this way, RC drilling
of exploration drilling will get monly used method of obtaining infor- becomes the perfect complement to con-
the most effective and economi- mation about the presence of minerals or ventional core drilling.
cal results. Core drilling, Reverse precious metals, as well as rock forma- Selecting which method to use for
Circulation drilling (RC), or a com- tions. This method gives the geologist actual sampling work depends on the
bination of the two? the opportunity to analyse the sample actual conditions, surface or under-
by eye as well as by more advanced me- ground, depths of the holes, rock condi-
thods. As the samples are placed in core tions, and the preference of the geologist.
Technical logic boxes piece-by-piece and carefully mar- But it also depends on the confidence
ked, it gives a full picture of the rock that he or she places in the quaity of the
Since man first started searching for strata. samples. Modern core drilling rigs carry
minerals and precious metals, three key RC drilling by percussive air DTH out fast and efficient core sampling of
factors have consistently proved decisive hammer is a fast method due to higher different diameters to very large length,
for success: time, cost and confidence. penetration rate compared with tradi- and RC drilling has become so advanced
In other words, the time required, the tional core drilling and gives a lower that more and more geologists believe
cost of getting the job done, and con- cost per metre. At shallow investigations that chips are perfectly sufficient as a
fidence in the quality of the samples it is used alone and at deeper exploration means of determining mineralization.
brought to the surface for analysis. as an economical way of precollaring Hence, surface drilling offers a choice
This is more a question of basic tech- in order to get down to where the mine- between chips, core or a combination.
nology and logic than one of science. ralization is located. Once there, it can Underground RC is possible technically,

20 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

but is still only used to a very small


Early birds
As early as 1887, Craelius developed a
rig that could recover cores at depths
of 125 m. Confidence in these samples
among geologists was very high, in that
they were able to evaluate a piece of
solid rock. Time was not necessarily of
any great importance, and consequently
neither was cost. Manpower was in-
expensive and readily available.
Hydraulic drill rigs were launched
in the early 1970s and progressively
improved. In 1997, Atlas Copco intro-
duced computers into their control sy-
stem, and 10 years later, the current
version of Diamec U6 APC (Automatic
Performance Control) represents the
4th generation of computerized rigs.
It incorporates the latest hydraulic and
electronic technology into a modern
compact design and includes many op-
tions that offer added flexibility.
For surface mineral exploration and
mineral grade identification the rela-
tively low cost and rapid Reverse Circu-
lation method has gained popularity,
while underground core drilling is still
the predominant method. One reason for
this is the need for smaller and lighter
equipment suited to shaft transportation Fig 1: Principles for RC drilling showing flow of compressed air and chips. The sampling collection box is
and set-up in limited areas, coupled with integrated into the cyclone.
the ability to drill deeper holes in all
directions. rod with a main hoist or with the ro- drilling systems, rigs, RC air hammers,
For surface exploration drilling, the tation unit. DTH equipment, high-pressure com-
core drilling rigs have been developed The first RC rigs were water well pressors and sampling systems. To-
to higher efficiency and safety, inde- drilling rigs equipped with a sampling gether, these offer efficient and safe
pendent of type of method used, pulling system. Today, there are special RC drilling to increased depths, obtaining

RC drilling
80 Core drilling




Canada Latin Russia Australia SE Asia USA Africa
America China

Table 1: Ratios between core and RC drilling. The figures reflect total exploration expenditures from national statistics for surface and underground.

exploration drilling 21
Talking Technically

between the two methods should be ba-

sed on the same factors as productivity.

Cost factor
Costs are mainly related to the time fac-
tor, except that investment in RC rigs and
equipment is higher compared to core
drilling. For shallow exploration appli-
cations, time and costs are in favour of
RC drilling. The figures are easy to
evaluate and vary depending on the
location, and on the local drilling con-
ditions and working environment.
For deeper exploration applications,
shallow subsoil water and rocky terrain,
core drilling is still the only practical
alternative. Technical developments in
drilling tools and rig technology have
resulted in lower drilling costs. Due to
Caption substantially longer diamond core bit
life, less down time and reduced num-
ber of personnel are experienced.

Confidence factor
The third variable in the equation is the
confidence factor. Investors, as well as
geologists, expect contractors to deliver
high quality information about the geo-
logical formation. Investors want the
highest possible return on their invest-
ments in the shortest possible time.
For example, whenever a gold nugget
has been found, others may take over
to conduct the drilling and blasting
operations. As these are not the same
people, the reliability of information
plays a critical role.
Geologists choose their drilling me-
thod carefully. If there is no need for
Christensen CS1000P4 surface core drilling rig operating in Zambia. continuous information about the geo-
logical formation on the way down to
high quality samples. Atlas Copco RC to extract a full core barrel because of a specified depth, there is no need for
rigs are controlled by tested and proven the pumping in, pulling out, and adding samples. It is just a matter of mini-
computer technology to help drillers to and removing rods. RC drilling offers mizing the drilling time.
achieve optimal performances. continuous drilling with a higher pene- If the goal is just to obtain a preli-
tration rate. Percussive drilling is always minary indication of possible content,
Time factor faster than rotary abrasive but has prac- then the geologist is not relying on any
tical restrictions on hole depth and mineralized structure or geometry.
For all exploration drilling the sample dimension, which is normally no smaller With an evaluation giving positive re-
is the most important result. Time is than 125 mm. sults, a programme of core drilling is
money, with the cost of exploration paid RC drilling can offer three times the the logical way to continue, in order to
up front, followed by a period of non- productivity of core drilling, with an bring the project to a resource/reserve
profitable waiting while the results are RC hole down to 250-300 m taking no status.
analyzed. For core drilling, depending more than a 10-12 h shift depending on If the mineralized structure is identi-
upon depth, the actual drilling time is drilling conditions, rock formation, and fied, but the geometry and rate of con-
estimated to be a third of the total time the driller’s ability. Cost comparisons tent varies, RC drilling is used as an

22 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

indicator for ensuring continued grade

control. The geologist wants dry and
representative samples in order to make
optimal evaluations.
RC drilling below the groundwater
table was previously believed to under-
mine sample quality. Core drilling there-
fore remained the only viable method
for these depths. Today, the availability
of high-pressure compressors and
hammer tools makes it possible for
RC drilling to reduce costs, even for
these depths. These days, professional
contractors deliver dry sampling down
to depths of 500 m. By sealing off the
bit from the rest of the hole, it can be
kept dry.
In these cases RC drilling is the pre-
ferred alternative.
It must be remembered that informa-
tion from a core is crucial in estimating
the period of mineralized structures.
The core helps the geologist to calculate
the cost of extracting the mineral from
the ore. Large volumes of rock have to
be excavated to obtain just a few grams
of a valuable mineral.
Cores also yield geotechnical data.
Data about slope stability can be of the
highest importance.
Tradition and the environmental im-
pact play a large role. RC rigs are heavy,
assembled on trucks or track carriers.
This fact tends to favour core drilling
rigs, which are lighter and more adapt-
able in order to be flown into remote
and sensitive environments.
In areas with extremely cold climates,
and where permafrost is present, RC
drilling may have its limitations. Anti-
freeze rock drill oil helps to keep the
hammer and bottom of the hole free
from ice. Other, purely practical, issues
determine the choice of one or the other
drilling method.
An intelligent, balanced choice be-
tween the two methods is the key to
optimal results.
The geologist plays an extremely im-
portant role in finding this balance, as
do manufacturers such as Atlas Copco
who continue to provide the right tools
for the job.

Anders Gustafsson

Diamec U6 underground core drilling rig in a typical setup.

exploration drilling 23
Talking Technically

An introduction to Reverse
Circulation drilling
Reverse Circulation, or RC, drilling
is a fast and cost efficient method
of retrieving high quality samples
from exploration and mine drilling.
The system has been continuously
developed since its inception in
Australia in the early 1970s, and
is now a preferred method for
initial exploration, ore body deve-
lopment and in-pit grade control.
Any method is only as good as the
equipment developed around it,
and Atlas Copco has called on the
experience of drillers worldwide in
order to perfect its offering. Rigs
such as the Explorac 220RC are
revolutionizing exploratory drill-
ing, producing samples faster from
deeper holes and in more diffi-
cult situations.

RC methodology
The RC method employs dual wall
drill rods that comprise an outer drill Explorac 220 in Australia.
rod, with an inner tube located inside
the drill rod. The inner tubes overlap, sample hose to the cyclone. The cyclone diamond drilling led to a boom in RC
and seal on the tube below with O slows the sample, separates it from the drilling, and by the late 1980s more than
rings when the drill rods are screwed air, and collects it. 2 million m/y of RC exploration drill-
together. These inner tubes provide a ing were being completed in Western
continuous sealed pathway for the drill RC history Australia alone.
cuttings to be transported from the bit The need for cleaner samples led to
face to the surface. Difficult drilling conditions in some the development of the RC hammer
The circulating medium, in most ca- types of soft iron ore and mineral sands in 1990. High-pressure boosters and
ses high-pressure air, enters the annu- using conventional open hole techniques auxiliary compressors were introduced
lus between the rod and tube via the air led to the development of RC drilling for deeper holes and faster penetration.
swivel, which is normally part of the in the early 1970s for sampling. A dual Air pressures up to 100 bar (1 500 psi)
drill string, or sometimes mounted on tube configuration, occasionally used were available, driving necessary ad-
top of the rotation head. The air travels in the US oil industry, was adopted as vances in all aspects of RC drilling and
down the annulus to the drilling tool, the basis for the RC drill rod. The first RC systems.
which is usually an RC hammer, or can RC drill rods were made in 1972 by In the late 1990s, gold processing
be a blade bit or tricone roller bit. Bruce Metzke and John Humphries in improved, viable ore grades became
As in conventional open hole drill- Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. lower, but mining costs were higher,
ing, the air powers the drilling tool and Shrouded tricone roller bits were so many mines looked to improve their
the exhaust air carries the cuttings. In initially employed in softer formations, ore selection processes.
RC drilling the cuttings are returned to returning previously unheard of sample One of the easiest ways to do this was
the surface through the inner tubes in accuracy and target depth achievement. grade control drilling, and RC drilling
the drill string and rotation head. The development of the crossover sub was the most cost efficient and accurate
Once through the rotation head, the facilitated the use of conventional DTH method available.As a result, RC drill-
air and cuttings comprising the sample hammers, and thereafter RC could ing is now being used for initial explo-
change direction at the discharge blast be applied to almost all ground condi- ration, ore body development drilling,
box and are transported through the tions. Speed and cost advantages over and in pit grade control drilling.

24 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

RC benefits
RC drilling provides virtually uncon-
taminated cuttings to the cyclone. As the
cuttings travel directly from the drill bit
through the steel inner tubes and sample
hose, there is no cross contamination
from other areas of the hole. Using good
sample splitters and sampling proce-
dures, RC results rival the accuracy of
diamond core assays.
Drilling penetration rates are simi-
lar to open hole drilling, and are often
faster at greater depths. The sample velo-
city through the inner tubes can be up
to 250 m/sec, so retrieval of the sample
and hole cleaning is rapid.
Production rates of up to 200-300m/
day are common at rates exceeding 10
m/h, many times faster than diamond
drilling, and achieving rapid results for
the customer.
Unconsolidated formations can often
be drilled and sampled without casing.
Washing and scouring of the hole is
minimized, because there is normally
no fluid or cuttings flow against the
walls after the drill bit has passed. Low
impact bits, such as RC blade or RC
roller, are ideal in these soft or loose
With good drilling techniques, sam-
ples can be kept dry, even several hundred
metres below the water table. Dry sam-
ples are preferred as they split more
accurately for assay, and are easier to
handle. RC sample content ranges from
dust to 25 mm chips, and is already
partially processed for analysis.
Wireline surveying of the hole is still
possible through the drill rods. With the
use of a stainless steel rod at the bottom
of the string, hole azimuth readings are
also possible.

Drill string
The components in an RC drill string
have a similar arrangement to those of
a conventional drill string, but are de-
signed specifically for RC drilling, with
all components having a central inner
tube. As these inner tubes carry almost
all of the cuttings from the hole at high
velocity, they are subject to wear.
The rate of wear is governed by the
air volume and pressure of the rig, and
the type of formation being drilled. Explorac 220 with cyclone and cone splitter.

exploration drilling 25
Talking Technically

RC rod with inner tube.

Apart from the hammer inner tubes, on the drive sub, or bit chuck, and is
which may only last a few hundred me- usually replaceable.
tres in extreme conditions, the remaining The RC hammer bit is similar to con-
components should last for several ventional hammer bits, but with two
thousand metres of drilling. large ports in the face and a large bore
through the centre to accept the hammer
Drilling tools inner tube. There are deep channels on
the outside of the drill bit head to allow
There are generally only three types the exhaust air to flush the sample into
of down hole tools used in RC drilling: the ports in the face.
hammer, roller and blade. An RC roller setup comprises a sub
The RC hammer is the most common onto which a bit and skirt similar to a
method used, drilling almost all forma- hammer shroud are screwed directly
tions with few changes required. The to the drill string. The bit is normally
commonest hammers are in the 4-5 in a standard mill tooth tricone roller bit,
range as these meet the power, standard modified to allow a shroud to be fitted.
drill strings, and sample size require- The RC roller is only suited to softer
ments. formations, but can be extremely fast
The hammers work on the same and produces a very accurate sample
principles as conventional hammers, and very little disturbance in the hole.
but with a hardened, replaceable inner It requires minimal air volume, and
tube through the centre. The inner tube down hole costs are low, so it is a very
extends into the top of the drill bit. A economical method of drilling. RC
conventional hammer exhausts the air blade uses a sub and skirt setup similar
through the bit, whereas a RC hammer to RC roller, but with a drag blade as
exhausts around the outside of the bit the cutting tool. Used in heavy clay
splines and around the head of the bit, formations, which can be difficult or
forcing the sample through the holes in impossible with hammer or roller, it can
the face of the bit and upward through be very quick and produces an accurate
the inner tubes. sample.
To help create a higher pressure
zone above the bit face, and to force the Rotating parts
From top: RC bit face, RC bit with a shroud, sample up the inner tubes, a sealing
RC saver sub, digout sub, RC blade with skirt, ring is situated above the bit. This ring RC drill rods consist of an outer tube,
Adapter sub. can be described as a shroud, sleeve the rod, and an inner tube. The rods are
or compensator ring and is mounted externally flush and provide the strength

26 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

for the assembly, and also the pin and

box threads. RC drill rod threads have
been developed to retain strength while
maintaining a large hole through the
centre for the inner tube and airway.
The inner tube is installed into the
rod through the box, or female, end, and
usually sits on a shoulder in the rod and
is retained with a circlip. Each inner
tube has a male and female end, one of
which has O-ring seals. Once the rods
are screwed together the inner tube
ends overlap, and the O-rings seal the
The annulus between the rod and
inner tube carries the high-pressure air
to the drilling tool, while the inner tube
provides a smooth bore sealed tube to
carry the cuttings to the surface.
Most drill rods are 3 m or 6 m long,
and run pin down because of the inner
tube installation.
The most commonly used rod size is
4.5 in (11.43 cm), coupled with a 5 in
Standard roller bit and drag bit.
(12.7 cm) hammer and 5.25 (13.3 cm)
to 5.75 (14.6 cm) in bit, but rods are also hose. The mud swivel, blowdown high wear. Most systems have easily re-
available from 3.5 (8.9 cm) in to 5.5 valve, manifold and blast box all mount placeable wear components in this area.
in (14 cm) to suit other rig or drilling rigidly to the top of the rotation head. The discharge manifold extends side-
requirements. The mud swivel seals the rotating head ways from the blast box. It helps slow
The inner tubes are a wearing, but shaft and inner tube from the stationary the sample to reduce sample hose wear
easily replaceable, item. parts of the discharge system. The seals and also holds the hose clear of the drill
As with any drill string there are va- in the mud swivel are critical as they rig as the head travels up and down.
rious subs used for adapting, reducing, need to contain the pressurized flow There is often provision to inject small
and stabilizing. These are all available of sample. amounts of water into the manifold to
for RC drill strings. Most RC rigs now have a blowdown mix with dry sample and reduce the
The air swivel feeds air into the drill valve fitted to the discharge system. dust at the cyclone. The sample hose is a
rod annulus, while still retaining an This is usually a hydraulic or air driven heavy materials handling hose specially
inner tube to allow sample flow. They valve that closes off the sample inner manufactured for RC drilling. The hose
can be either in-line in the drill string tube and redirects the downhole air transports the sample from the dis-
immediately beneath the rotation head, flow down through the sample inner charge manifold to the sample cyclone,
or mounted on top of the head as an tubes. and is long enough to allow for the
integral part of the head. This function is used to clear block- movement of the rotation head up and
The rotation head on an RC rig has a ages in the bit ports or the inner tubes, down the mast.
large bore through the spindle to allow and to force all air up the outside of the
for the replaceable sample inner tube. drill hole, hence cleaning the hole. Sampling
RC heads are usually built to provide It is done without having to de-
high torque at moderate speed, with at pressurize and unscrew the drill string The majority of RC drilling is done to
least 10 000 Nm and 100 rpm normal to add a sub, so is a very useful tool in obtain mineral samples for analysis, so
for larger rigs. difficult drilling conditions. correct sampling equipment and prac-
The blowdown is mounted on top tices are necessary when undertaking
Discharge system of the mud swivel. The sample stream this type of drilling.
can be travelling at up to 250 m/sec There are two main components to
The discharge system is the non-rotat- and needs to be redirected towards the the sampling system: the cyclone; and
ing part of the sample path that carries cyclone. The blast box usually turns the the splitter.The cyclone serves to reduce
the sample from the rotation head to the sam-ple flow about 90 degrees to meet the speed of the sample stream, and to
sample cyclone. It normally consists of the sample hose. This direction change separate the sample from the air, allo-
a mud swivel, blowdown valve, blast also reduces the energy of the sample wing it to be collected. It is important
box, discharge manifold and sample considerably, but in doing so incurs very to have an efficient cyclone to remove

exploration drilling 27
Talking Technically

Side inlet air swivel. Tiered riffle splitter. Cone splitter.

as much of the sample as possible, and dividers that halve the sample at each sample, the other for a dublicate sample.
also to avoid contamination of samples. level, until the assay size is reached. The waste materials falls through a
A good cyclone will typically collect This usually involves 3 or 4 tiers to chute and can be either collected in
greater than 99% of the sample, with give 12.5% or 6.25% of the total sample. a large bag or wheelbarrow or left as
the remaining dust and air going to a Riffle splitters are easy to use and clean waste, see picture above.
dust collector or to atmosphere. with dry sample, but do not perform Rotating cone splitters are used for
The cyclone should be able to hold too well with wet samples. Tiered wet sampling, as they reduce or eliminate
two complete sample intervals without riffle splitter, sometimes known as a the bias that is created as a wet stream
contamination. An area of the cyclone Jones riffle splitter. These essentially favours one portion of the splitter.
called the dump box is equipped with divide the sample in two at each tier.
a door or knife valve for this purpose. Half the sample goes to waste and the Drilling guidelines
The sample interval is normally 1 m or other half to be split at the next tier and
2 m of hole. As one sample has collec- so on. The number of tiers dictate the RC Drilling has many similarities to
ted in the dump box, another is being final assay sample size, see picture above. conventional DTH drilling, but there
drilled and is collecting in the cyclone. Cone splitters drop the entire sample are also many procedures and tech-
The lower dump box doors are opened over the point of an inverted cone and niques that are required to achieve the
to allow the sample to fall through the allow it to run down the cone. The assay best results.
splitter. The lower doors are then closed, sample is taken by collecting a segment In RC drilling, the hole is of little
and the upper doors are opened to drop of the sample as it runs off the edge importance, while the sample is para-
the next sample into the dump box. In of the cone. This segment size can be mount. Holes are normally set up in a
this way sampling becomes a continuous adjusted to collect the required percen- similar way to a conventional hole, with
process, with little or no interruption to tage for assay. Cone splitters can give a a short length of collar pipe or conduc-
drilling. Processing of the sample is one more accurate split, but are more sensi- tor casing set at the surface. A stuff-
of the most important aspects of RC tive to setup than riffle splitters. The ing box, Tee piece or deflector box is
drilling. The sample from 1 m of a 5.5 in con splitter works by dropping sample mounted on the collar pipe to direct any
drill hole is about 30 lit, or up to 50 kg. through a 120 mm hole over the point lost sample or outside circulation away
The purpose of a splitter is to divide of a cone in an “hourglass effect”. This from the drill rig. Rotation speeds and
the sample down to a smaller size that provides an even flow of sample over feed weights are similar to conventional
is an accurate representation of the the cone. Beneath the bottom of the drilling.
complete sample. This assay sample is cone are 2 segment shaped chutes that As much sample as possible should
collected in a bag and sent to a labora- direct a percentage of the sample to the be retrieved from the hole. It is prefe-
tory to be analysed for various minerals. assay bags. These chutes are adjust- rable to have at least 95% inside circu-
Two main types of splitter are in use. able to take between 3 and 12% of the lation, so that most of the sample is
Riff le splitters use several tiers of total sample. One is used as the assay coming through the inner tubes and only

