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Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

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Big Data Research


Visual Exploration of Geolocated Time Series with Hybrid Indexing

Georgios Chatzigeorgakidis a,b,∗ , Kostas Patroumpas b , Dimitrios Skoutas b ,
Spiros Athanasiou b , Spiros Skiadopoulos a
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of the Peloponnese, Tripolis, Greece
Information Management Systems Institute, ATHENA R.C., Athens, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Geolocated time series are time series that correspond to specific locations. They can represent, for
Received 14 September 2018 example, visitor check-ins at certain venues or readings of sensors installed at various places. The amount
Received in revised form 20 December 2018 and significance of such time series have increased in many domains over the last years. However,
Accepted 6 February 2019
although several works exist for time series visualization and visual analytics in general, there is a lack
Available online 7 February 2019
of efficient techniques for visual exploration and analysis of geolocated time series in particular. In this
Keywords: paper, we present two approaches that rely on hybrid spatial-time series indices to allow for efficient
Time series map-based visual exploration and summarization of geolocated time series data. In particular, we use
Spatial indices the BTSR-tree index and we introduce a new variant of the iSAX index, called geo-iSAX. The former is
Visual exploration a spatial-first hybrid index that extends the R-tree by maintaining bounds for the time series indexed
Summarization at each node. Following a similar rationale, geo-iSAX is a time series-first hybrid index that maintains
spatial MBRs of the geolocated time series indexed in each node. We describe the structure of these
indices and show how they can be directly exploited to produce map-based visualizations of geolocated
time series at different levels of granularity. We empirically validate our approach using two real-world
datasets, as well as a synthetic one that is used to test the scalability of our methods.
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sumer behavior in daily life. These results can then be used to fore-
cast and balance water demand, as well as to plan and prioritize
Time series are generated and stored at a vastly increasing rate interventions that can guide consumers towards more sensible wa-
in many industrial and research applications, including the Web ter use. Similar use cases can be found in other domains, such as in
and the Internet of Things, public utilities, finance, astronomy, bi- geomarketing or mobile advertisement, where geolocated time se-
ology, and many more. A significant portion concerns geolocated ries may represent the number of visitors or the revenue generated
time series, i.e., those generated at, or otherwise associated with, at a certain location across time. Extracting insights, trends and
specific locations. While indexing, mining and exploring time se- patterns can be significantly facilitated by map-based visualizations
ries data has attracted a lot of interest from the database and data of summarized time series data. Such visualizations can reveal, for
mining communities [1–3], studying of geolocated time series is instance, which type of consumption patterns are most frequently
still largely overlooked. observed among consumers in a certain area or what the spatial
Geolocated time series can be found in various domains and distribution of sales for a certain product looks like.
applications. For instance, time series can be used to represent, However, time series is an inherently complex data type, and
analyze and forecast water consumption measured by smart me- such datasets can reach extremely large volumes, both horizon-
ters installed in urban households [4]. Analyzing such time series tally (i.e., very long series of values across time) and vertically (i.e.,
can provide valuable insights regarding trends and patterns of con- time series generated by countless sources). Consequently, man-
agement, analysis and exploration of big time series data is a task
requiring efficient and scalable algorithms. In particular, visual ex-
ploration of geolocated time series needs to process the required
Corresponding author at: Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, information efficiently, while the user interacts with the applica-
University of the Peloponnese, Tripolis, Greece.
tion. For example, whenever the user zooms in or scrolls the map,
E-mail addresses: chgeorgakidis@uop.gr (G. Chatzigeorgakidis),
kpatro@imis.athena-innovation.gr (K. Patroumpas),
visual analytics and aggregates should be computed on-the-fly, e.g.,
dskoutas@imis.athena-innovation.gr (D. Skoutas), identifying the predominant patterns in the time series and their
spathan@imis.athena-innovation.gr (S. Athanasiou), spiros@uop.gr (S. Skiadopoulos). spatial distribution within the actual map area.

2214-5796/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 13

Fig. 1. Visual exploration examples over geolocated time series. (For interpretation of the colors in the figure(s), the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 2. Examples of computed summaries on the time series domain.

Consider the example illustrated in Fig. 1(a). When the user In this paper, we propose two geolocated time series summa-
zooms the map into the red rectangle, the visualization application rization approaches for visual exploration, named bundle and tile
should identify, summarize and present the two patterns (shown map summary. These are supported and driven by two appropriate
in blue and green color) appearing therein. For such requests that hybrid indices that speed up the result computation, providing ef-
inherently combine spatial filters with time series analysis, it is ficient exploration of geolocated time series data. They consist of a
inefficient to evaluate each predicate separately, e.g., apply a spa- spatial and a time series summary that jointly facilitate knowledge
tial filter on the time series of a large dataset and then calculate extraction and insight gaining. The spatial summary is similar for
summaries of the candidates, or vice versa. The same stands for both and consists of Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBRs) of ge-
the case of exploration on the time series domain, as depicted in olocated time series, according to a specific predicate (i.e., spatial
Fig. 1(b). Consider a user drawing a timebox (i.e., a rectangle in the proximity, or time series similarity). Each MBR is associated with
time series domain) or zooming in the yellow part. The applica- a counter denoting the number of time series it contains. A visu-
tion should identify the time series that are fully contained within alization example of the spatial summary is depicted in Fig. 1(a),
that filter area, i.e., their values along the specified time range fall where the geolocated time series are organized in two groups (i.e.,
within the value range (both ranges shown in orange in Fig. 1(b)), green and blue colored) according to their similarity. Each group is
and then provide an informative summary comprising aggregate depicted along with a number that indicates the amount of time
spatial information to avoid cluttering the map. series that it contains (i.e., three geolocated time series for the first
Efficient filtering and retrieval over large datasets of geolocated group and four for the second).
time series can be enabled by indexing. Several approaches have The main difference among the two methods lies in the time
been proposed that efficiently index large amounts of plain time series part of the summary. The bundle summary consists of sets
series data. They either rely on Discrete Wavelet Transform to re- of Minimum Bounding Time Series (MBTS) [8], an example of which
duce the dimensionality of time series [5], or make use of a family is depicted in Fig. 2(a). An MBTS is a band with upper and lower
of indices based on Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX) [3,6,1, bounds that encloses all time series of a set, providing with a no-
7]. However, all aforementioned techniques index the data solely tion of a range of the time series values throughout the time axis.
on the time series domain, not taking the spatial dimension into On the other hand, the tile map summary (Fig. 2(b)) of a set of
account. If each analyzed time series is inherently associated with time series indicates (using a corresponding shading), the density
a spatial attribute (e.g., locations of smart meters), such indexing of the time series points at each tile of a partitioning of the do-
is not sufficient for queries and visualizations that additionally in- main, obtained by discretizing the time and value axes. This way,
volve spatial filters. it avoids overplotting that would be caused by outputting a large
14 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

