Chemistry-11-09 Thí nghiệm
Chemistry-11-09 Thí nghiệm
Chemistry-11-09 Thí nghiệm
HANOI 2009
Unit 1
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Balance is an important apparatus in chemistry laboratory. In chemistry
laboratory, there are two kinds of balance based on sensitivity.
a. Technical balance: sensitivity is 0.01gram
b. Analytical balance: sensitivity is 0.0001gram
Based on the operation principles, we could be divided
- Mechanical balance
- Electrical balance
Nowadays, the digital electrical balances are usually used in almost
The balance is setup equilibrium on the table.
Plug in 220Velectric source. Turn on the balance and wait 1 to 2 minutes
for stability.
Do not put chemicals directly on the balance plate (for instance: the solid
chemicals must cover with water-resisted paper.
Do not balance with too hot or too cold things.
The weight does not over the limit of balance.
Do not try balance by your hands.
2. Fluid Volume Measurements
a. Graduated Cylinder:
Graduated cylinders are specifically designed to make accurate liquid
volume measurements. The volume is read from the lowest portion of the
meniscus of the liquid; that is, the lowest portion of the convex dip of the
liquid as it sits in the graduated cylinder. Graduated cylinders are available in
a number of sizes: 5ml, 10ml, …1000ml, 2000ml.
b. Graduated Cone:
Graduated Cone shape is designed to make suspension or emulsion
solutions. Graduated Cone shape is available in sizes: 50ml, 100ml, …
1000ml, 2000ml.
c. Volumetric Flask:
A volumetric flask is used to make up a solution of fixed volume very
accurately. This piece of glassware is characterized by a long neck with a line
for measuring a specified volume. Volumetric flasks usually are made of
borosilicate glass. They may have flat or round bottoms (usually flat). Typical
sizes are 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 ml.
d. Pipet:
A pipet is used to measure small amounts of solution very accurately. A
pipet bulb is used to draw solution into the pipet. Typical sizes are 1, 2, 5, 10,
25, 50, 100, and 250.
e. Buret: a burette (also buret) is a vertical cylindrical piece of laboratory
glassware with a volumetric graduation on its full length and a precision tap,
or stopcock, on the bottom. It is used to dispense known amounts of a liquid
reagent in experiments for which such precision is necessary, such as a
titration experiment. Typical sizes are 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250ml.
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a: Graduated cylinders b. Graduated cone c. Volumetric flask d. Pipets
e. Buret
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- Add more the distilled water in graduated flask until 50ml volume, and
mix solution, we got the solution Na2SO4 1M (if solution is not transparent, or
clear you must filter it by filter paper).
Unit 2
1.Chemical equilibrium.
Equilibrium is a state in which there are no observable changes as time
goes by. When a chemical reaction has reached the equilibrium state, the
concentrations of reactants and products remain constant over time, and
there are no visible changes in the system.
In thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium is a stable state, in which Gsystem =
The equilibrium constant is a dimensionless quantity; a certain ratio of
reactant and product concentrations at equilibrium and a constant
temperature. For a reversible reaction, in the solution, we often use Kc.
Ex: Equilibrium constant of follow equation:
Fe3+ + CNS - Fe(CNS)2+ (1)
Red color
[Fe(CNS)2 ]
Kc =
[Fe3 ][CNS ]
Kc depends on temperature and the nature of substances, does not
depend on concentrations.
2. Factors that influence on chemical equilibrium.
* Le Chatelier’s principle:
If a change of conditions is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system
shifts in the direction that reduces the stress to more toward a new state of
a. Changes in concentration.
If we increase concentration of reactants, the system adjusts in such a
way so that its concentration decreases and the forward reaction favors.
Ex for (1): If we add FeCl 3 or NH4CNS to the solution (1), the equilibrium
shifts from left to right (the red color of the solution (1) deepens). The
forward reaction favors, that means more Fe(SCN)3 is formed.
b. Changes in temperature.
If we increase temperature, equilibrium shifts to endothermic reaction and
if we decrease the temperature, equilibrium will shift to exothermic reaction.
Ex: N2O4 2 NO2 (2)
The forward reaction is endothermic, the reverse reaction is exothermic
so: if we increase the temperature, equilibrium will convert to the forward
reaction and the dark brown color deepens and if we decrease the
temperature equilibrium will shift to the reverse reaction and the dark brown
color lightens.