28 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

5% or less is being lost to outside. It is

not uncommon to retain 100% inside.
Achieving high inside circulation
sample return is achieved by having
the correct clearance between the bit
shroud and the hole wall, thus creating
a seal and forcing all sample up the
inside. It is also common to allow the
hole to collar off above the hammer to
help with sealing. This collar will often
breach when the water table is reached
in the hole, or it can easily be blown out
using the blowback sub.
If there is water in the hole, allowing
the hole to collar off helps in keeping
the samples dry. Dry samples split far
more accurately, and are much easier to
store, transport and process.
Auxiliary compressors and high-
pressure boosters up to 100 bar are now
commonly used with larger RC rigs.
These are necessary to keep the hole
dry, producing a dry sample and also
achieving far greater hole depths. Explorac 220 under testdrilling in Australia.
It is almost inevitable that material
will fall in behind the hammer or bit, They work close to the cyclone and hazard. Procedures, and communi-
causing the drill string to become bog- the rig mast, so they can be exposed to cation between the driller and sampler
ged. This is normal for RC drilling, hazards not usually encountered during are essential here.
and it is common to run a short, sta- standard production drilling. • Personal protective equipment (PPE):
bilized dig-out sub above the hammer While engineering solutions have Appropriate personal protective equip-
for protection when digging through been made for most hazards, the prox- ment (PPE) should be in use at all
fallback. imity of people to the machine in this times; ear plugs, dust masks, safety
Blowdown valves are fitted to almost type of drilling demands vigilance and boots, hard hat and gloves. These items
all large rigs now to help clean holes, management. are considered as statutory require-
and are usually used at each rod change The customer should have a safety ments in most mining environments.
to ensure the hole remains clean, or to management system in place and all
remove excess water from the hole. hazards should be assessed – most can Summary
Blowdown subs are available for inser- be managed with procedures.
tion into the drill string, but these have • Manual handling: Strains and inju- RC drilling is a well-respected method
to be removed to continue drilling. ries can be received with handling of within the exploration industry. It is
heavy samples, hammers, bits etc. fast and efficient, providing accurate
Safety with reverse • Falling objects: Due to the vibrations samples for evaluation by the geolo-
Circulation Drilling involved in percussion drilling there gists using tried and tested techniques.
The method is undergoing continuous
is potential for objects to shake loose
There is a wide range of safety regu- from the rig mast. Correct maintenance technical development that will result
lations and requirements that vary from and regular inspections are required. in RC drilling being applied to deeper
site to site, but some general rules will • High pressure air: Can be extremely holes and more difficult geological con-
apply almost everywhere. dangerous. All HP air hoses, inclu- ditions. RC drilling is frequently used
While there are some potential ha- ding the sample hose should have in conjunction with core drilling for a
zards associated with the RC system, sock type restraints on each end. better result in certain circumstances.
the normal safety requirements for the Sample hose clamps should be cor- The RC drilling method uses high
Explorac still need to be observed. rectly fitted and couplings tightened. torques, high pressures, big lifting
RC drilling requires one or more • Pinch points: There are many areas capacities and rapid collection of sam-
‘Samplers’ or ‘Offsiders’ who process around the rig with potential for pinch ples, so safety is a major factor in the
the sample from the cyclone and they or crush injuries. Mast boom and ro- ongoing design process.
are also often required to manually tation head movement, rod loader
handle some of the downhole equip- movement, cyclone tilt and rotate, and Jan Jönsson
ment. the cyclone doors can all present some

exploration drilling 29
Talking Technically

Reverse circulation drilling with

new hammer concept
Accurate sampling
Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling is
gaining recognition and is already
the most common mineral explora-
tion drilling method used in many
regions of the world. Combined
with the Secoroc RC 50 hammer it
is unbeatable for obtaining accu-
rate and uncontaminated rock sam-
ples at high speed and low cost.
Atlas Copco produces the complete
RC drill string including hammer,
bit and pipes, for both in-pit grade
control and exploration drillers.
Mounted on a choice of Explorac
220RC, Explorac R50, ROC L8RC
and RD10 rigs, the system is the
most productive available.

RC hammer
With a conventional DTH hammer, there
is a risk of contamination as the sam-
ple is transported between the hammer
casing and the hole wall to the collector
sub. Demands for cleaner samples were
identified in the early 1990s, and the
first true RC hammer was developed
with sample collection at the face of
the drill bit and removal of the cuttings
through the centre of the hammer to
the dual wall drill pipe. This technique
provides a true sample from the bit face
with minimum risk of contamination.
Higher air pressures were needed
to achieve higher productivity, and to
be able to drill deeper holes. The use
of auxiliary compressors and high-
pressure boosters resulted in air pres-
sures up to 100 bar, leading to necessary
advancements in all aspects of the RC
system. RC drilling is now a common
method used for surface mineral explo-
ration drilling throughout the world, and
it is gaining increasing acceptance. The
method offers: representative samples
with high recovery rate; more accurate
samples in low-grade ores; continuous
sampling from the hole bottom; uncon- The RC50 hammer from Atlas Copco Secoroc is designed for both deep hole exploration drilling and In-Pit
taminated samples; straighter holes in grade control.

30 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

broken formations; high productivity; to the RC drill string, most of the RC

reduced drilling costs; large bulk sam- drill rigs used today have a limitation Conventional Reverse
pling capability; and penetration of un- in depth of 200-400 m. Secondly, RC DTH hammer Circulation hammer
consolidated formations with cavities drilling yields less information regarding
without loss of circulation. the geological structure of the orebody.
This is quite an important factor when
In-pit grade control estimating the cost of extracting min-
eral from ore.
Atlas Copco has focussed on two main So, while coring yields a good physi-
applications: in-pit grade control and cal sample on which the geologists can
normal exploration drilling. rely, RC drilling is faster and more flex-
Gold processing techniques improved ible, affording economic sampling over
during the 1990s, making previously longer distances in the hole.
uneconomical ore grades viable, but As a result, the two methods are often
with increasing costs for the entire pro- used in combination by mine operators,
cess. "Mining operations had to improve using RC for drilling shallow holes and
their cost effectivness, the importance in-pit grade control, and core drilling for
of knowing what grades to expect deeper holes to identify future resour-
before the blast were identified. In Pit ces. Furthermore, many exploration con-
Grade Control returns an uncontami- tractors drill the first part of their hole
nated sample, providing needed know- with RC, and then continue to the total
ledge of what grades to expect as well depth with core drilling techniques.
as the possibility to select what bench
to blast next. This information makes The new RC 50 hammer
it possible to to reduce waste rock in
concentrator feed (dilution) as well In recent years Atlas Copco RC tech-
as minimize the risk of transporting nology has evolved, and the Secoroc
valuable ore to the waste dump." RC 50 hammer concept has been tested
The importance of grade control and refined. The RC 50 was released
and minimized dilution is increasing in 2008, along with three new RC drill
around the world. Dilution is defined as rig configurations known as Explorac
waste rock in concentrator feed, and can 220RC, Explorac R50, ROC L8RC and
vary from 5–40% between different RD10.
mines. The amount of waste raised from The RC 50 hammer has the follow-
the mine is estimated by the geologists, ing features: higher stroke frequency
but the actual process dilution is hard to performance; simpler design and fewer Cuttings Air flow
measure. Dilution means not only lower parts; built on the efficient Quantum
grade ore, but also reduced profit. Leap air cycle.
One of the easiest ways to control These features give five main ben-
dilution is to use in-pit grade control, efits for RC drillers: high productivity;
high recovery rate; quick and easy ser- Fig 1: The DTH hammer flushes cuttings out of
where RC drilling is the most cost-
the hole on the outside of the hammer, while
efficient and accurate method available. vice; low fuel consumption; and de-
the RC hammer collects all cuttings through the
In-pit grade control is used in existing creased cost per metre drilled. centre of the hammer.
operating mines to define and map The Secoroc RC 50 hammer is de-
boundaries between waste and ore, and signed for the hole range 140-152 mm,
variations in mineral content, in order and during tests has proven to be more
to optimize ore recovery rates. productive than any other RC hammer
Another major application typical available on the market. Another attrac-
of, for example, iron ores, is to define tive feature that adds to the productivity
the different ore grades in order to be of the hammer, as well as availability of
able to mix them into set grades, giving the rig, is the outstanding service life of
increased efficiency of the ore process. wear components.

Mineral exploration Fredrik Gabrielsson

RC drilling has two shortcomings when

compared to core drilling. Firstly, because
dual wall pipes add a lot of weight

exploration drilling 31
Talking Technically

Four decades of Diamec

core drilling rigs

The easy-to-move around Diamec 232 underground core drilling rig.

and the feed and pull force in the feed part of the work. Therefore a lot of ef-
Going hydraulic frame. fort has been put into the design of
It is important to understand what better In-The-Hole tools and bits with
For the last 20 years, core drilling
rigs have been following the same is happening in the bottom of the hole. longer life. The focus on the rigs is to
trend as most other construction For example, the feed force has to be make them more user-friendly, ergo-
equipment, moving from mecha- compensated with the right amount of nomic, and faster when handling rods.
nical to hydraulic transmission. In holdback when adding rods to the hole Because of the potential risk for accidents
core drilling, there are three main
to ensure the right pressure on the bit with rotating rods and high pressure
activities that control the produc-
tive effort: drilling, rod handling, in the bottom of the hole. Not too much, hydraulic hoses, operator contact with
transport and setting up of the but enough for good penetration. The the rig is to be avoided as much as pos-
rig. This article compares these chapter on bit selection elsewhere in sible. For this reason, all Diamec rigs
functions in both hydraulic and this book is a useful reference. delivered from Sweden today are equip-
mechanical rigs
To empty the core barrel when ped with a guard protecting all rota-
drilling conventionally, and to change ting parts, and all rigs have oversized
Importance of control the bit when drilling wireline, all of couplings and other crucial components.
the rods have to come out of the hole. Transport on surface may be by truck,
To get the best penetration rate and core This involves rod handling which is a crawler, or trailer, but on the more re-
recovery it is important to be able to very heavy, time consuming, unpro- mote sites helicopter transport may be
control the speed of the rotation unit ductive, and sometimes dangerous, necessary. For underground applications

32 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

in mines and tunnels shorter distances

are involved, so a truck may be used
to move the rig from site to site. Craw-
ler mounted solutions reduce the set-
up time and make transportation much
easier In the last couple of years, Diamec
rigs have been mounted on standard
Atlas Copco Simba carriers. This makes
the move around even easier, helping
to reduce rig downtime between profi-
table drilling periods.

Mechanical rigs
The old type of mechanical core drill-
ing rigs are still in production in some
places, mainly on account of their good
reputation for robustness and easy ser-
vice and maintenance.
The main components in a mecha-
nical rig are: diesel or electric engine
with a coupling and a four- or five-
stroke gear box; rotation spindle with
a hydraulic chuck; hydraulic feed cy-
linder; hydraulic system; main hoist;
wire line hoist; and skid with mast.
Note that these rigs have a hydraulic
feed system.
Drilling with a mechanical rig is har-
der than with the newer hydraulic rigs.
The rotation speed is rather difficult to
control because of the reliance on gears,
so the optimal speed for the appli-
cation, ground formation and ITH tools
is elusive. The feed system is similar
to the hydraulic rig, but with the disad-
vantage of a short feed frame. The very
short stroke length demands frequent
re-gripping, reducing drilling effici-
ency and increasing the risk of core
blockage. The rods are pulled out of
the hole with a main winch and a wire.
All threads are opened manually with
wrenches, which is time consuming
and sometimes risky. To avoid the rods
falling back into the hole a mechanical
rod holder is used.
Because a mast is needed for mecha-
nical rigs, it is difficult to drill direc- The service-friendliness of a Diamec U6 core drilling rig.
tionally and in tight underground loca-
tions. If wireline drilling, the core is Hydraulic rigs is important to be able to both push and
taken out in a similar way to that used on pull to get the rods out of the hole.
hydraulic rigs. The first hydraulic core drilling rig, On long holes, more torque is re-
The rigs are in general rather heavy, Diamec 250, was introduced to the mar- quired to rotate the rod string, because
especially in relation to their capacity. ket in the early 1970s. of the friction in the hole. When drilling
On the positive side, they are easy to The deeper the hole, the heavier the angled holes, the friction increases, and
assemble and disassemble, making for rod string, so more lifting capacity is even more torque is required. The con-
simple movement in remote areas. needed. In the underground situation, it clusion is that the depth capacity of

exploration drilling 33
Talking Technically

Underground core drilling in Canada with a Diamec U6 PHC core drilling rig.

the rig is set by at least two factors: is therefore a safety issue that has been force can be adjusted exactly. The con-
pull force and torque. The value given solved on the most modern rigs using trol panel has the manometers and
in technical data sheets are often just a gas accumulator that keeps the jaws valves needed to control the drilling,
the depth capacities, in metres/feet, closed. They are opened when necessary and penetration rate and rotation speed
for vertical down holes. When com- using onboard hydraulic pressure. A can be varied according to the ground
paring one rig with another it is pro- hydraulic cylinder in the feed frame formation.
bably more correct to compare the transfers the feed and pull force to the To take up and down a rod string at
power of the prime mover and the des rotation unit. The most modern rigs use a depth of 1 200 m can take the whole
ign of the hydraulic system, including a telescopic cylinder that gives the opti- work shift to complete, and is a heavy
pressure, flows, and number of pumps, mal penetration parameters, resulting and risky task. To design a good me-
rather than the stated depth capacities. in straight holes and low risk of core chanical rod handling system that re-
A hydraulic rig, mainly used for un- blockage. Most underground rigs have moves the human element is difficult,
derground applications, has the follo- the options of an 850 mm or 1 800 mm but some solutions are available on the
wing main components: feed frame; stroke length of the feed frame. The market today. The number of rods used
rotation unit; rod holder; skid with a longer stroke length, the higher the in core drilling compared with produc-
positioner arm or frame; wireline winch; productivity because of reduced regrip- tion drilling makes it difficult to design
control panel; power unit; and water ping. Every re-grip loses time-, and the a productive system.
pump. rotation unit has to be stopped and re- The importance of setting up the
The rotation unit and the rod holder started, which can result in vibrations rig in the right way cannot be over-
are mounted on the feed frame. The ro- in the rod string causing core blockage. emphasised. Most of the underground
tation unit comprises a hydraulic motor, rigs are mounted on a skid that needs to
a chuck and a hollow spindle, offering Optimal control be fixed to the ground. A wall bracket
the most productive rod handling. is employed to fix the rig in the drilling
The rod holder is mainly used to hold A hydraulic driven rig offers optimal direction. The unique positioner arm
the rods, so that they don’t fall in or out control of the drilling parameters. The used on the Diamec U4 and U6 helps
of the hole. To have a reliable rod holder rotation speed and the feed and pull set up the rig at exactly the correct angle.

34 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Diamec U8 PHC core drilling rig in operation in the US.

The wireline winch is placed on the attend the drill rig, all the time, has Nowadays, there are more than 1 000
positioner arm for optimal flexibility, more time for maintenance and core Diamec rigs in operation worldwide,
allowing the rig to be set in angles from handling. The drilling procedure can with the highest populations in North
vertical down to vertical up without be started and the rig computer left America and Europe.
moving the hoist. to handle the operation until the core
barrel is full and it is time to hoist the David Petersson
Automatic performance core up.
The latest generation of Diamec core
drilling rigs are computer assisted using
APC, or Automatic Performance Con-
trol. This is based on the well proven
RCS. The operator sets the maximum
and minimum values for the drilling
parameters and the computer makes
sure that focus is not lost. The com-
puter stops the drilling as soon as the
values are exceeded, or when the core
barrel is full. The result is an optimal
drilling procedure, with controlled ro-
tation speed, penetration rate, and water
flow, producing better core recovery
and longer life for ITH tools and bits,
resulting in more profitable drilling.
The operator, who no longer has to An operator with the control panel of the unique APC system for Diamec core drilling rigs.

exploration drilling 35
Talking Technically

Selecting the right core bit

Driller checking outside diameter of an Excore core drilling bit.

Crucial operation Selection criteria formation, its hardness, grain size, abra-
siveness, competence, and whether the
Drilling with a core bit is intro- Atlas Copco is an experienced ISO certi- strata is fractured or changing.
duced at an advanced stage of the fied supplier offering a full range of The lift and feed force of the drill-
exploration operation, by which
time substantial resources have equipment for all underground and sur- ing rig, together with its rotation speed
already been spent. The quality face exploration drilling applications. and chuck and rod holding capacity are
and continuity of the captured This includes rigs and a full range of other factors. Some rigs have better
core is crucial in the assessment high technology and high quality pro- controls than others, and this must be
of a potential mine, making the
core bit a key component of a core ducts, including (ITH) In-The-Hole tools taken into account. Smooth control of
drilling rig. Core bit selection is and core drilling bits which are designed feed force, and accurate control of water
based on the size and depth of to maximize customer profitability. flushing and rotation are key factors,
hole and the hardness of the rock, All products are designed to mini- along with the driller’s technique.
taking into account the rig capa-
city and condition, the flushing mize downtime and maximize produc- A variety of core bit types is avai-
medium, and the skills of the tivity. Atlas Copco core bits range from lable based on the diamond cutting ele-
driller. To ensure the correct core a Series 1 bit for the softest application ments used in their construction. The
bit, the drilling contractor needs a to Series 10 bit for the hardest appli- impregnated diamond core bit is most
reliable bit supplier with the right
hands-on experience to advise the cation. The numbers correspond to the popular, followed by surface set dia-
best solution for every condition. different rock groups by hardness, and as mond bits, tungsten carbide and poly-
Atlas Copco manufactures the a general rule, the harder the formation, crystalline diamond composite bits.
entire range of core drilling tools, the higher the series number required. Impregnated diamond bits should
and will recommend and supply
the type and designation most However, other factors bear on the generally be used with a peripheral speed
suited to the application. choice of bit, most important of which of 2-5 m/sec, depending on rock condi-
are the characteristics of the rock tion and machine capacity.

36 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Impregnated diamond according to rock hardness. Extended

core bits channel f lushing (ECF), channel
flushing (CF), and face discharge (FD)
In most geological formations, impreg- waterways can be selected, along with
nated bits are more economical to use Torpedo “V” and JET crown profiles
than surface set bits as they provide ad- for competent formations. Atlas Copco
ditional benefits: greater resistance to manufactures core bits in 10, 13 and 16
wear in most formations, (particularly mm crown heights. In terms of drilling Extended Channel Flushing
in hard and fractured formations), less parameters, weight on bit and rate of
sensitive to abuse, rough handling and penetration have to be taken into ac-
improper use. Synthetic diamonds are count, as do fluid volume, and rotation
used in the manufacture of Atlas Copco speed. The revolution per rate of pene-
impregnated bits, with some bits using tration is normally in the range of
natural diamonds as gauge stones. The 150-250 rev/in (RPI) or 60-100 rev/cm
consistency of quality, shape, granular (RPC).
size, and strength make synthetic dia-
Torpedo "V"
monds superior to natural stones. Surface set diamond bits
Impregnated diamond drill bits are
designed to perform as grinders. Dia- Surface set diamond bits can be used to
monds are embedded in an infiltrated or drill in soft to medium hard sedimen-
sintered matrix, which erodes away at tary formations, but in hard rock im-
the same rate as the diamonds become pregnated diamond bits are normally
worn and rounded. Thus new sharp dia- more cost effective. Surface set bits are
monds are exposed to continue cutting designed to utilize specific diamond
through the rock. The combination of size and quality according to the appli-
diamonds and matrix determine the bit cation, they are available in step and
performance, and the simultaneous ero- semi-round crown profiles, with a choice
sion of the matrix and the diamonds of CF waterways for consolidated rock
makes the bit self-sharpening. or FD waterways for use with triple tube
The ideal combination of optimal core barrels to avoid core washing out
penetration rate and wear resistance in soft formations. Step profile is nor-
is matched to achieve the ultimate in mally used for standard and thick kerf
drilling economy. wire line bits and is suitable in almost Face Discharge
The diamonds are carefully selected all kinds of formations, where they offer
by quality and size for the application. good penetration rate and stability.
Through advanced manufacturing tech- Semiround profile is used for conven-
nology an extensive range of drilling tional and thin kerf wire line bits.
requirements can be satisfied. Conti- Atlas Copco surface set bits are
nuous control at each step in the manu- manufactured to the highest standards
facturing process ensures that all bits in the industry, for the ultimate in drilling
are of identical high quality. This con- performance. They employ a hard type Diamond Surface Set (SS)
sistent high quality means more drill of matrix for all formations, and use
metres per bit. Impregnated diamond selected and processed diamonds with
bits are the bit most commonly used in a highly polished surface. These stones
exploration drilling, and are particularly have a high impact resistance, and have
recommended in the hard to extremely been developed from many years of
hard formations of rock groups 6-10. practical field experience. If the for-
Productivity has constantly improved mation is soft a larger stone is utilized
due to intensive research and develop- which results in fewer sones per carat. Poly Crystalline Diamond Composite (PDC)
ment, which has introduced new gene- Harder formations require smaller sto-
rations of synthetic diamonds, metal nes. The setting patterns are important
alloy and improved production pro- to the long service life, high penetration
cesses. As a result, impregnated bits rate, and adaptability to changing for-
can be used in almost all applications mations that characterize this type of
except clay, chalk and other unconsoli- bit.
dated formations. Atlas Copco uses best quality pro-
The impregnated bit matrix is avail- cessed N, S and P diamonds suitable for
Tungsten Carbide Insert (TCI)
able in a Series 1 through to Series 10 hard to soft formations. Most common

exploration drilling 37
Talking Technically

in the matrix and are recommended for

harder sedimentary formations.

