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Agm - Feb 2015

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Minutes of the Open AGM 11 February 2015 followed by Committee

Meeting, Committee Room 2 Civic Centre
Present: -

Mrs P Winston-Chairman and Bybrook Cemetery

Mr T Fagg- Cryol Road
Ms Raggett- Westrees
Mr G Button- Bulk Buying Manager Ms C Green-Henwood
Mr M Chandler- Burton Field
Ms S Haste- Musgrove Farm
Ms G Puckett- Publicity Officer
Mr S Heathfield- Gashouse Fields
Mr R Taylor-Orion Way
Mr B Stamp- Treasurer
Ms V Lawson- Christchurch, Jemmett, William Road, Musgrove new
Carol Ridings- Secretary
Jonathan Longley- Operations Manager ABC
Eileen Law Allotment Officer
Mr M Tucker-Orion Way, Mr & Mrs M Pentecost- Henwood, Mr D MitchellWilliam Road, Mr & Mrs Diprose- Musgrove new




Chairmans Opening Remarks:-

Constitutional Issues: - Officers in post on the Committee are willing to stand, bar one- more
of this to follow.
A welcome was given to our new Treasurer Brian Stamp.
The Chairman then asked if there were any nominations or seconders for the post of Chairnone received.
As I duly remain in the post for a further term of office, I will be speaking in the actual
committee for a new post to be created, and for us to finally (he has said this before) to accept
Tonys resignation as Show Secretary. He has fulfilled this role for many years with no fuss,
and great modesty, encouraging and supporting competitors to enter the show- and fittingly
that this is a final decision, he bows out after our most successful show ever last summer. I
take this opportunity to wish him well and thanks for many years in office. A small token of
our appreciation will follow
Jonathan Longley was introduced; he has recently joined the Council and has the
responsibility of allotments with Eileen. We are looking forward to working with him.
There are site rep vacancies at Beaver Road and Wye.
Since a year or so ago this society is in a stronger position, and evolving positively as a
group of people working together, in partnership for the benefits of allotment gardening.
Behind the scenes much has been done to enhance our relationship with ABC- thanks to Julie
Rogers and Eileen Law for their support. We have continued to build on our strengths,
creating a really good web site, email addresses and better communication, all key priorities,
and thanks to Gilda for her energy.
I wish to publicise a forthcoming trip to Sissinghurst 12 April 20.00 per person. There will
be a tour (private and exclusive) prompt at 10.00 which last 1 hour and then you will be free

for the rest of the day. There will be car share, 15 minimum on the trip. Final payment in
advance only.

Judging of the plots will take place week beginning 20th June
Summer Show- 18th July at Kennington Junior School
Pilgrims Hospice Fete 1 August
The Trading Store is open each Saturday in February and then alternate Saturdays;
Volunteers are needed for 2 hours or so from 10.00 until 2-00pm. See Geoff, Gilda,
The Chairman or the web site.

The floor was then open for Questions to the Committee and ABC
Q- Mr Stamp- Wondered when the water supply would be reconnected in Christchurch
A- Eileen- Still waiting for Quotations
Mr Stamp pointed out that one of the tenants knew where the leak was and Jonathan said that
he will make contact with the plot holder and try and resolve the matter. There was a 700 bill
for the leak of water
Q-Mrs Pentecost wanted to know if she needed permission to enter her allotment into the
Kent Wildlife Trusts Competition for Wildlife
A- If she wanted to enter her own plot then that would be acceptable and everyone would be
supportive, but not the whole of the Henwood site. It would however need to be cleared with
the media team at the Council.
Ms Puckett would like to put any information about this competition on the web site with
That was the end of the AGM and matters proceeded to the Committee Meeting
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Ms Puckett wondered if the AGM should move permanently to February- was this a better
time than November?. This was agreed.
Bulk Buying Managers Report
The Kings Order had a commission of 87. No outstanding bills. 1438 left in the account.
There was a plea for Volunteers and there will be a plea on the web site.
Thanks were given to Mr Button
Treasurers Report
Mr Stamp has been sorting out the signatories for the cheque books. There is 500 in Bank
Account 1
Show Secretaries Report
The show went very well.
The Chairman explained that for the show in July there is plenty of parking at Kennington
Junior School and space for plenty of tables.
This year there will be a special class/ category in recognition of the work of Tony Fagg

