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Microsoft Word - J-88-16-II - Elect. Sci.

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Signature and Name of Invigilator
1. (Signature) __________________________ OMR Sheet No. : ...............................................
(Name) ____________________________ (To be filled by the Candidate)

2. (Signature) __________________________ Roll No.

(Name) ____________________________ (In figures as per admission card)
Roll No.________________________________
J 88 1 6 (In words)

Time : 1 1/4 hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖÙ£ÖµÖÖë Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ×®Ö¤ìü¿Ö
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of 1. ‡ÃÖ ¯Öéšü Ûêú ‰ú¯Ö¸ü ×®ÖµÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü †¯Ö®ÖÖ ¸üÖê»Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü ×»Ö×ÜÖ‹ …
this page. 2. ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Ö¡Ö ´Öë ¯Ö“ÖÖÃÖ ²ÖÆãü×¾ÖÛú»¯ÖßµÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Æïü …
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ¯ÖÏÖ¸ü´³Ö ÆüÖê®Öê ¯Ö¸ü, ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¤êü ¤üß •ÖÖµÖêÝÖß … ¯ÖÆü»Öê
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖÛúß ×®Ö´®Ö×»Ö×ÜÖŸÖ
will be given to you. In the first 5 minutes, you are requested •ÖÖÑ“Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ פüµÖê •ÖÖµÖëÝÖê, וÖÃÖÛúß •ÖÖÑ“Ö †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê †¾Ö¿µÖ Ûú¸ü®Öß Æîü :
to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ÜÖÖê»Ö®Öê Ûêú ×»Ö‹ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¯Ö¸ü »ÖÝÖß ÛúÖÝÖ•Ö Ûúß ÃÖß»Ö
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(ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions Æïü … ¤üÖÂê Ö¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ×•Ö®Ö´Öë ¯Öéšü/¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûú´Ö ÆüÖë µÖÖ ¤ãü²ÖÖ¸üÖ †Ö
in the booklet with the information printed on the ÝÖµÖê ÆüÖë µÖÖ ÃÖß׸üµÖ»Ö ´Öë ®Ö ÆüÖë †£ÖÖÔŸÖË ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü Ûúß
cover page. Faulty booklets due to pages/questions ¡Öã×™ü¯ÖæÞÖÔ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ã¾ÖßÛúÖ¸ü ®Ö Ûú¸ëü ŸÖ£ÖÖ ˆÃÖß ÃÖ´ÖµÖ ˆÃÖê
missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any »ÖÖî™üÖÛú¸ü ˆÃÖÛêú ãÖÖ®Ö ¯Ö¸ü ¤æüÃÖ¸üß ÃÖÆüß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ »Öê »Öë …
other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately ‡ÃÖÛêú ×»Ö‹ †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ¯ÖÖÑ“Ö ×´Ö®Ö™ü פüµÖê •ÖÖµÖëÝÖê … ˆÃÖÛêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ®Ö
by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the ŸÖÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¾ÖÖ¯ÖÃÖ »Öß •ÖÖµÖêÝÖß †Öî¸ü ®Ö Æüß †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê
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given. †Öî¸ü OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ÛúÖ ®ÖÓ²Ö¸ü ‡ÃÖ ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö-¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ ¯Ö¸ü †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü ¤ëü …
(iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number 4. ¯ÖÏŸµÖêÛú ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö Ûêú ×»Ö‹ “ÖÖ¸ü ˆ¢Ö¸ü ×¾ÖÛú»¯Ö (1), (2), (3) ŸÖ£ÖÖ (4) פüµÖê ÝÖµÖê
should be entered on the OMR Sheet and the OMR Æïü … †Ö¯ÖÛúÖê ÃÖÆüß ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú ¾Öé¢Ö ÛúÖê ¯Öê®Ö ÃÖê ³Ö¸üÛú¸ü ÛúÖ»ÖÖ Ûú¸ü®ÖÖ Æîü •ÖîÃÖÖ
Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet.
4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (1), (2), (3) ×Ûú ®Öß“Öê פüÜÖÖµÖÖ ÝÖµÖÖ Æîü :
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Example : 5. ¯ÖÏ¿®ÖÖë Ûêú ˆ¢Ö¸ü Ûêú¾Ö»Ö ¯ÖÏ¿®Ö ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †®¤ü¸ü פüµÖê ÝÖµÖê OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü
where (3) is the correct response. Æüß †Ó×ÛúŸÖ Ûú¸ü®Öê Æïü … µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü פüµÖê ÝÖµÖê ¾Öé¢Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ
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Sheet given inside the Booklet only. If you mark your ®ÖÆüà ÆüÖêÝÖÖ …
response at any place other than in the circle in the OMR 6. †®¤ü¸ü פüµÖê ÝÖµÖê ×®Ö¤ìü¿ÖÖë ÛúÖê ¬µÖÖ®Ö¯Öæ¾ÖÔÛú ¯ÖœÌëü …
Sheet, it will not be evaluated. 7. Ûú““ÖÖ ÛúÖ´Ö (Rough Work) ‡ÃÖ ¯Öã×ßÖÛúÖ Ûêú †×®ŸÖ´Ö ¯Öéšü ¯Ö¸ü Ûú¸ëü …
6. Read instructions given inside carefully. 8. µÖפü †Ö¯Ö OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú ¯Ö¸ü ×®ÖµÖŸÖ Ã£ÖÖ®Ö Ûêú †»ÖÖ¾ÖÖ †¯Ö®ÖÖ ®ÖÖ´Ö, ¸üÖê»Ö
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet. ®Ö´²Ö¸ü, ±úÖê®Ö ®Ö´²Ö¸ü µÖÖ ÛúÖê‡Ô ³Öß ‹êÃÖÖ ×“ÖÅ®Ö ×•ÖÃÖÃÖê †Ö¯ÖÛúß ¯ÖÆü“ÖÖ®Ö ÆüÖê
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white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification. »ÖÖî™üÖ®ÖÖ †Ö¾Ö¿µÖÛú Æîü †Öî¸ü ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ÃÖ´ÖÖׯŸÖ Ûêú ²ÖÖ¤ü ˆÃÖê †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö ¯Ö¸üßõÖÖ ³Ö¾Ö®Ö
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at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not ŸÖ£ÖÖ OMR ¯Ö¡ÖÛú Ûúß ›ãü¯»ÖßÛêú™ü ¯ÖÏ×ŸÖ †¯Ö®Öê ÃÖÖ£Ö »Öê •ÖÖ ÃÖÛúŸÖê Æïü …
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duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination.
Æüß ‡ÃŸÖê´ÖÖ»Ö Ûú¸ëü …
10. Use only Black Ball point pen provided by C.B.S.E. 11. ×ÛúÃÖß ³Öß ¯ÖÏÛúÖ¸ü ÛúÖ ÃÖÓÝÖÞÖÛú (Ûîú»ÖÛãú»Öê™ü¸ü) µÖÖ »ÖÖÝÖ ™êü²Ö»Ö †Öפü ÛúÖ
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J-88-16 1 P.T.O.
Paper – II
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All
questions are compulsory.

