2012-01-24 Minutes
2012-01-24 Minutes
2012-01-24 Minutes
Present; Cllrs Mrs Bass, Cripps, Lovett, Roberts. Taylor and Tyler. Mrs C Churchill (Clerk). In attendance; Wiltshire Cllr Beattie. Ms Claire Routh (Wiltshire Good Neighbour for Quidhampton) and 3 members of the public. Apologies were received from PC Jung. Not present; Cllr Witt Ms Claire Routh, made a short presentation to those present on the Good Neighbour Scheme. This scheme is run by Wiltshire Council and has been operating in Wilton for some time but has recently been expanded to incorporate Quidhampton. There will be an article in the February newsletter, posters will be displayed in the village and leaflets will be available at the pub. Cllr Lovett thanked Ms Routh for attending.
12/001 12/002 12/003 12/004 Minutes of the meeting dated 22nd November 2011 were approved without amendment and signed by the Chairman. Declarations of Interest none. Neighbourhood Policing report. PC Jung will circulate the crime bulletin shortly. Co-option of Cllr for Quidhampton. A parishioner has expressed an interest but currently does not qualify, this administration issue should be sorted by the next meeting. Diamond Jubilee Celebrations in Quidhampton. th Following a public meeting on 9 January there are now some projects to move forward with; 1. Street Party on Saturday 2nd June. This will involve a road closure and is aimed at all parishioners, a small committee to organise this has been set up and is headed by Mr Chris Edge. Cllrs discussed the street closure and finance bid. Resolved that QPC apply for a street closure from Foots Hill to A3094 junction on Saturday 2nd June from 11am 6pm. Clerk to apply to WC for road closure. The committee would also like to apply to the SWWAB for a grant to help fund this event. Resolved that QPC support a grant application made by the street party group for funds from SWWAB. The funds set aside in the QPC account to be used for match funding. 2. Quidhampton Bop on Monday 4th June. A small committee to organise this has been established and is headed by Mr Ron Smith. There were no further details of this event. 3. Photo competition. This is going ahead and is being organised by Ms Bea Tilbrook. Jubilee Project. In addition to the celebration events it was suggested that there is a project to leave a legacy for the village. Suggestions included works on the footpath in Boyes Wood or making a small bridge over the stream in Boyes Wood. Resolved that a bridge in Boyes Wood was a good idea but funding may be an issue. Clerk to make preliminary enquiries with Wilton Estate and if they agree arrange a site meeting with Clerk and Cllr Roberts. Clerk to look into funding. Report from Wiltshire Councillor Richard Beattie. Having just listened to the presentation Cllr Beattie was baffled as to how this service will work. New Community Area Manager is Mr Stephen Harris and he is based at Bourne Hill (Clerk has met Mr Harris). Sth Wilts Core Strategy has been approved by cabinet and will go to full council in February. WC have published a Joint Strategic Needs assessment (JSNA) which are full of info on each community area. The problem is there has been no consultation on this just completed by Officers. Cllr Beattie will send a copy to the Clerk. WC savings not closed any frontline services, WC are continuing to sell off buildings.
