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Performance Analysis of Cloud Applications

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Performance Analysis of Cloud Applications

Dan Ardelean, Amer Diwan, and Chandra Erdman, Google


This paper is included in the Proceedings of the

15th USENIX Symposium on Networked
Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’18).
April 9–11, 2018 • Renton, WA, USA

Open access to the Proceedings of

the 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked
Systems Design and Implementation
is sponsored by USENIX.
ISBN 978-1-939133-01-4
Performance analysis of cloud applications
Dan Ardelean Amer Diwan Chandra
Google Google Erdman
Abstract 1 Introduction
Many popular cloud applications are large-scale Large cloud applications, such as Facebook and Gmail,
distributed systems with each request involving tens to serve over a billion active users [4, 5]. Performance of
thousands of RPCs and large code bases. Because of these applications is critical: their latency affects user
their scale, performance optimizations without satisfaction and engagement with the application [2,
actionable supporting data are likely to be ineffective: 26] and their resource usage determines the cost of
they will add complexity to an already complex system running the application. This paper shows that
often without chance of a benefit. This paper describes understanding and improving their resource usage and
the challenges in collecting actionable data for Gmail, latency is difficult because their continuously varying
a service with more than 1 billion active accounts. load continually changes the performance
Using production data from Gmail we show that characteristics of these applications.
both the load and the nature of the load changes Prior work has shown that as the user base changes,
continuously. This makes Gmail performance difficult the load on cloud applications (often measured as
to model with a synthetic test and difficult to analyze queriesper-second or QPS) also changes [28]. We show,
in production. We describe two techniques for using data from Gmail, that the biggest challenges in
collecting actionable data from a production system. analyzing performance come not from changing QPS
First, coordinated bursty tracing allows us to capture but in changing load mixture. Specifically, we show
bursts of events across all layers of our stack that the load on a cloud application is a continually
simultaneously. Second, vertical context injection varying mixture of diverse loads, some generated by
enables us combine high-level events with low-level users and some generated by the system itself (e.g.,
events in a holistic trace without requiring us to essential maintenance tasks). Even if we consider only
explicitly propagate this information across our load generated by users, there is significant variation in
software stack. load generated by different users; e.g., some user
mailboxes are four orders of magnitude larger than
others and operations on larger mailboxes are
fundamentally more expensive than those on smaller
This time-varying mixture of load on our system has First, coordinated bursty tracing collects coordinated
two implications for performance analysis. First, to Figure 1: Continuously changing queries per second
determine the effect of a code change on performance,
we must collect and analyze data from many points in
time and thus many different mixtures of load; any bursts of traces across all software layers without
single point in time gives us data only for one mixture requiring explicit coordination. Unlike traditional
of load. Second, to reproduce a performance problem sampling or bursty approaches which rely on explicitly
we may need to reproduce the combination of load that maintained counters [19, 6] or propagation of sampling
led to the performance problem in the first place. decisions [27, 22], coordinated bursty tracing uses time
While sometimes we can do this in a synthetic test, to coordinate the start and end of bursts. Since all
often times we need to collect and analyze data from a layers collect their bursts at the same time (clock drift
system serving real users. has not been a problem in practice), we can reason
Doing experiments in a system serving real users is across the entire stack of our application rather than
challenging for two reasons. First, since we do not just a single layer. By collecting many bursts we get a
control the load that real users generate, we need to do random sampling of the mix of operations which
each experiment in a system serving a large (tens of enables us to derive valid conclusions from our
millions users) random sample of users to get performance investigations.
statistically significant results. Second, since Second, since interactions between software layers
experiments in a system serving real users is inherently are responsible for many performance problems, we
risky (a mistake can negatively impact users) we use need to be able to connect trace events at one layer
statistics whenever possible to predict the likely with events at another. Vertical context injection solves
outcome of an experiment before actually undertaking this problem by making a stylized sequence of
the experiment. We show that this is not without its innocuous system calls at each high-level event of
pitfalls: sometimes the distribution of the data (and interest. These system calls insert the system call
thus the appropriate statistical method) is not obvious. events into the kernel trace which we can analyze to
To collect rich performance data from a system produce a trace that interleaves both high and low-level
serving real users we have developed two techniques. events. Unlike prior work (e.g., [27] or [15]) our
approach does not require explicit propagation of a Figure 3: Continuously changing user behavior
trace context through the layers of the software stack.
same constant and each graph is zero based, it allows
To illustrate the above points, this paper presents
data from Gmail, a popular email application from relative comparisons between points or curves on the
Google. However, the authors have used the techniques
for many other applications at Google, particularly same graph.1 The time axes for all graphs in this paper
Google Drive; the lessons in this paper apply equally are in US Pacific time and start on a Sunday unless the
well to those other applications.
graph is for a one-off event in which case we pick the
time axis most suitable for the event. We see that load
2 Our challenge: constantly varying load
on our system changes continuously: from day to day
The primary challenge in performance analysis of
cloud applications stems from their constantly varying and from hour to hour by more than a factor of two.
load. Figure 1 shows scaled queries per second ( QPS)
across thousands of processes serving tens of millions While one expects fluctuations in QPS (e.g., there are
of users over the course of a week for one deployment more active users during the day than at night), one
of Gmail. By “scaled” we mean that we have does not expect the mix of requests to fluctuate
multiplied the actual numbers by a constant to protect significantly. Figure 2 shows one characteristic of
Google’s proprietary information; since we have requests, the response size per request, over the course
multiplied each point by the Figure 2: Continuously of a week. Figure 2 shows that response size per
changing response size request changes over the course of the week and from
hour to hour (by more than a factor of two) which
indicates that the actual mix of requests to our system
(and not just their count) changes continuously.