number of resulting time series and provides a notion of how the confirming their low execution time against a large synthetic
values of the time series are distributed across time. dataset of geolocated time series.
The bundle summary is driven by our recently proposed BTSR-
tree index [8]. This is a spatial-first hybrid index, in the sense that it The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
is primarily built on the spatial attribute of the data. More specif- reviews related work. Section 3 outlines basic concepts and for-
ically, it is an extension of the R-tree spatial index [9], offering mulates the problem. Sections 4 and 5 introduce our methods for
efficient support for similarity search over geolocated time series. efficient visual exploration of geolocated time series by harnessing
The idea behind the BTSR-tree index is to combine both spatial the potential of the BTSR-tree and geo-iSAX indices, respectively.
proximity and time series similarity. To that end, in addition to Section 6 presents indicative use cases with map visualizations and
the standard MBR denoting the spatial bound of its contents, each also reports performance results from our empirical study. Finally,
node is augmented with an MBTS of all the time series contained Section 7 concludes the paper and outlines future research direc-
in its subtree. Maintaining both kinds of bounds per node en- tions.
ables pruning the search space simultaneously in the spatial and
the time series domains while traversing the index. To increase 2. Related work
pruning effectiveness, the time series indexed in a given node are
further distinguished into bundles on the basis of their similar- In the following, we review existing approaches regarding in-
ity, hence achieving tighter bounds in the MBTS of these bundles. dexing and visual exploration of time series.
For providing prompt visualizations of summaries over geolocated
time series data and minimizing latency when drawing the rele- Indexing of time series Earlier approaches towards indexing of time
vant graphic elements, we need early access to both spatial and series data were often based on leveraging multi-resolution rep-
time series information while traversing the index. For this pur- resentations. For instance, the Discrete Wavelet Transform [11] is
pose, we adapt the BTSR-tree index so as to also include aggregates used in [5] to gradually reduce the dimensionality of time series
per node, i.e., the number of time series pertaining to each bundle. data via the Haar wavelet and generate an index using the coeffi-
Subsequently, we introduce a new traversal algorithm for efficient cients of the transformed sequences. In [12], it is further observed
retrieval of a given number of bundles that are the most represen- that, other than orthonormal wavelets, bi-orthonormal ones can
tative in the map area. also be used for efficient similarity search over wavelet-indexed
The tile map summary is driven by geo-iSAX, a hybrid index time series data, demonstrating several such wavelets that out-
we introduce in this paper. This is a time series-first index, i.e., it perform the Haar wavelet in terms of precision and performance.
is primarily built in the time series domain. More specifically, it In addition, an alternative approach regarding k-nearest neighbor
constitutes a hybrid variant of the iSAX index [3,6,1], augmented search over time series data is introduced in [13]. The proposed
with spatial attributes of its nodes’ children, to combine spatial method accesses the coefficients of Haar-wavelet-transformed time
and time series information. In each node, besides the SAX word series through a sequential scan over step-wise increasing resolu-
that describes all its children time series, geo-iSAX keeps also the tions.
MBR that they form. To minimize the size and overlap of the MBRs, State-of-the-art approaches for time series indexing comprise
we propose a spatial splitting policy, that instead of choosing the methods based on the Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX) rep-
splitting dimension in a round-robin fashion (as in iSAX), it does so resentation [14]. This is derived from the Piecewise Aggregate Ap-
by selecting the dimension that produces the smallest overlap and proximation (PAA) representation of a time series [15,16], by quan-
overall size of the two generated MBRs. We introduce a traversal tizing the segments of its PAA representation on the y-axis. The
algorithm for applying timebox search on large (both vertically and first attempt to leverage the potential of the SAX representation
horizontally) geolocated time series datasets. The traversal algo- was presented in [3], introducing the indexable Symbolic Aggre-
rithm is applied on our geo-iSAX index and returns a tile map-like gate Approximation (iSAX), capable of a multi-resolution represen-
summary of the qualifying geolocated time series, by taking ad- tation for time series. The iSAX index was further extended to iSAX
vantage of the SAX representation’s properties. 2.0 [6] by enabling bulk loading of time series data. Its next ver-
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that con- sion is the iSAX 2+ index [1], which handles better the expensive
siders visual exploration and summarization of geolocated time I/O operations caused by the aggressive node splitting while build-
series. Specifically, we propose two summarization methods en- ing the index. Finally, the ADS+ index [7] is another extension of
abling efficient map-based exploration driven by suitable hybrid iSAX, which overcomes the still significantly expensive index build
indices. The work in this paper builds upon and extends our effort time by adaptively building the index while processing the work-
in [10], which showed the benefits of using BTSR-tree for visual load of queries issued by the user. A comprehensive overview of
exploration of geolocated time series. Here, we introduce another time series indexing approaches based on SAX representation is
novel summarization approach that enables a different exploration presented in [17].
method, by employing a time series-first hybrid index. In brief, our Unfortunately, none of the abovementioned access methods can
main contributions are as follows: inherently support geolocated time series, i.e., time series inextri-
cably associated with a location. To the best of our knowledge, the
• We suggest an adapted variant of the BTSR-tree index, as well only index in the literature that supports such time series is the
as a novel algorithm for its traversal in order to quickly re- BTSR-tree index [8]. This hybrid index follows a similar rationale
trieve summaries (a.k.a. bundles) of geolocated time series set by spatio-textual indices [18] that have been proposed to speed
within a given spatial area. up evaluation of queries combining location-based predicates with
• We propose a hybrid variant of the iSAX index, called geo-iSAX, keyword search. Essentially, this paradigm implies combining a
which combines time series with spatial information within its spatial index structure (e.g., R-tree, Quadtree, Space-Filling Curve)
nodes. Based on that, we describe a novel traversal algorithm with a textual index (e.g., inverted file, signature file). Depend-
for geo-iSAX that enables fast timebox search by performing ing on their structure, these variants can be characterized either
efficient pruning, while avoiding false negatives. as spatial-first or textual-first indices [19]. In a similar spirit, our
• We exemplify the proposed visualization methods with two BTSR-tree is a spatial-first index based on the R-tree that can addi-
use cases based on real-world datasets. In addition, we empiri- tionally abstract similarity of time series instead of a textual one.
cally evaluate the performance of our summarization methods, As a result, it can offer analogous improvements when searching
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 15

against geolocated time series data, as we discuss in more detail visualization. Stack zooming [32] provides such a functionality, by
in Section 4.1. building hierarchies of line chart visualizations for user-defined in-
tervals on large time series data. Each selected interval is zoomed
Visual exploration of time series Numerous approaches attempt to and stacked beneath the initial time series. A similar approach is
leverage the potential of summarizing or aggregating the informa- KronoMiner [33], which employs a radial-based visualization to en-
tion of large time series data to facilitate visual exploration and able zooming functionality for specific time intervals. The interface
knowledge extraction. An early approach is [20], where the au- is visually refined through an iterative design procedure involv-
thors use tile maps and box plots to discover ten-year trends in ing expert user feedback. ChronoLenses [34] introduces a domain-
air pollution data. In [21], the authors introduce a pixel-oriented independent visualization that offers the ability to perform on-the-
visualization to detect recursive patterns, where each data value fly transformations (e.g., Fourier transform, auto-correlation) of the
is represented by one pixel. The authors demonstrate the poten- selected interval using lenses.
tial of their method using a stock market dataset. An extension of Zooming in regions of interest in time series can be per-
this work is presented in [22], where several time granularities are formed via timeboxes, which essentially consist of rectangular re-
combined in a single visualization to enhance the knowledge ex- gions on the time series domain thus specifying intervals in both
traction potential of recursive patterns. the time and value axis. The procedure retrieves the time series
Of particular interest are visualization approaches that attempt whose values in the given region are fully contained in the rect-
to leverage the potential of declarative SQL-like languages and angle. Hochheister et al. introduced timeboxes [35] along with
DBMSs to enable exploratory queries. Such an approach is sug- TimeSearcher, an application for visual exploration of time series
gested in M4 [23], where the authors introduce an aggregation- datasets that implements timebox queries. The user is able to draw
based dimensionality reduction scheme for visualizing horizon- rectangles on the time series domain and the results are separately
tally large time series using line charts. Their approach operates displayed on-screen. Keogh et al. [36] extended the timeboxes, in-
on top of an RDBMS and supports various SQL queries that se- troducing the Variable Time Timeboxes, which allowed a degree of
lect and visualize particular parts of time series. ForeCache [24] uncertainty in the time axis. Later versions of TimeSearcher (such
leverages two prefetching mechanisms to facilitate exploration of as [37]) provided enhanced functionality, allowing the visual ex-
large geospatial, multidimensional and time series data stored in a ploration of longer time series (>10,000 time points) and offering
DBMS. By predicting the user’s behavior, it fetches the necessary forecasting functionality.
data as the user interacts with the application. Another declarative Contrary to our approach, none of the aforementioned meth-
language-based visualization is suggested in [25], where relational ods and systems provides map-based visual exploration of geolo-
algebra queries are used to represent the visualization, leveraging cated time series. In our recent work [10], we have introduced
the potential of traditional and visualization-specific optimizations. a summary construction method for geolocated time series, that
In contrast, a recent tutorial [26] advocates the use of example- utilizes our spatial-first BTSR-tree, to enable spatial-domain map-
based methods in exploration of large relational, textual, and graph based exploratory visualizations. In this paper, we augment this
datasets. Such a query-by-example approach has been applied in work by introducing a time series-first hybrid index to facilitate
[27] so as to explore relevance feedback for retrieval from time se- timebox search on both horizontally and vertically large time se-
ries databases. Instead of returning the top matching time series, ries datasets. We enable efficient exploration on geolocated time
this technique incorporates diversity into the results, which are series datasets, by timely executing user-defined timebox search,
presented to the user for feedback and refined in several rounds. enabling the exploration also in the time series domain.
RINSE [28] is a Recursive Interactive Series Explorer specifically
designed for exploration of data series. Built on top of ADS+ [7], a
3. Problem formulation
special adaptive index structure for data series, it can progressively
build parts of the index on demand at query time, concerning
A time series is a time-ordered sequence of values T = { v 1 , . . . ,
only those chunks of the data involved in users’ queries. In terms
of visualization, users can get those series qualifying to range or v n }, where v i is the value at the i-th time point and n is the length
nearest-neighbor queries interactively drawn on screen, as well as of the series. In this work, we specifically deal with geolocated time
monitor various statistics regarding the index footprint (e.g., RAM series [8], i.e., time series that are additionally characterized by a
and disk usage) as it gets updated. In contrast, ATLAS [29] is a vi- location, denoted by T .loc. Assuming a 2-dimensional space, we
sual analytics tool specifically geared towards interactivity when further use the notation T .loc x , T .loc y to refer to the (x, y ) coordi-
ad hoc filters, arbitrary aggregations, and trend exploration are ap- nates of T ’s location. In the rest of the paper, when it is clear from
plied against massive time series data. This client-server architec- the context, we also refer to such geolocated time series as objects
ture employs a column store as its backend equipped with index- for brevity.
ing, and preemptively caches data that may be required in queries To quantify the proximity of two geolocated time series in the
so as to reduce latency when panning, scrolling, and zooming over spatial domain, we measure the distance of their respective loca-
time series. Recently, the ONEX paradigm [30] concerns online tions. More specifically:
exploration of time series. It first constructs compact similarity
groups over time series for specific lengths based on Euclidean dis- Definition 1 (Spatial Distance). The spatial distance between two ge-
tance, and then can efficiently support exploration of these groups olocated time series T and T  is calculated using the Euclidean
with the Dynamic Time-Warping (DTW) method over their rep- distance of their respective locations. Furthermore, we normalize
resentatives of different lengths and alignments. Smoothing can this distance with maxDist sp , i.e., the maximum spatial distance of
be applied to streaming time series to remove noise in visualiza- any pair of objects in the dataset, to obtain a measure in the inter-
tions while preserving large-scale deviations [31]. To highlight im-
val [0, 1]. Thus:
portant phenomena without harming representation quality from
oversmoothing, this approach introduces quantitative metrics in- 
volving variance of first differences and kurtosis to automatically ( T .loc x − T  .loc x )2 + ( T .loc y − T  .loc y )2
calibrate smoothing parameters. dist sp ( T , T  ) = . 2
maxDist sp
The ability to zoom in to specific parts of interest of a large
time series can significantly enhance the exploratory potential of a (1)
16 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Moreover, we measure similarity in the time series domain. Sim-

