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What's On in June & July 2018

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Quidhampton Village Newsletter

What’s On in June & July 2018

2Quidy Club meets every Tuesday for coffee, cake and chat in term time
13.00 – 14.00-ish in the village hall. £2 Last meeting 10 July.
‘Bemerton Live’ social coffee mornings with gentle exercise classes and
occasional speakers meets every Friday 10.00 – 12.00 at St John’s Place
£5 for 2 classes or £3 for 1 class. Refreshments included.

What’s On in June (July on page 2)

Sunday 3 George Herbert event: Awake my Lute 16.00 St John’s Place. Music from
George Herbert’s period, including settings of poems. Readings by Sonia Woolley.
Followed by refreshments in a riverside garden. Bookings: 238301
Monday 4 All pupils back in school for Term 6
Tuesday 5 Class photos at Bemerton school
Thursday 7 Monthly charity quiz The White Horse from 20.15
Friday 8 Dress down day Bemerton school, take father’s day gifts for gift shop
Wednesday 13 Bemerton Film Society: Taxi Tehran - Comedy Drama. Doors open
19.15 St John’s Place entrance £6
Friday 15 IT training as part of Bemerton Live St John’s Place
Friday 15 Dress down day Bemerton school, take sweets and chocolates for fete
Saturday 16 Bemerton School Fete 13.00 – 16.00
Sunday 17 Father’s Day: booking advised for lunch at The White Horse
Sunday 17 Bishops Garden Party in The Close in aid of the Sudan. From 14.00 with
stalls, rides, cake and ‘too many vicars!’ (quote from Simon Woodley)
Monday 18 Cribbage competition The White Horse
Wednesday 20 Bemerton Local History Society: ‘Don’t Throw it away!’ a talk by Jane
Howells. 19.30 Hedley Davis Court Cherry Orchard Road, free entry, donations for
Friday 22 Rock and Roll Bingo The White Horse
Sunday 24 Bemerton Open Gardens 14.00 – 17.00. Tickets £5 on the day, under
12’s free.
Wednesday 27 Sovereign Set lunch The White Horse 12.00 for 12.30.
Confirm attendance and menu with Joyce Harvey by 22 June 742309
Wednesday 27 Bemerton Talks: Alan Rooney, an experienced guide of the battle-
fields of the Napoleonic Wars, talks about The Battle of Waterloo 1815. St John’s
Place 19.00 for refreshments, talk starts 19.30. Free admission, retiring collection.
Friday 29 Bemerton Live St John’s Place. Special event as part of the morning’s
activities: Circle Dance for Health with Olivia 10.30 – 11.30 cost £5
Circle dancing is based on traditional dance and music from around the world. No ex-
perience necessary, no partner required, both standing and seated dancers welcomed.
Friday 29 Sarum Academy Year 5 day, and open afternoon for Year 5 parents 14.15 -
Friday 29 Chris Payne music at The White Horse (The marquee will be up this
weekend )
Saturday 30 Hogroast, music, beer festival, at The White Horse
What’s on in July
Tuesday 3 10.00 – 12.00 In the Footsteps of George Herbert: a walk from Salisbury
Cathedral across the water meadows to St Andrews with talk by a member of the
Harnham Water Meadows Trust. Followed by refreshments in a local garden.
Bookings: 330295
Wednesday 4 Transition day to secondary school for all year 6 pupils
Thursday 5 Monthly charity quiz The White Horse from 20.15
Tuesday 10 Last 2Quidy Club until September
Wednesday 11 Bemerton Film Society: What we did on our Holiday - heart warming
comedy drama. Doors open 19.15 St John’s Place entrance £6
Thursday 12 Chris Payne : Music at The White Horse
Saturday 14 Quidhampton Summer Garden Show Village Hall see details below
Monday 16 Sarum Academy INSET day: school closed to students
Wednesday 18 Bemerton History Society: a talk about the archive at Salisbury District
Hospital by Lesley Meaker. For details see 20 June
Friday 20 Rock and Roll Bingo The White Horse
Wednesday 25 End of term for local schools; Sarum Academy non uniform charity

The Quidhampton Vegetable Categories

Summer Garden Show - Beans, French and runner
- Carrots, Long and stump rooted
July 14th - Onions
- Squash/pumpkin
- Lettuce
- Most wonky veg.
Flower categories - Courgettes
- Marigolds
- Sweet Peas
- Roses. Specimen / 4 blooms/Cluster. Age 16 and under Preserves
- Single garden flower - Chutney
(other than a rose. Photo accepted). - Miniature garden
-Pizza or quiche - Jam
- Hanging basket . - Marmalade
- Flower arrangement Age 10 and under
in unusual container !! - Vegetable monster / bird
- Chocolate cake

For rules and conditions, details of cups and prizes and show day timetable see flyer to
be delivered end of June. Entry forms will be available in the village early July.
All entries 25p

Admission 50p, children free

call Clare Herring for further details tel 741469

Proposed Re-Launch of The Quidhampton 100+ Club 2018

The new 100+ Club will give the excitement of a monthly draw with more and bigger
prizes as well as some income for the village hall and VE Fund*.
To do this the 100+ Club needs existing members to renew their membership and
more villagers to join. You can buy five numbers to increase your chances.

