Local Government Act 1972 s85
Local Government Act 1972 s85
Local Government Act 1972 s85
In attendance;
To review and decide whether to grant Dispensations, as submitted to
the Parish Clerk. None received.
Cllr Roberts closed the meeting at 7.31pm.
Cllrs Bass, Cripps, Edge (from 8.15pm), Roberts (Chairman), Taylor, Tyler.
In attendance;
Not present;
There were no questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village.
Report from the Wilton Rural Neighbourhood Police Team.
Apologies received from PC Jung.
Report from Wiltshire Councillor Mr Richard Beattie.
Area Board economic development initiative - All three Chambers of Trade in our area have now been given Area
Board grants to enable them to continue to expand their activities and thereby continue to pay a part time clerk. The
aim is for them to become financially self supporting within two years
Major army expansion announced - As the army units return from Germany many of them will be moving into
Youth Club - Rose Salmi has now started as the manager of the Wilton Youth Development Centre appointed.
Traffic Lights. The traffic lights in Wiltons market square have been examined and it will be possible to providea
pedestrian phase to help people cross North and South streets. The engineers are now working out what it might
The March meeting of Wiltshire Council
Agreed a budget which freezes Council Tax for the third year running. The Leaders budget speech is on the council
Agreed the Wiltshire & Swindon Waste Site Allocations Policy which includes the quarry on the Wilton to
Salisbury road
Cllr Roberts opened the meeting at 7.32 pm.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Edge who will be late (work).
Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)
Exclusion of the press and public. None
Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100
Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting
held on 22nd January 2013 (first meeting)
Quidhampton PC resolved to approve the previously circulated minutes as a true record, these were
signed by the Chairman.
Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting
held on 22nd January 2013 (Full Council meeting).
Quidhampton PC resolved to approve the previously circulated minutes as a true record, these were
signed by the Chairman.
Interests. Item 13/042 Planning app S/2013/0365. Cllr Roberts declared that the
Planning Consultant for this application shares his office and he would take no part in the item.
Localism Act 2011, section 31.
Quidhampton Fete. A meeting has been held to plan a fete for the summer 2013. A
request from the organising group for support from Quidhampton PC by allowing the fete to be run under
the PC insurance and a donation would be appreciated.
Quidhampton PC resolved to support the event by using the PC insurance on the condition that the
Clerk can attend to ensure the insurance criteria is met.
Quidhampton PC deferred a decision on funding under a detailed budget and further details to what the
funding is for has been presented.
Update of actions from the meeting dated 22nd January 2012.
1. (13/009.2) WC rang Clerk to arrange a meeting re the mini recycling site, Clerk requested they contact
Mr Strawson to arrange this meeting as agreed at the January meeting.
2. (13/090.3) Mr Dawson has purchased the shed and payment has been made to reimburse Mr Dawson
of this.
3. (13/011) Clerk has chased fence repair but as yet not heard anything. Clerk has contacted another
4. (13/012) VAT has been applied for but they needed proof of the account, this has been sent.. R2 has
been received.
5. (13/014) Clerk notified WC that QPC support the reduced speed limit along the A3094.
6. (13/016) Precept has been requested.
7. (13/018) Planning response was sent to WC.
8. (13/020) Clerk has sent documents to Cllr Cripps for the website.
9. (13/024) Cllr Taylor sent asset paperwork to Clerk, this has been submitted to WC.
Quidhampton PC Marquee Standing Orders. Cllr Strawson will circulate these prior to
the meeting.
Cllr Strawson was not present and no report or draft MSO had been received.
Media and Communication Policy. A draft policy had been circulated.
Cllr Cripps raised a few concerns re the website content and that all articles for the website should go
through the Clerk creating extra work. Cllr Cripps will review and circulate the document ready for
approval at the next meeting.
Cllr Cripps.
Year ending 31st March 2013.
(i) The balance of the accounts stands at 3,093.37 with unpresented cheques totalling 16.00.
A total of 125.00 has been received from Lloyds bank as an apology for errors relating to
payment for the safety surface at the recreation ground.
(ii) Terms of expenditure totalling 451.00 were authorised for payment.
(iii) Cllr Taylor to be a signatory on the account.
Local Government Act 1972 s150(5). Account and Audit Regulations 2008
Cllr Edge arrived.
Road traffic issues at Lower Rd / Foots Hill junction.
Clerk has attended the second CATG meeting and initial estimates for the short section of raised footway
is 10-15,000.
A traffic audit would be required to confirm the scheme would be suitable as engineers feel the
footway may not be wide enough and making it the required width may result in loss of
carriageway thus causing a traffic flow problem.
To amend procedure for Reviewing a Dispensation request.
Currently Cllrs are required to submit a written request that will be reviewed at a separate
meeting of Quidhampton PC held immediately before the full council meeting. This means the
Clerk is summoning Cllrs to a meeting with no business as it is not known if there will be any
requests when the agenda is published.
The more suitable option would be to add the review of Dispensations to the main agenda.
To agree to change the procedure to Review Dispensations.
Quidhampton PC resolved to change the procedure so that all requests will be dealt with during the
main meeting.
Quidhampton PC resolved to appoint Mrs Purves as Internal Auditor for the year ending 31 st March
S/2013/0365. Foots Hill House, Lower Rd. Use of building as dwelling
(previously granted planning permission as annexe)
Quidhampton PC resolved to make no comment.
Commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War. The 100th anniversary
is on 4th August 2014.
To consider whether Quidhampton should commemorate this in any way.
Quidhampton PC resolved to commemorate this date by researching those from Quidhampton who
fought in the war and place an article on the village website and perhaps in the newsletter.
Request for villagers recollections to go into newsletter, all articles must relate to Quidhampton residents
at the time not families of current residents.
Clerk to look into records
Cllr Cripps to place article on the website.
Cllr Cripps
Website. To receive an update from Cllr Cripps.
Minutes, Cllr details and village newsletters have been uploaded.
To receive brief reports from Cllrs. Please note that these reports are for
information only and no decisions or resolutions may be made on any items not clearly stated on
the agenda.
Cllr Taylor reported that tomorrow a Press Release would be issued confirming the sale of the
Land Command site to Redrow Homes which includes the Wilton Community Land Trust.
Clerks Report.
Election papers. An email has gone to all Cllrs, another on the village email and an article in the
newsletter. Deadline for receipt of nominations Friday 5 th April.
Clerks and Councils Direct
BBC Wiltshire rang asking about the Campaign to save the Pub. As Clerk was out of the office
the following day the matter was passed to Cllr Roberts to deal with. Cllr Roberts attended the
recording, made a statement and this was broadcast on BBC Wiltshire.
Attended HMRC RTI training
Attended SLCC branch meeting, hoping to arrange a training session on NHP which will be
open to Cllrs.
Highways and Streetscene are joining forces, there will be a presentation at an Area Board
Balfour Beatty is replacing Aitkins at WC highways.
Attended CATG meeting
Reported large pothole in Lower Rd, this has been filled.
Reported damaged post at Skew Rd / Lower Rd junction. It is thought this was done by a lorry
turning into Skew Rd.
To note agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 28 th May
2013. Please note all agenda items should be sent to the Clerk by 9am on Monday 20 th May.
Cllr Roberts closed the meeting at 9.02pm.
Future meeting dates; 28th May.
Please note elections take place on 2nd May 2013. Nomination forms must be received by
Wiltshire Council by noon on Friday 5th April.