Robotics: Lecture 1: Introduction To Robotics
Robotics: Lecture 1: Introduction To Robotics
Robotics: Lecture 1: Introduction To Robotics
Andrew Davison
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
Lecture Plan
Most weeks will consist of a 1 hour lecture (Tuesday 9am, 311) and a
compulsory 3 hour practical session (Tuesday 10am, and Thursday
11am–1pm, 219). There may some variations from week to week which
will be fully detailed on the course website and announced in lectures.
This week only there will be a two hour lecture today, and a one hour
tutorial here in lecture room 311 on Thursday at 11am. From next week
we will start practicals and the regular schedule.
1. Introduction to Mobile Robotics
2. Robot Motion
3. Sensors
4. Probabilistic Robotics
5. Monte Carlo Localisation
6. Place Recognition and Occupancy Mapping
7. Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping
8. Revision Lecture, Guest Lecture and Competition
Robotics: An Inter-Disciplinary Field
• The most widely and successfully used robots up until now are
industrial robot ‘arms’, mounted on fixed bases and used for
instance in manufacturing.
• The task of a robot arm is to position an end-effector through which
it interacts with its environment.
• Most operate in highly controlled environments, and carry out
repetitive movements.
Robots for the Wider World
• What are the general principles of how robots move? Why and how
can they use sensors to understand their environments sufficiently to
navigate usefully and safely?
• Robotic principles apply to movement: a mobile robot’s acuators are
what allows it to move, such as wheels or legs. It will normally have
sensors dedicated to navigation.
• Required competences include:
• Obstacle avoidance
• Localisation
• Mapping
• Path planning
• . . . as well as whatever specialised task the robot is actually trying to
Mobile Robotics Applications
Field Robotics
• Exploration (planetary, undersea, polar).
• Search and rescue (earthquake rescue; demining).
• Mining and heavy transport; container handling.
• Military (unmanned aircraft, land-based pack-bots, insect robots).
Service Robotics
• Domestic (Vacuum cleaning, lawnmowing, laundry, more general
clearing and cleaning. . . ?).
• Medical (surgical robots, remote doctor, hospital delivery, helping
the elderly).
• Transport (Autonomous cars, parcel delivery).
• Entertainment (Robot pets/companions, Lego Mindstorms,
Robocup competition, Parrot AR Drone, many others).
Autonomy and Processing for Mobile Robotics
y R (up)
yR R Coordinate Frame
Carried With Robot
x R (left)
Camera Frame R
yW zR (forward)
xW r hL
zW y
Fixed World Coordinate xW
Frame W World Frame W
2D Pose 3D Pose
• More generally, we will talk about about a robot’s state, which is a
set of parameters describing all aspects of interest.
Uncertainty in Motion
ElasticFusion: Reliable Room-Scale Dense Mapping
In the first practical, in groups you will be given a robotics kit which you
will keep throughout term to work on practical exercises every week. We
will use these kits to build mobile robots and implement techniques such
• Wheeled configurations and uncertainty in movement.
• Using simple sensors to implement reactive behaviours.
• Investigating the characteristics of advanced sensors like sonar.
• Implementing a probabilistic localisation filter and precise waypoint
• Place recognition and free space mapping.
Raspberry Pi Robotics