A 100 + Club with 300 numbers will raise £3,600 each year. This will provide SIX
monthly prizes: 1st Prize £60, 2nd £50, 3rd £40, 4th £30, 5th £20 and 6th £10 and a con-
tribution to the Village Hall and VE Fund of £540 each every year

Please let me know if you intend to join and how many numbers you want to
buy. If there are enough members then standing order forms will be distributed
with the August newsletter ready for the first draw in September.

I hope to keep the team of collectors who will visit all members so they can draw their
new numbers from a bag of new lottery balls. They will also collect any cheques or
cash and deliver prizes.

I firmly believe that running the new 100 + Club on that basis will provide a continuous
flow of funds as well as much easier accounting and remove the necessity of ad hoc
collection of money.

Gervase Clifton-Moore (Coordinator)

Email:- gervasec@radcliffe-ifa.co.uk 8 Sovereign Close SP2 9ES

* The VE Fund is used to fund village activities such as a fete or street party.

The proposed official basis of running The Quidhampton 100+ Club is as follows:

1) Each entry number will cost £1.00 per month (£12 per annum).
2) Payments will be made by standing order if possible with a choice of paying
annually, quarterly, half-yearly or monthly.
3) Those not wishing to use a Standing Order must pay by cash or cheque for one
year in advance.
4) Members will be able to buy up to 5 numbers each. Each one will cost £12 a
5) The draw will be made on the last Friday of the month. It is hoped to make quite
an occasion of this monthly event.
6) The Prize Pot will be 70% of the money collected for the previous month. The
remaining 30% will be divided equally between the Village Hall and the Village
Entertainment Fund.
7) Winners will be announced in the newsletter and posted on the notice board in
the centre of the village (next to the post box).

Contributors & Contacts
Two new daytime yoga classes at
Wilton Community Centre Police non emergency no.: 101
Gentle yoga St John’s Primary School: 322848
slower flowing postures The White Horse : 744448
yoga breathing practices Quidhampton Mill : 741171
meditation and relaxation Self catering apartments
Footshill B&B: 743587
Wednesdays 14.00 – 15.30 Wilton and District Link
6 June – 25 July Scheme :01722 741241
Parish Council clerk:
Fridays 09.30 – 11.00 Clare Churchill 743027
8 June – 27 July quidhamptonpc@btinternet.com
1 Tower Farm Cottages, SP2 9AA
£56 for block of 8 classes (£7 a class) Website:
or parishcouncil.quidhampton.org.uk/
£8 a class pay as you go Wiltshire Council 0300 456 0100
Area Councillor, Pauline Church.
For more information or to book pauline.church@wiltshire.gov.uk
call British Wheel of Yoga trained 07436 810350
teacher Ruth Harris Rector of Bemerton
01722 349830 Rev Simon Woodley 333750
Parish Office 328031
Village Hall bookings:
Sabine Dawson :
Don’t miss sabinedance@btinternet.com or
Bemerton School Fete phone 07742 273984 (not Sundays)
Saturday 16th June 13.00-16.00 St John’s Place Lower Rd
Bemerton: contact Manager: Shelley
Bemerton Open Gardens Wood Tel: 07814899151
Sunday 24 June 14.00 - 17.00 shelley.wood@live.co.uk
Always a lovely way Community Emergency Volunteer
to spend an afternoon John Cater 744079
Ken Taylor 742456
Waste and recycling dates
The next newsletter will be back to normal
Recycling Mon 4 & 18 for August 2018
Garden waste Fri 8 & 22 This newsletter has been paid for by two
Household waste Mon 11 & 25 villagers who wish to remain anonymous.

Newsletter editor: Bea Tilbrook 742456
Recycling Mon 2 & 16
bjtis@hotmail.co.uk Meadow Barn
Garden waste Fri 6 & 20 Fisherman’s Reach SP2 9BG.
Household waste Mon 9 & 23

Printed locally by Spectrum Design and 4Print of North Street Wilton Tel:742678

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