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Drainage Manual Adopted 9242001

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Prepared for:

The City of Safford

P.O. Box 272
Safford, Arizona 85548

Adopted September 24, 2001

Prepared by:

JE Fuller/Hydrology & Geomorphology

2881 N. Silver Spur Drive
Tucson, Arizona 85745
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page i

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Applicability .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Regulations and Policies ........................................................................................................ 1
2. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 2
2.1 Drainage Permit Applications ............................................................................................... 2
2.2 Drainage Plans ....................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Drainage Report Format ........................................................................................................ 2
2.4 Drainage Plan Checklist ........................................................................................................ 2
3. HYDROLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Section Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Policies................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Rainfall Data .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Watershed Analysis ............................................................................................................... 8
3.5 ADOT Rational Method Procedure Aids .............................................................................. 8
3.6 ADOT HEC-1 Method Procedure Aids................................................................................. 9
4. HYDRAULICS ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3 Methods for Determining Flow Depth and Extent .............................................................. 10
4.3.1 Normal Depth ................................................................................................................ 10
4.3.2 Backwater Modeling ..................................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Areas Mapped by FEMA .............................................................................................. 11
5. OPEN CHANNELS .................................................................................................................. 12
5.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Definition of Symbols ......................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Design Standards ................................................................................................................. 13
5.4.1 Flow Regime ................................................................................................................. 13
5.4.2 Channel Lining .............................................................................................................. 13
5.4.3 Freeboard ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.4.4 Curvature ....................................................................................................................... 14
5.4.5 Transitions ..................................................................................................................... 15
6. CULVERTS AND STORM DRAINS...................................................................................... 16
6.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 16
6.3 Culvert Design ..................................................................................................................... 16
6.4 Storm Drain Design ............................................................................................................. 17
6.5 Inlet and Outlet Grates ......................................................................................................... 17
6.6 Drainage Structure Standards .............................................................................................. 17
7. STREETS AND PARKING AREAS ....................................................................................... 21
7.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 21
7.3 Pavement Drainage Design ................................................................................................. 21
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page ii

8. STORMWATER STORAGE ................................................................................................... 22

8.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 22
8.3 Stormwater Storage Design ................................................................................................. 22
8.4 Subsurface Disposal ............................................................................................................ 22
8.5 Landscaping and Surface Treatment ................................................................................... 22
9. EROSION AND DEPOSITION ............................................................................................... 22
9.1 Section Purpose ................................................................................................................... 22
9.2 Policies................................................................................................................................. 22
9.3 Erosion Setbacks for Residences ......................................................................................... 22
9.4 Erosion Protection ............................................................................................................... 22
10. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 22
11. REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................ 22


Figure 2.1: Typical Drainage Application Site Plan ................................................................. 3

Figure 6.3: Culvert Design Form.............................................................................................. 18
Figure 6.4A: Hydraulic Grade Line Computation Sheet – Table A ..................................... 19
Figure 6.4B: Hydraulic Grade Line Computation Sheet – Table B ...................................... 20


Table 2.3: Drainage Report Submittal Format .......................................................................... 4

Table 2.4: Drainage Plan Checklist ............................................................................................. 6
Table 3.3: Rainfall Data for Safford Area .................................................................................. 7
Table 3.5: ADOT Rational Method Developed Condition Runoff Coefficients ..................... 8
Table 3.6: ADOT HEC-1 Modeling Green-Ampt Loss Rate Parameters .............................. 9
Table 8.3 Volume Of Required Runoff Storage Per Acre In Safford Area........................... 22
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 1


1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this manual are to provide engineering standards and procedures for use in the
evaluation of drainage conditions associated with land development activity and to provide a
technical reference for use in meeting the requirements of the City of Safford Drainage
Regulation (the Drainage Regulation). The goal of the City of Safford Drainage Regulation, and
by extension this manual, is to promote and protect the health, welfare and safety of the citizens
of the City of Safford and their property.

1.2 Applicability

The requirements and procedures found within this manual are intended for application within
the City of Safford, Arizona. Many of the procedures found within this manual were developed
for use in other parts of the State of Arizona. However, in many cases, technical procedures and
aids have been included within the manual that are specific to the Safford location. It is the
responsibility of the practicing engineer utilizing this manual to exercise professional judgment
when applying the procedures within this manual to a particular project.

It should be noted that various documents are referred to within this document. The references
section of this manual provides a detailed citation for each reference listed in the manual.

1.3 Regulations and Policies

This manual is intended for use in meeting the requirements of the Drainage Regulation.
However, in addition Arizona Revised Statutes, Sections 48-3609 and 3610 mandate the
adoption of regulations by either the City or the county flood control district to meet the
provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). While this manual is not
specifically intended for use in meeting the provisions of the local floodplain regulations
required per ARS 48-3609 and 48-3610, the procedures contained herein may be of use in that
regard. The user of the manual is advised to consult the local jurisdiction (either the City or the
Graham County Flood Control District as appropriate) for direction on the use of this manual
with respect to meeting the requirements of the local floodplain ordinance.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 2


2.1 Drainage Permit Applications

A drainage permit is required for any new construction, any improvement(s) to existing property
that increase(s) the assessed value of the improvements to the property by 50% or more, and any
other improvement(s) or activity that could potentially affect a regulatory drainage path or
regulatory flow level. Application for a drainage permit shall be made with the Drainage
Administrator. A site plan shall be included with the application that includes information
shown on Figure 2.1 as appropriate. At the discretion of the Drainage Administrator, a specific
Drainage Permit Application form may be required for this purpose, or, a building permit, or
other use application may suffice as the document by which such application may be made.

2.2 Drainage Plans

A drainage plan is a plan for land development activity prepared by an Arizona registered civil
engineer for and at the expense of the party proposing the development activity. A drainage plan
is required for all commercial, industrial and multiple lot development. The Drainage
Administrator is authorized to determine if a Drainage Plan is required for single lot residential
development. A drainage plan includes; (1) a drainage report which documents the methods,
procedures and calculations used in the development of design criteria for the land development
activity, and (2) the plan sheets which document the drainage features proposed for the land
development activity. For purposes of a drainage plan submittal, a grading or other improvement
plan sheet may show drainage features and serve as part of the drainage plan even if other
features are shown on the sheet. Plan sheets prepared as a part of the drainage plan must be
sealed by an Arizona registered Civil Engineer.

