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T-I-A Report March 2013

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Parish Council Report from March 2013

There were four members of the public present, together with District Councillor Atkinson. District Councillor Oakley and County Councillor Perry sent their apologies. A resident from Forshaw Heath raised concerns of unacceptable noise from Becketts Farm at unsociable hours. The resident also report another incident where a large vehicle attending Mr Becketts property to deliver a crane, ended up in a ditch, taking out the power supply to a number of households. The resident stated that this is yet another example of why Forshaw Heath Road is not suitable for heavy goods vehicles. The Parish Council agreed to contact Stratford District Council on behalf of the resident. Another resident enquired about the credence given to petitions in the case of planning decisions, particularly the petition that was submitted recently regarding signage at The Limes, Forshaw Heath. Cllr Keogh confirmed that the petition was very briefly considered at the Planning Committee meeting. Cllr Willmott stated that individual letters carry more weight and that generally a petition is worth one letter. Cllr Atkinson confirmed again that the petition, although presented to the committee did not necessarily influence the decision. Cllr Atkinson did highlight a point raised by the presenting officer that flag poles can be erected on private land and planning permission is not required as long as the flag poles fly the National flag. Report from District Councillor Atkinson Cllr Atkinson had attended a Build in Excellence Awards meeting where a barn conversion at Forshaw Heath Park Farm had been awarded a top award, for a grade II listed holiday let. Cllr Atkinson suggested that this may be something the Parish Council would wish to advertise. Cllr Atkinson stated that recycling collectors can now take small household electrical items, textiles, household batteries (excluding car batteries), again Cllr Atkinson suggested this may be something positive to advertise. Cllr Atkinson had distributed Actionenergy leaflets for residents who need assistance/advice regarding their heating during winter months. Cllr Atkinson highlighted an agenda item, entitled imposing conditions on planning permissions, which he argued is carried out as part of the decision making process. The Parish Council agreed to contact Stratford District Council for guidance on how conditions requested by the Parish Council to be included in decision notices, which are not granted, can by appealed or explained. Cllr Atkinson finally made a request to the Parish Council to amend its headed paper to exclude Solihull in the address and to state Warwickshire instead. Cllr Atkinson briefly mentioned Permitted Development Rights, in light of successful appeal re the property Appledore, Blind Lane. Cllr Atkinson had made the Clerk aware of a circular available giving details of when PDRs can be withdrawn. Report from County Councillor Perry Councillor Perry was not present but had sent the following report re bollards in Malthouse Lane keyhole verge Cllr Perry informed us that WCC use proper oak posts which cost 100 per post, WCC wont install the posts as it is an unadopted road. Cllr Perry suggested sourcing cheaper posts from a local merchant. All other issues will be reported on at the next meeting.

The following decisions were noted:

Planning Number 12/02846/FUL 12/02929/FUL Address Nuthurst Grange Hotel, Nuthurst Grange Road The Oak, Stratford Road Decision Extension to existing conference facility - Permission with Conditions Demolition of part of existing building and erection of new extension providing overnight hotel accommodation (C1 use) and minor alterations to part of car park. Permission with Conditions

The following planning applications were considered:

Application Number 12/02873/VARY Address Unit 3 and 4 Poplars Farm, Forshaw Heath Road Proposal Variation of conditions 19 and 20 of planning permission 10/02537/FUL for the change of use of units 3 and 4 from agricultural to use classes B1(c) and B8 and associated development. Condition 19 to read - The use of units 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D as shown on drawing 6363-201 Rev A shall be restricted to Class B1 (c) only and condition 20 to read - The use of units 3C and 3D as shown on drawing 6363-201 Rev A shall be restricted to Class B8 only. Proposed erection of two storey rear extension


Fairfield, Broad Lane

Following the Recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes it was agreed to approve the grant application made by Tanworth and Camp Hill Cricket Club and award the full amount of 1500, with stipulation that the award is a one off payment. Councillor Willmott informed the Parish Council that he had been approached by two volunteers offering their services to help create a wild flower meadow in Malthouse Lane Leisure Park. Work around the Parish was reported: Brick completely out of the curbing outside School House in T-in-A Water running at top of Penn Lane and on Vicarage Hill, could be a water leak Flooding on Leafy Lane Potholes were also discussed and it was agreed that individual Councillors would report potholes on an adhoc basis via Warwickshire County Councils website The full minutes are available on our website www.tanworth-pc.org.uk or from the Parish Office rear of Earlswood Village Hall, Shutt Lane. The next meeting will be on 16th May at Tanworth Village Hall and then on 20th June at Earlswood Village Hall. Anyone is welcome to come and listen or if you have an issue that you would like to raise, there is a Public Forum held at 7.30pm. The Annual Parish Assembly will be held on May 8th at Earlswood Village Hall at 7.30 where our guest speaker will be Ron Ball, the new Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire. The Community Forum is being held at Earlswood Village Hall on June 26th. If you would like us to start e-mailing a Parish Newsletter, please e-mail the parish office at office@tanworth-pc.org.uk and we will add you to our circulation list. If anyone has a matter which they would like us to pass on to PCSO Dave Martin, please give us the details and we will pass them on. You are welcome to leave a sealed envelope in the Parish office addressed to PCSO Dave Martin and we will hand it over unopened. Dont forget that PCSO Dave Martin will be giving crime prevention advice or addressing local concerns at his mobile police surgeries which are held on the first Friday of each month. You can contact PCSO Martin on 07923 288641. You can now follow us on Twitter @Tanworthpc. If anyone is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor please contact the Clerk on 01564 703 200

R Howes Assistant Clerk

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