Reaming shells
A reaming shell should always be used
in a coring system. It is a core barrel
component, which joins the bit to the
core barrel outer tube. The outside sur-
face of the reaming shell is set with dia-
monds to a specified diameter, normally
larger than the bit diameter. This pro-
vides a constant hole diameter inde-
pendent of bit wear, and accommodates
changing the bit without getting stuck
in the hole. They also serve as a stabi-
lizer, reducing vibration and prolonging
the life of the bit.
Reaming shells are designed with a
tapered leading edge to ream the hole.
Well designed waterways, reinforced
with PDC pins, facilitate effective flu-
shing and contribute to long service
life and good drilling economy for both
reaming shells and drill bits.
For some core barrel systems there
are optional reaming shells, longer than
the standard, designed with two or three
diamond set gauge rings. The longer
reaming shells have to be used together
with an optional extension sleeve for
the inner tube. Double and triple ring
reaming shells are used to improve hole
deviation problems.
Impregnated reaming shells full hole
profile are also available, when added
Atlas Copco representative discussing diamond tool selection with driller. stability is required.
Casing and rod shoes are manufac-
quality is S, which is a natural, selected-, recommended in medium to medium- tured to handle a broad range of con-
processed diamond, suitable for almost hard sedimentary formations. ditions, from unconsolidated over-
all applications. The size of diamonds, All TC bits can be used in clean-out burden to broken, abrasive formations.
or stones per carat, is important because operations, such as for the removal of Impregnated standard and heavy duty
the harder the rock, the smaller the steel fragments from a drill hole. casing shoes as well as surface set
stones. casing shoes are available, rod shoes
Poly-crystalline diamond are available only in an impregnated
Tungsten carbide (TC) bits composite bits (PDC)

TC core bits are used for drilling in PDC bits are an alternative to TC bits Summary
non-consolidated formations and in and surface set diamond bits, when
overburden, and for cleaning drill drilling in non-consolidated and me- To maximize drilling efficiency, choose
holes. They are used for soil investi- dium hard rock formations such as the right drill bit and utilize sound drill-
gations and geotechnical drilling, and salt, potash, limestone, and clay stone ing practices. There is no substitute for
can also be used for mineral exploration with no crystalline or chert or similar testing the system at site, because all
for coring in softer rock formations. intrusions. sites are different, all formations are
Atlas Copco manufactures two diffe- Atlas Copco offers two types of PDC different, and all clients’ requirements
rent types of bits with octagonal tungsten bits known as Diapax and Tripax. Diapax are different.
carbide inserts. Another type of tung- bits have brazed round PDC inserts,
sten carbide bit with more cutting edges while Tripax bits have brazed cubic Gerry Black
than standard TC bits is Corborit, or triangular PDC inserts embedded

38 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

exploration drilling 39
Talking Technically

Efficient core recovery

Efficient Team: Geologist, Driller, Atlas Copco representative.

mechanics. The quality of recovered in-situ formation, and subsequently

Core in the box core samples is of paramount impor- removed.
tance, and is influenced by the person- Core recovery is a quantifiable mea-
The end users of exploration core
drilling products are generally in nel, capital and support equipment, surement defined as the total linear
the business of, and compensated diamond products, tools and accesso- amount of physical core sample extracted
for, providing representative and ries used in given ground conditions. over the total linear advance in a bore-
quality physical core samples to In The Hole (ITH) tools represent hole, expressed as a percentage. Reco-
their customers, so nobody wins only a small component of total project very is often measured against a section
without “putting core in the box”.
Core drilling is typically carried out cost, but their selection and use are of advance, typically in the target zone
either by contracted drilling com- hugely significant to the outcome and and/or for the entire borehole.
panies, or directly by some mining overall success of a drilling project. CR (%) = Length of core X 100  
houses, consulting companies or Understanding the end user, his goals, Length of advance
governmental bodies who have and in particular his application, influ- The core being created is encapsu-
their own drilling departments.
ences how efficient coring and com- lated within, and subsequently extract-
mercial solutions are developed and ed by, a retrievable sampling device
Vital information implemented. called a core barrel. The core barrel is a
mechanically designed device consist-
Recovered core samples are used to Core recovery ing of many interconnected engineered
extract vital information where chips components. It is connected to a con-
or other data gathering techniques do Core can be generally defined as a volu- sumable core drilling bit, typically
not provide an elevated level of confi- metric cylinder of material, created by made with synthetic diamonds, which
dence required to make decisions, be the advancement of a rotating hollow is the core cutting tool. As the drill
they related to mineralization or ground centred diamond drill bit through an bit penetrates through the material, it

40 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

creates a core in its wake, entering the

core barrel until it’s recipient tube is
full, or the core’s entry is impeded, at
which time the sample recipient tube is
removed, emptied of its core, replaced
and drilling resumed.
Drill rod

Drilling diameters
A drilling application comprises the
Flushing circulating
borehole starting point, or collar, the
target and the path in between. Bore-
holes ranging from 48 mm to 146 mm-
diameter, and depths of 3 m to 3 000 m
share the following: diamond core
drilling rig; flushing circuit; drill rod
string; core barrel; and diamond tools.
Selecting which diameter to drill for a
given application is dependent on a Casing tube

variety of factors, most of which are not Casing shoe

economic drivers and are beyond the Drill rod

scope of this basic overview, but capital
and tools must be adequately sized and
suited for each other and the objective
to yield efficient recovery. As a general Conventional
rule: the larger the core diameter, the
better the core recovery. Wireline
Core drilling rigs come in many
shapes and sizes. The rig, properly an-
chored at the borehole collar, primarily
needs to transmit rotation, thrust and
pullback forces. As a general rule: the Drill rod Drill rod

smoother the transmission of rotational

force, the better the core recovery.

Fluid flushing
The fluid flushing circuit can vary signi-
ficantly, but typically consists of one or
more pumps, the fluid media itself, the
drill rod string, the available borehole
annular area and the peripheral acces- Core barrel
sories for controlling delivery, treatment
and handling. Fluid is primarily required Core barrel
to cool and flush the cuttings from the
advancing diamond core bit, and evacu-
Reaming shell
ate them from the borehole. The flushing
medium can be clear water, or include
Core sample Reaming shell
additives or muds to condition borehole Bit
integrity and complete the circuit. As a Core sample
general rule, with deteriorating ground Bit

conditions, focus on the flushing circuit

to improve core recovery.

Drill rods
Drill rods play an important role in effi-
cient core recovery. Their tool joints are Fig 1. Typical application.

exploration drilling 41
Talking Technically

leak proof, permitting the f lushing

medium to efficiently travel over great
distances within the string to discharge
through the face of the bit under remo-
tely controlled volumes and pressures.
Connected to the drilling rig, a straight
rod string combined with smooth rota-
tion and borehole conditioning will turn
vibration free in the hole while trans-
mitting the feed pressure to the cutting
tool. As a general rule: proper care
and handling of rods and a vibration
free rotation are key to improved core

Core barrel
The core barrel is most critical to effi-
cient core recovery. As a mechanically
engineered device consisting of dozens
of inexpensive individually intercon-
nected and interdependent components,
predictive and preventative mainte-
nance is the easiest way to maximize
The core barrel is sandwiched be-
tween the drill rods and the diamond
bit. (see Fig 1) Whether conventional or
wireline, the design will typically be
configured as a double tube system con-
sisting of an outer tube and inner tube.
Triple tube systems using a split inner
tube are common in broken ground.
While the outer tube rotates with
the drill rod, the inner tube is meant
to remain stationary during advance-
ment though the in situ material. As a
general rule: to improve core recovery,
ensure that components are serviced
and bearings regularly greased.

Core lifter
The drilling fluid circuit operates with-
in the available annular area provided.
More specifically, after travelling
through the drill rods, the fluid enters
the core barrel. There it is channelled
between the inner and outer tubes, exiting
via the throat of the diamond bit, and
back out between the outer tube and
borehole wall to the collar (see Fig 2).
At the bit end of the inner tube, core
lifter case adjustment and core lifter
selection are of great importance. The
core lifter case needs to be placed
close enough to the throat of the bit to
The objective is 'core in the box'. allow for efficient core breakage, but

42 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

Double tube Triple tube way into the inner tube with consequen-
tial effect on measurable recovery.
In these poorer ground conditions the
Flushing core barrel can be configured to accept
a third ‘split’ inner tube. The split tube
is located within the regular inner tube
Reaming shell and uses core lifter cases and diamond
bits designed to direct the drilling fluid
Inner tube
though the bit blank instead of though
the bit throat, preventing sample wash-
ing (see Fig 2). As a general rule: choose
the largest triple tube system possible in
Split tube
bad ground to improve core recovery.
A core sample will enter the inner
tube until the tube is filled, or the
sample is impeded, or "blocked", from
entering the tube, usually because of
a fracture in the sample. When this
Stop ring
happens, continuing to advance the drill
string will likely result in grinding and
Core lifter degradation of the desired core sample.
As a general rule: avoid deformations,
damaging blows and mishandling to
the inner tube in order to improve core

Core lifter case Diamond tools

clearance The diamond tools are the business end
of the string, and the bit, in particular,
Gap clearance
is a metallurgical marvel. The bit cuts
through the material that makes its way
into the core barrel.
Crown profile, flushing, and gauge
design characteristics react differently
with changes to rotation, thrust and flu-
Sample shing parameters. As a general rule: to
improve core recovery, choose bit de-
signs that protect ID run out, and that
Solid ground Broken ground minimize back-pressure and sample
Fig 2. Bit  /ground interface. The fundamentals for diamond core
drilling have not greatly changed since
its adjustment gap should not create an inner tube assembly, by virtue of the 1887, when Per Anton Craelius started
undesirable increase in fluid pressure core being firmly wedged by the lifter, in the business. We still push, turn, cool,
and/or sample washing from the drill- remains stationary until the bit throat flush, cut and collect.
ing fluid. By design, the tapered core adjustment gap is closed. However, advances by Atlas Copco
lifter slides along the inside of the core At this point, the core lifter case nests in tooling and equipment have conti-
lifter case, wedging and securing itself into the bit, transferring the substantial nuously improved the efficiency of core
onto the core during core recovery and lifting force from the inner tube to the recovery.
breaking. As a general rule: to improve drill string until the core breaks away.
core recovery, choose an optional fluted As a general rule: the adjustment gap Peter Balen
core lifter in difficult ground. should never exceed the available com-
pression spring travel to improve core
Core breaking recovery.
In broken or friable ground, the flu-
During core breaking, the drill string shing medium’s pathway can wash away
is raised slowly. The spring-loaded some of the sample before it makes its

exploration drilling 43
Talking Technically

Hydraulic and mechanical

surface drill rigs
Principles and
Core drilling rigs are designed to
rotate the drill string, while pro-
viding pressure, to produce the
core. In the core drilling industry,
as in general construction, there
is a clear development trend to-
wards fully hydraulic rigs rather
than the older mechanical rigs.
The core drilling rig population can
be divided according to whether
they work on surface or under-
ground. Most mechanical rigs are
currently employed as surface ma-
chines. This section describes the
general principles for mechanical
and hydraulic surface exploration

Three aspects
Three different aspects of these ma-
chines are important: drilling; rod hand-
ling; and transportation and setup.
LJ Huges' Christensen CT14 surface core drilling rig drilling in the coal fields of West Verginia.
Drilling: for the driller to have full
control of the drill process, the rig
needs to be equipped with variable air transported, usually by helicopter. chuck; hydraulic feed cylinders; hy-
rotation speed and variable feed or hold Movement between individual drill holes draulic system; main winch; wire-line
back force. It is crucial to control these can sometimes be carried out manu- winch; feed frame; and mast.
parameters, and the flow and pressure ally. Setup for surface rigs is typically The rotation force is transmitted from
of the flush water, in order to provide a between 90 to 45 degrees, with most the diesel engine to the rotation spindle
good working environment for the drill holes being drilled on some angle. via the 4 to 5 step gearbox, a straight
bit and produce the best core. Straight vertical holes are not so com- cut gear, and a 90 degree angle gear. A
Rod handling: when changing the drill mon, with a few regional exceptions. pair of hydraulic cylinders mounted on
bit for wire line drilling, and for core the rotation spindle provides feed force,
recovery during conventional drilling, Mechanical rigs and rod handling is carried out with the
the drill rods have to be pulled out of help of the main winch, using the mast
the hole. This is very hard and time con- Mechanical rigs are still manufactured, and a separate rod clamp.
suming work, during which great atten- though the numbers are decreasing from
tion has to be paid to safety. Over the year to year. The feed system on these Drilling
years, in-hole equipment has improved rigs employs hydraulic cylinders, while
significantly, and drill bits are giving all other functions are mechanical. On mechanical rigs the driller has li-
much longer life. At the same time, drill Mechanical core drilling rigs are not mited control of the drilling process,
rig performance has improved through very efficient, and their operation in- especially the rotation speed. In the ab-
development. volves a lot of manual handling. On the sence of variable speed control, he uses
Transportation and setup: for move- other hand they are fairly easy to main- the gear ratios of the gearbox and the
ment between different drilling areas tain, so are useful in remote locations. variable revs of the diesel engine, both
the rig can be truck mounted, or a truck The drill rig components are: diesel of which also change the available
may be used for towing or carrying pur- engine with a clutch and 4 to 5 step gear- torque. The straight cut gear is equipped
poses. Across poor terrain, rigs can be box; rotation spindle with a hydraulic with a high and low setting, which will

44 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

increase the available spindle speed, but

is not sufficient for effective core drill-
ing. The feed and lift force have vari-
able control, and most rigs are equipped
with some kind of compensation system
for the weight of the drill string.
The feed cylinders have very short
stroke length compared to modern core
drilling rigs. Short stroke involves fre-
quent re-gripping with the chuck, slow-
ing drilling and increasing the risk of
core blockage. This means lower core
recovery and increased wear on the drill

Rod handling
On mechanical rigs rod handling is
very heavy and slow work. A wire rope
connected to a lifting plug is threaded
on to the drill string, which is then lif-
ted from the hole with the help of the
main winch. The winch is driven by the
diesel engine through a planetary gear
equipped with brakes.
All the making and breaking of drill
rod joints is carried out using a pair of
pipe wrenches, while a separate rod
clamp holds the drill string and pre-
vents it from falling down in the hole.
The drill pipes are stored in a rod
rack in the mast, or laid horizontally on
a rod tray in front of the rig. A Christensen CS3001 surface core drilling rig in operation in Canada.
The reverse operation is used for lo-
wering the drill string. the topsoil. Drilling down the casing commonly between 90 degrees and 45
Handling of the inner tube while requires lower revs/min and higher tor- degrees.
drilling with a wire line system is done que than for core drilling, and a rod The long mast is in sections, or tele-
with the help of a separate wire line holder that can handle the casing pipes. scopic, so that it can be shortened for
winch, which is often slower than on a Hydraulic drill rigs designed for sur- transportation. In order to get a stable
hydraulic drill rig. face applications have rotation units drill position, the mast can slide down
capable of a wide speed and torque to the ground with the help of a mast
Transport and setup range in combination with a long feed slide cylinder/dump cylinder.
stroke. The drill head/rotation unit and rod
Mechanical drill rigs are normally The main components are: mast, holder/rod clamp are mounted on the
mounted on a skid. They are heavy, rotation unit, rod holder, main winch/ mast. The rotation unit is equipped with
despite their comparatively low capacity. hoist, wireline winch, frame for car- a variable hydraulic motor connected
However, the individual components rying the mast and the mast dump to the spindle/chuck via a multiple step
are easy to take apart and reassemble, arrangement, control panel, hydraulic gearbox, usually with four gears. With
which is useful for movement by heli- system, power pack, and carrier. Optional this arrangement variable control of
copter. Using the main winch and the equipment may include rod rack in the the rotation speed is achieved, along
wire, the rig can slowly pull itself into mast, water/mud pump and mud mixer. with lower speed and higher torque for
the drilling position. On surface rigs, the mast is usually drilling down the casing pipes. For core
designed as a welded structure or a beam. drilling, a high gear is used to provide
Hydraulic rigs Feed lengths start at 1.9 m, and can be higher speed needed when drilling with
up to 3.5 m on the bigger machines. modern high productive diamond bits.
In surface applications, a casing pipe The longer feed system offers less risk The mid gears are used while drilling
may be used when starting the hole in of core blockage, better core recovery in large diameters and/or in angle holes.
order to create a stable hole through and longer bit life. The drill angles are The rotation unit can handle P-size rods,

exploration drilling 45
Talking Technically

upwards, and they lack the capacity

to hold the drill string with the main

Transportation and setup

Core drilling rigs are mounted on the
most suitable carrier for the particular
terrain. If the terrain is fairly flat, the
rig may be mounted on an all-wheel
drive truck. For the complete setup, a
drill rod truck is needed, as well as a
water truck.
The drill platform can be equipped
with hydraulic jacks, enabling it to
stand alone while the truck is used
The rig can be crawler mounted for
more difficult terrain, and transported
between sites by truck and low bed
trailer. Smaller rigs can be mounted on
a wheeled trailer for towing from hole
to hole, and between sites.
A Christensen CS4001 surface core drilling rig mounted on crawler during on-site transportation. For cold weather conditions, part of
the rig can be enclosed in a container,
or at least H, which are considered to be pressure, lifting force, and water flow. or the complete rig, including the mast,
large diameters for core drilling. The All rigs have a system that can compen- can by covered by a tent.
feed force is transferred to the rotation sate for the weight of the drill string. If vehicles cannot traverse the ter-
unit by feed cylinders mounted in the When drilling deeper holes, the weight rain to the drilling site and everything
mast, connected either directly to the of the drill string is greater than the has to be carried by helicopter, the rig
rotation bed, or through a chain feed feed force, and the rig has to apply a has to be both lightweight and easily
arrangement. Direct feed is preferable, lifting force to relieve bit pressure. disassembled.
since it requires less maintenance.
A rod holder capable of handling the Rod handling Mechanical vs
drill string is mounted at the bottom of
In surface applications, 3 m drill rods
hydraulic rigs
the mast. If it can be brought to the side,
even bigger casing dimensions can be are commonly used. The machines With today’s demands for high produc-
used. The rod clamp/rod holder is clo- are capable of pulling 6 m or even 9 m tivity, safer operations, and less work
sed with mechanical springs, or on mo- rods, so only every second or third joint intensive, more versatile rigs, it is fair
dern rigs by gas springs, and opened is broken when tripping/hoisting the to say that the current transition from
hydraulically. The main hoist is used for drill string. Time is saved by pulling mechanical rigs to the more modern
hoisting the drill string, and its capa- longer sections of drill string. It should hydraulic rigs is a very stable trend,
city heavily influences the capability of be noted that a 6 m NO wireline rod and will result in reducing numbers of
the rig. The diesel engine in the power weighs approximately 45 kg, and an H mechanical rigs.
pack of a modern surface drill complies size rod around 70 kg. The drill pipes or For very special applications, such as
with emission requirements in US and sections of drill pipes are stored either operations in remote areas, specialized
Europe. in a rod rack in the mast or on a tray in mechanical rigs will still have to be
Separate oil coolers or over sized front of the drill rig. considered, but for the vast majority of
engines are options for drilling at very Making and breaking of the rod ap-plications the hydraulic drill rig will
high altitudes, above 3 000 m ASL. joints is accomplished with the help of take over.
Flush pumps capable of handling mud, the rotation unit and the rod holder. A
and mud mixers, are also common thread compensation system, or floating Lars Gellerhed
options. head, is needed in order not to damage
the threads. Surface rigs seldom have
Drilling synchronization between the rotation
chuck and the rod holder. This feature
The driller has full control of the drill is common on underground drill rigs,
parameters such as rotation speed, feed because they need the capacity to drill

46 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

exploration drilling 47
Talking Technically

Keep the rig and business running

Lifetime return
on investment
Every business decision is based
on the return on investment, re-
gardless of whether the customer
is purchasing a single machine or
a whole fleet of drill rigs. The chal-
lenge is to maximize the return
on investment in every decision
made, day after day. Atlas Copco
always recommends what is best
for individual customers, based on
years of experience striving to gain
the most economic and efficient
performance on thousands of rigs
in the full range of environments,
worldwide. Consistently we have
found that rigs with Atlas Copco
service contracts yield the highest
return on investment, both in daily
running costs and in residual value.
There simply is no better service
than that performed by a trained
Atlas Copco Service technician.