ilarly to other prior works (e.g., [3]), we apply the Euclidean dis-
tance in this domain. In future work, we plan to make use of more
complex distance measures [38]. More specifically:

Definition 2 (Time Series Distance). The time series distance between

two time series T and T  of equal length n is calculated as:

 ( T . v i − T  . v i )2
i =1
distts ( T , T  ) = (2)
where maxDistts denotes the maximum distance on the time se-
ries domain of any pair of objects in the dataset and is used for
normalization, as above. 2 Fig. 3. Example illustrating the resulting bundles for two sets of time series.

Our objective in this paper is to compactly represent a large the subset { T ∈ T : within( T .loc , q)} of time series located within
number of geolocated time series by some form of summaries area q. Each such tuple in the bundle summary has the following
so as to support and facilitate their visual exploration. Intuitively,
given a set of geolocated time series, we want to provide sum-
maries that express both their pattern across time as well as their R b = {mbts, {mbr , cnt }} (4)
corresponding spatial extent. These summaries may be constructed
over the whole dataset, e.g., to provide an initial quick overview where mbts is a time series summary in the form of MBTS and is
of the whole data, or over the results of a previous query, e.g., associated with a list of l MBRs; the count cnt of objects within
over those time series located inside a bounding box drawn by the each such mbr is also available. 2
user on the map. Specifically, we consider two types of summaries,
called bundle summaries and tile map summaries, respectively, which In Section 4, we show how the BTSR-tree index can be used
we describe next. to address this problem, i.e., to efficiently compute bundle sum-
3.1. Bundle summaries
3.2. Tile map summaries
This type of summary is composed of a set of k “bundles”,
where each bundle comprises the following information: The bundles in the summary type introduced above are formed
in a data-driven manner, as objects belonging to the same bun-
• a cluster of similar time series in the temporal domain dle should be similar (e.g., based on clustering). An alternative
• a set of Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBRs) summarizing way to visually highlight spatio-temporal patterns in a large set
in the spatial domain the respective locations of those time of geolocated time series is through summaries that rely on a fixed
series partitioning of the time series domain. More specifically, the en-
• an integer indicating the number of objects located within tire domain may be subdivided into adjacent, non-overlapping tiles
each of the above MBRs. (Fig. 2(b)), so that each tile captures the portion of a time series
falling within this tile. Simple aggregates (e.g., counts) of time se-
To derive such bundles, we use the notion of Minimum Bounding ries per tile can easily convey the distribution of values in the
Time Series (MBTS) introduced in [8]. An MBTS bundles together a dataset. As shown in the example, the higher the concentration
set of time series T using a pair of bounds that fully contain all of of data points within a tile, the darker its shade. More formally:
them. Fig. 3 depicts an example of two MBTSs for two disjoint sets
of time series. Formally: Definition 4 (Tile Map). Let the time domain [tmin , tmax ) be divided
into successive intervals of equal size τ , resulting into a subdi-
Definition 3 (Minimum Bounding Time Series (MBTS)). Given a set of vision {[tmin , tmin + τ ), [tmin + τ , tmin + 2τ ), . . . , [tmax − τ , tmax )}.
time series T , its MBTS consists of an upper bounding time series Subdivision of the value domain [ v min , v max ) is carried out using a
T  and a lower bounding time series T  , constructed by respectively finite number of breakpoints { v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v h } where v 1 = v min , and
selecting the maximum and minimum of values at each time point v h = v max , whereas the rest may be arbitrary values provided that
among all time series in set T as follows: v 1 < v 2 < · · · < v h . This subdivision yields disjoint, consecutive
segments {[ v min , v 1 ), [ v 2 , v 3 ), . . . , [ v h , v max )} in the value axis. The
T  = {max T . v 1 , . . . , max T . v n } resulting tile map is a matrix of tiles over both domains, so that tile
T ∈T T ∈T

T  = {min T . v 1 , . . . , min T . v n }. 2
(3)   to time interval [tmin + i · τ , tmin + (i + 1) · τ ), i ∈
(i , j ) corresponds
tmax −tmin
T ∈T T ∈T 0, . . . , τ , and to value segment [ v j , v j +1 ), j ∈ 0, . . . , h − 1.

Hence, we can formulate the problem of summarizing a set of

Essentially, such a tile map has a similar effect as space-driven
geolocated time series by means of a bundle summary as follows:
partitionings like quadtrees or grid subdivisions [39]. As in the case
of spatial objects, a time series can be checked for containment
Problem 1 (Bundle Summary). Given a set T of geolocated time within each tile. More specifically, a time series data point v t at
series, a spatial area q of interest, a number k of desired bundles, time t is contained in tile (i , j ) if tmin + i · τ ≤ t < tmin + (i + 1) · τ
and a number of l MBRs per bundle, the problem is to efficiently and v j ≤ v t < v j +1 . Once all time series are mapped into tiles, this
compute a bundle summary that consists of a list of k tuples over matrix offers a summary of the entire dataset.
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 17

