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Minutes of Turriff and District Community Council November 2015 Meeting

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Incorporating Turriff Town Pride Group

Minute of meeting of the Turriff District Community Council held on Monday

2nd November, 2015 in Turriff Town House, Municipal Building, High Street,
Turriff at 7pm.
Present: Mike Rawlins (Chair) (MR); John Smith (Treasurer) (JS); Sandra Gray
(SG); Ian Garden (IG) Annette Stephen (AS) and Mr Dennis Capel (DC).
In attendance: N Prise-Porter (Press); Cllr A Norrie; Cllr A Robertson; Cllr A Duncan and Angela
Mackay, Minute Secretary (AM).
Visitors: Ian Murray and Robert Donald (Turriff Mens Shed)
DRAFT Minutes
1. Welcome
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
b) Apologies
Apologies had been received from R Logan, D Salmon, D Park and PC L Mackie and D Park
2. Police Report
Police report has not been received. Details to be reported to December meeting and
recorded in said Minute.

Action Points

3. Visitors Delegates from Turriff Mens Shed

Ian Murray (Chairperson) and Robert Donald thanked the Committee for inviting them to the
Meeting. They advised that the Mens Shed was a concept originating from Australia 10-15
years ago which now sees over 1000 sheds Australia wide. The idea has been in the UK for
around 5 years with Aberdeenshire leading the way for Scottish Mens Sheds. Currently
Aberdeenshire has sheds in Westhill, Ellon, Portlethen, Banchory and Turriff. The launch of
the Scottish Mens Sheds Association will take place in Glasgow on 24th November, 2015.
What is a Mens Shed?
It is a free workshop and social area which is open to anyone living in the Turriff and district
area. All abilities, backgrounds and abilities are welcomed and membership is free. The
Shed is promoted to provide an area where men can work on own projects or hobbies, help
others or get advice and help from others, relax over a cup of tea or coffee or to meet new
people and socialize.
The Shed is run by a board of trustees all of whom are local to the Turriff and District area.
The group is in the process of establishing themselves as a charity organization and there is
a board of 10 trustees at this time. A constitution, business plan and fund-raising strategy is
being drawn up and grant funding is being sought.
At present the Mens Shed meets monthly at the Gateway Centre in Turriff and are currently
seeking premises to allow them to have a more permanent premises.
A coffee morning will be held at the Royal British Legion, Turriff on 19 th December to
fundraise for the group.
For all men who are interested in joining the Mens Shed, please visit the Mens Shed
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/turriffmensshed for information on meeting dates or
to contact them directly.
MR thanked the men for attending and advised that the Turriff and District Council will
happily assist the group where possible.
4. Approval of Minutes of 5th October 2015
Minutes from the previous meeting had been circulated and amendments noted as follows:
D Copel to be amended to Dennis Capel.
Agenda Item 3; second last paragraph:
Cllr Norrie advised there is a drop in planning surgery which takes place on the first
Wednesday of the month. Appointments can be made by calling the Planning Office in
Ellon on 01358 726429
Agenda Item 13b):
Cllr Norrie advised Denis Capel that she had asked the Community Payback team to tidy
up the area in question.
Agenda Item 12; 3rd paragraph:
remedial works taking place on the A947 at Hatton Castle.
Raised by MR and seconded by IG subject to above amendments.

5. Treasurers Report
JS circulated the financial report for this month. JS advised that there was a donation made
to the Girl Guides in Turriff to thank them for their hard work in picking up rubbish.
JS advised that the planning application for the disabled entrance and the disabled toilet had
been passed. In addition, stage 2 of the Asset Transfer Application had been made to Elaine
Discussions took place in relation to the Heritage Societys interest in moving to the Town
House following their Lease changes in the Museum. JS advised that at present over 44 Chairperson/
separate groups used the Town House in the last 30 days and that space is utilized. MR John Smith
asked JS to provide the Community Council with a full list of all the groups that use the Town
House to allow understanding of who is utilizing the space. In addition it may be of use to
have a separate report delivered to the Community Council to report on who has used the
space and what projects are ongoing MR suggested this is added as a fixed item on our
Agenda. JS agreed.
Discussions took place to the different accounts in the budget report. MR requested that
reports are given from these organisations that are using our treasury facility which is not an
issue by the Community Council, report back to the Community Council to understand what
their position is. In particular it was highlighted that the Business Association who look after
the Turriff Farmers Market provide a monthly update on their future events and the monthly
financial activity.
6. Correspondence
MR advised that all correspondence has been covered.
7. Planning & Infrastructure
MR confirmed that all correspondence had already been circulated with relation to
planning applications. MR advised that there is no planning applications in the next 4
Cllr Robertson advised that there is currently an online planning review taking place.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and these can be submitted online until the
end of November.
8. Christmas Light Committee
It is now confirmed that the switch on will take place on 26th November, 2015 starting
at 6pm at The Square. Turriff.
The winners of the bauble decoration competition have been selected and all 9
winners will receive vouchers from Turriff Toy Shop. The overall winner from the 9
schools will turn on the lights on the night. It was advised that businesses have been
requested to keep their shop lights until 10pm to accommodate the new decorations.
The cost of putting up the decorations is just over 5,000 this includes testing all
lights and decorations. The decorations will start to be put up over the next couple of
weeks and will be Christmas trees coming out from the walls.
In addition a fashion show will be held at Celebrations to help raise funds for the
Christmas lights. A huge thank you to Celebrations for hosting this and to businesses
who have supported the Christmas Lights.

