Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
Columbus United Methodist Church: in This Issue
July, 2011
In This Issue
From the Pastor July Usher Schedule July Anniversaries July Birthdays Scripture Readers for July July Fellowship Time Schedule Save the Date Mission Offering for July Harbor House Childrens Kits Guitarist, Bassist Needed Brie Sheard in Mission Upcoming Sermon Topics Wish List July News & Notes: Children & Youth Ministries Annual Conference Church Trial Karen Whites Jobs Calendar Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7
Our purpose is to: Follow Jesus Together We do this by: Opening our hearts to people and to Christ in worship and fellowship, so that we know God and each other more fully, Opening our minds to deepen our Christian faith, understand our heritage, and think together to solve common problems, and Opening our doors in welcome and hospitality, even as we go out of those doors to invite people into God's church and be in service to all of our neighbors everywhere.
The Voice
From the Pastor
My wife, Marianne, who is also a United Methodist pastor, is beginning a new church this month. Her first Sunday will be July 10, and Im taking a Sunday off to be there for her first Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church in Madison. Its a fairly small church, located on the near West Side, not far from St. Marys Hospital. The good news is that the Columbus pulpit will be ably filled. Most recently the pulpit has been ably filled by Patsy Roe, and I know you enjoy it when Patsy preaches. In fact, Patsy is now working with lay speakers all across Wisconsin, and will be offering a couple of lay speaker training sessions at Columbus. Actually, theyre using the term lay servant now, because the training involves more than preaching. We are blessed to have Rev. Dan Dick come to preach on July 10. Dan has offices in Sun Prairie, and is the Director of Connectional Ministries for the Wisconsin Conference of the United Methodist Church. That mouthful means that Dan works to help churches all around the state be more effective in their ministries, and in our common mission together. A couple of years ago, Dan preached here and many of you remember him talking about the family orchard at which he worked growing up. Dan is a superlative preacher. Im sure youll enjoy it and learn from it. As United Methodists, we are connected to one another. John Wesley used to call it the connexion. Yes, its an odd spelling, but it underlines how we are connected to Christ and to one another as a vine is connected root, stem and branches (see John 15). You know about our shared missions at places like Harbor House homeless shelter in Superior, Northcott Neighborhood House in Milwaukee, and the Madison hospital chaplain ministry. You know that United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is there at disasters in the US and around the world, whether it was an earthquake, a tornado, a
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hurricane, or a drought. UMCOR keep working in those places long after the media circus leaves. But did you know that our praise team went to Marshall for three Wednesday evenings this spring, to help the Marshall UMC children discover new ways to worship? Did you know that I am the coordinator of a team that intervenes in conflict in churches all over the state? Did you know that the United Methodist Foundation invests our bequest trust funds, and has done a superb job? Did you know that theyve also provided resources for us for stewardship and building advice? What a blessing to be connected! Pastor Jim Cotter
When mentioning the graduates in last months newsletter, we forgot to include Jayme Caswell in the group. Jayme graduated from Fall River High School. Congratulations, Jayme!
Through Friday, August 26th, the church office will be open Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The church office will be closed on Mondays.
The Voice is the monthly newsletter of the Columbus United Methodist Church. Please send all correspondence to: PO Box 392, Columbus, WI 53925-0392. Pastor: Jim Cotter Secretary: Wanda Guenther Church Office......920-623-3625 (Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 10-3) Pastors home phone......920-623-9641 E-Mail: Website: ............................. Pastors E-Mail:
The Voice
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July 10th: Lois Smith July 17th: Ron Balfanz July 24th: Coleen Feucht July 31st: Winfred Mandody
The Voice
Save the Date
Paul Webster, the missionary in Africa whom we support, will speak to us on Thursday, July 14 at noon. We will have lunch first, followed by a program at which Paul Webster will tell us about his work with appropriate technology for agriculture in Zambia. Paul has gotten his pastors license so also now leads worship in Zambia. Come here about locked-up chickens, ox carts, sun flower oil presses, ram pumps, a portable saw mill and other techniques that make agriculture easier for the people in that area. Paul Webster is our missionary; we support him to the tune of at least $1,500.00 each year. Bring a dish to pass and your questions!