However, we may inspect specific portions of a tile map, by low latency levels when drawing the required graphic elements.
checking a group of neighboring tiles. This can be abstracted as a However, none of the approaches presented in Section 2 supports
timebox [40] applied over both domains. Intuitively, such a timebox geolocated time series indexing. To the best of our knowledge, the
is a rectangle in the time series domain that fully contains a set of recently proposed BTSR-tree index [8] is the only one that provides
time series in the time and value range that it represents. Fig. 1(b) the desired functionality.
depicts with green color the time series that are contained within The BTSR-tree is based on the R-tree [9] for the spatial index-
a timebox, among a set of time series. More specifically: ing part. The R-tree organizes a hierarchy of nested d-dimensional
rectangles. Each node corresponds to a disk page and represents
Definition 5 (Timebox). A timebox p specifies a time interval [t , t  ) the MBR of its children or, for leaf nodes, the MBR of its contained
and a value range [ v , v  ) in order to identify any qualifying time geometries. The number of entries per node (excluding the root) is
series. We denote as timebox( T , p ) once a time series T qualifies between a lower bound m and a maximum capacity M. Query exe-
to this timebox p if ∀t i ∈ [t , t  ), v ≤ T . v i < v  . cution in R-trees starts from the root. MBRs in any visited node are
tested for intersection against the search region. Qualifying entries
Overall, given a timebox p and a spatial area q of interest over are recursively visited until the leaf level or until no further over-
a set of geolocated time series, we are interested in identifying: laps are found. Several paths may be probed, as multiple sibling
entries could overlap with the search region. The BTSR-tree ex-
• The tiles that summarize objects located within q and are also tends the information stored within each node of the R-tree with
fully included within p, i.e., no data point of the time series bundles of MBTS, as illustrated with the colored strips per node in
falls outside p in the respective time interval. Fig. 4. This allows to efficiently prune the search space when eval-
• In addition, the summary provides also a set of k MBRs cov- uating hybrid queries combining time series similarity with spatial
ering all qualifying time series; a counter measures the time proximity.
series contained within each such MBR. A BTSR-tree is constructed exactly like an R-tree [9] with re-
spect to the spatial contents of a geolocated time series dataset T ,
We can now formulate the problem of computing tile map sum- as depicted in Fig. 4(a). As in R-trees, each node of the BTSR-tree
maries as follows: has at least m and at most M entries and stores the MBRs of its
children. Additionally, for each child, a node stores a pre-specified
Problem 2 (Tile Map Summary). Given a set T of geolocated time number of MBTS, shown as colored strips per node in Fig. 4(b),
series, a timebox p and a spatial area q of interest, and a number k each one enclosing all the time series indexed in its subtree. Each
of desired MBRs, a tile map summary provides a list of k tuples over MBTS is calculated according to Eq. 3. Construction and mainte-
the subset { T ∈ T : within( T .loc , q) ∧ timebox( T , p )} of time series nance of the BTSR-tree follow the procedures of the R-tree for data
located within area q and qualifying to timebox p. Each such tuple insertion, deletion and node splitting. Objects (i.e., geolocated time
in the tile map summary has the following structure: series) are inserted into leaf nodes and any resulting changes are
propagated upwards.
R t = {tmap , {mbr , cnt }} (5) Once the nodes have been populated, the MBTS of each node
are calculated bottom-up. First, in each leaf node, the contained
where tmap represents the tile map constructed over the qualify-
time series are clustered into k bundles using k-means clustering
ing time series and is associated with a list of k MBRs that outline
according to their Euclidean distance in the time series domain.
their spatial extent; the count cnt of objects within each such mbr
Then, the MBTS of each bundle is computed and stored in the
is also available. 2
node. The example in Fig. 3 depicts the k = 2 MBTS (as two bands
with a thick outline) obtained for a set of time series (shown as
In Section 5, we propose a technique that can efficiently con-
thin polylines). As a next step, each parent node receives all the
struct tile map summaries by employing an extended variant of
MBTS of its children and computes its own k bundles and re-
the iSAX index.
spective set of MBTS by clustering them. The process continues
upwards, until reaching the root of the tree. Optionally, Piecewise
4. Computing bundle summaries
Aggregate Approximation [15,16] can be applied over the time se-
Intuitively, the first visualization method displays the bundle ries. As detailed in [8], this allows a trade off between the number
summaries for a spatial area of interest, as defined in Section 3.1. of bundles per node and the MBTS resolution, thus permitting a
This may concern the currently visible area on a map, so a set of larger number (> k) of bundles in nodes at higher levels in the
time series patterns and their respective spatial extents are com- tree hierarchy.
puted and visualized. Using this process, a user can select the bun-
dle of her preference and the proper spatial summary will appear 4.2. Deriving bundle summaries from the BTSR-tree index
on the map after acquiring the necessary MBRs from the BTSR-tree
index. Whenever the user zooms in/out or pans around the map, To support the summaries required by the visualization method,
the BTSR-tree is traversed, and the corresponding bundles, MBRs, we further extend the information stored in each node of the
and object counts are obtained to drive the visualization. In each BTSR-tree index with the count of geolocated time series that are
case, the rectangle corresponding to the visible part of the map is fully contained within each bundle. This is done bottom-up during
used to feed a traversal algorithm that efficiently gathers the re- insertion, while the index is traversed to calculate the bundles. At
sults. Next, we first outline the structure of the BTSR-tree index, each leaf node, after the clustering, we propagate the number of
and then we introduce a novel algorithm for its traversal in order members of each cluster to its parent, which in turn calculates its
to compute the bundle summaries for a given area of interest. clusters and aggregates the counts it has received for each bundle’s
members. This procedure continues up to the root of the tree. We
4.1. The BTSR-tree index stress that this process concerns the building of the index and is
carried out once geolocated time series are being inserted.
To generate efficient visualizations of geolocated time series We now present our summarization technique for producing
data, we need early access to both spatial and time series re- map-based visualizations of geolocated time series. The process is
lated information while traversing the index, in order to maintain outlined in Algorithm 1. It takes as input the input rectangle q, i.e.,
18 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Fig. 4. Sample dataset with MBRs as maintained by the BTSR-tree index.

the spatial area of interest for which the visualization is produced, Step 2: Bundles Clustering. The aforementioned traversal method
the number k of bundles and the number l of MBRs per bundle to returns tuples, each containing the bundles residing in the input
be generated. The process comprises three distinct steps. Initially, rectangle, the corresponding nodes’ MBRs and the number of ob-
the BTSR-tree index is traversed to obtain the MBRs contained in jects per bundle. Next, k-means clustering is executed on the av-
the input rectangle, along with their bundles and the number of erage time series of each bundle. Line 2 of Algorithm 1 calls the
objects per bundle (Line 1). Next, k-means clustering is applied clustering procedure. Initially, for each tuple (Line 20), we iterate
using the average time series per bundle as centroids (Line 2). Fi- over its bundles (Line 21) and generate a new tuple per bundle of
nally, the new bundles are calculated and the proper MBRs and
the following format:
corresponding object counts are assigned to each bundle (Line 3).
Next, we describe each step in more detail.
 T av g , mbts, cnt , mbr 
Step 1: BTSR-tree Traversal. During this step, the BTSR-tree index
This new tuple contains an average time series, the bundle itself
is traversed, with the target being the fast provision of a prede-
(mbts), the number cnt of objects enclosed in this bundle, and the
fined number k of geolocated time series bundles contained within
MBR (mbr) this bundle belongs to (Line 23). The average time se-
the given area q, along with l MBRs where these bundles can be
ries T av g is calculated by averaging the upper and lower bound of
found and the total number of geolocated time series that reside
each bundle (Line 22), i.e., average value at each time point. The
within each MBR. All required information is stored within the
resulting collection of tuples is fed to the k-means algorithm (Line
nodes of the BTSR-tree, thus, when a node that is contained within
24) in order to return the required number k of bundles to be
the input rectangle is found, the relevant information is retrieved
created. This clustering generates a clustered collection of tuples
and added to the intermediate results, without any need to con- using the calculated average time series. These results are then for-
tinue searching in its sub-tree. The output of this step is passed to warded to step 3 (Line 25).
the next phase of bundle clustering.
In more detail, the traversal is performed as follows. After ini- Step 3: Bundles Calculation and MBR Assignment. During this step,
tializing a queue with the root’s children (Line 7), we iterate over the clustered tuples received from step 2 are used to calculate
it (Line 8) until it is empty. For each inner node’s child N  , we the final bundles, the corresponding l MBRs and total number of
check whether its MBR is contained within the given input rect- objects per MBR are assigned to each bundle. The final bundles
angle q (Lines 11–12). If so, its MBR, the time series bundles, and are calculated in a similar manner to the MBTS bundles during
the number of objects per bundle are added to the intermediate BTSR-tree construction. More specifically, at each time point, we
results (Line 13) as a tuple with the following components: obtain the maximum and minimum value among the correspond-
ing upper and lower bounds for the bundles of each cluster (see
Section 4.1). Then, we apply k-means clustering on each bundle’s
mbr , {(mbts1 , cnt 1 ), ..., (mbtsk , cntk )}. MBRs, obtaining a total of l new MBRs per bundle along with an
aggregate count of the time series contained therein. The final re-
Each such tuple indicates the MBR of a node (mbr), consisting of
sult is then used for visualization.
the coordinates of the lower left and upper right point, as well as k
pairs denoting the bundles of the node along with the correspond- Line 3 of Algorithm 1 calls the corresponding procedure. For
ing number of objects per bundle. If the MBR is not contained in each cluster of tuples received from step 2 (Line 28), we loop over
the input rectangle q, we check whether it overlaps with q and its members (Line 31) and we use each tuple’s bundle to update
if so, we add the child node to the queue (Line 15). If not, this the upper and lower bounds (Line 32). Then, we apply k-means
MBR is located outside the input rectangle, and thus we can skip clustering on the cluster’s MBRs, obtaining l new MBRs along with
searching this subtree. Once no more nodes are left to search, the their counts (Line 33). Once the bounds and the corresponding list
intermediate results are finally returned (Line 16). of MBRs for the current bundle have been calculated, we issue an
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 19

