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2015-03-24 Minutes PDF

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Present; Cllrs Bass, Cripps, Edge (Chair of the meeting), C Frank, V Frank, Hampson and
In attendance; Mrs C Churchill (Clerk), Wilts Cllr Edge. PC Jung. 1 member of the public.
Apologies; Cllrs Roberts and Rowley.

There were no questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village.

Report from the Wilton Rural Neighbourhood Police Team. PC Jung reported that there had been further
developments in the van break ins reported last year, more equipment had been recovered linking the
arrested to further break ins.
Report made of a van and males acting suspiciously in the village, the males have been arrested in
relation to another incident.
Reports of tape being used as a possible marker on properties, if you see any please remove it, there is
no known link between the tape and any crimes as yet.

Report from Wiltshire Councillor Mr Peter Edge.

SWWAB meet tomorrow at Dinton, there are 5 parishes pitching for a 20mph and the AB Cllrs have
visited each site.
The free bus passes may be used on the bus that comes through the village at 9.20am.
CATG was held on 9th March.
There will now be a charge for green bins, current take up is about 20%.
Looking into providing a footpath between Quidhampton and Netherhampton alongside the A3094.
Would Quidhampton PC support this?

Cllr Edge opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

15/020 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Roberts and Rowley who are both
Quidhampton PC resolved to accept the apologies for the reason given.
Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)

15/021. Chairmans announcements. None

15/022. Exclusion of the press and public. None required.

Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100

15/023. Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting
held on 27th January 2015.
Quidhampton PC resolved to accept the previously circulated Minutes which were taken as read and
approved without amendment and signed by the Chairman.

15/024. Interests. None received.

Localism Act 2011, section 31.

15/025 Litter Bin by Coronation Square. A verbal request has been made to have this bin
removed as it is continually full and residents are reporting it to WC for emptying.
Quidhampton PC considered the request and resolved that the Clerk should make enquiries as to
whether WC can supply a notice to place on the bin informing people that it is not to be used for
household waste.
Ms Tilbrook will put a notice in the newsletter reminding residents that it is an offence to place household
waste in the street litter bins.
It was suggested that all residents could be asked to help combat the current litter problem by picking up
litter whilst walking through the village.

15/026. Highway Issues.

(i) 20mph speed limit. The bid has been submitted for a 20mph and a decision will be made as
to which two villages are put forward at the SWWAB meeting on Wednesday 25th March. This
meeting will be held at Dinton. It is recommended that as many parishioners as possible
attend to show support for the scheme.
Cllrs Cripps and Taylor gave a run through of the presentation, it was 3 minutes exactly.
Comments made were to increase the font size of the numbers in the pie charts.
Cllrs Cripps and Taylor will make the pitch for Quidhampton.
All Cllrs were encouraged to attend the meeting at Dinton.

(ii) CATG report. Report from the recent meeting. Clerk attended.
The white line by The Alders is currently on hold as the proposed line was on the edge of the
highway rather than creating a visual impression that the road was only wide enough for one
vehicle. Ongoing

(iii) Highway maintenance. Potholes along Lower Rd have been reported but remain, Cllrs were
all asked to report potholes.

15/027. Boundary Review, to receive an update if available. No update available.

15/028. Year ending 31st March 2015.
(i) To note the balance of the accounts
Quidhampton PC noted the balance of accounts stands at 7802.52 with in unpresented cheques and
76.60 in ring fenced money making an available balance of 7725.52 (this includes 2256.70).
(ii) To review and approve terms of expenditure as detailed in schedule of payments.
Quidhampton PC authorised payments totalling 987.48.
Cllr Taylor requested the finance information is sent at least two days before the meeting in future. Clerk.
Local Government Act 1972 s150(5). Account and Audit Regulations 2008

15/029. To note the report on the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocation informal consultation on
initial site options. Cllr Taylor attended the meeting and circulated a report with the agenda.
Quidhampton PC resolved to formally respond to this consultation, Clerk to collate draft as proposed by
Cllr Taylor and send to Spatial Planning.
Quidhampton PC to request that it is kept informed of any progress with the process.

15/030. Training. To authorise the Clerk to attend relevant training.

Clerk is registered for CiLCA and a course is being held in Clevedon for 4 days over 4 months, costing
Quidhampton PC resolved that the Clerk should attend this training on the condition that the course and
travel costs are shared amongst her other councils.

15/031. Update of actions from the meeting dated 27th January 2015.
1. (15/013) Cllrs met at the recreation ground and there is now a pile of rubbish, Cllr Edge will deal
with this.
2. (15/014) The report for the tree at the recreation ground was verbal only despite requests for a
written copy. Clerk has arranged to meet with two tree surgeons to seek opinions on the tree.

15/032. To receive brief reports from Cllrs.

Cllr Hampson attended Cllr training which was excellent.
Cllr Bass reported that there is an issue with moles at the recreation ground and the fencing needs
attention pdq.
15/033. Clerks Report.
Complaint received re vehicles parking on Lower Rd east of the Skew Rd junction blocking the footpath.
This is not a PC issue, advised parishioner to contact police.
Advised that the 20mph in Lower Bemerton is planned to proceed, it will start at The Hermitage.
Cycle race on 10th May it is currently planned to start this in Salisbury but the route has not been
published yet.
Transparancy Code list of required documents to be published on the website by 1st July inc Cllrs
contact details. Cllr Cripps will set up an email address for each Cllr.