The remainder of this section explores the sources of

variation in the mix of requests.
2.1 Variations in rate and mix of user
visible requests (UVR)
Figure 3 gives the response size per request (upper
curve) and QPS (lower curve) for “user visible
requests” (UVR for short) only. By UVR we mean
requests that users explicitly generate (e.g., by clicking
on a message), background requests that the user’s IMAP client (e.g., from an iOS email application or
client generates (e.g., background sync by the IMAP from Microsoft Outlook). IMAP requests are mostly
client), and message delivery. synchronization requests (i.e., give me all messages in
From Figure 3 we see that, unlike Figure 1, the QPS this folder) while web client requests are a mix of
curve for UVR exhibits an obvious diurnal cycle; during interactive requests (i.e., user clicks on a message) and
early morning (when both North America and Europe prefetch requests. Thus, IMAP requests tend to have a
are active) we experience the highest QPS, and the QPS larger response size compared to interactive requests.
gradually ramps up and down as expected. We see that this ratio too exhibits a diurnal cycle
Additionally we see higher QPS on weekdays compared indicating that over the course of the day the relative
to weekends. usage of different email clients changes (by more than
We also see that the bytes per response in Figure 3 is a factor of three), and thus the response size per request
flatter than in Figure 2: for UVR, we see that the highest also changes. This comes about
observed response size per request is approximately
20% higher than the lowest observed response size per 1
All graphs in this paper use such scaling but different graphs
request. In contrast, when we consider all requests (and may use different scaling to aid readability and thus absolute values
not just UVR), the highest response size is more than are not comparable across graphs.
100% higher than the lowest (Figure 2).
While a 20% variation is much smaller than a 100%
variation, it is still surprising: especially given that the
data is aggregated over tens of millions of users, we
expect that there would not be much variation in
average response size over time. We have uncovered
two causes for this variation.
First, the mix of mail delivery (which has a small
response size) and user activity (which usually has a
larger response size) varies over the course of the day
which in turn affects the average response size per
request. This occurs because many bulk mail senders Figure 4: Scaled fraction of web client requests to IMAP
send bursts of email at particular times of the day and requests
those times do not necessarily correlate with activity of
interactive users.
Second, the mix of user interactive requests and sync due to varying email client preferences; for example
requests varies over the course of the day. For one user can use a dedicated Gmail application while
example, Figure 4 shows the scaled ratio of UVR another can use a generic IMAP-based email application
requests from a web client to UVR requests from an on a mobile device).
In summary, even if we consider only UVR, both the attempts to keep each process up while updating
queries per second and mix of requests changes hour to it, we use a simpler approach: we push software
hour and day to day. updates by restarting a few processes at a time;
our system automatically Figure 5: Scaled CPU
usage of UVR and non-UVR work
2.2 Variations in rate and mix of essential
non-UVR work
moves users away from servers that are being
In addition to UVR requests which directly provide updated to other servers and thus our users get
service to our users, our system performs many uninterrupted service.
essential tasks:
• Repairs. Hardware and software bugs can and do
• Continuous validation of data. Because of the happen. For example, we once had a bug in the
scale of our system, any kind of failure that could message tokenizer that incorrectly tokenized
happen does actually happen. Besides software certain email addresses in the message. This bug
failures, we regularly encounter hardware errors affected the index and thus users could not search
(e.g., due to an undetected problem with a for messages using the affected email addresses.
memory chip). To prevent these failures from To fix this problem, we had to reindex all affected
causing widespread corruption of our data, we messages using a corrected tokenizer. Given the
continuously check invariants of the user data. scale of our system, such fixes can take weeks or
For example, if our index indicates that N longer to complete and while the fixes are in
messages contain a particular term, we check the progress they induce their own load on the
messages to ensure that those and only those system.
messages contain the term. As another example,
we continuously compare replicas of each user’s
• Data management. Gmail uses Bigtable as its
data to detect any divergence between the
underlying storage [11, 10]. Bigtable maintains
stacks of key-value pairs and periodically
compacts each stack to optimize reads and to
• Software updates. Our system has many
remove overwritten values. This process is
interacting components and each of them has its
essential for the resource usage and performance
own update cycle. Coordinating the software
of our system. These compactions occur
updates of all components is not only impractical
throughout the day and are roughly proportional
but undesirable: it is invaluable for each team to
to the rate of updates to our system.
be able to update its components when necessary
without coordination with other teams. Rather
than using dynamic software updating [18] which
As with UVR work, the mix of non-UVR work also or software outages or from work that must be done
changes continuously. When possible we try to right away (e.g., a problem may require us to move the
schedule non-UVR work when the system is under a users served by one datacenter into other datacenters).