aggregated tuple to the final result (Line 34). This tuple has the visualization. Whenever the user zooms in/out or pans over the
following components: map, or whenever she draws a new timebox, the procedure is re-
peated, the index is traversed and the visualization is regenerated.
mbts , {(mbr1 , cnt 1 ), ..., (mbrl , cntl )} Next, we first outline the original structure of the iSAX index and
then we introduce its geo-iSAX variant, which enables evaluation
where mbts is a resulting bundle, along with l MBRs associated
of timebox queries and also maintenance of spatial information in
with it. Each MBR is accompanied with the corresponding number
its nodes. As we discuss next, those two extensions provide the
of objects (i.e., raw time series) therein. The final result with all
necessary support for computing tile map summaries as specified
such tuples is then returned in order to generate the visualization
in Section 3.2.
(Line 36).
5.1. The iSAX family of indices
Algorithm 1: Bundles summarization of geolocated time se-
ries. The Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX) is a multi-resolution
Input: Input rectangle q; number k of bundles to be generated; number l of representation of a time series introduced in [3]. It can be derived
MBRs per bundle
from its Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) [15,16] by quan-
Output: A list R b containing tuples of bundles, MBRs, and object counts
1 R ← IndexT raversal(q) // Step 1 tizing the PAA segments on the v-axis. As exemplified in Fig. 5(b),
2 R c ← BundlesClustering ( R , k) // Step 2 a time series T 2 is transformed to a PAA representation of w=3
3 R b ← BundlesCalculation( R c , l) // Step 3 words (along the t axis) with real-valued coefficients (the hori-
4 return R b zontal red bars). Fig. 5(c) lists the SAX representations computed
5 Procedure IndexT raversal(q) similarly for all time series shown in Fig. 5(a); note that locations
6 R ←∅
are completely ignored by iSAX and only the time series part of
7 Q ← Root . getChildren()
8 while Q = ∅ do objects is indexed. To get a SAX representation for a time series,
9 N ← Q . get Next () these coefficients are discretized along the v-axis using breakpoints
10 if N is not leaf then (shown with dashed lines) assuming a N (0, 1) Gaussian distribu-
11 foreach N  ∈ N . getChildren() do tion that enables generation of equi-probable symbols for a given
12 if q.contains( N  .mbr ) then
13 R ← R ∪ { N  .mbr , {( N  .mbts, N  .cnt )}}
cardinality (b = 4 symbols are used in this example). By using bit-
wise representations for these symbols, coarser SAX values can be
14 else if q.overlaps( N  .mbr ) then
15 Q ← Q ∪ N  . getChildren()
obtained from more refined ones, by simply ignoring trailing bits.
By completely ignoring the spatial locations and using the SAX
representations of all time series in this dataset, an iSAX index [3]
16 return R
can be built. Indeed, the root node captures the complete iSAX
17 Procedure BundlesClustering ( R , k) space and itself does not contain any SAX words, but only points
18 Rc ← ∅ to its children nodes (in the worst case, their number is 2w). Each
19 C ←∅ leaf has a pointer to a disk file containing the raw time series that
20 foreach t ∈ R do
represents. The leaf itself also stores the iSAX word of highest car-
21 foreach b ∈ t .mbts do
22 T av g ← av g (b.up , b.lo) dinality among these time series. An internal node designates a
23 C ← C ∪ { T av g , b, t .cnt (b), t .mbr } split in SAX space and is created when the number of time series
contained by a leaf node exceeds a fixed capacity. This split is bi-
24 R c ← kmeans(C .av g , k)
nary and is made at a given position j = 1.. w of the SAX word
25 return R c
using a round-robin policy, so it always yields two children that
26 Procedure BundlesCalculation( R c , l) differ on their j-th symbol while replicating the rest from their
27 Rb ← ∅ parent node. In essence, the SAX space represented by every node
28 foreach Cl ∈ R c .clusters do
29 mbts ← ∅
fully contains the union of the SAX spaces of its subtree.
30 mbr ← ∅ iSAX can answer similarity queries, and thus can be also used in
31 foreach t ∈ Cl do k-nearest neighbor search [3]. Searching for time series similar to
32 mbts ← updateM B T S (mbts, t .mbts) a given q simply traverses the iSAX tree, looking for a leaf node
33 {(mbr , cnt )} ← kmeans(l, t .mbr , t .cnt )
having the same iSAX word as q. The respective raw times series
34 R b ← R b ∪ {mbts, {(mbr , cnt )}} are fetched from disk and a sequential scan identifies those match-
35 return R b ing with q. Improvements over the original iSAX basically alleviate
the bottleneck of expensive I/O when building the index for large
datasets. Our methodology presented next is based on the latest
iSAX2+ [1].
5. Computing tile map summaries
5.2. The geo-iSAX index
In the following, we present our second visualization method,
which allows the user to draw one or more timeboxes on the time We introduce geo-iSAX, a time series-first hybrid variant of the
series domain. This triggers a traversal of our hybrid geo-iSAX in- iSAX index that allows significant traversing speed-ups by pruning
dex to obtain the geolocated time series in the currently visible both on the spatial and time series domain. This is achieved by
map area and also fully contained within these timeboxes. The re- storing in each node of the tree, apart from the SAX word of the
sult comes in the form of tiles, each spanning between two iSAX geolocated time series it contains, the MBR that they form. Initially,
breakpoints, along with a count per tile indicating the number the time series part of the index is built, following the procedure
of time series whose SAX symbol resides within that tile. This described in Section 5.1. As a next step, similarly to the BTSR-tree
count is used to generate the visualization in the form of tile index, we traverse the index in a bottom-up fashion, first generat-
map. A predefined number of MBRs and corresponding counts is ing the MBRs of the geolocated time series contained in the leaf
also returned, generated by clustering the locations of the result- nodes. As we go upwards, we update the MBR information of each
ing geolocated time series and used for the spatial part of the visited inner node, using the MBRs of its children nodes, until we
20 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Fig. 5. Sample dataset with MBRs and SAX representations of time series as maintained by the geo-iSAX index.

reach the root, whose MBR will contain the geolocated time se- new MBRs’ intersection area and the total area that they cover.
ries of the whole dataset. Fig. 5(d) illustrates the structure of the The selected split is the one that generates the smaller sum. Due
geo-iSAX tree created over a sample dataset of geolocated time se- to the rather small number of word segments in an iSAX index,
ries. this procedure does not incur high construction costs, only slightly
Due to the fact that the iSAX index is created to solely index affecting the overall index construction time.
time series data, the MBRs generated by our hybrid variant may be
highly overlapping, mitigating the pruning potential while travers- 5.3. Deriving tile map summaries from the geo-iSAX index
ing the index. To alleviate the negative effects of the numerous
overlaps, we introduce an alternative splitting policy for geo-iSAX, Next, we present our summarization approach for tile map vi-
which attempts to minimize the overlapping area, while maintain- sualization of geolocated time series, obtained using timeboxes. In
ing the total area covered by the MBRs that occur after a split at order to maintain low latency even for large datasets, we traverse
the lowest possible levels. Recall that the original iSAX index se- geo-iSAX to obtain the resulting geolocated time series in a timely
lects the split dimension (i.e., the segment of a node’s word on fashion. However, to avoid false negatives, we need to ensure that
which the split will occur) for a node using a round robin ap- the pruned nodes do not contain any qualifying geolocated time
proach. Our method loops over all split dimensions and for each series, as we discuss next.
one, it calculates the SAX word that would occur upon splitting on
it. Then, it generates the MBRs for that specific split using the lo- Pruning Rule for Timebox Queries on geo-iSAX. When traversing the
cation of the geolocated time series contained in the node to be geo-iSAX index, we first evaluate whether its MBR satisfies the
split. For each split dimension, it computes the sum of the two spatial constraint q (i.e., intersects with or is within q). If so, we
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 21

Fig. 6. Cases where a timebox p is either outside or intersecting a given tile c.

