Theory Lecture 10 PDF
Theory Lecture 10 PDF
Theory Lecture 10 PDF
(r) i.e. radial part of wave function depends upon quantum number n and l and decides the size
of an orbital.
Angular part of wave function (– ), depends upon quantum numbers l and m and describes
the shape of orbital.
For the sake of convenience the (r) vs. r and ( , ) vs. angle are plotted seperately.
An atomic orbital is a one electron wave function (r, , ) obtained from the solution of the
Schrodinger equation.
The orbital wave function has no physical significance but its square (2) has a physical signifi-
cance it measures the electron probability density at a point in an atom.
The Schordinger equation can also be written in terms of spherical polar coordinates (r) in
addition to Cartesian coordinate x, y, z.
Since, H-atom posses spherical symmetry, it is easier to solve schordinger equation if it is
represented in polar coordinate.
z r cos
r cos
x r sin . cos
y r sin sin
r sin
x 2 y 2 z 2 R2
When schordinger equation in polar coordinate is solved for H-atom then the solution obtained
can be expressed as
r . .
Note: An orbital in an atom can be represent as nlm. Where n, l, m are quantum numbers which have
their general meaning.
Orbital representation n l m
1s 100 1 0 0
2s 200 2 0 0
2px / 2py / 2pz 210/211 2 1 –1, 0, +1
3s 300 3 0 0
3px / 3py / 3pz 310/311 3 1 –1, 0, +1
3dx2y2 / 3dz2 / 3dxy/3dyz/3dxz 320/321/322 3 2
The radial density R2 gives the probability density of finding the electron at a point along a
particular radius line.
It may be noted that for s-orbitals the maximum electron density is at the nucleus while all other
orbitals have zero electron density at the nucleus.
Its zero value (R2 = 0) indicates zero probability of finding an electron.
Now radial probability = probability density × volume of the radial shell = 2 × 4r2dr
12 node
10 3
6 2
0 1 2 3 4 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
r/a0 r/a0
; ;
This probability which is independent of direction is called radial probibility and is equal to [4r2drR2].
It gives the probability of finding the electron at a distance r from the nucleus regardless of
Ex. Probability of finding the electron y2 of ‘s’ orbital does not depend upon
(A) distance from the nucleus (r)
(B) energy of ‘s’ orbital
(C) principal quantum number
(D*) azimuthal quantum number
Ex. If 0.53 Å is Bohr’s radius for the first orbit. It suggest in the light of the wave mechanical model
(A*) the product of 2 and 4r2dr increase till it reaches at the distance of 0.53 Å
(B) only 2 goes on increasing, 4r2dr remains constant till it reaches at the distance of 0.53Å
(C) 2 goes on increasing , 4r2dr goes on decreasing till it reaches at the distance of 0.53Å
(D) only 4r2dr goes on increasing , 2 remains constant till it reaches at the distance of 0.53Å
Ex. Identify the correct statements-
(A) An electronic wave function must be symmetrical with respect to the interchange of any two
(B*) 2 must remain unchanged when the spin and space coordinates of the paired electrons are
(C*) For an n electron system the wave function will be a function of 3 n spatial coordinate
R2 R2
(A*) (B)
r r
(C) (D*)
r r
r 2r /a0
2 2 e
2s = K a0
EX. Column I & Column II contain data on Schrondinger Wave-Mechanical model, where symbols
have their usual meanings. Match the columns :-
Column I Column II (Type of orbital)
(A) (p) 4s
r 4 r
2 2