Clerk Clerk
SUSTRANS cycle route work will start on Quidhampton section this year. Looking into the lack of a pedestrian crossing for Sth and Nth Streets in Wilton Report from the Quidhampton C.E.V. Mr John Cater has taken on this role and has made a start on an emergency plan for the village. Mr Cater informed QPC that an emergency plan is basically a list of resources and names. The plan is prepared and agreed by a group headed by the CEV, for this there needs to be a few volunteers to be in the group. Mr Cater will be contacting residents to gather information. Action update from the minutes dated 22nd November 2011 1. (11/112). Clerk contacted Paul Cripps who accepted the co-option. Forms now received. 2. (11/113). Informal meeting took place on 9th January with outcomes on the agenda. Pub lawn is available. 3. (11/116.2) Meeting with Joint Transportation Team. This has not happened but there are two new blue weight limit signs situated either side of the A3094 junction warning drivers there is a weight limit in 100yards. Resolved to close this item until more funding for traffic calming schemes is available. 4. (11/116.3). Clerk now has contact details for lorry watch, this is done through trading standards, has asked for someone to attend the March meeting. 5. (11/116.5). Mr John Cater of Fishermans Reach has volunteered for the role of C.E.V. 6. (11/116.6). R2 claim received. Clerk noted payment was slightly less than requested, R2 Officer is looking into this. 7. (11/117). Clerk informed WC that Quidhampton wish to proceed with housing questionnaire. 8. (11/120). Planning response was sent. 9. (11/131). Garden waste Cllr Lovett to try and speak to person responsible. 10. (11/131). Clerk contacted Highways and white marker posts were the only option unless parishioners would prefer the taller reflective black and white posts. Standing Orders suspended for public questions. A parishioner reported that there has been a lot of dog fouling on the footpath between the A36 and the White Horse. Clerk has also received an email about this and there was some reported in the recreation ground. Cllr Lovett asked Ms Tilbrook to put an article in the newsletter and if possible include details on what health issues dog faeces can cause. Standing Orders were re-instated. Parish Online. This is a subscription service available to parish councils and provides up to date maps of the parish. It is possible to populate the maps with items of interest (lamp posts, bus stops etc). Cllr Cripps has looked at the service and recommended QPC subscribe. Resolved that QPC sign up for annual membership with Parish Online at a cost of 10 pa plus a 20 joining fee plus VAT. Accounts. Balance of accounts stands at 5327.37, this includes 1108.95 in earmarked funds. Payments totalling 840.38 were authorised for payment, this includes payment for the fireworks as the cheque issued at the November meeting was incorrectly addressed. A discussion on funding for the Jubilee events followed. Cllr Roberts will speak to Mr Ron Smith re funding for the Bop and money available in Entertainments account. Cllrs felt that non residents should be allowed to attend but that they should make a small financial contribution. Resolved that QPC will underwrite 1500 towards the Jubilee events of grant is not agreed. Bank signatories agreed that Cllrs Cripps and Roberts should become bank signatories. Clerk to sort out paperwork. Marquee Standing Orders. Item deferred until March meeting. Quidhampton Parish Council Standing Orders. Clerk to resend these to Cllrs Lovett and Roberts. Tree at Quidhampton Recreation Ground. Clerk is awaiting a report from the arboriculturalist. Parish steward to note any tasks for the PS visit.
Ms Tilbrook
Cllr Roberts
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Drain blocked on A3094 by Quidhampton Mill. Clerk Drain blocked on Lower Rd just before the triangle/ A3094 junction. Committee reports. Cllr Tyler reported the old recreation ground bin has disappeared from outside the recreation ground. Chairmans Report. Cllr Lovett informed Cllrs he will be stepping down as Chairman at the annual meeting in May. Clerks Report Letter re new speed indicator device purchased by SWWAB. However latest info reveals there is a problem as no one insures these and therefore there is a liability issue. Clerks and Councils direct WC Parish Newsletter circulated Local History centre newsletter, circulated Budget forum at Salisbury on 31st January 2012 this is a new date and replaces the previously circulated 2nd Feb. Salisbury Guildhall 6.30 for 7pm. Cllr development event focussing on waste on 30th January details circulated (City Hall - 6.30-8.30) WALC newsletter circulated Planning booklet link circulated Email on dog fouling. SWWAB meeting at Tisbury on 29th February 2012. Clerk will attend SLCC meeting on 27th January. Clerk will attend Clerks training on 24th February 2012. Email recd today re speed limit on A3094 asking QPC to request a reduction to 40mph. The proposed 50mph should be in place in January 2013. It was agreed Clerk to review the speed limit after the 50mph has been in force for at least 6 months. To note the report on the Eco Park Project at Land Command, Wilton. A written report was circulated, any questions should be directed to the Eco team as this project is not in the parish. Emergency Matters. None. th The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Tuesday 27 March 2012. Any items for the agenda should be sent to the Clerk before Monday 19th March. Clerk to send list of meeting dates to Mr Dawson for hall booking diary. Clerk