need to check the timebox constraint p, i.e., whether the time se- Algorithm 2: Tile map summarization of geolocated time se-
ries it contains certainly have data points that reside outside the ries.
given timebox. Consider the time series in Fig. 6. Without loss of Input: The input rectangle q; the timebox p; the number of MBRs to be
generality, we suppose a SAX word of length w = 1 and cardinal- generated k
ity b = 8, i.e., S A X ( T , 1, 8) = {010}. The solid red horizontal line Output: A list R t containing a tile map and tuples of MBRs and object counts

is the PAA value that classifies this segment of the time series to 1 R t ← IndexT raversal( Root , q, p , k)
the SAX value 010. Tile c defined by the two breakpoints that con- 2 return R t
tain the PAA value is shown in green color, while the user-defined 3 Procedure IndexT raversal( Root , q, p , k)
timebox p specifying a value range [ v , v  ) is depicted in orange. 4 R t ← ∅, R ← ∅, tmap ← ∅, L ← ∅
As can be noticed in Fig. 6(a), the upper side of the timebox is 5 Q ← Root . getChildren()
below the lower side of tile c, i.e., p . v  < clo . In this case, we can 6 while Q = ∅ do
7 N ← Q . get Next ()
safely prune a node that is described by this SAX word, because
8 if N is not leaf then
there is at least one data point outside the timebox, “pulling” the 9 foreach N  ∈ N . getChildren() do
PAA upwards and within c. For the same reasons, we can prune a 10 if q.contains( N  .mbr ) ∨ q.overlaps( N  .mbr ) then
node whose breakpoint-defined area is completely below the given 11 if timebox( N  .sax, p ) then
timebox, as depicted in Fig. 6(b). In this case, the lower side of the 12 Q ← Q ∪ N  . getChildren()

timebox is above the upper side of c (p . v > c up ), indicating that

there is at least one data point outside the timebox “pulling” the 13 else
PAA value downwards and within c. 14 foreach T ∈ N  . getChildren() do
15 if timebox( T , p) then
On the other hand, in case the timebox intersects with tile c,
16 tmap ← updateCounts(tmap , T .sax)
we cannot safely prune the corresponding node. For example, in 17 R←R∪T
Fig. 6(c), clo < p . v  < c up , so there may exist a time series that
is fully contained in the timebox and thus be part of the result. 18 L ← L ∪ { R .mbr , | R |}
The same stands for the example in Fig. 6(d), where clo < p . v < 19 {mbr , cnt } ← kmeans( L , k)
c up . Finally, for the cases where timebox p fully contains tile c or 20 R t ← {tmap , {mbr , cnt }}
vise-versa, it is trivially deduced that no pruning can apply. 21 return R t
We stress that the above observations only hold when in the
time axis the given timebox is aligned to the segments of the SAX 22 Procedure timebox( X , p )
23 if isSax( X ) then
words in the index. For example, for a time series of length n =
24 foreach s ∈ { p .tmin , p .tmax } do
10 and a word length of w = 5, the resulting segments will have 25 c ← breakpoints( X s )
length equal to n/ w = 2. Thus, the timebox must be aligned to the 26 if p . v min > c up ∨ p . v max < clo then
data points t 0 , t 2 , t 4 , t 6 and t 8 . 27 return F alse

28 return T rue
Traversal Algorithm over geo-iSAX. Algorithm 2 outlines the pro-
cess for producing the tile map visualizations of geolocated time 29 else
30 foreach t ∈ { p .tmin , p .tmax } do
series. The process takes as input a spatial rectangle q, a user-
31 if X t > p . v max ∨ X t < p . v min then
defined timebox p and the number k of MBRs that will be re- 32 return F alse
turned. It produces a list R t containing k tuples of MBRs along
with time series counts and the tile map, as defined in Eq. 4. For 33 return T rue
each inner node, the procedure checks whether its MBR intersects
rectangle q and whether its SAX word might represent time series
within timebox p. If a leaf node is reached and both constraints
are met, we iterate over its raw geolocated time series and add the queue Q to be evaluated (Line 12). At this point, we should
the ones qualifying for the timebox to the final result R t , after mention that, in order to avoid expensive calculations, we first
properly updating the breakpoint tile counts. perform the spatial check as it is less computationally expensive
In more detail, the procedure takes place as follows. Starting than the timebox check, avoiding the latter in case the node’s MBR
from the root of the geo-iSAX index, we iterate over each node’s is outside the input rectangle. If the currently evaluated node is
children (Lines 5-6 in Algorithm 2). Next, we check whether the a leaf node (Line 13), we iterate over the geolocated time series
node to be evaluated is a leaf node (Line 8) and if it is not, we it- that it contains (Line 14) and check whether it is fully contained
erate over its children (Line 9) and check whether each one’s MBR within the user-defined timebox (Line 15). If so, we update the tile
either is contained or intersects the spatial rectangle (Line 10). If counts matrix tmap (Line 16) and add the corresponding raw time
so, we check whether its SAX word could represent time series series to the set R (Line 17). Finally, we add to a list L the MBR
within the timebox (Line 11) and if this is the case, we add it to of the set of qualifying time series along with its size (Line 18).
22 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Table 1 Table 2
Datasets used in the experiments. Parameters tested in the experiments.

Dataset Area Number of Length n of Parameter Values

(km2 ) time series each time series
Dataset size 1000K, 2000K, 3000K, 4000K
Water 114 822 168 Map scale 1:50000, 1:25000, 1:20000, 1:15000, 1:10000, 1:5000, 1:500
Taxi 2,500 417,960 168
Synthetic 114 4,000,000 168
(cell side was 200 meters) and counting all drop-offs therein for
each day of the week at the time granularity of one hour. Thus,
Upon exiting the loop, we apply k-means clustering on the result-
we obtained the number of drop-offs for 24 × 7 time intervals in
ing centroids and obtain k tuples containing MBRs along with time
every cell, which essentially captures the weekly fluctuation of taxi
series counts.
destinations there. The centroid of each cell is used as the geolo-
The procedure that checks whether a SAX word could represent
cation of the corresponding time series.
time series that are fully contained within the given timebox is de-
scribed in detail starting from Line 22 in Algorithm 2. It takes as
Synthetic water consumption (synthetic) To examine the scalability
input a timebox and a raw time series or SAX word that we want
of our algorithms, we generated a synthetic dataset comprising 4
to check against the given timebox. We initially check whether
million geolocated time series by inflating the water consump-
the given X argument is a SAX word (Line 23). If it is, we iter-
tion dataset. This was achieved by using the original time series
ate over all the segments that are contained (Line 22) in the time
as seeds and introducing some random variations in their loca-
range defined by the timebox and for each segment we obtain the
tion and pattern. We chose the water dataset so as to generate a
iSAX breakpoints that enclose it (Line 25). Afterwards, we check
more densely populated dataset (Alicante is a medium-sized city)
whether the lower side of the timebox is above the upper side of
to stress-test our summarization methods. In scalability tests, we
the tile defined by the obtained breakpoints, or vice versa, as de-
also make use of randomly chosen subsets from this synthetic
picted in Fig. 6. If this is true, we return false. If this is not the
case for any of the segments, the method returns true (Line 28).
Table 2 lists the range of values for the parameters used in our
A similar procedure is followed for the case that argument X is a
tests concerning both methods; default values are shown in bold.
raw time series (Lines 29-33).

6.2. Evaluation of bundle summarization

6. Experimental evaluation

We first present a detailed evaluation of our method concern-

In this section, we evaluate the proposed visualization methods.
ing bundle summaries. Specifically, we present two visualization
We first describe our experimental setup including the datasets
examples on two real-world datasets. Then, we evaluate the scala-
that we use in the evaluation. Next, we present illustrative visu-
bility of our method in terms of different map scales and dataset
alizations over real-world geolocated time series, as well as scal-
ability results against a synthetic dataset containing 4 million ge-
olocated time series.
6.2.1. Map visualizations
6.1. Experimental setup The visualization for the bundle summary depicts the MBTS de-
rived for the most representative patterns of time series at the
All experiments were conducted on a Dell PowerEdge M910 currently visible area of the map. Once our summarization method
with 256 GB RAM and 4 Intel Xeon E7-4830 CPUs, each containing returns the results, the corresponding MBRs contained in the cur-
8 cores clocked at 2.13 GHz. We assume that all indices fit in mem- rent view and zoom level are drawn on the map, along with
ory, hence parameter selection for their construction was based the number of the geolocated time series that belong to the se-
on this assumption. We use two real-world datasets selected from lected bundle. This number is depicted using circles, colored green
different application domains and with diverse characteristics. In for small numbers, yellow for larger and red for more densely
addition, we generated a synthetic dataset to test the scalability of populated MBRs, thus easily conveying the local intensity of this
our method. Table 1 lists a summary of the main characteristics for pattern. The bundles are listed on the left of the map, using confi-
each dataset. dence bands to indicate their upper and lower bounds. The average
time series of each bundle is also depicted. A user can scroll this
DAIAD water consumption (water) Courtesy of the DAIAD project,1 list and select the bundle of their preference. Once a bundle is se-
we acquired a geolocated time series dataset of hourly water con- lected, the contents of the map are updated accordingly with the
sumption for 822 households in Alicante, Spain from 1/1/2015 to respective MBRs and aggregates.
20/1/2017. In order to get a more representative dataset for our Fig. 7 shows an example of the bundle summary visualization
tests, we calculated the average weekly time series per household, using the water dataset, for k = 5 bundles and l = 3 MBRs. The
which is the average consumption value per hour of the week. The depicted area is in the center of Alicante, in the most densely pop-
length of each resulting time series is 24 × 7 = 168 values across ulated zone of the city. In this example, Bundle 4 is selected
the week. (indicated with a green colored frame) and the relevant MBRs are
shown on the map (using red colored boxes). This indicates that
NYC taxi dropoffs (taxi) This dataset contains time series extracted inside each depicted MBR there exists a specific number of geolo-
from yellow taxi rides in New York City during 2015. The original cated time series that have been clustered to the chosen bundle.
data2 provides pick-up and drop-off locations, as well as corre- As mentioned, each geolocated time series in this dataset repre-
sponding timestamps for each ride. For each month, we generated sents hourly water consumption of a household across one week.
time series by applying a uniform spatial grid over the entire city Different consumption behaviors have been grouped together and
a daily pattern for each bundle can be noticed which is due to
the Circadian rhythmic way that people consume water [41]. The
http://daiad.eu/. rather large number of geolocated time series in the bundle, con-
http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/trip_record_data.shtml. sidering the zoom level and the extent of the MBRs, intuitively
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 23