Increased revenue
There are two ways of increasing reve-
nue on an exploration drill rig. Firstly, if
availability is maximized, the opportuni-
ties to put core in the box are increased.
The cost of lead time and breakdowns
should always be taken into the avail-
ability calculation.
Secondly, if service costs increase
due to the age of the rig, profitability is
decreased. The service cost is normally
related to the age of the rig. For a new A Service engineer from Atlas Copco visits a drill site during a Christensen Care program to check the rig
rig, the service costs are generally lower on a recommended interval.
than for a comparable 10 year old rig,
not only due to lifetime of components of training of the operator, overall care certain percentage of rig availability,
but also because operators tend to take of the equipment, and the owner’s atti- but the setup of the program will secure
better care of new equipment. The capi- tude to maintenance. its maintenance and productivity.
tal cost of a new rig is money well spent Care is the common name through-
if the cost of service decreases dramati- Care program out the CMT business area for a tangible
cally compared with its predecessor. and simple service product for our
The most important part of the ba- A well adjusted service and preventive capital equipment. It consists of three
lance is to keep the total costs low. Moni- maintenance program will ensure that main pillars, but can be extended with
toring service and maintenance in a more your equipment is looked after in the more pillars depending on customer or
professional way, using a service pro- best possible way. The care program product.
gram adjusted to the specific equipment, has been developed to match the high The three main pillars are: scheduled
will result in lower costs. Of course, ma- availability expectation of our custo- services in which we visit the machine
jor factors in the equation are the level mers. The program doesn’t ensure a every 250 or 500 hours and change

48 exploration drilling
Talking Technically

filters and oils; inspection protocols Input data of rig

whereby we carry out inspections ac-
cording to a standard list; and extended
warranty where we offer extended war- Purchase price* 2 000 000
ranty up to 5 000 hours, or three years, Depreciation time (number of years) 7
on selected parts. Residual value 300 000
The extended warranty is for pro- Interest 5%
ducts up to one year old, or 1 000 hours. Insurance/tax cost/year 10 000
Of course, the care program can be used Availability
for older rigs, but without the extended
Total workdays/year 220
warranty option.
Number of shifts (number/workday) 2
Other pillars in a care program can
be: satellite monitoring system on sur- Length of shifts (h) 8
face rigs; application knowledge to op- Standstill due to misc reasons** (days) 20
timize drilling with our Service tech- Mechanical availability*** 85%
nician evaluating the overall drilling Effective operational hours 2400
operation; software upgrades.
* Total price including rig, Power unit and Trido. ** Change of location, set-up time, lack of
During the care program, Atlas Copco     electricity, fuel, water or ITH. *** Standstills due to brake-downs or service.
will visit the rig at the recommended     All costs in the tables (above and below) are specified in SEK.
intervals, increasing the mean time be-
tween failures on many parts. A com- Outdata without Care program Outdata with Care program
plete and current service book also se-
cures the resale value of the equipment, Fixed costs Meter Fixed costs Meter
in much the same way as for private Depreciation 33.73 Depreciation 29.76
cars. Interest 13.89 Interest 12.25
When using our care program you will Insurance/tax 1.39 Insurance/tax 1.23
benefit from correct service and genuine Operating costs Operating costs
spare parts. Timely delivery of the correct Energy 60.00 Energy 60.00
parts ensures quality and availability.
Water 25.00 Water 25.00
Labour 125.00 Labour 125.00
Comparison between
Atlas Copco care program Bits 50.00 Bits 50.00

and normal/average ITH 95.69 ITH 84.90

in-house service Spare parts 33.33 Spare parts 33.33

PM/Service 30.00 PM/Service 30.00
The calculation is based on experience Unplanned service 60.83 Unplanned service 18.38
from a number of customers during the Total cost 528.90 Total cost 469.90
last 5 years working in various kinds of
Metres per year 7 200.00 Metres per year 8 160.00
Income/metre core 600.00 Income/metre core 600.00
Protecting the investment Profit as % of income per meter Profit as % of income per meter

Keeping the rig running is not only

about having high availability and qual-
ity assured production. Atlas Copco
Service will also protect your invest-
ment, with less downtime due to the
better performance of genuine spare
parts and the professional services of
trained engineers and technicians. Atlas
Copco will reduce your total cost of
ownership, protecting your investment
and your overall business. Cost/meter core Cost/meter core
Profit/meter core Profit/meter core
Anders Björk
Note: Figures serve as an example from existing customers and Atlas Copco can not be held
responsible if the outcome is not according to the above figures. We can only act together with
our customers with a goal to achieve the above, where the CARE program is the tool we use.

exploration drilling 49
Luanshya, Zambia

Confirming the future of

Zambian copper
New player
A recent addition to the ranks of
Zambian deep drilling firms is Blu
Rock Mining Services, formed in
March, 2007 and already proud
owners of five Atlas Copco core
drilling rigs. After many years of
depletion, drilling for replacement
of copper ore reserves is essential
to the long term future of the local
mining industry, and is currently
carrying a high priority. Offering
technically-advanced equipment
for drilling the accurate holes
required for what are very care-
fully monitored geotechnical and
exploration projects seems to
have found a niche in the market
on the Zambian Copperbelt, and
business is booming for Blu Rock
and its affiliates.

Long experience
Based in Kitwe, the strategic hub of
the Zambian mining industry, Blu
Rock Mining Services has long and
specific experience in the deep drilling
sector. The founder, Polish-born Kris
Jedrzejczyk, has worked in drilling and
shaft sinking for nearly 30 years. Prior
to starting Blu Rock, Kris worked for
Mpelembe Drilling for 22 years, and
was a member of the management buy-
out team that took over the operation
from Zambia Consolidated Copper
Mines (ZCCM) in 1997. On contract
drilling jobs, he adopted a hands-on
approach, taking responsibility for pro-
ject planning, contract proposal writing,
and negotiations with clients at all
the main Zambian mines, and moni-
toring the execution of the projects. Exploration drilling with a CS1000 core drill rig at Muliashi, Luanshya Mines.
Consequently, he got to know most of
the country’s senior mining executives, director of the specialist underground to provide favourable credit and equip-
engineers and experienced drill ope- diamond drilling company, Redrilza Ltd, ment leasing terms.
rators, earning their respect and trust. Kris Jedrzejczyk established a construc- This enabled the company to get up
tive and professional relationship with and running with five new Atlas Copco
Equipment leasing Atlas Copco. This was a considerable rigs. The chosen fleet comprised two
help when he decided to plan the esta- Christensen CS14 core drilling rigs ca-
Through managing the Mpelembe blishment of Blu Rock Mining Services, pable of drilling to 1 540 m with B size
drilling equipment fleet, and also as a because Atlas Copco was in a position wireline, and three Christensen CS 1000

50 exploration drilling
Confirming the future of Zambian copper

P4 rigs for conventional or wireline co-

ring down to 1 030 m with B size
wireline. The rigs were delivered and
commissioned over a period from
December, 2006 through to September,
They are currently working under
contract for two of the regions’ new
generation of companies, Konkola
Copper Mines (KCM) and Luanshya
Copper Mines (LCM). The contracts
involve exploration, geometallurgical
and geotechnical drilling within two
of the Copperbelt’s long-established
mining areas, Chingola-Chililabombwe
in the west, and Luanshya towards the
eastern end.

Long-term goal
Reviewing the progress: From left: Luciano Chikabo, Foreman, Blu Rock, John Kakumbi, Sales Manager,
KCM has employed one CS14 and two Atlas Copco and Kris Jedrzejczyk, Managing Director, Blu Rock.
CS 1000 rigs in the Chingola area, where
they had drilled a total of 10 000 m by of holes to assess lime resources that for completion in the first quarter of
the end of June, 2008, with the overall KCM might be able to use. This rig 2009.
aim of confirming future copper and may start core drilling waste dumps LCM, which presently employs
cobalt resources. in the area, to check for residual metal 2 400 people, expects to employ a fur-
The remaining two rigs, a CS14 and content, following up on a reverse cir- ther 1 000 people during construction,
a CS 1000, are drilling for LCM on the culation drilling programme that KCM although only 400 will be required for
Muliashi and Mashiba projects near has started. the operational phase. Meanwhile, the
Luanshya to provide information for the Using the new fleet of Atlas Copco company has started a feasibility study
detailed design of new surface mining rigs has paid off, as they drilled 2 000 for mining the Mashiba sulphide ore-
and processing facilities. m in the first two months of the con- body, which could add a further 6 000
The CS14, in particular, is working tract, a much higher rate than previ- t/y to LCM copper output.
at the Fitwaola open pit to monitor the ously achieved. Blu Rock’s rigs were contracted
dip and grade of the orebody. The pit is to drill a total of 15 000 m, of which
in operation on a daily basis, and so, in Luanshya improvements 9 000 m had to be completed by April,
order to avoid vibration damage to the 2008. The CS14 drilled holes ranging
drill string it is necessary to pull the The LCM management team, headed from 20-70 m for the Mashiba project,
rods each time production blasting is by CEO Derek Webbstock, has already coring for process metallurgy test work
undertaken. invested USD 50 million in upgrading needed for the feasibility study.
The trailer mounted Christensen both the Baluba mine and the concen- Meantime, one of the CS1000 rigs
CS14 is equipped with a 3.5 m feed with trator, which can now process 10 000 was used to recover 48 mm core from a
main hoist capacity of 80 kN and 138 t daily. Baluba has been mining 5 000 depth of 450 m to provide geometallur-
kN hydraulic feed cylinder. Power is t/day, yielding 21 000 t/y of copper, gical information for the mine planners
supplied by a Tier 3 Cummins diesel and is expected to produce 24 000 t in and process engineers working on the
engine rated at 153 kW, or 208 hp. 2007. Muliashi project.
At Kakosa, north of Chingola in the Now LCM intends to invest a further Other recently won contracts seem to
direction of Chililabombwe, a CS 1000 USD 50 million at Baluba, in particular confirm Blu Rock’s winning formula.
is exploration drilling to an average to modernize the hoisting shaft, and
depth of 200 m to find a continuation of USD 354 million to develop a new open Acknowledgements
the Chingola orebody. The Christensen pit mine at Muliashi, initially extracting
CS 1000 is a lightweight basic rig of oxide ore reserves. Baluba should then Atlas Copco is very grateful to Kris
simple design that can be flown to site. be able to increase mine production to Jedrzejczyk and his company Blu Rock
It has 40 kN hoist lifting capacity and 6 000 t/day while Muliashi is presently for assistance received in the prepa-
90 kN pull from the 1.83 m stroke feed expected to contribute 60 000 t/y copper ration of this article, which first appeared
system. Power is from a Cummins 4 and 1 500 t/y cobalt at full rate output. in Atlas Copco Mining & Construction
cylinder 86.5 kW diesel engine. The Phase 1 engineering has started at the magazine 1-2008.
third rig is drilling a limited number Muliashi project, and is scheduled

exploration drilling 51
Witbank, South Africa

Atlas Copco exploration rigs

prove reserves

CS 15000 in operation at Polokwane.

Powerfully efficient Five year plan resulting in more requests for bigger
drills. For this reason Zaaiman ordered
The current range of explora- From its head office in Witbank, Zaai- another two CS 3001 drills.
tion drill rigs from Atlas Copco man Exploration Drilling commenced In platinum, where the contractor
Christensen offers great benefits drills BQ-size, bit life almost doubled,
to contractors in the industry. a five-year plan in 2006 to replace all
This is evident in South Africa, of their existing conventional type rigs from an average of 130 m to 220 m. As a
w h e re Z aa i ma n E x p lo ra tion with Christensen CS rigs. result of the efficiency of the Christensen
Drilling is operating 35 rigs in Currently Zaaiman Exploration CS rigs, as demonstrated in increased
mainly coal and platinum explo- production and very little downtime, a
ration. For Zaaiman, Christensen Drilling operates 2 x CS 1500, 9 x CS14
rigs are powerful, with enough and 4 x CS10 machines. On order are a recent large platinum exploration project
torque to drill deep and with high further 2 x CT14 and 2 x CS 3001 that in the Northern Province was finished
productivity. Speeds range from will be in operation by January, 2009. six months ahead of schedule.
low to high to handle diamond The CS 3001 is built on a well-proven
drilling, and long masts pull 6 m Directors Thinus and Rudi Zaaiman state
to 9 m rods. Importantly, com- that changing over to the CS machines concept that is continuously upgraded.
plete units are supplied, including has increased production substantially. Designed for truck mounting, it is
rig feed, control panel, main hoist Drilled metres increased on average equipped with four hydraulic levelling
and powerpack. As an added jacks. With a main hoist single line pull
bonus all rigs are equipped to from 800 to 1 200 m/machine/ month.
make and break the drill string of 139 kN and feed stroke of 3.35 m, it
with the rig, eliminating manual Platinum exploration can drill B-size to 2 300 m and N-size
making/breaking with pipe to 1 830 m, handling 6 m rods with
wrenches, improving safety and The trend in South Africa in platinum ease. Power is delivered from a 212 kW
exploration is towards deeper holes, Cummins Tier 3 diesel engine with a

52 exploration drilling
Craelius exploration rigs prove reserves

large 950 litre fuel tank. The standard

rig is equipped with hydraulic P-size
rod clamp and hydraulic mud mixer.

Reduced maintenance
Atlas Copco Christensen rigs are
built on the time-honoured concept of
easy operation, simple and durable
technology, and high capacity, and
are much more in line with safety re-
quirements and standards than their
counterparts. Easy, timesaving setup,
improved power, ergonomics and safety
and increased productivity all contri-
bute to the market acceptance of the
new generation.
The CS rigs have certainly proved
their worth for Zaaiman Exploration,
where maintenance costs dropped by
two thirds because of less downtime
and breakdowns compared to the old
conventional type drills.
This type of performance, along
with its legendary Aftermarket support,
have led Atlas Copco to its position as
preferred supplier of all exploration
drilling equipment and consumables to
Zaaiman Exploration Drilling. This is
a relationship of many years standing,
and is certainly one that will continue
in the future.

Coal benchmark
Because of the built-in safety features,
the Christensen CS range of rigs are
being used as the benchmark for pro-
duction and safety standards in coal
exploration in South Africa by major
companies such as BHP Billiton, Anglo
and Total Coal.
With safety being such a big factor
in the industry, the CS range has kept
on developing, and now sets the trend
for other to follow.

Atlas Copco is grateful to Drill Africa
and Kyran Casteel for their assistance
with the production of this article.

One of the first CS 1500 machines drilling for platinum.

exploration drilling 53
Orkney, South Africa

Excore optimizes
performance for Drillcorp
More for less
Core in the box determines explo-
ration drilling company revenues
and driller’s wages. Not surpris-
ingly, drillers are always looking
for diamond drill bits with faster
penetration rates and longer
service life. The efficiency of the
drilling tools is often a decisive
factor in maintaining productivity
and profitability, even when rock
conditions change. To meet these
demands, Atlas Copco developed
Excore as the next generation of
diamond drill bits, offering superior
bit life and penetration rate. Pre-
launch testing of Excore was rig-
orous, with thousands of metres
drilled in six different countries
under a wide range of conditions.

Challenging ground
Drillcorp is a South African based
drilling contractor, with operations in
several countries in Southern Africa, as
well as Brazil. The fleet includes more
than 40 drill rigs, which are moved
between sites after finished contracts.
The operators and supervisors always
have to ensure that contracts are final-
ized in time, as a new drill site is wait-
ing for them somewhere else.
Orkney is a small town 250 km west
of Johannesburg, and is close to a gold-
field with several mines. The goldfield
Drillcorp operated on has a well known Drillcorp in South Africa was one of the contractors where the Excore bit was tested successfully.
ore, with the first exploratory holes
having been drilled as far back as the values of the ore 400-500 m below sur- did not cut the hard rock as expected
1930s. face datum. Some 46 holes were to be and, when more pressure was applied
The mine had been operated since drilled, using mother holes drilled close it simply lifted the drill rig instead of
1991, but was closed during a change to 500 m. At around 350-400 m depth cutting faster. In the toughest spots, the
of ownership to explore and evaluate wedges were placed, and deviated holes drill bits did not cut, but merely polished
the prospects of further development. were drilled out in steps of approxi- the bit.
In 2009, Drillcorp was awarded a five- mately 10 cm from the mother hole to In addition, the ground was frac-
month contract for 20,000 m core drill- define the ore around the centre. tured, and complicated to drill without
ing to define the ore values. Drillcorp deployed drill bits similar getting stuck. By the time that 10,000
To meet the timeline of the contract, to those used at earlier drill sites, but m had been drilled, Drillcorp was man-
Drillcorp had been running two drill soon discovered that the ground at the aging about 30 m/shift with a bit life of
rigs on separate locations to define the mine posed some challenges. The bits 60-70 m. At that level of performance,

54 exploration drilling
Excore optimizes performance for Drillcorp

more drill rigs were needed to close the

contract on time.

Excellent results
At this stage, the newly-developed
Excore bit from Atlas Copco was
introduced on the advice of engineers
at Atlas Copco Exploration Products
Africa. The results were astounding on
the remaining 10,000 m of drilling, on
which Excore returned an average bit
life of 280-300 m at a production rate
of 54 m/shift. This 80% higher pene-
tration rate, coupled with a more than
four-fold increase in bit life, added up
to a significant productivity improve-
During the drilling operation, Drill-
corp did not change any settings on the
drill rigs, and used a variety of opera-
tors with differing levels of experience
to get a fair result. They found that a
single Excore bit type could handle all
of the formations in the Orkney area,
whereas Drillcorp had previously nee-
ded to stock six different bits on the
This is not only important from an
inventory perspective, but also opera-
tionally. As the rock conditions change,
even for a few decimeters, the rods may
have to be pulled to change bit type.
The Excore bit could be used through-
out the operation to cut through all for-
After closing the contract, Drillcorp
moved on to another drill site in the
same region, where they knew that the
rock conditions were not as challenging.
They intend to try Excore again at this
new site. They reason, that Excore is
simpler and more flexible, and drilling
will be easier.
Drillcorp had a contract of 20 000 meters core samples, of which the last half was drilled with Excore.
Design and metallurgy
in harmony by new matrices achieves an optimized The higher penetration rate means
balance between design and metal- a lot more to the driller than mere pro-
The Excore drill bit technology is any- lurgy. ductivity. When ground is difficult, and
thing but a result by chance. The expe- The design and composition of the there is a risk for hole deviation or lower
riences from the preceding diamond Excore bit line offers the world’s explo- core sample recovery, it is possible to
bit ranges were substantial, and a ration drillers new levels of produc- lower the weight on bit (WOB) and still
global team of experts put their heads tivity in terms of longer bit life and hold a penetration rate equal or better
together to re engineer the bit from higher penetration rates. than with other bits. With less pressure
basics. The previously most successful With a longer bit life, less fre- on the bit, it is easier to achieve straight
bit designs were taken one step further, quent bit changes and rod pulling are holes and higher core sample recovery,
with changes in design specifications. required, allowing for more time to be while wear on the drill string is reduced.
Improved crown designs complimented spent on drilling. This gives a better result for the same

exploration drilling 55
Excore optimizes performance for Drillcorp


The Excore diamond bits set a new standard for production rate and bit life as it was released to the market.

56 exploration drilling
Excore optimizes performance for Drillcorp

operating parameters. On the other

hand, when rock conditions allow the Table 1: A calculation shows that for a mother hole of 500 meters, time saving was:
driller to push for maximum speed, Previous bit used Excore
Excore bits optimize the drilling rate
vs WOB. Bit life 65 m 290 m
The bottom line is that Excore gives No. of bits needed 8 bits 2 bits
better results in a wide range of drilling No. of pulls to replace bit 7 pulls 1 pull
Time to pull rods 14 hrs 2 hrs

More performance Capacity 30 m/shift 54 m/shift

with fewer bits Total time to drill 118 hrs 74 hrs
Total time per hole 132 hrs 76 hrs
Excore is not only a bit of performance.
It is also a bit of simplicity. Normally a This results in a time saving of 40% to drill a 500 m hole.
variety of bits has to be stocked at site
to cover all expected rock formations.
Excore’s unique metallurgy and design
ensures each bit type will cover a wider
range of rock conditions, meaning that
fewer bit types will be needed. With
fewer choices, selecting the right bit
is simpler. The driller does not need
to have experience and knowledge of
the rock conditions hundreds of metres
below surface, because the Excore bits
will help him in his judgment. And the
logistics manager will benefit with less
overall inventory.
The Excore bit range is divided into
three application segments: Soft to me-
dium hard, very abrasive to slightly abra- Bit for purpose
sive and very fractured to slightly broken Willie Smit is Drillcorp’s site manager, with 17 years of experience of core drilling. His
formations (Matrix series 1-4); Medium background, performance and attitude have earned him the title of supervisor of the year at
hard to hard, abrasive to slightly abra- Drillcorp in each of the past two years, emphasizing the fact that he has great pride in his
worksite and equipment. Willie and his drilling crews were not satisfied when it became clear
sive, moderately fractured to competent
that the drilling contract could not be fulfilled in time because of inadequate bit performance.
formations (Matrix series 5-8); and Very
hard to extremely hard, slightly abrasive A solution using the newly-developed Excore bit was suggested by Jimmy Erasmus, sales
to non abrasive, very competent forma- engineer from Atlas Copco Exploration Products Africa. As the Excore bit had not yet been
tions (Matrix series 9-10). released to the market, Drillcorp was offered a bit that had been part of the test program.
This bit was introduced into a partly drilled hole which had 250 m left to drill.
Each Excore type is available in
various crown designs like the ECF Drillcorp normally would expect to change bit at least three more times for that hole, needing
(Extended Channel Flush) for broken to at least six hours to pull rods. However, the new Excore bit, completed the hole without need
competent formations, the JET profile for replacement. Indeed, the bit still had some life left, and drilled another 52 m in the next
hole. The first test showed 302 m bit life compared to the normal 60-70 m using the previous
for fast cutting in competent forma-
tions, and Face Discharge design for
extremely broken and triple tube appli- After the trial, Drillcorp ordered 20 additional Excore bits to enable the contract to be finalized
cations. on time, a great result for the company and for Willie and his team.
Combining these features with dif- “This is an excellent bit, and I would recommend it to anyone”, comments Willie, adding
ferent available crown heights, from “especially for the ground conditions we have experienced.”
10-16 mm, there is an Excore bit for
every formation. Statements:
“The new bit replaces six other bits needed in stock”, confirms Charl Sommers, Store
Acknowledgements supervisor and buyer for Drillcorp. “This makes our operation much more efficient.”
Atlas Copco is grateful to the management “We need bits for hard and soft rock, we don’t know which until we are in the formation.
and engineers of Drillcorp South Africa Says Willie Smit, site manager. “If we need to pull rods to change the bit it may be for only
for the contribution to this article. a few decimeters. It saves us a lot on not needing to do this.”

exploration drilling 57
Guizhou, China

New record depth for

CS14 core drilling rig

Close-up of CS14 core drilling rig at work.

than 10% came from China. The com- geologic exploration is the responsibility
Mining prosperity bination of high price and demand in
domestic and international markets
of the Guizhou Bureau.
The mining industry in China is
growing rapidly to fulfil huge
has resulted in heightened interest in Shuiyindong mine
demand for iron ore, coal, gold, gold exploration. As always, speed is
silver and other metals. The coun- of the essence, and higher productivity A pair of Atlas Copco Christensen
try is already a major mineral pro- is required, driven by improvement of CS14 core drilling rigs are operating at
ducer, and is both a consumer and drilling technology and equipment. Nayang section of Shuiyindong gold
a world trader of its mining pro- mine. The mine is located at the town
ducts. In Guizhou province, which
Recently, Guizhou Geo-mining Ex-
is rich in gold resources, exten- ploration Bureau (Guizhou Bureau) of Zhexiang in Zhenfeng County, about
sive mineral exploration drilling employed the latest exploration drilling 260 km away from the provincial capital
is underway using Atlas Copco technology at Shuiyindong gold mine Guiyang.
CS14 rigs, one of which recently at Zhenfeng, Guizhou, where an Atlas The rigs were bought in January, 2007
set a new record depth for a core by No 112 Geo-Survey Team Exploration
drilling rig.
Copco CS14 core drilling rig drilling
NQ (75 mm) reached a depth of 1,411 m, Company of Guizhou Bureau (Team 112)
record that exceeds the drill’s maxi- which has been responsible since 2002
Better technology mum rated depth of 1 200 m. for exploring the Zhexiang section. The
The 176 000 sq km Guizhou pro- two rigs have been generally employed
In 2007, global production of mineral vince is in a plateau area comprising on exploration drilling to depths of
gold exceeded 2 447 t, of which more typical karst topography, where the basic 700-1 400 m, and in their first year of

58 exploration drilling
New record depth for CS14 core drilling rig

operation drilled a total of 17 holes,

amounting to 15 100 m.
The orebodies in the Zhexiang section
are usually at the bottom of the strata
and explored using the wireline core
drilling. Wireline coring is a relatively
mature method of exploration in China,
with high penetration rate and low la-
bour input.
At Zhexiang section, Team 112 is
using three drill rigs, of which two are
Atlas Copco CS14 core drills and the
third is a locally-designed XY-2000
drill. The CS14 displays superior speed
and stability to that of the XY-2000
rig, and achieves higher productivity
through proper selection of penetration
parameters and techniques for deep
hole drilling.

