Minutes For 18th July 2019
Minutes For 18th July 2019
Minutes For 18th July 2019
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 18th July 2019 at
19:00 in Hanley Swan Village Hall.
84/19 Welcome & Apologies The Chairman welcomed all present to the July
Meeting of the Parish Council. She accepted the apologies submitted to the Clerk.
for longer periods and it was agreed to get a price for a speed reader. Cllr Roberts
agreed to speak to Welland about their speed readers.
ACTION: The Clerk to refer the planning query to the District Councillors and to
contact the Street Scene Team to confirm that it is on their collection route.
The Clerk to get quotations for a speed reader.
85/19 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th June 2019 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.
86/19 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
a) Ownership of the Community Orchard land – Still ongoing
b) Telephone Box – The painting had been finished and defibrillator signs had arrived and
passed to Cllr Walker to put in.
ACTION: Cllr Walker to put the signs in the box.
c) Subsidence Claim – The Clerk had written to the insurance company pointing out that
there was no drains on one side of the building and the down spout were either missing
the drains or feeding into blocked drains on the other side so the rain water was pooling
at the base of the building. No reply had been received to date.
87/19 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Receipts: £2100 Lengthsman 2018/2019
88/19 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:
None received
19/01055/FUL Land At (Os 8157 4265) Proposed reposition of maintenance strip and new
Winnington Gardens Hanley dwelling of plot 5 (Amendment to approval
Swan 18/00193/RM).
Cllrs were asked to look at the application and send any comments to the Clerk.
b) Lengthsman: The extension pole would be given to Cllr Darwent to pass on to the
92/19 Correspondence
a) Zurich Renewal – The renewal papers had been received and the Council was still
within its long term agreement.
b) Worcestershire Passenger Transport Strategy – Email circulated
c) Parish Makeover – email circulated, ideas required, the Clerk to email them and ask
about the amount of funds available and the type of work that could be undertaken.
ACTION: The Clerk to Contact Ringway.
96/19 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 19th September 2019
Payee Reason £
New Farm Grounds
Maintenance June Cuts 705.60
Worcestershire CALC Training 30.00
July Clerk
Rebecca Abunassar Duties 442.00
Zurich Insurance Company 426.84
Phone Box
S Roberts Items 201.08
Total 1805.52