1. In JFET the transconductance can be expressed as

Idss  Vgs2
Vp  Vp 
(1) 1–

2Idss  Vgs
Vp  Vp 
(2) 1–

2Idss  Vgs2
Vp  Vp 
(3) 1–

2Idss  Vgs
Vp  1+
Vp 

2. An electrodynamic generator is used to convert

(1) Motion into voltage (2) Voltage into motion
(3) Temperature into pressure (4) Pressure into temperature

3. The effect of adding poles and zeros can be determined for determining phase and gain
margin by
(1) Magnitude Vs phase plot (2) Nyquist plot
(3) Nicholas plot (4) Bode plot

4. The small signal model of a tunnel diode in negative resistance region is

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Paper-II 2 J-88-16
5. The logic function implemented by the circuit below is

(1) Y = P.Q (2) Y= P+Q

(3) Y=P⊕Q (4) Y= P⊕Q

6. For the following circuit, for making the output high (1), the input combination must be

(1) A = 0, B = 0 and C = 1
(2) A = 1, B = 1 and C = 0
(3) A = 1, B = 0, and C = 0
(4) A = 0, B = 1 and C = 1

7. Number of times the instruction sequence below will loop before coming out of loop is
(1) 256 (2) 255
(3) 01 (4) 00

8. The number of wait states required to interface 8279 to 8086 with 8 MHz clock are
(1) One (2) Two
(3) Three (4) None
J-88-16 3 Paper-II
9. Which combination of the integer variables x, y and z makes the variable to get the value 4
in the following expression?
a = (x > y) ? ((x > z) ? x : z) : ((y > z) ? y : z)
(1) x = 6, y = 5, z = 3 (2) x = 6, y = 3, z = 5
(3) x = 5, y = 4, z = 5 (4) x = 3, y = 4, z = 2