Improved productivity
During the initial trial operation, both
CS14 core drills achieved a maximum
penetration rate of 18 m/h in HQ (95 mm)
hole sections, which is 5.24 times that
of the XY-2000. Their average pene-
tration rate is a stunning 6.33 times
During their first year of operation,
the two CS14 drills achieved maximum
monthly productivity respectively of 1
618 m and 1 705 m, while that of the
XY-2000 drills was only 694 m. Their
average monthly productivity was
1 074 m and 757 m, equating to 2.3
times and 1.6 times that of the XY-2000.
Their average hourly productivity in the
year was respectively 4.5 m/h and 4.9
m/h, 2.56 times and 2.83 times that of
the XY-2000.
The distribution of exploration bore-
holes in the mine is on a square grid
measuring 160 m x 160 m, and hole
quality is under strict control. The allow-
able tolerance of borehole zenith angle is
2 degrees for 0-100 m and 4 degrees for
100-200 m. The rock core extraction
in a hole exceeds 85%. Rectification is
a must for every 100 m, and the error
must not exceed one thousandth.
The two CS14 drills reached their
record maximum depth of 1411 m in
42 days, operating 24 h/day, recor-
ding maximum penetration of 70 m in
a single 12 h shift. So far, no cores have
been discarded, and there has been a
very high rate of successful drilling, Collecting core samples from the inner tube.

exploration drilling 59
New record depth for CS14 core drilling rig

Core washing at the rig shows perfect recovery.

60 exploration drilling
New record depth for CS14 core drilling rig

with deviation controlled within the

allowable tolerance.
By the end of March, 2008 CS14 No
1 had achieved a total penetration of
8 446 m and No 2 had drilled 6 432 m
to average depths of 770 m and 716 m.
The diameter of hole opening is 130 mm
using locally produced drill pipes, the
diameter of the finished hole is 75 mm,
and the diameter of the rock core is over
40 mm.
The CS14 uses imported Atlas Copco
drill strings, whose average service life
is 8 000-9 000 m. XY-2000 drill uses
home made drill strings, whose average
service life is around 3 000 m.
Typical CS14 core drilling site in the Guizhou region.
When unstable rock or stratum condi-
tions are encountered during the drilling
operation, slurry or pipes are usually spares in order to shorten the supply prevention; and mineral rock identi-
used to protect the hole. Any burial of cycle. fication and testing.
the drill bit will be immediately hand- Guizhou Bureau investigates all op- In the last 50 years, the Bureau has
led using a reverse thread drill string. tions before importing technically ad- accomplished a total mechanical core
vanced drill rigs, and ordered ancillary drilling of 6.6 million m and a total pit
Safety and training equipment such as drill strings and drill excavation of 280 000 m. It completed
tools along with the CS14. The proven comprehensive survey of 180 000 sq km
A project office has been set up at the performance of Atlas Copco products of land in the whole Guizhou Province
Zhexiang section, managing three drill- and aftermarket service were big influ- and part of Tibet, and submitted many
ing groups with one drill rig apiece. ences on the purchase decision, along reports on mineral reserves including
Each group comprises 12 personnel with low noise, good hydraulic system gold, aluminium, phosphor, lead and
working in shifts of three people. The tightness, high degree of safety, quick zinc, manganese, coal, mercury, iron,
drill operators have a high level of installation, and compactness of the and barite.
enthusiasm, and are quick in installa- CS14, being a third smaller than tradi- In 2000, the Bureau established its
tion and relocation of drill rigs. The site tional drills. business pattern: basic geology survey
follows standard operation procedures, In 2007, the two Atlas Copco CS14 and research; mineral exploration and
with the CS14 rigs being maintained by rigs drilled a total of over 14 000 m. development; and geological engi-
specially assigned people. The target for 2008 is 20 000 m. neering. The Bureau has made break-
Installation, operation and mainte- Atlas Copco is now a major world throughs in exploration of minerals like
nance training has been provided by supplier of ISO certified exploration drill gold, lead and zinc, manganese and
Atlas Copco to teach the operators about equipment and tools, providing a com- copper, and carries out vigorous cooper-
the drill functions, and how to improve plete range of conventional and thin-wall ation with domestic and foreign mining
productivity. The CS14 rig does not re- wireline core drill strings along with companies such as Aohua Mining from
quire derrick installation, which is a traditional steel and aluminium core Australia, APC Mining from Canada,
great time saver. As a safety precaution, drill strings. Localized production and and Zijin Mining in Fujian.
the machine is fitted with emergency supply in China means quicker delive- The Bureau also takes an active part
stop buttons, which stop the drill ries, and increases customer confidence in some infrastructure projects inclu-
immediately. in Atlas Copco products. ding coal exploration to enable power
transmission from west to east, and
Deep impression Exploration bureau geological disaster prevention for Three
The CS14 has many merits including Founded in 1957, Guizhou Geo-mining
high penetration speed, good borehole Exploration Bureau is a government Acknowledgements
quality, and a first class safety record. institution at the provincial department
The bureau is satisfied with the after- level with comprehensive functions Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage-
market service of Atlas Copco, and including: basic geological survey ment and engineers at Guizhou Bureau
praises the prompt response to prob- and research; mineral exploration and who contributed to this article, and to
lems. Spare part supply is difficult to development; hydrological engineering; Caroline He of Atlas Copco (Shanghai)
arrange in such a remote location, so geological environment survey and evalu- Trading Co for collation of the perform-
it is necessary to carry an inventory of ation; geological disaster survey and ance data.

exploration drilling 61
Kemi, Finland

Grade control at Kemi mine

Kemi mine is a crucial part of the
Outokumpu stainless steel making
operation at Tornio in Finland,
now known as the Outokumpu
Tornio Works (OTW). Equally, ac-
curate grade control is crucial for
the economic operation of the
Kemi mining and processing sy-
stem. For the grade control drilling
function, the mine relies on an
Atlas Copco Diamec U6 APC core
drilling rig, which is drilling up to
12 km every year.

Black rocks
The main event that led to the creation
of the integrated stainless steel ope-
ration is something of a legend. During
the summer of 1959, somebody reported
finding “strange black rocks” in Kemi
parish on the northernmost shore of
the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland. These
were identified as lumpy chromite, and
traced back to a large stratiform deposit
north of Kemi town.
However, the mineralization had
a Cr2O3 content of about 26 % and a The Diamec U6 APC mounted on a crawler chassi, ready for operation.
chromium to iron ratio of 1.5 to 1, both
properties being substantially lower Outokumpu was thus able to enter the Moving underground
than those of any chromite ore then in stainless steel business, which it subse-
use for making ferrochrome. quently expanded several times, often Mine production started in 1968 on an
Even so, Outokumpu, which at that introducing new proprietary techno- open pit mineable part of the chromite
time was primarily a base metals mi- logy that has been sold by Outokumpu deposit that comprised 11 ore bodies
ning and smelting company, was inte- Technology, and now Outotec, to other within a 4.5 km-long zone and varied
rested. The company had already em- producers. The operation gained ISO from 5 m to 105 m in thickness, the
barked on nickel production as the basis 9002 quality certification in 2000. average being 40 m.
for making stainless steel, and decided Eventually, at the start of the 21st The need to keep mining costs as low
to try to develop a processing system to century, OTW became the company’s as possible, in what has been a high wage
upgrade the ore. A pilot plant was set primary focus, and Kemi is now the economy, has resulted in Kemi utili-
up at Kemi in 1966 to prove the feasi- only mine owned by Outokumpu. It zing advanced mining technologies for
bility of upgrading the Cr2O3 content now comprises the mine, ferrochrome chromite extraction, probably to a greater
sufficiently. Both mining at Kemi, and works, steel melting shop, hot rolling extent than most other producers.
ferrochrome production at Tornio using mill and cold rolling plants and employs The first main pit to be developed
hydroelectric power, started in 1968. approximately 2 300 people, of whom continued until open pit mining ceased,
At that time Outokumpu intended 130 work at Kemi, assisted by about but satellite pits immediately east and
to improve the chromium to iron ratio 100 contractor personnel. west of the main pit were developed and
as part of the ferrochrome smelting pro- The ore grade at Kemi still demands mined out in the intervening period.
cess, but this plan was effectively over- very careful mining and grade control Open pit output reached a maximum
taken by the development in the United to ensure the mineral processing plant of about 1.2 million t/y ROM ore.
States of the argon-oxygen-decarburizing can deliver competitive, cost-effective Three main ore types corresponding
process for making stainless steel which feed to the ferrochrome smelter. Hence to mill products were mined. These were
can utilize low chromium to iron ferro- there has always been a need for rather fine concentrate (12-100 pm particles),
chrome. precise grade control. upgraded lumpy type (34-36% Cr2O3)

62 exploration drilling
Grade control at Kemi mine

The Diamec U6 APC set up for horisontal drilling.

and super upgraded lumpy (+36% up stocks of the feed types. These were deployed in 1996 for inventory drilling.
Cr 2O3), from which the processing used after open pit mining ceased in The Intelligent Mine Programme pro-
plant made (and still makes) 220 000 December, 2005 and until underground vided the mine and process plant with
t/y lumpy concentrate (36% Cr2O3) and output reached the 1.2 million t/y rate an advanced communications system to
420 000 t/y metallurgical grade con- required to feed the ferrochrome smelter access and complement the information
centrate at 44% Cr2O3. early in 2008. on Kemi’s master database. This system
Physical separation techniques are The open pits had yielded a total of has been extended and upgraded more
used to produce the lumpy ore and 31.15 million t of chromite ore when or less continuously.
metallurgical grade fines. Ore grade mining stopped. Five ore bodies with a dip of 70 de-
control in the open pit involved wire- grees NW make up the 1.5 km-long ore
line diamond core drilling to determine Grade control zone that is now being mined below the
boundaries and qualities of specific main open pit. Their geometallurgical
ore types. In addition, all blastholes Grade control and mineability were key and rock mechanical characteristics vary
were sampled, and only one type was factors considered in detailed under- quite widely, so planning the stoping
produced from a specific working area ground mine planning for Kemi. To schedule to achieve the required feed
because the initial process step will not continue providing the data necessary grades needs very careful attention.
work effectively with mixed ore types. for grade control from the underground The primary mining method is
In the 1990s Outokumpu planned a operation, as well as the equally im- bench cut-and-fill, with some sublevel
switch to underground mining, which portant broader array of management caving possible in parts of the mine
involved developing the underground information needed to maximize mine where the blasted ore can be trucked
mine from the side of the open pit while efficiency, Outokumpu developed an out directly to the surface crushers.
production continued in the pit. As Intelligent Mine Information Technology Sublevel caving provides a fall back
the output rate from the underground programme. To obtain the geological option for maintaining the delivery
mine grew from 150 000 t/y in 2003, data, a Diamec 264 rig for grade of ore to the plant if the main mining
so the open pit mine was able to build control and other core drilling was operation is interrupted, for instance if

exploration drilling 63
Grade control at Kemi mine

separate the ores for heavy medium

separation and for milling between the
two silos. Basic mineralogical data and
process results for each ore stope are
logged on a daily basis, and can be
compared with daily and blast-specific
production histories from the database.

Diamec U6 APC
In August, 2006 the mine geology team
decided to acquire a new core drilling
rig. The choice, on price and avai-
lability, was a new Diamec U6 APC
Automatic Performance Control rig,
rather than the equivalent U4 model.
The specification selected included: the
standard 1 800 mm feed frame; PU55E
electric power unit with 55 kW motor
and two hydraulic pumps; the A–N
rotation unit with a 60 cc hydraulic
The driller in action handling the drill rods. motor, the optimal choice when ITH
drilling at AQ size; Trido 80H hydraulic
flushing water pump with a capacity of
approximately 80 lit/min; 1 300 m wire
line winch, mounted on the positioner
arm; and APC panel.
These standard components are
mounted on the tracked crawler unit
option, which trams with diesel power
rather than the alternative skid moun-
ting, and has an extra working platform
with seat for using the APC unit. The
Kemi machine also has extra working
lights. In addition to this set up delive-
red by Atlas Copco in February, 2007,
Kemi has added a cable drum at the
back, has installed an internal water
tank and retrofitted Atlas Copco’s RCS
remote control system.
The RCS system works very well
with Kemi’s W-LAN based communi-
cation system, and most of the mine’s
The powerful rotation unit of the Diamec U6 APC. Atlas Copco units have it fitted. The new
machine augmented the Diamec 264
the hoist is out of operation. As in the fragmentation, this technique typically until the older rig was sold to Suomen
open pit, the five ore bodies can still yields only 7 000 t/blast. Malmi Oy (Smoy), a major Finnish
be differentiated along the ore body, Kemi’s mine production objective exploration drilling contractor.
which has average width of 40 m and is to obtain the best possible mix for The choice of the crawler platform
can yield reasonably consistent ore the process plant that mine planning, rather than a skid reflects the main use
types. However, whereas each 60 000 t together with historical processing data that Kemi makes of the Diamec, drilling
ore blast in the open pit provided suffi- and current drilling data, can provide. relatively short holes from a stope drive
cient tonnage to be treated selectively Typically, four or five stopes in the five to determine the ore boundaries, and
at the concentrator, minimizing feed ore zones are mined at any one time, then moving to another stope drive. The
variation and maximizing process sta- and 40-45 in a year, in order to yield rig can tram at 2-3 km/h, but for long
bility, this is not possible with bench appropriate feed tonnages for lumpy moves uses a special carrier. The crawler
cut-and-fill. Designed to cope with weak ore and metallurgical grade concentrate platform has the advantage that no dis-
hanging wall rock and very variable processing. The process team tries to assembly is required before it moves,

64 exploration drilling
Grade control at Kemi mine

whereas the power components must be

disconnected from a skid-mounted feed
frame, risking the entry of damaging
particles into the equipment. The skid
mount is more cost-effective for drilling
long exploratory holes up to 1 000 m,
which can take at least a month, so
moves are infrequent.

Fast rotation
Kemi selected a fast rotation unit be-
cause the rig is drilling for narrow core.
However, selection of the Diamec U6
did take into account the possibility
of drilling very long holes when nec- Atlas Copco colleague, Carl Hansen, in dialogue with a Kemi operator.
essary, and Smoy has already carried
out a core drilling programme at the particularly like the joystick control. worked with the Diamec 264 and are
-475 m level, using the new machine However, Kemi does not presently use therefore used to the APC system, parti-
with Kemi operators to drill 2 in holes the performance data downloading cularly like the joystick control. However,
intended to yield geomechanical infor- facility because the ore is too variable Kemi does not presently use the per-
mation. The deepest core drilling to for the data to be of use in subsequent formance data downloading facility
date has reached the -650 m level. operations. because the ore is too variable for the
Since the orebody is normally 40 m- Not surprisingly given the ore vari- data to be of use in subsequent ope-
wide, the Diamec usually drills three to ability, penetration rate varies from as rations. Not surprisingly given the ore
five holes 40–70 m-long holes sideways low as 20 cm per minute but is typi- variability, penetration rate varies from
from the stope drive wall through to cally 30-35 cm/min, at the high end of as low as 20 cm per minute but is typi-
the other side of the orebody. In a few the performance range for Diamec U6 cally 30-35 cm/min, at the high end of
places faulting has made the ore wider, machines. The APC is very easy for in- the performance range for Diamec U6
to over 100 m in some cases. Some experienced drillers to use, but only an machines. The APC is very easy for
drilling upwards into new mining levels experienced driller can set the system inexperienced drillers to use, but only
is also underway. parameters. The sensitivity of the APC an experienced driller can set the system
Kemi’s Diamec has a 1.8 m feed and control contributes to the excellent bit parameters. The sensitivity of the APC
uses 3 m rods behind the core barrel. life at Kemi, which is 600-700 m with control contributes to the excellent bit
The core barrel is 48 mm-diameter, a recorded high of 900 m. Rod life has life at Kemi, which is 600-700 m with
accommodating 30-32 m-diameter core. been enhanced by fitting the bits with a recorded high of 900 m. Rod life has
All core is analyzed by OMS-logg a reaming facility to bore an annulus been enhanced by fitting the bits with
downhole logging, and automated around the rods, mitigating the grinding a reaming facility to bore an annulus
microscope image analysis is used for effect of the extremely hard chromite. around the rods, mitigating the grinding
establishing grain size distribution. The Diamec is maintained by Kemi effect of the extremely hard chromite.
Additional sludge colour information personnel, assisted by the Atlas Copco The Diamec is maintained by Kemi
is obtained from blasthole drilling. technician on site if necessary. The personnel, assisted by the Atlas Copco
mine is drilling 900-1 000 m/month in technician on site if necessary. The
Automatic Performance this application, a very large amount by mine is drilling 900-1 000 m/month in
Control any standard. this application, a very large amount by
any standard.
Kemi chose the APC hydraulic control Mining expansion
system rather than the Pilot Hydraulic Acknowledgements
Control PHC option for a number of rea- Kemi chose the APC hydraulic control
sons. APC gives the driller freedom to system rather than the Pilot Hydraulic Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage-
empty core while the Diamec is drilling Control PHC option for a number of rea- ment and staff at Kemi for their helpful
on automatic, which means the rig can sons. APC gives the driller freedom to inputs to this article. Particular men-
be operated by only one person, rather empty core while the Diamec is drilling tion goes to Jyrki Salmi, manager-
than the usual two. It can also be used on automatic, which means the rig can mining, Timo Huhtelin, chief geologist,
for remote control for operator safety. be operated by only one person, rather and Jukka Pitkäjärvi, who is now at
The Kemi operators, who previously than the usual two. It can also be used Talvivaara.
worked with the Diamec 264 and are for remote control for operator safety.
therefore used to the APC system, The Kemi operators, who previously

exploration drilling 65
Perth, Western Australia

Reverse circulation
drilling in Australia
The technique of reverse circula-
tion (RC) drilling is rapidly gaining
ground as the method of choice for
obtaining consistently high qual-
ity rock samples with speed and
efficiency. Until recently, drillers
have had to modify existing rigs
for RC drilling of deep exploration
holes. Now, Atlas Copco has deve-
loped a completely new concept in
its Explorac 220RC reverse circu-
lation rig, providing exploration
drillers with the only RC drill rig
on the market that is truly tailor
made for the job.