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Thank you, Pastor Jim, for the beautiful service for my mom. You captured who she was by your words and compassion for her and the family. Thank you, Peggy Waterworth, and the ladies who served the delicious lunch. Thank you, Dan Burnard, for the beautiful singing and Kathy Baerwolf for accompanying him. Thank you all. Phyllis Call & Family of Mable Hanson
The Voice
Upcoming Sermon Topics
Sunday, July 3:
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Holy Communion, Christian Perfection?? Philippians 3:12-21, 2 Peter 3:14-18, Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 19:21 During July, Pastor Jim reinterprets some of John Wesleys sermons Rev. Dan Dick, Director of Connectional Ministries for Wisconsin United Methodists, preaches The Use of Money Luke 16:1-13, Psalm 49:16-19 On Grieving 2 Samuel 12:15b-23, Matthew 5:1-12 Worship with prayers for healing Holiness and Happiness Mark 1:14-15, Romans 14:13-19
The Wills & Gifts Committee of our church is pleased to present you this Wish List. If there are any additional items you believe should be on this list, call the church office at 623-3625. These are opportunities for special giving. Columbus United Methodist Church Wills & Gifts Wish List Bulletin Sponsor VOICE Sponsor Donations to Building Fund for new library/ music room roof Ceiling tiles and insulation for library/music room Child care for Praise Band Rehearsals Wellness FundCounseling New Advent Candle Wreath Stand Snowblower Light-weight tables for the sanctuary $15.00 per week Various Amounts $15.00 per week $50.00 per month
The Voice
July News & Notes: Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator
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Our Summer Sunday School format continues with videos and snacks each Sunday for the students at our regular 10:30 time slot. We will enjoy some special crafts and/or projects to reinforce the scripture lessons we will be hearing about in the videos. We have added a very special component this summer. We will have the students participate in the opening part of 10:30 Worship Service on special Sundays. They will accompany the Praise Band with our special rhythm instruments!! Family Friendly Friday Film is July 8th at 7 pm Join us as we present this animated Disney feature filmChicken Little. You are sure to enjoy the adventures of Chicken Little as he seeks to find if the sky is really falling and sanity has flown the coop or not?! He is faced with the question, Who will save the day? Together with his band of hysterical misfit friends, he must hatch a plan to save the planet from alien invasion and prove that the worlds biggest hero is a little chicken!!
Watch for August news about Vacation Bible School!! This special three day event will be held on August 22, 23 and 24th. It will be A Bible School morning from 9 am to noon and then a Day Camp Adventure from noon to 6 pm. Summer is here!! Relax!! Play!! VOLUNTEER!! Volunteer your time for Family Film Night. Volunteer at Club House. We can use people to share their talents, hobbies and skills. We enjoy having visitors who will play games, read stories or assist with games and activities. Children and staff love having helpers!! Volunteer to help with Sunday School and/or Bible School preparation, planning and teaching, Volunteer to be on the Christian Education Committee. We would love to have you join us as we develop and implement curriculum, events and activities for children and youth. A wonderful prayer for each day.. Lord, think Your thoughts in me do Your work through me Build Your peace in me Share Your love through me. (From Marian Wright Edelmans book .. Guide My Feet) God bless you!! Love, Mary Baker Sincere condolences to Janet Lucas and her family on the loss of her mother, Priscilla Plahm, who died on June 17th. The funeral was held at our church on Friday, June 24th. Pastor Jim officiated at the funeral. Sincere condolences to Tim & Julie Jensen and their family on the loss of Julies mother, Zanie Rahn, on Thursday, June 23rd. The funeral was held at our church on Tuesday, June 28th. Pastor Jim officiated at the funeral. Zanie was a fixture around our churchvolunteering in many areas. She had been a life-long member at Columbus United Methodist Church. She was best known for her sewing and quilting. Both of these women will be greatly missed.
The Voice
Annual Conference
Our annual conference session for the approximately 500 United Methodist Churches in Wisconsin was held beginning June 12. We elected representatives to our quadrennial General Conference, worshipped together, and learned about the ways we are in mission and ministry together. At the Annual Conference session, we collected the following offerings: 707 Harbor House kits (Columbus UMC donated ten of theses) 2,458 Health Kits 551 School Kits 887 School Bags 440 Cleaning Buckets 670 Preemie Caps 204 Baby Sweaters 66 Birthing Kits Plus blankets, medical supplies, comfort dolls, diapers and hospital gowns. Along with these donations, there was $4,590 given for shipping them to their destinations, along with offerings during worship totaling $6,000!
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Church Trial
On Tuesday, June 21, a church trial began for Rev. Amy DeLong, a pastor in our Annual Conference. Amy admitted to performing a ceremony of Holy Union for a Lesbian couple which she was convicted of. The penalty agreed on by the clergy jury was a short initial suspension followed by a time where Rev. DeLong would work with the Bishop, District Superintendents, and some other leaders of the conference to suggest a new policy to restore broken relationships around controversial issues of this sort, so that church trials may not need to be held in the future. If Rev. DeLong does not comply with this provision of the penalty, she will be suspended for a full year. Performing the union of a same-sex couple is contrary to the United Methodist Book of Discipline. Rev. DeLong had taken an oath to uphold the Book of Discipline. The United Methodist Church every four years updates its Book of Discipline. Changes to the Discipline are voted on by representatives of Annual Conferences from around the world. Wisconsin sends three clergy and three laity to General Conference. The Book of Discipline currently states that we affirm the civil rights of gays and lesbians, welcome them as members of the church, but will not ordain self-avowed practicing homosexuals.
The Voice
Columbus United Methodist Church
PO Box 392 Columbus, WI 53925-0392
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9:00 a.m.Traditional Worship/Communion 10:00 a.m.Fellowship Time 10:30 a.m.Sunday School 10:30 a.m.Contemporary Worship/Communion July 8th: 7:00 p.m.Family-Friendly Friday Night Film
Thursday, July 14th: 12:00 p.m.Paul Webster, Missionary, at Columbus United Methodist ChurchPotluck and Program