Fig. 7. Visualizing water consumption patterns in the city center of Alicante (map scale 1:5000).

suggests that neighboring families tend to have similar water con- which involves more detailed summarization. The latter utilizes the
sumption behavior. raw geolocated time series retrieved from the spatial filtering and
Fig. 8 illustrates another example, this time using the taxi generates the summaries by first applying k-means clustering on
dataset in New York City, for k = 5 bundles and l = 11 MBRs. the time series domain to obtain the bundles, followed by another
This dataset is significantly larger, and the zoom level selected in clustering in the spatial domain within each bundle to obtain its
this example is lower (a larger geographic area is visible), hence respective MBRs.
the MBRs contain a larger number of time series. In this fig-
ure, we choose Bundle 1, which represents the rather quieter Results We evaluate the performance of our approach on larger
taxi dropoff zones in Manhattan, as the total number of dropoffs datasets in terms of response time for different zoom levels on the
there is rarely over 60 during any hour of the week. In this ex- map using map scales, since zooming-in requires deeper traversal
ample, there is also a clear daily routine in all bundles, with the of the BTSR-tree index. The comparison is performed for subsets
dropoffs reaching a local maximum twice per day, suggesting the of the synthetic dataset of different size. We measure the accuracy
rush hours in New York City, when people commute to and from both in spatial and time series domains, by calculating the mean
their work. In almost all bundles, the daily pattern is significantly Euclidean distance of each object located within the spatial area of
different on Saturdays and Sundays, which confirms the intuition interest from its closest bundle and MBR, respectively. Since this
that during weekends people do not tend to commute in a rou- is intended as an interactive application, where the summarization
tinely fashion. Overall, such visual representations of information method is triggered as soon as the user moves the map, response
digested from massive time series data can easily catch users’ at- times must be adequately small. In our method, this is facilitated
tention to important phenomena and ongoing trends, confirming by the fact that the search along a path stops once it encounters a
the usefulness of our approach. node whose MBR is contained in the actual map extent (rectangle).
However, for the same reason, the responsiveness is expected to
6.2.2. Performance evaluation come at the expense of the summaries’ level of detail, since the
Parameters In preliminary tests, we fine-tuned parameters used inner nodes contain coarser information regarding the time series
against the synthetic dataset. Conclusively, for the scalability eval- they contain in their sub-trees.
uation, we built the BTSR-tree index setting the minimum and Fig. 9 depicts traversal costs for different map scales over the
maximum number of entries per node to m = 750 and M = 2000, areas covered by the three datasets. More specifically, the water
respectively. Note that the index fits in memory, so such large pa- and synthetic datasets cover the area of the city of Alicante, Spain,
rameter values do not have a negative impact on performance. For whereas the taxi dataset the wider metropolitan area of New York
an evaluation of the BTSR-tree index under different parameter set- City. Response time in all cases is equal or lower than one second.
tings, please refer to [8]. Regarding the number of bundles, we set The synthetic dataset, due to its very high density is significantly
k0 = 5 for its leaf nodes. The number k of bundles and the number slower than the rest, however still the results are obtained in less
l of MBRs per bundle for the traversal algorithm is set to be equal than a second. The response for the water dataset is almost instant
to the number of bundles at the leafs, i.e., k = l = k0 = 5. due to its small size and very low density. Initially, in all cases, at
the largest scale, the visible area of the map contains all the time
Baseline method for detailed bundle summaries In order to deter- series in the dataset, thus it only has to retrieve information from
mine the trade-off between responsiveness and accuracy of our the root of the index. Then, as we zoom in, more nodes have to
method (Section 4.2), we compare it with a baseline approach, be visited, as the MBRs of the accessed nodes begin to overlap
24 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Fig. 8. Visualization of taxi dropoff patterns in Manhattan, NYC (map scale 1:10000).

a loss in accuracy, as expected. The mean distance is not heavily

affected by the dataset size at any case, indicating a rather sta-
ble summary quality, independent of the amount of the results.
The case is quite different in the time series domain (Fig. 10(b)),
where the mean distance of the raw time series from the closest
bundle’s average time series is only slightly larger for the bundle
summary – especially for smaller datasets –, indicating a rather
good summary quality. There is a slight worsening trend in both
cases as the size of the dataset is increased, possibly due to the
tendency of the summary to be more generic as the number of
results increases, with a larger number of BTSR-tree nodes taking
part in the summary calculation. However, this loss in accuracy in
both domains is largely compensated in terms of execution time
(Fig. 10(c)), with the bundle summary being close to one second
in all cases, while the detailed approach is linearly slowed down as
Fig. 9. Execution time for different map scales. the dataset size increases, requiring more than an hour to generate
the summary against 4 million objects. Overall, this test confirms
that our proposed method for bundle summaries can offer a really
with the map rectangle and their children have to be retrieved. large speedup in terms of response time with tolerable concessions
The worst case for the synthetic dataset is at scale 1:5000, which in accuracy, even against a heavily dense synthetic dataset where
roughly corresponds to a large neighborhood of the city, where a large number of time series are contained within a small area.
many time series are located. For the taxi dataset, the worst case
is at 1:20000, which corresponds to the wider Manhattan area and 6.3. Evaluation of tile map summarization
then the response time gradually drops due to the lower dataset
density. The number of nodes accessed in each case is proportional Next, we present an evaluation of our method for obtaining tile
to the response times, ranging from one node (the root) in case of map summaries. We first demonstrate two examples of visual ex-
the smaller map scale (all city) up to 165 at scale of 1:5000 for ploration via summarization over two real-world geolocated time
the synthetic dataset, one up to 53 for the taxi dataset and one series datasets. Then, we compare the scalability of our method
up to 15 for the water dataset. Interestingly, fewer node accesses with a baseline detailed summary in terms of different map scales
are required in all cases at the very large scale of 1:500, since the and dataset sizes.
respective small map area overlaps with fewer nodes and most of
the search space is pruned. 6.3.1. Map visualizations
Fig. 10 depicts the accuracy and responsiveness comparison be- This visualization depicts a tile map summary of the geolocated
tween the bundle summarization method and its detailed version. time series that are contained within the currently visible part of
In the spatial domain (Fig. 10(a)), it is apparent that the mean the map. Whenever the user either moves around, zooms in and
Euclidean distance of the raw data from the closest MBR centers out the map, or draws a timebox on the time series domain, our
is close to two times larger for our bundle summary, indicating summarization method is invoked to traverse the geo-iSAX index
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 25

Fig. 10. Assessment of bundle summarization.