Collaborative design
The new rig was designed by Atlas
Copco in conjunction with Metzke
Engineering in Australia. Sheldon Burt,
head of SBD Drilling, describes the
Explorac 220RC reverse circulation rig
as a world class rig that takes reverse
circulation drilling to the next level.
Among the key health and safety
features on the rig are noise suppression
to 82 dB(A) at 7 m distance, a remote
driller’s console, a KL rod handler, SDS
Ausminco fire suppression system, and
high-pressure plumbing mounted under
the deck.
The Explorac 220RC has a full length
underbody hydrocarbons spillage tray
and Euro 3 emissions level rated deck
engine. Explorac 220RC reverse circulation rig mounted on crawler with 50 pipes rack. Exploring for iron ore in
West Africa down to 350-400 meters.
Right equipment
Downhole gear that has been opti- the Explorac 220RC can be positioned
RC is a method known for its advan- mized to match the rig air and hydrau- at any angle from 45 to 90 degrees, and
tageous cost structure, metre rate drilled, lics is important in order to maintain the slips table height can be adjusted up
speed, maintained accuracy and sam- low drilling costs. Fast hydraulics, with to 1m to allow easy access to the drill
pling efficiency. There are several criti- userfriendly controls and hands-free hole collar. In addition, an integrated
cal factors in the design and use of the handling of most downhole gear, means cyclone and sample collection system
Explorac 220RC that combine to make faster rod pulls and less time spent on allows continuous, dust-free sampling
this equipment efficient and profitable other non-productive tasks. The vari- with little or no pause in the drilling
for the RC contractor. able position sliding dumping mast on process.

66 exploration drilling
Reverse circulation drilling in Australia

Performance with safety

Because the Explorac 220RC is designed
specifically for the job, it has quickly
become the mining industry benchmark
unit for safety and performance.
With its high on board air capacity of
519 lit/s at 31 bar (1 100 cfm at 450 psi),
the rig can drill to greater depths than
conventional RC rigs, without the need
for boosters and auxiliary power units.
However, if backup air is required,
it can be made available in the form of
a Hurricane 6T booster rated to more
than 1 133 lit/s at 69 bar (2 400 cfm at
1 000 psi), and an Atlas Copco XRVS
466 auxiliary compressor rated to 453
lit/s at 25 bar (950 cfm at 365 psi).
The onboard Atlas Copco XRX 12
compressor is a new, 30 bar pressure,
two stage rotary screw compressor.
Compact and lightweight, it is ideally
rated for RC drilling and requires low
engine power leading to significant fuel
savings. Multiple connection points
are provided for safe positioning of an
auxiliary compressor and/or booster
compressor. All air lines are steel and
designed for 70 bar (1 015 psi).

Convenient controls
The unique control panel is portable Explorac 220RC reverse circulation rig mounted on truck, RC drilling for gold deposits in Western Australia,
and rugged. It can be positioned up to using 4½ OD RC dual wall pipes.
10 m from the rig, providing unequalled
operator safety and maximum visibility Easy drilling easily removed from the mast without
of the drilling and tool handling proc- disconnecting the feed chains. The fully
esses. The ergonomically designed, The KL rod handler on the Explorac hydraulic breakout table is extremely
adjustable panel gives comfortable and 220RC is a proven and versatile com- versatile. The front opens to 310 mm
precise control over all drilling, rod ponent. It provides hands-free loading, and not only guides the drill string, but
handling, sampling and rig manage- unloading and stacking of drill pipes, also clamps and holds any downhole
ment functions. The integrated display both from the rig and from a rod truck gear or casing when breaking out. A
screen is clearly read in any conditions or from racks that can be positioned hydraulic sliding key/spanner retains
and shows all drilling information, para- anywhere within a 210 degree arc to the drill rods in normal operation, and
meters and warnings. It also monitors the side or rear of the rig. It is operated the hands-free hydraulic wrench per-
and displays all engine, compressor and by remote control, either by the driller forms all breakout functions safely.
hydraulic system information and ser- or off-siders. This hands-free loading,
vice data. Troubleshooting is simplified unloading and stacking of drill pipes Acknowledgements
because the electronic control unit ma- makes the job easier and safer.
nages all functions The Explorac 220RC The rotation head is a proven, robust Atlas Copco is grateful to Metzke
is powered by the latest generation unit that has two high torque variable Engineering and Sheldon Burt for
electronic Caterpillar C18 engine which speed hydraulic motors driving through their assistance with the production
exceeds Euro 3 emission standards. An a single reduction. The integrated above- of this article, a version of which first
intelligent engine management package head RC air and mud swivel is compact, appeared in Atlas Copco Australia
linked with all other systems on the rig reliable and easy to maintain. Adjust- house magazines.
can adjust critical functions to provide ment, alignment and maintenance are
optimum performance, reliability and simplified with a unique mounting sy-
fuel efficiency. stem, which also allows the head to be

exploration drilling 67
Countrywide, Australia

Diamec MCR in Australia

Diamec U6 MCR underground core drilling rig.

Diamec U6 MCR The greater mobility and ease of trans-

Saving time and port makes the rig independent from

effort Key features of the Diamec U6 MCR are other mining production equipment.
safety, strength, and a well-proven solu- The main markets for the MCR rig
The Diamec MCR (Mobile Carrier tion with a high level of engineering. are Australia, Canada and Scandinavia,
Rig) was developed to improve As core drilling is heavy drilling, there plus Chile and Mexico.
rig flexibility and mobility. The is a need for a robust carrier. Also,
first standard product was based
on a Diamec U6 PHC or APC car-
the 1.8 m feed frame enables higher Barminco experience
rier, both of which are well proven productivity. These features particu-
components. The Diamec MCR larly suit the drilling of shorter holes Customers for the Diamec U6 MCR are
has more flexibility, and reaches in underground operations. Ore defini- typically underground contractors and
further in wider angles. Setup and tion drilling, where the rig needs to be in house contractor teams in larger mi-
moving of the rig is much shorter,
moved more often, benefits by a reduc- ning companies.
taking only 25% of the time when
compared to a traditional Diamec tion of one working shift per move. For 20 years, Barminco has been one
rig. As the Diamec MCR moves by A major strength of the Diamec U6 of Australia’s leading underground mi-
itself, the drilling contractor does MCR is that a single manufacturer sup- ning contractors, initially providing ser-
not have to rely on mining ope- plies carrier, boom and drill unit, ma- vices to the mines in Western Australia,
rations equipment for moving the
king aftermarket support much simpler. and latterly expanding to other Australian
unit, and as all components such
as power unit and control unit are Both the Simba 1257 carrier and the states. The contractor has a range of ex-
fixed on the rig, no disassembly is Diamec U6 drill unit are robust, well perience with most underground mining
required. proven components. Computer assist- methods from narrow vein small de-
ance, APC, is available as an option. posits to large scale sub-level caving

68 exploration drilling
Diamec MCR in Australia

operations, and has gained a high re-

gard for safe and efficient performance.
Barminco are using Diamec U6 MCR
models in the Australian underground
operations, and now have three at work
at different sites. They are finding that,
while the drilling rates are comparable
with other rigs, they are achieving the
expected savings in rig moving time.
One major advantage reported by the
company is that, by moving all of the
drilling components as one piece from
site to site, they are seeing a reduction
in heavy manual labour when lifting
gear onto the utility truck or trailer. The
chance of contaminants entering the
hydraulic system is reduced by not ha-
ving to de-hose when moving site, and
there is no need for jacking up the rig
and power pack to fit wheels and tow
bars. By using stingers for short holes,
pinning of the rig base and the faceplate
is also reduced.
Safety advantages include a reduced
need to work at height when pinning
the rig on up-holes, and a reduction in
the trip hazards in the vicinity of the
drill rig. The moving time of the drill
rig has reduced greatly, creating more
drilling time and increasing drilling

The Diamec U6 MCR is aimed at the
main exploration markets in Australia,
Canada, USA, and Scandinavia. Secon-
dary markets are in South America.
All of these regions have mines where
ore definition drilling is a necessity,
and where the MCR can reduce costs
by increased availability to drill. The
robust carrier and drill unit are de-
signed for mobility and heavy usage in
the underground situation.

Atlas Copco is grateful to David Miitel,
General Manager Diamond Drilling
with Barminco Limited, for his inputs
and assistance with reviewing this

The Diamec MCR in operation in Wiluna Mine, in Western Australia.

exploration drilling 69
Goias, Brazil

Reverse circulation technology

wins in Brazil
Complex task
The prolonged run of high prices
for nickel and its by-produc t
cobalt on the London Metal Ex-
change (LME) has sparked a world-
wide revolution in the nickel
sector. New mining projects are
being started, and existing ope-
rations expanded, to supply heavy
demands from emerging markets
such as China and India. In Brazil,
the portfolio of nickel-related pro-
jects is valued at US$4 billion and
will add more than 240 000 t/y of
the metal to the existing produc-
tion of 37 000 t/y as concentrate,
metallic, matte and Fe-Ni alloys.
To identify and define new reser-
ves, and then to extract the nickel
ore, is a complex task for which
the start point is generally an ex-
ploration drilling project. Reverse
circulation (RC) drilling using Atlas
Copco Explorac R50 technology
has been introduced at Votorantim
Metais to speed things up.

Changing times
Until two years ago, exploration for non-
ferrous metal in Brazil was carried out The team members of V Metais standing in front of the Explorac R50 Reverse circulation rig.
by conventional diamond core drilling,
following Canadian models which have Motivated by the continuing high inter- unit, producer of nickel carbonate, which
been adopted as the parameter by virtu- national demand for nickel and its deri- is the main input for production of me-
ally all Brazilian mines, irrespective of vatives, VMetais has decided to increase tallic nickel in São Miguel Paulista.
the ore being prospected. capacity with a new project for Fe-Ni The new reserve is distributed along
The times, however, are changing and alloy production. This is being built along- the dunitic unit of the mafic-ultramafic
new technologies are being introduced. side the existing mine and processing complex of Niquelândia, occurring
In the case of nickel ore exploration, plant in Niquelândia, to produce 10 600 t/y along a strike of 20 km in the NNE-
conventional core drilling is giving way of contained nickel by the pyrometallurgi- SSW direction. It is of the saprolitic
to reverse circulation (RC), mainly due cal process, or 42 400 t/y of Fe-Ni alloy. type, with an average thickness of 5 m,
to the excellent results obtained with The latter is widely employed in stainless and contains total resources of up to 35
this method by Australian miners. steel production, where annual world million t with a content of 1.3% nickel.
The prime example of this change demand is growing by 4% to 6%. Rotary core drilling was employed
of methods is at Votorantim Metais as the sole method when dimensioning
(VMetais), the biggest local producer New reserves the original mineral bed to be exploited
of metallic nickel in South America. in Niquelândia for the Caron process.
Since 1957, the company has ex- To support this new industrial project, However, the volume of drilling required
ploited the nickel ore in the district of the company needed to identify and to for the new reserve warranted a faster
Niquelândia, Goiás State, and processes measure a new reserve of nickel ore. system, so RC drilling was introduced
it to the metallic product in the district The new mine is located alongside the by VMetais to supplement their core
of São Miguel Paulista, São Paulo State. mineral bed being mined by the Caron drilling effort.

70 exploration drilling
Reverse circulation technology wins in Brazil

Defining resources This proved to be the most important

function of the low productivity of the
To identify the new ore body for the core drills. Using RC drilling with the
Fe-Ni project, some 38 000 m of core Explorac R50, production delays were
drilling on a pattern of 62 m x 50 m was minimized, and dimensioning of the
undertaken between 2004 and 2007. mineral reserves for the Fe-Ni project
Detailed research was initiated in 2007 was spee ded up.
with a pattern of 25 m x 31 m to define
the resources of the ore body in the cate- Comparative testing
gory of “measured reserves”. To meet
the target, approximately 13 000 m were Tests were initiated in August, 2007
drilled by diamond core drilling, and and, after a comparison of the results
8 000 m performed by reverse circu- from the chemical analyses involving
lation process using rotary percussive the two drilling methods, RC was quickly
equipment. integrated into the company plans.
In 2008, diamond core drilling was The comparative test involved drill-
abandoned in favour of the RC method, ing of a hole with the Explorac R50 at
and a total of 18 000 m of exploration a 2 m distance from an existing core
drilling was undertaken using the new drilled hole.
method. The speed and mobility of the rig
Significantly, the company decided was monitored in steep and wet terrain,
that all future exploration drilling will along with the volume of recovered sam-
use the rotary percussive method with ples and their chemical analyses. The
reverse circulation, because of the bet- Explorac R50 moved very well over dif-
ter overall quality of the job, improved fering terrain, was faster, and presented
high recovery. The rig returned above Rod handling.
drilling speed, easier transportation flexi-
bility of the equipment and its opera- 90% of each drilled metre, whether
tion, and higher quality of the samples drilling through loose material or solid a tractor to allow the operation of the
obtained. rock. drill, and this makes the machine’s mo-
For 2009, VMetais plans to continue The chemical results were very simi- bilization more difficult. Even so, the
using RC drilling to define the resources lar to those obtained by rotary diamond Explorac R50 produces five times more
in the ore body. drilling, and the drilling speed in dry than the conventional method.
material was superior. In 2007, some After comprehensive comparisons
High mobility 18 conventional rigs were needed to between core drilling and RC, the com-
achieve 13 000 m of drilling, while the pany now employs the RC method using
The RC drilling method was first uti- two RC rigs drilled 8 000 m. equipment supplied by Atlas Copco in
lized by VMetais in another nickel ore The result of the chemical analyses all three lateritic nickel projects: Montes
project, Montes Claros in Goiás State. varied only at the ore to waste rock tran- Claros; Fe-Ni; and the existing Caron.
Because the rate of rotary diamond core sitions, where study of the lithologic VMetais are well satisfied with the
drilling could not keep up with the re- contact was better than metre-by-metre drilling system and its productivity, and
quired schedule at Niquelândia, an Atlas sampling. However, this does not affect appreciate the support given by Atlas
Copco Explorac R50 was introduced. the final result, so is inconsequential in Copco, which, they say, is always very
This was the first such unit to arrive in this situation. rapid, of optimum quality, and with pro-
Brazil, and was used as a test bed to blems promptly attended to and solu-
establish the recovery and quality of Shallow holes tions found. The Atlas Copco technical
samples using RC drilling. The holes team has made many visits following
in the exploration area were shallow, Due to the fact the holes are very shallow, startup of the Explorac R50 to help with
and ideally suited to the mobility of the some only 8 m deep, with diameters maintenance and to advise on operation
Explorac R50, because the rig needed from 5 in to 5.125 in, RC production is of the drilling system.
to move many times each day. Because as much as 10 times that of the conven-
the rig is equipped with crawlers, it can tional method, in plain and dry areas. Acknowledgements
move easily in the difficult terrain of In reality, VMetais drills up to 150 m/
the drilling sites in Niquelândia. day of shallow holes that are close to Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage-
By comparison, the diamond core each other, compared to a maximum of ment at VMetais for their inputs to this
drill must be disassembled for transport 45 m/day obtained by the rotary diamond article and for permission to publish.
and reassembled at each new work- core drilling system, or 10 to 15 m/shift.
place, or at least be towed by a tractor In more steep topographies, it is ne-
on an improvized skid or crawler track. cessary to have a compressor towed by

exploration drilling 71
Manitoba, Canada

Thin wall core barrels improve

Lighter means faster
Vale Inco’s ore body exploration
in the T-1 shaft at its Thompson
minesite in Manitoba, Canada is a
situation where Atlas Copco has
been quick to respond to the cus-
tomer’s need for innovative prod-
ucts and after market services for
exploration in extreme condi-
tions. To satisfy the rigorous de-
mands of this project, Atlas Copco
supplied a capital, consumable,
and total care solution. Highly pro-
ductive double tube thin wall core
barrels with light weight wireline
drill rods, complemented by high
performance diamond bits, were
chosen to optimize the mobility
and ergonomics of the Diamec U6
core drilling rig design features and
realize the full productivity effi-
ciencies of the complete package.

Unique challenges Drilling with BOTW Thin wall core barrels in underground application.

Developed in 1957, and located in the

mine, including older areas with space- drain the water and get the overshot
Canadian province of Manitoba, the
Thompson T-1 shaft first began produc- restricted access and different electrical off. With the Diamec U6, a helper is
tion in 1959 and to date has produced requirements. It needed to be portable not required and, because it is an inte-
more than 70.7 million metric tons of ore, enough to be moved from station to sta- grated unit, it is much faster to move
for a total of 1.95 million kg of nickel. It tion, narrow enough to fit in the cage, around to different set-ups. The mine is
is currently at a depth of 1 341 m. and safe enough for one-man operation. also impressed with the drill’s design,
Exploration is now being conducted mechanical availability and durability,
at the 2800 ft level (850 m), where unique Diamec U6 noting improvements over what they
challenges had Vale Inco’s Manitoba have used in the past.
Operations seeking innovative and effi- The compact design and flexible posi- Vale Inco Manitoba Operations is
cient solutions. They needed to commis- tioner allows a single operator, working using exclusively Atlas Copco ITH pro-
sion a new drill for the exploration pro- alone, to set the feed frame in any verti- ducts for this project, and Atlas Copco
ject and, based on past experience, their cal position from +90 to -90 degrees impregnated diamond core bits.
first call was to the Atlas Copco office without moving the wireline hoist. In
in the provincial capital of Winnipeg. addition, the turntable option enables “I’m very pleased with both
Until this point, they had been using the drill to quickly be positioned in the the ease of use, manoeuvrability
a skid-mounted Diamec 252 core drill- horizontal plane. and overall production.
ing rig, which had given consistently The improved control panel on the I would absolutely recommend
good performance. However, moving Diamec U6 enables full control over this unit to my drilling
the rig to different drilling locations drilling, giving the driller more time colleagues”.
in a single operator environment made for emptying core barrels and preparing
it an impractical proposition. In addi- equipment. Most drills run as a two-man Gerald Carrier
tion, Vale Inco needed a rig that would operation because, at a 850 m hole D1 Diamond Driller
work on multiple levels in the same depth (2789') it is hard to hold the tube, and Supervisor

72 exploration drilling
Exploration package solution improves productivity in Manitoba

Thin wall
The project is taking full advantage
of the AOTW and BOTW double tube
thin wall core barrel designs.
Thin wall systems are built around
speciality application tubing having
thinner cross sections, which translates
into lighter weight drill rods and thinner
diamond bits. For drill rods, the weight
reduction is a benefit for Vale Inco ope-
rators, and effectively extends the depth
capacity of their drill. Complementary
diamond bits, having to cut less rock
surface area, require less feed force and
yield higher penetration rates.
Ruggedly built by design, thin wall
core barrels are used in all borehole
orientations at Vale Inco, and are often
extended to increase the total amount
of productive drilling time by reducing
tripping of the tools in deeper holes.
Vale Inco extract a more represen-
tative sample volume and increase mea-
surable core recovery with a larger dia-
meter core sample, without any increase
to nominal borehole diameter. Some
calculated trial and error is employed
when finding the perfect combination
of In-The-Hole tools for this type of
underground project. Atlas Copco staff
are experts on what the bits and core
barrels have been designed for, sup-
plying a range of products, testing them
with the operator, checking the ope-
rating parameters against productivity
and figuring out which product combi-
nations work best under each specific

“We’re averaging between 24 Diamec U6 core drilling rig using a Thin wall drilling package.
and 37 meters (80 to 100 feet) per
shift. These are a little larger the full Atlas Copco line of exploration maintenance and technical services are
barrel, ( core diameter ) but products and services, from the drill- performed. Atlas Copco and Vale Inco
they’re a lot more durable for ing rig to the bit, and all the tools in are taking their relationship to the next
the conditions and depths between. The Winnipeg location makes level by working together to develop
we’re dealing with here.” getting tools, parts and service to the an in-house drilling programme at the
operator much more streamlined. Thompson mine.
Bradley Woytkiw Atlas Copco uses their Net Promoter
Driller Score (NPS), a customer-centric feed- Acknowledgements
back survey, which assists them in
Customer communication product development and actively trig- Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage-
gers improved service and communi- ment of Vale Inco, Canada and Bradley
The commitment to superior productivity cation with customers such as Vale Inco. Woytkiw, driller and Gerald Carrier,
through dependable and innovative The NPS survey involves the entire D1 diamond driller and supervisor, for
quality In-The-Hole products is a two Atlas Copco organization and considers their contributions to this article and
way street. Like many other end users, transactional surveys, such as when permission to publish.
Vale Inco Manitoba Operations uses drills are delivered and when on-site

exploration drilling 73
Quebec, Canada

Groundbreaking technology
in the Valley of Gold

Forage Mercier crew at Val D’Or.