low UVR load: this way we not only minimize impact Figure 6 shows a 20% increase, on average, in CPU
on user-perceived performance but are also able to use usage (circled) of our system after lightning struck

resources reserved for UVR that would otherwise go Google’s Belgian datacenter four times and potentially
unused (e.g., during periods of low user activity). caused corruption in some disks [3]. Gmail dropped all
Figure 5 shows the scaled CPU usage of UVR work the data in the affected datacenter because it could
(lowest line), non-UVR work (middle line) and total have been corrupted and automatically reconstructed
scaled CPU consumed by the email backend (top line). data from a known uncorrupted source in other
From this we see that UVR directly consumes only datacenters; all of this without the users experiencing
about 20% of our CPU; indirectly UVR consumes more any outage or issues with their email. Consequently,
CPU because it also induces data management work. during the recovery period after this event, we
Thus, focusing performance analysis on just the UVR or experienced increased CPU usage in datacenters that
just the non-UVR work alone is inadequate for were not directly affected by the event; this is because
understanding the performance of our system. they were now serving more users than before the
Figure 6: CPU usage goes up globally (circled) after a event and because of the work required to reconstruct
natural event another copy of the user’s data.
One-off events can also interact with optimizations.
For example, we wanted to evaluate a new policy for
2.3 Variations due to one-off events using hedged requests [13] when reading from disk.
Our week-long experiment clearly showed that this
In addition to UVR and essential non-UVR work, our change was beneficial: it reduced the number of disk
system also experiences one-off events. We cannot operations without degrading latency.
plan for one-off events: they may come from hardware
Unfortunately, we found that this optimization users: if we can do this successfully, it simplifies the
interacted poorly with a datacenter maintenance event investigation: with synthetic users we can readily add
which temporarily took down a percentage of the disks more instrumentation, change the logic of our code, or
for a software upgrade. Figure 7 shows the scaled 99th rerun operations as needed. With real users we are
percentile latency of a critical email request with and obviously limited because we do not want our
without our optimization during a maintenance event. experiments to compromise our users’ data in any way
We see that during the events, our latency nearly and because experimenting with real users is much
tripled, which of course was not acceptable. slower than with synthetic users: before we can release
The latency degradation was caused by a bug in our a code change to real users it needs to undergo code
heuristic for deciding whether to redirect a read to reviews, testing, and a gradual rollout process.
another copy of the data: our heuristic was taking too Gmail has a test environment that brings up the
long to blacklist the downed disks and thus rather than entire software stack and exercises it with synthetic
rediFigure 7: Scaled latency during a datacenter mailboxes and load. We have modeled synthetic users
maintenance event as closely as we can on real users: the mailbox sizes of
synthetic users have the same distribution as the
mailbox sizes of real users and the requests from
recting the read to another copy, it was waiting for the synthetic users is based on a model from real users
downed disks until the request would time out. Fixing (e.g., same distribution of interarrival times, same
this bug enabled our optimization to save resources mixture of different types of requests, and similar
without degrading latency even during maintenance token frequency).
Figure 8 compares the latency of a common email
In summary, the resource usage during one-off operation for real users to the latency for synthetic
events is often different from resource usage in the users.
stable state. Since one-off events are relatively rare
(affect each datacenter every few months) they are
easy to miss in our experiments.

2.4 Variation in load makes it difficult to

use a synthetic environment
The superimposition of UVR load, non-UVR load, and
one-off events results in a complex distribution of
latency and resource usage, often with a long-tail.
When confronted with such long-tail performance
puzzles, we first try to reproduce them with synthetic
Figure 8: Latency for synthetic users versus real users users but the magnitude of the improvement may be
at the 50th, 95th, and 99th percentiles different).
For most subtle changes though, we must run
experiments in a live system serving real users. An
We collected all data from the same datacenter alternate, less risky, option is to mirror live traffic to a
(different datacenters may use different hardware and test environment that incorporates the changes we wish
thus are not always comparable). The dotted lines in to evaluate. While we have tried mirroring in the past,
Figure 8 give the latency from the synthetic load and it is difficult to get right: if we wait for the mirrored
the solid lines display the latency from the real load at operation to finish (or at least get queued to ensure
various percentiles. ordering), we degrade the latency of user-facing
Despite our careful modeling, latency distribution in operations; if we mirror operations asynchronously,
our test environment is different (and better) than our mirror diverges from our production system over

latency distribution of real users. As discussed in time.

Section 2.1, the continuously varying load is difficult
to model in any synthetic environment and large
distributed systems incorporate many optimizations 2.5 Effect of continuously-varying load
based on empirical observations of the system and its The continuously-varying load mixtures affect both the
users [24]; it is therefore not surprising that our test resource usage and latency of our application. For
environment yields different results from real users. example, Figure 9 shows two curves: the dotted curve
Even then, we find our synthetic environment to be an gives the scaled QPS to the Gmail backend and the solid
invaluable tool for debugging many egregious line gives the 99th percentile latency of a particular
performance inefficiencies. While we cannot directly operation Figure 9: Changing load and changing
use the absolute data (e.g., latencies) we get from our latency
synthetic environment, the relationships are often valid
(e.g., if an optimization improves the latency of an
operation with synthetic user it often does so for real
to the Gmail backend across tens of millions of users: intensive operations in a system under constantly
this operation produces the list of message threads in a varying load.
label (such as inbox). Since we are measuring the
latency of a particular operation and our sample is
large, we do not expect much variation in latency over 3.1 Running experiments in a live serving
time. Surprisingly, we see that latency varies by more system
than 50% over time as the load on the system changes.
