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Robotics: Lecture 1: Introduction To Robotics

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Lecture 1: Introduction to Robotics

See course website

http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ajd/Robotics/ for up to
date information.

Andrew Davison
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
Lecture Plan
Most weeks will consist of a 1 hour lecture (Tuesday 9am, 311) and a
compulsory 3 hour practical session (Tuesday 10am, and Thursday
11am–1pm, 219). There may some variations from week to week which
will be fully detailed on the course website and announced in lectures.
This week only there will be a two hour lecture today, and a one hour
tutorial here in lecture room 311 on Thursday at 11am. From next week
we will start practicals and the regular schedule.
1. Introduction to Mobile Robotics
2. Robot Motion
3. Sensors
4. Probabilistic Robotics
5. Monte Carlo Localisation
6. Place Recognition and Occupancy Mapping
7. Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
8. Revision Lecture, Guest Lecture and Competition
Robotics: An Inter-Disciplinary Field

Robotics integrates science and engineering, and overlaps with many

• Artificial Intelligence
• Computer Vision / Perception
• Machine Learning / Estimation / Inference
• Neuroscience
• Electronic / Mechanical Engineering
In fact the differentiation between these fields is sometimes artificial. I
recently heard someone (Greg Dudek) wonder whether robotics is the
new physics? An umbrella science of the synthetic and interactive. . .
• In this course the emphasis will be largely pragmatic.
What is a Robot?
A physically-embodied, artificially intelligent device with sensing and

• It can sense. It can act.

• It must think, or process information, to connect sensing and action.
• Pixels to torques. . .
What is a Robot?

• Is a washing machine a robot? Most people would call it an

appliance instead, but it does have sensing, actuation and
• A possible distinction between appliance and robot (David Bisset):
whether the workspace is physically inside or outside the device.
• The cognitive ability required of a robot is much higher: the outside
world is complex, and harder to understand and control.
• What about a modern car? Or smartphone? Are they becoming
The Classical Robot Industry: Robot Arms

• The most widely and successfully used robots up until now are
industrial robot ‘arms’, mounted on fixed bases and used for
instance in manufacturing.
• The task of a robot arm is to position an end-effector through which
it interacts with its environment.
• Most operate in highly controlled environments, and carry out
repetitive movements.
Robots for the Wider World

• Experimental mobile robots are now being tested in a wide range of

challenging application scenarios.

• They need perception which gives them a suitable level of

understanding of their complex and changing surroundings.
A Fully Autonomous Robot for the Home?
• There is just as much challenge in developing generally capable
robots for the home as there is in those outdoor environments.
• There is a new wave of advanced mobile robots now aiming at much
more flexible robots which can interact with the world in human-like
ways. Over recent years this has again become the current goal of
significant research teams.

See the videos at http://personalrobotics.stanford.edu/ from

Stanford’s Personal Robotics Program.
Towards ‘Real-World’ Manipulation

• Laundry-folding robot from UC Berkeley / Willow Garage

• Learning from Large-Scale Interaction / Google
Our Focus: Mobile Robots

• What are the general principles of how robots move? Why and how
can they use sensors to understand their environments sufficiently to
navigate usefully and safely?
• Robotic principles apply to movement: a mobile robot’s acuators are
what allows it to move, such as wheels or legs. It will normally have
sensors dedicated to navigation.
• Required competences include:
• Obstacle avoidance
• Localisation
• Mapping
• Path planning
• . . . as well as whatever specialised task the robot is actually trying to
Mobile Robotics Applications

Field Robotics
• Exploration (planetary, undersea, polar).
• Search and rescue (earthquake rescue; demining).
• Mining and heavy transport; container handling.
• Military (unmanned aircraft, land-based pack-bots, insect robots).
Service Robotics
• Domestic (Vacuum cleaning, lawnmowing, laundry, more general
clearing and cleaning. . . ?).
• Medical (surgical robots, remote doctor, hospital delivery, helping
the elderly).
• Transport (Autonomous cars, parcel delivery).
• Entertainment (Robot pets/companions, Lego Mindstorms,
Robocup competition, Parrot AR Drone, many others).
Autonomy and Processing for Mobile Robotics