9. Local Issues
9a) Turriff Care Home:
RL updated via email to MR. She advised that the meeting on 28th October was well
attended and a steering committee was set up. A meeting with Elaine Brown will be
arranged shortly. AS advised that when the home was closed there was many items left in
the carpark including wheelchairs. She expressed her concern at the waste of this
9b) Den Development
RL updated via email to MR. Den development meeting takes place on 10 th November 2015
at Turriff Academy with Mark Mitchell.

10. Public Events

a) Table top sale Town House 21st Novemer 2015 10a.m. -2p.m.
b) Christmas Lights Switch on 26th November 2015 6:00pm
c) Craft fayre will take place on 26th November 2015 in line with the light switch on in the
Town Hall a fire engine will be at the road end in front of Turriff on the night too.
d) Mens Shed Coffee Morning 19th December 2015 British Legion, Turriff.
11. Corporate Communications
The Community Council have been contacted regarding parking at Bowling Green Road. It
appears that cars are inconsiderately parking on verge on the left hand side causing
obstruction to road users which in turn is making access to the surrounding roads difficult.
This information will be forwarded to Police for their action.
12. Any Other Competent Business
IG advised the Committee that a concern has been raised regarding Delgaty Lane and
Delgaty Crescent. It appears that a residential garden wall is crumbling and barriers have Councillors/Ian
been erected to minimize pedestrian access on the lane. IG asked if Councillors could Garden
please investigate the situation. This is still outstanding.
SG informed the Committee that a complaint has been received regarding Beaconsfield Lane
leading to St Ninians Church. This is a no car access but is a heavily used pedestrian Councillors/
walkway for mums with children and buggies. The lane is heavily potholed and appears
Sandra Gray
damaged from water run off. SG asked if this could be looked at for potential resurface work.
This is still outstanding
RL advised that the Skate Park meeting took place, on 29th October 2015 at the Gateway
Centre. A Facebook Page will be set up by the Action Group to encourage supporters and to
promote the work of the Group. RL advised the Steering Group that they could use the
TDCC bank account while they start up.
A Coffee Morning will be held on 19th December, 2015 to raise funds and promote the
venture. RL confirmed that the Turriff Mens Shed were advised that they could use the
TDCC bank account while they start up.
AS advised that she had received an enquiry from a resident enquiring about the hedge on
Bowling Green Road. The lady advised that the view when turning from the road is hindered
by the hedge and requested that this be trimmed to ensure clear visibility. Cllr Duncan
advised that at present there didnt appear to be an issue with the hedge.
JS questioned the recent email MR sent regarding the Constitution of the Community
Council. MR advised questioned whether the current Constitution was in line with
Aberdeenshire Councils new constitution of Community Councils following the recent
Scotland Bill. Discussions took place in relation to this and it was agreed that a formal record
of attendance will be added to the Minute. In line with the Constitution those members who
do not attend more than 3 meetings must be contacted in the first instance to obtain
understanding for their absence.

It was agreed that a separate meeting will take place to review the Constitution and ensure
that TDCC conforms.
RL and DS to review the Constitution with the other Members and report back at the next

13. Dates of future meetings

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on: Monday 7th December, 2015,
Turriff Town House (Municipal Building) at 7pm.
Subsequent meetings are to be held on:
Monday 11th January, 2016
Monday 1st February, 2016
Monday 7th March, 2016
Monday 4th April, 2016
Monday 9th May, 2016
Monday 6th June, 2016 (AGM)
Meeting closed at 20:50
Contact Details:
Chair: Mrs Rose Logan
Secretary: Mr David Salmon
Minute Secretary: Angela Mackay



Location: Turriff Town Hall, Turriff

R Logan
M Rawlins
(Vice Chair)
D Salmon
J Smith
S Gray

02/11/15 07/12/15

I Garden
D Capel
A Stephen
D Park

Cllr Norrie
Cllr Duncan

A: Apologies Noted
: Present at Meeting







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