3. Equilibrium in weak acids and bases.
a. Equilibrium in weak acids.
For example, in CH3COOH solution, there is a balance:
CH3COOH + H2O CH3COO- + H3O+ (3)
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Because the concentration of H3O+ is more than 10-7M so Methyl orange
changes to red – orange color.
If we add CH3COONa to this solution:
Equilibrium (3) will shifts to the reverse direction and the concentration of
H3O+ will decrease so the red – orange color will change to light orange.
b. Equilibrium in weak bases.
For example, there is a balance:
NH3 + H2O NH4+ (4)
This is a base solution so phenolphthalein will change to pink color.
If we add NH4Cl to this solution
NH4Cl NH4+ + Cl-
The equilibrium (4) will shift to the reverse direction and pink color
4. Equilibrium of poorly soluble electrolyte.
a. Solubility product constant (T or Ksp)
An electrolyte is even called poorly soluble or insoluble, however, it can
dissolve partially to form the corresponding ions and therefore to reach the
equilibrium state between precipitate and ions in the solution.
Ex: CaCO3 Ca2+ + CO32- (5)
BaSO4 Ba2+ + SO42- (6)
CaSO4 Ca 2+
+ SO4 2-
In the saturated solution, the dissociation reaction reaches the equilibrium
state, the product of poorly soluble electrolytic ions concentration in the
solution is a constant, it is called solubility product and abbreviated to Tt
[Ca2+][SO42-] = TCaSO4 = 6,1.10-5
[Ba2+][SO42-] = TBaSO4 = 1,1.10-10
[Ca2+][CO32-] = TCaCO3 = 4,8.10-9
The less solubility of the electrolyte, the less value of Tt
Tt depends on the nature of poorly soluble electrolyte and temperature, it
does not depend on the concentration.
b. Condition to form precipitate is the product of poorly soluble
electrolyte ions concentration in the solution must higher than solubility
Ex: [Ca2+][SO42-] > 6,1.10-5
[Ba2+][SO42-] > 1,1.10-10
[Ca2+][CO32-] > 4,8.10-9
c. Condition to dissolve poorly soluble electrolyte is the product of
poorly soluble electrolyte ions concentration must less than solubility
Ex: [Ca2+][CO32-] < 4,8.10-9
5. Hydrolysis of salt.
a. Definition: Hydrolysis of salt is a reaction of weak acid anion with
water or weak base cation with water which changes the pH of solution.
b. Characteristic of salt hydrolytic reaction.
- Just weak acid anion and base cation in salt is hydrolyzed. Strong acid
anion and strong base cation in salt is not be hydrolyzed.
- Hydrolysis is a reversible reaction, it obeys chemistry equilibrium rules.
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c. Types of hydrolysis.
- Salt which is made from weak acid anion and strong base cation, weak
acid anion will be hydrolyzed to form OH –
Ex: CH3COONa CH3COO- + Na+
Na2CO3 2Na+ + CO32-
CO3 2-
+ H2O HCO3- + OH-
- Salt which is made from weak base cation and strong acid anion, weak
base cation will be hydrolyzed to form H3O+.
Ex: NH4Cl NH4+ + Cl-
NH4 + H2O
NH3 + H3O+
- Salt which is made from weak base cation and weak acid anion, both
anion and cation will be hydrolyzed.
1. Factors that affect chemical equilibrium.
1.1. Changes in concentration.
Look at this reaction:
Fe3+ + CNS - Fe(CNS)2+
Pour into a 100 ml beaker about 20 ml distilled water, add 1 drop of FeCl 3
(saturated solution) and 1 drop of NH 4CNS (saturated solution). Share the
solution to four test–tubes, each tube have about 1 ml (about 10 drops or 1
cm of the height of solution in the test–tube).
The first test-tube is remaining to comparison.
The second test-tube is added 1-2 drops of saturated FeCl3.
The third test-tube is added 1-2 drops of saturated Nh4CNS.
The forth test-tube is added some crystal of NH4Cl.
Observation and compare the color of solution in four test-tubes. Explain
1.2. Changes in temperature.
Let’s see the influence of temperature on this reaction:
2 NO2 N2O4
Using two connected test-tube which contain NO2 (the
color is brown), open the lock (K) to have the same color
in two test-tubes then close the lock. Put test-tube
number 1 into ice water with white salt. Test-tube number 2
is remained to observe. Look at the changes in color of
test-tube number 1 in the cold water, after that put it into
hot water and observe the color changes. Use Le
Chatelier’s principle to consider that reaction is endothermic or exothermic.