2.3 Drainage Report Format

The drainage report format and content listing shown in Table 2.3 shall be used for drainage
report submittals. The level of detail and depth of discussion to be provided under each of the
headings shown in the report format will depend on the size and complexity of the project being
undertaken. The report shall include sufficient detail to document each of the methodologies
used, assumptions made, results achieved and conclusions reached in the development of the
drainage design. All drainage reports shall be sealed by an Arizona registered Civil Engineer.
The engineer shall also seal any subsequent submittals made in response to comments by City

2.4 Drainage Plan Checklist

One or more 24” x 36” plan sheets shall be prepared which depicts all of the drainage features
and improvements proposed as a part of the project. The checklist shown in Table 2.4 shall be
used to ensure that all necessary items appear on the drainage plan sheets. The checklist shall be
submitted with the plan sheets. As indicated above, grading or other improvement plan sheet sets
may serve as the drainage plan set provided that the items on the checklist are included on the
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 3

Figure 2.1: Typical Drainage Application Site Plan

(from Reference 1, ADWR State Standard 6-96)
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 4

Table 2.3: Drainage Report Submittal Format

1. Introduction
1.1. Location
1.1.1. Owner or Developer Name
1.1.2. Address and Assessors Parcel Number
1.1.3. Township, Range and Section
1.1.4. Location Map showing Property in Relation to Major Streets
1.2. Property Description (text discussion, features can be shown graphically on drainage
plan sheets)
1.2.1. Acreage
1.2.2. Existing usage
1.2.3. Proposed usage (under plan being submitted)
1.2.4. Existing mapped floodplain areas as shown on Flood Insurance maps
1.2.5. Regulatory drainage paths within or adjacent to the property
1.2.6. Existing drainage facilities within or adjacent to the property
1.2.7. Irrigation facilities within or adjacent to the property

2. Hydrologic Analysis
2.1. Conditions, Resources and Methods
2.1.1. Description of physical conditions, for both existing and proposed conditions, for
each watershed tributary to a regulatory drainage path including rainfall, runoff
coefficients and/or loss rate parameters, time of concentration and routing
2.1.2. Description of information sources used to determine watershed conditions
2.1.3. Discussion of method used to determine peak runoff rates for each watershed
2.2. Table of Results
This section shall provide a table showing the following information for each regulatory
drainage path where it enters and exits the property: Location description, drainage area
(acres), existing land use type and calculated 100-year discharge. The table shall be
constructed in two parts to show the referenced items for both the existing and proposed
conditions. Calculations shall be included in a referenced appendix.
2.3. Regulatory Drainage Path Maps
This section shall provide maps of the property showing the location of each regulatory
flow path where it enters and exits the property. Separate maps shall be provided for the
existing and proposed conditions. In general, these maps should be limited in size to
24”x 36” sheets.
2.4. Watershed Maps
This section shall provide maps of the watersheds tributary to the regulatory drainage
paths shown on the Regulatory Drainage Path Maps. In general watersheds should be
depicted at a scale such that the largest watersheds will fit within a 24” x 36” sheet while
the shortest dimension of the smallest watershed will be > 1” in length. Depending on
the relative sizes of the watersheds, more than one map may be necessary to depict the
watersheds in the above manner. The points of entry and exit from the property (i.e.,
concentration points) shall be labeled in a manner that is consistent with the notation of
the Regulatory Drainage Path Maps.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 5

Table 2.3 Drainage Report Submittal Format (continued)

3. Proposed Drainage Design Description

3.1. General Concept
This section shall describe in general terms the manner in which flow will be conveyed
through the property. This section shall include a discussion of any drainage structures such
as channels, culverts, storm drains or street flow conveyance which will be required to
convey flow onto, through or out of the property.
3.2. Stormwater Storage Provisions
3.2.1. Requirements: This section shall describe the stormwater storage requirements for
the project per the Drainage Regulation.
3.2.2. Storage Volumes: A summary table of the required retention or detention storage
volumes shall be provided with reference to calculations within an appendix.
3.2.3. Downstream Capacity Analysis: If detention is proposed, an assessment of the
downstream capacity of the drainage system shall be provided in this section with
calculations as needed in a referenced appendix.
3.2.4. Dedication and Maintenance: This section shall summarize planned dedication
(either public or private) and identify the parties responsible for maintenance if
private dedication is planned. A brief maintenance plan shall be included in a
referenced appendix.
3.3. Drainage Structures
This section shall describe specific improvements needed to implement the plan as described
in Section 3.1. Typical sections and associated drainage sizing calculations shall be
contained in a referenced appendix. For purposes of this section specific improvements may
include channels, storm drains, street sections designed to convey flow and other hydraulic
3.4. Offsite Drainage
This section shall provide a description of each location where a regulatory drainage path (or
associated flow limits) has been altered as a part of the proposed development where it enters
or exits the property. The discussion, calculations and conclusions of this section must
demonstrate that drainage entering and exiting the property is received and discharged in
substantially the same manner which existed prior to the development, unless express
permission to alter drainage on adjoining property in a particular manner is obtained from the
owner of the adjoining property and the owners of all affected upstream and downstream

4. References
This section shall include a listing of any technical references or other documents used in the
development of the drainage plan or performance of associated calculations.

5. Appendices
A list of all appendices referenced within the report shall be provided. In general, each appendix
should consist of calculations associated with a single section or sub-section of the report for
ease of reference.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 6

Table 2.4: Drainage Plan Checklist

Drainage plan sheet(s) shall show sufficient information to depict the nature of the proposed
improvements on the property (i.e., buildings, parking, access, etc.) and shall include the
following specific drainage information:

 Property boundaries in a surveyable manner

 Specific engineering scale acceptable to the City of Safford
 North arrow & legend
 Existing topographic contours consistent with the requirements of Section 16.08.030 of
the City Code for preliminary plats extending a minimum of 100’ beyond the property
 Proposed topographic contours or spot elevations sufficient to demonstrate that the
proposed drainage features will function as intended
 Regulatory drainage paths
 Flow or ponding limits associated with each regulatory drainage path
 Location of existing and proposed channels, culverts, storm drains and other drainage
structures (e.g., scuppers, curb cuts for drainage etc.)
 Existing and proposed at-grade street or road crossings of regulatory drainage paths
 Proposed stormwater storage basins including sufficient grading detail to document the
storage capacity of the each basin.
 Any Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) for the property
 Erosion hazard setbacks
 Typical Sections of any channels, streets or other flow conveyance improvements
 Existing and proposed drainage rights-of-way and easements in a surveyable manner or
with reference to a separate dedication instrument
 Existing and proposed irrigation rights-of-way and easements in a surveyable manner or
with reference to a separate dedication instrument
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 7


3.1 Section Purpose

The section provides technical guidance as to acceptable hydrologic procedures for use within
the City of Safford. The following subsections provide information regarding established
procedures that are acceptable for use within the City and the applicability of these procedures to
different situations.