As discussed in Section 2.4, we often need to do our
Furthermore the relationship between load and latency
performance analysis on systems serving live users.
is not obvious or intuitive: e.g., the highest 99th
This section describes and explains our approach.
percentile latency does not occur at the point that QPS is
To conduct controlled experiments with real users we
at its highest and sometimes load and latency appear
negatively correlated. (a) 100K users

3 Our approach
Prior work has shown that even understanding the
performance of systems with stable load (e.g., [23]) is
difficult; thus, understanding the performance of a
system with widely varying load (Section 2) will be
even harder. Indeed we have found that even simple
performance questions, such as “Does this change
improve or degrade latency?” are difficult to answer. In
this section we describe the methodologies and tools (b) X0M users
that we have developed to help us in our performance
analysis. Figure 10: Latency comparison: (a) 100K users, (b)
Since we cannot easily reproduce performance X0M users
phenomena in a synthetic environment, we conduct
most of our experiments with live users; Section 3.1
explains how we do this. Section 3.2 describes how we partition our users (randomly) and each experiment
can sometimes successfully use statistics to predict the uses one partition as the test and the other as the
outcome of experiments and the pitfalls we encounter control. The partitions use disjoined sets of processes:
in doing so. Section 3.3 describes the two contexts in i.e., in the nonfailure case, a user is served completely
which we need to debug the cause of slow or resource by the processes in their partition. Large partitions
enable us to employ the law of large numbers to factor
out differences between two samples of users. We
always pick both the test and control in the same measurably worse. With larger samples we get a
datacenter to minimize the difference in hardware smaller standard deviation (by definition) in the
between test and control and we have test and control distribution of mailbox sizes and thus it is less likely
pairs in all datacenters. that two samples will differ significantly by chance.
Figure 10(a) shows scaled 50th, 95th and 99th Intuitively, we need a greater imbalance (in absolute
percentile latency for two partitions, each serving terms) in mailbox sizes as samples increase in size
100K active users. Each partition has the same number before we observe a measurable difference between the
of processes and each process serves the same number samples.
of randomly selected users. We expect the two
partitions to have identical latency distributions
3.2 Using statistics to determine the impact
because neither is running an experiment but we see
that this is not the case. For example, the 95th of a change
percentiles of the two partitions differ by up to 50% Since a change may affect system performance
and often differ by at least 15%. Thus, 100K randomly differently under different load, we:
selected users is clearly not enough to overwhelm the
variation between users and operations. • Collect performance data from a sample of
Figure 10(b) shows scaled 50th, 95th, and 99th production. A large sample (tens of millions of
percentile latency for two partitions, each serving tens randomly chosen users) makes it likely that we
of millions users. With the exception of a few points see all of the UVR behaviors.
where the 95th percentiles diverge, we see that these • Collect performance data over an entire week and
partitions are largely indistinguishable from each other; discount data from holiday seasons which
the differences between the percentiles rarely exceed traditionally have low load. By collecting data
1%. over an entire week we see a range of likely
Given that many fields routinely derive statistics mixtures of UVR and non-UVR loads.
from fewer than 100K observations, why do our
samples differ by up to 50% at some points in time? • Collect data from “induced” one-off events. For
The diversity of our user population is responsible for example, we can render one cluster as “non-
this: Gmail users exhibit a vast spread of activity and serving” which forces other clusters to take on the
mailbox sizes with a long-tail. The 99th percentile additional load.
mailbox size is four orders of magnitude larger than the
median. The resource usage of many operations (such • Compare our test to a control at the same time and
as synchronization operations and search) depend on collect additional metrics to ensure that there was
the size of the mailbox. Thus, if one sample of 100K no other factor (e.g., a one-off event or the
users ends up with even one more large user compared residual effects of a previous experiment) that
to another sample, it can make the first sample appear renders the comparison invalid.
Once we have the data, we use statistical methods to This section gives two real examples: one where
analyze it. Unfortunately, the choice of the statistical statistical modeling yields a valid outcome and one
method is not always obvious: most methods make where it surprisingly does not.
assumptions about the data that they analyze (e.g., the
distribution or independence of the data). Suppose, for
example, that we want to test for statistically 3.2.1 Example 1: Data is near normal
significant differences between latency in two A critical binary in our email system runs with N
partitions of randomly processes, each with C CPU cores serving U users. We
wanted to deploy processes for 2U users but without
using 2C CPU (our computers did not have 2C CPU).
Since larger processes allow for more pooling of
resources, we knew that the larger process would not
need 2C CPU; but then how much CPU would it need?
Looking at the distribution of the CPU usage of the N
processes, we observed that (per the central limit
theorem) they exhibited a near normal distribution.