Fig. 11. Visualization of water consumption tile map summary in the city center of Alicante (map scale 1:5000).

and return the MBRs and tile map that correspond to the visible length of w = 24 and a maximum cardinality of b = 32. An exam-
area. Once the results are returned, they are drawn on the map and ple timebox (depicted as an orange box) spans two iSAX segments
time series frames respectively. Similarly to the bundle summary (corresponding to Tuesdays on the time axis) and has a range of
and in order to present the local density, the number of geolo- one standard deviation on the value axis. The associated MBRs are
cated time series contained within each MBR is depicted using depicted using red colored boxes. In this example, and within the
circles colored green for small numbers, yellow for larger and red chosen timebox, there exists a rather small amount of time series,
for more densely populated MBRs. The time series frame is located indicating that not many households tend to maintain a lower wa-
on the bottom of the map and is essentially a depiction of the re- ter consumption behavior during Tuesdays.
turned tile map, using lighter shades of blue for less populated Another example of the tile map visualization, depicting an area
tiles and darker shades for the more dense ones. The timeboxes in Manhattan, New York is illustrated in Fig. 12, with k = 5 MBRs, a
are drawn on this frame, allowing a selection of arbitrary ranges SAX word length of w = 24 and a maximum cardinality of b = 64.
on the value axis, while, on the time axis, the selection is forced This time, the timebox spans three iSAX segments (representing
to be aligned with the iSAX segments. Wednesdays) and a value range of one standard deviation. Since
An example of the tile map visualization is illustrated in Fig. 11, the selected range of taxi dropoffs is rather small, especially con-
for the central area of Alicante, with k = 5 MBRs, a SAX word sidering the fact that Manhattan is a busy area during the whole
26 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Fig. 12. Visualizing taxi dropoff tile map in Manhattan, NYC (map scale 1:10000).

Table 3 way the count of each tile is augmented. Instead of increasing the
Parameters in tests for tile map summaries. count of the tiles where the SAX word’s segments of a time series
Parameter Values reside, we increase the count of the tiles where each time series
Timebox time range (| pt |) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 point falls within.
Timebox value range (| p v |) 1σ , 1.5σ , 2σ , 2.5σ , 3σ
Results We evaluate the performance of the tile map summary
for different zoom levels and timebox sizes. For the comparison
week, the depicted MBRs indicate that, during Wednesdays, there between the two tile maps we use the root mean squared error
are quieter zones in these specific areas. Such information could (RMSE) on the difference among the counts between each pair of
be leveraged for searching a quieter neighborhood within the city. corresponding tiles. As mentioned, the detailed tile map is gener-
ated using the raw time series. This essentially generates tile maps
6.3.2. Performance evaluation with larger counts, since instead of only incrementing the count
Parameters Similarly to the bundle summary, we performed pre- once for a SAX word’s segment of a time series, it may be incre-
liminary tests against the synthetic dataset to fine-tune the param- mented multiple times, as each word’s segment is derived from
eters. We built the geo-iSAX index setting the maximum number n/ w time series points (n is the length of time series and w is the
of entries per node to M = 200, a maximum cardinality of b = 512 SAX word length). To compensate this, we divide the count of each
and a default SAX word length of w = 8. We have set the number tile of the detailed summary with n/ w.
of resulting MBRs to k = 5 for its leaf nodes. Table 3 lists the range Conclusively, the root mean squared error among two tile maps
of values for the rest of the parameters.
is calculated as follows:

Baseline method for detailed summaries Similarly to the bundle R M S E (tmap , tmap  ) =
summary, we also compare with a more detailed baseline imple- 

mentation in terms of accuracy and time required to fetch the  
 1 c  [i , j ].cnt 2
results. The spatial part of the detailed summary is generated  (c [i , j ].cnt − ) (6)
by performing k-means clustering on the filtered raw time series w ×h n/ w
i =1 j =1
themselves and generating the resulting MBRs, instead of perform-
ing the clustering on each node’s resulting MBRs. The tile map of where tmap and tmap  are respectively the tile maps from our
the detailed summary has the exact same structure with the one of method (Section 5.3) and the detailed summary, while c [i , j ].cnt
tile map summary. The difference among the two tile maps, since and c  [i , j ].cnt are the corresponding counts of the (i , j ) tile in
in the detailed summary the raw time series are used, lies in the both summaries and h is the number of y-axis breakpoints. For
G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28 27

Fig. 13. Response time for different map scales and timebox sizes.

measuring the spatial accuracy, we follow the same rationale as indicating an improvement of both summaries for larger data. It is
in the evaluation of bundle summaries. Similarly, we evaluate the worth noting that the difference from the baseline implementation
trade-off between responsiveness and accuracy of our approach. also seems to be slightly reduced for larger datasets. Fig. 14(b) il-
The detailed summary is expected to have a higher accuracy; how- lustrates the RMSE between the two tile maps using Equation 2.
ever, since both spatial and time series summaries are calculated The number at the top of each bar is the count of results returned
using the raw geolocated time series, we expect a trade-off in re- using the same constraints (spatial rectangle, timebox) over each
sponsiveness, especially for larger datasets. dataset. It is apparent that the quality of the tile map summary
Fig. 13(a) shows the traversal costs for different map scales for worsens for a larger number of participating time series, increas-
each of the three datasets. For the taxi and water datasets, the ingly diverging from the detailed version. Still, the loss in both
response time is almost instant due to their smaller sizes, rang- spatial and tile map accuracy is compensated in terms of response
ing up to at most 100 milliseconds. For the case of the synthetic time as depicted in Fig. 14(c). The detailed implementation re-
dataset and due to its high density, the response time is higher, quires up to twice the time to generate the summary for all dataset
starting from approximately 2.25 seconds for larger spatial areas sizes, while its overhead compared to the tile map summary is in-
of interest and falling down to 1.5 seconds as the map scale be- creasing with larger datasets. Consequently, there is a clear trade-
comes larger (i.e., smaller areas). The rather higher response time off between accuracy and response time in both domains, allowing
for the tile map summary is due to the fact that in order to be an increase in responsiveness without much sacrifice in accuracy.
calculated, the geo-iSAX’s leaf nodes have to be accessed to obtain
the locations and maximum cardinality SAX words to generate the
7. Conclusions and future work
summary. However, it should be noted that this is a rather worst
case scenario, since the synthetic dataset was generated to be very
highly dense as a stress test. The response time is not dramatically In this paper, we introduced methods for map-based visual
reduced for larger map scales, since geo-iSAX is a time series- exploration over large geolocated time series data. To that end,
first hybrid index and high overlapping of its MBRs is expected, we proposed two summarization approaches over geolocated time
so larger spatial areas of interest tend to intersect with the MBRs series, which allow a visual analytics application to retrieve the
of many nodes, negatively impacting performance. As it is appar- required information. The results can be displayed on a map, de-
ent, at a map scale of 1:500, the performance is more abruptly picting the spatial distribution of the data in the form of MBRs for
improved as the nodes of the index begin to be more aggressively both approaches. Each approach also provides a time series sum-
pruned. mary, via time series bundles or tile maps respectively. To speed
Similar results are also observed for different timebox sizes, as up the retrieval of the results, we employ two hybrid indexing
depicted in Fig. 13(b). The taxi and water datasets almost instantly techniques that allow pruning in both the spatial and the time se-
generate the summaries along all timebox sizes. As a reminder, ries domains. Our experiments on a large-scale synthetic dataset
the timebox size is measured in terms of number of SAX segments indicated that the visualizations can be rendered fast, enabling ef-
selected in the time axis and standard deviation range selected in ficient exploration in map-based applications; in the worst case,
the value axis. In the figure, time range | pt | denotes the number response time is up to a couple of seconds. Additionally, we ex-
of SAX segments, whereas value range | p v | expresses the standard amined indicative demonstrations of the visualizations generated
deviation range selected for each timebox. For larger timebox sizes, from two real-world datasets in different application domains, con-
the index traversal is slower than expected, as more nodes tend firming their helpfulness in jointly exploring both the time series
to satisfy the rather loose constraints. For the same reasons, the themselves as well as their geographic distribution.
response time is improved up to around 1500 milliseconds as the Our ongoing and future work focuses on supporting more de-
timebox size gets smaller. tailed visual analytics and identifying more fine-grained patterns
Fig. 14 demonstrates the trade-off between accuracy and re- through visual exploration. An interesting direction would be to
sponsiveness by comparing the proposed tile map summary and support drilling-down in a particular summarized result and dis-
its detailed implementation. As it can be easily observed, the dif- cover whether there are differentiations in the distributions of its
ference between the spatial mean Euclidean distance among the constituent, more detailed patterns, both in spatial and time se-
raw data and their closest MBRs (Fig. 14(a)) is between 150 and ries domains. Moreover, we will focus on supporting more complex
200 meters for all dataset sizes. In both cases, it is rather larger time series distance measures that may boost the quality of our
for smaller datasets, slowly diminishing as their size gets larger, summaries.
28 G. Chatzigeorgakidis et al. / Big Data Research 15 (2019) 12–28

Fig. 14. Assessment of tile map summarization.

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