3.2 Policies

Hydrologic calculations shall be performed to determine the regulatory (i.e., 100-year) flow and
along each regulatory drainage path at each point where such path enters and exits the subject
property. The procedures and standards of this manual may require that additional events be
analyzed as well (e.g., 2-year, 10-year, etc.).

3.3 Rainfall Data

The rainfall data found in Table 3.3 below shall be used for purposes of application of the
procedures referenced herein. The rainfall data found in Table 3.3 were developed for the
Safford location based on rainfall data from NOAA Atlas II, Volume VIII, Arizona (Miller and
others, 1973) as depicted on the precipitation maps found in the Arizona Department of
Transportation (ADOT) Hydrology Manual, 1993 (Reference 2) and using the procedures
outlined in the ADOT Hydrology Manual. The rainfall values shown in Table 3.3 are point
values valid for use within the City limits and surrounding Gila Valley area. For watersheds
located more than five miles from the city or at higher elevations (above 3,200 feet), the engineer
should use the procedures outlined within the ADOT Hydrology Manual to obtain more accurate
point rainfall values.

Table 3.3: Rainfall Data for Safford Area

Event Duration (hours)
(years) 1 2 3 6 12 24
2 0.96 1.04 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
5 1.27 1.38 1.45 1.59 1.74 1.89
10 1.48 1.61 1.69 1.85 2.04 2.22
25 1.78 1.93 2.03 2.22 2.45 2.68
50 2.01 2.18 2.29 2.51 2.78 3.04
100 2.23 2.43 2.56 2.80 3.10 3.40
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 8

3.4 Watershed Analysis

The ADOT Hydrology Manual (Reference 2) shall be used for hydrologic analysis of watersheds
within the City of Safford unless use of an alternative procedure is specifically authorized by the
City. The ADOT Hydrology Manual was developed for use within the State of Arizona and is
available from ADOT. Future land use conditions, based on the City of Safford General Plan,
shall be assumed for offsite watershed analysis.

In some instances, particularly for larger watercourses, existing peak discharge or other
hydrologic data may be on file with the City of Safford, Graham County or the Arizona
Department of Water Resources (ADWR). Engineers and others involved in land development
activity in the City of Safford are encouraged to contact the City of Safford with regard to the
availability and acceptability of such existing data.

3.5 ADOT Rational Method Procedure Aids

As an aid to solution of the rational method procedure found in the ADOT Hydrology Manual,
Table 3.5 provides developed condition runoff coefficients based on the 1-hour rainfall values
shown in Table 3.3 of this manual. Please note that the runoff coefficients shown on Table 3.5
are only for use with the ADOT Rational Method and only for the 1-hour rainfall values shown
in Table 3.3 of this manual.

Table 3.5: ADOT Rational Method Developed Condition Runoff Coefficients

(for Table 3.3 P-1hour values only)
Land Use
2-yr 5-yr 10-yr 25-yr 50-yr 100-yr
Rural .27 .38 .43 .49 .53 .55
Suburban .38 .46 .50 .56 .59 .61
Moderate Urban .45 .54 .58 .64 .67 .69
Heavy Urban .65 .71 .74 .77 .80 .82
Commercial/Industrial .78 .84 .85 .89 .91 .92
Streets/Parking Lots .93 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95

For purposes of applying the ADOT Rational Method, the following descriptions should be
utilized to determine the appropriate runoff coefficient for residential land uses:

Rural - Less than 1 residence per acre

Suburban - Between 1 and 2 residences per acre
Moderate Urban - Between 2 and 4 residences per acre
Heavy Urban - More than 4 residences per acre

As an aid to determining rainfall intensity, Equation 3.4.1 below was developed. Equation 3.4.1
can be used when applying the ADOT Rational Method to determine the appropriate rainfall
intensity, (i), for a given time-of-concentration (Tc). The time-of-concentration must be
determined using the procedure found in the ADOT Hydrology Manual.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 9

i = 1.2821P1 (Equation 3.4.1)

(0.2821 + Tc)

where: i = rainfall intensity (inches/hour)

Tc = time-of-concentration (hours)
P1 = One hour rainfall value for event of interest (inches)
(from Table 3.3 or calculations per ADOT procedure)

3.6 ADOT HEC-1 Method Procedure Aids

As an aid to solution of the HEC-1 method procedure found in the ADOT Hydrology Manual,
Table 3.6 provides Green-Ampt loss rate parameters for all Safford area soils as described in the
Safford area soil survey prepared by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in 1970 (Reference 3).

Table 3.6: ADOT HEC-1 Modeling Green-Ampt Loss Rate Parameters

Green-Ampt Parameter Values (2) Limiting
Soil Map Symbol Surface
DTHETA Rainfall
from 1970 Safford Soil
XKSAT PSIF Loss (in)
SCS Soil Survey Texture (1)
Dry Normal Saturated (3)
Ac, Ag Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
AhA, AIB, AmA, AnA,
Sandy Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3
ApB, AtA
AuA, AwA, AvA, AvB,AzA Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
BeB, BpB Gravelly Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3
Br, Bt Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
ChB, ChE, CkD Gravelly, Sandy Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3 1.26
Cobbly, very gravelly
CIF 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3 0.63
sandy loam
Cm, Cn, Co Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
CrB, CtB,CsB Cobbly clay 0.20 0.10 0 0.02 9.4
GbA, GcA, GcB, GeA, GfA,
Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
Gm, Gn, Go, Gp Clay Loam 0.25 0.15 0 0.04 8.2
Gr, Gs, Gt Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.25 3.5
GuE Gravelly clay loam 0.25 0.15 0 0.04 8.2 1.68
Gy Clay 0.15 0.05 0 0.01 12.4
Ma, Mr Sandy Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3
Pa, Pc, Pe, Pm Clay Loam 0.25 0.15 0 0.04 8.2
PnB, PrB, PsB, PuB, PvC Very gravelly clay loam 0.25 0.15 0 0.04 8.2
TdB, TeA, TgA Sandy Loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3
ThC Sandy clay loam 0.25 0.15 0 0.06 8.6
WhA, WkA, WkB Sandy loam 0.35 0.25 0 0.40 4.3
(1) for top six inches of soil
(2) these values are for bare ground and can be adjusted for vegetative cover per the ADOT Hydrology Manual
(3) HEC-1 output should be reviewed for sub-basins containing these soils to insure that total loss does not exceed
indicated value. If value is exceeded, RTIMP should be adjusted upward until total loss is ≤ indicated value.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 10


4.1 Section Purpose

This section provides technical guidance as to acceptable hydraulic modeling procedures for use
within the City of Safford and information regarding the applicability of these procedures to
different situations.