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Do the same but replace litmus paper by phenolphthalein and methyl
orange. Write down the result into the table:
Color indicator Color of indicator in various environments
Acid Neutral Base
Litmus paper
Methyl orange
Note: use only one drop of indicators.
Unit 3
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1. Reaction rate (v) is a quantity specific to how fast the reaction takes
place. It is measured by the change in concentration of a reactant or a
product over a period of time.
Average rate:
C2 C1 C
v =± =±
t2 t1 t
C is the change in concentration (mol/l) of a studied substance from C 1 to
C2 over a period of time from t1 to t2.
Instant rate:
C dC
v = lim =±
t dt
2. Factors that affect reaction rate.
2.1. Influence of concentration.
Reaction rate is directly proportional to the product of reactants with
suitable exponent. (Mass interacting law)
Ex: aa + bB cC + dd
v = k [A]m [B]n
[A], [B] are concentration (mol/l) of A, B
m, n are numbers that must be determined experimentally. They are
called the reaction order with respect to A and B.
m + n : The overall reaction order.
K: The rate constant. It depends on the nature of reactants and
2.2. Influence of temperature.
* The Van’t Hoff’s rule
v2 = v1. (T2 – T1)/10
- Temperature Coefficient ( = 2 – 4)
This is an experimental rule; it is only applied for the low range of
The Arrhenius equation
E lnv
lnk = - a ln C
RT 1
C: a constant characterizes for each reaction T
Ea: The activation energy of the reaction (in kJ/mol),
It can be determined experimentally by graphical
method. (lnk – 1/T or lnv – 1/T) tg = -
When the temperature increases, the reaction rate
increases because:
-The speed of atom is increased make the collision
frequency increase.
- In high temperature molecules are less stable so they react easily.
2.3. Influence of catalyst
- Catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction
without itself being consumed.
- In homogeneous catalysis, the reactants and the catalyst are in the same
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- In heterogeneous catalysis, the reactants and the catalyst are in different
K2 CrO4 K2CrO4 + 1/2 O2 +
2H2O H2O
Pour 1 ml H2O2 10% into test-tube. Observe whether there is any bubble of O2
or not. Add some drops of saturated solution K2CrO4. Observe the change in color
and speed of gas released from the solution.
Make a conclusion about the influence of catalyst on the reaction rate.
Unit 4
(By using the conductivity Meter)
Purpose: - How to use the conductivity Meter
-Determine the solubility product constant of CaSO4
In a saturated aqueous solution, it always has the equilibrium between
AnBm and the ions present in it:
AnBm nAm+ + mBn-
The solubility product constant of AnBm is calculated by the following
T A B = a Am x aBn const (T const )
n m
n m
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So, we can calculate a solubility product constant T if we know its
concentration. The concentrations of Am+ & Bn+ are determined by quantity
method or by analytical chemistry method ( titration by volume …) or by
physico – chemical method (conductivity meter; milivon meter …).
In this lesson, students will determine the solubility product constant of
CaSO4 by conductivity meter.
2. General concepts:
a. Conductivy G: A wire has a l(m) length and A(m 2) square and specific
resistance (m) so its resistance is calculated by formula :
Conductivity G of solution is a factor that characterizes for electro
conductivity ability of the solution; it is a inversely
proportional ratio of R R = x l
G = 1/R
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, since RC << RE > UC U
o aych
Õch V
R ®
Eg: There are ions Ca2+ and SO42- in the CaSO4 solution. Because it’s a
dilute solution so a of CaSO4 saturated solution is calculated by following
formula: a = [oT(Ca+2) + oT(SO4-2)] . C
C [mol/m3] is concentration of ions. The similar with 0.01 M KCl, we have b
which is calculated by formula: b = [o(K+) + o(Cl-)] . 0.01/1000
The electrode factor is calculated by formula:
The maximum molarity conductivity depends on temperature and
calculated by formula:
o(T) = o(25oC) . [1 + x . (t - 25)]
where: t – temperature of solution [oC].
o and x of ions are taken in this table:
1 do
x o
Ions Ca+2 SO4-2 K+ Cl-
o (25oC) 119. 10-4 l159,6. 10-4 73,52. 10-4 76,34. 10-4
X 211. 10-4 196. 10-4 189. 10-4 188. 10-4
Concentration C [mol/m3] is calculated by formula:
C 2 2
(Ca ) o(SO4 )
II. Experiments
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1. Reagent and apparatus
-Conductivity Meter Denver-Model 30 machine or Jenway 4310; Magnetic;
25 ml beaker and 250 ml beaker; three-50 ml beakers; a glass funnel,
filterating paper.