Cadillac fault Major investment explore at any significant depth along

the Cadillac fault has been tested again
During the early part of the 20th The Cadillac fault is a major structural and again, but with limited success.
century, major discoveries in pre- feature of the geology of the area, cove-
cious metals were made in the
Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of
ring a stretch of ground approximately Uncommon ground
400 km-long and 5 km-wide. It is a
Québec. These included copper- break in the earth’s crust that extends
gold at Rouyn-Noranda in 1922 While core drilling technology has ad-
from Timmins in the west to Val D’Or
and gold at Val D’Or in 1925. vanced steadily since the 19th century,
Subsequently, many mines were
in the east, formed when the Canadian there are still several basic, limiting
developed in ore bodies disco- Shield broke over 3 billion years ago.
factors that will determine the depth
vered near these communities, During the upthrust, magma, or molten
to which a borehole can be drilled.
all of them located along what is rock, rose and solidified within the
known as the Cadillac fault, part fracture. The magma carried with it Drilling to depths of 1 200 m to 1 800 m
of the upthrust that created the precious metals such as gold and silver, is common where the ground is mainly
Canadian Shield billions of years as well as copper and zinc. hard rock. In Val D’Or and other regions
ago. However, exploration drill- Because of its economic impor- along the Fault, geological challenges
ing conditions have always been demand not only superior product tech-
difficult, testing contractors and
tance, some 80% of all the investments
equipment to the limit. The intro- in Quebec’s mineral exploration and nology and performance, but also sup-
duction by Atlas Copco of its BT ore deposit development are currently erior contractor competence. Drilling
rods, with a rated depth capacity made in the Abitibi-Temiscamingue contractors have to put their skills and
of 2 600 m, has produced a mar- and Nord-du-Quebec regions, directly experience to the test on every hole.
ked improvement in results. Jean-Claude Gendron, Vice-President
along the fault. Since the first disco-
very of gold in the 1920s, the ability to of Operations for Forage Mercier Inc., a

74 exploration drilling
Groundbreaking technology in the Valley of Gold

company specializing in surface explo-

ration diamond drilling in Val D’Or, has
been doing mineral exploration along
the Cadillac fault for over 43 years.
He is involved in gold exploration
for a Val D’Or-based client where the
prospect straddles the fault, and has
presented his team with unique geo-
logical challenges. They are drilling
through layers of abrasive ground, sand,
mud, and very hard and broken rock
in which, to maintain the integrity of
each hole, considerable cementing and
wedging is required.
The entire procedure involved in
positioning a wedge in a drill hole to
achieve a required deviation can often
take up to two shifts.
This is due primarily to the fact that
there is a wait of at least eight hours
between grouting to allow for drying.
Once the wedge is placed and the
deviation of the hole has been achieved,
the corebarrel is re-inserted on the drill
string and normal drilling resumes.
In the event additional deviation is
required, another wedge is installed after
60 m and the process is repeated. It is From the left to the right: Jean-Claude Gendron, Vice-President, Forage Mercier and Christian Bergeron,
a time-consuming process and can be Sales representative, Atlas Copco.
hard on the drilling rigs and in-the-hole
tools. ten times, plus a couple of wedges. threads shifting the rods off angle.
This would have been very hard on However, this is no longer the case, so
Tougher threads the threads prior to the change, but not they feel this is really a superior pro-
with BT rods. As a result, the company duct across the board. Forage Mercier
In April, 2008, on the recommendation now spends more time drilling with has been relying on Atlas Copco in-
of his representative from Atlas Copco, the string, and less time pulling and the-hole tools, including drill rods and
Gendron replaced the BO drill rods he replacing rods. Furthermore the Tuff diamond bits, for over 20 years, during
had been using with BT rods, which are Rod allowed the Forage Mercier team which time Gendron and his team have
exclusive to Atlas Copco. He reports to reach a record depth of 2 378 m, or developed a strong relationship with the
that the new rods work very well in the 7 800 ft, exceeding their expectations staff at the Atlas Copco office in Val
broken ground, where previously the not only for depth, but also for overall D’Or.
O-threads were experiencing a lot of integrity and life of the rod threads. When Atlas Copco technical per-
strain. Gendron says the BT threads sonnel visit the job sites they work
are tougher, and allow more torque to Straighter holes with the drillers, giving them the infor-
be used without danger of damage or mation to solve specific problems.
galling, all of which is important for the More than depth, the goal of this project Forage Mercier observes that the reso-
drillers and conditions at the Cadillac is to drill a straighter hole. The Forage lution of the difficulties with the rods
fault. Mercier team is using an upgraded at Cadillac fault is typical of the way in
Wearing metal against metal in abra- Atlas Copco B15 drilling rig, which, which Atlas Copco supports its clients,
sive cemented and wedged ground is along with the BT rods, has given them as part of their own project team.
known to be extremely hard on the rod excellent results in the field. Because
joints and overall rod life expectancy, of the stronger threads, operators have Acknowledgements
commonly reducing the life of the rod noted that the drill string doesn’t bend
string by about 20%, meaning replace- at the joints due to worn threads. Atlas Copco would like to thank Forage
ments can be required every 16 000 m, The standard setup is for drilling at Mercier, and in particular Jean-Claude
or 50 000 ft. At one location, the 85 to 87 degrees, which is fairly steep. Gendron, for their assistance with this
drillers went through some very bad Normally, readjustment would be re- article and permission to publish.
ground and had to cement more than quired frequently because of worn

exploration drilling 75
Ancash, Peru

Christensen CS3001 works

well in extreme conditions

Discussions about the performance and design of a Christensen CS3001 surface core drilling rig at 4800 m above sea level.

Location of the project drilling rigs engaged on the project is

Problems and 16, three of these are Christensen 3001

challenges The Hilarion project is located 50 km core drilling rigs.

south of Antamina, the world class Cu-Zn
When long-standing Atlas Copco reserve, and 13 km south of Mitsui’s Christensen CS3001
customer Lucho Rodriguez from
Geotec in Peru needed to get
Huanzalá mine, in the department of selection
Ancash, Perú. The prospecting licence
big drilling performance on his area covers some 8 512 hectares of a The Christensen CS3001 was chosen
Hilarion contrac t in the high
Andes, the choice was easy. The
skarn type polymetallic reserve of Zn- for this project mainly due to the ca-
Christensen CS3001 surface core Ag-Pb. The local climate suffers extreme pacity of the equipment and the good
drilling rig has the mobility, the weather conditions due to 4 200-5 000 m results obtained in similar campaigns
drilling capacity, and the power altitude and temperatures as low as where deep drill holes of 1 000 m in
to operate under extreme condi- -15 degrees C. The campaign deman- NQ were required at up to 45 degrees
tions of altitude and weather, ded 85 000 drilled metres to 1 000 m inclination.
with only minor modifications.
depth using NQ pipe in limestone with The threading and unthreading ope-
presence of silica. The total number of rations on the Christensen CS3001 were

76 exploration drilling
Christensen CS3001 works well in extreme conditions

known to be much safer and more effi-

cient in similar long hole drilling pro-
jects, where the previously accepted
risks of accidents and breakdown were
replaced by safety and speed.
The drilling rate achieved by the
Christensen CS3001 at Hilarion is 3.5 m/
hour at 87% availability. Two shifts
every day are spent on drilling ope-
rations, requiring one driller and two
helpers. One shift/day comprising three
mechanics and two foremen is spent on
maintenance of the fleet of rigs.
Some problems were experienced
initially with the Christensen CS3001
drill head when water and mud entered
the unit, contaminating the oil. These
were resolved by replacing the excluder
seal on top of the head by two oil seals.

Christensen CS3001 One of the three Christensen CS3001 surface core drilling rigs at the Hilarion project runned by Geotec.
The Christensen CS3001 is a field pro-
ven concept that has become exceedingly
popular amongst contractors looking
for a tough medium- to deep-hole ex-
ploration drilling rig. Rated at a drilling
capacity of 1 830 m, this truck mounted
model features a hydraulic slide mounted
control panel with all drilling and engine
controls in one location. This provides
fingertip control of all functions and
facilitates a good view of the worksite
and, in particular, improved visibility
of main and wireline hoists. As this type
of drilling rig may find its way into high
terrain, the Christensen CS3001 is
equipped with a high altitude kit to
ensure operation in situations where the
air is much thinner than normal. The
rig’s main features are a Cummins 6 The worksite is located at extreme altitudes in the Andes.
CTA 8.3L turbocharged aftercooled
diesel engine, and a drillhead with P size
117 mm spindle, maximum 1 300 rev/min,
maximum torque 4 800 Nm, and four-
speed transmission. The main hoist
capacity is 133 kN, and lift capacity of
the feed is 155 kN. Feed length is 3.35
m, and rod pull length is 6 m.

We thank Lucho Rodriguez, Service
Manager at Geotec in Peru for his con-
tributions to this article and permission
to publish.
Maintenance and service talks between Lucho Rodriguez and members of the drill crew.

exploration drilling 77
Core drilling rigs

Diamec 232

Diamec 232 is an all-hydraulic drilling rig, ideal for coring Features

in narrow tunnels or galleries as well as in other cramped • All hydraulic operation
spaces underground and for grout hole drilling. The rig is • Mechanized rod handling
equally efficient for surface drilling operations. • Hinge mounted rod holder and rotation unit
• Low weight and compact design for easy to move
Compact design and light weight, makes the Diamec 232 around
easy and fast to set-up for c drilling. This in turn offers • Impressive rod running speed
quicker moves between drill sites, without disturbing • Variable hydraulic motor on rotation unit for step less
normal production routines in the mine, or grouting regulation of spindle speed keeping max. power output
sequences in dam galleries.

The Diamec 232 is also aluminium-free for use in coal Main optional equipment
mines. Combined with a special designed power unit, • Electric or diesel driven power unit with a basic design
this machine can be used with HFC (water/glycol) flame- and with a double hydraulic pump set-up for optimal
proof liquids in the hydraulic circuit, thereby complying operation
with another statutory requirement in underground coal • Column mounting

Main specifications Diamec 232

Basic data 230
Max depth 120 m (A) 400 ft (A) 500
Diameter 50 mm 2"
Max speed 2 200 rpm
Max torque 250 Nm 180 lbf ft
Feed force 20 kN 4 500 lbf


Feed length 850 mm 33 1/2"


Flush pump Trido 45
Power unit* PU 20E or PU 20D
* Electric (E) or diesel (D)


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78 exploration drilling
Core drilling rigs

Diamec U4

Diamec U4 is a compact and powerful core drilling rig for Features

its size and easy to set up. Ideal for both underground and • A versatile, easy-to-use positioner, for setting up the
surface drilling, it can be equipped with a long or short rig -90 to + 90
feed frame and wire line equipment. The push-equals-pull • Robust feed frame with a telescopic feed cylinder
feed cylinder also allows for maximum capacity uphole • Equal pull and push capacity, for optimal underground
and downhole exploration drilling. Diamec U4 is ideal for drilling
both conventional and wire line drilling. • All new rod holder with the latest gas spring technology
• State-of-the-art hydraulic system
There is also a wide choice of equipment available for the • Turn table mounted on skid for easy to set up in
Diamec U4, including two feed frames, two rotation units, horizontal plan
two chassis models and two types of control systems. • Impressive rod running speed

In combination with the optional control system, APC

the Diamec U4 is the most modern, user-friendly and
Main optional equipment
• Two options for control system: PHC – Pilot Hydraulic
productive core drilling rig in it's size available on the
Control and APC – Automatic Performance Control
market today.
• WL hoist (500 m) mounted on the positioner arm
• Electric or diesel driven power unit with a basic design
and with a double hydraulic pump set-up for optimal

Main specifications Diamec U4

Basic data 5
Max depth 500 m (A) 1 650 ft (A) 0

Diameter 78 mm 3 1/16"
Max speed* 1 800 rpm
Max torque* 660 Nm 490 lbf ft
Feed force 52 kN 11 700 lbf

Feed length 850 mm or 1 800 mm 33 1/2" or 70"

Flush pump Trido 80
Power unit** PU 45E or PU 40DT
* Also available as high torque ** Electric (E) or diesel (D)



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exploration drilling 79
Core drilling rigs

Diamec U6 and U6DH

Diamec U6 and Diamec U6 Deep hole (DH) core drilling Features

rigs are truly flexible exploration core drilling rigs. • A versatile, easy-to-use positioner, for setting up the rig
-90 to + 90
They are both at home in underground and surface • Robust feed frame with a telescopic feed cylinder
exploration. There’s also a wide choice of equipment • Equal pull and push capacity, for optimal underground
available, including two feed frames, four rotation units, drilling
two chassis models and two types of control systems. • All new rod holder with the latest gas spring technology
This powerful and compact rig has become very popular • State-of-the-art hydraulic system
amongst those wanting to drill deep and large holes. • Turn table mounted on skid for easy to set up in
The unique positioner allows you to move the feed horizontal plan
frame through 180°. • WL hoist (1 300 m) mounted on the positioner arm
• Impressive rod running speed

Main optional equipment

• Two options for control system: PHC – Pilot Hydraulic
Control and APC – Automatic Performance Control
• Electric or diesel driven power unit with a basic design
and with a double hydraulic pump set-up for optimal
• Feed extention for optimal surface operation

Main specifications Diamec U6 and U6DH

Basic data U6 U6DH

Max depth 1 000 m (A) 3 300 ft (A) 1 000 m (B) 3 300 ft (B)
Diameter 78 mm 3 1/16" 100 mm 4"

Max speed* 1 800 rpm 1 400 rpm

Max torque* 700 Nm 515 lbf ft 1 375 Nm 1 020 lbf ft
Feed force 65 kN 14 600 lbf 89 kN 20 000 lbf
Feed length 850 mm or 33 1/2" or 1 800 mm 70" 29
1 800 mm 70"
Modules U6 U6DH
Flush pump Trido 80 Trido 140
Power unit** PU 55E or PU 100DT PU 75E or PU 100DT
* Also available as high torque ** Electric (E) or diesel (DT)

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80 exploration drilling
Core drilling rigs

Diamec U8

Diamec U8 is a true deep hole core drilling rig. It’s quite Features
simply the most powerful exploration rig for its size on the
• Robust feed frame with a telescopic feed cylinder
market today. At home both above and below ground.
• Equal pull and push capacity, for optimal underground
Often operating for weeks working the same bore hole,
• All new rod holder with the latest gas spring technology
it’s imperative that the rig keeps running efficiently.
• State-of-the-art hydraulic system
Ergonomics and safety are also a consideration in the
design, providing for safe and comfortable operation • Impressive rod running speed
and improved rod handling.
Main optional equipment
As a trend in the exploration segment, to drill deeper, • Available in two different versions; Underground
the Diamec U8 is and will be an important rig to meet version (compact, and with a WL-hoist (1 300 m) and
the needs both underground and on surface. With user- Surface version (long mast extension to handle 6 m
friendliness and safety as highest priority the Diamec U8 rods, WL-hoist with high capacity (2 000m)
will be a state of the art rig for many years to come. • Two options for control system: PHC – Pilot Hydraulic
Control and APC – Automatic Performance Control
• Electric or diesel driven power unit with a basic design
and with a triple hydraulic pump set-up for optimal

Main specifications Diamec U8

Basic data

Max depth 2 000 m (B) 6 600 ft (B)


Diameter 100 mm 4"

Max speed 1 200 rpm
Max torque 2 300 Nm 1 630 lbf ft

Feed force 133 kN 29 000 lbf

Feed length 1 800 mm 70"

Flush pump Trido 140


Power unit* PU 110E or PU 160DT

* Electric (E) or diesel (DT)


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exploration drilling 81
Core drilling rigs

Diamec U6 MCR

The Diamec Mobile Carrier Rig (MCR) combines the best Features
of two worlds: the high productivity and accuracy in core
• Robust feed frame with a telescopic feed cylinder
drilling of a Diamec core drilling rig, with the robustness
• Equal pull and push capacity, for optimal underground
and mobility of a Simba carrier! This combination pro-
vides the exploration driller with unmatched productivity
• WL hoist (1 300 m) mounted on the boom arm
in underground mining
• For drilling an electric driven power unit is used with a
double hydraulic pump set-up for optimal operation.
The Diamec MCR™ is completely self sufficient and can • Everything needed for optimal core drilling installed on
swiftly move from one drill spot to another. The time the carrier (drill unit, hydraulic power pack, water
saving can be more than 50% depending on distance etc! pump, power cable etc)
Less people and equipment needs to be involved, and • Flexible boom system for variety of drill angles
the entire core drilling equipment is moved in one piece. • Self-sufficient and gives a safe transport between drill
Setting up for next drill hole is done within minutes. Less locations
setting up time of course means higher productivity. This
is also the case for the Diamec U6 MCR, the idea is that
when moving – move it fast, when drilling – drill fast! Main optional equipment
• Two options for control system: PHC – Pilot Hydraulic
Control and APC – Automatic Performance Control
• Support jacks

Main specifications Diamec MCR

Basic data
Max depth 1 000 m (A) 3 300 ft (A)
Diameter 78 mm 3 1/16" 8700-11000
Max speed 1 800 rpm
Max torque 700 Nm 515 lbf ft
Feed force 65 kN 14 600 lbf
Feed length 1 800 mm 70"

Flush pump Trido 80

Electric power unit PU 75E (To be used when drilling)


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82 exploration drilling
Core drilling rigs

Christensen CS10

Christensen CS10 is the smallest core drilling rig in Features

the range. Sharing many of the components with • Hydraulic P-size rod holder
Christensen CS14, this trailer-mounted drilling rig has
• Mast in three sections
a robust long mast that is split-able into three sections.
Even though it is a small drill it is equipped with all • Hydraulic mast raise
the common standard safety and operation features • Wear lines on lower mast
a modern drill rig should have such as making and • Safety guards
breaking including thread compensation. • Large crown sheave wheel
• 4 hydraulic levelling jacks
With a drill capacity of 800 m (NO), this flexible drilling • Making and breaking including hydraulic tread
rig can pull a 6 m core barrel without disconnection the compensation
over shot. CS10 is a small yet highly productive core • High quality fuel filters and water separator
drilling perfect when small to medium depth capacity
is needed. Main Optional equipment
• Water/mud pump, Trido 140
• Water flow and RPM meter kit
• High altitude version
(for operations higher than 3 000 above sea level)
• Hydraulic mud mixer

Main specifications CS10

Basic data
Depth capacity (NO) 800 m 2 625 ft
Drill rod size, wire line B-P
Main hoist 53.5 kN 12 000 lb
Lift capacity, feed 90 kN 20 200 lb
Feed length 1.83 m 6 ft

Rod pull length 6m 20 ft

Engine (up to 3000m a.s.l.) Cummins QSB4.5, 4 cyl Tier III
Engine power at 1800 rpm 111 kW 148 hp
Weight (including Trido 140) 5 000 kg 10 200 lb


Width = 2200

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exploration drilling 83
Core drilling rigs

Christensen CS14

Christensen CS14 represents one of the most flexible Features

drilling rig sizes in the Christensen range with a drilling • Hydraulic mast dump
capacity of 1200 m. With its relatively small dimensions • Foldable mast in two sections
and the built in power and safety this rigs is capable of
• Large crown sheave wheel
taking on the vast majority of core drill projects.
• Hydraulic mast dump
• 4 hydraulic levelling jacks
Christensen CS14 is a trailer mounted medium sized
• Wear lines on lower mast
core drill rig for surface exploration applications. CS14
is built on the well proven Christensen concept meaning • Safety guards
easy operation, simple technology, high capacity and • Making and breaking including hydraulic tread
reliable performance. In addition the rig is equipped with compensation
many features that ensure easy, safe and high productive • Hydraulic P-size rod holder
operation. This model is operation in all markets around • Towing package
the world, why it is safe to say that this is the work horse • High quality fuel filters and water separator
of the Christensen range.
Main Optional equipment
• Water/mud pump, Trido 140
• Water flow and RPM meter kit
• High altitude version (for operations higher
than 3000 above sea level)
• Hydraulic mud mixer

Main specifications CS14

Basic data
Depth capacity (NO) 1 200 m 4 042 ft
Drill rod size, wire line B-P
Main hoist 80 kN 18 000 lb
Lift capacity, feed 138 kN 31 020 lb
Feed length 3.5 m 11.5 ft

Rod pull length 6m 20 ft

Engine Cummins QSB6.7, 6 cyl Tier III
Engine power at 1800 rpm 153 kW 208 hp
Weight 7 000 kg 15 430 lb

Width = 2200

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84 exploration drilling
Core drilling rigs

Christensen CT14

CT14 is the smallest truck-mounted drilling rig, has all Features

the equipment required mounted onto the rig chassis. • Hydraulic mast dump
A truck mounted rig offers great flexibility, capable of
• Making and breaking including hydraulic tread
accessing terrain as well as offering easy transportation compensation
between different drill areas. The large platform provides
• Large crown sheave wheel
a very stable drill set up.
• Hydraulic oil reservoir with fill pump and filtration
• Mast lightening kit
The Christensen CT14 is a powerful, safe and ergonomic
• Rod kicker hydraulically operated
surface core drilling rig. With its depth capacity of 1200
• Water flow and RPM meter kit
m (NO) this rig will suit the majority of core drill projects.
With the extendable control panel the driller can get a • Hydraulic mast raise
good view of the drill operation regardless of drill angle. • Extendable control panel (for drilling angle holes)
The main control panel offers the driller access to all drill • 4 hydraulic levelling jacks
controls, placed in a logical grouping in order for the • Wear lines on lower mast
driller to have full attention to the drill operation/helper. • High quality fuel filters and water separator
• Water/mud pump, Trido 140

Main Optional equipment

• High altitude version
(for operations higher than 3000 above sea level)
• Rod rack including ladder and helpers platform

Main specifications CT14

Basic data
Depth capacity (NO) 1 200 m 4 042 ft
Drill rod size, wire line B-P
Main hoist 80 kN 18 000 lb
Lift capacity, feed 138 kN 31 020 lb
Feed length 3.5 m 11.5 ft

Rod pull length 6m 20 ft

Engine Cummins QSB6.7, 6 cyl Tier III
Engine power at 1800 rpm 153 kW 208 hp
Weight 9 000 kg 19 840 lb CHRISTENSEN CT14

Width = 2280
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exploration drilling 85
Core drilling rigs

