Uterine Malformations PDF
Uterine Malformations PDF
Uterine Malformations PDF
Congenital malformations are anomalies which may be either hereditary or occurring during
gestation and evident at the time of birth. Development of the female genital tract is an
complex process dependent upon a series of events involving cellular differentiation ,
migration , fusion and canalization. Failure of any one of these processes results in
congenital anomaly.
It varies between 3 and 4 percent. The incidence is found to be high in women suffering
from recurrent miscarriage or preterm deliveries ( 5 - 20 % ).
The absence of both ducts leads to absence of uterus including oviducts . There is absence
of vagina as well. Primary amenorrhoea is the chief complaint.The absence of one duct leads
to a unicornuate uterus with a single oviduct.
Agenesis of the upper vagina or of the cervix – This may lead to haematometra as the uterus
is functioning.
Failure of fusion of mullarian ducts
In majority , the presence of deformity escapes attention.In some , the detection is made
accidentally during investigation of infertility or repeated pregnancy wastage.In others , the
diagnosis is made during D & E operation , manual removal of placenta or during caesarean
Arcuate (18% ) – The corneal parts of the uterus remains separated.The uterine fundus
looks concave with heart shaped cavity outline.
Uterus didelphys ( 8 % ) – There is complete lack of fusion of the mullarian ducts with a
double uterus , double cervix and a double vagina.
Uterus bicornis (26 % ) – There is varying degree of fusion of the muscle walls of the two
Uterus bicornis bicollis – There are two uterine cavities with double cervix with or
without vaginal septum.
Uterus bicornis unicollis – There are two uterine cavities with one cervix. The horns
may be equal or one horn may be rudimentary and have no communication with the
developed horn.
Sepatate uterus (35% ) – The two mullarian ducts are fused together but there is
persistence of septum in between the two either partially or completely.
DES – related abnormality is due to DES exposure during intrauterine life. Varieties of
malformations are included.
Fallopian tube : corneal budding , abnormal fimbriae .such cases are not seen now.
Infertility and dyspareunia are often related in association with vaginal septum
Dysmenorrhoea in bicornuate uterus or due to cryptomenorrhoea
Menstrual disorders
Magnetic resonance imaging
Unicornuate uterus has very poor (40%) pregnancy outcome. No treatment is generally
effective. Uterus didelphys has best possibility of successful pregnancy ( 64 % ) .Unification
operation is generally not needed.other causes of infertility or recurrent fetal loss must be
The tubes may be unduly elongated; may have accessory ostia or diverticula . Rarely tube
may be absent on one side. These conditions may lower the fertility or favour ectopic
There may be streak gonads which are usually associated with errors of sex chromosomal
pattern. No treatment is of any help. Accessory ovary may be rarely present. Rarely
supernumerary ovaries may be found ( 1 in 29,000 ) in the broad ligament or elsewhere . In
this are event where menstruation continues even after removal of two ovaries.
The outer end of the wolffian duct may be cystic , size of pea , often pedunculated and
attached near the outer end of the tube. Small cyst may arise from any of the tubules.A
cystic swelling from the gartner duct may appear in the anterolateral wall of the vagina
which may be confused with the cystocele.
It arises from the vestigial remnants of the wolffian tissue situated in the mesosalpinx
between the tube and ovary. This can attain a big size.This cyst is unilocular ; the wall is thin
and contains clear translucent fluid.The ovarian fimbria with the ovary is stretched over the
cyst . The wall consists of connective tissue lined by single layer of low columnar epithelium
Imperforate anus , anal stenosis or fistula are the result of abnormal development of the
urorectal septum.
Weak uterine action
Post partum haemorrhage
Adhesion of the placenta
Prolonged or obstructed labour
Uterine rupture
Congenital malformations are anomalies which may be either hereditary or occurring during
gestation and evident at the time of birth. Development of the female genital tract is an
complex process dependent upon a series of events involving cellular differentiation ,
migration , fusion and canalization.Failure of any one of these processes results in
congenital anomaly.
D.C DUTTA , Text book of gynaecology , 6th edition ,new central book publishers,
page No 56-63.
Myles Text book for Midwives ,14th edition , Churchill Livingstone Publishers ,page
No 123-126
Annamma Jacob , A comprehensive Text Book of Midwifery and Gynaecological
nursing , 3rd edition ,page No 144-146