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April 6-9-2

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Division 5~ Week at a Glance

April 6th-9th
Reminders: Please refer to this document daily to view the schedule of assignments for the day. Please complete the assignments listed beside the “Please Do” section and complete the other

assignments when you have time. We are going to take this day by day and hope that you will reach out through Email or Teams if you need assistance. We are aware that each student is

different and some may take longer to complete assignments or adapt to our online learning platform. As this is the first week of planned learning activities online, students will probably

need to spend up to 2 hours per day focused on completing class assignments. Please let us know if you are struggling to complete the assignments in a reasonable amount of time. It will take

us some time to get used to student’s work speed from home.

Microsoft Teams Meeting Times: Mrs. Sundset : Monday 11:00am Tuesday 1:00pm Thursday 11:00am Friday 1:00pm

Ms. Cawdell 10:00am

*Reminder there is no school April 9th or 13th as it is a holiday weekend. Please stay safe and

enjoy time with your families!

Subjects Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Mrs. Sundset Mrs. Sundset Ms. Cawdell Mrs. Sundset
1) Log onto IXL (20 mins) 1) Journal- Submit through 1) ADST - Baking 1) Math
Please 2) Log onto EPIC (30 mins) “Teams” by Thursday April 9th 2) Math 2) Reading
2) Math
Do’s 3) Dance Reflection on
FreshGrade 3) Reading
3) Read
4) DPA
3) PE Activity

Log on to IXL Fractions Review: IXL Questions: Fractions Continued:

Math Complete any questions of Grade 5: Grade 5: Grade 5:
your choice for 20 minutes https://www.youtube.com/wa Finish off J.3 & K.3 plus K.4 Comparing Fractions
tch?v=qcHHhd6HizI Comparing Fractions You
Questions: IXL Sections J.3 & Grade 6: Tube Video
K.3 Questions: IXL Section K.6 &
Grade 6: Finish off J.1 & J.10 plus K.7
https://www.youtube.com/wa J.3 Grade 6:
tch?v=qk2oP6FZ6HA Comparing Fractions and
Questions: IXL Sections J.1 & J. Mixed Numbers You Tube
10 Video
Comparing Fractions Review
Questions: IXL Section
J.7 & J.8
Log on to EPIC Chapter 12: Log on to EPIC Chapter 13:
Reading (www.getepic.com/students) A Long Walk to Water (www.getepic.com/studen A Long Walk to Water
Class code: yrk3261 Chapter 12 YouTube Video ts) Chapter 13 YouTube Video
Click on your name Questions: Class code: yrk3261 Questions:
Read for 30 mins 1) How does it feel to Salva to Click on your name 1) What things make drilling
be without family? Read for 30 mins so difficult?
2)What does Salva decide to 2) Would you follow Salva?
do to Survive? Why did he become a
Due Tuesday- April 14th leader?
Due Tuesday- April 14th
Read 30 mins
Read 30 mins
FreshGrade Journal: Journal: Paragraph Writing:
Writing Complete your reflection for Please see Teams for the What is something you What have you seen since
the Waka Waka Dance Journal Assignment. would like to learn to do? this pandemic started that is
(Make sure you proof read This is an opportunity for us to kind? How can people stay
before posting) see how well assignments go positive when they have
Due Thursday in teams. limited options for activities
Due Thursday outside of their house?
Write 6-8 sentences in
proper paragraph format.
Practise the Waka Waka Play outside or go for a walk Play outside or go for a Learn a Tik Tok Dance (clean
DPA Dance (Music file is in 30-60mins walk 30-60mins songs only please)
&Physical FreshGrade) OR OR
Find your favourite GoNoodle Find your favourite Example:
Education videos GoNoodle videos Tik Tok Family Videos
Go Noodle Channel Go Noodle Channel
30 mins 30 mins Or
PE with Joe 30 mins

Post to FreshGrade under

the activity “PE” and
describe what you did.
Please start the post with
the Date at the top. You can
also post a video (remember
only your parents and I can
see it)
Other ART Fraction Games: Applied Skills, Design and Scholastic Learn:
Start thinking of a self- Technology (ADST) Cake Chemistry
directed art activity you can Creating 1
do at home. Look around Baking: Use this recipe What science-inspired treats
your house and see what Comparing Fractions (my favorite chocolate would you like to make for a
materials you have that could chip cookies!) OR choose a themed party? Plan out 5
be used. family favorite. treats, thinking about what
Example: Art Hub for drawing would make a spectacular
practise This should be completed cake, cupcake, or cookie.
Art Hub YouTube Channel by next Wednesday. On Draw what each treat would
Fresh Grade, post a photo look like and describe how
Scholastic Learn: of what you made and each treat would taste.
Grade 5 Magazine comment about your Don't forget to give them
baking experience. each a name!
Grade 6 Magazine

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