Mobile robots will ideally be untethered and self-contained, with power

source, sensing and processing on-board.
Level of autonomy:
1. Teleoperation (Remotely-Operated Vehicle ROV, e.g. Robot Wars,
mine clearing).
2. Semi-autonomous (e.g. Mars rovers, humanoids).
3. Fully autonomous (Roomba, Grand Challenge vehicles).
Computing requirements:
• Embedded processing: specialised or general PC architecture? GPU,
FPGA, etc.
• Computer vision in particular can be very computationally expensive.
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity (NASA)

• Both had successful missions on Mars in starting in late 2004. Spirit

went ‘silent’ in March 2010; Opportunity is still operational and has
to date covered more than 40km.
• 1.6m long; 180kg. 9 cameras (Hazcams, Navcams, Pancams,
• Remote human planning combined with local autonomy.
• Increased autonomy as mission progressed.
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover

• Landed on Mars August 2012.

• Five times larger than Spirit/Opportunity; designed to explore at
least 1 Martian year (689 Earth days), travelling 5–20km. Maximum
speed 90m/hour.
• Radiation-hardened computer and backup. 10 cameras (6 for
navigation, 4 for science).
• Many remote sensing and scientific instruments for studying geology,
atmosphere, biosignatures.
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
DARPA Grand Challenge 2005 winner “Stanley” (Stanford University,

• Completed 175 mile desert course autonomously in 6 hours 54

• Guided along rough ‘corridor’ by GPS.
• Road-following and obstacle avoidance using laser range-finders and
vision. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLi_IQgCxbo
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
DARPA Urban Challenge 2007 winner ‘Boss’ (Carnegie Mellon University)

• Robots had to achieve extended missions in a mocked-up urban

area, obeying traffic laws and avoiding other robots and cars.
• Much more sophisticated sensor suites than in desert challenge
(lasers, cameras, radars) to achieve all-around awareness.
• Current technology: e.g. Google car (now Waymo)
• Most car companies now have major autonomous driving projects.
Other companies are developing ‘autonomous taxi’ services (e.g.
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
Animal-like Walking Robots

• BigDog (Boston Dynamics; recently acquired by Google; then sold

to SoftBank) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNZPRsrwumQ
• LittleDog (USC/Boston Dynamics)
• WildCat (Boston Dynamics)
(These robots had little on-board outward-looking sensing.)
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
New Generation Humanoid Robotics (Darpa Robotics Challenge

• Schaft from Japan.

• At this stage still quite specifically programmed for these tasks but
watch for big improvements soon.
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
Autonomous Aerial Navigation (MIT Robust Robotics Group)

• Quadcopters; highly manoeuvrable and relatively easy to control.

• Inertial, laser, vision sensors; with or without GPS.
• Many applications (inspection, search and rescue, . . . )
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qQJwLJ857s
Mobile Robots: State of the Art

Multicopter Visual-Inertial On-Board Estimation

(Stefan Leutenegger et al. Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich)

• Application: automatic mapping of a poorly accessible gold mine.

• Using camera and inertial sensors only (accelerations and angular
rates) for localisation and building a map of sparse landmarks.
• Laser scans provide a rough live reconstruction
• https://youtu.be/5FhsOluKzJc
Mobile Robots: State of the Art
iRobot ‘Roomba’ Robot Vacuum Cleaner, first launched in 2002

• ‘Random bounce’ movement style with short-range IR sensing.

• Over 10 million units sold!
• Second generation and competing products are now aiming at
precise navigation.
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMUhSBeIm40
Dyson 360 Eye

• On sale in Japan in 2015; around the world in 2016.

