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1008 3994 PDF
1008 3994 PDF
Tomilin A.K.*
e-mail: AKTomilin@gmail.com
Typically, the study of electrodynamics follows the historical path: first,
separate electrical and magnetic phenomena are considered, and then transfer to
forming of the electromagnetic field conception. The top of the electrodynamic
theory are Maxwell's equations, of which, as a consequence, wave equations are
Let us turn to the analogy between mechanics and electrodynamics. Modern
physicists generally believe that a mechanistic description is fundamentally limited
and unsuitable for the study of electromagnetic processes. This point of view is se-
riously rejected in the substantial article of P.A. Zhilin [1]. In particular it is
shown that the analogy between the theory of elasticity and electrodynamics allows
us to find out fundamental limitations of the theory based on Maxwell's equations.
In the theory of elasticity (and generally in continuum mechanics), general
field approach is used in full: due to the motion of particles medium is deformed,
potential and curly currents appear, and vice versa, particles are entrained by
movement of the medium. This can be clearly seen exterior sources, stimulating
wave processes. These processes are described by the four-dimensional Dalamber
Electrodynamics also comes to four-dimensional wave equation. However,
its derivation from Maxwell's equations uses Coulomb and Lorenz gauge condi-
tions. But there are no similar conditions in continuum mechanics. Thus, the for-
mal coincidence of mechanics and electrodynamics occurs when writing wave eq-
uations, and while dealing with individual phenomena analogies are not always
Theoretical analysis
Let us use formal field approach in the construction of electrodynamics. As
field phenomena are considered, four-dimensional Dalamber equation should be
used to describe them. In essence, this is the postulate of general field theory. Na-
turally, a question about physical meaning of the four-dimensional function, which
is the main characteristic of the electromagnetic field, arises. In macroscopic
theory it is a four-dimensional vector potential A, , so it is possible to write
down well-known equations:
2 A
A 2 j , (1)
2 , (2)
where and - respectively, dielectric and magnetic permeability.
As the cause and effect are always separated spatially and in time, coordi-
nate-time continuum field sources and characteristics of the field itself must be dis-
tinguished. We characterize the domain of the currents and charges by coordinates
with strokes and domain of field potentials – by coordinates without strokes. Equa-
tions' solutions (1) and (2) are written in the form of retarded potentials [2]:
j x, y , z , t r V
A x, y, z , t d , (3)
4 r
1 x, y , z , t r V
x, y , z , t d , (4)
4 r
2 2 2
where r x x y y z z - is the distance between the source and
the point of field determination, V- is absolute velocity of the wave process distri-
bution, - volume of the area containing the sources.
Introducing four-dimensional space:
x1 x, x2 y, x3 z , x4 ict .
Writing down the relevant components of the vector potential:
1 Ax , 2 Ay , 3 Az , 4 ic ,
and four-dimensional wave equation, consolidating (1) и (2):
s .
1 2 3 4
divA . (6)
x1 x2 x3 x4 t
Typically, from mathematical considerations, this expression is identically equal to
zero, that is, Lorenz condition is applied. Let us investigate the issue of limited
physical content of the theory in connection with this approach.
Usually particular (three dimensional) case of the Lorenz condition - Coulomb
gauge, is used in magnetostatics:
divA 0 ,
eliminating potential component of the vector A . Investigating magnetostatic so-
j x, y , z
A x, y, z d . (7)
4 r
We know that after applying operator rot to it, the result is vortex characteristic of
the field B x, y, z . Applying the operator div to (7), we obtain:
j x, y, z
divA x, y, z
d .
Here we have that the order of integration and calculating the divergence on the
right side can be changed, since they are executed on different coordinates. Trans-
form the integrand:
j x , y , z 1 1 j r
div divj j grad 3 .
r r r r
Here divj x, y , z 0 , because when calculating div, differentiation is on un-
primed coordinates. Since the result is nonzero, we introduce a scalar function
B * x, y, z , and write:
j r
B * x, y , z
d . (8)
That is, an analog of the Biot-Savart law [3-4]. Scalar function B * x, y, z charac-
terizes potential component of the magnetic field, which is usually excluded from
the application by Coulomb gauge and, therefore, it is virtually unexplored. Its
physical richness of content is proved theoretically and experimentally in publica-
tions [3-4]. Conditions of the potential magnetic field appearing are determined.
In particular, it is shown that on the current’s section, placed in the potential mag-
netic field, a force directed along the current or against it appears, depending on
the sign of B * x, y, z .
It follows, that for a complete description of the magnetic field it is required to
use a four-dimensional vector B, B * , which reflects its potential-vortex character.
Thus, rejection of the Coulomb gauge,
allows to take into account both potential
and vortex components of the vector А . General field theory also suppose this. Let
us formulate the fundamental theorem of Stokes-Helmholtz [5] for vector А : if
field’s divergence and rotor vanish at infinity, defined at each point r of a certain
area, then vector’s А field can be uniquely represented everywhere in this area
(up to a constant vector) as a sum of potential and solenoidal fields:
A A A .
That is, the Stokes-Helmholtz theorem also requires to exclude Coulomb
gauge and introduce scalar function in the stationary case:
B * x, y, z divA divA . (9)
Obviously, the result of evaluating the four-dimensional divergence of the vector
potential А, is also not identical to zero. That is, in the non-stationary case, in-
stead of the Lorentz condition, the following should be written:
B * x, y, z , t divA . (10)
Usually in the educational literature proof of Stokes- Helmholtz theorem is
given for the stationary case. But it can be easily generalized for the non-stationary
This approach is usually attached to the non-stationary electric field, vector
E r , t of which fully satisfies the Stokes-Helmholtz theorem. However, applica-
tion of this theorem to the magnetic field is a problem, because it does not have the
potential component in classical electrodynamics. Proposed higher field approach
solves this problem, since both components of the magnetic field are taken into ac-
count: vortex Br , t and potential B * r , t .