Thus, at least in theory, we could calculate the
properties of the larger process (2N total processes)
Figure 11: CPU of processes running the same binary using the standard method for adding normal
has a near-normal distribution distributions. Concretely, when adding a normal
distribution to itself, the resulting mean is two times
the mean of the original distribution√ and the standard
selected users (as illustrated in Figure 10). Because the deviation is 2 of the standard deviation of the original
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test is non-parametric distribution. Using this method we predicted the
(without distributional assumptions) it seems like a resources needed by the larger process and deployed it
good candidate to use. However, due to the scale of the using the prediction.
application, we store only aggregate latency at various The solid lines in Figure 11 show the observed 50th,
percentiles rather than latency of each operation. 95th, and 99th percentiles of scaled CPU usage of the
Applying the K-S test to the percentiles (treating the larger process using a sample of 3,000 processes. The
repeated measurements over time as independent
observations) would violate the independence
assumption and inflate the power of the test. Any time
we violate the assumptions of a statistical method, the
method may produce misleading results (e.g., [9]).
The dashed (“Normal”) lines in Figure 12 show the
50th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of scaled CPU usage
that we expected when we shared resources between
pairs of communicating processes. The solid
(“Observed”) lines show the actual percentiles of
scaled CPU usage that we observed for the paired
processes. To our surprise, the actual CPU usage is
lower than the modeled CPU usage by up to 25% at the
95th and 99th percentiles and by 50% to 65% at the
median. Clearly, our statistical model is incorrect.
On further investigation we determined that the CPU
Figure 12: Time-shifted resource usage
usage of the two communicating processes is not
independent of each other: the two processes actually
exhibit “time-shifted” CPU usage: when the higher-
dashed lines display the percentiles predicted by the level process makes an RPC call to the lower-level
statistical model. We see that the dashed and solid lines process, it waits for the response and thus consumes no
are close to each other (usually within 2%) at the 50th CPU (for that request); when the lower-level process
and 95th percentiles but the observed 99th percentile is returns a response it stops using CPU (for that request)
always larger than the normal 99th percentile, usually and the higher-level process then becomes active
by 10 to 20%. With the exception of the tail, our processing the response. Thus, because these two
statistical model effectively predicted the resource distributions are not independent we cannot add them
needs of the larger process. together.
3.3 Temporal and operation context
3.2.2 Example 2: Data is near normal but not Section 3.2 shows how we approach establishing the
independent impact of a change to the live system. Before we can
determine what changes we need for a cloud
Our email application is made up of many different application to become more responsive or cost
services which communicate with each other using RPC effective, we need to understand why a request to a
calls. Similar to the pooling in the previous section, we cloud application is slow or expensive. To achieve that
wanted to explore if allowing pairs of communicating understanding, we need to consider two contexts.
processes (one from the higher-level binary and one for First, because cloud applications experience
the lower-level binary) to share CPU would be continuously varying load and load mixture (Section 2)
beneficial. we need to consider the temporal context of the
request. By “temporal context” we mean all (possibly
unrelated) concurrent activity on computers involved reservation for the backend of our email service, we
in serving our request throughout the time required to noticed that even though its average (over 1 minute)
complete the request. Unrelated activity may degrade utilization was under 50%, we could not reduce its CPU
the performance of our request by, for example, reservation even slightly (e.g., by 5%) without
causing cache evictions. While in our multi-tenant degrading latency. The temporal context showed that
environment (i.e., many different applications share RPCs to our service came in bursts that caused queuing
each computer) the operation context could include even though the average utilization was low. The full
activity from processes uninvolved in serving our operation context told us what operations were causing
request, in practice we have found that this rarely the RPCs in the bursts.
happens: this is because each process runs in a By optimizing those operations (essentially using
container that (for the most part) isolates it from other batching to make fewer RPCs per operation) we were
processes running on the same computer. Thus, we are able to save 5% CPU for our service without degrading
only interested in temporal context from processes that latency.
are actually involved in serving our request.
Second, a single request to a cloud application can
3.3.1 Coordinated bursty tracing
involve many processes possibly running on different
computers [21]. Furthermore, each process runs a The obvious approach for using sampling yet getting
binary with many software layers, often developed by the temporal context is to use bursty tracing [6, 19]).
independent teams. Thus a single user request involves Rather than collecting a single event at each sample,
remoteprocedure calls between processes, functional bursty tracing collects a burst of events. Prior work
calls between user-level software layers, and system triggers a burst based on a count (e.g., Arnold et al.
calls between user-level software and the kernel. A trigger a burst on the nth invocation of a method). This
request may be slow (expensive) because (i) a approach works well when we are only interested in
particular call is unreasonably slow (expensive), (ii) collecting a trace at a single layer, it does not work
arguments to a particular call causes it to be slow across processes or across layers. For example,
(expensive), or (iii) the individual calls are fast but imagine we collect a burst of requests o 1,···,on arriving
there is an unreasonably large number of them which at a server O and each of these operations need to make
adds up to a slow (expensive) request. Knowing the an RPC to a service S . For scalability, S itself is
full tree of calls that make up an operation enables us comprised of multiple servers s1,···,sm which run on
to tease apart the above three cases. We call this the many computers (i.e., it is made up of many processes
operation context because it includes the calls involved each running on a different computer) and the different
in a request along with application-level annotations on oi may each go to a different server in the s 1,···,sm set.