• Uses omnidirectional vision to build a map of its environment
automatically (SLAM). This permits accurate, repeatable
localisation, and therefore precise coverage and cleaning.
• https://youtu.be/OadhuICDAjk
The Dyson Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College

• Founded in 2014, funded by Dyson and led by Andrew Davison and

Stefan Leutenegger, this new lab researches the vision and robotics
technology that we hope will open up new categories in robotic
products for the home.
• Part of a thriving robotics research community across Imperial
College: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/robot.
Course Contents: Locomotion

• Wheels are most common, in various configurations.

• Legs increase mobility, but with much extra complication.
• Underwater or flying robots have different locomotion systems which
obviously enable 3D locomotion.
A moving robot usually has some form of odometry: the ability to
estimate its movements from internal measurements of its actuators. For
wheeled robots, we measure and integrate the velocity commands sent to
each wheel. e.g.: Bigtrak!
Motion and Coordinate Frames

• ‘Pose’ means position and orientation taken together.


y R (up)
yR R Coordinate Frame
Carried With Robot
x R (left)
Camera Frame R

yW zR (forward)

xW r hL

zW y
Fixed World Coordinate xW
Frame W World Frame W

2D Pose 3D Pose
• More generally, we will talk about about a robot’s state, which is a
set of parameters describing all aspects of interest.
Uncertainty in Motion

• If a robot has proprioceptive sensing such as odometry to calculate

its position, why does it also need external sensing and mapping?
• Because all sensors have uncertainty, and when local motion
estimates are integrated drift occurs.

• The way to resolve drift is to refer to a map of the static world. To

make contact with and make measurements of elements of this map
we need outward-looking sensors.
Outward-Looking Sensors

• Sense at a distance (using sound waves, infra-red laser, visible light).

• Active (sonar, laser range-finder, structured light system) — send
and receive; or passive (camera, microphone) which just receive
ambient signals.
• Simple sensors often directly provide measurements which are
directly useful for navigation, though generally this is quite sparse.
Camera images have much more detailed information but require
significant processing to extract useful measurements.
• Localisation against a map using sonar:
Reactive Behaviours vs. Probabilistic Estimation


• Either use outward-looking sensor measurements as they arrive a

reactive control loops (like wall following), or combine many
measurements into a global estimate of scene and motion using
probability theory.
SLAM: Building a Map On the Fly

• 2D SLAM with a laser range-finder; Paul Newman and David Cole,

University of Oxford, 2006.
• https://youtu.be/Ch2APTpBLqk
Large Scale Visual-Inertial SLAM Using Optimisation

Keyframe-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry (Leutenegger, et.al, The

International Journal of Robotics Research, 2014).

• https://youtu.be/I2X0koUXYuA
ElasticFusion: Reliable Room-Scale Dense Mapping

• Maps a scene with millions of surfels and corrects loop closures.

• Relies on a depth camera and GPU processing.
• https://youtu.be/XySrhZpODYs
Robotics: Requirements

1. Essential geometry (vectors, rotations, trigonometry).

2. Essential probability theory.
3. Programming: you will write a lot of code in Python.
4. Willingness to work with robot kit hardware, which is not always.
Robotics: Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course you should understand:

1. The defining properties of a robot: sensing and action, linked by
2. An overview of the practical issues of modern-day mobile robotics.
3. Robot locomotion methods, particularly wheel configurations and
uncertainty in motion.
4. Tuning a motor controller; 2D path planning.
5. The use of simple sensors in reactive, behavioural programming.
6. The key concepts of advanced outward looking sensors such as sonar
and vision.
7. The essentials of probabilistic techniques in robotics; probabilistic
localisation and SLAM.
8. Techniques for robot programming in Python.
Robotics: A Practical Course