4.2 Policies

The hydraulic methods outlined in the following sub-sections shall be used in the preparation of
drainage plans to evaluate the depth and extent of flow associated with regulatory drainage paths
for both existing and proposed (design) conditions.

4.3 Methods for Determining Flow Depth and Extent

4.3.1 Normal Depth

Many natural and man-made drainage conveyances can be evaluated using the Manning
formula for normal depth. The formula was developed by the Irish Engineer Robert
Manning in 1889 and is well documented in numerous texts on the subject of Open Channel
Hydraulics. The Manning Formula is shown below as found in Reference 4:

V = 1.49 R2/3 S1/2 (Equation 4.3.1)


where: V = mean velocity (feet/s)

R = Hydraulic Radius (feet)
S = Energy Slope (feet/foot)
n = the coefficient of roughness, specifically known as “Manning’s n”

Normal depth is the depth at which water will flow in an open channel under uniform flow
conditions. In general, the term uniform means that the energy slope of the flow is parallel to
the channel bed slope. This condition generally exists where stream or channel geometry and
roughness is consistent from one point to another and there are no hydraulic controls such as
dams, culverts, bridges, bends, contractions or other structures or conditions in the stream or
channel which would cause the energy slope of the flow to vary from the channel bed slope.
The engineer applying the Manning Formula should review the conditions along the reach of
interest to ensure that uniform flow conditions exist and that application of the formula is
appropriate. The reader is referred to Reference 4 for a more detailed discussion of the
Manning Formula and recommendations regarding selection of the value of the coefficient of
roughness “n”.

Documentation of the use of the Manning Formula within Drainage Reports shall include, at
a minimum, all input data and summary output data showing the calculated water surface
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 11

elevation or depth, flow velocity, “n” value, slope, Froude number, cross-sectional flow area
and top width of flow.

4.3.2 Backwater Modeling

For gradually varied flow conditions (i.e., where the conditions required for the use of the
Manning Formula are not met), evaluation of open channel flow conditions must be
performed using the step-backwater method. The step-backwater method is a section-by –
section determination of the water surface (and energy) profile for an open channel based on
solution of the energy equation for gradually varied flow. The calculations associated with
the solution of the step-backwater method are quite laborious and are usually solved using
one of a number of widely available computer programs. The most commonly used
computer programs used for this purpose in Arizona are the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
HEC-2 and HEC-RAS programs. Engineers needing to evaluate gradually varied open
channel flow conditions shall use the most current version of either HEC-2 or HEC-RAS for
this purpose. The application and use of these two programs are well documented in the
user’s manuals of each program (References 5 and 6).

Documentation of such models within drainage reports shall include all input and summary
output tables. Where unusual conditions exist such as braided or winding streams or
channels of varying width, topography or roughness, plots of the cross-sections along the
stream should also be included with the model documentation in the Drainage Report.

4.3.3 Areas Mapped by FEMA

Where development is proposed within a floodplain or flood hazard area as shown on the
current Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) maintained for the area by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), flood zones and elevations as shown on the FIRM shall be
shown on the mapping provided with the Drainage Report for the development. Where
changes to such areas are proposed as a part of the development, the local floodplain
administrator should be consulted for direction on how to proceed with appropriate modeling
of any proposed changes to the floodplain. The reader is also referred to Reference 7 (Flood
Insurance Study Guidelines and Specifications for Study Contractors, FEMA, Document 37,
1995) for detailed information on procedures and requirements for preparation and revision
of flood insurance mapping.

Where development is proposed within an approximately mapped flood zone as shown on

the FIRM for a particular area, the Drainage Report must document flood elevations
determined for the flooding source. The reader is referred to Reference 8 (Managing
Floodplain Development in Approximate Zone A Areas, FEMA, Document 265, 1995) for
guidance on developing flood elevations in such areas.

It should be noted that a separate Floodplain Use Permit is required from the appropriate
jurisdiction for any land use activity within a floodplain or flood hazard area as mapped by
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 12


5.1 Section Purpose

This section provides technical guidance as to acceptable procedures for use in the analysis and
design of open drainage channels within the City of Safford and information regarding the
applicability of these procedures to different situations.

5.2 Policies

1. Each regulatory drainage path shall be accommodated by a permanent conveyance facility as

a part of the development process.
2. Where the planned conveyance facility is an open channel, the procedures outlined or
referenced within this section of the manual shall be used to determine appropriate design
parameters for the improvements (procedures for addressing other conveyance facilities are
addressed in subsequent sections of this manual).
3. Open channels constructed as a part of private development shall not be dedicated to the
public unless a request is made of the City to accept dedication of such facilities and the
Drainage Administrator determines that it is in the public interest to accept such dedication.
4. Open channels may not be constructed adjacent to roadways without the permission of the
Drainage Administrator.
5. All channels shall be designed and constructed with a minimum slope of 0.2 percent unless
approved by the Drainage Administrator.

5.3 Definition of Symbols

The following list provides definitions for each of the symbols used in the equations found in this
section of the manual:

A = the cross-sectional area of flow in the channel (ft2)

D = depth of flow in the channel (feet)
Dh = hydraulic depth of flow in the channel (feet) = A/T
D50 = median diameter of native channel material or channel lining material (mm)
FB = additional channel depth for safety (with lining where required) (feet)
F# = the Froude number of the flow in the channel (dimensionless) = V/(gDh)0.5
g = the constant for acceleration due to gravity (ft/sec2) = 32.2
Hse = additional flow height due to superelevation (feet)
V = mean velocity of flow in the channel (feet/sec) = Q/A
Q = the design (i.e., regulatory) flow rate (cfs)
Rc = radius of channel centerline curvature (feet)
T = the top width of flow in the channel (feet)
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 13

5.4 Design Standards

Open channels shall be designed to convey the regulatory flow concentrating within the planned
channel with provision for adequate freeboard. The regulatory flow concentrating within the
channel shall be determined using the procedures outlined in the “Hydrology” section of this
manual. The hydraulic characteristics (flow depth, velocity, etc.) of the channel shall be
determined using the procedures outlined within the “Hydraulics” section of this manual.