10. Consider the following program

main( )
float a = 0.3, b= 0.5 ;
if (b < 0.6)
if (a < 0.3) printf ("xyz" ) ;
else printf ("ABC") ;
else printf ("MLN") ;
The output is
(1) XYZ (2) MLN
(3) ABC (4) None of these

11. For a matched junction, scattering parameters are given values, which one of the
following is true ?
(1) S11 ≠ 0 (2) |S21| = 0
(3) S22 ≠ 0 (4) S21 = 1

12. The number of bits per sample in a PCM system is increased from 8 to 16. The bandwidth
of the system would increase
(1) 8 times (2) 2 times
(3) ½ times (4) 24 times

13. An infrared LED is optically coupled to a photodiode. When LED is turned off, the
reading on an ammeter in series with the reversed-biased photodiode will
(1) Not change (2) Decrease
(3) Increase (4) Fluctuate
Paper-II 4 J-88-16
14. After firing a SCR, the gating pulse is removed, the current in the SCR will
(1) remains the same (2) immediately falls to zero
(3) rise up (4) rise a little and then falls to zero

15. A signal f(t) is defined as (1 – αt)e–αt. Its Laplace transform will be

1 s
(1) (2)
(s + α)2 (s + α)2
(1 + s) (sα)
(3) (4)
(s – α) (s + α)2

16. For intrinsic semiconductor the conductivity is

(a) q(nµn + pµp) (b) qni(µn + µp)
(c) q(nµn – p µp) (d) q (µn + µp)
Out of these the following is correct
(1) (a) and (b) are correct (2) (a) and (c) are correct
(3) (b) and (d) are correct (4) (c) and (d) are correct

17. Read the following statements :

(a) The gain crossover is a point on the L(jw) plot at which the magnitude of L(jw) is
equal to 1.
(b) The gain crossover is a point on the L(jw) plot at which the magnitude of L(jw) is
equal to 0.
(c) The gain crossover frequency, is the frequency of L(jw) where |L(jw)|= 1
(d) The gain crossover frequency is the frequency of L(jw) where |L(jw)| = 0
Which of the above statements are correct ?
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b) and (c) (4) (b) and (d)

18. In a p-n junction diode if A is the area of a junction then the transition capacitance is
dW 
(a) q Na W A (b) q Na A  
 dV 
q Na W2 q Na A
(c) (d)
2εs dW
 dV 
 
Out of these which one is correct ?
(1) (a) and (b) are correct (2) (a) is correct but (b) is wrong
(3) (b) is correct, but (d) is wrong (4) (a) and (d) are correct

J-88-16 5 Paper-II
19. In a resistive ladder network used in n bit D to A converters, the following statements are
given :
(a) LSB weight = n
(2 – 1)
(b) LSB weight = n–1
(2 – 1)
(c) The sum of all weights is equal to 1
(d) The sum of all the weight is greater than 1
Out of the above statements following is true :
(1) (b) and (c) (2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b) and (d) (4) (a) and (d)

20. The 8085 µp enters into bus idle machine cycle whenever
(a) INTR interrupt is recognized
(b) RST X.5 is recognized
(c) When content of register B is 00h
(d) DAD rp instruction is executed
Options :
(1) (a) and (c) are correct (2) (b) and (d) are correct
(3) (c) and (d) are correct (4) (b) and (c) are correct

21. If x is an one-dimensional array then

(a) & x [i] is same as x + i – 1
(b) * (x + i) is same as * x + i
(c) * (x + i) is same as * (& x [i])
(d) *(x + i) is same as x[i]
Options :
(1) (a) and (b) are correct (2) (b) and (c) are correct
(3) (c) and (d) are correct (4) (b) and (d) are correct

22. For transmission lines following statements are given :

(a) There is no cut-off frequency for TEM in coaxial cables.
(b) Coaxial cables are useful upto 100 MHz only.
(c) Waveguides do not support TEM waves.
(d) All the frequencies above cut-off flow through waveguides.
Out of the above statements following is true :
(1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (a), (c) and (d)
(3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (a) and (b)
Paper-II 6 J-88-16
23. Which of the following statements are true for Delta modulation ?
(a) The Modulation is digital in nature.
(b) The modulation is analogue in nature.
(c) Better signal to Noise-ratio than PCM.
(d) Slope overload occurs in Delta Modulation.
Options :
(1) (a) and (d) are correct (2) (b), (c) and (d) are correct
(3) (a), (c) and (d) are correct (4) (b) and (d) are correct