In the first practical, in groups you will be given a robotics kit which you
will keep throughout term to work on practical exercises every week. We
will use these kits to build mobile robots and implement techniques such
• Wheeled configurations and uncertainty in movement.
• Using simple sensors to implement reactive behaviours.
• Investigating the characteristics of advanced sensors like sonar.
• Implementing a probabilistic localisation filter and precise waypoint
• Place recognition and free space mapping.
Raspberry Pi Robotics

Our practical work is based around the Raspberry Pi single board

computer, using ‘BrickPi’ boards to interface with Lego NXT motors and
sensors (rather than using Lego’s own ‘Brick’ processor). This allows:
• Flexible programming in Python/Linux and all sorts of open source
tools are available.
• Decent processing power and much more flexibility in programming.
• Real-time Wi-Fi connection to a PC.
• We have custom motor controller software, and rechargeable battery
Robotics: Coursework and Assessment
The coursework component is based on cumulative assessment of
achievement in the practical sessions and there will be no submission of
written reports. You will be set a practical task each week, several of
which (and each practical sheet will very clearly say which) will be
• For the first practical session we will ask you all to organise yourself
into practical groups for the term of 4–5 members depending on
final numbers; we need people to commit to the course at this point.
• Each assessed practical exercise will have a number of well-defined
objectives with a specified number of marks for each. Most of these
objectives involve practical demonstration of your robots or oral
explanation of results.
• We will mark these exercises by visiting all groups at the start of the
next week’s practical session, where each group must demonstrate
their robot and discuss with me or a lab assistant.
• We will check attendance in each group at the assessments and will
ask questions to make sure each group member has been involved.
Robotics: Coursework and Assessment
• The total marks from the assessed practicals will form your overall
coursework mark for Robotics.
• No extra written coursework will be set.
• All members of a group will receive the same mark by default
(unless we have a strong reason to believe that certain members are
not doing their share of work).
• Coursework marks in Robotics are worth the same as in most
courses — i.e. only around 15% of the total marks available for the
whole course. And. . . it is a lot of work. But this is for a good
reason. The exam will be designed to tie in closely with the
coursework, and those members of groups that have made a good
effort during the term have historically done very well on the exam.
• Previous years’ exam papers are a very good guide to seeing what
the style of questions will be, but every year the exam will change
somewhat to reflect the current lecture and practical content of the
• There will be a revision lecture in the last week.
Robotics: Competition

On the final day of the course (30th November), we will have a

competition between the groups, testing the performance of the robots
developed for the final practical exercise. See the course website for
pictures and videos from previous years’ competitions . . . but this year’s
challenge will be different again!

See previous years at

Extra Information

• Robotics course web page (will carry course timetable, notes,

practical sheets, extra handouts and other information):
• You should not need to buy any books, but if you want some more
detail we can recommend the following:
• ‘Probabilistic Robotics’, Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard and
Dieter Fox
• Also see relevant free online courses, e.g. from Udacity.
Week 1 Tutorial: Robot Floor Cleaner

• Dyson DC06: almost released in 2004 but never went on sale.

• In many ways floor cleaning presents an unusual mobile robot

navigation problem; rather than just get from A to B it has to visit
everywhere in a domain.
Some Robot Floor Cleaners on the Market

Roomba Navibot Mint Neato

Roomba (iRobot), floor coverage
Mint Floor Cleaner (Evolution Robotics)
Evaluating Robot Floor Cleaners

• Dyson ‘GTS’ open source ground truth evaluation system based on

ceiling-mounted cameras.
Getting More From Omnidirectional Vision

• Fitting ‘box’ room models to omnidirectional depth reconstruction.

• Lukierski, Leutenegger and Davison, 2016.
Real-Time Height Map Fusion from a Single Camera

(Zienkiewicz, Davison, Leutenegger, 2015/2016)

• Dense fusion from a moving robot-mounted camera to identify free
space and obstacles.
• https://youtu.be/3NQqeRcSsCw
• Real-time multi-scale fusion using adaptive level of detail, 3DV 2016.

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