The following subsections address channel design criteria for the most common design
conditions and shall be used for channel design where appropriate. Where a proposed design
does not meet the conditions described, additional analysis by outside reference will be required
as indicated.

5.4.1 Flow Regime

Open channel flow regimes are subcritical (tranquil), critical or supercritical (rapid). In
general, subcritical flow is that which is controlled and affected by downstream influences
and is therefore analyzed from downstream to upstream. Supercritical flow is controlled and
affected by upstream influences. In theory, subcritical flow exists where the Froude Number,
F#, (defined above in “Definition of Symbols) is less than 1.0, critical flow exists when F# is
equal to 1.0 and supercritical flow exists when F# is greater than 1.0. However, in practice,
and for purposes of this manual, flow is considered to be in transition from subcritical to
supercritical, or “critical”, where 0.86 < F# < 1.13. Critical flow is prone to producing
unstable bed and wave forms and design of channels within this regime are to be avoided if

At changes in channel design, such as a grade break from a mild to a steep slope, the flow
regime can change from subcritical to supercritical or from supercritical to subcritical.
Where the flow regime changes from supercritical to subcritical in the downstream direction
(e.g., sudden decrease in channel slope), a hydraulic jump will occur at the point of flow
regime transition. The occurrence of a hydraulic jump results in energy dissipation which
can increase flow depths and erosion potential. Where channel designs include supercritical
flow conditions, the channel design must be evaluated to determine if and where hydraulic
jumps may occur and adjustments in the channel design made accordingly. The reader is
referred to Reference 4 for a detailed discussion of channel designs and transitions associated
with transitions from supercritical to subcritical flow.

5.4.2 Channel Lining

Channels shall be lined with a stabilizing material where the design flow velocity (V) is ≥ 5
feet/second or where the native channel material consists of fine (D50 < 1 mm), non-cohesive
material, unless an engineering analysis is provided which documents the stability of an
unlined channel design. The user is referred to Reference 9 for guidance on the design of
rock riprap stabilization and for additional references on the design of channel linings using
other materials. Please note that the hydrologic and hydraulic parameters required for the
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 14

procedures in Reference 9 (i.e., discharge, flow depth, flow velocity) should be determined
using the methods listed in the “Hydrology” and “Hydraulics” section of this manual.

5.4.3 Freeboard

Freeboard is an additional amount of depth provided in a channel design that provides a

factor of safety to account for uncertainties in the design. Straight channels shall be designed
with a minimum amount of freeboard (FB) as defined below:

FB = D + (V2/2g) (Equation 5.4.3)


5.4.4 Curvature

Channels should be constructed with straight or very mildly curving alignments whenever
possible. Mildly curving alignments are those where the ratio of the radius of curvature (Rc)
to the top width of flow (T) is greater than or equal to 10 (i.e., Rc/T ≥ 10). Curves or bends
in open channels tend to increase velocities and erosive forces on the outsides of the bends
and can lead to sediment deposition on the inside of bends where velocities are decreased.
Where channel curvature is needed, channels shall be designed with a minimum radius of
curvature (Rc) as defined below:

For: F# < 0.86; Rc ≥ 3T (Equation 5.4.4a)

F# ≥ 0.86; Rc ≥ 4V2T (Equation 5.4.4b)

Where open channels are constructed with curvature, the top of the outside channel bank
shall be extended to account for the potential for flow depths on the outside of the bend to
increase beyond the design depth. This phenomenon is known as superelevation. For simple
circular curves under subcritical flow conditions (i.e., F# < 0.86) where Rc/T < 10, the
superelevation height component (Hse) shall be computed per the equation below and applied
to the bank height along the outside bend of the curved segment of the channel:

For: F# < 0.86; Hse = V2T (Equation 5.4.4c)


Under supercritical flow conditions (i.e., F# ≥ 0.86), curved channels can produce cross-
waves that extend a considerable distance downstream of the actual curved channel segment.
For this reason, design of channels with curved segments flowing supercritical should be
avoided wherever possible. However, if such a design is necessary, a detailed evaluation of
the hydraulics of the channel is needed to determine appropriate superelevation. Refer to
Reference 4 for information on analysis of curved channels under supercritical flow
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 15

5.4.5 Transitions

Where open channels begin and end, it may be necessary to transition to a wider or narrower
upstream or downstream section. This can also occur along a channel length where the
design cross-section changes in response to hydraulic or topographic constraints. In still
other cases, a channel may be intended to collect flow from, or discharge flow to, a
considerably wider floodplain section. In these cases, flow must transition from a wider to
narrower section or from a narrower to wider section. Such conditions require separate
evaluation to ensure that the transition will not cause an increase in upstream or downstream
flow depths and to ensure that flows are accepted and discharged in substantially the same
manner as existed prior to the development or other construction.

Because of the almost infinite variety of conditions that can exist at such locations, no one
specific procedure for evaluation is provided herein. In general, channel transitions should
be modeled using the backwater modeling procedures outlined in the “Hydraulics” section of
this manual. As a part of such modeling, the engineer should take care to ensure that
appropriate expansion and contraction parameters are used in the modeling. Where
transitions are designed using drop inlets, weirs, sills or other hydraulic control structures, a
separate evaluation of the control structure is required.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 16


6.1 Section Purpose

This section provides technical guidance as to acceptable procedures for use in the analysis and
design of culverts and storm drains within the City of Safford and information regarding the
applicability of these procedures to different situations.

