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Lab 5

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Experiment 5:

Exploring Kinetics

Chemistry 1311: Section Z06

Student Name: Mohamed Amine Dehane

Lab Partner: Zhihang Yu, Ayman Hassan

Dr. Rashmi Vankateswaran , TA: Alshimaa Mohamed

Date performed: 08/11/2023

In Lab 5, we explored the effect temperature and concentrations had on the effectiveness of catalysts
and the rate of reaction. Catalysts increase the rate of reaction by bonding with the reactant, altering
its chemical bonds. By doing this, the catalyst provides another pathway with lower activation energy,
allowing more reactions to take place. In the experiment we looked at two catalysts, Catalase and
potassium Iodide. These catalysts can be affected by a numerous amount of things, but in the
experiment we examined the effect temperature and concentration had on it. Concentraton’s effect on
the rate of reaction can be explained using the rate law:

Rate = k [H₂O₂]ˣ [catalyst]ʸ

Where “k” represents the rate constant , “x” represents the partial order of the reaction with respect to
the H₂O₂, and “y” is the partial order of the reaction with respect to the catalyst. The concentration of
the catalyst is directly proportional to the rate of reaction, so by increasing it we see an increase in the
rate of reaction.

We also looked at the effect temperature had on the rate of reaction. As the temperature of a reaction
rises, the kinetic energy within the molecules rise, resulting in faster reactions, and increasing their
likelihood. It can be explained using the Arrhenius equation:

k = A e⁻ᴱᵃ /ᵀ

Where k is the rate constant, A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy of the
reaction in kJ/mol, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and e is the base in natural

1. Precautions for Safety

a. Before entering the lab, ensure that all relevant safety equipment, such as lab
coats and safety glasses, are present and in use.

b. Wear your lab coat and safety glasses throughout the lab.

2. Catalase Extraction from Lettuce

a. Using a scale, weigh the lettuce head. Then reduce the size of the lettuce.
b. Place the lettuce in a blender with a large amount of water. (This was done by
the TA).

c. Once the lettuce has been finely chopped, strain the fluid. (Done by TA)

d. Make sure there is enough catalase solution for the entire lab. (Verified by the

3. Installing a Vernier Pressure Sensor

a. Connect a Gas Pressure Sensor to Channel 1 of the Labquest interface.

Connect them both using the appropriate cable

4. Preparing the reaction for partial order determination

a. Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, measure out 10 mL of catalase and pour it

into an Erlenmeyer flask. Maintain the temperature of the containers in an ice
bath. (Done by the TA)

b. For all trials, set up the catalase to be stationed at a standard temperature by

leaving it in the room

i. Wait for this to be attained and maintained before proceeding to the

following stage.

c. Prepare solutions for hydrogen peroxide, in their respective samples (With

respect to the trial being conducted this means 4 mL, 2mL or 1mL) directly
prior to pressure analysis for each trial.

i. For trials 1-3, simply pour 4 mL, 2 mL and 1 mL (respective to each

trial) of the Hydrogen Peroxide solution given using a 10mL graduated
cylinder and transfer the contents into a vial
ii. For trials 4-6 (where we changed the temperature of the catalase),
measure 2 mL of the Hydrogen Peroxide solution into a graduated
cylinder and afterwards transfer that to a vial. Then, measure 2 mL of
water and transfer it to the same vial

iii. For trials 7-9, (where we changed the temperature of the catalase),
measure 2 mL of the Hydrogen Peroxide solution into a graduated
cylinder and afterwards transfer that to a vial. Then, measure 2 mL of
water and transfer it to the same vial

d. When necessary, make use of a pipette to make sure all measurements are

e. For the first experiment: Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, obtain 4 mL of

hydrogen peroxide solution and transfer the contents into a vile. And conduct
4 trials for each

f. For the second experiment: Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, obtain 2 mL of

hydrogen peroxide solution and transfer the contents into a vile. Then
measure out another 2 mL of water using a 10mL graduated cylinder and pour
the contents in the same vile. And conduct 4 trials for each

g. For the third experiment: Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, obtain 1 mL of

hydrogen peroxide solution and transfer the contents into a vile. Then
measure out another 3 mL of water using a 10mL graduated cylinder and pour
the contents in the same vile. And conduct 4 trials for each

5. Pressure Evaluation

a. After completing the setup, swiftly move the erlenmeyer flask and, using
forceps, gently drop the vial containing the solution in analysis such that it
rests untipped.