24. Which of the below mentioned statements are correct with respect of semiconductor
(a) pn-junctions can be formed by using direct bandgap semiconductors.
(b) Emitted radiations should be monochromatic and coherent.
(c) Emitted radiations be monochromatic and all are in same phase.
(d) Emitted radiations should be monochromatic and spontaneous.
Options :
(1) (a), (b) & (d) are correct (2) (a), (c) & (d) are correct
(3) (a), (b) & (c) are correct (4) (a) & (b) are correct

25. Consider a two port network shown in the following figure :

The z-parameters z11 and z21 for this network are given as
(a) z11 = – Ω
(b) z21 = Ω
(c) z11 = Ω
(d) z21 = – Ω
Which of the above are correct ?
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (d)
(3) (b) and (c) (4) (c) and (d)

J-88-16 7 Paper-II
26. Match the following lists :
List – I List – II
a. Darlington transistor i. β+1
b. Common base ii. β
c. Common emitter iii. α
d. Common collector iv. β1β2
Codes :
a b c d
(1) iv iii ii i
(2) i ii iii iv
(3) iii i ii iv
(4) ii iv i iii
27. Match the following lists :
List – I List – II

a. A-bridge T filter i.

b. A Lead Network ii.

c. A Lag Network iii.

d. A Lead-Lag Network iv.

Codes :
a b c d
(1) ii i iv iii
(2) ii i iii iv
(3) i iii ii iv
(4) i ii iv iii
Paper-II 8 J-88-16
28. Match the following lists :

List – I List – II

a. hie i. ic/ib

b. hre ii. νb/ib

c. hfe iii. νb/νc

d. hoe iv. ic/νc

Codes :

a b c d

(1) ii iii i iv

(2) iii ii i iv

(3) ii iii iv i

(4) i ii iii iv

29. Match the following lists :

List – I List – II

a. IC 7408 i. BCD to decimal decoder

b. IC 7442 ii. BCD to seven segment decoder-drivers

c. IC 7447 iii. Quad 2-input NAND gate

d. IC 7400 iv. Quad 2-input AND gate

Codes :

a b c d

(1) i iii iv ii

(2) ii i iv iii

(3) iv i iii ii

(4) iv i ii iii

J-88-16 9 Paper-II
30. Match the following :
List – I List – II
a. RST 7.5 i. Non maskable interrupt
b. RST 0-7 ii. Level triggering interrupt
c. TRAP iii. Hardware interrupt
d. RST 5.5 and RST 6.5 iv. Software interrupt
Codes :
a b c d
(1) i iii ii iv
(2) ii iii i iv
(3) iii i ii iv
(4) iii iv i ii

31. Match the following :

List – I List – II
a. The program fragment i. Prints 4
int a = 4, b = 6;
printf (“%d”, b= =a);
b. The program fragment ii. Prints 0
int a = 4, b = 6;
printf (“%d”, a! = b);
c. The program fragment iii. Prints 1
int a = 4, b = 6;
printf(“%d”, a∧b);
d. The program fragment iv. Prints 2
int a = 4, b = 6;
printf (“%d”, a&b);
Codes :
a b c d
(1) i ii iv iii
(2) ii iii i iv
(3) ii iii iv i
(4) iii ii i iv
Paper-II 10 J-88-16
32. Match the following lists :
List – I List – II
a. PIN diode i. Optical detector
b. APD ii. Tuning
c. Varacter diode iii. Microwave oscillator

d. Tunnel diode iv. Microwave detector

Codes :
a b c d
(1) iv i ii iii
(2) iii i ii iv
(3) i iii ii iv
(4) i iv ii iii

33. Match the following lists :

List – I List – II
a. Quantization noise in i. Number of quantization levels
b. Bandwidth in PCM ii. Lesser number of quantization levels
c. Sampling rate iii. Highest frequency in the analog signal
d. Differential PCM iv. Atleast twice the maximum frequency
component present in the signal

Codes :
a b c d
(1) i iii iv ii
(2) i ii iii iv
(3) i iv iii ii
(4) ii iv i iii

J-88-16 11 Paper-II
34. Match the following lists :
List – I List – II
Medium η)
Index of refraction(η
a. Glass Fibre i. 1.0003
b. Water ii. 3.4
c. Air iii. 1.5 – 1.9
d. Silicon iv. 1.33
Codes :
a b c d
(1) iv iii i ii
(2) ii iv i iii
(3) ii i iii iv
(4) iii iv i ii