each call. Thus, a burst of requests does not give us temporal
We now illustrate the value of the two contexts with context on any of the s1,···,sm servers. As another
a real example. While attempting to reduce the CPU example, the nth invocation of a method will not
correspond to the nth invocation of a system call and burst-config & WallTimeMillis() == burstconfig
thus the bursts we get at the method level and at the
Intuitively, each burst lasts for 2nms and there is one
kernel level will not be coordinated.
burst every 2n+mms. For example if we want to trace for
We can address the above issues with bursty tracing 4ms every 32ms we would use the burst-config of
by having each layer (including the kernel) 11100 (in base 2). Unlike common mechanisms for
continuously record all events in a circular buffer. bursty tracing, this mechanism does not require the
When an event of interest occurs, we save the contents application to maintain state (e.g., count within a burst
of the buffers on all processes that participated in the [6, 19]) or for the different processes to communicate
event. In practice we have found this approach to be with each other to coordinate their bursts; instead, it
problematic because it needs to identify all processes can control the bursts using a cheap conditional using
involved in an event and save traces from all of these only local information (i.e., wall-clock time).
processes before the process overwrites the events.
Collecting many bursts spread out over a period of
Recall that the different processes often run on
time ensures that we get the complete picture: i.e., by
different computers and possibly in different
selecting an appropriate burst-config we can get bursts
spread out over time and thus over many different
To solve the above limitations of bursty tracing, we loads and load mixes.
use coordinated bursty tracing which uses wall-clock
There are five challenges in using coordinated bursty
time to determine the start and end of a burst. By
“coordinated” we mean that all computers and all
First, bursty tracing assumes that clocks across
layers collect the burst at the same time and thus we
different computers are aligned. Fortunately because of
can simultaneously collect traces from all the layers
true time [12] clock misalignment is not a problem for
that participated in servicing a user request. Since a
us in practice.
burst is for a contiguous interval of time, we get the
Second, we need to identify and enable coordinated
temporal context. Since we are collecting bursts across
bursty tracing on all processes involved in our request;
computers, we can stitch together the bursts into an
otherwise we will get an incomplete operation context.
operation context as long as we enabled coordinated
Because we partition our users (Section 3.1) and
bursty tracing on all of the involved computers.
processes of a partition only communicate with other
We specify our bursts using a burst-config which is a processes of the same partition (except in the case of
64-bit unsigned integer. The burst-config dictates both failure handling) we can readily identify a set of
the duration and the period of the burst. Most processes for which we need to enable coordinated
commonly it is of the form: bursty tracing to get both the operation and the
(1)m(0)n (in binary) temporal context of all requests by users in the
i.e., it is m 1s followed by n 0s (in base 2). Each partition.
process and each layer performs tracing whenever: Third, since coordinated bursty tracing is time based
(and not count based as in prior work on bursty
tracing), a burst may start or end in the middle of a (milliseconds) time interval. While cache lookups are
request; thus we can get incomplete data for such cheap, our cache stores blocks in compressed form and
requests. To alleviate this, we always pick a burst thus each read needs to pay the price of uncompressing
period that is at least 10 times the period of the request the block. For efficiency reasons, the cache layer uses
that we are interested in. This way, while some transient file identifiers and an offset as the key; thus
requests will be cut off, we will get full data for the logs of cache access contain only these identifiers and
majority of requests within each burst. not the file system path of the file. Without knowing
Fourth, any given burst may or may not actually the path of the file, we did not know what data our
contain the event of interest (e.g., a slow request); we application was repeatedly reading from the cache (the
need to search through our bursts to determine which file path encodes the type of data in the file). The
ones contain interesting events. Sometimes this is as knowledge of the file path was in a higher level trace in
simple as looking for requests of a particular type that the same process and the knowledge of the operation
take longer than some threshold. Other times, the that was resulting in the reads was in another process.
criteria is more subtle: e.g., we may be interested in On enabling coordinated bursty tracing we found that
requests that make at least one RPC to service S and S most of the repeated reads were of the index block: a
returns a particular size of a response. Thus, we have single index block provides mapping for many data
built tools that use temporal logic to search over the blocks but we were repeatedly reading the index block
bursts to find interesting operations [25]. for each data block. The problem was not obvious from
Fifth, coordinated bursty tracing, and really any the code structure: we would have to reason over a
tracing, can itself perturb system behavior. If severe deeply nested loop structure spread out over multiple
enough, the perturbation can mislead our performance modules to find the problem via code inspection alone.
analysis. The perturbation of coordinated bursty tracing The fix improved both the long-tail latency and CPU
depends on the traces that we are collecting; since usage of our system.
