S.M.I.L.E.: Sum Mer 2006 Specialcommunity Facilityedition
S.M.I.L.E.: Sum Mer 2006 Specialcommunity Facilityedition
S.M.I.L.E.: Sum Mer 2006 Specialcommunity Facilityedition
As you can see we have a special edition with the latest information on the St
Mary’s Community Facility. Things are progressing steadily – to find out more
turn to the centre pages.
You’ll also find a report on the recent funday on page 5 and pictures on the
back page. Other pictures were taken, if you think you might be in one and
would like a copy contact Richard on 509172
Plenty of other things are happening in and around our community, involving all
ages in a wide variety of activities. We have reports on many of these, but
there are activities that we have not heard about. If you are involved in
something in the St Mary’s / Brackens area that you would like others to know
about or be involved in then contact Ruth on 509172 before the middle of
October and we will try and include you in the next Newsletter
Thanks to all contributors and those who deliver the newsletters around the
See page 4 for pictures of locations)
St Giles Tce.
St Boswells
Around 300 adults and children attended the event, with the pony rides, in particular,
being a big hit with the children.
Other fun activities included a bouncy castle (some adults wished they'd been allowed to
have a go - so maybe a bigger one next year!), a 'magic' show, crafts and children's
Different local organisations also participated, which added to the success. Among
these, with stalls in the marquee were the Healthy Living Initiative, the Urban Ranger
and the Communities Department.
St Kilda Road Baptist Church also participated and provided refreshments and a chance
to sit down. There were a few stalls which helped boost the church's building fund - to
provide better disabled access and more space for community activities.
The total sum raised by the Funday exceeded all expectations and will be put towards
hosting the Funday next year. Look out for publicity next summer, and come along and
be part of it all.
Mary’s Lambs
Sewing Club
Small grants
Elections will take place for St. Mary's Representatives at:-
The photo shows the Steering Group members who have worked hard over
the last year.
National Lottery
Charitable Status
Finally ........ A word from the partners
"We are confident in the strong partnership that we have with local people in
making the new facility a reality."
Chalmers Ardler
The summer is almost over and we have heard some of the usual predictable
phrases "I'm bored and there is nothing to do" or "how many days till school
starts?" This year we also heard the unusual ones "It's too hot" or "I wish it
would rain". It has been a very hot summer and many people have found the
constant heat to be draining and exhausting. We complain when we experience
the wet and dampness of a "typical Scottish summer" but this year has
almost been too hot. The ground becomes hard and dry; simple tasks become
almost impossible; the sweat runs constantly and we long for a cold breeze
and something to drink. Refreshment becomes desirable.
The Christian faith often uses pictures like dry ground, thirst, refreshment
and renewal to describe how God can change situations. Individuals and
communities can become dry and desert like places, all life seems to have
gone- and then God comes and by His Holy Spirit acts to bring new life, new
Perhaps we are aware of being in need of refreshment. Why not pop into a
church or chapel near you and see if God is able to bring life to what seems
withered and dead.
Chalmers-Ardler is one of the churches in the area and you are welcome to
come to any service. On Sunday worship is at 11am and 6.30pm. The family and
children's project runs from Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12 and
provides a meeting place for children and those who care for them. The Girls
Brigade (Tuesday 6.30-8.00, the Good News club (Wednesday 6.30-7.30) and
the Boys Brigade (Friday 6.15-9.00) offer opportunities for young people. The
Welcome Project is a meeting place for anyone who would like a bit of
company and possibly a meal (Wednesday 1.30-5.00)
TARGET Project
We are looking for young people aged 11 – 18 yrs old who have an
interest in writing and producing articles for local newsletters to
get in touch. This wouldn’t take up much of your time and give
you new opportunities & experience. If you would like to find
out more or get involved then contact Lesley Wallace.
Lesley Wallace
Communities Worker
Ardler Complex
Ph: 01382 436445
Email: lesley.wallace@dundeecity.gov.uk
Last Term
The New School Year
Staff Changes
Tel: 01382 612514 0771 717 4850