Wave processes
It is possible to make direct transition from (1) - (2) to the wave equations for
the individual characteristics of the field. It is not difficult to obtain the wave equa-
tion from equations (1) - (2) using the second relation (11):
2E j 1
E 2 grad . (18)
t t
Conduction currents should be divided into secluded j and open-ended j .
An example of an open-ended conduction current is the discharge between two di-
vorced in the space charges. With this in mind, perhaps splitting (18) into two in-
dependent equations:
2 E j 1
E grad , (19)
t 2 t
2 E j
E . (20)
t 2 t
the first correlation (11) from (1) - (2) the wave equation for the the
vector H is obtained:
H 2 rotj . (21)
* 2 H *
H div j . (22)
t 2 t
Differential Equations (19) and (22) together describe the process of wave dis-
tribution along not whirling vector, so they should be called longitudinal [2-3] or
electro-scalar [8].
It is important to note that equations (19), - (22) are fully consistent with the
superposition principle: that is, vortex and potential components of the fields are
mutually independent. The sources generating potential and vortex fields are sepa-
rated, respectively. However, the question arises about the correlation between the
unconfined conduction currents and charges, which the condition of continuity re-
flects. In Maxwell‘s electrodynamics, the condition of continuity is used in the fol-
lowing form:
divj 0 . (23)
In the generalized theory, from differential equations (14), it follows that the for-
mation of an electric current in a conductive medium is possible not only due to
changes in electrical charges to a certain extent, but also because of non-stationary
process, defined by the change of a scalar function B * . In this approach, more gen-
eral condition of continuity [3-4]:
2 B*
0 div j 0 . (24)
t t 2
It contains a term depending on the induction of the non-stationary potential mag-
netic field. Consequently, the current can be created without the aid of non-
stationary charges, but due to the alternating magnetic field of potential (vortex-
free electromagnetic induction [3-4]). In this sense, the usual electric charges and
currents can be independent. Incidentally, Zhilin P.A. comes to the same conclu-
sion [1], based on the general provisions of the field theory.
Using (24), equation (22) takes form:
2 H * x, y , z , t 2 В * x, y , z , t r V
H * x, y , z, t . (25)
t 2 t 2
Non-stationary process defined by the right side, in this case corresponds to a real
exterior source (not quasi-source), in addition that is created by an external genera-
tor. Values in (25) on the right (the reason) and left (result) belong to different
points of space-time continuum, so the second term of the left side is not compen-
sated by a similar right-wing member.
The question of the technical unit of the potential magnetic field generator is
extremely interesting and has great practical significance. Creation of such a gene-
rator will allow transmission of electromagnetic signals using longitudinal (electro-
scalar) electromagnetic waves. The first successful experiments are described in
In the field approach it becomes apparent that Maxwell’s equations (or gene-
ralized equations of electrodynamics) play only a supportive role and are only suit-
able for describing some of electrodynamic phenomena. Their integration into the
mathematical system does not lead to physical integration of disparate electrody-
namic phenomena. This occurs only at the level of the wave differential equations
(1) - (2). Use Maxwell's equations (or generalized equations of electrodynamics)
to describe the wave process makes no sense, since more clearly, this picture seems
to equations (1) - (2) or (5), as well as equations (19) - (22).
From the above it is possible to conclude: the state and evolution of the elec-
tro-magnetic field in a macroscopic approximation to the selected reference frame
is clearly described by four-dimensional vector, which includes potential and sole-
noidal components and satisfies four-dimensional Dalamber equation. No prob-
lems with system of equations’ certainty at such approach arise. If we divide mu-
tually independent potential and vortex parts of the vector А , then from (1) - (2)
seven scalar differential equations and seven independent variables for determina-
tion are obtained. All other characteristics of electromagnetic fields (intensity, in-
duction) are secondary, they are uniquely expressed through the potential А, .
A very similar position expressed K. J. van Vlaenderen [9] in his article. The
author of this article also pointed to the gauge conditions as the reason for the limi-
tation of the electrodynamic theory and received modified equations that coincide
with (13) - (14), (16) - (17). However, he did not use the continuity equation in a
generalized form (24) and did not give up gauge invariance in its traditional inter-
pretation. Such a piecemeal approach contains internal contradictions. Therefore,
Bruhn G. W. [11] expressed doubts about the validity of the theory, developed by
K. J van Vlaenderen.
Higher generalization of electrodynamics is the quantum level. It uses two
four-dimensional vectors. Generalized equations of quantum electrodynamics led
Hvorostenko N.P. [10], their analysis is contained in papers [3-4]. A similar result
for quantum processes was received by Dale A. Woodside [12].
Using a generalized electromagnetic theory opens up new opportunities for
engineering and technology. First of all, it concerns radio physics and electricity,
as well as methods of recording and storing information.
1. Zilin P.A. http://www.spbstu.ru/public/m_v/lib/Zhilin/RealyTim.PDF
2. Batigin V.V., Toptigin I.N. http://www.twirpx.com/file/35115/
3. Tomilin А. K. http://www.spbstu.ru/public/m_v/N_017/Tomilin_01.pdf
4. Tomilin A. K. The Fundamentals of Generalized Electrodynamics.
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11. Hvorostenko N.P. http://sto68.narod.ru/hvorostenko-24-25.jpg
12. Woodside D.A. Three-vector and scalar field identities and uniqueness
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