b. Close the erlenmeyer flask with the rubber stopper linked to the gas pressure
sensor and start the trial in the labquest interface.

c. Begin shaking the flask to mix the reagents right away.

d. Stir constantly for 5 minutes.

e. When done save your data on the labquest and discard the reaction contents
in the liquid waste container after each experiment. Between trials, clean the

6. Setting up the process to calculate the activation energy of decomposition using

catalase as a catalyst

a. Transfer 10 mL of the catalase solution into an erlenmeyer flask using a

graduated cylinder. This catalase should come from the water bath where
your TA has had them set up

i. The following phase of the experiment will be done with varying water
bath temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C.

b. Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, obtain 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide solution

and transfer the contents into a vile. Then measure out another 2 mL of water
and transfer the contents into the same vile

c. Once the setup has been achieved, refer to the steps outlined in “Pressure
Analysis” to conduct trials

d. Repeat steps (a) to (d) for the three increments of temperature (room
temperature, 30℃, 15℃) and conduct four trials for each.

7. Setting up the process to calculate the activation energy of breakdown using

potassium iodide as a catalyst

a. Transfer 10 mL of the potassium iodide solution into an erlenmeyer flask

using a 10 mL graduated cylinder. Place the flask in a bath while the following
processes are carried out.

b. Prepare the water bath in which the reaction will be stationed to be at varied
temperatures (alter temperature depending on experiment).
i. The following phase of the experiment will be carried out with varied
water bath temperatures ranging from 30°C to 45°C.

c. Using a 10 mL graduated cylinder, obtain 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide solution and

transfer the contents into a vile. Then obtain 2 mL of water and transfer the contents
into the same vile.

d. Once the setup has been achieved, refer to the steps outlined in “Pressure
Analysis” to conduct trials

e. Repeat steps (a) to (d) for the three increments of temperature (room
temperature, 30℃, 45℃) and conduct four trials for each.

Discussion Questions:

1.) Did you achieve your objective?

Our primary goal in conducting biochemical catalysis study was to discover the
partial order with respect to hydrogen peroxide in the rate law for catalase catalysis in lettuce,
spinach, and cabbage. We used a precisely prepared experimental setup to do a kinetic study
to accurately determine this value. The safety precautions were followed, assuring the
researchers' safety during the experiment. Data collection required exact measurements and
careful recording, after which the results were presented in our observations and calculations
sections. The rigorous experimental design, safety procedures, and extensive data supplied
demonstrate our effectiveness in meeting the goal. We then compared the activation energies
for catalase and iodide-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide breakdown.

2.) What design flaws that affected your results? How did you counter these flaws? Could you
compensate for them? If not, how did you factor the flaws into your results?

Throughout the experiment, we encountered design flaws that skewed our results. The first design
flaw was the transfer of the catalase and potassium iodide from the water baths to the vial. While
transporting the substances, the colder air would have brought down their temperature, which would
decrease the rate of reaction after they were added to the erlenmeyer flask. To counter this, we would
transfer the catalase from the graduated cylinder to the vial immediately after getting it from the water
bath to minimise the amount of heat lost, but a small decrease in temperature was inevitable. Another
design flaw was the method used to measure the volume of the catalase, hydrogen peroxide, water,
and potassium iodide added. They were all measured using a 50 ml graduated cylinder by hand which
leaves room for human error. The volume can easily be over or underestimated, which would change
the concentration from what was intended, effecting the rate of reaction. We tried our best to counter
this flaw by double checking the volume and asking for another opinion to confirm the accuracy of
our measurements.

3.) Is this a feasible method for the project? Would a different method have a better effect?

Yes, the methods used for this lab were feasible as they were simple to follow and cost effective,
while still giving us the intended results, and a better understanding of how concentrations and
temperature affects the rate of reaction. Utilising the tools and instructions given to us, we completed
part A and B, encountering flaws. Despite the flaws we encountered, we obtained results that fell in
line with the Arrhenius equation and the rate law. For example, after increasing the temperature of the
catalase from room temperature to 30°C, the rate of reaction increased by 0.00661kPA/s, proving the
arrhenius equation. To have better results, we could have made our own heat bath, to decrease the
distance needed to move the catalase and potassium iodide to the vial, minimising the decrease in
temperature. We also could have used a burette to measure the volume of substances add, giving us
more accuracy and precision.

4.) In this experiment, you chose either volume or pressure to measure the initial rate. Do you think
choosing the other option would have been better? If so, why, and if not, why not?