SWWAB at Dinton on 25th March

Arttended SWWAB and WC budget meetings, reports circulated.

15/034. To note agenda items for the next meeting.

Request made to consider CCTV at either end of the village to monitor the traffic.

15/035 The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Tuesday 26th May 2015.
The Annual Parish Meeting will commence at 7pm and this will be followed by the Annual Parish Council

Cllr Edge closed the meeting at 8.51pm.

Building the Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD)
Informal Engagement
- Report to Quidhampton PC on the briefing meeting held 26 Feb 15,
Salisbury Guildhall Ken Taylor

Wiltshire Council is looking for strategic land to allocate a further 5346 homes, over and above the 37000 included
in the approved Core Strategy.

The meeting on 28th February was called by the Spatial Planning Group to introduce approach to parishes in the
south of the county, and seek views to help shape the draft plan for the formal consultation on the plan due to start
July 2015 and end in December.

At present, the Group seeks to allocate blocks of land in existing towns or large villages, including revision of
settlement boundaries if required. Small villages (like Quidhampton) are not the focus of attention.

The report Informal consultation on initial site options: Draft Methodology and update on work to date, Mon 23
Feb-Tues 31 March 2015 was handed out, and can be read on the Councils website see Addendum for the link.

At the meeting
The presentation shown at the meeting is attached. New sites that had already been identified in our area were also
marked-up on maps available at large size for inspection at the meeting. They are included at p11-13 of the

Quidhampton is classified by Wiltshire planning as a small village and not mentioned in reports. From the map of
the area available at the meeting, I also checked and also saw that no new sites had been identified either in the
parish, or nearby. (Fugglestone Red 2, the former Erskine Barracks site, Whiting factory and Churchfields site
allocations are in the Core Strategy and not new).

Other villages
Viewpoints expressed at the meeting varied widely.
One large village was well advanced with a Neighbourhood Plan, wished for development to further support
existing business and shops and was comfortable with the new site allocation identified in their parish. Another
village representative expressed surprise at large areas of land marked in and around their village apparently without
the knowledge of the Parish Council and the community. One small village wished to be reclassified as a large
village in order to build its community infrastructure.
From the nature of the questions, it seem likely that a number of parishes will take up the opportunity offered to
book one-to-one discussions at Bourne Hill office on 25th March.

I had nothing to say about Quidhampton as small villages are not the focus of attention. The present approach of the
Council is to seek sites (in towns and large villages) providing more than 50 dwellings - see p19 of the presentation.

Questions for consideration

See page 19 of the two slides of questions asked of Parishes.


We have the choice to respond to the question, or chose not to. We could also seek to meet the council for one-to-
one discussions on 25th March.

I dont consider we need to meet the council, but it is courteous to respond to the questions in writing. I also think it
advisable to make a request to be kept informed as the process develops.

May I propose the following draft for consideration (pure strawman)

Thank you for the opportunity to learn of the approach to finding additional housing sites. Quidhampton PC is
content with the approach outlined which looks for larger sites in the towns and large villages, and not small
villages like Quidhampton.
The Parish Council would like to be kept informed of any changes or proposals that may arise affecting the Parish
or environs as your work progresses.

For good order, here are our specific replies to the questions posed in meeting (p19 of the presentation):
- Agree with the methodology Yes
- Other factors? No
- Agree with approach to areas of search? Yes
- Agree we do not look for sites in areas that require less than approx 50 dwellings? - Yes
- What mechanism for looking in the large villages? n/a
- Do you agree with the option for development? n/a
- Options you dont support? n/a
- Are there any other sites we should be considering? n/a

Text copied from the Housing Site Allocation website, dated 4th March.

Housing Site Allocations

The Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) will allocate new sites for
housing and amend, where necessary, existing settlement boundaries. Following consultation with the
Parish and Town Councils on the methodology and draft proposals relating to the review of settlement
boundaries in 2014, this document sets out the methodology to identify new housing sites and how
you can inform the process.
This informal consultation on the methodology and initial findings relating to the identification of
housing allocations will close at 5pm on Tuesday 31 March 2015. The outcome of this consultation
will inform the draft Housing Site Allocations DPD that will be formally consulted on later this year. You
will find on the consultation portal consultation page (under supporting documents) a number of maps
showing the options together with the following documents:
Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations DPD - Information leaflet (February 2015) 1mb
Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations DPD - Draft Site Selection Methodology (February 2015) 4mb
Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations DPD - Housing Supply Paper (February 2015) 6mb
The options are in no particular order and published for the purpose of informal consultation.
We would like to hear your views on the questions contained in the survey on the Wiltshire
consultation portal.
Please note: There is a separate plan for the Principal Settlement of Chippenham.
Call for Sites
The plan making process for this DPD will involve the consideration of site proposals. If you have a
site which you would like to be considered as part of this process, please let us know by completing
the forms available on the Councils Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment page.
If you have any queries about this Call for Sites please contact the councils Monitoring & Evidence
Team via email: spatialplanningpolicy@wiltshire.gov.uk.
Alternatively, please call the Spatial Planning Team on 01225 713223

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