Christensen CS3001

The Christensen CS3001 is a field-proven concept that Features

has become exceedingly popular amongst contractors • Making and breaking including hydraulic tread
looking for a tough medium to deep hole exploration compensation
drilling rig. Rated at a drilling capacity of 1830 m, this
• Four hydraulic jacks 610 mm (24 in) stroke
truck-mounted model features a hydraulic slide mounted
control panel. This facilitates a good view of the worksite • Hydraulic P-size holding clamp
and full control of the operation. • Control panel hydraulic slide
• High altitude version
As this type of drilling rig may find its way into high (for operations higher than 3000 above sea level)
terrain, the Christensen CS3001 is equipped with a high • Hydraulic mud mixer
altitude kit to ensures smooth operation up to 5000 m • Fuel tank 950 l (250 gal)
(16 400 ft) above sea level. The truck mount offers great • Hydraulic swing out of the rotation unit
mobility, both when transporting the rig and while going • Rod centralizer
from hole to hole at the drill site. The current version • Water/mud pump, Trido 140
of CS3001 is the third why it is safe to say that a lot of
drilling experience has been designed in to the current
Main Optional equipment
model. All models have achieved great results even
• Rod rack and helpers platform
where the drilling conditions have been really difficult –
the CS3001 will get the job done. • Rod spinner tool
• Rope tentioner

Main specifications CS3001

Basic data
Depth capacity (NO) 1 830 m 6 000 ft
Drill rod size, wire line B-P
Main hoist 133 kN 30 000 lb
Lift capacity, feed 155 kN 35 000 lb
Feed length 3.35 m 11 ft

Rod pull length 6m 20 ft

Engine Cummins QSC8.3, 6 cyl Tier III
Engine power at 2000 rpm 212 kW 285 hp
Weight 12 810 kg 28 240 lb

Width = 2438
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86 exploration drilling
Core drilling rigs

Christensen CS4002

This truck-mounted drilling rig is the most powerful Features

Christensen unit ever built, capable of drill down to 2450 m • Making and breaking including hydraulic tread
(NO). This rig is a stronger version of the well proven compensation
CS3001 incorporating all the design features of that rig.
• Four hydraulic jacks 610 mm (24 in) stroke
A foldable mast extension is available as an option, then
offering a 9 m (30 ft) rod pull capacity. Together with the • Hydraulic P-size holding clamp
rod rack this offers excellent productivity when rod trip- • Control panel hydraulic slide
ping in deep hole drilling. • Hydraulic slide on the rotation unit
• Rod centraliser
Having inherited all the design features of the very well • High altitude version
proven CS3001 the strongest Christensen rig will offer (for operations higher than 3000 above sea level)
unsurpassed productivity for really deep applications. • Hydraulic mud mixer
The well proven design also leads to minimizing down • Fuel tank 950 l (250 gal)
time as well as keeping the maintenance cost to a • Water/mud pump, Trido 140
Main Optional equipment
• Folding mast extension for 9.1 M (30 ft) pull
• Rod rack and helper’s platform for 9.1 m pull mast
• Rod spinner tool
• Rope tentioner

Main specifications CS4002

Basic data
Depth capacity (NO) 2 450 m 8 030 ft
Drill rod size, wire line B-P
Main hoist 178 kN 40 000 lb
Lift capacity, feed 200 kN 45 000 lb
Feed length 3.35 m 11 ft

Rod pull length 9m 30 ft

Engine Cummins QSC8.3, 6 cyl Tier III
Engine power at 2000 rpm 212 kW 285 hp
Weight 13 864 kg 30 500 lb

Width = 2438
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exploration drilling 87
Reverse circulation rigs

Explorac 220RC

With safety and ergonomics as key issues together with Features

latest tehnology the Explorac 220RC is made the safest • Feed beam with hydraulic rams and guide chain for
and most user friendly rig of it’s type. The Explorac 220RC hydraulic hoses
rigs can be used for RC drilling as well as water well • Single reduction gearbox fitted with two 630 cm3
drilling with just a few adjustments. hydraulic geroler motors
• Spindel adaptor thread 4½” IF. Integrated air swivel
The Explorac 220RC takes over much of the physical effort with blow down valve
required from the driller. With the standard 1.5 ton • Slipstable max. opening 12 in. 305mm
winch, which positions directly over the hole, with a
• Hydraulically activated slips with integrated holding
slewing boom, Explorac 220RC handles all heavy lifting
requirements. In addition, hands-free breakout and rod
• Hydraulically operated sliding key
handling systems ensure rapid and safe handling of all
drill string components. A special casing handling tool • Hydraulically operated handsfree breakout system
attached to the rotation head gives full safety and control. • Noise level of 82 dB(A) at 7 m distance

Main Optional equipment

• Splitter
• Wireline hoist
• Rod handler
• Fire suppression

Main specifications Explorac 220RC

Basic data
Pullback 220 kN 49 438 lbf
Engine CAT C-18, Tier III
Engine power 522 kW 700 hp
Rotation head, max torque 14 000 Nm 10 294 lbf ft
Rotation head, max rpm 101 rpm
Foam/water pump 75 lit/min, 90 bar 2.6 cfm, 1 300 psi

Handling hoist 15 kN 3 370 lbf

Compressor 510 lit/sec, 30 bar 1 080 cfm, 435 bar
Cyclone 850 lit/sec 1 800 cfm
Line oiler 0.4-2.0 lit/hour 0.014-0.071 cfh
Total weight without truck 21 300 kg 47 000 lb
Total weight with truck 33 090 kg 73 000 lb 12100

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88 exploration drilling
Reverse circulation rigs

Explorac R50

The Explorac R50 is a robust and reliable drill unit ideal Features
for remote areas. It is designed to perform as an versa- • Platform, including mast support
tile base platform for down-the-hole percussion drilling, • Four hydraulic jacks
reverse circulation drilling and rotary drilling.
• Mast complete with 4.4 m stroke length,
hold-back 60 kN
The explorac R50 is an extremely well proven workhorse
• Hold-back control scale
with simple design. The high accessibility and reliability
• Break out table max opening 310 mm
makes it particularly interesting for drillers operating in
remote areas. Separate drill rig subframe design permits • Hydraulic break-out tong type Ridgid 48
stable mounting on various standard trucks as well as • Rotary head powered by two hydraulic motors OMT 250
special vehicles or on crawlers depending on which • Operators folding platform
terrain the rig will be used in.

The proven technology and the ease of maintenance

Main Optional equipment
• Gardner Denver mud pump 5 x 6 hydraulic driven
provides the driller more efficient working hours, and
less downtime. This is of course of great use and • Mast for 6 m drillpipe length
interest, especially when operating in remote areas. • Welder/generator powered by diesel engine
• Rotation unit hydraulic motor alternatives

Main specifications Explorac R50

Basic data
Pulldown 48.8 kN 11.0 k lbf 6580
Hold back/lift 80.9 kN 18.2 k lbf
Engine Deutz BF4L914, 4 cyl
Engine power at 2150 rpm 68 kW 91 hp EXP
Rotation head OMT 250

Speed 0-97 rpm

Torque, max 5 750 Nm 4 240 lbf ft
Feed travel length 4.4 m 14.4 ft
Drill pipe length 3.0 m 9.8 ft
Total weight without carrier 5 400 kg 11 900 lb

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exploration drilling 89
Core drilling tools

Excore core drilling tools

Excore diamond bits are the culmination of decades
of diamond drilling experience in combination with the
latest in metallurgical and manufacturing technologies.
The Excore, is a series of diamond drill bits that sets
the standard for the mineral exploration industry.
The operating range of each diamond bit has been
substantially increased, which results in fewer bits
required on the job site by the drilling contractor
to cover a wide range of drilling conditions and
simplifies bit selection for the driller.

The Excore bits are engineered with new matrices and

optimized crown profiles that provide bits with excep-
tional penetration rates as well as extended service
lives in the toughest of drilling conditions. This means
a contractor can drill both faster and deeper without
changing drill bits. abrasive formations, patented Jet and Torpedo V profile
for fast cutting in competent formations, face discharge
The Excore bits are available in different profiles ECF and sand discharge for extremely broken and triple tube
(Extended Crown Profile) for slightly broken to broken applications.

DCDMA design
Hole diameter Core diameter Hole area Core area Cutting area
Size Design
mm in mm in cm2 in2 cm2 in2 % of hole area
A Q** 48 1.89 26.9 1.06 18.1 2.81 5.7 0.88 68.5
GM.OTW** 30.3 1.19 7.3 1.13 59.0
QTK** 30.5 1.20 7.3 1.13 59.6
48 JKT 35.3 1.39 9.8 1.52 45.9
48 LTK 35.3 1.39 9.8 1.52 45.9
48 TT 35.3 1.39 9.8 1.52 45.9
B Q3** 60.0 2.36 33.5 1.31 28.3 4.37 8.8 1.36 68.7
Q** 36.4 1.43 15.8 2.45 44.0
QTK** 40.7 1.60 13.0 2.02 54.1
GM. OTW. B2** 42.0 1. 66 13.9 2.17 50.2
60 LTK 44.0 1.73 15.2 2.35 46.3
N Q3** 75.6 2.98 45.1 1.77 45.0 6.96 15.9 2.47 64.6
3/50** 50.2 1.97 19.8 3.0 56.0
Q** 47.6 1.88 17.8 2.76 60.4
Q2** 50.7 2.0 20.1 3.12 55.3
GM** 56.1 2.21 24.8 3.86 44.4
H Q3** 96.1 3.78 61.1 2.41 72.8 11.29 29.3 4.5 59.7
Q** 63.5 2.5 31.7 4.91 56.5
P Q.G** 122.7 4.81 85.0 3.34 117.2 18.24 56.7 8.76 51.6
G3/Q3** 122.7 4.81 83.0 3.26 54.1 8.38 53.8
* Hole diameter with pilot bit ** Wire line core barrel system

Metric design
Hole diameter Core diameter Hole area Core area Cutting area
Size Design
mm in mm in cm2 in2 cm2 in2 % of hole area
46 TT 46.5 1.82 35.3 1.39 16.8 2.6 9.8 1.52 41.7
56 TT 56.5 2.22 45.2 1.78 24.9 3.86 16.0 2.48 35.7

90 exploration drilling
Core drilling tools

Bit selection chart

To simplify bit selection for the driller rock formations have Application 2 (Blue) – Medium hard to hard, abrasive
been categorized into three applications. Each application to slightly abrasive, moderately fractured to competent
has a series of matrices designed specifically for that type of formations.
drilling condition which will provide optimum performance.
Application 3 (Red) – Very hard to extremely hard,
Application 1 (Green) – Soft to medium hard, very abrasive slightly abrasive to non abrasive, very competent
to slightly abrasive and very fractured to slightly broken formations.

Rock group Rock characteristics Rock type

Soft to medium hard
Unmetamorphosed or weakly metamorphosed shales.
1-4 Very abrasive to slightly abrasive
Sandstone and limestone.
Very fractured to slightly broken
Medium hard Limestone and dolomite.
5 Abrasive Weathered granite and gneiss.
Moderately fractured to slightly broken Serpentinite and metaperidotite.
Medium hard Unmetamorphosed or weakly metamorphosed diorite.
6 Moderately abrasive Gabbro, peridotite and gneiss.
Moderately fractured to slightly broken Basalt, andesite.
Medium hard - hard Metabasalt, amphibolite.
7 Moderately abrasive Metamorphosed diorite and gabbro.
Slightly fractured to competent Diabase.
Quartz rich skarn.
8 Slightly abrasive
Granite and pegmatite.
Very hard
9 Slightly abrasive Metamorphosed granitic rock and quartz rich gneiss.
Very competent

Extremely hard Chert and jasperite.

10 Non-abrasive, fine grained Quartzite.
Very competent Highly metamorphosed volcanic.

exploration drilling 91
In-The-Hole tools

In-The-Hole tools
Atlas Copco offers a full range of In-The-Hole tools such as
drill rods, core barrels, all based on advanced technology.
They are constantly being upgraded to exceed the expec-
tations from the market.

Core barrels
Surface core barrels are available in standard double
tube designs with the option for easy conversion to
triple tube configurations in broken ground. Thin wall
core barrels, used when ground conditions and drill
rig selection are appropriate, offer the end user an
opportunity to increase sample size within a nominal
bore hole size. Underground core barrels are available
in double tube and double tube thin wall wireline core
barrels and are used for flatter and up hole applications
where gravity does not permit unassisted movement
of the inner wireline components. Conventional core
barrels produce a larger core diameter compared to
the equivalent wire line nominal size. Their rugged
construction and design features ensure optimization
of productivity in soft to medium hard formations,
allow them to be used in all orientation and are
typically used in shorter boreholes.
yield and ultimate strength. Conventional drill rods are
available in mid-weight steel and/or aluminium. Rod
Drill rods threads for mineral exploration applications are typically
Wireline drill rods are manufactured from high quality T or O for wireline, with WJ type threads used with
cold drawn seamless tubes, which provide superior conventional style core barrels.

1. Determine direction of the core 2. Determine requirements of the 3. Determine threads, rods and accessories.
drilling. If the borehole will be application. For surface style selections, Choosing a drill rod is based on the
drilled between vertical down determine if the application requires preferred thread connection and the
to 45 degrees from vertical down, a double tube or triple tube design. If a overall length that can be handled
choose one of the three surface double tube design is preferred choose efficiently. Don’t forget to consider the
style systems. For flatter or up if a standard wall or thin wall design is limitations of the drill design and the
holes, choose within the two favored. Likewise, for underground envelope within which the drill will be
underground ranges of corebarrel style selections, determine if a standard operating. Choose the accessories that
systems. wall or thin wall design is favored. you require to complement the core
barrel and drill rod selections.

Surface Double tube design Standard wall

core barrels
Thin wall
Triple tube design For larger core
For better core sample
recovery in broken Thread connection
ground Overall length to
be handled

Underground Standard wall Accessories needed

core barrels
Thin wall
For larger core

92 exploration drilling
In-The-Hole tools

A summary of the relevant data when evaluating core O surface or O-U pump in configurations. A summary of
sample size for corresponding core barrel systems be weights and dimensions of tubular products to help you
they double tube, triple tube or thin wall double tube for choose complimentary rod and casing.

Double tube surface and/or underground

Size (Surface-Underground) Metric system (mm) Imperial system (in)
Hole diameter Core diameter Hole diameter Core diameter
BO/BO-U 60.0 36.4 2.36 1.43
NO/NO-U 75.7 47.6 2.98 1.88
HO/HO-U 96.1 63.5 3.78 2.50
PO 122.7 85.0 4.83 3.34

Triple tube surface

Size (Surface-Underground) Metric system (mm) Imperial system (in)
Hole diameter Core diameter Hole diameter Core diameter
NO3 75.7 45.0 2.98 1.78
HO3 96.1 61.1 3.78 2.41
PO3 122.7 83.0 4.83 3.27

Double tube thin wall surface and/or underground

Size (Surface-Underground) Metric system (mm) Imperial system (in)
Hole diameter Core diameter Hole diameter Core diameter
AOTW / -U 48.0 30.3 1.89 1.19
BOTW / -U 60.0 42.0 2.36 1.65
NO2 75.7 50.7 2.98 2.0

Size Metric system Imperial system
Diameter Length Diameter Length
1.5 m 3.0 m 5 ft 10 ft
Rods OD ID Kg OD ID lbs
AO /AT 44.5 34.9 6.8 13.9 1.75 1.38 15.70 31.40

aGM / ATT 44.5 36.8 5.9 11.8 1.75 1.45 13.0 26.0
BO / BT 55.6 46.0 8.9 17.9 2.19 1.81 20.1 40.2

BGM / BTT 56.5 48.8 7.6 15.3 2.23 1.92 16.8 33.8
NO / NMO / NT 69.9 60.3 11.4 22.9 2.75 2.38 25.7 51.4
HO / HMO / HT 88.9 77.8 17.1 34.2 3.50 3.06 38.0 76.70
PT 114.3 101.6 25.4 56.0 4.50 4.00 56.9 123.5
AW 57.1 48.4 8.3 16.9 2.25 1.91 18.40 37.40
BW 73.0 60.3 15.3 31.2 2.88 2.38 33.80 68.80
NW 88.9 76.2 19.1 38.8 3.50 3.00 42.10 85.60
HW / HWT 114.3 101.6 25.0 50.8 4.50 4.00 55.10 112.10
PW /PWT 139.7 125.5 34.9 69.7 5.50 4.94 76.70 153.30

exploration drilling 93
RC tools

Reverce circulation tools

The Secoroc RC 50 reverse circulation drill stands for
simplicity, performance and reliability.

A Quantum Leap cycle is incorporated into the RC

hammer, creating a high frequency hammer with world
class performance and reliability. The Secoroc RC 50's
high frequency enables it to perform well in all rock
formations. The Quantum Leap air cycle maximizes
efficiency and develops greater power for large or small
compressor capacities. The air cycle utilizes a special
poppet valve to drive air pressure to accelerate the piston
to higher energy levels. Longevity and reliability are due
to a larger piston-struck end, a heat-treated collection
tube and the use of the Quantum Leap- valve cycle.

Atlas Copco's reverse circulation hammers are

specifically designed for both deep hole exploration
drilling and in-pit grade control applications. Whether
you are exploring potential sites or working an existing
mine, you can be assured of high performance,
exceptional reliability and dependable support.

Secoroc RC 50 reverse circulation hammer Secoroc RC 50 bit assortment Drop centre, Extra flushing head design
Outside diameter 130 mm 5.13 in Outside diameter, mm Outside diameter, in
140 5-1/2
Length without bit 1 152 mm 45.4 in
143 5-5/8
Length with bit extended 1 276 mm 50.2 in 146 5-3/4
152 6
Length with bit retracted 1 232 mm 48.5 in 165* 6-1/2*
Weight without bit 72 kg 158 lb *For setting casing

Spanner flat on tob sub 102 mm 4 in

Secoroc RC 50 chuck sleeve assortment
Minimum recommended bit size 140 mm 5.5 in
Outside diameter. mm Outside diameter. in
Maximum recommended bit size 152 mm 6 in 132 5.2
Cylinder bore 113.7 mm 4.48 in 134 5.28
137 5.4
Piston weight 17 kg 38 lb 139 5.47
140 5.52
Stroke length 64 mm 2.5 in
142 5.59
Working pressure 10-35 bar 145-500 psi 144 5.65
147 5.77
Make up torque 6 800 Nm 5 000 ft-lb
150 5.9
Shank Secoroc RC50 153 6
157 6.2
Thread connection 4½" Remet BOX 163 6.4

Secoroc RC pipes
Pipe Pipe OD Pipe Length Hammer Hole diameter Weight Inner tube ID
mm in mm ft size mm in2 kg2 lbs mm inch
M45 114 4½ 6 000 19.7 4½ - 5" 127-152 5-6" 198 436 49.2 1.94
M45 114 4½ 4 000 13.1 4½ - 5" 127-152 5-6" 132 291 49.2 1.94
M45 114 4½ 3 000 9.8 4½ - 5" 127-152 5-6" 100 220 49.2 1.94
DR115 114 4½ 6 000 19.7 4½ - 5" 127-152 5-6" 152 335 53.5 2.1
DR115 114 4½ 3 000 9.8 4½ - 5" 127-152 5-6" 80 176 53.5 2.1

94 exploration drilling

exploration drilling 95
Produced by: Atlas Copco Craelius AB, SE-195 82 Märsta, Sweden, tel +46 8 587 785 00, fax +46 8 591 187 82.
Publisher: Daniel Misiano, Märsta, Sweden, daniel.misiano@se.atlascopco.com
Editor: Mike Smith, tunnelbuilder ltd, Cardiff, United Kingdom, mike@tunnelbuilder.com
Senior Adviser: Anders Gustafsson, Stockholm, Sweden, anders.gustafsson@se.atlascopco.com
Layout: Rafaella Turander, ahrt informationsdesign, Örebro, Sweden, turander@ahrt.net
Contributors: Anders Björk, Anders Gustafsson, Daniel Misiano, David Petersson, Fredrik Gabrielsson, Gerry Black, Hans Fernberg, Jan Jönsson, Lars
Gellerhed, Magnus Ericsson, Peter Balen, Tom Ekström, all name.surname@se.atlascopco.com.
We also thank all contributors of editorial material for case stories.
Digital copies of all Atlas Copco reference editions can be ordered from the publisher, address above, or online at www.atlascopco.com/rock.
Reproduction of individual articles only by agreement with the publisher.
Printed by: Prinfo Welins Tryckeri, Örebro, Sweden.

Legal notice
© Copyright 2010, Atlas Copco Craelius AB, Märsta, Sweden. All rights reserved. Atlas Copco is committed to comply or exceed all applicable laws,
rules and regulations. Photos in this publication may show situations which complies with such laws, rules and regulations in the country where the
photo has been taken but not necessarily in other parts of the world. In any case think safety first and always use proper ear, eye, head and other
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This publication, as well as specifications and equipment, is subject to change without notice.
Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Center for specific information.

96 exploration drilling
Excore - excellence in core drilling

An exploration contractor’s success is dependent upon the efficiency of the drilling

equipment. To meet this demand, Atlas Copco has developed the new Excore™ diamond
bit, which offers the latest in diamond drilling technology. Atlas Copco has combined
scientific research and innovative new technology with more than 100 years of field
experience to create a diamond bit that will revolutionize mining exploration. Excore™
is a faster drilling, longer lasting coring bit that performs in a wider range of drilling
conditions and formations. This means fewer bits needed on the job site - both in
operation and on the shelf and increased productivity throughout the entire operation
- from purchasing to retrieving core. Excore™ from Atlas Copco is a series of diamond
drill bits that is in the absolute top range of what is available today– a bit that stands for
excellence, durability, speed and strength.
The power within

Just as our coring drills explore deep inside the earth, so too do
we look within ourselves, constantly searching for improvements
to products and manufacturing processes. The result is the most
comprehensive range of dependable exploration products to power
you towards your goal.
Printed matter no. 6991 1722 01

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