traces for different layers have vastly different costs,
we cannot quantify the perturbation of coordinated
bursty tracing in a vacuum. Instead, we always confirm 3.3.2 Vertical context injection
any findings with corroborating evidence or further Section 3.3.1 explores how we can collect a
experiments. In practice we have not yet encountered a coordinated burst across layers. Since a burst contains
situation where the perturbation due to bursty tracing traces from different layers, we need to associate
was large enough to mislead us. events in one trace with events in another trace. More
We use coordinated bursty tracing whenever we concretely, we would like to project all of the traces
need to combine traces from different layers to solve a from a given machine so we get a holistic trace that
performance mystery. As a real example, cache traces combines knowledge from all the traces.
at our storage layer showed that the cache was getting
repeated requests for the same block in a short
Simply interleaving traces based on timestamps or For example, let’s suppose we want to inject the
writing to the same log file is not enough to get a RPClevelevent, “start of an RPC,” into a kernel trace.
holistic We could do this as follows:
trace. For example by interleaving RPC events with
syscall(getpid, kStartRpc);
kernel events we will know that certain system calls,
syscall(getpid, RpcId);
context switches, and interrupts occurred while an RPC
was in progress. However, we will not know if those
system calls were on behalf of the RPC or on behalf of The argument to the first getpid (kStartRpc) is a
some unrelated concurrent work. constant for “start of RPC.” getpid ignores all
The obvious approach to combining high- and arguments passed to it, but the kernel traces still record
lowlevel traces is to propagate the operation context the value of those arguments. The argument to the
through all the layers and tag all trace events with it. second getpid identifies the RPC that is starting. Back-
This approach is difficult because it requires us to to-back getpid calls (with the first one having an
propagate the context through many layers, some of argument of kStartRpc) are unlikely to appear naturally
which are not even within our direct control (e.g., and thus the above sequence can reliably inject RPC
libraries that we use or the kernel). We could use start events into the kernel trace.
dynamic instrumentation tools, such as DTrace [1], to When we find the above sequence in the kernel trace
instrument all code including external libraries. This we know that an RPC started but more importantly we
approach is unfortunately unsuitable because know the thread on which the RPC started (the kernel
propagating the operation context through layers can traces contain the context switch events which enable
require non-trivial logic; thus even if we could do this us to tell which thread is running on which CPU). We
using DTrace, the code with the instrumentation would can now tag all system calls on the thread with our RPC
be significantly different from the code that we have until either (i) the kernel preempts the thread, in which
reviewed and tested. Using such untested and case the thread resumes working on our RPC when the
unreviewed code for serving real user requests could kernel schedules it again, or (ii) the thread switches to
potentially compromise our user’s data and thus we (as working on a different CPU (which we again detect with
a policy) never do this. a pattern of system calls).
Our approach instead relies on the insight that any We use vertical context injection for other high-level
layer of the software stack can directly cause kernel- events also. For example, by also injecting “just
level events by making system calls. By making a acquired a lock after waiting for a long time” into the
stylized sequence of innocuous system calls, any layer kernel trace, we can uncover exactly what RPC was
can actually inject information into the kernel traces. 1 holding the lock that we were waiting on; it will be the
one that invokes sched wakeup to wake up the blocked
futex call.
1 We discovered this idea in collaboration with Dick Sites at Google.
Implementing the above approach for injecting RPC determine that the work in the bursts was related to
and lock-contention information into our kernel traces servicing the RPCs involved in reading the properties.
took less than 100 lines of code. The analysis of the
kernel traces to construct the holistic picture is of
course more complex but this code is offline; it does 4 Related work
not add any work or complexity to our live production
We now review related work in the areas of analyzing
system. In contrast, an approach that propagated
the performance of cloud applications and performance
context across the layers would have been far more
intrusive and complex.
Magpie [7, 8] collects data for all requests (thus the
We use vertical context injection as a last resort: its
temporal context) and stitches together information
strength is that it provides detailed information that
across multiple computers to provide the operation
frequently enables us to get to the bottom of whatever
context. Because Magpie collects data for all requests
performance mystery we are chasing; its weakness is
it does not scale to billions of user requests per day;
that these detailed traces are large and understanding
Dapper and Canopy (discussed below) address this
them is complex.
issue by using sampling.
As a concrete example, we noticed that our servers
Dapper [27] propagates trace identifiers to produce an
had low CPU utilization: under 50%. When we reduced
RPC tree for an operation. We use Dapper extensively
the CPU per server (to increase utilization and save CPU)
in our work because Dapper tells us exactly what RPCs
the latency of our service became worse. This indicated
execute as part of an operation and the performance
that there were micro bursts where the CPU utilization
data pertinent to the RPCs. By default Dapper performs
was higher than 50%; reducing the CPU per server was
random sampling: e.g., it may sample 1 in N traces.
negatively affecting our micro bursts and thus
While this gives us the operation context, it does not
degrading latency. We used vertical context injection
give us the temporal context. Thus, we use Dapper in
along with coordinated bursty tracing to collect bursts
conjunction with coordinated bursty tracing and
of kernel traces. On analyzing the traces we found that
vertical context injection.
