Minutes of Turriff and District Community Council November 2015 Meeting
Minutes of Turriff and District Community Council November 2015 Meeting
Minutes of Turriff and District Community Council November 2015 Meeting
Action Points
5. Treasurers Report
JS circulated the financial report for this month. JS advised that there was a donation made
to the Girl Guides in Turriff to thank them for their hard work in picking up rubbish.
JS advised that the planning application for the disabled entrance and the disabled toilet had
been passed. In addition, stage 2 of the Asset Transfer Application had been made to Elaine
Discussions took place in relation to the Heritage Societys interest in moving to the Town
House following their Lease changes in the Museum. JS advised that at present over 44 Chairperson/
separate groups used the Town House in the last 30 days and that space is utilized. MR John Smith
asked JS to provide the Community Council with a full list of all the groups that use the Town
House to allow understanding of who is utilizing the space. In addition it may be of use to
have a separate report delivered to the Community Council to report on who has used the
space and what projects are ongoing MR suggested this is added as a fixed item on our
Agenda. JS agreed.
Discussions took place to the different accounts in the budget report. MR requested that
reports are given from these organisations that are using our treasury facility which is not an
issue by the Community Council, report back to the Community Council to understand what
their position is. In particular it was highlighted that the Business Association who look after
the Turriff Farmers Market provide a monthly update on their future events and the monthly
financial activity.
6. Correspondence
MR advised that all correspondence has been covered.
7. Planning & Infrastructure
MR confirmed that all correspondence had already been circulated with relation to
planning applications. MR advised that there is no planning applications in the next 4
Cllr Robertson advised that there is currently an online planning review taking place.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and these can be submitted online until the
end of November.
8. Christmas Light Committee
It is now confirmed that the switch on will take place on 26th November, 2015 starting
at 6pm at The Square. Turriff.
The winners of the bauble decoration competition have been selected and all 9
winners will receive vouchers from Turriff Toy Shop. The overall winner from the 9
schools will turn on the lights on the night. It was advised that businesses have been
requested to keep their shop lights until 10pm to accommodate the new decorations.
The cost of putting up the decorations is just over 5,000 this includes testing all
lights and decorations. The decorations will start to be put up over the next couple of
weeks and will be Christmas trees coming out from the walls.
In addition a fashion show will be held at Celebrations to help raise funds for the
Christmas lights. A huge thank you to Celebrations for hosting this and to businesses
who have supported the Christmas Lights.
9. Local Issues
9a) Turriff Care Home:
RL updated via email to MR. She advised that the meeting on 28th October was well
attended and a steering committee was set up. A meeting with Elaine Brown will be
arranged shortly. AS advised that when the home was closed there was many items left in
the carpark including wheelchairs. She expressed her concern at the waste of this
9b) Den Development
RL updated via email to MR. Den development meeting takes place on 10 th November 2015
at Turriff Academy with Mark Mitchell.
It was agreed that a separate meeting will take place to review the Constitution and ensure
that TDCC conforms.
RL and DS to review the Constitution with the other Members and report back at the next
R Logan
M Rawlins
(Vice Chair)
D Salmon
J Smith
S Gray
02/11/15 07/12/15
I Garden
D Capel
A Stephen
D Park
Cllr Norrie
Cllr Duncan
A: Apologies Noted
: Present at Meeting