The document contains two menus - Nasi Goreng and Mayonnaise - with their ingredients lists and cost breakdowns. For the Nasi Goreng menu, the total food cost is Rp. 56,750 and the cost per portion is Rp. 16,214. Additional costs include tax, service, and safety costs that bring the total cost per portion to Rp. 18,645. The Mayonnaise menu has a total food cost of Rp. 48,300 and cost per portion of Rp. 12,371. Its additional costs are calculated similarly to the Nasi Goreng menu. The document also includes some notes on cost ratios and business overhead costs.
The document contains two menus - Nasi Goreng and Mayonnaise - with their ingredients lists and cost breakdowns. For the Nasi Goreng menu, the total food cost is Rp. 56,750 and the cost per portion is Rp. 16,214. Additional costs include tax, service, and safety costs that bring the total cost per portion to Rp. 18,645. The Mayonnaise menu has a total food cost of Rp. 48,300 and cost per portion of Rp. 12,371. Its additional costs are calculated similarly to the Nasi Goreng menu. The document also includes some notes on cost ratios and business overhead costs.
The document contains two menus - Nasi Goreng and Mayonnaise - with their ingredients lists and cost breakdowns. For the Nasi Goreng menu, the total food cost is Rp. 56,750 and the cost per portion is Rp. 16,214. Additional costs include tax, service, and safety costs that bring the total cost per portion to Rp. 18,645. The Mayonnaise menu has a total food cost of Rp. 48,300 and cost per portion of Rp. 12,371. Its additional costs are calculated similarly to the Nasi Goreng menu. The document also includes some notes on cost ratios and business overhead costs.
The document contains two menus - Nasi Goreng and Mayonnaise - with their ingredients lists and cost breakdowns. For the Nasi Goreng menu, the total food cost is Rp. 56,750 and the cost per portion is Rp. 16,214. Additional costs include tax, service, and safety costs that bring the total cost per portion to Rp. 18,645. The Mayonnaise menu has a total food cost of Rp. 48,300 and cost per portion of Rp. 12,371. Its additional costs are calculated similarly to the Nasi Goreng menu. The document also includes some notes on cost ratios and business overhead costs.
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NAMA MENU : NASI GORENG PRICE NO QTY UNIT INGREDIENT KG AMOUNTH 1 Nasi 10 Cup Rp.3000 Rp. 30.000 2 Telur 5 Butir Rp. 1.300 Rp. 6.500 3 Baso 10 Butir Rp. 300 Rp. 3.000 4 Ayam Suir 10 Sdm Rp. 300 Rp. 3.000 5 Sosis 2 Buah Rp. 1.250 Rp. 2.500 6 Bumbu Putih 10 Sdm Rp. 500 Rp. 5.000 7 Kecap 10 Sdm Rp. 200 Rp. 2.000 8 Saus Tomat 5 Sdm Rp. 250 Rp. 1.250 9 Acar 10 Sdm Rp. 300 Rp. 3.000 10 Kerupuk 10 Bungkus Rp. 300 Rp. 3000 Rp. 56.750 Total Food Cost : Rp. 56.750 Total Food Cost / Portion : Rp. 16.214 Tax & Service & Safety Cost : Rp. 1.621 & Rp. 810 Rp. 2.431 Total Food + Safety Cost / Portion : Rp.16.214 + Rp. 2.431 Selling Price : Rp. 18.645 Cost Ratio :
Quantity 10 100 1000
^ I I I I I v V V V Food Cost 100% 80% 60% Stock on Hand : Sisa Modal : Rp. 10.000.000 Material Cost 40% --> Bahan & Perlatan Rp. 4.000.000 Over Head 21% --> Gas, Listrik, Kuota & Pulsa Rp. 2.100.000 Labour Cost 19% --> Tenaga Kerja Rp. 1.900.000 Nett Partly 20% --> Owner Rp. 2.000.000 KET
Rp. 5.675
--> Rp. 5.675 x 100 /35 = Rp. 16.214
--> Rp. 16.214 x 10 % = Rp.1.621 & Rp. 16.214 x 5 % = Rp. 81 --> Tax & Service & Safety Cost Tax : Pajak & Service : Pelayanan Restaurant 10% Safety Cost: Hal - hal yang dibuang dari bahan (ex 5% afety Cost vice : Pelayanan Hotel 21% hal yang dibuang dari bahan (ex: kulit telu 5% KENZIO CATERING
NAMA MENU : MAYONAISE PRICE NO QTY UNIT INGREDIENT KG AMOUNTH KET 1 Salad Oil 1 Liter Rp. 34.000 Rp. 34.000 2 Telur / Egg Yolk 6 Butir Rp. 1.200 Rp. 7.200 3 Mustard 1 Sdm Rp. 500 Rp. 500 4 Leak & Pierre 2 Sdm Rp. 250 Rp. 500 5 Lemon Juice 5 Sdm Rp. 100 RP. 500 6 Apple Vinegar 1 Sdm Rp. 50 Rp. 50 7 Salt 1 Sdt Rp. 100 Rp. 100 8 Gula Pasir 5 Sdm Rp. 50 Rp. 350 9 Cohiti Papper 1 Sdm Rp. 200 Rp. 200
Rp. 43.300 Rp. 4. 330
Total Food Cost : Rp. 48.300 Total Food Cost / Portion : Rp. 12.371 Tax & Service & Safety Cost : Rp. 1.237 & Rp. 618 Rp. 649 Total Food + Safety Cost / Portion : Rp. 12.371+ Rp. 1.855 Selling Price : Rp. 14.226 Cost Ratio :
Seasoning : Bumbu (Garam, Gula, Merica)
--> Rp. 4330 x 100 /35 = Rp. 12.371 --> Rp. 12.371 x 10 % = Rp.1.237 & Rp. 12.371 x 5 % = Rp. 6 --> Tax & Service & Safety Cost Tax : Pajak & Service : Pelayanan Restaurant 10% Safety Cost: Hal - hal yang dibuang dari bahan (ex: kulit telu 5% e & Safety Cost Service : Pelayanan Hotel 21% Hal - hal yang dibuang dari bahan (ex: kulit telu 5%