reading user properties for each user request was
Canopy [22] effectively extends Dapper by
responsible for the bursts; for each user request we
providing APIs where any layer can add new events to
need a number of properties and each property is small:
e.g., one property gives the number of bytes used by
Dapper-like trace and users can use DSL to extend
the user. Rather than reading all properties at once, our
traces. Canopy’s solution to combining data from
system was making a separate RPC for each property
multiple layers is to require each layer to use a Canopy
which resulted in bursty behavior and short (a few
API; while this is effective for high-level software
milliseconds) CPU bursts. Reading all properties in a
layers, it may be unsuitable for low-level libraries and
single RPC improved both the CPU and latency of our
systems (e.g., OS kernel) because it creates a software
service. Vertical context injection enabled us to
dependency from critical systems software on high- model this changing load in a synthetic environment
level APIs. and thus we conduct our experiments in a system
Xtrace [15] uses auxiliary information (X-Trace serving live users; and (iii) we need large sample sizes
Metadata) to tie together events that belong to the same (millions of users) to get statistically significant results.
operation. Thus, one could use Xtrace to tie together We can take each source of variation described in
highlevel RPC events and kernel-level events; however, this paper and devise a fix for it. For example, by
unlike vertical context injection, Xtrace requires each isolating IMAP and web traffic in disjoint services we
layer to explicitly propagate the metadata across circumvent the variation due to different mixes of IMAP
messages. and web traffic over the course of time. Unfortunately,
Jalaparti et al. [21] discuss the variations in latency such an approach does not work in general: there are
that they observe in Bing along with mitigation many other causes of load variation besides the ones
strategies that involve trading off accuracy and that we have described and fixes for each of the many
resources with latency. Unlike our work, Jalaparti et al. causes becomes untenable quickly. The remainder of
do not explore the effects of time-varying load on this section discusses some other sources of variation
performance. and in doing so generalizes the contributions of this
Vertical profiling [17] recognizes the value of the paper.
operation context and subsequent work extends vertical The continuously changing software [14] causes
profiling to combine traces from multiple layers using performance to vary. A given operation to a Cloud
trace alignment [16]. Unlike our work, this work only application may involve hundreds of RPCs in tens of
considers the operation context within a single Java services; for example a median request to Bing
binary. involves 15 stages processed across 10s to 1000s of
servers [21]. Different teams maintain and deploy these
stages independently. To ensure the safety of the
5 Discussion deployed code, we cannot deploy new versions of
This paper shows that for Gmail the load varies software atomically even if the number of instances is
continually over time; these variations are not just due small enough to allow it (e.g., [20]). Instead we deploy
to changes in QPS; the actual nature of the load changes it in a staged fashion: e.g., first we may deploy a
over time (for example, due to the the mix of IMAP software only to members of the team, then to random
traffic and web traffic). These variations create users at Google, then to small sets of randomly picked
challenges for evaluating the performance impact of external users, and finally to all users. As a result, at
code changes. Concretely, (i) we cannot compare any given time many different versions of a software
before-after performance data at different points in may be running. Two identical operations at different
time and instead we run the test and control points in time will often touch different versions of
experiments simultaneously to ensure that they some of the services involved in serving the operation.
experience comparable loads; (ii) it is difficult to Since different versions of a server may induce
different loads (e.g., by making different RPCs to tail latency at such large scale requires constant
downstream servers or by inducing different retry investment in performance monitoring and analysis.
behavior on the upstream servers), continuous We show that performance analysis of cloud
deployment of software also continuously changes the application is challenging and the challenges stem from
load on our system. constantly varying load patterns. Specifically, we show
Real-world events can easily change the mix or that superimposition of requests from users, different
amount of load on our systems and thus cause email clients, essential background work, and one-off
performance to vary. For example, Google applications events results in a continuously changing load that is
that are popular in academia (e.g., Drive or Classroom) hard to model and analyze. This paper describes how
see a surge of activity at back-to-school time. Some we meet this challenge. Specifically, our approach has
world events may be more subtle: e.g., a holiday in a the following components:
place with limited or expensive internet connectivity
may change the mix of operations to our system • We conduct performance analysis in a live
because clients in such areas often access our systems application setting with each experiment setting
in a different mode (e.g., using offline mode or syncing involving millions of real users. Smaller samples
mode) than clients in areas with good connectivity. are not enough to capture the diversity of our
users and their usage patterns.
Datacenter management software can change the
number of servers that are servicing user requests, • We do longitudinal studies over a week or more
move servers across physical machines, and turn up or to capture the varying load mixes. Additionally,
turn down VMs; in doing so they directly vary the load we primarily compare data (between the test and
on services. control setups) at the same point in time so that
In summary, there are many and widespread reasons they are serving a similar mix of load.
beyond the ones explored in this paper that result in
continuously varying load on cloud applications. Thus, • We use statistics to analyze data and to predict the
we believe that the approaches in this paper for doing outcome of risky experiments and we corroborate
experiments in the presence of these variations and the the results with other data.
tools that we have developed are widely applicable.
• We use coordinated bursty tracing to capture
6 Conclusions bursts of traces across computers and layers so we
Performance analysis of cloud applications is get both the temporal and the operation context
important; with many cloud applications serving more needed for debugging long-tail performance
than a billion active users, even a 1% saving in issues.
resources translates into significant cost savings.
Furthermore, being able to maintain acceptable long- • We project higher-level events into kernel events
so that we can get a vertical trace which allows us
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