-Pure crystal CaSO4.2H2O; The standard solution of 0.01 M KCl.
2. Experiments
2.1. Titration:
Adding 0.01 M KCl solution into 25 ml beaker. Immerse a electrode into
this solution. Stable the electrode and release all bubbles. Read a
temperature on the machine.
2.2. Measure a conductivity of saturated solution CaSO4
-Devide a saturated solution into 3 beakers (25ml) (2/3 of beaker).
-Immerse a electrode into solution.
-Read a result after stability.
- Calculate an average solubility product constant
1. What is a solubility product constant. What factor does it depend?
2. Condition to form a precipitate and dissolve a precipitate.
3. A relationship between a solubility product constant and
Unit 5
Determine a reaction order of oxidation HCOOH by KMnO4
By using UV-VIS Method
I. Summary
1. Regulation
a. Chemical reaction:
1A1 + 2A2 + 3A3 + ... = ’1A’1 + ’2A’2 + ’3A’3 + ... (1)
According to mass interating law:
v = k A1 1 A 2 2 A 3 3 ... (2)
n n n
Where: n1, n2, n3... is a reaction order with respect to A1, A2, A3....
k: The rate constant
Total of n = n1 + n2 + n3... is overall reaction order
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d A 1
Follows the concept of rate v = so (3) can write like that:
d A 1 d A 1
k 1 A1 1
k 1dt (4)
dt A 1 n1
Therefore, to determine the reaction order in A 1, we have to investigate the variation of rate
vs. concentration (V- C; equation (3)) or concentration vs. time (C – t; equation (4)). Compare the
measured results and the obtained results for equation (4), we can define the reaction order in A1.
Reaction order
V- C C–t
0 v=k C – C0 = -kt
1 V = kC ln kt
1 1
2 V = kC2 kt
C0 C
By the same experiments, we will obtain n2, n3… and then the overall reaction order.
b. Determine the reaction order of oxidation of HCOOH by KMnO4
Chemical reaction:
2MnO4- + 3HCOOH + 2H3O+ = 2MnO2 + 3CO2 + 6H2O (5)
d MnO 4
k MnO n1
d MnO 4
k dt
1 4
1 (6’)
To determine the reaction order n1, we have to investigate the relationship between the
concentration of [MnO4-] vs time t.
2. Use UV – VIS method to determine the reaction order
UV – Vis method is similar to other method, we will not investigate directly the relation
between C vs time t. We investigate the relation between absorbance A and time t.
Based on Lambert - Beer law:
D = ().l.C (7)
Radiating a monochromatic light which has a wavelength, with I0 initial intensity pass
through a solution, contained in cuvet which has a l length, one part of light will be absorbed,
another part will be transmitted It and another part will be reflected Ir. We have:
I0 = Ia + It + Ir (8)
T (%) is called transmittance. The coefficient lg l A D is an absorbance (A) or
Io T
According to Lambert – Beer law:
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A = ().l.C (9)
Where: A: absorbance; l: a length of cuvet: C: a concentration of solution:
(): Molar absorbed factor. This factor change by changing and it characterizes for each
Thus, if we measure absorbance of a substance at a known wavelength, moreover l = constant
and A = k.C so absorbance only depends on C (concentration).
That means, to investigate the relation between A – t instead of the relation between C – t.
b. The condition to do the experiment
Use spectrophotometer 20D to measure the absorbance A. Because the instrument operates at
visible region and ultra-violet region (UV – Vis) so it only applies to solution which contains
color reagents. For example: KMnO4, MnO2, K2Cr2O7… In this work, KMnO4 has a violet color
and MnO2 has a brown color.