6.2 Policies

1. The methods and procedures outlined in the following sub-sections shall be used in the
preparation of drainage plans to evaluate headwater and sizing of culverts and storm drains
associated with regulatory drainage paths for proposed drainage designs.
2. Culverts and storm drains conveying regulatory drainage paths across or along streets shall
be designed either to convey the entire regulatory flow under the street or convey flow in a
combination of culvert and street flow such that the all-weather access requirements of the
Drainage Regulation are met. Culverts and storm drains shall convey at least the 10-year
discharge regardless of the remaining quantity of flow conveyed across or along the road.
3. Culverts and storm drains shall convey flow along and discharge at pre-development
locations to the extent possible.
4. Culverts and storm drains should be aligned with a minimum of skew to entering and exiting
flow to minimize inlet and outlet scour. In no case shall such structures be skewed more than
10 degrees to the entering or existing flow without the approval of the Drainage
Administrator. Upstream and downstream channel alignments shall be adjusted if needed to
meet this criteria.
5. Minimum cover shall be provided on all such structures to provide the structural integrity
needed to meet design traffic demands.
6. Freeboard requirements as outlined under the “Open Channels” section of this manual shall
be maintained at culvert and storm drain inlets and outlets.
7. Storm drains shall have manholes or other human access structures spaced no further apart
than 300 feet.
8. A minimum diameter of 18 inches shall be used for all culvert and storm drain construction
unless special topographic conditions dictate otherwise and then only upon the approval of
the Drainage Administrator.
9. Culverts and storm drains shall be built with a minimum slope of 0.2% and with a minimum
flow velocity of 3 feet/second under full flow conditions.

6.3 Culvert Design

Where culverts are included in a backwater model as described under the “Hydraulics” section of
this manual, design of the culvert may be performed using the Special Culvert modeling routine
of HEC-2 or HEC-RAS. In most cases, channels with culverts should be evaluated using a step-
backwater model.

Where culverts are not included in a backwater model, culvert analysis shall be performed using
the procedures as found in Reference 10 (FHWA Hydraulic Design Series No. 5, "Hydraulic
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 17

Design of Highway Culverts"), also known as HDS-5. HDS-5 also provides guidance on erosion
protection at culvert inlets and outlets that should be followed as a part of culvert design
regardless of the hydraulic modeling approach used.

The procedures of Reference 8 are incorporated into a public domain computer program known
as HY-8 (Reference 11), which is available through the Federal Highway Administration web
site among other sources. Culvert analysis using HDS-5 shall be documented using the Culvert
Design form included in HDS-5 and shown in Figure 6.3. Alternatively, input/output from the
HY-8 program can be submitted as documentation of culvert analysis. Other computer programs
may be used for culvert analysis with prior approval of the Drainage Administrator.

6.4 Storm Drain Design

The primary difference between storm drains and culverts is that storm drains are generally
longer than culverts and often have intermediate structures along their length such as junction
pipes, manholes, transitions, bends and other features which require a different approach to
hydraulic analysis. Storm drains shall be analyzed using the procedure as outlined in Section 7.5
of Reference 12 (FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22, “Urban Drainage Design
Manual”), also known as HEC-22. Culvert analysis using HEC-22 shall be documented using
the Hydraulic Grade Line Computation Sheet, Tables A and B, included in HEC-22 and shown
on Figures 6.4A and 6.4B. Erosion protection at storm drain inlets and outlets should be handled
using the procedures referenced above for culverts. Other computer programs may be used for
storm drain analysis with prior approval of the Drainage Administrator.

6.5 Inlet and Outlet Grates

The use of grates to prevent access to culverts and storm drains is strongly discouraged. Grates
are prone to causing trash and debris to accumulate at the inlet, often resulting in considerable
loss of design capacity. Other approaches, such as construction of fences or walls around
headwalls and approach channels should be pursued if possible. In cases where no practical
alternative to placement of a grate is possible and safety is a primary concern in the culvert or
storm drain design, Reference 10 (HDS-5) should be consulted for design guidance.

6.6 Drainage Structure Standards

Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) standards shall be used for design of structural
elements of culvert and storm drain design where applicable. Where MAG standards are silent,
ADOT or Pima County/City of Tucson standards or vendor standards and specifications may be
employed. Where the above standards do not apply or the engineer must otherwise develop
specialized designs, the engineer is encouraged to consult the City prior to design submittal.
Where standards and specifications other than MAG are used they shall be submitted with the
drainage plans.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 18

Figure 6.3: Culvert Design Form

City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 19

Figure 6.4A: Hydraulic Grade Line Computation Sheet – Table A

City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 20

Figure 6.4B: Hydraulic Grade Line Computation Sheet – Table B

City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 21


7.1 Section Purpose

This section provides technical guidance as to acceptable procedures for use in the analysis and
design of surface drainage for streets, roadways and parking areas within the City of Safford and
information regarding the applicability of these procedures to different situations.

7.2 Policies

1. Streets and roadways shall provide all weather access as defined in the drainage Regulation.
2. Where streets are designed to convey flow, curb and gutter shall be provided.
3. The regulatory flow (100-year) shall be contained within the street right-of-way or dedicated
drainage easement that extends beyond the street right-of-way. The depth of flow at the
gutter shall not exceed one foot for the regulatory flow.
4. The 10-year flow shall be contained within the paved street section.
5. The 2-year flow shall not exceed the crown of the street section.
6. Major and arterial streets shall be designed to provide at least one dry lane of travel in each
direction during a 2-year storm.
7. In no case shall any street be designed to convey a regulatory flow of more than 100 cubic
feet per second (cfs) or have flow velocities in excess of 10 feet/second for the regulatory
8. Inverted crown street sections shall not be used without the permission of the City. Where
inverted crown street sections are used to convey flow, valley gutters shall be provided along
the street invert.
9. Where parking areas are designed to store runoff (and are not needed to meet all-weather
access requirements) ponding depths shall not exceed one foot. Deepest ponding areas in
parking lots should be located away from high pedestrian traffic areas.
10. Paved sections shall not have a longitudinal slope of less than 0.3% without prior approval of
the Drainage Administrator.

7.3 Pavement Drainage Design

The goal of pavement drainage design is to provide location and spacing of pavement drainage
inlets so as to ensure that the all-weather access and other design criteria listed in Section 7.2 of
this manual are met with regard to street section capacity and pavement spread.

Pavement drainage inlet design shall be performed using Section 4.4 of Reference 12 (FHWA
HEC-22) already discussed in Section 6 of this manual (“Culverts and Storm Drains”) or Chapter
6 of Reference 13 (FHWA HEC-12). Both references utilize the same equations and procedures.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 22


8.1 Section Purpose

This section provides technical guidance as to acceptable procedures for use in the analysis and
design of stormwater storage facilities within the City of Safford and information regarding the
applicability of these procedures to different situations.

8.2 Policies

1. Stormwater storage facilities shall be provided for all land development within the City of
Safford per the requirements of the Drainage Regulation.
2. Accommodation of stormwater storage requirements through construction of storage
facilities on individual lots as a part of residential subdivision development is not permitted.

