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03 UCC Minutes March 2016

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Uplawmoor Community Council

Minutes of Meeting Held in the Mure Hall on Monday 21 March 2016

Present: Gordon Steel (Chairman)

Joyce Miller (Secretary)
Cath Close
Ross Leggat

Councillor Gilbert
Councillor Green

No representative – Uplawmoor Development Trust

1 member of the public

Apologies: Charles Brindley (Treasurer)

Ivy Cowan
Councillor Buchanan
Councillor O’Kane

Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 15 February 2016

Proposed Joyce Miller
Seconded Gordon Steel

Item Action Date

1.0 Chairman’s Opening Remarks

1.1 The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
2.0 Police Report
2.1 No representative present and therefore no report
3.0 Uplawmoor Development Trust
3.1 No representative present - no report. ( UDT AGM 22/3/16)
4.0 Items Continued from Previous Minutes
4.1 Liaison with UDT and Mure Hall Co. No meeting as yet.
4.2 Boundary reviews. This now postponed until after Scottish
4.3 Roads. Cat’s eyes and white lining now complete at northern
end of village.
4.4 Decommissioning/site re-instatement for wind turbines in East All Councillors.
Renfrewshire. Financial guarantees do not appear to be in
place. Cllr Buchanan not present and therefore this item to be
brought to the next meeting. Cllr Gilbert will contact Cllr
Buchanan. All councillors to pursue.
4.5 Castburn Path. Drainage apparently complete - to be confirmed. G.Steel
4.6 Trees in the Glen. Andrew McLoy ERC has reported more trees
are deemed to be dangerous and will be felled and removed.
They do not have a budget for replanting.
4.7 Area Forum grant of £1500.00 awarded to UCC for
soundproofing skateboard ramp has now been returned to
general budget due to work not being carried out by the end of
the financial year and the abolition of this forum. There is low
confidence in the effectiveness of this method of sound
proofing. Cllr Green has appealed the decision. When the new
scheme is finalised a further application can be made and Cllr Cllr Green
Green will inform UCC when this scheme is established. Grants
may be available in the future from Whitelee Community Benefit
fund. Cllr Green will inform UCC when these grants are opened
for application.
Dog Fouling at bridge end of Tannoch road /Spunkie. Bins are
no longer specific for dog waste and ordinary bins are to be
used. Notices to be requested for display in pertinent areas. J.Miller
5.0 Matters Arising
5.1 Uplawmoor resident, Mr Stephen Kane brought the issue of
poor water pressure and quality to the meeting. He and G.Steel
have already complained to Scottish Water. The problem is of
long standing and appears to particularly affect the Northern
end of the village.
His points are as follows :-
1. Frequent loss of complete water supply to village

2. Backup water tanker being used to support village water

supply on numerous occasions.

3. Delivery of bottled water on occasions as short term solution

to water supply problem.

4. Excessively poor water pressure supply to village and

individual households, 1.5bar (on a good day).

5. Excessively poor water flow rate to village and individual

households, 6 litres/min (on a good day).

6. Over 3 months there has been water leaking from the main at
entrance to the village from Neilston 250m before old railway
bridge adjacent to valve marker AV2. Frost and ice form at sub
zero temperatures causing dangerous driving conditions. In
addition the valve cover has sunk and the surrounding tar
macadam has broken up and pot holed.

7. Excessive amounts of Algae are formed at the treatment plant

(black sludge) adversly affecting shower heads, water taps and
washing machines.

8. When Scottish Water Engineers attend reported problems they

call mid morning or mid afternoon when household demand is
low therefore giving a false impression. The problems manifest
themselves 7 to 10am and 4 to 7 pm when demand is high.

9. The cast iron mains supply to the village is no longer fit for
purpose and is past its sell by date in my opinion.
10. Properties that I know to be affected in Neilston Road nos.
56, 57, 60, 61. 63, 69, 70 and 74.

A survey via Uplawmoor Info facebook page and UCC website

to be posted and posters to be placed in the village to
encourage residents to express their experiences in order to
present a co-ordinated approach to Scottish Water. Cllr Gilbert Cllr Gilbert
will obtain a contact from Scottish Water and an invitation to be J.Miller.
sent to that contact to attend the next meeting. R.Leggat
5.2 Muirhead Road. Complaints received about the need for urgent All Councillors.
repair. Residents first complained to ERC in January 2016.
5.3 Another accident reported at the junction of A736 and Neilston
Road. A van travelling north had run into the back of a
stationary vehicle waiting for oncoming traffic to pass in order to
turn right into Neilston Road. An electronic hazard warning sign
requested on A736 for northbound traffic to be sited before the
railway bridge. All Councillors
5.4 Quiz raised approx. £700.00 - £350 each for Uplawmoor
playgroup and Uplawmoor Primary school. It was a very
successful evening and positive feedback has been received.
6.0 Correspondence
6.1 An email was received regarding the Queens 90th birthday
celebration. Communities made aware of 3 initiatives,-The
Patrons’ Lunch, Beacons and Clean for the Queen. UCC
organises an annual community clean- up.
6.2 Guidelines for filming and recording CC meetings has been
6.3 ERC programme of six development and support sessions for
community councillors has been circulated.
6.4 Planning Forum Handout has been circulated G. Steel and E.
Wallace attended the awareness session.
6.5 Alex Hewitson ERC has responded to the request for UCC J.Miller
constitutional change, this is being reviewed and a response is
to follow in due course. Joyce to make contact.
6.6 Wind Turbine update.
ERC- West Carswell (Dareduff Hill) withdrawn. Airport objection
and applicant did not provide adequate noise assessment.
EAC – Dareduff Hill – consented but not yet erected
EAC- Dareduff hill – recommended for refusal - noise
conditions not met and objection from airport - goes to
committee 1 April 2016
EAC – Fingart Appeal - DPEA decision w/b 21/3/16
ERC – Carswell Hill – noise condition attached to consent being
appealed by appellant – target date for decision April 2016.
Councillors left the meeting
10.0 Finance report

10.1 Treasurer not present and financial report not available,

11.0 Web report
11.1 548 views to website last month
12.0 AOCB
12.1 Forthcoming AGM Monday 18th April 2016. Accounts to be C.Brindley
G. Steel
signed off by Chairman and Secretary. Notice of AGM to be
given via Uplawmoor info, UCC website and village
noticeboards. Wine and soft drinks to be served.
12.2 UCC newsletter. To be completed and distributed prior to AGM. ALL
12.3 Village directory. In progress and enquiries to be made J.Miller
regarding printing of same R.Leggat
12.4 Village clean up. 7th May 2016. ALL
13.0 Date of Next Meeting
13.1 AGM. Mure hall 7 for 7.30pm 18th April ALL

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