35. Match the following lists :

List – I List – II
a. nU[n] i. z–1
1 – z–1
b. αnU[n] ii. z
c. nαnU[n] iii. z
(z – 1)2
d. U[–n] iv. αz
(z – α)2
Codes :
a b c d
(1) iii ii iv i
(2) ii iv i iii
(3) i ii iii iv
(4) ii iii iv i

Paper-II 12 J-88-16
Directions : Question No. 36 to 45 :
The following items consist of two statements, one labelled as “Assertion (A)” and the
other labelled as the “Reason (R)”. You are to examine the two statements carefully and
decide if the Assertion (A) and the Reason (R) are individually true and if so whether the
reason is a correct explanation of the assertion. Select your answer to these items using the
codes given below and mark your answer accordingly.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

36. Assertion (A) : GaAs shows very low reverse saturation current, excellent temperature
sensitivities and high breakdown voltages.
Reason (R) : It operates at only low frequencies as compared to Ge and Si. It has a knee
voltage of 2.0 Volts.

37. Assertion (A) : It is said that Kirchhoff’s current law has never been found to be invalid.
Reason (R) : The current law is based on the principle of conservation of charge.

38. Assertion (A) : Networks that are quite stable and relatively insensitive to temperature
variations have low stability factors.
Reason (R) : The stability factors are defined as :

S(ICO) =
∆ IC

S(VBE) =
∆ IC

S(β) =
∆ IC

Where ∆ signifies the change in the quantity.

J-88-16 13 Paper-II
39. Assertion (A) : In Electromagnetics, materials are divided roughly into two classes, i.e.
conductors and dielectrics or insulators.

Reason (R) : In Maxwell equation, σ/ω∈ decides, whether the medium is a good
conductor or a dielectric.

40. Assertion (A) : Ready pin of 8086 microprocessor is used to introduce wait states.
Reason (R) : Because the WR and ALE signals are not available directly from the
processor in maximum mode.

41. Assertion (A) : When a static variable is defined inside a function in C, then it remains
alive until end of the function.
Reason (R) : Because that variable is treated as local variable.

42. Assertion (A) : In tristate buffer, at the input of a digital system, there may be more than
one input signal.
Reason (R) : The tristate buffer is controlled by gate signal, when G is high, the output
follows the input. However, when the signal at G is low, the output is an open circuit
(a third state).

43. Assertion (A) : The Fourier transform provides a unified solution for both periodic and
non-periodic waveforms over the entire interval.
Reason (R) : The Fourier transform is a tool for generalized analysis of arbitrary
waveforms over the entire interval.

44. Assertion (A) : Optical communications has certain inherent advantages over
conventional communications systems such as copper cable and radio links etc.
Reason (R) : It is because optical fibres have light weight and smaller diameter.

45. Assertion (A) : Capacitive transducers are preferred over inductive transducers.
Reason (R) : Push-pull inductive transducers can be replaced with push-pull capacitive

Paper-II 14 J-88-16
Directions (46 – 50) : Read the passage and answer the following questions numbering
from 46 to 50 :
The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor is the most important device for very
large scale integrated circuits such as microprocessor and semiconductor memories.
MOSFET is also becoming a power device. The principle of field effect transistor was
first proposed by Dillen Field in 1930. The current in a MOSFET is transported by carriers
of one polarity and is usually referred as unipolar device. The MOSFET is a member of
the family of field effect transistors. It is fabricated with various semiconductors such as
Si, GaAs and SiC with various insulators. The most important system is Si – SiO2

46. MOSFET is in equilibrium condition when

(1) Vgs = 0, Vds ≠ 0 (2) Vgs ≠ 0, Vds = 0
(3) Vgs ≠ 0, Vds ≠ 0 (4) Vgs = 0, Vds = 0

47. The cut off frequency of a MOSFET can be defined as

gm gm
(1) (2)
2π 2π Cgs
gm gd
(3) (4)
gd 2π Cgs

48. The surface charge per unit area after strong inversion is given by
(1) – 2q NA εs(VD + 2ϕB) (2) – (V + 2ψB)
2qNA 2qts
(3) – (VD + 2ψB) (4) (V + ψB)
εs NA D

49. The threshold voltage of a MOSFET is

2εs q NA(2ψB)
(1) 2ψB (2) 2ϕB +
2εs q NA(2ψB) 2εs q NA(2ψB)
(3) 2ϕB – (4) 2ϕB +
Ci Ci

50. The transconductance in linear region is

z z
(1) µn Ci VD (2) µ C (V – VT)
L L n i G
z z
(3) µn (VG – VT) (4) µ C
L L n i
J-88-16 15 Paper-II
Space For Rough Work

Paper-II 16 J-88-16

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