The schedule will be sent out via Eileen in March, it will also be on the web and copies will
be at the trading store.
Publicity Officers Report
Very disappointed that so few plot holders have turned up to the AGM despite the publicity.
The Chairman felt that fewer people meant that there were fewer issues for people to
complain over.
Ms Puckett has a list of email addresses, she is unable to give them to site reps but if there
was an issue on a site she can email that person to see if they want to email their site rep. She
will start sourcing prizes before the new show secretary is in post. There needs to be someone
to sponsor rosettes.
The schedule has been done in association with Mr Fagg. Classes have been changed this year
to reflect that the show is earlier in the season.
The Chairman then proposed a new post to manage the annual membership of the trading
store. Ms Puckett seconded this motion and it was carried by all members.
The vacancy will be advertised on the web

Site Representatives Report

Christchurch etc-The drain was put in last year at William Road, this seems to have stopped
the flooding. There have been a number of new tenants.
Henwood-No outstanding issues
Bybrook A number of the larger plots have been split into 2. Most people are working their
sites and there have been no issues since the poplars were cleared.
Musgrove Farm- 2 new plot holders. There is an issue with people who do not do anything.
Cryol Road- 1 plot there is a problem. Eileen has had the key returned
Westrees- There have been a lot of break-ins. However fences have been mended and some
trees removed.
Gas House Fields- A visit is required by Eileen as there are a number of tenants who have not
done anything. The 4 plots in the playing filed should be removed. Eileen agreed with this.
Orion Way- 1 or 2 plots have not been cultivated. The hedge has not been cut and the water
was not turned off.
Eileen explained that there was a problem with people turning the water back on in the
autumn. Ms Puckett wondered if site reps should be given a tap to turn the water off/on
The Chairman felt that there should be more discussion with the Council over this matter
especially liability if the pipe was fractured. There needs to be a look at water management at
the next meeting
Ms Haste pointed out that lots of people wasted water
Ms Puckett said that most people did not need to water and perhaps a poster should be put
Mr Heathfield felt that there should be new taps that can only be pressed down for a limited
period. This would prevent the use of hoses on sites.

Burton Farm-The site is in hibernation. No vacant plots. The raised beds are ok.
Allotments Officers Report
Mr Longley explained that the Council were undertaking a review of allotments across the
Borough, this will take place between February and June with the recommendations being
presented in July. This is because the costs of 51,000 far exceed revenue 6,500. That limits
what can be done.
The costs are ABC staff, grounds maintenance, trees, hedges, locks keys (a new style of lock
is being tested at Westrees)
The Council want to provide improved allotment services, with a quicker turn round of vacant
The scope of the review is
Cost reduction- especially ABC costs
Increased income- maybe charge a deposit for a plot
Service Charges- Water especially
Looking at other delivery options- some councils ask allotment societies to look after
A questionnaire will be sent out to all allotment holders shortly by post and/or email. The
allotment forum will be involved as well as the National Allotment Society- the local rep has
already been contacted. The proposal will be presented to an extraordinary general meeting in
July, the date to be confirmed.
The Chairman asked who would be carrying out the review and if there would be a
representative from the society. Site reps will need to encourage plot holders to fill out the
Jonathan- The Review will be done internally apart from the representative from the NASLG.
The Chairman will be able to look at the questionnaire before it is sent out.
Mr Chandler wondered if the number of sites would be reduced.
Jonathan- No, it would be difficult for the council to get rid of allotments, the review is to
provide a better service
Ms Puckett wondered whether sites which had been mothballed would be opened up. Fears
that ABC views allotments as costing money. People should assess the benefits to the
communitys health and well being, not just a gardening hobby. Lots of people on a very low
income have an allotment. She felt that other professionals in health and education should be
involved in the review.
The Chairman felt that there should be a question on how you felt your allotment improved
your well being
Ms Green asked about new allotments for new developments.
Jonathan-There is provision for this in the Local Plan.
There are currently 188 people on the waiting list with vacant plots in Bybrook, Musgrove
New, Christchurch, William Road and Wye.
9. AOB
Ms Puckett wondered about when some hedges are cut and others are not
Eileen explained that if the hedge is not Council owned it will not be cut
DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING- 6.30 WEDNESDAY 20th May (Due to elections)
Committee Room 1

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