Questions and Answers!: Vol 39. MARCH
Questions and Answers!: Vol 39. MARCH
Questions and Answers!: Vol 39. MARCH
EDITORS: Roy Turner, Hall Barn, Main Street : 01636 893665 Kate Murrell, The Retreat, Amos Lane: 01636 893402 Please support THE SCARLIAN by contributing your news and views !
TO LET .. Holiday Cottage BowNess-on-Windermere, Cumbria The cottage is in the centre of Bowness, very close to all the shops and facilities, and is ideally situated for the southern lakes. It is fully modernized, comfortable and compact. It comprises of Entrance Porch, Kitchen, Sitting/Dining Room, Shower, Cloakroom, Bathroom, and THREE bedrooms to sleep a total of SIX. There is a double bed, twin singles and two 3ft bunk beds. There is a small yard outside. 30 per day ALL INCLUSIVE.
Word has it that a certain adventurous lady, who was last seen in the pages of The Scarlian attached to a neighbour in a three-legged attempt to win the 2004 Summer weekend Fun Run, has taken to more serious running like a duck takes to water! She has been training under cover of darkness for her competition debut accompanied by her erstwhile spouse on his bicycle! When the clocks are altered soon her cover will be blown and we will all be able to cheer her on her way. We wish her good luck in her forthcoming Charity event!
Now that the Scarlian is firmly revitalized , there is less need for a parish newsletter. However, it is encumbent upon everyone to keep an eye on the parish notice board for dates of future meetings. Remember, everyone on the Electoral Roll is entitled to both speak and vote. Wherever possible, I try to give two weeks notice of a parish meeting even though the legal minimum requirement is seven days. In case you havent noticed, I have now started publishing on the noticeboard the unconfirmed minutes of the last meeting, also general information sent out by N.S.D.C/ & Notts C.C. is displayed in the Farm Shop. Playing Field The parish has now received full title from the Land Registry to the new playing field and this has been lodged with Messrs. Tallents solicitors. As soon as the weather improves, the spring sowing of the grass seed will take place.. Last year the precept was increased to take into account legal and other expenditure involved with the acquisition of the playing field. Therefore, this year the precept has been considerably reduced to a figure of 2661.00. Planning Improvements? Over the last few months various planning applications have been approved both by the parish and N.S.D.C., namely: Cornwall Cottage and Yew tree Cottage. The Chairman also informed parishioners at a recent meeting that if anyone was considering an improvement to their property they could first fill in a form from N.S.D.C. Planning Dept. outlining their proposals. They would then receive, at no cost, a reply informing them what permissions and consent, if any, would be required. Council Band Reduction For those of you who do not subscribe to The Fleet magazine, you will have missed the recent letter to the editor from Mick Dowell of Moor Road, Collingham, in which he outlines how he successfully applied for a council band reduction as a result of new build taking place adjacent to his property. The application form can be obtained from Nottingham Valuation Office (Tel: 0115 9800900) and the criterion to be used is that of change of circumstance leading to a devaluation of your property. Finally, I reiterate my previous newsletter information that, if you have a query or problem then please pop a note in my postbox and I will respond as soon as practicable. NEXT PARISH MEETING : TUESDAY 29th MARCH : 7.15pm for 7.30pm. AGENDA : Planning permission - Temporary extension from 3 Tractor Units to 8 Tractor Units, Redmay Industrial Estate. Forward Planning for Summer fund-raising event for parish and church. Peter Rowlands, Parish Clerk, The Old Stackyard
Our periodic electrical installation check of the church and the parish room has
been done and the remedial work reported put in hand. The total cost will be upwards of 500.00 but we know that the building will then be safe for all who use it. will be on Friday April 15th in Girton Village Hall. This is open to all parishioners of the three villages though voting is restricted to Electoral Roll members. To be on this Roll and thus have a chance to influence the local governing of the churches you must be a baptised member of the Church of England. To be on the Parochial Church Council, with an even greater say, you have also to be a communicant member of the church. If there is anyone in South Scarle who would like to help St.Helenas in this way, please step forward! You would be very much welcomed!
The Annual meeting of the United Parish ie; South Scarle, Besthorpe and Girton
Readers may have noted from the November Scarlian that we need to raise at least 1000.00 each year to supplement our regular income. We hope there will be another village event sometime to help with this but gift-aided donations would be a very effective way of helping.
ANNE ACKROYD, Churchwarden
Pigeons, however, had many other uses. Their well-known homing instincts have been used for centuries, for carrying messages, right up to the Second World War. In addition, their droppings were used for manure and for tanning and in the 17th Century, were a Originally, the right to keep pigeons major source of saltpeter used in the was only granted to feudal barons, manufacture of gunpowder. abbots and Lords of the Manor. Later, the privilege was extended to the parish MEDIEVAL REMEDY clergy. It was not until the mid-18th Pigeon feathers, along with those of Century that any landowners could build other farmyard birds, were used for a dovecote on their own land. Both of stuffing pillows and it was once South Scarles dovecotes were probably believed that those who slept on built well before this date. pigeon feathers lived to an old age. One medieval remedy for melancholy ROCK PIGEONS was to apply to the head a live pigeon The birds that were reared were blue cut in half. rock pigeons and today their descendants are the feral pigeons that Photographs of the dovecotes in our throng all our cities. They are distinct village are on the next page and are in Dovecotes of from, but related to the familiar wood m e n t i o n e d Nottinghamshire by John Severn, pigeons that are actually impossible to published by the Cromwell Press, which domesticate. gives a well-illustrated account of the Pigeons were reared mainly for their history and construction of these meat which was invaluable in the winter intriguing buildings.
At San Francisco airport, the only question we were asked about its contents
was whether any suet had been used..from any mad cows, presumably! Daves mum was furious as she only ever uses best butter. Five days later the surviving top tier was on its way back to the UK with the bride and groom! The latest news is that it is about to go back again for the first anniversary. I wonder is there is another cake as well-travelled? If so, it will have to beat 18,000miles!
John is pictured with the Mayor of Newark, Mr. John Clark and SJAB Officer Philip Jessop