8.3 Stormwater Storage Design

Stormwater storage facilities shall be designed in accordance with Arizona State Standards, SS8-
99 (Reference 14). All development shall utilize the Level 1 procedure of SSA8-99 unless an
engineer demonstrates and certifies that adequate outfall capacity exists downstream to a
regional watercourse (as defined in SSA8-99) to allow application of the Level 2 procedure.
The basin design guidelines found in the Level 1 and 2 procedures of SS8-99 shall be considered
mandatory requirements unless the City permits deviation from a particular guideline.

Table 8.3 below provides the required stormwater storage volume per the Level 1 procedure of
Arizona State Standard 8-99. The values Table 8.3 are based on the product of the 100-year, 1-
hour rainfall depth in Table 3.3 and the 100-year developed condition runoff coefficients from
Table 3.5. Use of the values in Table 8.3 is subject to the same limitations as Table 3.3.

Table 8.3 Volume Of Required Runoff Storage Per Acre In Safford Area
Per Arizona State Standard 8-99, Level 1 Procedure
Volume or Runoff to be Retained per Acre of Development
Land Use
In Acre Feet In Cubic Feet
Rural 0.102 4452
Suburban 0.113 4938
Moderate Urban 0.128 5585
Heavy Urban 0.152 6638
Commercial/Industrial 0.171 7447
Streets/Parking Lots 0.177 7690

In addition to or in lieu of the provisions of SSA8-99, the following requirements apply within
the City:

- Stormwater ponds shall be located a minimum of 10 feet away from any buildings.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 23

- For development projects smaller than one acre in size, a 4” diameter orifice shall be
attached to the inlet of the 6” diameter outlet pipe called for in the Level 1 basin design
procedure to further restrict outflow rate.
- The maximum permitted depth of water in basins (measured from the spillway elevation)
is eight feet if the area is to be fenced in, and three and one-half feet, with four to one
(4:1) sideslopes, if the area is not to be fenced in.
- Where fencing of a basin is required, the fencing shall be a minimum of 48” in height.
- Where a basin or basins must intercept offsite flow the basin shall be designed to receive
and store onsite flow with a spillway or other outlet structure designed to pass the offsite
flow under the assumption that the design stormwater storage volume is occupied at the
time of passage of the offsite flow. All appropriate freeboard and floor elevation
requirements shall be observed relative to the level of flow associated with passage of the
offsite flow.
- The stormwater storage provisions of SSA8-99 may be waived for areas adequately
served by existing retention facilities.

8.4 Subsurface Disposal

In general, stormwater storage shall be designed with positive drainage per Reference 14.
However, as noted in Reference 14, special topographic or other physical constraints may on
occasion dictate the need for subsurface disposal of stormwater. This is particularly true of
development in flat terrain where stormwater storage is provided below natural grade. The
primary methods of underground disposal of stormwater runoff at retention facilities are
engineered basin floors/trenches and dry wells. The criteria in the following paragraphs, taken
from Reference 15, shall be adhered to where subsurface disposal is needed.

Engineered Basin Floors/Trenches: Analysis and design of the bottom of a retention facility
intended for subsurface disposal is detailed in Reference 16 (“Underground Disposal of
Stormwater Runoff”, FHWA 1980); refer to this publication for specific design criteria.

Dry Wells1: Dry wells may be used for subsurface disposal of stormwater if criteria such as
subsurface strata permeability, groundwater levels and maintenance can be satisfactorily
addressed. The main cause of dry well failure is clogging of the transmission media (gravel) by
silt and debris. Failure can be hastened by poor maintenance.

The following list of general requirements and criteria shall be used in the design and
construction of subsurface disposal systems:

• The feasibility of subsurface disposal of stormwater at a site must be documented by field

investigations and a report by a registered civil engineer. Field investigations shall include
recognized percolation tests to obtain permeability rates for use in the design of the retention
facility. Where percolation tests are used in determining whether the basin bottom/floor will
drain in the required 48 hour time period, the percolation test rate shall be reduced by half to
account for aging and sealing of the basin bottom over time.

As defined by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 24

• The accepted design disposal rate for a dry well is not to exceed 0. 1 cfs per well unless a
greater rate can be supported by a detailed soils report certified by a registered engineer.
Should the soils report indicate a higher rate, a conservative value of 50 percent of the
higher rate (not to exceed 0.5 cfs per well) shall be used to compensate for deterioration
over time. The infiltration surface of the subsurface disposal facility must be located a
specified minimum distance from the static groundwater table, both horizontally and
vertically, depending on the type of development proposed. The Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality shall be contacted for specific criteria regarding this item and for dry
well registration and permitting requirements.

• The design of a dry well must include provisions for trapping sediment within a settling
chamber. This measure will significantly increase both the efficiency and useful life of the
well Once a year, at a minimum, the settling chamber should be inspected, and it should also
be inspected after any major inflow to the dry well Sediment shall be removed from the
chamber at such a time that approximately one-half of its capacity is filled. This level of
sediment buildup shall be clearly marked on the inside of the settling chamber. All sediment
removed from a settling chamber shall be disposed of properly.

• A test well shall be installed for any retention facility utilizing dry wells for stormwater
disposal. Upon approval of performance, this test well may then be used as one of the
functioning dry wells within the retention facility. For purposes of design, the initial well-
injection rates (determined from the test well) shall be multiplied by the factor 0.5 in order
to establish aged well-injection rates to be used for purposes of determining the required
number of dry wells ultimately needed to drain the facility within the required time period.

• Infiltration rates of basin floors/trenches or dry wells shall only be used for determining
basin drain times and shall not be used in determining outflow rates in flood-routing

• Disposal methods using infiltration shall not be permitted for stormwater runoff which
carries significant concentrations of sediment. This includes stormwater runoff flowing
through sand bed channels, as well as stormwater runoff emanating from a predominantly
natural watershed.

• During site development, all dry wells shall be securely covered with filter cloth or other
material to prevent the introduction of excessive sediment into the settling chamber.

• Retention and infiltration of runoff emanating from industrial developments will be handled
on a case-by-case basis by the City.