Lambert – Beer law is only applied for dilute solution
The sensitivity of instrument is S = .l S . That means the bigger S, the bigger ()
(l = constant). Because depends on so we have to build a plot of = f() before doing the
experiments to determine the value of maximum corresponding to the maximum absorbance
II. Experiments
1. Steps to do the experiments
Step 1: Preparation
Reagent and glasswares:
- 0.03M KMnO4 - Magnetic stirrer
- 0.1M HCOOH - 50ml Graduated
- 0.04M K2HPO4 cylinder
- Stopwatch - 100ml beakers
- 5ml, 1ml Pipettes
Switch on Spectrophotometer within 15minutes before doing the
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•Use 1ml pipette to take quickly 0.5ml KMnO4 into the solution above.
•Use the stopwatch and turn on the stopwatch at the time putting 0.5ml
KMnO4 into the beaker.
•After 510seconds, pour amount of the reacting solution into the cuvet
and put it into the spectrophotometer.
•Record result (absorbance A) after 10 seconds. During measure the A will
decrease. The measurement will be taken place until A = const (within 10
2. Results
Use buffer K2HPO4, pH of this solution is constant and calculated
as formula:
[HPO 4 ]
pH = pKa + lg
pK a 6 (11)
[H 2 PO 4 ]
[HCOOH] = 5.10-4 mol.l-1 >> [MnO4-] = 0,15.10-4 mol.l-1
and constant during the process.
To determine the reaction order in KMnO4 (n1), we have to investigate the dependance of
[MnO4-] vs. time (t). If n1 is equal to 1, the plot of ln(A- A ) vs. t is a straight-line. (If it is
not, the reaction order in KMnO4 is not equal to 1) and maybe it is 2, 3 …
At (t = 0), the reaction does not take place, in the solution has
only KMnO4; the Absorbance A0 only depends on concentration of
A0 = 1[MnO4-]o.l (12)
where 1: Molar Absorb factor of MnO4 . -
ln (16)
4 0 0
So, we can check the straight-line of ln[MnO4-] - t by the straight –line
instead of ln(A-A) - t (because A0, A are constant).
If the plot of ln(A-A) - t is straight-line so the reaction order in MnO4- is 1.
1. How to determine the reaction order?
2. What is the purpose of this lesson?
3.Why is the concentration of HCOOH many times much more than that of
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4.How to determine the A in this lesson? Check the formula (16).
- Determine ionization constant of weak-acid.
- Determine concentration of acid by titration method of acid-base.
I. Principle of pH- meter
1. General principle:
When one metal is brought in contact with another, a voltage difference occurs due to their
differences in electron mobility. When a metal is brought in contact with a solution of salts or
acids, a similar electric potential is caused, which has led to the invention of batteries. Similarly,
an electric potential develops when one liquid is brought in contact with another one, but a
membrane is needed to keep such liquids apart.
A pH meter measures essentially the electro-chemical potential between a known liquid
inside the glass electrode (membrane) and an unknown liquid outside. Because the thin glass bulb
allows mainly the agile and small hydrogen ions to interact with the glass, the glass electrode
measures the electro-chemical potential of hydrogen ions or the potential of hydrogen. To
complete the electrical circuit, also a reference electrode is needed. Note that the instrument does
not measure a current but only an electrical voltage, yet a small leakage of ions from the
reference electrode is needed, forming a conducting bridge to the glass electrode. A pH meter
must thus not be used in moving liquids of low conductivity (thus measuring inside small
containers is preferable).
2. Introduction pH-meter
Using pH-meter and measured steps are guided at laboratory.
pH index (4) is measured by pH-meter. To calculate value of constant pKa, we must estimate
[A ] [A ]
the ratio of . The ration of is estimated by approximate method. Because of
[HA] [HA ]
ionized percent of HA decreased when increased concentration of common ions in solution of
weak-acid, so when add salt of NaA (mean A-) into solution of HA the equilibrium
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concentrations of HA and A- are approximately equal to initial concentrations of C a and Cm,
The equation (4) is expressed:
Cm C
pH = lg + pKa = lgX + pKa (5) Where X m
Ca Ca
Titration Curves
A titration curve is drawn by plotting data attained during a
titration, titrate volume on the x-axis and pH on the y-axis.
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Figure 3. Titration plot of a strong base titrating a strong acid
Note the sharp transition region near the equivalence point on the above Figure. Also
remember that the equivalence point for a strong acid-strong base titration curve is exactly 7
because the salt produced does not undergo any hydrolysis reactions.
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