​ easuring the initial rate by pressure would be the better of the two options. When catalase or
potassium iodide react with hydrogen peroxide, oxygen is made as a by-product. The more molecules,
in a confined space, the greater the pressure becomes, since more molecules are exerting force on the
wall surrounding them. By measuring the pressure of the erlenmeyer flask, we know how much
oxygen molecules are present over time, giving us a better idea of how fast the reaction is going.
Using volume to measure the initial rate would not give us an accurate measurement, as a change in
volume would’ve been difficult to record while swirling the flask.

5.) What were some of the safety/health/cost considerations you took into account during this

Before the experiment, safety considerations were taken into account to prevent the dangers presented
by hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide. Hydrogen peroxide’s oxidising nature allows it to
produce highly-reactive hydroxyl radicals that bond with cells, killing them, and potassium iodide can
be harmful if it comes into contact with the skin or inhaled. To prevent those dangers, we wore lab
coats and goggles, preventing our skin and eyes from coming into direct contact with the two
substances. We also handled them carefully when transferring them from the graduated cylinder to the
vial and while swirling the erlenmeyer flask, to prevent any sodium hydroxide or potassium iodide
from spilling onto our hands.

6.) Is there a better way to do the experiment?

Due to human fatigue, it is not possible to manually mix the hydrogen peroxide-water mixture
and the catalyst/potassium iodide continuously in an Erlenmeyer flask. In addition, the
volumetric flask should never be shaken while holding only the neck of the flask. This can
cause the flask to break and also lead to inaccurate results. Therefore, a better experimental
method would be to use a mechanical method whereby a magnetic stirring bar is placed
over the volumetric flask filled with liquid. The stir bar is carefully placed into the flask by
tilting the flask and sliding the bar into the neck of the flask. The solution is then stirred until it
is completely homogenized.

7.) Is the partial order you calculated reasonable?

Yes, the calculated partial order of hydrogen peroxide is reasonable. It has a partial order of
1, which means that the rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of
hydrogen peroxide. As we change the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide by adding
water, the rate of the reaction becomes faster.

8.) Are the activation energies for catalase and KI reasonable? Explain what it means if they are
different or similar?

Yes, the activation between catalase and KI is reasonable. Catalase has a much lower activation
energy at 11,650j/mol while KI has an activation energy of 32,680j/mol. Catalase's lower activation
energy means reactions don’t require as much energy to occur, so they happen more often.

9.) Which is the more effective catalyst? Why?

Between catalase and potassium iodide, catalase is the more effective catalyst. After using 10 ml of
catalase at 30°C we had a rate of reaction of 0.029872 kPa/s while using 10 ml of potassium iodide at
30°C gave us 0.01300 kPa/s. Under the same conditions, using catalase resulted in a greater rate of
reaction, therefore it is a more effective catalyst.
Determining the partial order of hydrogen peroxide

m = 𝑥2−𝑥1

m = 𝑙𝑛[(𝐻2𝑂2)2]−𝑙𝑛[(𝐻2𝑂2)1]

m= 𝑙𝑛[4]−𝑙𝑛[2]

m= 𝑙𝑛[4/2]

m = 1.237

m ∼1

Group 3
Initial rate
which is
slope of
Volume H₂O₂ Volume H₂O Volume of tangent
(mL) added (mL) Catalase (mL) off

1 4 0 10.0 0.070415

2 2 2 10.0 0.029872

3 1 3 10.0 0.016158

*Catalase of the Cabage

Group 3
Initial rate
which is
slope of
Volume H₂O Volume of tangent
trial Volume H₂O₂ Temperature
added Catalase off
4 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.029872
5 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.036482 30°C
6 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.028681 15°C
*Catalase of the Cabbage

Group 3
Initial rate
which is
slope of
Volume H₂O Volume of tangent
trial Volume H₂O₂ Temperature
added Catalase off
7 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.01300
8 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.01733 30°C
9 2 mL 2 mL 10.0mL 0.03200 45°C
KI as the catalyst

The partial order of the reaction with respect to hydrogen peroxide was found to be 1.

The lab results also convey that catalase is a more effective/efficient catalyst than
potassium iodide,as catalase-catalyzed reaction has a lower activation energy at 11.65
kJ compared to potassium iodide-catalyzed reaction’s activation energy of 32.68 kJ.


Heck DE, Shakarjian M, Kim HD, Laskin JD, Vetrano AM. Mechanisms of oxidant generation by
catalase. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010 Aug;1203:120-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05603.x. PMID:
20716293; PMCID: PMC4610122.

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