• Runoff stored in a stormwater storage facility shall be completely drained within 48 hours
following the storm event. Dry wells that cease to drain a facility within this period shall be
replaced by the owner with new ones, unless an alternate method of drainage is available.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 25

8.5 Landscaping and Surface Treatment

In addition to reducing runoff from urbanized areas, the goal of constructing any stormwater
basin should be to provide an attractive multiple use facility wherever possible. All stormwater
storage basins shall be landscaped to stabilize side slopes with grass or native vegetation at a
minimum. Where velocities in excess of 5 feet per second are anticipated within the basin and
at inlet and outlet transitions, erosion protection using rock riprap or other more erosion resistant
material is required (see “Erosion and Deposition” section of this manual).

All retention and detention basins shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscaping plan
prepared by the owner, design engineer, or a landscape architect. The landscaping plan is
required to be submitted with the drainage plan. The landscaping plan is subject to the approval
of the Drainage administrator. The Drainage Administrator may request revisions to comply
with City of Safford Standards. All landscaping improvements shall comply with the latest
edition of Section 430 of the Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public
Construction distributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG STANDARDS)
and adopted by the City of Safford.

Landscaping shall comply with the following general standards:

Landscaping must include vegetation and an irrigation system. Vegetation shall include turf
areas and trees that are suitable for the climactic conditions of the area. At least 75% of the basin
area must be landscaped with turf, trees, ground cover, or other vegetative treatment acceptable
to the Drainage Administrator. The designer is encouraged to use desert plants to minimize
water consumption. In areas without vegetation, the designer may use decorative rock or other
treatments subject to approval of the Drainage Administrator. Existing onsite plants may be used
if feasible.

The irrigation system shall be designed using PVC pipe, valves, electronic controllers, sprinklers,
backflow preventers, water meters, and other features required to provide adequate watering for
plant and turf maintenance.

The landscaping improvements shall be maintained continuously and perpetually for any
development requiring storm water storage. The basins shall be contoured and designed to be
attractive. In basins intended for dedication to the City of Safford for maintenance, the basin
design and landscaping design shall be such that no fencing is required and shall be planned for
use as a park or public area when they do not contain runoff water. In basins dedicated for
maintenance to the City of Safford, the developer is referred to section 430.8 of MAG
STANDARDS regarding plant guarantee and maintenance. In basins not maintained by the City
of Safford, the owner shall replace dead plant materials promptly. The maintenance of
landscaping areas not accepted for maintenance by the City of Safford shall be the responsibility
of an individual, corporation, or homeowner's association.

The developer shall provide all landscaping design and improvements required at his expense
including the costs for the water meter and impact fees.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 26


9.1 Section Purpose

Natural drainage systems within Arizona are prone to erosion associated with intense rainfall,
high runoff velocities and variable, often unconsolidated, channel bank soil conditions. This
section provides technical guidance as to acceptable procedures for use in the analysis and
mitigation of erosion and deposition potential along and within natural and manmade drainage
systems and information regarding the applicability of these procedures to different situations.

9.2 Policies

1. Residences shall be set back a safe distance (as defined herein) from regulatory flow paths
unless the flow path is stabilized or it can be shown that the flow path is not prone to erosion
using the procedures contained herein.
2. Erosion protection of channel banks and other drainage improvements shall be per the
procedures or referenced provided herein unless alternative methods are approved by the

9.3 Erosion Setbacks for Residences

Residences shall be set back from regulatory flow paths a distance equal to the setback values
given per the equations below unless an assessment prepared and submitted by an Arizona
registered civil engineer shows that a lesser setback will provide a safe location for the residence.

The erosion setback distances for regulatory flow paths with watershed areas of 30 square miles
or less are as follows (adapted from Reference 18):

SB = FbQ1/2 (Equation 9.3.1)

where: SB = erosion setback (feet) measured from the top of channel bank or the edge
of regulatory flow, whichever is closer to the channel centerline (feet)
Q = regulatory flow (cfs)
Fb = a factor to adjust the setback along the outside of channel
= 1.0 for Rc/T ≥ 10
= 1.7 for 5 < Rc/T < 10
= 2.5 for Rc/T ≤ 5
where Rc and T are as defined under the “Open Channels” section of this

Erosion setbacks for regulatory flow paths with watershed areas greater than 30 square miles
shall be established on a case-by-case basis through site specific assessment by an Arizona
registered civil engineer or setback as established by the City.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 27

9.4 Erosion Protection

Reference 9 shall be used for developing erosion protection measures for natural streams. The
user is referred to the “Open Channels” and “Culverts and Storm Drains” sections of this manual
for provisions for erosion protection of manmade channels and culverts, respectively.
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 28


1. State Standard for Development of Individual Residential Lots within Floodprone Areas,
State Standard 6-96, Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1996

2. Highway Drainage Design Manual - Hydrology, Arizona Department of Transportation,


3. Soil Survey – Safford Area, Arizona, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil
Conservation Service, 1970

4. Open Channel Hydraulics, V.T. Chow, 1959

5. HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles User’s Manual, Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, September 1990

6. HEC-RAS River Analysis System User’s Manual, Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, September 1998

7. Flood Insurance Study – Guidelines and Specifications for Study Contractors, FEMA 37,
Federal Emergency Management Agency, January 1995

8. Managing Floodplain Development in Approximate Zone A Areas, FEMA 265, Federal

Emergency Management Agency, July 1995

9. State Standard for Watercourse Bank Stabilization, State Standard 7-98, Arizona Department
of Water Resources, May 1998

10. Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, Hydraulic Design Series No. 5, Federal Highway
Administration, September 1985

11. HY-8 – FHWA Culvert Analysis Program Version 6.1, Federal Highway Administration,
June 1996

12. Urban Drainage Design Manual, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22, Federal Highway
Administration, FHWA-SA-96-078, November 1996

13. Drainage of Highway Pavements, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12, Federal Highway
Administration, FHWA-TS-84-202, March 1984

14. State Standard for Stormwater Detention/Retention, State Standard 8-99, Arizona
Department of Water Resources, August 1999

15. Drainage Design Manual for Maricopa County, Arizona – Volume II, Hydraulics, Flood
Control District of Maricopa County, Revised January 1996
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 29

16. Underground Disposal of Stormwater Runoff – Design Guidelines Manual, Federal Highway
Administration, FHWA-TS-80-218, February 1980

17. Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual, Pima County Department of Transportation and

Flood Control District – City of Tucson, 1987

18. Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson, Arizona,
City of Tucson Department of Transportation, Revised July 1998
City of Safford Drainage Manual Page 30

City of Safford Drainage Manual

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